Exemplo n.º 1
void heap_init(align_t* memory, size_t length) {
    heap = to_header(memory);
    heap_size = length;
    init_element(heap, length, HT_FREE);
    free_list = heap;

Exemplo n.º 2
        void SIPBuilder::CameraInfoAck(osip_message_t* msg,
                char** rtmsg, size_t* rtlen)
            string head_line("SIP/2.0 200 OK\r\n");

            osip_via_t *via;
            char* via_c = NULL; 
            if( !osip_list_eol (&msg->vias, 0))
                via = (osip_via_t *) osip_list_get (&msg->vias, 0);
                osip_via_to_str( via, &via_c);
            string via_header(via_c);
            via_header = string("Via: ")+via_header+string("\r\n");
            char* from_tag_c;
            osip_from_to_str( msg->from, &from_tag_c );
            string from_header(from_tag_c);
            from_header = string("From: ")+from_header+string("\r\n");

            char* to_tag_c;
            osip_to_to_str( msg->to, &to_tag_c );
            string to_header(to_tag_c);
            string to_tag_num = _RandomNum();
            to_header = to_header + ";tag="+to_tag_num;
            to_header = string("To: ")+to_header+string("\r\n");

            string call_id_num = string(msg->call_id->number);
            string call_header = string("Call-ID: ")+call_id_num+("\r\n");

            string cseq_num = string(msg->cseq->number);
            string cseq_header = string("Cseq: ")+cseq_num+string(" MESSAGE\r\n");
            string content_type_header = "Content-Type: APPLICATION/SDP\r\n";

            string forwords = string("Max-Forwards: 70\r\n");
            string expires = string("Expires: 3000\r\n");
            string contentlenth = string("Content-Length: 0")+string("\r\n");
            string cflr = string("\r\n");

            string sip_msg_str = head_line + via_header + to_header + from_header
                + call_header + cseq_header  + content_type_header + 
                forwords + expires + contentlenth + cflr;
#ifdef DEBUG
            cout<<"check 200ok camerainfoack:"<<endl;
            size_t sip_len = sip_msg_str.length();
            char* sip_msg_c = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)* sip_len);
            memcpy( sip_msg_c, sip_msg_str.c_str(), sip_len);
            *rtmsg = sip_msg_c;
            *rtlen = sip_len;
            /*send 200ok, wait ack*/
Exemplo n.º 3
        void SIPBuilder::BeenInvited( osip_message_t* msg, string port,char** rtmsg,
                size_t *rtlen, int*state, struct DialogInfo &dlg_info)
            string uac_ip = _local_ip_str_;
            string uac_listen_port_str = _local_port_str_;
            string local_dev_name = _dev_name_;

            string head_line("SIP/2.0 200 OK\r\n");

            osip_via_t *via;
            char* via_c = NULL; 
            if( !osip_list_eol (&msg->vias, 0))
                via = (osip_via_t *) osip_list_get (&msg->vias, 0);
                osip_via_to_str( via, &via_c);
                *state = -1;
            string via_header(via_c);
            via_header = string("Via: ")+via_header+string("\r\n");
            char* from_tag_c;
            osip_from_to_str( msg->from, &from_tag_c );
            string from_header(from_tag_c);
            from_header = string("From: ")+from_header+string("\r\n");

            char* to_tag_c;
            osip_to_to_str( msg->to, &to_tag_c );
            string to_header(to_tag_c);
            string to_tag_num = _RandomNum();
            to_header = to_header + ";tag="+to_tag_num;
            to_header = string("To: ")+to_header+string("\r\n");
            dlg_info.to_tag_num = to_tag_num;

            string contact_header;
            stringstream stream_contact_header;
            stream_contact_header<<"Contact: <sip:" << local_dev_name << "@" << uac_ip << ":"<< uac_listen_port_str<<">\r\n";
            contact_header = stream_contact_header.str();

            string call_id_num = string(msg->call_id->number);
            string call_header = string("Call-ID: ")+call_id_num+("\r\n");

            string cseq_num = string(msg->cseq->number);
            string cseq_header = string("Cseq: ")+cseq_num+string(" INVITE\r\n");
            string content_type_header = "Content-Type: APPLICATION/SDP\r\n";

            string forwords = string("Max-Forwards: 70\r\n");
            string expires = string("Expires: 3000\r\n");
            string sdp_msg = _sdp_builder_.toString( string("##2015"), port);
            stringstream sdp_msg_length; 
            sdp_msg_length<< sdp_msg.length();
            string contentlenth = string("Content-Length: ")+sdp_msg_length.str()+string("\r\n");
            string cflr = string("\r\n");

            string sip_msg_str = head_line + via_header + to_header + from_header
                + call_header + cseq_header  + contact_header  +  content_type_header + 
                forwords + expires + contentlenth + cflr + sdp_msg;
#ifdef DEBUG
            cout<<"check Been Invite:"<<endl;
            size_t sip_len = sip_msg_str.length();
            char* sip_msg_c = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)* sip_len);
            memcpy( sip_msg_c, sip_msg_str.c_str(), sip_len);
            *rtmsg = sip_msg_c;
            *rtlen = sip_len;
            /*send 200ok, wait ack*/
            *state = 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
        void SIPBuilder::InviteACK( osip_message_t* msg, char** rtmeg , size_t *rtlen,
                int* state)
            int pos = 0;

            string request_line = "ACK sip:"+ _dev_name_ + "@" + _local_ip_str_ 
                + ":" + _local_port_str_ + " SIP/2.0" +"\r\n";
            char* via_header_c;
            int ret = ::osip_via_to_str( (osip_via_t *) osip_list_get (&msg->vias, pos), &via_header_c);
            if( ret != 0 )
#ifdef DEBUG
                cout<<"via to str error"<<endl;
                *state = -1;
            string via_header("Via: ");
            via_header = via_header + via_header_c + string("\r\n");

            char* from_header_c;
            ret = ::osip_from_to_str( msg->from, &from_header_c);
            if( ret != 0 )
#ifdef DEBUG
                cout<<"from to str error"<<endl;
                *state = -1;
            string from_header("From: ");
            from_header = from_header + from_header_c+ string("\r\n");

            char* to_header_c;
            ret = ::osip_to_to_str( msg->to, &to_header_c);
            if( ret != 0 )
#ifdef DEBUG
                cout<<"to to str error"<<endl;
                *state = -1;
            string to_header("To: ");
            to_header = to_header + to_header_c + string("\r\n");

            char* callid_header_c;
            ret = ::osip_call_id_to_str( msg->call_id, &callid_header_c);
            if( ret != 0 )
#ifdef DEBUG
                cout<<"to to str error"<<endl;
                *state = -1;
            string callid_header("Call-ID: ");
            callid_header = callid_header + callid_header_c + string("\r\n");

            string contact_heaer = "Contact: <sip:"+ _dev_name_ + "@" + _local_ip_str_ + ":" + _local_port_str_ +">"+"\r\n";
            string cseq_header ="CSeq: 20 ACK\r\n";
            string forwords = string("Max-Forwards: 70\r\n");
            string expires = string("Expires: 3000\r\n");
            string cflr = string("\r\n");
            string sip_msg_str = request_line + via_header + from_header + to_header + callid_header
                + contact_heaer + cseq_header + forwords + expires + cflr;

            size_t sip_len = sip_msg_str.length();
            char* sip_msg_c = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)* sip_len);
            memcpy( sip_msg_c, sip_msg_str.c_str(), sip_len);
            *rtmeg = sip_msg_c;
            *rtlen = sip_len; 
            *state = 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
            cout<<"invite ack meg'string :\n"<<*rtmeg << endl;