asset fee_schedule::calculate_fee( const operation& op, const price& core_exchange_rate )const { auto base_value = op.visit( calc_fee_visitor( *this, op ) ); auto scaled = fc::uint128(base_value) * scale; scaled /= GRAPHENE_100_PERCENT; FC_ASSERT( scaled <= GRAPHENE_MAX_SHARE_SUPPLY ); //idump( (base_value)(scaled)(core_exchange_rate) ); auto result = asset( scaled.to_uint64(), asset_id_type(0) ) * core_exchange_rate; //FC_ASSERT( result * core_exchange_rate >= asset( scaled.to_uint64()) ); while( result * core_exchange_rate < asset( scaled.to_uint64()) ) result.amount++; FC_ASSERT( result.amount <= GRAPHENE_MAX_SHARE_SUPPLY ); return result; }
Data UInt64Parser::convert(string data_str){ // simple convert using atoi Data data(DATA_UINT64); uint64* val = new uint64; *val = to_uint64(data_str); data.set_data((void*)val); return data; }
bool pair_t::to_uint64 (u_int64_t *v) const { vec<u_int64_t> *p = to_uint64 (); if (p && p->size () > 0) { *v = (*p)[0]; return true; } return false; }
static inline boost::uint64_t to_uint64(T1 high, T2 mid1, T3 mid2, T4 mid3, T5 mid4, T6 mid5, T7 mid6, T8 low) { return to_uint64(static_cast<unsigned char>(high), static_cast<unsigned char>(mid1), static_cast<unsigned char>(mid2), static_cast<unsigned char>(mid3), static_cast<unsigned char>(mid4), static_cast<unsigned char>(mid5), static_cast<unsigned char>(mid6), static_cast<unsigned char>(low)); }
asset fee_schedule::calculate_fee( const operation& op, const price& core_exchange_rate )const { //idump( (op)(core_exchange_rate) ); fee_parameters params; params.set_which(op.which()); auto itr = parameters.find(params); if( itr != parameters.end() ) params = *itr; auto base_value = op.visit( calc_fee_visitor( params ) ); auto scaled = fc::uint128(base_value) * scale; scaled /= GRAPHENE_100_PERCENT; FC_ASSERT( scaled <= GRAPHENE_MAX_SHARE_SUPPLY ); //idump( (base_value)(scaled)(core_exchange_rate) ); auto result = asset( scaled.to_uint64(), asset_id_type(0) ) * core_exchange_rate; //FC_ASSERT( result * core_exchange_rate >= asset( scaled.to_uint64()) ); while( result * core_exchange_rate < asset( scaled.to_uint64()) ) result.amount++; FC_ASSERT( result.amount <= GRAPHENE_MAX_SHARE_SUPPLY ); return result; }
uint64_t get_tick_count() { unsigned long tick_lo = ::GetTickCount(); lock_scope<spin_mutex> lock(tick_count_mutex_); if (tick_lo < tick_count_prev_.LowPart) { ++tick_count_prev_.HighPart; } tick_count_prev_.LowPart = tick_lo; return to_uint64(tick_count_prev_); }
uint64_t get_idle_time() { const size_t buffer_length = 328; vector<char> buffer(buffer_length); PSYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION spi = reinterpret_cast<PSYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION>(&*buffer.begin()); NTSTATUS status = ::NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemPerformanceInformation, spi, buffer_length, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { throw winnt_exception(status); } return to_uint64(reinterpret_cast<ULARGE_INTEGER &>(spi->IdleProcessTime)); }
uint64_t variant::as_uint64()const { try { switch( get_type() ) { case string_type: return to_uint64(**reinterpret_cast<const const_string_ptr*>(this)); case double_type: return static_cast<uint64_t>(*reinterpret_cast<const double*>(this)); case int64_type: return static_cast<uint64_t>(*reinterpret_cast<const int64_t*>(this)); case uint64_type: return *reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(this); case bool_type: return static_cast<uint64_t>(*reinterpret_cast<const bool*>(this)); case null_type: return 0; default: FC_THROW_EXCEPTION( bad_cast_exception,"Invalid cast from ${type} to uint64", ("type",get_type())); } } FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (*this) ) }
variant number_from_stream( T& in ) { fc::stringstream ss; bool dot = false; bool neg = false; if( in.peek() == '-') { neg = true; ss.put( in.get() ); } bool done = false; try { char c; while((c = in.peek()) && !done) { switch( c ) { case '.': if (dot) FC_THROW_EXCEPTION(parse_error_exception, "Can't parse a number with two decimal places"); dot = true; FALLTHROUGH case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': ss.put( in.get() ); break; default: if( isalnum( c ) ) { return ss.str() + stringFromToken( in ); } done = true; break; } } } catch (fc::eof_exception&) { // EOF ends the loop } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) { // read error ends the loop } std::string str = ss.str(); if (str == "-." || str == "." || str == "-") // check the obviously wrong things we could have encountered FC_THROW_EXCEPTION(parse_error_exception, "Can't parse token \"${token}\" as a JSON numeric constant", ("token", str)); if( dot ) return #ifdef WITH_EXOTIC_JSON_PARSERS parser_type == json::legacy_parser_with_string_doubles ? variant(str) : #endif variant(to_double(str)); if( neg ) return to_int64(str); return to_uint64(str); }
inline bool to_uint64(string const & s, uint64_t & i) { return to_uint64(s.c_str(), i); }
TermSession::TermSession(Logger &logger, PtLoginRequest *msg, TermConnection *tconn, LoginError *error) : ca_session_(0), term_conn_(tconn) , user_info_(msg->user_info_desc_.user_info_) , odclib_desc_(msg->odclib_desc_) , user_info_desc_(msg->user_info_desc_) , cert_data_desc_(msg->cert_data_desc_) , terminal_info_desc_(msg->terminal_info_desc_) , id_(0),caid_(0),valid_(false) , logger_(logger) { // 描述符合法性验证 if (!odclib_desc_.valid_) { *error = LoginOdcLibDescIncompleted; logger_.Warn("[Terminal Login Valid] OdcLib Descriptor incompleted"); return; } if (!user_info_desc_.valid_) { *error = LoginUserInfoDescIncompleted; logger_.Warn("[Terminal Login Valid] UserInfo Descriptor incompleted"); return; } if (!cert_data_desc_.valid_) { *error = LoginCertDataDescIncompleted; logger_.Warn("[Terminal Login Valid] CertData Descriptor incompleted"); return; } if (!terminal_info_desc_.valid_) { *error = LoginTerminalInfoDescIncompleted; logger_.Warn("[Terminal Login Valid] Terminal Info Descriptor incompleted"); return; } // 判断TerminalInfoDescriptor内容的正确性 if (!IsValidTermInfoDesc(terminal_info_desc_)) { *error = LoginTerminalInfoInvalided; logger_.Warn("[Terminal Login Valid] TerminalInfo Descriptor Context Invalided, terminalinfo:" "\n\tclass: %s, \n\tsubclass: %s, \n\tmodel: %s, \n\tname: %s, \n\tcurr url: %s", kTerminalClassName[terminal_info_desc_.terminal_class_ - 1].c_str(), kSubClassName[terminal_info_desc_.terminal_class_ - 1][terminal_info_desc_.terminal_sub_class_ - 1].c_str(), terminal_info_desc_.terminal_model_.c_str(), terminal_info_desc_.terminal_name_.c_str(), terminal_info_desc_.business_url_.c_str()); return; } if (!user_info_.valid()) { *error = LoginUserInfoInvalided; logger_.Error("[Terminal Login Valid] UserInfo Invalided, userinfo: \n\t%s", msg->user_info_desc_.user_info_.c_str()); return; } //get ca card id. bool cast_ok; caid_t caid = to_uint64(user_info_.card_id, &cast_ok); if (!cast_ok) { *error = LoginCastCAIdFailed; logger_.Error("[Terminal Login Valid] new TermSession convert string(%s) to uint64_t(caid) failure", user_info_.card_id.c_str()); return; } caid_ = caid; //cert. valid_ = true; *error = LoginOK; logger_.Trace("[Terminal Login Valid] new TermSession userinfo:" "\n\tuser id: %s, \n\tcaid: %s, \n\tterminal id: %s, \n\tmac addr: %s",, user_info_.card_id.c_str(), user_info_.term_id.c_str(), user_info_.mac_addr.c_str()); logger_.Trace("Terminal Login Valid] new TermSession terminalinfo:" "\n\tclass: %s, \n\tsubclass: %s, \n\tmodel: %s, \n\tname: %s, \n\tcurr url: %s", kTerminalClassName[terminal_info_desc_.terminal_class_ - 1].c_str(), kSubClassName[terminal_info_desc_.terminal_class_ - 1][terminal_info_desc_.terminal_sub_class_ - 1].c_str(), terminal_info_desc_.terminal_model_.c_str(), terminal_info_desc_.terminal_name_.c_str(), terminal_info_desc_.business_url_.c_str()); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct option long_opts[] = { { "async", no_argument, NULL, 'a' }, { "break", no_argument, NULL, 'b' }, { "disk", required_argument, NULL, 'd' }, { "get-status", no_argument, NULL, 'G' }, { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "list-statuses", no_argument, NULL, 'L' }, { "offset", required_argument, NULL, 'o' }, /* { "random", no_argument, NULL, 'r' }, */ { "size", required_argument, NULL, 's' }, { "set-status", required_argument, NULL, 'S' }, { "write", no_argument, NULL, 'w' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, '\0' } }; int long_idx; int opt; enum { OP_IO, OP_LIST_STATUSES, OP_GET_STATUS, OP_SET_STATUS, OP_DEACTIVATE_DEVICE } op = OP_IO; char *disk_path = NULL; /* bool random = false; */ bool async = false; bool write = false; uint64_t size_in_bytes = 0; uint64_t offset = 0; char status_str[256] = ""; int err; #ifdef WIN32 os_windows_disable_crash_popup(); #endif program = argv[0]; if (argc == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: no option given\nType %s --help for usage help\n", program, program); return -1; } while (true) { opt = os_getopt_long(argc, argv, "ad:bGhLo:r:s:wS:", long_opts, &long_idx); /* Missing argument, quit right away (os_getopt_long() takes care of * printing an error message) */ if (opt == ':' || opt == '?') return 1; if (opt == -1) break; switch (opt) { case 'a': async = true; break; case 'b': op = OP_DEACTIVATE_DEVICE; break; case 'd': disk_path = optarg; break; case 'G': op = OP_GET_STATUS; break; case 'h': usage(); break; case 'L': op = OP_LIST_STATUSES; break; case 'o': if (to_uint64(optarg, &offset) != EXA_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid offset\n"); exit(1); } break; /* case 'r': */ /* random = true; */ /* break; */ case 's': if (to_uint64(optarg, &size_in_bytes) != EXA_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid size\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'w': write = true; break; case 'S': op = OP_SET_STATUS; strlcpy(status_str, optarg, sizeof(status_str)); break; } } if (optind < argc) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: too many arguments\nType %s --help for usage help\n", program, program); return 1; } err = exa_rdev_static_init(RDEV_STATIC_GET); if (err != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "failed initializating RDEV statics: error %d\n", err); fprintf(stderr, "\tExanodes is probably not running on this node.\n"); return 1; } if (disk_path == NULL && op != OP_LIST_STATUSES) { fprintf(stderr, "no disk path specified\n"); err = -1; goto done; } switch (op) { case OP_IO: err = do_io(disk_path, async, write, offset, size_in_bytes); break; case OP_LIST_STATUSES: err = list_statuses(); break; case OP_GET_STATUS: err = do_status(disk_path, 'g', NULL); break; case OP_SET_STATUS: err = do_status(disk_path, 's', status_str); break; case OP_DEACTIVATE_DEVICE: err = deactivate_device(disk_path); break; } done: exa_rdev_static_clean(RDEV_STATIC_RELEASE); return err ? 1 : 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { bool static_init_ok = false; const char *action; int err = 0; self = os_program_name(argv[0]); if (argc <= 1) { usage(); err = 1; goto done; } err = examsg_static_init(EXAMSG_STATIC_GET); if (err != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "examsg_static_init failed: %s (%d)\n", exa_error_msg(-err), err); goto done; } static_init_ok = true; mh = examsgInit(EXAMSG_TEST_ID); if (!mh) { fprintf(stderr, "examsgInit failed\n"); goto done; } err = examsgAddMbox(mh, examsgOwner(mh), 3, EXAMSG_MSG_MAX); if (err != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "examsgAddMbox failed: %s (%d)\n", exa_error_msg(-err), err); goto done; } action = argv[1]; if (strcmp(action, "is_fs_mounted") == 0) { int m; if (argc != 3) { usage(); goto done; } m = fsd_is_fs_mounted(mh, argv[2]); if (m < 0) err = m; } else if (strcmp(action, "is_mountpoint_used") == 0) { int u; if (argc != 3) { usage(); goto done; } u = fsd_is_mountpoint_used(mh, argv[2]); if (u < 0) err = u; } else if (strcmp(action, "prepare_gfs") == 0) { fs_data_t fs; size_t sz; if (argc != 3) { usage(); goto done; } COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof("sfs") <= sizeof(fs.fstype)); os_strlcpy(fs.fstype, "sfs", sizeof(fs.fstype)); sz = os_strlcpy(fs.clustered.gfs.lock_protocol, argv[2], sizeof(fs.clustered.gfs.lock_protocol)); if (sz >= sizeof(fs.clustered.gfs.lock_protocol)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid lock protocol: '%s' (too long)\n", argv[2]); goto done; } err = fsd_prepare(mh, &fs); } else if (strcmp(action, "mount") == 0) { fs_data_t fs; size_t sz; if (argc != 7) { usage(); goto done; } sz = os_strlcpy(fs.fstype, argv[2], sizeof(fs.fstype)); if (sz >= sizeof(fs.fstype)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid fs type: '%s' (too long)\n", argv[2]); goto done; } sz = os_strlcpy(fs.mountpoint, argv[3], sizeof(fs.mountpoint)); if (sz >= sizeof(fs.mountpoint)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid mountpoint: '%s' (too long)\n", argv[3]); goto done; } sz = os_strlcpy(fs.devpath, argv[4], sizeof(fs.devpath)); if (sz >= sizeof(fs.devpath)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid dev path: '%s' (too long)\n", argv[4]); goto done; } err = fsd_mount(mh, &fs, 1 , 0, argv[5], argv[6]); } else if (strcmp(action, "umount") == 0) { fs_data_t fs; size_t sz; if (argc != 6) { usage(); goto done; } sz = os_strlcpy(fs.mountpoint, argv[2], sizeof(fs.mountpoint)); if (sz >= sizeof(fs.mountpoint)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid mountpoint: '%s' (too long)\n", argv[2]); goto done; } sz = os_strlcpy(fs.devpath, argv[3], sizeof(fs.devpath)); if (sz >= sizeof(fs.devpath)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid dev path: '%s' (too long)\n", argv[3]); goto done; } err = fsd_umount(mh, &fs, argv[5], argv[6]); } else if (strcmp(action, "unload") == 0) { fs_data_t fs; size_t sz; if (argc != 3) { usage(); goto done; } sz = os_strlcpy(fs.fstype, argv[2], sizeof(fs.fstype)); if (sz >= sizeof(fs.fstype)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid fs type: '%s' (too long)\n", argv[2]); goto done; } err = fsd_unload(mh, &fs); } else if (strcmp(action, "create_local") == 0) { if (argc != 4) { usage(); goto done; } err = fsd_fs_create_local(mh, argv[2], argv[3]); } else if (strcmp(action, "create_gfs") == 0) { fs_data_t fs; size_t sz; if (argc != 7) { usage(); goto done; } COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof("sfs") <= sizeof(fs.fstype)) sz = os_strlcpy(fs.fstype, "sfs", sizeof(fs.fstype)); sz = os_strlcpy(fs.devpath, argv[2], sizeof(fs.devpath)); if (sz >= sizeof(fs.devpath)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid dev path: '%s' (too long)\n", argv[2]); goto done; } sz = os_strlcpy(fs.clustered.gfs.lock_protocol, argv[3], sizeof(fs.clustered.gfs.lock_protocol)); if (sz >= sizeof(fs.clustered.gfs.lock_protocol)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid lock protocol: '%s' (too long)\n", argv[3]); goto done; } if (to_uint64(argv[4], &fs.sizeKB) != EXA_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid size: '%s'\n", argv[4]); goto done; } sz = os_strlcpy(fs.clustered.gfs.uuid, argv[5], sizeof(fs.clustered.gfs.uuid)); if (sz >= sizeof(fs.clustered.gfs.uuid)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid GFS uuid: '%s' (too long)\n", argv[5]); goto done; } if (to_uint64(argv[6], &fs.clustered.gfs.nb_logs) != EXA_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid number of logs: '%s'\n", argv[6]); goto done; } err = fsd_fs_create_gfs(mh, &fs); } else if (strcmp(action, "dfinfo") == 0) { struct fsd_capa buf; if (argc != 3) { usage(); goto done; } err = fsd_df(mh, argv[2], &buf); if (err == 0) printf("size=%"PRId64" bytes\n" "used=%"PRId64" bytes\n" "free=%"PRId64" bytes\n", buf.size, buf.used,; } else if (strcmp(action, "resize") == 0) { uint64_t size_kb; if (argc != 6) { usage(); goto done; } if (to_uint64(argv[5], &size_kb) != EXA_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid new size: '%s'\n", argv[5]); goto done; } err = fsd_resize(mh, argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], size_kb); } else if (strcmp(action, "prepare_resize") == 0) { if (argc != 4) { usage(); goto done; } err = fsd_prepare_resize(mh, argv[2], argv[3]); } else if (strcmp(action, "read_shm") == 0) { read_shm(); } else if (strcmp(action, "add_logs") == 0) { fs_data_t fs; int num_logs, actual_num_logs; size_t sz; if (argc != 4) { usage(); goto done; } COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof("sfs") <= sizeof(fs.fstype)); os_strlcpy(fs.fstype, "sfs", sizeof(fs.fstype)); sz = os_strlcpy(fs.devpath, argv[2], sizeof(fs.devpath)); if (sz >= sizeof(fs.devpath)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid dev path: '%s' (too long)\n", argv[2]); goto done; } if (to_int(argv[3], &num_logs) != EXA_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid number of logs: '%s'\n", argv[3]); goto done; } actual_num_logs = fsd_set_gfs_logs(mh, &fs, num_logs); if (actual_num_logs < 0) err = actual_num_logs; else { examsgDelMbox(mh, EXAMSG_TEST_ID); printf("Number of logs after the operation: %d\n", actual_num_logs); } } else usage(); if (err != 0) fprintf(stderr, "Action finished with error %d: %s\n", err, exa_error_msg(-err)); done: examsgDelMbox(mh, EXAMSG_TEST_ID); if (mh != NULL) examsgExit(mh); if (static_init_ok) examsg_static_clean(EXAMSG_STATIC_RELEASE); return err == 0 ? 0 : 1; }
static inline boost::uint64_t to_uint64(const Byte *buf) { return to_uint64(buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3], buf[4], buf[5], buf[6], buf[7]); }
/** * This function is for the counter thread. * * @param t argument * * @return SUCCESS or FAIL */ static void *counter(void *t) { int counter_id = assign_counter_id(); int s = ALDER_STATUS_SUCCESS; alder_kmer_thread7_t *a = (alder_kmer_thread7_t*)t; assert(a != NULL); alder_log2("counter(%d)[%llu]: START", counter_id, a->i_ni); /* Numbers for decoding kmers. */ alder_encode_number_t *m = alder_encode_number_create_for_kmer(a->k); alder_encode_number2_t *m2 = alder_encode_number2_createWithKmer(a->k); uint64_t *res_key = malloc(sizeof(*res_key) * m->s); if (m == NULL || m2 == NULL || res_key == NULL) { alder_loge(ALDER_ERR_MEMORY, "Fatal - counter(): not enough memory"); pthread_exit(NULL); } memset(res_key, 0, sizeof(*res_key) * m->s); size_t ib = m2->b / 8; size_t jb = m2->b % 8; #if !defined(NDEBUG) size_t debug_counter = 0; #endif /* Let's read inputs, and skip writing table files. */ size_t c_table = 1; uint64_t i_np = a->n_np; while (1) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Writer /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (c_table < 1) { s = write_tabfile(a, c_table, i_np); if (s != ALDER_STATUS_SUCCESS) { alder_loge(ALDER_ERR_FILE, "failed to write to the table"); break; } c_table = 1; } /* Check if this is the final. */ if (a->n_blockByReader[a->n_np] == a->n_blockByCounter[a->n_np]) { /* Exit! */ break; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reader /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// s = read_parfile(a, counter_id); if (s == NO_READ) { break; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Counter /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// assert(c_table == a->n_ht); /* setup of inbuf */ uint8_t *inbuf = a->inbuf + counter_id * a->size_subinbuf; i_np = to_uint64(inbuf,INBUFFER_I_NP); size_t lenbuf = to_size(inbuf,INBUFFER_LENGTH); uint8_t *inbuf_body = inbuf + INBUFFER_BODY; while (a->main_i_np < i_np) { asm(""); } if (lenbuf > 0) { assert(a->main_i_np == i_np); } /* setup of table */ alder_hashtable_mcas_t *c_ht = NULL; c_table = 0; assert(c_table < a->n_ht); c_ht = a->ht[c_table]; assert(lenbuf % m2->b == 0); uint64_t n_kmer = lenbuf / m2->b; size_t x = 0; for (uint64_t i_kmer = 0; i_kmer < n_kmer; i_kmer++) { a->n_i_kmer[counter_id]++; #if !defined(NDEBUG) debug_counter++; #endif /*****************************************************************/ /* OPTIMIZATION */ /*****************************************************************/ /* Decode a kmer. */ uint64_t *inbuf_body_uint64 = (uint64_t*)(inbuf_body + x); for (size_t i = 0; i < ib; i++) { m->n[i] = inbuf_body_uint64[i]; } x += (8 * ib); if (jb > 0) { for (size_t j = 0; j < jb; j++) { m2->n[ib].key8[j] = inbuf_body[x++]; } m->n[ib] = m2->n[ib].key64; } /*****************************************************************/ /* OPTIMIZATION */ /*****************************************************************/ s = alder_hashtable_mcas_increment(c_ht, m->n, res_key, a->isMultithreaded); if (s != ALDER_STATUS_SUCCESS) { alder_loge(ALDER_ERR, "Fatal - table is full!"); assert(0); abort(); } } assert(x == lenbuf); if (lenbuf > 0) { alder_kmer_thread7_increment_n_block(a, i_np); if (a->n_blockByCounter[i_np] == a->n_blockByReader[i_np]) { // No code. a->n_blockByCounter[a->n_np] += a->n_blockByCounter[i_np]; } else { // Not the last bock, so won't write to a table file. c_table = a->n_ht; } } else { c_table = a->n_ht; } /* When parfile is zero... */ if (a->n_blockByReader[i_np] == 0) { // && counter_id == 0) { int oval = a->n_blockByReader[i_np]; int cval = oval + 1; cval = __sync_val_compare_and_swap(a->n_blockByReader + i_np, (int)oval, (int)cval); if (a->n_blockByReader[i_np] == 1) { a->main_i_np++; } } } XFREE(res_key); alder_encode_number_destroy(m); alder_encode_number2_destroy(m2); alder_log2("counter(%d)[%llu]: END", counter_id, a->i_ni); pthread_exit(NULL); }
/** * This function reads a block of partition files. * * @param a counter * @param counter_id counter id * * @return SUCCESS or FAIL or ALDER_KMER_THREAD7_NO_READ */ static __attribute__ ((noinline)) int read_parfile(alder_kmer_thread7_t *a, int counter_id) { int s = ALDER_STATUS_SUCCESS; pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_read); if (a->reader_lenbuf == 0) { if (a->reader_i_parfile > 0) { close_parfile(a); } if (a->reader_i_parfile < a->n_np) { s = open_parfile(a, a->reader_i_parfile); if (s != ALDER_STATUS_SUCCESS) { return s; } a->reader_i_parfile++; } else { // No more input file to read. pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_read); return NO_READ; } } /* Read a block of input buffer. */ ssize_t lenbuf = 0; uint8_t *inbuf = a->inbuf + counter_id * a->size_subinbuf; uint8_t *inbuf_body = inbuf + INBUFFER_BODY; size_t cur_next_lenbuf = a->next_lenbuf; if (a->next_lenbuf > 0) { memcpy(inbuf_body, a->next_inbuf, a->next_lenbuf); inbuf_body += a->next_lenbuf; } lenbuf = read(fileno(a->fpin), inbuf_body, a->size_readbuffer); assert(lenbuf == 0 || lenbuf >= a->b); if (lenbuf > 0 && a->b > 1) { assert(cur_next_lenbuf + lenbuf >= a->b); a->next_lenbuf = (cur_next_lenbuf + lenbuf) % a->b; memcpy(a->next_inbuf, inbuf_body + lenbuf - a->next_lenbuf, a->next_lenbuf); a->reader_lenbuf = cur_next_lenbuf + lenbuf - a->next_lenbuf; } else if (lenbuf > 0 && a->b == 1) { a->next_lenbuf = 0; a->reader_lenbuf = lenbuf; } else if (lenbuf == 0) { assert(cur_next_lenbuf == 0); a->reader_lenbuf = lenbuf; } else { // Error in reading. assert(0); abort(); } assert(a->reader_i_parfile <= a->n_np); to_uint64(inbuf,INBUFFER_I_NP) = a->reader_i_parfile - 1; to_size(inbuf,INBUFFER_LENGTH) = a->reader_lenbuf; assert(a->reader_lenbuf % a->b == 0); /* Progress */ a->n_byte += lenbuf; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_read); return ALDER_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
uint64_t base_operation::calculate_data_fee( uint64_t bytes, uint64_t price_per_kbyte ) { auto result = (fc::uint128(bytes) * price_per_kbyte) / 1024; FC_ASSERT( result <= GRAPHENE_MAX_SHARE_SUPPLY ); return result.to_uint64(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int di; char *cp; int inFd = -1; int outFd = -1; int inCc = 0; int outCc; char *inFile; char *outFile; uint64_t blockSize, readSize; uint64_t size; uint64_t intotal; uint64_t outTotal; char *buf = NULL; char hex_output[16 * 2 + 1]; self = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if (self == NULL) self = argv[0]; else self++; /* Parse any options */ if (argc != 5) { fprintf(stderr, "dd with md5 checksum.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <if> <of> <bufsize> <count>\n", self); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " <if> Input file\n"); fprintf(stderr, " <of> Output file\n"); fprintf(stderr, " <bufsize> Size of buffer\n"); fprintf(stderr, " <count> Number of bytes to copy\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "NOTES:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " - The actual number of bytes copied may be greater" " than the specified count\n" " because of the buffer size.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " - The computed md5 is appended to the end of the" " output file (no idea why).\n"); exit(1); } inFile = argv[1]; outFile = argv[2]; if (to_uint64(argv[3], &blockSize) != EXA_SUCCESS) { error("invalid buffer size: '%s'", argv[3]); goto done; } if (to_uint64(argv[4], &size) != EXA_SUCCESS) { error("invalid byte count: '%s'", argv[4]); goto done; } if ((buf = malloc(blockSize)) == NULL) { error("alloc buffer: %s", exa_error_msg(-errno)); goto done; } intotal = 0; outTotal = 0; /* Open the source file*/ inFd = open(inFile, 0); if (inFd < 0) { error("open input file %s: %s",inFile, exa_error_msg(-errno)); goto done; } /* Open the dest file*/ outFd = open(outFile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666); if (outFd < 0) { error("open output file %s: %s",outFile, exa_error_msg(-errno)); goto done; } lseek(inFd, 0, SEEK_SET); lseek(outFd, 0, SEEK_SET); readSize = blockSize; /* Write the file with block */ while (outTotal < size) { /* Read the source file */ inCc = read(inFd, buf, readSize); if (inCc <= 0) { error("read: %s", exa_error_msg(-errno)); goto done; } intotal += inCc; cp = buf; outCc = 0; /* Write on the dest file */ while (outCc < inCc) { md5_state_t state; md5_byte_t digest[16]; outCc = write(outFd, cp, inCc); if (outCc <= 0) { error("write: %s", exa_error_msg(-errno)); goto done; } inCc -= outCc; outTotal += outCc; /* Manage the check sum */ md5_init(&state); md5_append(&state, (const md5_byte_t *)cp,outCc); md5_finish(&state, digest); for (di = 0; di < 16; ++di) sprintf(hex_output + di * 2, "%02x", digest[di]); cp += outCc; } /* End of the file */ if (size - outTotal < blockSize) readSize = size - outTotal; } lseek(outFd, 0,SEEK_END); if (write(outFd, hex_output, strlen(hex_output)) <= 0) { error("write md5: %s", exa_error_msg(-errno)); goto done; } done: if (inFd != -1 && close(inFd) != 0) error("close %s: %s", inFile, exa_error_msg(-errno)); if (outFd != -1 && close(outFd) != 0) error("close %s: %s", outFile, exa_error_msg(-errno)); sync(); free(buf); return err ? 1 : 0; }