int main () { setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); plan(6); todo(); ok(0, "foo"); ok(1, "bar"); ok(1, "baz"); endtodo; todo("im not ready"); ok(0, "quux"); ok(1, "thud"); ok(1, "wombat"); endtodo; done_testing(); }
int main () { setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); plan(6); todo(); ok(0, "foo"); ok(1, "bar"); ok(1, "baz"); endtodo; todo("im not ready"); ok(0, "quux"); ok(1, "thud"); ok(1, "wombat"); endtodo; return exit_status(); }
bool handleRequest(x0::HttpRequest *r, x0::FlowVM::Params& args) { if (r->method == "GET") { return todo(r); } else if (r->method == "PUT") { return (new WebDAV::Put(r))->execute(); } else if (r->method == "MKCOL") { return todo(r); } else if (r->method == "DELETE") { return todo(r); } else { r->status = x0::HttpStatus::MethodNotAllowed; r->finish(); return true; } }
static void btree_level_order(struct btree_info *info, void (*todo)(struct bnode_info *node)) { struct queue_info *queue = (struct queue_info *) malloc(sizeof(*queue)); assert(queue != NULL); queue_init(queue); struct bnode_info *cur = info->root; queue->push(queue, &cur, sizeof(cur)); while (!queue->is_empty(queue)) { queue->pop(queue, &cur, sizeof(cur)); todo(cur); if (cur->lchild != NULL) { queue->push(queue, &cur->lchild, sizeof(cur)); } if (cur->rchild != NULL) { queue->push(queue, &cur->rchild, sizeof(cur)); } } queue_destroy(queue); free(queue); }
static void btree_post_order_norecur(struct btree_info *info, void (*todo)(struct bnode_info *node)) { assert(info != NULL); assert(todo != NULL); struct bnode_info *cur = info->root; struct bnode_info *prev = NULL; struct stack_info *stack = (struct stack_info *) malloc(sizeof(*stack)); assert(stack != NULL); stack_init(stack); while (!stack->is_empty(stack) || cur != NULL) { if (cur != NULL) { stack->push(stack, &cur, sizeof(cur)); cur = cur->lchild; } else { stack->top(stack, &cur, sizeof(cur)); if (cur->rchild != NULL && cur->rchild != prev) { cur = cur->rchild; } else { stack->pop(stack, &prev, sizeof(prev)); todo(cur); cur = NULL; } } } stack_destroy(stack); free(stack); }
static inline void list_for_each(struct list *list, void (*todo)(struct node *)) { struct node *cur = list->; for (; cur != &list->head; cur = cur->next) { todo(cur); } }
static inline void post_order_norec(struct btree *btree, void (*todo)(struct bnode *)) { struct stack stack; //定义栈变量 stack_init(&stack); struct bnode *tmp = NULL; //用来记录cur指向的节点的右孩子是否之前已经被todo过 struct bnode *cur = btree->root; while (!stack.is_empty(&stack) || cur) { //栈不为空或者cur指向的节点还存在 if (cur) { stack.push(&stack, cur); cur = cur->lchild; } else { cur =; if ((cur->rchild) && (cur->rchild != tmp)) { //cur节点的右孩子存在,并且该节点之前没有被todo过 cur = cur->rchild; } else { cur = stack.pop(&stack); todo(cur); tmp = cur; cur = NULL; } } } stack_destroy(&stack); }
int main(){ //UV uv("LO21","Programmation et conception orientees objet",6,CS); //std::cout<<uv<<"\n"; todo(); system("pause"); return 0; }
inline connected_components_t<Entity> connected_components(const std::vector<Entity>& entities, FNeigh&& get_neighbors, FCompPred&& in_component, FPred&& valid_start) { std::set<Entity> todo(entities.begin(), entities.end()), visited; connected_components_t<Entity> components; while (visited.size() < todo.size()) { // find first unvisited entity Entity start = *std::find_if(todo.begin(), todo.end(), [&] (Entity entity) { return visited.find(entity) == visited.end(); }); if (!valid_start(start)) { visited.insert(start); continue; } connected_component_t<Entity> component; traverse( start, std::forward<FNeigh>(get_neighbors), [&] (Entity entity) { return in_component(entity, start); }, [&] (Entity entity) { component.push_back(entity); visited.insert(entity); }, false ); components.push_back(component); } return components; }
void DrawImageBandRLE(Draw& w, int x, int y, const Image& m, int minp) { int xi = 0; int cx = m.GetWidth(); int ccy = m.GetHeight(); Buffer<bool> todo(cx, true); #ifdef BENCHMARK_RLE sTotal += cx; #endif while(xi < cx) { int xi0 = xi; while(w.Dots() && IsWhiteColumn(m, xi) && xi < cx) xi++; if(xi - xi0 >= 16) { #ifdef BENCHMARK_RLE sRle += xi - xi0; #endif w.DrawRect(x + xi0, y, xi - xi0, ccy, White); Fill(~todo + xi0, ~todo + xi, false); } xi++; } xi = 0; while(xi < cx) if(todo[xi]) { int xi0 = xi; while(xi < cx && todo[xi] && xi - xi0 < 2000) xi++; w.DrawImage(x + xi0, y, m, RectC(xi0, 0, xi - xi0, ccy)); } else xi++; }
static inline void level_order(struct btree *btree, void (*todo)(struct bnode *)) { struct queue queue; //定义队列变量 queue_init(&queue); //初始化队列 struct bnode *cur = btree->root; //cur用来遍历树上节点的 queue.push(&queue, cur); //树根节点入队 while (!queue.is_empty(&queue)) { cur = queue.pop(&queue); //把队头元素出队列 todo(cur); //判断队头元素(二叉树上的节点)的左右孩子是否存在 if (cur->lchild) { queue.push(&queue, cur->lchild); } if (cur->rchild) { queue.push(&queue, cur->rchild); } } queue_destroy(&queue); }
int main() { int days; char s[7][10]= {"Saturday","Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday"}; while(scanf("%d",&days)!=EOF) { if(days==-1) { break; } int year=2000; int temp=days; days++; while(days-365>0) { days-=365; if(TestLeapYear(year)) days--; year++; } if(days==0) { days=365; year--; if(TestLeapYear(year)) days++; } todo(year,days); printf(" %s\n",s[temp%7]); } return 0; }
/** Constructor */ GxsChannelDialog::GxsChannelDialog(QWidget *parent) : RsGxsUpdateBroadcastPage(rsGxsChannels, parent), GxsServiceDialog(dynamic_cast<GxsCommentContainer *>(parent)) { /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated object setup routine */ ui.setupUi(this); /* Setup UI helper */ mStateHelper = new UIStateHelper(this); mStateHelper->addWidget(TOKEN_TYPE_POSTS, ui.progressBar, UISTATE_LOADING_VISIBLE); mStateHelper->addWidget(TOKEN_TYPE_POSTS, ui.progressLabel, UISTATE_LOADING_VISIBLE); mStateHelper->addLoadPlaceholder(TOKEN_TYPE_GROUP_DATA, ui.nameLabel); mStateHelper->addWidget(TOKEN_TYPE_GROUP_DATA, ui.postButton); mStateHelper->addWidget(TOKEN_TYPE_GROUP_DATA, ui.logoLabel); mChannelQueue = new TokenQueue(rsGxsChannels->getTokenService(), this); connect(ui.postButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(createMsg())); // connect(NotifyQt::getInstance(), SIGNAL(channelMsgReadSatusChanged(QString,QString,int)), this, SLOT(channelMsgReadSatusChanged(QString,QString,int))); /*************** Setup Left Hand Side (List of Channels) ****************/ connect(ui.treeWidget, SIGNAL(treeCustomContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(channelListCustomPopupMenu(QPoint))); connect(ui.treeWidget, SIGNAL(treeCurrentItemChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(selectChannel(QString))); connect(ui.todoPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(todo())); mChannelId.clear(); /* Set initial size the splitter */ QList<int> sizes; sizes << 300 << width(); // Qt calculates the right sizes ui.splitter->setSizes(sizes); /* Initialize group tree */ QToolButton *newChannelButton = new QToolButton(this); newChannelButton->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/add_channel24.png")); newChannelButton->setToolTip(tr("Create Channel")); connect(newChannelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(createChannel())); ui.treeWidget->addToolButton(newChannelButton); ownChannels = ui.treeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("My Channels"), QIcon(IMAGE_CHANNELBLUE), true); subcribedChannels = ui.treeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("Subscribed Channels"), QIcon(IMAGE_CHANNELRED), true); popularChannels = ui.treeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("Popular Channels"), QIcon(IMAGE_CHANNELGREEN), false); otherChannels = ui.treeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("Other Channels"), QIcon(IMAGE_CHANNELYELLOW), false); ui.progressLabel->hide(); ui.progressBar->hide(); ui.nameLabel->setMinimumWidth(20); /* load settings */ processSettings(true); /* Initialize empty GUI */ requestGroupData(mChannelId); }
static void __post_order(struct bnode_info *cur, void (*todo)(struct bnode_info *node)) { if (cur != NULL) { __post_order(cur->lchild, todo); __post_order(cur->rchild, todo); todo(cur); } }
void parallel_for(loop_by_eager_binary_splitting<control_by_prediction>& lpalgo, const Loop_complexity_measure_fct& loop_compl_fct, Number lo, Number hi, const Body& body) { auto loop_cutoff_fct = [] (Number lo, Number hi) { todo(); return false; }; parallel_for(lpalgo, loop_cutoff_fct, loop_compl_fct, lo, hi, body); }
static inline void post_order(struct bnode *bnode, void (*todo)(struct bnode *)) { if (bnode) { post_order(bnode->lchild, todo); post_order(bnode->rchild, todo); todo(bnode); } }
static inline struct list_head *pop(struct queue *queue, void (*todo)(struct list_head *)) { if (queue->is_empty(queue)) { return NULL; } struct list_head *save = queue->; //del(queue->; todo(save); return save; }
int main(int argc, char *const *argv) { int rv = 1; plan_tests(6); TODO: { todo("ok 0 is supposed to fail"); rv = ok(0, "ok bad"); if (!rv) diag("ok bad not good today"); } rv &= ok(1, "ok ok"); #if 0 SKIP: { skip("is bad will fail", 1, 0); if (!is(0, 4, "is bad")) diag("is bad not good today"); } SKIP: { skip("is ok should not be skipped", 1, 1); is(3, 3, "is ok"); } #endif isnt(0, 4, "isnt ok"); TODO: { todo("isnt bad is supposed to fail"); isnt(3, 3, "isnt bad"); } TODO: { todo("cmp_ok bad is supposed to fail"); cmp_ok(3, &&, 0, "cmp_ok bad"); } cmp_ok(3, &&, 3, "cmp_ok ok"); return 0; }
static bool WorkerIteration() { fiber * self = FiberCurrent(); fiber_base * base = (fiber_base *) self; task_entry todo; if (GetPrivateTask(todo)) { Scheduler->privateTaskCount.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); base->threadId = Scheduler->threadId; base->data = nullptr; base->name =; todo(); base->name = ""; basis::strfree(; return true; } else if (GetSharedTask(todo)) { base->threadId = -int(Scheduler->threadId + 1); base->data = nullptr; base->name =; todo(); base->name = ""; basis::strfree(; return true; } else { fiber * next = GetNextScheduledFiber(); if (next) { Scheduler->inactive.push_back(self); FiberSwitch(next); return true; } } return false; }
int main(void) { video_init(); camera_init(); tilemap_init(); plan(4); test_basic_output(); todo(); note("exercise file reading"); end_todo; done_testing(); }
void dlist_for_each(struct dlist_info *info, void (*todo)(struct node_info *node)) { assert(info != NULL); assert(todo != NULL); struct node_info *cur = info->head->next; for (; cur != info->head; cur = cur->next) { todo(cur); } }
int TEST_ALL(){ plan(3 + 1 + 13); TEST_ADD(); TEST_SUBTRACT(); TEST_FIBONACCI(); todo(); ok(0, "finish this project"); end_todo; done_testing(); }
void cbf(char *s) { Fp=fopen(s,"rb"); if(Fp==NULL)printf("can not open file : %s",s); else { char ch; for(;;) { ch=fgetc(Fp); if(ch==EOF)break; todo(ch); } } fclose(Fp); }
/** Constructor */ GxsForumsDialog::GxsForumsDialog(QWidget *parent) : RsGxsUpdateBroadcastPage(rsGxsForums, parent) { /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated object setup routine */ ui.setupUi(this); /* Setup Queue */ mForumQueue = new TokenQueue(rsGxsForums->getTokenService(), this); mThreadWidget = NULL; /* Setup UI helper */ // mStateHelper = new UIStateHelper(this); // no widget to add yet connect(ui.forumTreeWidget, SIGNAL(treeCustomContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(forumListCustomPopupMenu(QPoint))); connect(ui.forumTreeWidget, SIGNAL(treeItemActivated(QString)), this, SLOT(changedForum(QString))); connect(ui.forumTreeWidget->treeWidget(), SIGNAL(signalMouseMiddleButtonClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(forumTreeMiddleButtonClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*))); connect(ui.threadTabWidget, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int)), this, SLOT(threadTabCloseRequested(int))); connect(ui.threadTabWidget, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(threadTabChanged(int))); connect(NotifyQt::getInstance(), SIGNAL(forumMsgReadSatusChanged(QString,QString,int)), this, SLOT(forumMsgReadSatusChanged(QString,QString,int))); connect(NotifyQt::getInstance(), SIGNAL(settingsChanged()), this, SLOT(settingsChanged())); connect(ui.todoPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(todo())); /* Initialize group tree */ QToolButton *newForumButton = new QToolButton(this); newForumButton->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/new_forum16.png")); newForumButton->setToolTip(tr("Create Forum")); connect(newForumButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(newforum())); ui.forumTreeWidget->addToolButton(newForumButton); /* Set initial size the splitter */ QList<int> sizes; sizes << 300 << width(); // Qt calculates the right sizes ui.splitter->setSizes(sizes); /* create forum tree */ yourForums = ui.forumTreeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("My Forums"), QIcon(IMAGE_FOLDER), true); subscribedForums = ui.forumTreeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("Subscribed Forums"), QIcon(IMAGE_FOLDERRED), true); popularForums = ui.forumTreeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("Popular Forums"), QIcon(IMAGE_FOLDERGREEN), false); otherForums = ui.forumTreeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("Other Forums"), QIcon(IMAGE_FOLDERYELLOW), false); // load settings processSettings(true); settingsChanged(); }
void LoadObjectFileThread::run() { PrintableObject* object = PrintableObject::fromFile(file_); if (object) { todo("kwg8", "check the object's size based on attributes of printer, not random constants"); if (object->boundingSphere().radius < 5.0f || object->boundingSphere().radius > 1000.0f) { object->setUniformScale(50.0f); } // Put the object at the location the user picked object->translateAbsolute(location_); // Add it into the main window window_->addObject(file_, object); } }
/** Constructor */ WikiDialog::WikiDialog(QWidget *parent) : MainPage(parent) { /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated object setup routine */ ui.setupUi(this); mAddPageDialog = NULL; mAddGroupDialog = NULL; mEditDialog = NULL; connect( ui.toolButton_NewGroup, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OpenOrShowAddGroupDialog())); connect( ui.toolButton_NewPage, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OpenOrShowAddPageDialog())); connect( ui.toolButton_Edit, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OpenOrShowEditDialog())); connect( ui.toolButton_Republish, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OpenOrShowRepublishDialog())); // Usurped until Refresh works normally connect( ui.toolButton_Delete, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(insertWikiGroups())); connect( ui.pushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(todo())); connect( ui.treeWidget_Pages, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(groupTreeChanged())); // GroupTreeWidget. connect(ui.groupTreeWidget, SIGNAL(treeCustomContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(groupListCustomPopupMenu(QPoint))); connect(ui.groupTreeWidget, SIGNAL(treeItemActivated(QString)), this, SLOT(wikiGroupChanged(QString))); QTimer *timer = new QTimer(this); timer->connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkUpdate())); timer->start(1000); /* setup TokenQueue */ mWikiQueue = new TokenQueue(rsWiki->getTokenService(), this); /* Setup Group Tree */ mYourGroups = ui.groupTreeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("My Groups"), QIcon(IMAGE_FOLDER), true); mSubscribedGroups = ui.groupTreeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("Subscribed Groups"), QIcon(IMAGE_FOLDERRED), true); mPopularGroups = ui.groupTreeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("Popular Groups"), QIcon(IMAGE_FOLDERGREEN), false); mOtherGroups = ui.groupTreeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("Other Groups"), QIcon(IMAGE_FOLDERYELLOW), false); //Auto refresh seems not to work, temporary solution at start insertWikiGroups(); }
int sectask_11_sectask_audittoken(int argc, char *const *argv) { SecTaskRef task=NULL; CFStringRef appId=NULL; CFStringRef signingIdentifier=NULL; plan_tests(6); init_self_audittoken(); ok(task=SecTaskCreateWithAuditToken(kCFAllocatorDefault, g_self_audittoken), "SecTaskCreateFromAuditToken"); require(task, out); /* TODO: remove the todo once xcode signs simulator binaries */ SKIP: { #if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR todo("no entitlements in the simulator binaries yet, until <rdar://problem/12194625>"); #endif ok(appId=SecTaskCopyValueForEntitlement(task, kSecEntitlementApplicationIdentifier, NULL), "SecTaskCopyValueForEntitlement"); skip("appId is NULL", 1, appId); ok(CFEqual(appId, CFSTR("")), "Application Identifier match"); ok(signingIdentifier=SecTaskCopySigningIdentifier(task, NULL), "SecTaskCopySigningIdentifier"); ok(CFEqual(signingIdentifier, CFBundleGetIdentifier(CFBundleGetMainBundle())), "CodeSigning Identifier match"); } pid_t pid = getpid(); CFStringRef name = copyProcName(pid); CFStringRef pidstr = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("[%d]"), pid); CFStringRef desc = CFCopyDescription(task); ok(CFStringFind(desc, name, 0).location != kCFNotFound, "didn't find name: %@ vs %@", desc, name); ok(CFStringFind(desc, pidstr, 0).location != kCFNotFound, "didn't find pidstr: %@ vs %@", desc, pidstr); CFReleaseSafe(name); CFReleaseSafe(desc); CFReleaseSafe(pidstr); out: CFReleaseSafe(task); CFReleaseSafe(appId); CFReleaseSafe(signingIdentifier); return 0; }
static inline void in_order_norec(struct btree *btree, void (*todo)(struct bnode *)) { struct stack stack; //定义栈变量 stack_init(&stack); struct bnode *cur = btree->root; while (!stack.is_empty(&stack) || cur) { //栈不为空或者cur指向的节点还存在 if (cur) { stack.push(&stack, cur); cur = cur->lchild; } else { cur = stack.pop(&stack); todo(cur); cur = cur->rchild; } } stack_destroy(&stack); }
/** Constructor */ CirclesDialog::CirclesDialog(QWidget *parent) : RsGxsUpdateBroadcastPage(rsGxsCircles, parent) { /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated object setup routine */ ui.setupUi(this); /* Setup UI helper */ mStateHelper = new UIStateHelper(this); mStateHelper->addWidget(CIRCLESDIALOG_GROUPMETA, ui.pushButton_extCircle); mStateHelper->addWidget(CIRCLESDIALOG_GROUPMETA, ui.pushButton_localCircle); mStateHelper->addWidget(CIRCLESDIALOG_GROUPMETA, ui.pushButton_editCircle); mStateHelper->addWidget(CIRCLESDIALOG_GROUPMETA, ui.treeWidget_membership, UISTATE_ACTIVE_ENABLED); mStateHelper->addWidget(CIRCLESDIALOG_GROUPMETA, ui.treeWidget_friends, UISTATE_ACTIVE_ENABLED); mStateHelper->addWidget(CIRCLESDIALOG_GROUPMETA, ui.treeWidget_category, UISTATE_ACTIVE_ENABLED); mStateHelper->setWidgetEnabled(ui.pushButton_editCircle, false); /* Connect signals */ connect(ui.pushButton_extCircle, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(createExternalCircle())); connect(ui.pushButton_localCircle, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(createPersonalCircle())); connect(ui.pushButton_editCircle, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editExistingCircle())); connect(ui.todoPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(todo())); connect(ui.treeWidget_membership, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(circle_selected())); connect(ui.treeWidget_friends, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(friend_selected())); connect(ui.treeWidget_category, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(category_selected())); /* Setup TokenQueue */ mCircleQueue = new TokenQueue(rsGxsCircles->getTokenService(), this); /* Set header resize modes and initial section sizes */ QHeaderView * membership_header = ui.treeWidget_membership->header () ; membership_header->resizeSection ( CIRCLEGROUP_CIRCLE_COL_GROUPNAME, 200 ); QHeaderView * friends_header = ui.treeWidget_friends->header () ; friends_header->resizeSection ( CIRCLEGROUP_FRIEND_COL_NAME, 200 ); }
DialogClone::DialogClone(QWidget *parent) { setupUi(this); // this sets up GUI connect( bt_save, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( todo() ) ); connect( rdbt_clone, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT(rdbutton_clone() ) ); connect( rdbt_image_save, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT(rdbutton_image_save() ) ); connect( rdbt_image_restore, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT(rdbutton_image_restore() ) ); connect( rdbt_partition_save, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT(rdbutton_partition_image_save() ) ); connect( rdbt_partition_restore, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT(rdbutton_partition_image_restore() ) ); connect( pushButton_break, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT(esc_end())); connect( bt_end, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT(close())); connect( pushButton_folder, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT(folder_einlesen())); connect( pushButton_partition, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT(listWidget_auslesen())); dirModel = new QFileSystemModel; selModel = new QItemSelectionModel(dirModel); treeView_clone->setModel(dirModel); treeView_clone->setSelectionModel(selModel); QModelIndex cwdIndex = dirModel->index(QDir::rootPath()); dirModel->setRootPath(QDir::rootPath()); treeView_clone->setRootIndex(cwdIndex); rdbt_clone->setChecked(Qt::Checked); treeView_clone->setEnabled(false); format_Disk(); bt_save->setText (tr("Clone Harddrive", "Festplatte klonen")); timer_clone = new QTimer(this); timer_read_write = new QTimer(this); // Erforderlich um Textdatei vor dem ersten Auslesen mit 3 Zeilen zu füllen QString befehl = "vmstat 1 2 1> " + homepath + "/.config/qt5-fsarchiver/disk.txt"; system (befehl.toAscii().data()); chk_zip->setEnabled(false); chk_zip->setChecked(Qt::Checked); //chk_zip->set| grepHidden(true); listWidget->setHidden(true); addWidget(); }