Exemplo n.º 1
void PointerDataInformation::delayedReadData(Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel *input, Okteta::Address address)
    Q_UNUSED(address); //TODO offsets
    Q_ASSERT(mHasBeenUpdated); //update must have been called prior to reading
    quint8 childBitOffset = 0;
    // Compute the destination offset
    const quint64 pointer = mValue->value().value<quint64>();
    if (pointer > quint64(std::numeric_limits<Okteta::Address>::max()))
        logError() << "Pointer" << mValue->valueString() << "does not point to an existing address.";
    Okteta::Address newAddress(pointer);
    // If the computed destination it's outside the boundaries of the input ignore it
    if (newAddress < 0 || newAddress >= input->size())
        logError() << "Pointer" << mValue->valueString() << "does not point to an existing address.";
    //update the child now
    DataInformation* oldTarget = mPointerTarget.data();
    // Let the child do the work (maybe different than before now)
    if (mPointerTarget.data() != oldTarget)
        logInfo() << "Pointer target was replaced.";
    mPointerTarget->readData(input, newAddress, BitCount64(input->size() - newAddress) * 8, &childBitOffset);
Exemplo n.º 2
qint64 EnumDataInformation::readData(Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel* input,
        Okteta::Address address, BitCount64 bitsRemaining, quint8* bitOffset)
    //update enum first (it is possible to change the enum definition this enum uses
    qint64 retVal = mValue->readData(input, address, bitsRemaining, bitOffset);
    mWasAbleToRead = retVal >= 0; //not able to read if mValue->readData returns -1
    return retVal;
Exemplo n.º 3
qint64 PointerDataInformation::readData(Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel* input, Okteta::Address address,
        BitCount64 bitsRemaining, quint8* bitOffset)
    qint64 ret = PrimitiveDataInformationWrapper::readData(input, address, bitsRemaining, bitOffset);
    if (!mWasAbleToRead)
        mPointerTarget->mWasAbleToRead = false;
    // If the pointer it's outside the boundaries of the input simply ignore it
    else if (mValue->value().value<quint64>() < quint64(input->size()))
        // Enqueue for later reading of the destination
    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 4
qint64 UnionDataInformation::readData(Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel *input,
        Okteta::Address address, BitCount64 bitsRemaining, quint8* bitOffset)
    Q_ASSERT(mHasBeenUpdated); //update must have been called prior to reading
    TopLevelDataInformation* top = topLevelDataInformation();

    qint64 readBits = 0;
    const quint8 originalBitOffset = *bitOffset;
    quint8 bitOffsetAfterUnion = originalBitOffset;
    bool reachedEOF = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < mChildren.size(); i++)
        DataInformation* next = mChildren.at(i);
        //first of all update the structure:
        DataInformation* newNext = mChildren.at(i);
        if (next != newNext)
            logInfo() << "Child at index " << i << " was replaced.";
        //bit offset always has to be reset to original value
        qint64 currentReadBits = newNext->readData(input, address, bitsRemaining, bitOffset);
        if (currentReadBits == -1)
            //since this is a union, try to read all values and not abort as soon as one is too large
            reachedEOF = true;
        else if (currentReadBits > readBits)
            //this is the largest element, so the bit offset after the union is the one after this element
            readBits = currentReadBits;
            bitOffsetAfterUnion = *bitOffset;
        *bitOffset = originalBitOffset; // start at beginning
    *bitOffset = bitOffsetAfterUnion;
    mWasAbleToRead = !reachedEOF;
    return reachedEOF ? -1 : readBits;
qint64 AbstractBitfieldDataInformation::readData(Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel *input,
        Okteta::Address address, BitCount64 bitsRemaining, quint8* bitOffset)
    Q_ASSERT(mHasBeenUpdated); //update must have been called prior to reading
    if (bitsRemaining < BitCount64(width()))
        mWasAbleToRead = false;
        mValue = 0;
        return -1;
    bool wasValid = mWasAbleToRead;
    AllPrimitiveTypes oldVal(mValue);
    AllPrimitiveTypes newVal(mValue);

    mWasAbleToRead = newVal.readBits(size(), input, effectiveByteOrder(), address, bitsRemaining,

    if (oldVal != newVal || wasValid != mWasAbleToRead)
        mValue = newVal;
    return width();