Exemplo n.º 1
bool Jr3Sensor::GetCartesianForcesTorques(float * MeasuredCartesianForcesTorques, int filter) {
	Eigen::Vector3f forces(3), torques(3);

	if (jr3DataRead(&jr3Data) != sizeof(jr3Data)) {
		std::cout << "Jr3Sensor: Could not read from device!\n";
		for (int i=0; i<6; i++) MeasuredCartesianForcesTorques[i] = 0.0;
		return false;
	else {
		// 500Hz
		if (filter == 1) {
			forces(0) = float(jr3Data.f1.fx) * float(jr3Data.fullScale.fx) / 16384.0;
			forces(1) = float(jr3Data.f1.fy) * float(jr3Data.fullScale.fy) / 16384.0;
			forces(2) = float(jr3Data.f1.fz) * float(jr3Data.fullScale.fz) / 16384.0;

			torques(0) = float(jr3Data.f1.mx) * float(jr3Data.fullScale.mx) / 10.0 / 16384.0;
			torques(1) = float(jr3Data.f1.my) * float(jr3Data.fullScale.my) / 10.0 / 16384.0;
			torques(2) = float(jr3Data.f1.mz) * float(jr3Data.fullScale.mz) / 10.0 / 16384.0;
		// 125Hz
		if (filter == 2) {
			forces(0) = float(jr3Data.f2.fx) * float(jr3Data.fullScale.fx) / 16384.0;
			forces(1) = float(jr3Data.f2.fy) * float(jr3Data.fullScale.fy) / 16384.0;
			forces(2) = float(jr3Data.f2.fz) * float(jr3Data.fullScale.fz) / 16384.0;

			torques(0) = float(jr3Data.f2.mx) * float(jr3Data.fullScale.mx) / 10.0 / 16384.0;
			torques(1) = float(jr3Data.f2.my) * float(jr3Data.fullScale.my) / 10.0 / 16384.0;
			torques(2) = float(jr3Data.f2.mz) * float(jr3Data.fullScale.mz) / 10.0 / 16384.0;
		if (filter != 1 && filter != 2) return false;

//		std::cout << "Fz [N]: " << float(jr3Data.f1.fz) * float(jr3Data.fullScale.fz) / 16384.0 << "\n";

//		std::cout << "Units: " << jr3Data.units << "\n";
//		std::cout << "jr3Data.fullScale.fx: " << jr3Data.fullScale.fx << "\n";
//		std::cout << "jr3Data.fullScale.mx: " << jr3Data.fullScale.mx << "\n";
//		std::cout << "jr3Data.fullScale.fy: " << jr3Data.fullScale.fy << "\n";
//		std::cout << "jr3Data.fullScale.my: " << jr3Data.fullScale.my << "\n";
//		std::cout << "jr3Data.fullScale.fz: " << jr3Data.fullScale.fz << "\n";
//		std::cout << "jr3Data.fullScale.mz: " << jr3Data.fullScale.mz << "\n";
//		std::cout << "jr3Data.f1.fx: " << jr3Data.f1.fx << "\n";
//		std::cout << "jr3Data.f1.mx: " << jr3Data.f1.mx << "\n";

		for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
			// Forces in N
			MeasuredCartesianForcesTorques[i] = forces(i);
		for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
			// Torques in Nm
			MeasuredCartesianForcesTorques[i+3] = torques(i);

		return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
// Compute angular acceleration in body frame
// Parameters:
//   I: inertia matrix
void angular_acceleration(float32_t *omegad , float32_t *inputs, float32_t* omega, float32_t* I, float32_t L, float32_t b, float32_t k)
	float32_t tau[3];
	float32_t tmp_3x1[3], cross[3];
	float32_t II[9];
	torques(tau, inputs, L, b, k);
	Matrix_Inv_3x3(II, I);
	Matrix_3x3_Multiply_Vector_3x1(tmp_3x1, I, omega);
	Vector_Cross(cross, omega, tmp_3x1);
	Vector_Subtract(tmp_3x1, tau, cross);
	Matrix_3x3_Multiply_Vector_3x1(omegad, II, tmp_3x1);
Exemplo n.º 3
/* Calculates a score using the current state of the board
int eval_fn(int exhausted, int phase)
    int score, t[2];
    /* calculate score */
    score = abs(t[0]*t[1]);
    if (exhausted)
        player = -1 * player;
        return score;
//        return player * inf;
        player = -1 * player;
        return score;
Exemplo n.º 4
double* angleaccel(double omega[3], struct copter quad)
{/*Computes angular acceleration vector of quad*/
  double tau[3];
  double Iomega[3];
  int i;

  for (i=1;i<4;i++){
    Iomega[i] = quad.I[i]*omega[i];
  C = crossprod(omega,Iomega);

  /*Compute Torques*/
  ddtomega[1] = 1/quad.I[1]*(tau[1]);

  return ddtomega;
Exemplo n.º 5
iDynTree::Wrench simulateFTSensorFromKinematicState(const KDL::CoDyCo::UndirectedTree & icub_undirected_tree,
                                        const KDL::JntArray & q,
                                        const KDL::JntArray & dq,
                                        const KDL::JntArray & ddq,
                                        const KDL::Twist    & base_velocity,
                                        const KDL::Twist    & base_acceleration,
                                        const std::string ft_sensor_name,
                                        const iDynTree::SensorsList & sensors_tree
    // We can try to simulate the same sensor with the usual inverse dynamics
    KDL::CoDyCo::Traversal traversal;


    std::vector<KDL::Twist> v(icub_undirected_tree.getNrOfLinks());
    std::vector<KDL::Twist> a(icub_undirected_tree.getNrOfLinks());
    std::vector<KDL::Wrench> f(icub_undirected_tree.getNrOfLinks());
    std::vector<KDL::Wrench> f_gi(icub_undirected_tree.getNrOfLinks());
    std::vector<KDL::Wrench> f_ext(icub_undirected_tree.getNrOfLinks(),KDL::Wrench::Zero());
    KDL::JntArray torques(icub_undirected_tree.getNrOfDOFs());
    KDL::Wrench base_force;


    unsigned int sensor_index;

    std::cout << ft_sensor_name << " has ft index " << sensor_index << std::endl;

    iDynTree::SixAxisForceTorqueSensor * p_sens
            = (iDynTree::SixAxisForceTorqueSensor *) sensors_tree.getSensor(iDynTree::SIX_AXIS_FORCE_TORQUE,sensor_index);

    iDynTree::Wrench simulate_measurement;


    return simulate_measurement;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * In this example we will perform a classical inverse dynamics on tree structured robot.
 * We will load the kinematic and dynamic parameters of the robot from an URDF file.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if(argc != 2)
        std::cerr << "tree_inverse_dynamics example usage: ./tree_inverse_dynamics robot.urdf" << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    std::string urdf_file_name = argv[1];

    //We are using the kdl_format_io library for loading the URDF file to a KDL::Tree object, but if
    //you use ROS you can  use the kdl_parser from the robot_model package (but please note that
    //there are some open issues  with the robot_model kdl_parser : https://github.com/ros/robot_model/pull/66 )
    KDL::Tree my_tree;
    bool urdf_loaded_correctly = iDynTree::treeFromUrdfFile(urdf_file_name.c_str(),my_tree);

    if( !urdf_loaded_correctly )
        std::cerr << "Could not generate robot model and extract kdl tree" << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    //We will now create a tree inverse dynamics solver
    //This solver performs the classical inverse dynamics
    //so there is a link called floating base that is the one for
    //which the velocity and the acceleration is specified, and
    //where unknown external wrench is assumed applied.
    //The floating base is by default the base link of the URDF, but
    //can be changed with the changeBase method

    KDL::CoDyCo::TreeIdSolver_RNE rne_solver(my_tree);

    //The input variables are :
    // - Joint positions, velocities, accelerations.
    int n_dof = rne_solver.getUndirectedTree().getNrOfDOFs();
    KDL::JntArray q_j(n_dof), dq_j(n_dof), ddq_j(n_dof);

    // - Floating base velocity and (proper) acceleration.
    //   The proper acceleration is the sum of the classical and gravitational acceleration,
    //   i.e. the acceleration that you get reading the output of linear accelerometer.
    KDL::Twist v_base, a_base;

    // - External wrenches applied to the link. This wrenches are expressed in the local reference frame of the link.
    int n_links =  rne_solver.getUndirectedTree().getNrOfLinks();
    std::vector<KDL::Wrench> f_ext(n_links,KDL::Wrench::Zero());

    //The output variables are :
    // - Joint torques.
    KDL::JntArray torques(n_dof);

    // - The base residual wrench (mismatch between external wrenches in input and the model).
    KDL::Wrench f_base;

    //We populate the input variables with random data
    for(int dof=0; dof < n_dof; dof++)
        q_j(dof) = fRand(-10,10);
        dq_j(dof) = fRand(-10,10);
        ddq_j(dof) = fRand(-10,10);

    //We fill also the linear part of the base velocity
    //but please note that the dynamics is indipendent from it (Galilean relativity)
    for(int i=0; i < 6; i++ )
        v_base[i] = fRand(-10,10);
        a_base[i] = fRand(-10,10);

    //For setting the input wrenches, we first get the index for the link for which we want to set the external wrench.
    //In this example we assume that we have measures for the input wrenches at the four end effectors (two hands, two legs)
    //We use the names defined in REP 120 ( http://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0120.html ) for end effector frames
    //but please change the names if you want to use a different set of links
    int r_gripper_id =  rne_solver.getUndirectedTree().getLink("r_gripper")->getLinkIndex();
    int l_gripper_id =  rne_solver.getUndirectedTree().getLink("l_gripper")->getLinkIndex();
    int r_sole_id =  rne_solver.getUndirectedTree().getLink("r_sole")->getLinkIndex();
    int l_sole_id =  rne_solver.getUndirectedTree().getLink("l_sole")->getLinkIndex();

    for(int i=0; i < 6; i++ )
        f_ext[r_gripper_id][i] = fRand(-10,10);
        f_ext[l_gripper_id][i] = fRand(-10,10);
        f_ext[r_sole_id][i] = fRand(-10,10);
        f_ext[l_sole_id][i] = fRand(-10,10);

    //Now that we have the input, we can compute the inverse dynamics
    int inverse_dynamics_status = rne_solver.CartToJnt(q_j,dq_j,ddq_j,v_base,a_base,f_ext,torques,f_base);

    if( inverse_dynamics_status != 0 )
        std::cerr << "There was an error in the inverse dynamics computations" << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    std::cout << "Torque computed successfully. " << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Computed torques : " << std::endl;
    for(int dof=0; dof < n_dof; dof++ )
        std::cout << torques(dof) << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 7
/* Recrusively realizes feasible sequences of nontipping moves and calls
 * the evaulation function
void alpha_better(int phase)
    int best_v = -2 * inf, v = inf;
    int i, j;
    int t[2];
    int best_move[2];
    int *pw;
    int tmp;
    int p1wn = 0;

    if (phase == 1)
    if (player > 0)
        pw = p1w;
        pw = p2w;

    for (j = 0; j < 12; j++)
            pw[j] = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < 31; i++)
            if (board[i])
            board[i] = player * (j + 1);
                v = value((-1 * inf), inf, 1, 0, phase);
                if (v > best_v)
                    best_v = v;
                    best_move[0] = i;
                    best_move[1] = (player > 0) ? (j + 1) : (-1 * (j + 1));
            board[i] = 0;
        pw[j] = 1;
    if (phase == 2)
    for (i = 0; i < 31; i++)
        if (board[i] > 0)
            p1wn += 1;
    for (i = 0; i < 31; i++)
        if (p1wn > 0 && board[i] < 0)
        if (!board[i])
        tmp = board[i];
        board[i] = 0;
        if (!tipped(t))
            v = value((-1 * inf), inf, 1, 0, phase);
            if (v > best_v)
                best_v = v;
                best_move[0] = i;
                best_move[1] = tmp;
        board[i] = tmp;
    printf("%d %d %d\n", best_move[0], abs(best_move[1]), best_v);
Exemplo n.º 8
int value(int alpha, int beta, int depth, int max, int phase)
    int v = -inf, i, next = 0, j, *pw;
    int t[2], wleft = 0, tmp, p1wn = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
        wleft += p1w[i] + p2w[i];
    if (!wleft)
        phase += 1;
        p1w[0] = 2;

    player = -1 * player;
    if (depth > d){
        return eval_fn(0, phase);

    if (phase == 1)
    if (player > 0)
        pw = p1w;
        pw = p2w;

    for (j = 0; j < 12; j++)
        if (pw[j])
            pw[j] = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < 31; i++)
            if (board[i])
            board[i] = player * (j + 1);
                next = 1;
                if (max)
                    v = max(v, value(alpha, beta, depth + 1, 0, phase));
                    if (v >= beta)
                        player = -1 * player;
                        board[i] = 0;
                        return v;
                    alpha = max(alpha, v);
                    v = min(v, value(alpha, beta, depth + 1, 1, phase));
                    if (v <= alpha)
                        player = -1 * player;
                        board[i] = 0;
                        return v;
                    beta = min(beta, v);
            board[i] = 0;
         pw[j] = 1;
    if (phase == 2)
        for (i = 0; i < 31; i++)
            if (board[i] > 0)
                p1wn += 1;
        for (i = 0; i < 31; i++)
            if (p1wn > 0 && board[i] < 0)
            if (!board[i])
            tmp = board[i];
            board[i] = 0;
                next = 1;
                if (max)
                    v = max(v, value(alpha, beta, depth + 1, 0, phase)); 
                    if (v >= beta)
                        player = -1 * player;
                        board[i] = tmp;
                        return v;
                    alpha = max(alpha, v);
                    v = min(v, value(alpha, beta, depth + 1, 1, phase));
                    if (v <= alpha)
                        player = -1 * player;
                        board[i] = tmp;
                        return v;
                    beta = min(beta, v);
            board[i] = tmp;
    if (!next)
        return eval_fn(1, phase);
    player = -1 * player;
    return v;
Exemplo n.º 9
/* Calculates a score using the current state of the board
int eval_fn(int exhausted, int phase)
    int score, t[2];
    int i, j, stab1 = 0, stab2 = 0, unstab1 = 0, unstab2 = 0;
    int p1l = 0, p1r = 0;
    int num1 = 0, num2 = 0, count = 0;
    int nearmid = 0;
    int count_1 = 0, count_2 = 0;
    int p1t[2];
int all_left = 0;
    int all_right = 0;
    int l_count = 0, r_count = 0;

    FILE *file;

 //   file = fopen("scores.txt", "a");
 //   assert(file);


//    if(pplayer == -1)
 //      score = w1 * stab2 - w2 * count;
 //   if(pplayer == 1)
 //      score = w3 * abs(t[0] * t[1]) - w4 * abs(p1l - p1r) - w5 * abs(t[0] - t[1]) + w6 * nearmid;

  // if(t[0] == 0 || t[1] == 0)
   //   return inf;
  // else
    //  return 500 - min(abs(t[0]),abs(t[1]));
//   if(t[0] == 0 || t[1] == 0)
  //    return inf;
//   else
//      return (1.0 / (float)(min(abs(t[0]),abs(t[1]))));
   //return 500 - min(abs(t[0]), abs(t[1]));
//    if(abs(t[0]) <= 4 || abs(t[1]) <= 4)
//    {
//       player = -1 * player;
//       return player * inf;
//    }
   if (pplayer == -1)
   if (exhausted)
        player = -1 * player;
   //     fprintf(file, "%d\n", player * inf);
   //     fclose(file);
        return player * inf;
       l_count = 0;
       r_count = 0;
       for(i = 0; i < 32; i++)
          if((i < 12) && (board[i] > 0))
          else if((i > 15) && (board[i] > 0))
       all_left = 0;
       all_right = 0;
       if((l_count == 0) && (r_count > 0))
          all_right = 1;
       else if((l_count > 0) && (r_count == 0))
          all_left = 1;
       if(all_left == 1 || all_right == 1)
          score = 500 - abs(abs(last_t[0] - abs(t[0]))) - abs(abs(last_t[1] - abs(t[1])));
          score = p1t[1] * p1t[0];
       return score;
    return 1000 * (wasd + 1) + 10 * abs(t[0]) + 10 * abs(t[1]);