Exemplo n.º 1
void StatisticsSampler::saveToFile(System &system, ofstream &file)
    // Convert all energy per atom, use eV
    file << setw(15) << UnitConverter::timeToSI(system.steps()) << "      "
         << setw(15) << UnitConverter::timeToSI(system.time()) << "      "
         << setw(15) << UnitConverter::temperatureToSI(temperature()) << "      "
         << setw(15) << UnitConverter::energyToEv(kineticEnergy()/system.atoms().size()) << "      "
         << setw(15) << UnitConverter::energyToEv(potentialEnergy()/system.atoms().size()) << "      "
         << setw(15) << UnitConverter::energyToEv(totalEnergy()/system.atoms().size()) << "      "
         << setw(15) << diffusionConstant() << "      "
         << setw(15) << m_rSquared << std::endl;
bool test_potential(const potential::BasePotential& potential,
    const coord::PosVelT<coordSysT>& initial_conditions,
    const double total_time, const double timestep)
    std::cout << potential.name()<<"  "<<coordSysT::name()<<" ("<<initial_conditions<<")\n";
    double ic[6];
    std::vector<coord::PosVelT<coordSysT> > traj;
    int numsteps = orbit::integrate(potential, initial_conditions, total_time, timestep, traj, integr_eps);
    double avgH=0, avgLz=0, dispH=0, dispLz=0;
    for(size_t i=0; i<traj.size(); i++) {
        double H =totalEnergy(potential, traj[i]);
        double Lz=coord::Lz(traj[i]);
        avgH +=H;  dispH +=pow_2(H);
        avgLz+=Lz; dispLz+=pow_2(Lz);
        if(output) {
            double xv[6];
            std::cout << i*timestep<<"   " <<xv[0]<<" "<<xv[1]<<" "<<xv[2]<<"  "<<
                xv[3]<<" "<<xv[4]<<" "<<xv[5]<<"   "<<H<<" "<<Lz<<" "<<potential.density(traj[i])<<"\n";
    dispH= sqrt(std::max<double>(0, dispH -pow_2(avgH)));
    dispLz=sqrt(std::max<double>(0, dispLz-pow_2(avgLz)));
    bool completed = traj.size()>0.99*total_time/timestep;
    bool ok = dispH<eps && (dispLz<eps || !isAxisymmetric(potential));
        std::cout <<numsteps<<" steps,  ";
    else if(numsteps>0) {
        std::cout <<"\033[1;33mCRASHED\033[0m after "<<numsteps<<" steps,  ";
        // this may naturally happen in the degenerate case when an orbit with zero angular momentum
        // approaches the origin -- not all combinations of potential and coordinate system
        // can cope with this. If that happens for a non-degenerate case, this is an error.
        if(avgLz!=0) ok=false;
    else {
        // this may happen for an orbit started at r==0 in some potentials where the force is singular,
        // otherwise it's an error
        if(toPosSph(initial_conditions).r != 0) {
            std::cout <<"\033[1;31mFAILED\033[0m,  ";
            ok = false;
    std::cout << "E=" <<avgH <<" +- "<<dispH<<",  Lz="<<avgLz<<" +- "<<dispLz<<
        (ok? "" : " \033[1;31m**\033[0m") << "\n";
    return ok;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
    int commsize, commrank;
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &commsize);
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &commrank);
    const bool isRoot = commrank == 0;
    const bool isLast = commrank == commsize - 1;

    if (isRoot)
        std::cout << "Initialization...\n" << std::endl;

    RuntimeConfiguration conf(argc, argv);

    // Compute my start and end time
    const double timeStart = conf.timeSliceSize() * commrank;
    const double timeEnd = conf.timeSliceSize() * (commrank + 1);

    if (isRoot)
    std::cout << "Running with:\n"
        << " - initial diffusion coefficient: " << conf.nu0() << "\n"
        << " - frequence of diffusion coefficient: " << conf.nufreq() << "\n"
        << " - advection velocity in x: " << conf.cx() << "\n"
        << " - advection velocity in y: " << conf.cy() << "\n"
        << " - advection velocity in z: " << conf.cz() << "\n"
        << " - spatial discretization step: " << conf.dx() << "\n"
        << " - endtime: " << conf.endTime() << "\n"
        << " - number of time slices: " << conf.timeSlices() << "\n"
        << " - time slice size: " << conf.timeSliceSize() << "\n"
        << " - CFL fine: " << conf.cflFine() << "\n"
        << " - CFL coarse: " << conf.cflCoarse() << "\n"
        << " - timestep size fine: " << conf.dtFine() << "\n"
        << " - timestep size coarse: " << conf.dtCoarse() << "\n"
        << " - timesteps per slice fine propagator: " << conf.timeStepsFinePerTimeSlice() << "\n"
        << " - timesteps per slice coarse propagator: " << conf.timeStepsCoarsePerTimeSlice() << "\n"
        << " - parareal iterations: " << conf.kmax() << "\n"
        << " - asynchronous communications: " << (conf.async() ? "Enabled" : "Disabled") << "\n"
        << " - intermediate fields in mat files: " << (conf.mat() ? "Yes" : "No") << "\n"
        << std::endl;

    // Calculation domain and boundaries
    IJKSize domain; domain.Init(conf.gridSize(), conf.gridSize(), conf.gridSize());
    KBoundary kboundary; kboundary.Init(-convectionBoundaryLines, convectionBoundaryLines);

    // Initialize fields
    ConvectionField q, qinitial;
    q.Init("q", domain, kboundary);
    qinitial.Init("qinitial", domain, kboundary);
    Convection convection(conf.gridSize(), conf.gridSize(), conf.gridSize(), conf.dx(), conf.nu0(), conf.nufreq(), conf.cx(), conf.cy(), conf.cz());

    // Initialize parareal
    Parareal<Convection, ConvectionField> parareal(convection, qinitial, q, timeStart, conf, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    if (conf.mode() == ModeCompare)
        // Measure time required by convection
        const int tauSamples = 4;
        double tauF = MPI_Wtime();
        convection.DoRK4(qinitial, qinitial, 0., conf.dtFine(), tauSamples*conf.timeStepsFinePerTimeSlice());
        tauF = MPI_Wtime() - tauF;
        double tauG = MPI_Wtime();
        convection.DoEuler(qinitial, qinitial, 0., conf.dtCoarse(), tauSamples*conf.timeStepsCoarsePerTimeSlice());
        tauG = MPI_Wtime() - tauG;

        const double tauRatio = tauG / tauF;
        const double Nit_Np = static_cast<double>(conf.kmax()) / commsize;
        const double maxSpeedup = 1. / (tauRatio * (1. + Nit_Np) + Nit_Np);

        // Fill initial solution
        fillQ(qinitial, conf.nu0(), conf.nufreq(), conf.cx(), conf.cy(), conf.cz(), 0., 0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 1.);

        // Run serial
        double eserial = MPI_Wtime();
        eserial = MPI_Wtime() - eserial;

        // Save reference
        ConvectionField qreference = q;

        // Fill initial solution
        fillQ(qinitial, conf.nu0(), conf.nufreq(), conf.cx(), conf.cy(), conf.cz(), 0., 0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 1.);

        // Run serial
        double eparallel = MPI_Wtime();
        eparallel = MPI_Wtime() - eparallel;

        // Output
        if (isLast)
            double e = computeErrorReference(q, qreference);
            std::cout << "\n"
                << "Serial run time: " << eserial << "\n"
                << "Parallel run time: " << eparallel << "\n"
                << "Speedup: " << eserial / eparallel << "\n"
                << "Maximal speedup: " << maxSpeedup << "\n"
                << "Error at end: " << e << "\n"
                << std::endl;

            MatFile matfile("result.mat");
            matfile.addField("q", q);
            matfile.addField("qreference", qreference);
    else if (conf.mode() == ModeSerial)
        // Fill initial solution
        fillQ(qinitial, conf.nu0(), conf.nufreq(), conf.cx(), conf.cy(), conf.cz(), 0., 0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 1.);

        // Run serial
        double e = MPI_Wtime();
        double energyStart = energy();
        double deviceEnergyStart = deviceEnergy();


        e = MPI_Wtime() - e;
        double energyEnd = energy();
        double deviceEnergyEnd = deviceEnergy();

        const double totDevice = totalEnergy(deviceEnergyStart, deviceEnergyEnd);
        const double totNode = totalEnergy(energyStart, energyEnd) - totDevice;
        const double totNetwork = e * powerNetwork;
        const double totBlower = e * powerBlower;
        const double totEnergy = totNode + totDevice + totNetwork + totBlower;

        // Output
        if (isLast)
            std::cout << "\n" << "Serial run time: " << e << "\n";
            std::printf("Node energy   : %8f J  (%8.3e W/node)\n", totNode   , totNode/e);
            std::printf("Device energy : %8f J  (%8.3e W/node)\n", totDevice , totDevice/e);
            std::printf("Network energy: %8f J  (%8.3e W/node)\n", totNetwork, totNetwork/e);
            std::printf("Blower energy : %8f J  (%8.3e W/node)\n", totBlower , totBlower/e);
            std::printf("Total energy  : %8f J  (%8.3e W/node)\n", totEnergy , totEnergy/e);
            std::cout << std::endl;
    else if (conf.mode() == ModeParallel)
        // Fill initial solution
        fillQ(qinitial, conf.nu0(), conf.nufreq(), conf.cx(), conf.cy(), conf.cz(), 0., 0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 1.);

        // Run serial
        std::cout << " -- The serial computation is done\n";
        ConvectionField qreference = q;

        // Run parallel
        double e = MPI_Wtime();
        double energyStart = energy();
        double deviceEnergyStart = deviceEnergy();


        e = MPI_Wtime() - e;

        std::cout << " -- The parallel computation is done\n";
        double energyEnd = energy();
        double deviceEnergyEnd = deviceEnergy();

        const double totDevice = totalEnergy(deviceEnergyStart, deviceEnergyEnd, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        const double totNode = totalEnergy(energyStart, energyEnd, MPI_COMM_WORLD) - totDevice;
        const double totNetwork = e * powerNetwork * commsize;
        const double totBlower = e * powerBlower * commsize;
        const double totEnergy = totNode + totDevice + totNetwork + totBlower;

        // Compute error
        double error = computeErrorReference(q, qreference);

        // Output
        if (isLast)
            const double fac = 1./e/commsize;

            std::cout << std::endl;
            std::printf("Parallel run time: %f s\n", e);
            std::printf("Node energy   : %8f J  (%8.3e W/node)\n", totNode   , fac*totNode);
            std::printf("Device energy : %8f J  (%8.3e W/node)\n", totDevice , fac*totDevice);
            std::printf("Network energy: %8f J  (%8.3e W/node)\n", totNetwork, fac*totNetwork);
            std::printf("Blower energy : %8f J  (%8.3e W/node)\n", totBlower , fac*totBlower);
            std::printf("Total energy  : %8f J  (%8.3e W/node)\n", totEnergy , fac*totEnergy);
            std::printf("Error of parareal: %.4e\n", error);
            std::cout << std::endl;
    else if (conf.mode() == ModeTiming)
        // Fill initial solution
        fillQ(qinitial, conf.nu0(), conf.nufreq(), conf.cx(), conf.cy(), conf.cz(), 0., 0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 1.);

        // Run serial
        std::vector<double> times;

        // Gather on root
        const int s = times.size();
        std::vector<double> timesGlobal;
        timesGlobal.resize(s * commsize);
        MPI_Gather(&times[0], s, MPI_DOUBLE, &timesGlobal[0], s, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

        // Output
        if (isRoot)
            std::cout << "\nTimes:\n";
            for(int i = 0; i < s; ++i)
                for(int p = 0; p < commsize; ++p)
                    std::cout << std::scientific << std::setprecision(6) << timesGlobal[p*s + i] << "   ";
                std::cout << "\n";

    // Finalize

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
void globalLeapFrogAccuracy(){
	double h = 1;
	int n = 3;
	double t;
	FILE * fp;
	particle * particles = malloc(n * sizeof(particle));
	double energy;
	double currentEnergy;
	double energyChange;
	//lin3 global
	fp = fopen("lin3global.dat","w");
	initialize_linearx(particles, n);
	energy = totalEnergy(particles, n);
	for (h = 0.1;h>1E-7;h*=0.5){
		initialize_linearx(particles, n);
			//printf("leapfrogging at time t = %lf", t);
			leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		currentEnergy = totalEnergy(particles, n);
		energyChange = fabs(currentEnergy - energy);
		fprintf(fp, "%g\t%g\n", h, energyChange);
	//equilateral global
	fp = fopen("equilateralglobal.dat","w");
	initialize_equilateral(particles, n);
	energy = totalEnergy(particles, n);
	for (h = 0.1;h>1E-7;h*=0.5){
		initialize_equilateral(particles, n);
			//printf("leapfrogging at time t = %lf", t);
			leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		currentEnergy = totalEnergy(particles, n);
		energyChange = fabs(currentEnergy - energy);
		fprintf(fp, "%g\t%g\n", h, energyChange);
	printf("10 particles may take some time\n");
	//linear 10 global
	n = 10;
	particles = malloc(n * sizeof(particle));
	fp = fopen("lin10global.dat","w");
	initialize_linearx(particles, n);
	energy = totalEnergy(particles, n);
	for (h = 0.1;h>1E-6;h*=0.5){
		initialize_linearx(particles, n);
			//printf("leapfrogging at time t = %lf", t);
			leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		currentEnergy = totalEnergy(particles, n);
		energyChange = fabs(currentEnergy - energy);
		fprintf(fp, "%g\t%g\n", h, energyChange);
	//random 10 global
	n = 10;
	particles = malloc(n * sizeof(particle));
	fp = fopen("random10global.dat","w");
	initialize_2(particles, n);
	energy = totalEnergy(particles, n);
	for (h = 0.1;h>1E-6;h*=0.5){
		initialize_2(particles, n);
			//printf("leapfrogging at time t = %lf", t);
			leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		currentEnergy = totalEnergy(particles, n);
		energyChange = fabs(currentEnergy - energy);
		fprintf(fp, "%g\t%g\n", h, energyChange);
	printf("20 particles may take noticeably more time\n");
	//random 20 global
	n = 20;
	particles = malloc(n * sizeof(particle));
	fp = fopen("random20global.dat","w");
	initialize_3(particles, n);
	//fprintParticles(stdout, particles, n);
	energy = totalEnergy(particles, n);
	for (h = 0.1;h>1E-6;h*=0.5){
		initialize_3(particles, n);
			//printf("leapfrogging at time t = %lf", t);
			leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		currentEnergy = totalEnergy(particles, n);
		energyChange = fabs(currentEnergy - energy);
		fprintf(fp, "%g\t%g\n", h, energyChange);
	printf("40 particles may take noticeably more time\n");
	//random 40 global
	n = 40;
	particles = malloc(n * sizeof(particle));
	fp = fopen("random40global.dat","w");
	initialize_3(particles, n);
	//fprintParticles(stdout, particles, n);
	energy = totalEnergy(particles, n);
	for (h = 0.1;h>1E-6;h*=0.5){
		initialize_3(particles, n);
			//printf("leapfrogging at time t = %lf", t);
			leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		currentEnergy = totalEnergy(particles, n);
		energyChange = fabs(currentEnergy - energy);
		fprintf(fp, "%g\t%g\n", h, energyChange);
Exemplo n.º 5
void localLeapFrogAccuracy(){
	double h = 1;
	int n = 3;
	particle * particles = malloc(n * sizeof(particle));
	FILE * fp;
	double currentEnergy;
	double energyChange;
	double energy;
	fp = fopen("lin3local1.dat","w");
	initialize_linearx(particles, n);
	energy = totalEnergy(particles, n);
	printf("initial energy = %g\n", energy);
	leapFrogStep(particles, n, 0.01);
	currentEnergy = totalEnergy(particles, n);
	printf("current energy = %g\n", currentEnergy);
	fprintParticles(stdout, particles, n);
	for (h = 1;h>1E-8;h/=2){
		initialize_linearx(particles, n);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		currentEnergy = totalEnergy(particles, n);
		energyChange = fabs(currentEnergy - energy);
		fprintf(fp, "%g\t%g\n", h, energyChange);

	fp = fopen("lin3local10.dat","w");
	initialize_linearx(particles, n);
	energy = totalEnergy(particles, n);
	for (h = 1;h>1E-8;h/=2){
		initialize_linearx(particles, n);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		currentEnergy = totalEnergy(particles, n);
		energyChange = fabs(currentEnergy - energy);
		fprintf(fp, "%g\t%g\n", h, energyChange);
	//	10 particles
	n = 10;
	particles = malloc(n * sizeof(particle));
	fp = fopen("lin10local1.dat","w");
	initialize_linearx(particles, n);
	energy = totalEnergy(particles, n);
	for (h = 1;h>1E-8;h/=2){
		initialize_linearx(particles, n);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		currentEnergy = totalEnergy(particles, n);
		energyChange = fabs(currentEnergy - energy);
		fprintf(fp, "%g\t%g\n", h, energyChange);

	fp = fopen("lin10local10.dat","w");
	initialize_linearx(particles, n);
	energy = totalEnergy(particles, n);
	for (h = 1;h>1E-8;h/=2){
		initialize_linearx(particles, n);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		leapFrogStep(particles, n, h);
		currentEnergy = totalEnergy(particles, n);
		energyChange = fabs(currentEnergy - energy);
		fprintf(fp, "%g\t%g\n", h, energyChange);