Exemplo n.º 1
static int
_mvvert(int cy, int ny, int doit)
	char	*ve;
	int	dy, st_1, st_n, cv;

	if (cy == ny)
		goto out;

	/* cost of stepwise movement */
	if (cy < ny) {
		dy = ny-cy;
		st_1 = _COST(Cursor_down) * dy;
		st_n = _COST(Parm_down_cursor);
	} else {
		dy = cy-ny;
		st_1 = _COST(Cursor_up) * dy;
		st_n = _COST(Parm_up_cursor);

	/* cost of using vertical move */
	cv = _COST(Row_address);

	/* if calculating cost only */
	if (!doit)
		return ((cv < st_1 && cv < st_n) ? cv :
		    (st_n < st_1) ? st_n : st_1);

	/* do it */
	if (cv < st_1 && cv < st_n)
		_PUTS(tparm_p1(row_address, ny), 1);
		if (st_n < st_1) {
			if (cy < ny)
				_PUTS(tparm_p1(parm_down_cursor, dy), 1);
				_PUTS(tparm_p1(parm_up_cursor, dy), 1);
		} else {
			if (cy < ny)
				ve = cursor_down;
				ve = cursor_up;
			for (; dy > 0; --dy)
				_PUTS(ve, 1);

	return (0);
Exemplo n.º 2
	short	*costptr = &(SP->term_costs.icfixed);
	char	**str_array = (char **) cur_strs;
	int	i = 0;
	char	save_xflag = xon_xoff;

	xon_xoff = 0;
 * This next block of code is actually correct in that it takes into
 * account many things that wrefresh has to keep figuring in the function
 * _useidch.  Wrefresh MUST be changed (in the words of Tony Hansen) !!!
 * Wrefresh has been changed (in my words -Phong Vo) !!!!
	*costptr++ = ((enter_insert_mode) && (exit_insert_mode)) ?
	    _cost_fn(enter_insert_mode, 0) + _cost_fn(exit_insert_mode, 0) : 0;

	*costptr++ = ((enter_delete_mode) && (exit_delete_mode)) ?
	    _cost_fn(enter_delete_mode, 0) + _cost_fn(exit_delete_mode, 0) : 0;

	while (i < FIRST_LOOP)
		*costptr++ = _cost_fn(str_array[offsets[i++]], 1);

	while (i < SECOND_LOOP)
		*costptr++ = _cost_fn(tparm_p1(str_array[offsets[i++]], 10), 1);

	*costptr++ = _cost_fn(tparm_p2(cursor_address, 8, 10), 1);
	*costptr++ = _cost_fn(tparm_p1(row_address, 8), 1);

	xon_xoff = save_xflag;
#ifdef	DEBUG
	if (outf) {
		fprintf(outf, "icfixed %d=%d+%d\n", _COST(icfixed),
		    _cost_fn(enter_insert_mode, 0),
		    _cost_fn(exit_insert_mode, 0));
		fprintf(outf, "from ich1 %x '%s' %d\n", insert_character,
		    insert_character, _cost_fn(insert_character, 1));
		fprintf(outf, "ip %x '%s' %d\n", insert_padding,
		    insert_padding, _cost_fn(insert_padding, 1));
		fprintf(outf, "dcfixed %d\n", _COST(dcfixed));
#endif	/* DEBUG */
Exemplo n.º 3
static void
_useceod(int topy, int boty)
	short	*begns, *begch;

	/* skip lines already blanked */
	begch = _virtscr->_firstch + topy;
	begns = _BEGNS + topy;
	for (; topy < boty; ++topy, ++begns, ++begch)
		if (*begns < scrco || *begch == _REDRAW)
			*begch = _INFINITY;

	/* nothing to do */
	if (topy + 1 >= boty)

	/* see if bottom is clear */
	for (begns = _BEGNS + boty; boty < scrli; ++boty, ++begns)
		if (*begns < scrco)

	/* use clear-screen if appropriate */
	if (topy == 0) {
		/* SS: colors */
		if (back_color_erase)

		_PUTS(clear_screen, scrli);
		cy = 0; cx = 0;
		(void) werase(curscr);
	} else

		/* use clear-to-end-of-display or delete lines */
		if (clr_eos || (parm_delete_line && !memory_below)) {
			(void) mvcur(cy, cx, topy, 0);
			/* LINTED */
			cy = (short) topy;
			cx = 0;
			/* SS: colors */
			if (back_color_erase)
			_PUTS(clr_eos ? clr_eos : tparm_p1(parm_delete_line,
			    scrli - topy), scrli - topy);

			/* update curscr */
			/* LINTED */
			curscr->_cury = (short) topy;
			curscr->_curx = 0;
			(void) wclrtobot(curscr);
		} else
			/* no hardware support */

		/* correct the update structure */
		(void) wtouchln(_virtscr, topy, scrli, FALSE);
Exemplo n.º 4
static int
_mvleft(int cx, int nx, int doit)
	int	tx, nt, x, stcost;

	if (!cursor_left && !parm_left_cursor)
		return (LARGECOST);

	if (cursor_left) {
		/* stepwise cost */
		tx = cx;
		nt = 0;
		if (back_tab) {
			/* the TAB position >= nx */
			x = (nx % TABSIZE) ? (nx / TABSIZE + 1) * TABSIZE : nx;

			/* # of tabs used and position after using them */
			if (x < cx) {
				nt = (cx / TABSIZE - x / TABSIZE) +
				    ((cx % TABSIZE) ? 1 : 0);
				tx = x;
		stcost = nt * _COST(Back_tab) + (tx-nx) * _COST(Cursor_left);
	} else
		stcost = LARGECOST;

	/* get cost only */
	if (!doit)
		return ((_COST(Parm_left_cursor) < stcost) ?
		    _COST(Parm_left_cursor) : stcost);

	/* doit */
	if (_COST(Parm_left_cursor) < stcost)
		_PUTS(tparm_p1(parm_left_cursor, cx - nx), 1);
	else {
		for (; nt > 0; --nt)
		    _PUTS(back_tab, 1);
		for (; tx > nx; --tx)
		    _PUTS(cursor_left, 1);

	return (0);
Exemplo n.º 5
static int
_mvhor(int cx, int nx, int doit)
	int	st, ch, hl;

	if (cx == nx)
		goto out;

	/* cost using horizontal move */
	ch = _COST(Row_address);

	/* cost doing stepwise */
	st = cx < nx ? _mvright(cx, nx, FALSE) : _mvleft(cx, nx, FALSE);

	/* cost homeleft first */
	hl = (_COST(Carriage_return) < LARGECOST) ?
	    _COST(Carriage_return) + _mvright(0, nx, FALSE) : LARGECOST;

	if (!doit)
		return ((ch < st && ch < hl) ? ch : (hl < st ? hl : st));

	if (ch < st && ch < hl)
		_PUTS(tparm_p1(column_address, nx), 1);
		if (hl < st) {
			_PUTS(carriage_return, 1);
			(void) _mvright(0, nx, TRUE);
		} else {
			if (cx < nx)
				(void) _mvright(cx, nx, TRUE);
				(void) _mvleft(cx, nx, TRUE);
	return (0);
Exemplo n.º 6
static int
_useidch(chtype *wcp, chtype *scp, int length, int maxi, int *id)
	int	x1, x2, blnk, idch, cost, cost_ich1, match;
	chtype	wc;

	/* try deletion */
	if (SP->dchok && _CHAR(*wcp) != ' ') {
		if ((match = _prefix(wcp, scp, length, length / 2, &idch)) > 0)
			cost = _COST(dcfixed) + (parm_dch ? _COST(Parm_dch) :
			    _COST(Delete_character) * idch);
			cost = _INFINITY;

		if (match >= cost) {
/* SS: colors */
			if (back_color_erase)

			if (SP->dmode) {
				if (SP->sid_equal) {
					if (!(SP->phys_irm))
				} else {
					if (SP->phys_irm)
					_PUTS(enter_delete_mode, 1);

			if (parm_dch)
				_PUTS(tparm_p1(parm_dch, idch), 1);
				for (x1 = 0; x1 < idch; ++x1)
					_PUTS(delete_character, 1);

			if (SP->dmode) {
				if (SP->eid_equal)
					SP->phys_irm = FALSE;
				_PUTS(exit_delete_mode, 1);

			/* update screen image */
			for (x1 = 0, x2 = idch; x2 < length; ++x1, ++x2)
				scp[x1] = scp[x2];
			for (; x1 < length; ++x1)
				scp[x1] = ' ';

			*id = -idch;
			return (match);

	/* no insertion wanted or possible */
	if (!(SP->ichok) || _CHAR(*scp) == ' ')
		return (0);

	/* see if insertion is worth it */
	maxi = (idch = length / 2) < maxi ? idch : maxi;
	if ((match = _prefix(scp, wcp, length, maxi, &idch)) <= 0)
		return (0);

	/* see if inserting blanks only */
	for (blnk = 0; blnk < idch; ++blnk)
		if (wcp[blnk] != ' ') {
			blnk = 0;

	/* see if doing insertion is worth it */
	cost_ich1 = idch * _COST(Insert_character);
	if (SP->imode) {
		cost = SP->phys_irm ? 0 : _COST(icfixed);
		if (blnk > _COST(Parm_ich) && _COST(Parm_ich) < cost_ich1)
			cost += _COST(Parm_ich);
			if (insert_character)
				cost += cost_ich1;
	} else {
		if (parm_ich && _COST(Parm_ich) < cost_ich1)
			cost = _COST(Parm_ich);
			cost = cost_ich1;
	if ((cost - blnk) > match)
		return (0);

	/* perform the insertions */

	/* SS: colors */
	if (back_color_erase)

	if (SP->imode) {
		if (!SP->phys_irm)
		if (blnk > _COST(Parm_ich) && _COST(Parm_ich) < cost_ich1)
			_PUTS(tparm_p1(parm_ich, idch), 1);
			if (insert_character)
				goto do_insert_char;
				/* so that we'll do real char insertions */
				blnk = 0;
	} else {
		if (parm_ich && _COST(Parm_ich) < cost_ich1)
			_PUTS(tparm_p1(parm_ich, idch), 1);
		else {
			for (x1 = 0; x1 < idch; ++x1)
				_PUTS(insert_character, 1);

	/* inserting desired characters */
	if (!blnk)
		for (x1 = 0; x1 < idch; ++x1) {
			wc = wcp[x1];
			if (_ATTR(wc) != curscr->_attrs)
				_VIDS(_ATTR(wc), curscr->_attrs);
			(void) _outwch(_CHAR(wc) == '~' &&
			    tilde_glitch ? '`' : wc);

	/* update the screen image */
	for (x1 = length - 1, x2 = length - idch - 1; x2 >= 0; --x1, --x2)
		scp[x1] = scp[x2];
	(void) memcpy((char *) scp, (char *) wcp, idch * sizeof (chtype));

	*id = idch;
	return (match + idch);
Exemplo n.º 7
static void
_rmargin(int wx)
	int	x, w, ix;
	chtype	sc;
	chtype	*wcp =	_virtscr->_y[cy];

	/* screen may scroll */
	if (cy == scrli - 1) {
		/* can't do anything */
		if (!SP->ichok)

		/* the width of the new character */
		w = _curs_scrwidth[TYPE(RBYTE(wcp[wx]))];
		/* the place to put it without causing scrolling */
		for (x = wx - 1; x > 0; --x)
			if (!ISCBIT(wcp[x]))
		sc = curscr->_y[cy][x];

		(void) mvcur(cy, cx, cy, x);
		if (_ATTR(wcp[wx]) != curscr->_attrs)
			_VIDS(_ATTR(wcp[wx]), curscr->_attrs);
		(void) _outwch(tilde_glitch &&
		    _CHAR(wcp[wx]) == '~' ? '`' : wcp[wx]);

		for (ix = wx + 1; ix < scrco; ++ix) {
			(void) _outwch(wcp[ix]);

		/* insert sc back in and push wcp[wx] right */
		(void) mvcur(cy, x+w, cy, x);

		/* SS: colors */
		if (back_color_erase)

		if (SP->imode && !SP->phys_irm)
		/* width of the old character that was overwritten */
		w = _curs_scrwidth[TYPE(RBYTE(curscr->_y[cy][x]))];

		if (insert_character)
			for (ix = 0; ix < w; ++ix)
				_PUTS(insert_character, 1);
			if (parm_ich && !SP->imode)
				_PUTS(tparm_p1(parm_ich, w), 1);

		if (_ATTR(sc) != curscr->_attrs)
			_VIDS(_ATTR(sc), curscr->_attrs);
		for (ix = x; w > 0; --w, ++ix)
			(void) _outwch(curscr->_y[cy][ix]);

		/* make sure the video attrs are ok */
		if (marks && (_ATTR(sc) || _ATTR(wcp[wx])))
			_VIDS(_ATTR(wcp[wx]), ~_ATTR(sc));

		/* update screen image */
		/* LINTED */
		cx = (short) wx;
		curscr->_y[cy][wx] = wcp[wx];
		for (x = wx + 1; x < scrco; ++x) {
			(void) _outwch(wcp[x]);
			curscr->_y[cy][x] = wcp[x];

	/* put char out and update screen image */
	(void) _outwch(tilde_glitch && _CHAR(wcp[wx]) == '~' ? '`' : wcp[wx]);

	curscr->_y[cy][wx] = wcp[wx];

	for (x = wx + 1; x < scrco; ++x) {
		(void) _outwch(wcp[x]);
		curscr->_y[cy][x] = wcp[x];

	/* make sure that wrap-around happens */
	if (!auto_right_margin || eat_newline_glitch) {
		(void) _outch('\r');
		(void) _outch('\n');
	cx = 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
static int
_mvright(int cx, int nx, int doit)
	chtype	*scp;
	char	*mks;
	int	nt, tx, x, stcost, iscont;

	if (!cursor_right && !parm_right_cursor)
		return (LARGECOST);

	scp = curscr->_y[Newy];
	mks = magic_cookie_glitch >= 0 ? SP->_mks[Newy] : NULL;

	if (cursor_right) {
		/* number of tabs used in stepwise movement */
		nt = tab ? (nx / TABSIZE - cx / TABSIZE) : 0;
		tx = (nt > 0) ? (cx / TABSIZE + nt) * TABSIZE : cx;

		/* calculate stepwise cost */
		stcost = nt * _COST(Tab);
		iscont = 0;
		for (x = tx; x < nx; ++x) {
			if (iscont == 0 && !ISCBIT(scp[x]))
				iscont = 1;
			if ((!ceol_standout_glitch && !mks &&
			    _ATTR(scp[x]) == curscr->_attrs) ||
			    ceol_standout_glitch || (mks && !_ISMARK2(x))) {
				if (!ISMBIT(scp[x]))
					stcost += 1;
				else if (iscont && !(nx - x == 1 && nx <
				    curscr->_maxx && ISCBIT(scp[nx])))
					stcost += 1;
					stcost += _COST(Cursor_right);
			} else
				stcost += _COST(Cursor_right);
	} else
		stcost = LARGECOST;

	if (!doit)
		return ((_COST(Parm_right_cursor) < stcost) ?
		    _COST(Parm_right_cursor) : stcost);

	/* actually move */
	if (_COST(Parm_right_cursor) < stcost)
		_PUTS(tparm_p1(parm_right_cursor, nx-cx), 1);
	else {
		if (SP->phys_irm)
		for (; nt > 0; --nt)
			_PUTS(tab, 1);
		iscont = 0;
		for (x = tx; x < nx; ++x) {
			if (iscont == 0 && !ISCBIT(scp[x]))
				iscont = 1;
			if ((!ceol_standout_glitch && !mks &&
			    _ATTR(scp[x]) == curscr->_attrs) ||
			    ceol_standout_glitch || (mks && !_ISMARK2(x))) {
				if (!ISMBIT(scp[x]))
					(void) _outwch(_CHAR(scp[x]));
				else if (iscont && !(nx - x == 1 &&
				    nx < curscr->_maxx && ISCBIT(scp[nx])))
					(void) _outwch(_CHAR(scp[x]));
					_PUTS(cursor_right, 1);
			} else
				_PUTS(cursor_right, 1);

	return (0);
Exemplo n.º 9
_change_color(short newcolor, int (*outc)(char))
#ifndef PC6300PLUS
	_Color_pair *ptp = cur_term->_pairs_tbl;
	/* pairs table pointer */
	_Color_pair *cur_pair = &cur_term->_cur_pair;

	/* MORE: we may have to change some stuff, depending on whether */
	/* HP terminals  will be changing the background, or not	*/

	if (newcolor == 0) {
		if (orig_pair)
			(void) tputs(tparm_p0(orig_pair), 1, outc);
		if (set_a_background || set_a_foreground ||
		    set_background || set_foreground) {
			cur_pair->background = -1;
			cur_pair->foreground = -1;

	/* if we are on HP type terminal, just send an escape sequence	*/
	/* to use desired color pair (we could have done some optimization: */
	/* check if both the foreground and background of newcolor match    */
	/* the ones of cur_term->_cur_pair.  but that will happen only when */
	/* two color pairs are defined exacly the same, and probably not    */
	/* worth the effort).						    */

	if (set_color_pair)
		(void) tputs(tparm_p1(set_color_pair, newcolor), 1, outc);

		/* on Tek model we can do some optimization.	*/

	else {
		if (ptp[newcolor].background != cur_pair->background) {
			if (set_a_background)
				(void) tputs(tparm_p1(set_a_background,
				    ptp[newcolor].background), 1, outc);
			else if (set_background)
				(void) tputs(tparm_p1(set_background,
				    1, outc);
			cur_pair->background = ptp[newcolor].background;
		if (ptp[newcolor].foreground != cur_pair->foreground) {
			if (set_a_foreground)
				(void) tputs(tparm_p1(set_a_foreground,
				    ptp[newcolor].foreground), 1, outc);
			else if (set_foreground)
				(void) tputs(tparm_p1(set_foreground,
				    1, outc);
			cur_pair->foreground = ptp[newcolor].foreground;
	/* the following code is for PC6300 PLUS: it uses BOLD terminfo  */
	/* entry for turning on colors, and SGR0 for turning them off.   */
	/* Every time a new color-pair is used, we are forced to do an   */
	/* ioctl read, and the send 'enter_bold_mode' escape sequence.   */
	/* This could be improved  by using   */
	/* DIM, UNDERLINE, and REVERSE in addition to BOLD		 */

	struct console con;
	_Color_pair *ptp = cur_term->_pairs_tbl;
	/* pairs table pointer */
	back = ptp[newcolor].background;
	fore = ptp[newcolor].foreground;

	(void) fflush(SP->term_file);
	ioctl(cur_term->Filedes, CONIOGETDATA, &con);
#define	BOLD	4
	con.l[con.page].colors[BOLD] =
	    ((back + back + (fore > 5)) * 8 + fore) & 0177;
	ioctl(cur_term->Filedes, CONIOSETDATA, &con);
	(void) tputs(enter_bold_mode, 1, outc);