Exemplo n.º 1
static int
flushContiguous (tr_cache * cache, int pos, int n)
  int i;
  int err = 0;
  uint8_t * buf = tr_new (uint8_t, n * MAX_BLOCK_SIZE);
  uint8_t * walk = buf;
  struct cache_block ** blocks = (struct cache_block**) tr_ptrArrayBase (&cache->blocks);

  struct cache_block * b = blocks[pos];
  tr_torrent * tor = b->tor;
  const tr_piece_index_t piece = b->piece;
  const uint32_t offset = b->offset;

  for (i=pos; i<pos+n; ++i)
      b = blocks[i];
      evbuffer_copyout (b->evbuf, walk, b->length);
      walk += b->length;
      evbuffer_free (b->evbuf);
      tr_free (b);
  tr_ptrArrayErase (&cache->blocks, pos, pos+n);

  err = tr_ioWrite (tor, piece, offset, walk-buf, buf);
  tr_free (buf);

  cache->disk_write_bytes += walk-buf;
  return err;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void
webResponseFunc( tr_session    * session,
                 long            response_code,
                 const void    * response,
                 size_t          response_byte_count,
                 void          * vw )
    tr_webseed * w = vw;
    tr_torrent * tor = tr_torrentFindFromHash( session, w->hash );
    const int    success = ( response_code == 206 );

/*fprintf( stderr, "server responded with code %ld and %lu bytes\n",
  response_code, (unsigned long)response_byte_count );*/
    if( !success )
        /* FIXME */
    else if( tor != NULL )
        evbuffer_add( w->content, response, response_byte_count );
        if( !w->dead )
            fireClientGotData( w, response_byte_count );
            tr_rcTransferred( &w->rateDown, response_byte_count );

        if( EVBUFFER_LENGTH( w->content ) < w->byteCount )
            requestNextChunk( w );
        else {
            tr_ioWrite( tor, w->pieceIndex, w->pieceOffset, w->byteCount, EVBUFFER_DATA(w->content) );
            evbuffer_drain( w->content, EVBUFFER_LENGTH( w->content ) );
            w->busy = 0;
            if( w->dead )
                tr_webseedFree( w );
            else  {
                fireClientGotBlock( w, w->pieceIndex, w->pieceOffset, w->byteCount );
                fireNeedReq( w );
Exemplo n.º 3
static int
flushContiguous( tr_cache * cache, int pos, int n )
    int i;
    int err = 0;
    uint8_t * buf = tr_new( uint8_t, n * MAX_BLOCK_SIZE );
    uint8_t * walk = buf;
    struct cache_block ** blocks = (struct cache_block**) tr_ptrArrayBase( &cache->blocks );

    struct cache_block * b = blocks[pos];
    tr_torrent * tor             = b->tor;
    const tr_piece_index_t piece = b->piece;
    const uint32_t offset        = b->offset;

//fprintf( stderr, "flushing %d contiguous blocks [%d-%d) from cache to disk\n", n, pos, n+pos );

    for( i=pos; i<pos+n; ++i ) {
        b = blocks[i];
        memcpy( walk, b->buf, b->length );
        walk += b->length;
        tr_free( b->buf );
        tr_free( b );
    tr_ptrArrayErase( &cache->blocks, pos, pos+n );

#if 0
    tr_tordbg( tor, "Writing to disk piece %d, offset %d, len %d", (int)piece, (int)offset, (int)(walk-buf) );
    tr_ndbg( MY_NAME, "Removing %d blocks from cache, rank: %d - %d left", n, rank, tr_ptrArraySize(&cache->blocks) );
    fprintf( stderr, "%s - Writing to disk piece %d, offset %d, len %d\n", tr_torrentName(tor), (int)piece, (int)offset, (int)(walk-buf) );
    fprintf( stderr, "%s - Removing %d blocks from cache; %d left\n", MY_NAME, n, tr_ptrArraySize(&cache->blocks) );

    err = tr_ioWrite( tor, piece, offset, walk-buf, buf );
    tr_free( buf );

    cache->disk_write_bytes += walk-buf;
    return err;