Exemplo n.º 1
MStatus customAttrCmd::action( int flag )
// Description
// 	  Do the actual work here to move the objects by the
//    command's delta value.  The objects will come from those
//    on the active selection list.
	MStatus stat;
	double d = delta;

	switch( flag )
		case UNDOIT:	// undo
			d = -d;
		case REDOIT:	// redo
		case DOIT:		// do command

	// Create a selection list iterator
	MSelectionList slist;
 	MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( slist );
	MItSelectionList iter( slist, MFn::kInvalid, &stat );

	if ( MS::kSuccess == stat ) {
		MDagPath 	mdagPath;		// Item dag path
		MObject 	mComponent;		// Current component

		// Processs all selected objects
		for ( ; !iter.isDone(); iter.next() ) 
			// Get path and possibly a component
			iter.getDagPath( mdagPath, mComponent );

			MFnTransform transFn( mdagPath, &stat );
			if ( MS::kSuccess == stat ) {

				// If the selected object is of type rockingTransform,
				// then set the appropriate plug value depending on which axes
				// the command is operating on.
				if (transFn.typeId() == rockingTransformNode::id)
					MPlug plg = transFn.findPlug(customAttributeString);
					double val;

		} // for
	else {
		cerr << "Error creating selection list iterator" << endl;
	return MS::kSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 2
MStatus moveCmd::action( int flag )
// Description
// 		Do the actual work here to move the objects	by vector
	MStatus stat;
	MVector vector = delta;

	switch( flag )
		case UNDOIT:	// undo
			vector.x = -vector.x;
			vector.y = -vector.y;
			vector.z = -vector.z;
		case REDOIT:	// redo
		case DOIT:		// do command

	// Create a selection list iterator
	MSelectionList slist;
 	MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( slist );
	MItSelectionList iter( slist, MFn::kInvalid, &stat );

	if ( MS::kSuccess == stat ) {
		MDagPath 	mdagPath;		// Item dag path
		MObject 	mComponent;		// Current component
		MSpace::Space spc = MSpace::kWorld;

		// Translate all selected objects
		for ( ; !iter.isDone(); iter.next() ) 
			// Get path and possibly a component
			iter.getDagPath( mdagPath, mComponent );

			MFnTransform transFn( mdagPath, &stat );
			if ( MS::kSuccess == stat ) {
				stat = transFn.translateBy( vector, spc );
				CHECKRESULT(stat,"Error doing translate on transform");

			MItCurveCV cvFn( mdagPath, mComponent, &stat );
			if ( MS::kSuccess == stat ) {
				for ( ; !cvFn.isDone(); cvFn.next() ) {
					stat = cvFn.translateBy( vector, spc );
					CHECKRESULT(stat,"Error setting CV");

			MItSurfaceCV sCvFn( mdagPath, mComponent, true, &stat );
			if ( MS::kSuccess == stat ) {
				for ( ; !sCvFn.isDone(); sCvFn.nextRow() ) {
					for ( ; !sCvFn.isRowDone(); sCvFn.next() ) {
						stat = sCvFn.translateBy( vector, spc );
						CHECKRESULT(stat,"Error setting CV");

			MItMeshVertex vtxFn( mdagPath, mComponent, &stat );
			if ( MS::kSuccess == stat ) {
				for ( ; !vtxFn.isDone(); vtxFn.next() ) {
					stat = vtxFn.translateBy( vector, spc );
					CHECKRESULT(stat,"Error setting Vertex");
		} // for
	else {
		cerr << "Error creating selection list iterator" << endl;
	return MS::kSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 3
void liqBoundingBoxLocator::draw( M3dView & view, 
                                  const MDagPath & path,
                                  M3dView::DisplayStyle style, 
                                  M3dView::DisplayStatus status )
	MFnDagNode dagFn( thisMObject() );
	MFnDagNode transFn( dagFn.parent( 0 ) );

	MStatus stat;

	bool drawBox( 0 );
	MPlug plug = dagFn.findPlug( "drawBox", stat );
	if ( stat == MS::kSuccess ) plug.getValue( drawBox );
	if ( !drawBox ) return;

	MDoubleArray bb( 6 );
	MGlobal::executeCommand( MString( "exactWorldBoundingBox " ) + transFn.fullPathName(), bb );

	pts = shared_array< MPoint >( new MPoint[ 8 ] );

	pts[0].x = bb[0];
	pts[0].y = bb[4];
	pts[0].z = bb[2];

	pts[1].x = bb[0];
	pts[1].y = bb[4];
	pts[1].z = bb[5];

	pts[2].x = bb[3];
	pts[2].y = bb[4];
	pts[2].z = bb[5];

	pts[3].x = bb[3];
	pts[3].y = bb[4];
	pts[3].z = bb[2];

	pts[4].x = bb[0];
	pts[4].y = bb[1];
	pts[4].z = bb[2];

	pts[5].x = bb[0];
	pts[5].y = bb[1];
	pts[5].z = bb[5];

	pts[6].x = bb[3];
	pts[6].y = bb[1];
	pts[6].z = bb[5];

	pts[7].x = bb[3];
	pts[7].y = bb[1];
	pts[7].z = bb[2];

	MMatrix m( path.inclusiveMatrix() );

	for( unsigned i( 0 ); i < 8; i++ )
		pts[i] *= m.inverse();

	// draw box
	view.setDrawColor( MColor( .57f, 0, .57f ) );
	glPushAttrib( GL_CURRENT_BIT );

	glVertex3f( (float)pts[0].x, (float)pts[0].y, (float)pts[0].z );
	glVertex3f( (float)pts[1].x, (float)pts[1].y, (float)pts[1].z );
	glVertex3f( (float)pts[2].x, (float)pts[2].y, (float)pts[2].z );
	glVertex3f( (float)pts[3].x, (float)pts[3].y, (float)pts[3].z );
	glVertex3f( (float)pts[0].x, (float)pts[0].y, (float)pts[0].z );
	glVertex3f( (float)pts[4].x, (float)pts[4].y, (float)pts[4].z );
	glVertex3f( (float)pts[5].x, (float)pts[5].y, (float)pts[5].z );
	glVertex3f( (float)pts[6].x, (float)pts[6].y, (float)pts[6].z );
	glVertex3f( (float)pts[7].x, (float)pts[7].y, (float)pts[7].z );
	glVertex3f( (float)pts[4].x, (float)pts[4].y, (float)pts[4].z );
	glVertex3f( (float)pts[0].x, (float)pts[0].y, (float)pts[0].z );
	glVertex3f( (float)pts[4].x, (float)pts[4].y, (float)pts[4].z );
	glVertex3f( (float)pts[1].x, (float)pts[1].y, (float)pts[1].z );
	glVertex3f( (float)pts[5].x, (float)pts[5].y, (float)pts[5].z );
	glVertex3f( (float)pts[2].x, (float)pts[2].y, (float)pts[2].z );
	glVertex3f( (float)pts[6].x, (float)pts[6].y, (float)pts[6].z );
	glVertex3f( (float)pts[3].x, (float)pts[3].y, (float)pts[3].z );
	glVertex3f( (float)pts[7].x, (float)pts[7].y, (float)pts[7].z );
void NifAnimationImporter::ImportControllers( NiAVObjectRef niAVObj, MDagPath & path ) {
	list<NiTimeControllerRef> controllers = niAVObj->GetControllers();

	//Iterate over the controllers, reacting properly to each type
	for ( list<NiTimeControllerRef>::iterator it = controllers.begin(); it != controllers.end(); ++it ) {
		if ( (*it)->IsDerivedType( NiKeyframeController::TYPE ) ) {
			NiKeyframeControllerRef niKeyCont = DynamicCast<NiKeyframeController>(*it);

			NiKeyframeDataRef niKeyData = niKeyCont->GetData();

			MFnTransform transFn( path.node() );

			MFnAnimCurve traXFn;
			MFnAnimCurve traYFn;
			MFnAnimCurve traZFn;

			MObject traXcurve = traXFn.create( transFn.findPlug("translateX") );
			MObject traYcurve = traYFn.create( transFn.findPlug("translateY") );
			MObject traZcurve = traZFn.create( transFn.findPlug("translateZ") );

			MTimeArray traTimes;
			MDoubleArray traXValues;
			MDoubleArray traYValues;
			MDoubleArray traZValues;

			vector<Key<Vector3> > tra_keys = niKeyData->GetTranslateKeys();

			for ( size_t i = 0; i < tra_keys.size(); ++i) {
				traTimes.append( MTime( tra_keys[i].time, MTime::kSeconds ) );
				traXValues.append( tra_keys[i].data.x );
				traYValues.append( tra_keys[i].data.y );
				traZValues.append( tra_keys[i].data.z );

				//traXFn.addKeyframe( tra_keys[i].time * 24.0, tra_keys[i].data.x );
				//traYFn.addKeyframe( tra_keys[i].time * 24.0, tra_keys[i].data.y );
				//traZFn.addKeyframe( tra_keys[i].time * 24.0, tra_keys[i].data.z );

			traXFn.addKeys( &traTimes, &traXValues );
			traYFn.addKeys( &traTimes, &traYValues );
			traZFn.addKeys( &traTimes, &traZValues );

			KeyType kt = niKeyData->GetRotateType();

			if ( kt != XYZ_ROTATION_KEY ) {
				vector<Key<Quaternion> > rot_keys = niKeyData->GetQuatRotateKeys();

				MFnAnimCurve rotXFn;
				MFnAnimCurve rotYFn;
				MFnAnimCurve rotZFn;

				MObject rotXcurve = rotXFn.create( transFn.findPlug("rotateX") );
				MObject rotYcurve = rotYFn.create( transFn.findPlug("rotateY") );
				MObject rotZcurve = rotZFn.create( transFn.findPlug("rotateZ") );

				MTimeArray rotTimes;
				MDoubleArray rotXValues;
				MDoubleArray rotYValues;
				MDoubleArray rotZValues;

				MEulerRotation mPrevRot;
				for( size_t i = 0; i < rot_keys.size(); ++i ) {
					Quaternion niQuat = rot_keys[i].data;

					MQuaternion mQuat( niQuat.x, niQuat.y, niQuat.z, niQuat.w );
					MEulerRotation mRot = mQuat.asEulerRotation();
					MEulerRotation mAlt;
					mAlt[0] = PI + mRot[0];
					mAlt[1] = PI - mRot[1];
					mAlt[2] = PI + mRot[2];

					for ( size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j ) {
						double prev_diff = abs(mRot[j] - mPrevRot[j]);
						//Try adding and subtracting multiples of 2 pi radians to get
						//closer to the previous angle
						while (true) {
							double new_angle = mRot[j] - (PI * 2);
							double diff = abs( new_angle - mPrevRot[j] );
							if ( diff < prev_diff ) {
								mRot[j] = new_angle;
								prev_diff = diff;
							} else {
						while (true) {
							double new_angle = mRot[j] + (PI * 2);
							double diff = abs( new_angle - mPrevRot[j] );
							if ( diff < prev_diff ) {
								mRot[j] = new_angle;
								prev_diff = diff;
							} else {

					for ( size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j ) {
						double prev_diff = abs(mAlt[j] - mPrevRot[j]);
						//Try adding and subtracting multiples of 2 pi radians to get
						//closer to the previous angle
						while (true) {
							double new_angle = mAlt[j] - (PI * 2);
							double diff = abs( new_angle - mPrevRot[j] );
							if ( diff < prev_diff ) {
								mAlt[j] = new_angle;
								prev_diff = diff;
							} else {
						while (true) {
							double new_angle = mAlt[j] + (PI * 2);
							double diff = abs( new_angle - mPrevRot[j] );
							if ( diff < prev_diff ) {
								mAlt[j] = new_angle;
								prev_diff = diff;
							} else {

					//Try taking advantage of the fact that:
					//Rotate(x,y,z) = Rotate(pi + x, pi - y, pi +z)
					double rot_diff = ( (abs(mRot[0] - mPrevRot[0]) + abs(mRot[1] - mPrevRot[1]) + abs(mRot[2] - mPrevRot[2]) ) / 3.0 );
					double alt_diff = ( (abs(mAlt[0] - mPrevRot[0]) + abs(mAlt[1] - mPrevRot[1]) + abs(mAlt[2] - mPrevRot[2]) ) / 3.0 );

					if ( alt_diff < rot_diff ) {
						mRot = mAlt;

					mPrevRot = mRot;

					rotTimes.append( MTime(rot_keys[i].time, MTime::kSeconds) );
					rotXValues.append( mRot[0] );
					rotYValues.append( mRot[1] );
					rotZValues.append( mRot[2] );

				rotXFn.addKeys( &rotTimes, &rotXValues );
				rotYFn.addKeys( &rotTimes, &rotYValues );
				rotZFn.addKeys( &rotTimes, &rotZValues );
MStatus NifDefaultImportingFixture::ReadNodes( const MFileObject& file )
	try {
		//out << "Reading NIF File..." << endl;
		//Read NIF file
		NiObjectRef root = ReadNifTree( file.fullName().asChar() );

		//out << "Importing Nodes..." << endl;
		//Import Nodes, starting at each child of the root
		NiNodeRef root_node = DynamicCast<NiNode>(root);
		if ( root_node != NULL ) {
			//Root is a NiNode and may have children

			this->translatorData->importedSceneRoot = root_node;

			//Check if the user wants us to try to find the bind pose
			if ( this->translatorOptions->importBindPose ) {
				SendNifTreeToBindPos( root_node );

			//Check if the user wants us to try to combine new skins with
			//an existing skeleton
			if ( this->translatorOptions->importCombineSkeletons ) {
				//Enumerate existing nodes by name
				MItDag dagIt( MItDag::kDepthFirst);

				for ( ; !dagIt.isDone(); dagIt.next() ) {
					MFnTransform transFn( dagIt.item() );
					//out << "Adding " << transFn.name().asChar() << " to list of existing nodes" << endl;
					MDagPath nodePath;
					dagIt.getPath( nodePath );
					this->translatorData->existingNodes[ transFn.name().asChar() ] = nodePath;

				//Adjust NiNodes in the original file that match names
				//in the maya scene to have the same transforms before
				//importing the new mesh over the top of the old one
				NiAVObjectRef rootAV = DynamicCast<NiAVObject>(root);
				if ( rootAV != NULL ) {
					this->translatorUtils->AdjustSkeleton( rootAV );

			//Check if the root node has a non-identity transform
			if ( root_node->GetLocalTransform() == Matrix44::IDENTITY ) {
				//Root has no transform, so treat it as the scene root
				vector<NiAVObjectRef> root_children = root_node->GetChildren();

				bool reserved = MProgressWindow::reserve();

				if(reserved == true) {
					MProgressWindow::setProgressMax(root_children.size() - 1);
					MProgressWindow::setTitle("Importing nodes");

					for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < root_children.size(); ++i ) {
						this->nodeImporter->ImportNodes( root_children[i], this->translatorData->importedNodes );

				} else {
					for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < root_children.size(); ++i ) {
						this->nodeImporter->ImportNodes( root_children[i], this->translatorData->importedNodes );
			} else {
				//Root has a transform, so it's probably part of the scene
				this->nodeImporter->ImportNodes( StaticCast<NiAVObject>(root_node), this->translatorData->importedNodes );
		} else {
			NiAVObjectRef rootAVObj = DynamicCast<NiAVObject>(root);
			if ( rootAVObj != NULL ) {
				//Root is importable, but has no children
				this->nodeImporter->ImportNodes( rootAVObj, this->translatorData->importedNodes );
			} else {
				//Root cannot be imported
				MGlobal::displayError( "The root of this NIF file is not derived from the NiAVObject class.  It cannot be imported." );
				return MStatus::kFailure;

		//--Import Materials--//
		//out << "Importing Materials..." << endl;

		NiAVObjectRef rootAVObj = DynamicCast<NiAVObject>(root);
		if ( rootAVObj != NULL ) {
			//Root is importable
			this->materialImporter->ImportMaterialsAndTextures( rootAVObj );

		//--Import Meshes--//
		//out << "Importing Meshes..." << endl;

		//Iterate through all meshes that were imported.
		//This had to be deffered because all bones must exist
		//when attaching skin

		bool reserved;

		reserved = MProgressWindow::reserve();

		if(reserved == true) {
			MProgressWindow::setProgressMax(this->translatorData->importedMeshes.size() - 1);
			MProgressWindow::setTitle("Importing meshes");

			for ( unsigned i = 0; i < this->translatorData->importedMeshes.size(); ++i ) {
				//out << "Importing mesh..." << endl;
				//Import Mesh
				MDagPath meshPath = this->meshImporter->ImportMesh( this->translatorData->importedMeshes[i].first, this->translatorData->importedMeshes[i].second);


		} else {
			for ( unsigned i = 0; i < this->translatorData->importedMeshes.size(); ++i ) {
				//out << "Importing mesh..." << endl;
				//Import Mesh
				MDagPath meshPath = this->meshImporter->ImportMesh( this->translatorData->importedMeshes[i].first, this->translatorData->importedMeshes[i].second);

		//out << "Done importing meshes." << endl;

		//--Import Animation--//
		//out << "Importing Animation keyframes..." << endl;

		//Iterate through all imported nodes, looking for any with animation keys

		//for ( map<NiAVObjectRef,MDagPath>::iterator it = this->translatorData->importedNodes.begin(); it != this->translatorData->importedNodes.end(); ++it ) {
		//	//Check to see if this node has any animation controllers
		//	if ( it->first->IsAnimated() ) {
		//		this->animationImporter->ImportControllers( it->first, it->second );
		//	}

		//out << "Deselecting anything that was selected by MEL commands" << endl;

		//Clear temporary data
		//out << "Clearing temporary data" << endl;
	catch( exception & e ) {
		MGlobal::displayError( e.what() );
		return MStatus::kFailure;
	catch( ... ) {
		MGlobal::displayError( "Error:  Unknown Exception." );
		return MStatus::kFailure;

	return MStatus::kSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 6
MStatus richMoveCmd::action( int flag )
// Description
// 		Do the actual work here to move the objects	by vector
	MStatus stat;
	MVector vector = delta;

	switch( flag )
		case UNDOIT:	// undo
			vector.x = -vector.x;
			vector.y = -vector.y;
			vector.z = -vector.z;
		case REDOIT:	// redo
		case DOIT:		// do command

	// Create a selection list iterator
	MSelectionList slist;
	MSpace::Space spc = MSpace::kWorld;
	MRichSelection rs;
	MGlobal::getRichSelection( rs);

	// Translate all selected objects
	rs.getSelection( slist);
	if( !slist.isEmpty())
		for ( MItSelectionList iter( slist, MFn::kInvalid); !iter.isDone(); iter.next() ) 
			// Get path and possibly a component
			MDagPath 	mdagPath;		// Item dag path
			MObject 	mComponent;		// Current component
			iter.getDagPath( mdagPath, mComponent );
			MPlane seam;
			rs.getSymmetryPlane( mdagPath, spc, seam);

			if( mComponent.isNull())
				// Transform move
				MFnTransform transFn( mdagPath, &stat );
				if ( MS::kSuccess == stat ) {
					stat = transFn.translateBy( vector, spc );
					CHECKRESULT(stat,"Error doing translate on transform");
				// Component move
				iter.getDagPath( mdagPath, mComponent );
				for( MItGeometry geoIter( mdagPath, mComponent); !geoIter.isDone(); geoIter.next())
					MVector origPosition = geoIter.position( spc);
					MWeight weight = geoIter.weight();

					// Calculate the soft move
					MVector position = origPosition + vector * weight.influence();

					// Calculate the soft seam
					position += seam.normal() * (weight.seam() * (seam.directedDistance( origPosition) - seam.directedDistance( position)));
					geoIter.setPosition( position, spc);

	// Translate all symmetry objects
	rs.getSymmetry( slist);
	if( !slist.isEmpty())
		for ( MItSelectionList iter( slist, MFn::kInvalid); !iter.isDone(); iter.next() ) 
			// Get path and possibly a component
			MDagPath 	mdagPath;		// Item dag path
			MObject 	mComponent;		// Current component
			iter.getDagPath( mdagPath, mComponent );
			MPlane seam;
			rs.getSymmetryPlane( mdagPath, spc, seam);

			// Reflect our world space move
			MMatrix symmetryMatrix;
			rs.getSymmetryMatrix( mdagPath, spc, symmetryMatrix);
			MVector symmetryVector =  vector * symmetryMatrix;

			if( mComponent.isNull())
				// Transform move
				MFnTransform transFn( mdagPath, &stat );
				if ( MS::kSuccess == stat ) {
					stat = transFn.translateBy( symmetryVector, spc );
					CHECKRESULT(stat,"Error doing translate on transform");
				// Component move
				iter.getDagPath( mdagPath, mComponent );
				for( MItGeometry geoIter( mdagPath, mComponent); !geoIter.isDone(); geoIter.next())
					MVector origPosition = geoIter.position( spc);
					MWeight weight = geoIter.weight();

					// Calculate the soft move
					MVector position = origPosition + symmetryVector * weight.influence();

					// Calculate the soft seam
					position += seam.normal() * (weight.seam() * (seam.directedDistance( origPosition) - seam.directedDistance( position)));
					geoIter.setPosition( position, spc);

	return MS::kSuccess;