int input_readData()
//  Input:   none
//  Output:  returns error code
//  Purpose: reads input file to determine input parameters for each object.
    char  line[MAXLINE+1];        // line from input data file
    char  wLine[MAXLINE+1];       // working copy of input line
    char* comment;                // ptr. to start of comment in input line
    int   sect, newsect;          // data sections
    int   inperr, errsum;         // error code & total error count
    int   lineLength;             // number of characters in input line
    int   i;
    long  lineCount = 0;

    // --- initialize working item count arrays
    //     (final counts in Mobjects, Mnodes & Mlinks should
    //      match those in Nobjects, Nnodes and Nlinks).
    if ( ErrorCode ) return ErrorCode;
    error_setInpError(0, "");
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJ_TYPES; i++)  Mobjects[i] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_NODE_TYPES; i++) Mnodes[i] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_LINK_TYPES; i++) Mlinks[i] = 0;

    // --- initialize starting date for all time series
    for ( i = 0; i < Nobjects[TSERIES]; i++ )
        Tseries[i].lastDate = StartDate + StartTime;

    // --- read each line from input file
    sect = 0;
    errsum = 0;
    while ( fgets(line, MAXLINE, Finp.file) != NULL )
        // --- make copy of line and scan for tokens
        strcpy(wLine, line);
        Ntokens = getTokens(wLine);

        // --- skip blank lines and comments
        if ( Ntokens == 0 ) continue;
        if ( *Tok[0] == ';' ) continue;

        // --- check if max. line length exceeded
        lineLength = strlen(line);
        if ( lineLength >= MAXLINE )
            // --- don't count comment if present
            comment = strchr(line, ';');
            if ( comment ) lineLength = comment - line;    // Pointer math here
            if ( lineLength >= MAXLINE )
                inperr = ERR_LINE_LENGTH;
                report_writeInputErrorMsg(inperr, sect, line, lineCount);

        // --- check if at start of a new input section
        if (*Tok[0] == '[')
            // --- match token against list of section keywords
            newsect = findmatch(Tok[0], SectWords);
            if (newsect >= 0)
                // --- SPECIAL CASE FOR TRANSECTS
                //     finish processing the last set of transect data
                if ( sect == s_TRANSECT )

                // --- begin a new input section
                sect = newsect;
                inperr = error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, Tok[0]);
                report_writeInputErrorMsg(inperr, sect, line, lineCount);

        // --- otherwise parse tokens from input line
            inperr = parseLine(sect, line);
            if ( inperr > 0 )
                if ( errsum > MAXERRS ) report_writeLine(FMT19);
                else report_writeInputErrorMsg(inperr, sect, line, lineCount);

        // --- stop if reach end of file or max. error count
        if (errsum > MAXERRS) break;
    }   /* End of while */

    // --- check for errors
    if (errsum > 0)  ErrorCode = ERR_INPUT;
    return ErrorCode;
Exemplo n.º 2
int transect_readParams(int* count, char* tok[], int ntoks)
//  Input:   count = transect index
//           tok[] = array of string tokens
//           ntoks = number of tokens
//  Output:  updated value of count,
//           returns an error code
//  Purpose: read parameters of a transect from a tokenized line of input data.
//  Format of transect data follows that used for HEC-2 program:
//    NC  nLeft  nRight  nChannel
//    X1  name  nSta  xLeftBank  xRightBank  0  0  0  xFactor  yFactor
//    GR  Elevation  Station  ... 
    int    i, k;
    int    index = *count;             // transect index
    int    errcode;                    // error code
    double x[10];                      // parameter values
    char*  id;                         // transect ID name

    // --- match first token to a transect keyword
    k = findmatch(tok[0], TransectKeyWords);
    if ( k < 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_KEYWORD, tok[0]);

    // --- read parameters associated with keyword
    switch ( k )
      // --- NC line: Manning n values
      case 0:

        // --- finish processing the previous transect
        transect_validate(index - 1);

        // --- read Manning's n values
        if ( ntoks < 4 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
        for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
            if ( ! getDouble(tok[i], &x[i]) )
                return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[i]);
        return setManning(x);

      // --- X1 line: identifies start of next transect
      case 1:

        // --- check that transect was already added to project
        //     (by input_countObjects)
        if ( ntoks < 10 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");
        id = project_findID(TRANSECT, tok[1]);
        if ( id == NULL ) return error_setInpError(ERR_NAME, tok[1]);

        // --- read in rest of numerical values on data line
        for ( i = 2; i < 10; i++ )
            if ( ! getDouble(tok[i], &x[i]) )
                return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[i]);

        // --- update total transect count
        *count = index + 1;

        // --- transfer parameter values to transect's properties
        return setParams(index, id, x);

      // --- GR line: station elevation & location data
      case 2:

        // --- check that line contains pairs of data values
        if ( (ntoks - 1) % 2 > 0 ) return error_setInpError(ERR_ITEMS, "");

        // --- parse each pair of Elevation-Station values
        i = 1;
        while ( i < ntoks )
            if ( ! getDouble(tok[i], &x[1]) )
                return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[i]);
            if ( ! getDouble(tok[i+1], &x[2]) )
                return error_setInpError(ERR_NUMBER, tok[i+1]);
            errcode = addStation(x[1], x[2]);
            if ( errcode ) return errcode;
            i += 2;
        return 0;
    return 0;