Exemplo n.º 1
	float near dist
	float far dist
	float density
	float[3] r,g,b
	int		time
static void CG_ParseFog( void ) {
	const char  *info;
	char *token;
	float ne, fa, r, g, b, density;
	int time;

	info = CG_ConfigString( CS_FOGVARS );
	token = COM_Parse( &info );    ne = atof( token );
	token = COM_Parse( &info );

	if ( !token || !token[0] ) {
		// set to  'no fog'
		// 'FOG_MAP' is not registered, so it will always make fog go away
		trap_R_SetFog( FOG_CMD_SWITCHFOG, FOG_MAP, (int)ne, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

	fa = atof( token );

	token = COM_Parse( &info );    density = atof( token );
	token = COM_Parse( &info );    r = atof( token );
	token = COM_Parse( &info );    g = atof( token );
	token = COM_Parse( &info );    b = atof( token );
	token = COM_Parse( &info );    time = atoi( token );

	trap_R_SetFog( FOG_SERVER, (int)ne, (int)fa, r, g, b, density );
	trap_R_SetFog( FOG_CMD_SWITCHFOG, FOG_SERVER, time, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
Exemplo n.º 2

A respawn happened this snapshot
void CG_Respawn( qboolean revived ) {
	int bank;

	cg.serverRespawning = qfalse;	// Arnout: just in case

	// no error decay on player movement
	cg.thisFrameTeleport = qtrue;

	// need to reset client-side weapon animations
	cg.predictedPlayerState.weapAnim = ( ( cg.predictedPlayerState.weapAnim & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | PM_IdleAnimForWeapon(cg.snap->ps.weapon);	// reset weapon animations
	cg.predictedPlayerState.weaponstate = WEAPON_READY;	// hmm, set this?  what to?

	// display weapons available
	cg.weaponSelectTime = cg.time;

	cg.cursorHintIcon = 0;
	cg.cursorHintTime = 0;

	cg.cameraMode = qfalse;	//----(SA)	get out of camera for sure

	// select the weapon the server says we are using
	cg.weaponSelect = cg.snap->ps.weapon;
	// DHM - Nerve :: Clear even more things on respawn
	cg.zoomedBinoc = qfalse;
	cg.zoomedScope = qfalse;
	cg.zoomTime = 0;
	cg.zoomval = 0;

	trap_SendConsoleCommand( "-zoom\n" );
	cg.binocZoomTime = 0;

	// clear pmext
	memset( &cg.pmext, 0, sizeof(cg.pmext) );
	cg.pmext.bAutoReload = (cg_autoReload.integer > 0);

	cg.pmext.sprintTime = SPRINTTIME;

	if( !revived ) {
		cgs.limboLoadoutSelected = qfalse;

		// set lastWeapSelInBank to the current weapon
		CG_WeaponIndex(cg.weaponSelect, &bank, NULL);
		cg.lastWeapSelInBank[bank] = cg.weaponSelect;

	if( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_PLAYER_CLASS] == PC_COVERTOPS ) {
		cg.pmext.silencedSideArm = 1;

	cg.proneMovingTime = 0;

	// reset fog to world fog (if present)
	trap_R_SetFog(FOG_CMD_SWITCHFOG, FOG_MAP,20,0,0,0,0);
	// dhm - end
Exemplo n.º 3
void CG_DrawSkyBoxPortal( void ) {
	static float lastfov = 90;      // for transitions back from zoomed in modes
	refdef_t backuprefdef;
	float fov_x;
	float fov_y;
	float x;
	char *cstr;
	char *token;
	float zoomFov;
	float f;
	static qboolean foginited = qfalse; // only set the portal fog values once

	if ( !( cstr = (char *)CG_ConfigString( CS_SKYBOXORG ) ) || !strlen( cstr ) ) {
		// no skybox in this map

	// if they are waiting at the mission stats screen, show the stats
	if ( cg_gameType.integer == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER ) {
		if ( strlen( cg_missionStats.string ) > 1 ) {

	backuprefdef = cg.refdef;

	if ( cg_skybox.integer ) {
		token = COM_ParseExt( &cstr, qfalse );
		if ( !token || !token[0] ) {
			CG_Error( "CG_DrawSkyBoxPortal: error parsing skybox configstring\n" );
		cg.refdef.vieworg[0] = atof( token );

		token = COM_ParseExt( &cstr, qfalse );
		if ( !token || !token[0] ) {
			CG_Error( "CG_DrawSkyBoxPortal: error parsing skybox configstring\n" );
		cg.refdef.vieworg[1] = atof( token );

		token = COM_ParseExt( &cstr, qfalse );
		if ( !token || !token[0] ) {
			CG_Error( "CG_DrawSkyBoxPortal: error parsing skybox configstring\n" );
		cg.refdef.vieworg[2] = atof( token );

		token = COM_ParseExt( &cstr, qfalse );
		if ( !token || !token[0] ) {
			CG_Error( "CG_DrawSkyBoxPortal: error parsing skybox configstring\n" );
		fov_x = atoi( token );

		if ( !fov_x ) {
			fov_x = 90;

		// setup fog the first time, ignore this part of the configstring after that
		token = COM_ParseExt( &cstr, qfalse );
		if ( !token || !token[0] ) {
			CG_Error( "CG_DrawSkyBoxPortal: error parsing skybox configstring.  No fog state\n" );
		} else {
			vec4_t fogColor;
			int fogStart, fogEnd;

			if ( atoi( token ) ) {   // this camera has fog
				if ( 1 ) {
					token = COM_ParseExt( &cstr, qfalse );
					if ( !token || !token[0] ) {
						CG_Error( "CG_DrawSkyBoxPortal: error parsing skybox configstring.  No fog[0]\n" );
					fogColor[0] = atof( token );

					token = COM_ParseExt( &cstr, qfalse );
					if ( !token || !token[0] ) {
						CG_Error( "CG_DrawSkyBoxPortal: error parsing skybox configstring.  No fog[1]\n" );
					fogColor[1] = atof( token );

					token = COM_ParseExt( &cstr, qfalse );
					if ( !token || !token[0] ) {
						CG_Error( "CG_DrawSkyBoxPortal: error parsing skybox configstring.  No fog[2]\n" );
					fogColor[2] = atof( token );

					token = COM_ParseExt( &cstr, qfalse );
					if ( !token || !token[0] ) {
						fogStart = 0;
					} else {
						fogStart = atoi( token );

					token = COM_ParseExt( &cstr, qfalse );
					if ( !token || !token[0] ) {
						fogEnd = 0;
					} else {
						fogEnd = atoi( token );

					trap_R_SetFog( FOG_PORTALVIEW, fogStart, fogEnd, fogColor[0], fogColor[1], fogColor[2], 1.1 );
					foginited = qtrue;
			} else {
				if ( !foginited ) {
					trap_R_SetFog( FOG_PORTALVIEW, 0,0,0,0,0,0 ); // init to null
					foginited = qtrue;

		//----(SA)	end

		if ( cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION ) {
			// if in intermission, use a fixed value
			fov_x = 90;
		} else {
			// user selectable
			if ( cgs.dmflags & DF_FIXED_FOV ) {
				// dmflag to prevent wide fov for all clients
				fov_x = 90;
			} else {
				fov_x = cg_fov.value;
				if ( fov_x < 1 ) {
					fov_x = 1;
				} else if ( fov_x > 160 ) {
					fov_x = 160;

			// account for zooms
			if ( cg.zoomval ) {
				zoomFov = cg.zoomval;   // (SA) use user scrolled amount

				if ( zoomFov < 1 ) {
					zoomFov = 1;
				} else if ( zoomFov > 160 ) {
					zoomFov = 160;
			} else {
				zoomFov = lastfov;

			// do smooth transitions for the binocs
			if ( cg.zoomedBinoc ) {        // binoc zooming in
				f = ( cg.time - cg.zoomTime ) / (float)ZOOM_TIME;
				if ( f > 1.0 ) {
					fov_x = zoomFov;
				} else {
					fov_x = fov_x + f * ( zoomFov - fov_x );
				lastfov = fov_x;
			} else if ( cg.zoomval ) {    // zoomed by sniper/snooper
				fov_x = cg.zoomval;
				lastfov = fov_x;
			} else {                    // binoc zooming out
				f = ( cg.time - cg.zoomTime ) / (float)ZOOM_TIME;
				if ( f <= 1.0 ) {
					fov_x = zoomFov + f * ( fov_x - zoomFov );

		if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_SNOOPERSCOPE ) {
			cg.refdef.rdflags |= RDF_SNOOPERVIEW;
		} else {
			cg.refdef.rdflags &= ~RDF_SNOOPERVIEW;

		if ( cg.snap->ps.persistant[PERS_HWEAPON_USE] ) {
			fov_x = 55;

		x = cg.refdef.width / tan( fov_x / 360 * M_PI );
		fov_y = atan2( cg.refdef.height, x );
		fov_y = fov_y * 360 / M_PI;

		cg.refdef.fov_x = fov_x;
		cg.refdef.fov_y = fov_y;

		cg.refdef.rdflags |= RDF_SKYBOXPORTAL;
		cg.refdef.rdflags |= RDF_DRAWSKYBOX;

	} else {    // end if(cg_skybox.integer)

		cg.refdef.rdflags |= RDF_SKYBOXPORTAL;
		cg.refdef.rdflags &= ~RDF_DRAWSKYBOX;

	cg.refdef.time = cg.time;

	// draw the skybox
	trap_R_RenderScene( &cg.refdef );

	cg.refdef = backuprefdef;
Exemplo n.º 4

A respawn happened this snapshot
void CG_Respawn(qboolean revived)
	static int oldTeam = -1;
	static int oldCls  = -1;
	cg.serverRespawning = qfalse;   // just in case

	// no error decay on player movement
	cg.thisFrameTeleport = qtrue;

	// need to reset client-side weapon animations
	cg.predictedPlayerState.weapAnim    = ((cg.predictedPlayerState.weapAnim & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT) | PM_IdleAnimForWeapon(cg.snap->ps.weapon);      // reset weapon animations
	cg.predictedPlayerState.weaponstate = WEAPON_READY; // hmm, set this?  what to?

	// display weapons available
	cg.weaponSelectTime = cg.time;

	cg.cursorHintIcon = 0;
	cg.cursorHintTime = 0;

	// select the weapon the server says we are using
	cg.weaponSelect = cg.snap->ps.weapon;
	// clear even more things on respawn
	cg.zoomedBinoc = qfalse;
	cg.zoomedScope = qfalse;
	cg.zoomTime    = 0;
	cg.zoomval     = 0;

	cg.binocZoomTime = 0;

	// ensure scoped weapons are reset after revive
	if (revived)
		if (cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_FG42SCOPE)
			CG_FinishWeaponChange(WP_FG42SCOPE, WP_FG42);
		if (cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_GARAND_SCOPE)
			CG_FinishWeaponChange(WP_GARAND_SCOPE, WP_GARAND);
		if (cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_K43_SCOPE)
			CG_FinishWeaponChange(WP_K43_SCOPE, WP_K43);

	// clear pmext
	memset(&cg.pmext, 0, sizeof(cg.pmext));

	cg.pmext.bAutoReload = (cg_autoReload.integer > 0);

	cg.pmext.sprintTime = SPRINTTIME;

	if (!revived)
		cgs.limboLoadoutSelected = qfalse;

	// Saves the state of sidearm (riflenade weapon is considered as one too)
	// Puts the silencer on if class is COVERTOPS
	// Puts riflenade on if current weapon is riflenade weapon
	if (cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_PLAYER_CLASS] == PC_COVERTOPS)
		cg.pmext.silencedSideArm = 1;
	else if (cg.predictedPlayerState.weapon == WP_GPG40 || cg.predictedPlayerState.weapon == WP_M7)
		cg.pmext.silencedSideArm = 2;

	cg.proneMovingTime = 0;

	// reset fog to world fog (if present)
	trap_R_SetFog(FOG_CMD_SWITCHFOG, FOG_MAP, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0);

	// try to exec a cfg file if it is found
	if (!revived)
		if ((cgs.clientinfo[cg.clientNum].team == TEAM_AXIS || cgs.clientinfo[cg.clientNum].team == TEAM_ALLIES) && (cgs.clientinfo[cg.clientNum].cls != oldCls))
			CG_execFile(va("autoexec_%s", BG_ClassnameForNumberFilename(cgs.clientinfo[cg.clientNum].cls)));
			oldCls = cgs.clientinfo[cg.clientNum].cls;
		if (cgs.clientinfo[cg.clientNum].team != oldTeam)
			CG_execFile(va("autoexec_%s", BG_TeamnameForNumber(cgs.clientinfo[cg.clientNum].team)));
			oldTeam = cgs.clientinfo[cg.clientNum].team;