Exemplo n.º 1
int test_ht(void* arg)
    int nlines = 10;
    int* lines = new int[4*nlines];
    float* flines = new float[2*nlines];
    float rho = 10.0f, theta = 0.1f;
    int srn = 10, stn = 10;
    int threshold = 10;
    int lineLength = 10, lineGap = 2;
    int w = 100; /* width and height of the rect */
    int h = 100;
    int type = int(arg);
    IplImage* image; /* Source and destination images */
    image = cvCreateImage( cvSize(w, h), 8, 1 );
    iplSet(image, 0);
    if( image == NULL )
        delete lines;
        delete flines;
        return trsResult(TRS_FAIL, "Not enough memory to perform the test");

    case HT_STANDARD:
        /* Run the distance transformation function */
        cvHoughLines(image, rho, theta, threshold, flines, nlines);

    case HT_PP:
        cvHoughLinesP(image, rho, theta, threshold, lineLength, lineGap, lines, nlines);

    case HT_MD:
        cvHoughLinesSDiv(image, rho, srn, theta, stn, threshold, flines, nlines);

        iplDeallocate( image, IPL_IMAGE_ALL );
        delete lines;
        delete flines;
        trsResult(TRS_FAIL, "No such function");
    cvReleaseImage( &image );
    delete lines;
    delete flines;
    if(iplGetErrStatus() < 0)
        return trsResult(TRS_FAIL, "Function returned 'bad argument'");
        return trsResult(TRS_OK, "No errors");
Exemplo n.º 2
int testGibbsInference()
    int ret = TRS_OK;
    int seed = time(0);
    std::cout<<"seed = "<< seed<<std::endl;

    float eps = -1.0f;
    while( eps <= 0 )
	trssRead( &eps, "1.5e-1f", "accuracy in test" );

	ret = ret && GibbsForTreeBNet();
    ret = ret && GibbsMPEforScalarGaussianBNet( eps );
    ret = ret && GibbsForSingleGaussian( eps );
    ret = ret && GibbsForMixtureBNet(eps);
    ret = ret && GibbsForScalarGaussianBNet(  eps );
    ret = ret && GibbsForSimplestGaussianBNet( eps );
    ret = ret && GibbsForGaussianBNet( eps );
    ret = ret && GibbsForAsiaBNet( eps );
    ret = ret && GibbsForMNet( eps );
    ret = ret && GibbsMPEForMNet( eps );
    ret = ret && GibbsForInceneratorBNet( eps );
    ret = ret && GibbsForSparseBNet( eps );

    return trsResult( ret, ret == TRS_OK ? "No errors" :
    "Bad test on Gibbs Sampling Inference" );

Exemplo n.º 3
int testCondGaussian()
	int res = TRS_OK;
	TestsPnlHigh tests;
    catch(pnl::CException e)
        std::cout << e.GetMessage();
        res = TRS_FAIL;
	return trsResult( res, res == TRS_OK ? "No errors"
		: "Bad test on DBN wrappers");
Exemplo n.º 4
template<class Storage, class SrcType, class ThreshType, class DstType> static int
    foaCvBackProject(Storage, SrcType, ThreshType, DstType)
    const S1 = 4;
    const S2 = 4;
    const S3 = 4;

    CvSize roi = {100, 100};
    int step = roi.width * sizeof( SrcType );

    SrcType* src[3];
    src[0] = new SrcType[roi.width * roi.height];
    src[1] = new SrcType[roi.width * roi.height];
    src[2] = new SrcType[roi.width * roi.height];

    DstType* measure = new DstType[roi.width * roi.height];

    ThreshType _thresh[3][5] = {{1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
                                {2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
                                {5, 6, 7, 9, 10}};
    ThreshType* thresh[3] = { _thresh[0], _thresh[1], _thresh[2] };

    int Errors = 0;

    for( int i = 0; i < roi.width * roi.height; i++ )
        src[0][i] = src[1][i] = src[2][i] = 0;

    for( i = 0; i < roi.width; i++ )
        for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
            src[j][roi.width + i] = (SrcType)thresh[j][i%5];

    CVHistogram<Storage> hist( S1, S2, S3 );

    CvCalculateC1( hist, src, roi, step, thresh );
    CvBackProject<CVHistogram<Storage>, SrcType, ThreshType, DstType>
        ( hist, src, roi, step, thresh, measure, roi.width * sizeof(DstType), 0 );

    for( i = 0; i < roi.width; i++ )
        if( measure[roi.width + i] != roi.width / 5 * (1 + (i%5 == 0) + (i%5 == 1)))
        trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Wrong destination value\n" );
    for( int y = 0; y < roi.height; y++ )
        for( int x = 0; x < roi.width; x++ )
            if( y != 1 && measure[roi.width * y + x] != 0 )
                trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Wrong destination value (non zero)\n" );
                goto _exit;
    delete src[0];
    delete src[1];
    delete src[2];
    delete measure;

    return Errors == 0 ? TRS_OK : trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Fixed %d errors", Errors );
Exemplo n.º 5
int testMatrix()
    int ret = TRS_OK;
    int dim = 0;
    int i;
    while(dim <= 0)
        trsiRead( &dim, "128", "matrix dimension" );
    int* range = (int*)trsGuardcAlloc( dim, sizeof(int) );
    float* data = (float*)trsGuardcAlloc( dim, sizeof(float) );

    for(i = 0; i < dim; i++)
        range[i] = 1;
        data[i] = 1.0f*i;
    range[0] = dim;

    CNumericDenseMatrix<float>* m = CNumericDenseMatrix<float>::Create(1, range, data);
	int length;
    const float *mdata;
	m->GetRawData(&length, &mdata);
    for(i = 0; i < dim; i++)
        // Test the values...
        if(mdata[i] != data[i])
            ret = TRS_FAIL;

    delete m;
    int range_memory_flag = trsGuardCheck( range );
    int data_memory_flag = trsGuardCheck( data );
    trsGuardFree( range );
    trsGuardFree( data );

    if(range_memory_flag || data_memory_flag)
        return trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Dirty memory");

    return trsResult( ret, ret == TRS_OK ? "No errors" : "Bad matrix data");
Exemplo n.º 6
static int fmaMemoryTest( void/** prm*/ )
    long errors = 0;
    /* Some variables */
    errors = gAtsMemoryManager.CheckMemoryLeaks();

    return errors == 0 ? TRS_OK : trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Fixed %d errors", errors );

Exemplo n.º 7
template <class Val, class Idx> static int foaCvTreeIterator()
    int Errors = 0;

    typedef CvTree<Val, Idx>::node_type node_type;
    CvTree<Val, Idx> tree;

    for( Idx i = 0; i < SIZE; i++ ) tree[i] = (Val)(i + 1);

    CvTreeIterator<node_type> iterator;

    iterator = tree.begin();
    if( *iterator != 1 )
        trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Wrong CvTree::begin() function\n" );

    if( *(iterator++) != 1 )
        trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Wrong postfix operator++ (not postfix)\n" );
    if( *iterator != 2 )
        trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Wrong postfix operator++ (not increment)\n" );

    for( i = 2; i < SIZE; i++ ) if( *(++iterator) != (i + 1) )
        trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Wrong prefix operator++ (not increment)\n" );

    if( *(++iterator) != SIZE )
        trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Wrong operator++ (increment out of date)\n" );

    if( !(iterator == iterator) )
        trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Bad operator==" );

    if( iterator != iterator )
        trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Bad operator!=" );

    return Errors == 0 ? TRS_OK : trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Fixed %d errors", Errors );
Exemplo n.º 8
int test1_5JTreeInfDBNCondGauss()

    int ret = TRS_OK;
    int seed = pnlTestRandSeed();

    srand( seed );
    CDBN *pDBN = tCreateArHMMwithGaussObs();

    int nTimeSlice = -1;
    while(nTimeSlice <= 0)
	trsiRead (&nTimeSlice, "4", "Number of slices");

    float eps = -1.0f;
    while( eps <= 0 )
	trssRead( &eps, "1e-2f", "accuracy in test");

    int result = 1;
    result = CompareSmoothingArHMM( pDBN, nTimeSlice,  eps );
    if( !result )
	ret = TRS_FAIL;

    result = CompareFilteringArHMM( pDBN, nTimeSlice,  eps );

    if( !result )
	ret = TRS_FAIL;

    result = CompareFixLagSmoothingArHMM( pDBN, nTimeSlice,  eps );
    if( !result )
	ret = TRS_FAIL;
    result = CompareViterbyArHMM( pDBN, nTimeSlice,  eps );
    if( !result )
	ret = TRS_FAIL;

    delete pDBN;
    return trsResult( ret, ret == TRS_OK ? "No errors"
	: "Bad test on 1_5 Slice JTree DBN");
Exemplo n.º 9
static int hu_moments_test( void )
    const double success_error_level = 1e-7;
    CvSize size = { 512, 512 };
    int i;
    IplImage* img = atsCreateImage( size.width, size.height, 8, 1, 0 );
    CvMoments moments;
    CvHuMoments a, b;
    AtsRandState rng_state;

    int  seed = atsGetSeed();

    double nu20, nu02, nu11, nu30, nu21, nu12, nu03;
    double err = 0;
    char   buffer[100];

    atsRandInit( &rng_state, 0, 255, seed );
    atsbRand8u( &rng_state, (uchar*)(img->imageData), size.width * size.height );

    cvMoments( img, &moments, 0 );
    atsReleaseImage( img );

    nu20 = cvGetNormalizedCentralMoment( &moments, 2, 0 );
    nu11 = cvGetNormalizedCentralMoment( &moments, 1, 1 );
    nu02 = cvGetNormalizedCentralMoment( &moments, 0, 2 );

    nu30 = cvGetNormalizedCentralMoment( &moments, 3, 0 );
    nu21 = cvGetNormalizedCentralMoment( &moments, 2, 1 );
    nu12 = cvGetNormalizedCentralMoment( &moments, 1, 2 );
    nu03 = cvGetNormalizedCentralMoment( &moments, 0, 3 );

    cvGetHuMoments( &moments, &a );

    b.hu1 = nu20 + nu02;
    b.hu2 = sqr(nu20 - nu02) + 4*sqr(nu11);
    b.hu3 = sqr(nu30 - 3*nu12) + sqr(3*nu21 - nu03);
    b.hu4 = sqr(nu30 + nu12) + sqr(nu21 + nu03);
    b.hu5 = (nu30 - 3*nu12)*(nu30 + nu12)*(sqr(nu30 + nu12) - 3*sqr(nu21 + nu03)) +
            (3*nu21 - nu03)*(nu21 + nu03)*(3*sqr(nu30 + nu12) - sqr(nu21 + nu03));
    b.hu6 = (nu20 - nu02)*(sqr(nu30 + nu12) - sqr(nu21 + nu03)) +
            4*nu11*(nu30 + nu12)*(nu21 + nu03);
    b.hu7 = (3*nu21 - nu03)*(nu30 + nu12)*(sqr(nu30 + nu12) - 3*sqr(nu21 + nu03)) +
            (3*nu12 - nu30)*(nu21 + nu03)*(3*sqr(nu30 + nu12) - sqr(nu21 + nu03));

    for( i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
        double t = rel_err( ((double*)&b)[i], ((double*)&a)[i] );
        if( t > err ) err = t;

    sprintf( buffer, "Accuracy: %.4e", err );
    return trsResult( err > success_error_level ? TRS_FAIL : TRS_OK, buffer );
Exemplo n.º 10
static int foaCvTreeType( void* param )
    int Param = (int)param;
    switch (Param)
    case INT:
        return foaCvTree( (int) 1, (int)2 );
    case FLOAT:
        return foaCvTree( (float) 1, (int)2 );
    case SHORT:
        return foaCvTree( (short) 1, (int)2 );
        return trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Wrong parameter" );
Exemplo n.º 11
static int foaCvTreeIteratorType( void* param )
    int Param = (int)param;
    switch (Param)
    case INT:
        return foaCvTreeIterator<int, int>();
    case FLOAT:
        return foaCvTreeIterator<float, int>();
    case SHORT:
        return foaCvTreeIterator<short, int>();
        return trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Wrong parameter" );
Exemplo n.º 12
template<class Storage1, class Storage2> static int foaOperations(Storage1, Storage2)
const int SIZE = 720;

    typedef Storage1::value_type Val;
    typedef Storage1::idx_type   Idx;

    CVHistogram<Storage1> hist1( SIZE );
    CVHistogram<Storage2> hist2( SIZE );

    int Errors = 0;

    for( Idx i = 0; i < SIZE; i++ )
        hist1[i] = (Val)(i % 10);
        hist2[i] = (Val)(9 - hist1[i]);

    if( calc_histogram_intersection( hist1, hist2 ) != SIZE * 2 )
        trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Error Intersection function\n" );

    double res;
    if( (res = fabs(calc_histogram_chi_square( hist1, hist2 ) - SIZE * 330 / 90)) > 0.0001 )
        trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Error ChiSqr function\n" );

    for( i = 0; i < SIZE; i++ )
        hist1[i] = (Val)(i % 9);
        hist2[i] = (Val)(8 - hist1[i]);

    if( fabs(calc_histogram_correlation( hist1, hist2 ) + 1 ) >= 0.0001 )
        trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Error Correl function\n" );

    return Errors == 0 ? TRS_OK : trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Fixed %d errors", Errors );
Exemplo n.º 13
static int foaCvBackProjectType( void* param )
    int Param = (int)param;
    case ARRAY_INT:
        return foaCvBackProject(CvArray<int>(),int(), int(), int());
    case ARRAY_FLOAT:
        return foaCvBackProject(CvArray<float>(),float(), float(), int());
    case ARRAY_SHORT:
        return foaCvBackProject(CvArray<short>(),short(), short(), int());
    case TREE_INT:
        return foaCvBackProject(CvTree<int>(),int(), int(), int());
    case TREE_FLOAT:
        return foaCvBackProject(CvTree<float>(),float(), float(), int());
    case TREE_SHORT:
        return foaCvBackProject(CvTree<short>(),short(), short(), int());
        assert( 0 );
        return trsResult( TRS_UNDEF, "Wrong parameter" );
Exemplo n.º 14
int testGraph()
    int i, j;

    int ret = TRS_OK;

    const int nnodes = 7;

    int numOfNeigh[] = { 3, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 2 };

    int neigh1[] = { 3, 1, 2 };
    int neigh2[] = { 2, 0, 3 };
    int neigh3[] = { 0, 1, 3, 6 };
    int neigh4[] = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 5 };
    int neigh5[] = { 3, 5 };
    int neigh6[] = { 3, 4, 6 };
    int neigh7[] = { 5, 2 };

    ENeighborType orient1[] = { ntChild, ntChild, ntChild };
    ENeighborType orient2[] = { ntChild, ntParent, ntChild };
    ENeighborType orient3[] = { ntParent, ntParent, ntChild, ntChild };
    ENeighborType orient4[] = { ntParent, ntParent, ntParent, ntNeighbor, ntNeighbor };
    ENeighborType orient5[] = { ntNeighbor, ntNeighbor };
    ENeighborType orient6[] = { ntNeighbor, ntNeighbor, ntChild };
    ENeighborType orient7[] = { ntParent, ntParent };

    int *neigh[] = { neigh1, neigh2, neigh3, neigh4, neigh5, neigh6,
    ENeighborType *orient[] = { orient1, orient2, orient3, orient4, orient5,
                                orient6, orient7

    const int *neighbors;
    const ENeighborType *orientation;

    double time1;

    TestGraph *graph;

    /* The graph I used to have a test is described in a document named
    graph_structure.doc which is stored in VSS base in docs folder */

    /* to test graph the graph creation you can either: */

    /* 1. create it from the list of neighbors */

    graph = new TestGraph(nnodes, numOfNeigh, neigh, orient);

    /* look at the graph */

    for( i = 0; i < nnodes; i++ )
        graph->GetNeighbors( i, &numOfNeigh[i], &neighbors, &orientation );

        intVector neighToComp( neigh[i], neigh[i] + numOfNeigh[i] );
        std::sort( neighToComp.begin(), neighToComp.end() );

        for( j = 0; j < numOfNeigh[i]; j++ )
            if(neighbors[j] != neighToComp[j])
                ret = TRS_FAIL;


    time1 = trsTimerClock(0);
    std::cout<<"timing of graph creation with all neighbors preset "

    /* 2. create a graph with a blank list of neighbors
    and then set neighbors */

    graph = new TestGraph(nnodes, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    graph->SetNeighbors( 0, numOfNeigh[0], neigh1, orient1 );
    graph->SetNeighbors( 1, numOfNeigh[1], neigh2, orient2 );
    graph->SetNeighbors( 2, numOfNeigh[2], neigh3, orient3 );
    graph->SetNeighbors( 3, numOfNeigh[3], neigh4, orient4 );
    graph->SetNeighbors( 4, numOfNeigh[4], neigh5, orient5 );
    graph->SetNeighbors( 5, numOfNeigh[5], neigh6, orient6 );
    graph->SetNeighbors( 6, numOfNeigh[6], neigh7, orient7 );

    for( i = 0; i < nnodes; i++ )
        graph->GetNeighbors( i, &numOfNeigh[i], &neighbors, &orientation );

        intVector neighToComp( neigh[i], neigh[i] + numOfNeigh[i] );
        std::sort( neighToComp.begin(), neighToComp.end() );

        for( j = 0; j < numOfNeigh[i]; j++ )
            if(neighbors[j] != neighToComp[j])
                ret = TRS_FAIL;


    time1 = trsTimerClock(0);
    std::cout<<"graph creation with setting the each neighbor separatly "

    /* 3. create a blank graph and add edges to it. take the edges from the
    list of neighbors above */

    graph = new TestGraph(nnodes, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    graph->AddEdge( 0, 1, 1 );
    graph->AddEdge( 0, 2, 1 );
    graph->AddEdge( 0, 3, 1 );
    graph->AddEdge( 1, 2, 1 );
    graph->AddEdge( 1, 3, 1 );
    graph->AddEdge( 2, 3, 1 );
    graph->AddEdge( 2, 6, 1 );
    graph->AddEdge( 3, 4, 0 );
    graph->AddEdge( 3, 5, 0 );
    graph->AddEdge( 4, 5, 0 );
    graph->AddEdge( 5, 6, 1 );

    for( i = 0; i < nnodes; i++ )
        graph->GetNeighbors( i, &numOfNeigh[i], &neighbors, &orientation );
        intVector neighToComp( neigh[i], neigh[i] + numOfNeigh[i] );
        std::sort( neighToComp.begin(), neighToComp.end() );

        for( j = 0; j < numOfNeigh[i]; j++ )
            if(neighbors[j] != neighToComp[j])
                ret = TRS_FAIL;


    time1 = trsTimerClock(0);
    std::cout<<"timing graph creation with edges added "<<time1<<std::endl;

    /* all three graphs that are shown, should look the same */

    return trsResult( ret, ret == TRS_OK ? "No errors" : "Graph FAILED");
Exemplo n.º 15
int testSEGaussian()
    int i;
    int ret = TRS_OK;
    float eps = 1e-4f;
    //create Gaussian distribution (inside the potential) and try to multiply
    //is by Delta
    //create Model Domain
    int nSimNodes = 3;
    CNodeType simNT = CNodeType(0, 2);
    CModelDomain* pSimDomain = CModelDomain::Create( nSimNodes, simNT );
    //create 2 potentials
    intVector dom;
    dom[1] = 1;
    dom[2] = 2;
    floatVector mean;
    mean.assign(6, 0);
    floatVector cov;
    cov.assign(36, 0.1f);
    for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
        mean[i] = 1.1f*i;
        cov[i*7] = 2.0f;

	CGaussianPotential* pPot = CGaussianPotential::Create( dom, pSimDomain, 1,
        mean, cov, 1.0f );

    //create gaussian CPD with gaussian parent
    const pConstNodeTypeVector* pTypes = pPot->GetArgType();
    //create data weigth
    floatVector weights1;
    weights1.assign(4, 1.0f);
    floatVector weights2;
    weights2.assign(4, 2.0f);
    const float* weights[] = { &weights1.front(), &weights2.front()};
    CGaussianDistribFun* pGauCPD = CGaussianDistribFun::CreateInMomentForm( 0,
        3, &pTypes->front(), &mean.front(), &cov.front(), weights );

    //try to get multiplied delta
    intVector pos;
    floatVector valuesDelta;
    intVector offsets;
    pPot->GetMultipliedDelta(&pos, &valuesDelta, &offsets);
    if( pos.size() != 0 )
        ret = TRS_FAIL;

    //enter evidence to the pot and after that expand and compare results
    //create evidence object
/*    valueVector obsVals;
    obsVals.assign(6,Value(0) );
    CEvidence* pEvid = CEvidence::Create( pSimDomain, 3, &dom.front(), obsVals );
    CPotential* pShrPot = pPot->ShrinkObservedNodes( pEvid );*/
    CGaussianPotential* pCanonicalPot = CGaussianPotential::Create( dom,
        pSimDomain, 0, mean, cov, 1.0f );
    CMatrix<float>* matrK = pCanonicalPot->GetMatrix(matK);
    intVector multIndex;
    matrK->SetElementByIndexes( 3.0f, &multIndex.front() );
    CMatrix<float>* matrH = pCanonicalPot->GetMatrix(matH);
    multIndex[0] = 0;
    matrH->SetElementByIndexes(0.0f, &multIndex.front());
    //create other Gaussian potential for division
    i = 1;
    floatVector meanSmall;
    meanSmall.assign(2, 1.0f);
    floatVector covSmall;
    covSmall.assign(4, 0.0f);
    covSmall[0] = 1.0f;
    covSmall[3] = 1.0f;
    CGaussianPotential* pSmallPot = CGaussianPotential::Create( &i, 1,
        pSimDomain, 1, &meanSmall.front(), &covSmall.front(), 1.0f );
    //divide by distribution in moment form
    (*pCanonicalPot) /= (*pSmallPot);

    //create big unit function distribution and marginalize it
    CGaussianPotential* pBigUnitPot = 
        CGaussianPotential::CreateUnitFunctionDistribution(dom, pSimDomain, 1);
	CGaussianPotential* pCloneBigUniPot = static_cast<CGaussianPotential*>(
	if( !pCloneBigUniPot->IsFactorsDistribFunEqual(pBigUnitPot, eps) )
		ret = TRS_FAIL;
    CPotential* pMargUniPot = pBigUnitPot->Marginalize(&dom.front(), 1, 0);
    (*pBigUnitPot) /= (*pSmallPot);
    (*pBigUnitPot) *= (*pSmallPot);
    //check if there are some problems

    if( pBigUnitPot->IsDistributionSpecific() != 1 )
        ret = TRS_FAIL;

    (*pBigUnitPot) /= (*pCanonicalPot);
    (*pBigUnitPot) *= (*pCanonicalPot);


    if( pBigUnitPot->IsDistributionSpecific() != 1 )
        ret = TRS_FAIL;

    (*pPot) /= (*pSmallPot);

    //create canonical potential without coefficient
    i = 0;

    CDistribFun* pCopyPotDistr = pPot->GetDistribFun()->ConvertCPDDistribFunToPot();
    CGaussianPotential* pCanSmallPot = CGaussianPotential::Create( &i, 1,
        pSimDomain, 0, &meanSmall.front(), &covSmall.front(), 1.0f );
    CGaussianPotential* pCanPotCopy = 
    CGaussianPotential* pCanPotCopy1 = 

    (*pPot) /= (*pCanSmallPot);
    (*pPot) *= (*pCanSmallPot);
    //can compare results, if we want
    CDistribFun* pMultDivRes = pPot->GetDistribFun();
    float diff = 0;
    if( !pMultDivRes->IsEqual(pCopyPotDistr, eps,1, &diff) )
        ret = TRS_FAIL;
        std::cout<<"the diff is "<<diff<<std::endl;
    delete pCopyPotDistr;
    //create delta distribution
    floatVector deltaMean;
    deltaMean.assign( 2, 1.5f );
    i = 0;
    CGaussianPotential* pDeltaPot = CGaussianPotential::CreateDeltaFunction( 
        &i, 1, pSimDomain, &deltaMean.front(), 1 );
    CGaussianDistribFun* pDeltaDistr = static_cast<CGaussianDistribFun*>(

    //multiply some potential by delta
    (*pCanSmallPot) *= (*pDeltaPot);

    (*pPot) *= (*pDeltaPot);
    //(*pPot) *= (*pDeltaPot);
    pPot->GetMultipliedDelta(&pos, &valuesDelta, &offsets);
    (*pCanonicalPot) *= (*pDeltaPot);
    //marginalize this distribFun multiplied by delta
    intVector margDims;
    margDims[1] = 2;
    CPotential* pMargPot = pPot->Marginalize( &margDims.front(), 2 );
    i = 0;
    CPotential* pSmallMargPot = pPot->Marginalize(&i, 1);
    //marginalize in canonical form
    CPotential* pMargCanPot = pCanonicalPot->Marginalize( &margDims.front(), 2 );
    CPotential* pSmallCanPot = pCanonicalPot->Marginalize(&i,1);
    //create unit function distribution in canonical form
    i = 0;
    CGaussianPotential* pUnitPot = 
        CGaussianPotential::CreateUnitFunctionDistribution( &i, 1, pSimDomain,
    CGaussianDistribFun* pUnitDistr = static_cast<CGaussianDistribFun*>(

    (*pPot) *= (*pUnitPot);

    if( pUnitPot->IsFactorsDistribFunEqual(pBigUnitPot, eps, 1) )
        ret = TRS_FAIL;

    deltaMean[2] = 2.5f;
    deltaMean[3] = 2.5f;
    deltaMean[4] = 3.5f;
    deltaMean[5] = 3.5f;
    CGaussianPotential* pBigDeltaPot = CGaussianPotential::CreateDeltaFunction( 
        dom, pSimDomain, deltaMean, 1 );
    CGaussianPotential* pCloneBigDeltaPot = static_cast<CGaussianPotential*>(
    //we can shrink observed nodes in this potential
    valueVector vals;
    i = 0;
    CEvidence* pDeltaEvid = CEvidence::Create( pSimDomain, 1, &i,vals ); 
    CGaussianPotential* pShrGauDeltaPot = static_cast<CGaussianPotential*>(
        pBigDeltaPot->ShrinkObservedNodes( pDeltaEvid ));
    delete pDeltaEvid;
    delete pShrGauDeltaPot;
    CPotential* pSmallDeltaMarg = pBigDeltaPot->Marginalize( &dom.front(), 1, 0 );
    if( !pSmallDeltaMarg->IsFactorsDistribFunEqual( pDeltaPot, eps, 1 ) )
        ret = TRS_FAIL;
    //call operator = for delta distributions
    (*pSmallDeltaMarg) = (*pDeltaPot);

    //call operator = for canonical and delta distribution
    (*pCanPotCopy) = (*pUnitPot);

    //call operator = for canonical and unit distribution
    (*pCanPotCopy1) = (*pDeltaPot);

    (*pUnitPot) = (*pUnitPot);

    (*pPot) *= (*pBigDeltaPot);

    (*pCloneBigDeltaPot) *= (*pDeltaPot);

	if( !pCloneBigDeltaPot->IsFactorsDistribFunEqual(pBigDeltaPot, eps) )
		ret = TRS_FAIL;

    //we can create the matrix which will be almost delta distribution,
    //but covariance matrix will contain almost zeros
    floatVector almostDeltaCov;
    almostDeltaCov.assign(4, 0.0f);
    almostDeltaCov[0] = 0.00001f;
    almostDeltaCov[3] = 0.00001f;
    i = 0;
    CGaussianPotential* pAlmostDeltaPot = CGaussianPotential::Create( &i, 1, 
        pSimDomain, 1, &deltaMean.front(), &almostDeltaCov.front(), 1.0f );
    if( !pDeltaPot->IsFactorsDistribFunEqual( pAlmostDeltaPot, eps, 0 ) )
        ret = TRS_FAIL;
    if( !pAlmostDeltaPot->IsFactorsDistribFunEqual( pDeltaPot, eps, 0 ) )
        ret = TRS_FAIL;
	(*pCloneBigUniPot ) = ( *pPot );
	if( !(pCloneBigUniPot->IsFactorsDistribFunEqual(pPot, eps)) )
		ret = TRS_FAIL;
	(*pCloneBigDeltaPot) = (*pPot);
	if( !(pCloneBigDeltaPot->IsFactorsDistribFunEqual(pPot, eps))  )
		ret = TRS_FAIL;

    delete pCanPotCopy;
    delete pCanPotCopy1;
    delete pAlmostDeltaPot;
    delete pMargUniPot;
	delete pCloneBigUniPot;
    delete pBigUnitPot;
    delete pCanSmallPot;
    delete pDeltaPot; 
    delete pUnitPot;
	delete pCloneBigDeltaPot;
    delete pBigDeltaPot;
    delete pMargCanPot;
    delete pSmallCanPot;
    delete pMargPot;
    delete pSmallMargPot;
    delete pCanonicalPot;
    //delete pShrPot;
    //delete pEvid;
	delete pGauCPD;
    delete pPot;
    delete pSimDomain;
    return trsResult( ret, ret == TRS_OK ? "No errors" : 
                        "Bad test on SEGaussian");

Exemplo n.º 16
int testSetStatistics()
    int ret = TRS_OK;
    float eps = 0.1f;
    int seed = pnlTestRandSeed();
    pnlSeed( seed );   
    CBNet *pBNet = pnlExCreateCondGaussArBNet();
    CModelDomain *pMD = pBNet->GetModelDomain();

    CGraph *pGraph = CGraph::Copy(pBNet->GetGraph());
    CBNet *pBNet1 = CBNet::CreateWithRandomMatrices( pGraph, pMD );

    pEvidencesVector evidences;
    int nEvidences = pnlRand( 3000, 4000);
    pBNet->GenerateSamples( &evidences, nEvidences );
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < nEvidences; i++)

    CEMLearningEngine *pLearn = CEMLearningEngine::Create(pBNet1);
    pLearn->SetData( nEvidences, &evidences.front() );

    for( i = 0; i < pBNet->GetNumberOfFactors(); i++ )
	if( ! pBNet->GetFactor(i)->IsFactorsDistribFunEqual(pBNet1->GetFactor(i), eps))
	    ret = TRS_FAIL;

    CDistribFun *pDistr;
    const CMatrix<float>* pMat;
    CFactor *pCPD;
    pDistr = pBNet1->GetFactor(0)->GetDistribFun();
    pMat = pDistr->GetStatisticalMatrix(stMatTable);
    pCPD = pBNet->GetFactor(0);
    pCPD->SetStatistics(pMat, stMatTable);
    if( ! pCPD->IsFactorsDistribFunEqual(pBNet1->GetFactor(0), 0.0001f) )
	ret = TRS_FAIL;

    pDistr = pBNet1->GetFactor(1)->GetDistribFun();
    int parentVal;
    pCPD = pBNet->GetFactor(1);
    parentVal = 0;

    pCPD->SetStatistics(pMat, stMatCoeff);

    pMat = pDistr->GetStatisticalMatrix(stMatMu, &parentVal);
    pCPD->SetStatistics(pMat, stMatMu, &parentVal);
    pMat = pDistr->GetStatisticalMatrix(stMatSigma, &parentVal);
    pCPD->SetStatistics(pMat, stMatSigma, &parentVal);
    parentVal = 1;
    pMat = pDistr->GetStatisticalMatrix(stMatMu, &parentVal);
    pCPD->SetStatistics(pMat, stMatMu, &parentVal);
    pMat = pDistr->GetStatisticalMatrix(stMatSigma, &parentVal);
    pCPD->SetStatistics(pMat, stMatSigma, &parentVal);

    if( ! pCPD->IsFactorsDistribFunEqual(pBNet1->GetFactor(1), eps) )
	ret = TRS_FAIL;
    for( i = 0; i < nEvidences; i++)
	delete evidences[i];
    delete pLearn;
    delete pBNet1;
    delete pBNet;

    return trsResult( ret, ret == TRS_OK ? "No errors" : 
    "Bad test on SetStatistics");
Exemplo n.º 17
/*=================================================== Test body ========================== */
static int fmaFloodFill( void )
    /* Some Variables */
    int nx, ny, stepX, stepY, numTest, ROI_offset, mp=0, mp4=0;
    int i, j, k, ij, it, n, n4, ov, d1, d2, ntest2, nerr, nerr1=0, nerr2=0, nerr3=0, nerr4=0;
    int step, step4;
    uchar *pI0, *pI1, *pI2;
    float* pI3, *pI4;
    IplImage *I0, *I1, *I2, *I3, *I4;
    CvSize  size;
    CvPoint seed;
    CvConnectedComp Comp;
    CvStatus r;

    /* Reading test parameters */
    trsiRead( &nx,        "64", "Image width" );
    trsiRead( &stepX,     "16", "Seed point horizontal step" );
    trsiRead( &numTest,   "32", "Number of each seed point tests" );
    trsiRead( &ROI_offset, "0", "ROI offset" );

    ny = nx;
    stepY = stepX;
    n = nx*ny;
    ntest2 = numTest/2;
    size.width  = nx;
    size.height = ny;

    I0  = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
    I1  = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
    I2  = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
    I3  = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_32F,1 );
    I4  = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_32F,1 );

    pI0 = (uchar*)I0->imageData;
    pI1 = (uchar*)I1->imageData;
    pI2 = (uchar*)I2->imageData;
    pI3 = (float*)I3->imageData;
    pI4 = (float*)I4->imageData;

    step = I1->widthStep;  step4 = I3->widthStep;
    n = step*ny;  n4 = (step4/4)*ny;

        mp = ROI_offset + ROI_offset*step;
        mp4= ROI_offset + ROI_offset*step4;
        size.width  = nx - 2*ROI_offset;
        size.height = ny - 2*ROI_offset;
        I1->roi->xOffset = I1->roi->yOffset = ROI_offset;
        I1->roi->height  = size.height;  I1->roi->width = size.width;
        I3->roi->xOffset = I3->roi->yOffset = ROI_offset;
        I3->roi->height = size.height;  I3->roi->width = size.width;

    /*  T E S T I N G  */

/* Zero interval */
    d1 = d2 = 0;
    ats1bInitRandom ( 0, 1.5, pI0, n );
        /*for(i=0;i<n;i++)printf(" %d",pI0[i]);getchar(); */
    for(j=0; j<size.height; j=j+stepY)
        seed.y = j;
        for(i=0; i<size.width; i=i+stepX)
            seed.x = i;
            for(k=0; k<n;  k++) pI1[k]=pI2[k]=pI0[k];
            for(k=0; k<n4; k++) pI3[k]=pI4[k]=(float)pI0[k];
     /* 8U */
            Counter = 0;   X1 = X2 = i;    Y1 = Y2 = j;
            /* Run CVL function */
            cvFloodFill ( I1, seed, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, &Comp );
            /* Run test function */
            r = _cvFloodFill8uC1R_slow (pI2+mp, step, size, seed, 10, 0, 0 );
            /* Comparison */
                for(k=0; k<n; k++) if( (pI1[k]-pI2[k]) ) nerr1++;
                if( Comp.area!=Counter ) nerr1++;
            if(X1!=Comp.rect.x) nerr1++;
            if(Y1!=Comp.rect.y) nerr1++;
            if((X2-X1+1)!=Comp.rect.width) nerr1++;
            if((Y2-Y1+1)!=Comp.rect.height) nerr1++;
     /* 32F */
            Counter = 0;   X1 = X2 = i;    Y1 = Y2 = j;
            /* Run CVL function */
            cvFloodFill ( I3, seed, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, &Comp );
            /* Run test function */
            r = _cvFloodFill32fC1R_slow (pI4+mp4, step4, size, seed, 10.0, 0.0f, 0.0f );
            /* Comparison */
                for(k=0; k<n4; k++) if( (pI3[k]-pI4[k]) ) nerr2++;
                if( Comp.area!=Counter ) nerr2++;
            if(X1!=Comp.rect.x) nerr2++;
            if(Y1!=Comp.rect.y) nerr2++;
            if((X2-X1+1)!=Comp.rect.width) nerr2++;
            if((Y2-Y1+1)!=Comp.rect.height) nerr2++;
            if( nerr1 != 0 || nerr2 != 0 )
                goto test_end;

/* Non-zero interval */
    ats1bInitRandom ( 0, 254.99, pI0, n );
    for(j=1; j<size.height; j=j+stepY)
        seed.y = j;
        for(i=1; i<size.width; i=i+stepX)
            ij=i+step*j;   ov=pI0[ij+mp];
            seed.x = i;
            for(it=0; it<numTest; it++)
                for(k=0; k<n;  k++) pI1[k]=pI2[k]=pI0[k];
                for(k=0; k<n4; k++) pI3[k]=pI4[k]=(float)pI0[k];
                if(it<ntest2)  /* sequential increase interval */
                { d1=(ov*(it+1))/ntest2;  d2=((255-ov)*(it+1))/ntest2; }
                else           /* random interval */
                    d1 = (int)atsInitRandom(1.0, 127);
                    d2 = (int)atsInitRandom(1.0, 127);
                    if(it>(3*numTest)/4){d1/=2; d2/=2;}

     /* 8U */
                Counter = 0; X1 = X2 = i;    Y1 = Y2 = j;
                /* Run CVL function */
                cvFloodFill ( I1, seed, 255.0, (double)d1, (double)d2, &Comp );
                /* Run test function */
                r = _cvFloodFill8uC1R_slow (pI2+mp, step, size, seed, 255, d1, d2 );
                /* Comparison */
                    for(k=0; k<n; k++) if( (pI1[k]-pI2[k]) ) nerr3++;
                    if( Comp.area!=Counter ) nerr3++;
                if(X1!=Comp.rect.x) nerr3++;
                if(Y1!=Comp.rect.y) nerr3++;
                if((X2-X1+1)!=Comp.rect.width) nerr3++;
                if((Y2-Y1+1)!=Comp.rect.height) nerr3++;
     /* 32F */
                Counter = 0; X1 = X2 = i;    Y1 = Y2 = j;
                /* Run CVL function */
                cvFloodFill ( I3, seed, 255.0, (double)d1, (double)d2, &Comp );
                /* Run test function */
                r = _cvFloodFill32fC1R_slow (pI4+mp4, step4, size, seed, 255.0, (float)d1, (float)d2 );
                /* Comparison */
                    for(k=0; k<n4; k++) if( (pI3[k]-pI4[k]) ) nerr4++;
                    if( Comp.area!=Counter ) nerr4++;
                if(X1!=Comp.rect.x) nerr4++;
                if(Y1!=Comp.rect.y) nerr4++;
                if((X2-X1+1)!=Comp.rect.width) nerr4++;
                if((Y2-Y1+1)!=Comp.rect.height) nerr4++;
                if( nerr3 != 0 || nerr4 != 0 )
                    goto test_end;
        trsWrite(TW_RUN|TW_CON, " %d%% ", ((j+stepY)*100)/size.height);

    cvReleaseImage( &I0 );
    cvReleaseImage( &I1 );
    cvReleaseImage( &I2 );
    cvReleaseImage( &I3 );
    cvReleaseImage( &I4 );
    nerr = nerr1 + nerr2 + nerr3 + nerr4;
            printf( "\n  zero:  %d  %d     non-zero:  %d  %d\n", nerr1, nerr2, nerr3, nerr4 );
    trsWrite(TW_RUN|TW_CON|TW_SUM, "    Nerr = %d\n", nerr);
    if( nerr == 0 ) return trsResult( TRS_OK, "No errors fixed by this test" );
    else return trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Total fixed %d errors", nerr );
} /*fma*/
Exemplo n.º 18
/* ///////////////////// moments_test ///////////////////////// */
static int moments_test( void* arg )
    static double weight[] = { 
        1e6, 1e6, 1e6,  /* m00, m10, m01 */
        1e6, 1e6, 1e6, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* m20 - m03 */
        1, 1e-4, 1, 1e-5, 1e-5, 1e-5, 1e-5, /* mu20 - mu03 */
        1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }; /* nu20 - nu03 */

    const double success_error_level = 1e-4;
    int   param     = (int)arg;
    int   binary    = param >= 6;

    int   depth     = (param % 6)/2;
    int   channels  = (param & 1);

    int   seed      = atsGetSeed();

    /* position where the maximum error occured */
    int   merr_w = 0, merr_h = 0, merr_iter = 0, merr_c = 0;

    /* test parameters */
    int     w = 0, h = 0, i = 0, c = 0;
    double  max_err = 0.;
    //int     code = TRS_OK;

    IplROI       roi;
    IplImage    *img;
    AtsRandState rng_state;

    atsRandInit( &rng_state, 0, 1, seed );


    if( !(ATS_RANGE( binary, fn_l, fn_h+1 ) &&
          ATS_RANGE( depth, dt_l, dt_h+1 ) &&
          ATS_RANGE( channels, ch_l, ch_h+1 ))) return TRS_UNDEF;

    depth = depth == 2 ? IPL_DEPTH_32F : depth == 1 ? IPL_DEPTH_8S : IPL_DEPTH_8U;
    channels = channels*2 + 1;

    img  = atsCreateImage( max_img_size, max_img_size, depth, channels, 0 );

    roi.coi = 0;
    roi.xOffset = roi.yOffset = 0;

    img->roi = &roi;

    for( h = min_img_size; h <= max_img_size; )
        for( w = min_img_size; w <= max_img_size; )
            int  denom = (w - min_img_size + 1)*(h - min_img_size + 1)*channels;
            int  iters = (base_iters*2 + denom)/(2*denom);

            roi.width = w;
            roi.height = h;

            if( iters < 1 ) iters = 1;

            for( i = 0; i < iters; i++ )
                switch( depth )
                case IPL_DEPTH_8U:
                    atsRandSetBounds( &rng_state, 0, img8u_range );
                case IPL_DEPTH_8S:
                    atsRandSetBounds( &rng_state, -img8s_range, img8s_range );
                case IPL_DEPTH_32F:
                    atsRandSetBounds( &rng_state, -img32f_range, img32f_range );
                    if( binary ) atsRandSetFloatBits( &rng_state, img32f_bits );

                roi.coi = 0;
                atsFillRandomImageEx( img, &rng_state );
                /*iplSet( img, depth == IPL_DEPTH_8S ? 125 : 251 );*/

                for( c = 1; c <= channels; c++ )
                    double err0 = 0;
                    AtsMomentState astate0, astate1;
                    CvMoments istate;
                    double* a0 = (double*)&astate0;
                    double* a1 = (double*)&astate1;
                    int j;

                    roi.coi = c;

                    /* etalon function */
                    atsCalcMoments( img, &astate0, binary );

                    /* cv function */
                    cvMoments( img, &istate, binary );

                    atsGetMoments( &istate, &astate1 );

                    /*iplMoments( img, lstate ); */
                    /*convert_ipl_to_ats( lstate, &astate1 ); */

                    for( j = 0; j < sizeof(astate0)/sizeof(double); j++ )
                        double err = rel_err( a0[j], a1[j] )*weight[j];
                        err0 = MAX( err0, err );

                    if( err0 > max_err )
                        merr_w    = w;
                        merr_h    = h;
                        merr_iter = i;
                        merr_c    = c;
                        max_err   = err0;
                        if( max_err > success_error_level )
                            goto test_exit;
            ATS_INCREASE( w, img_size_delta_type, img_size_delta );
        } /* end of the loop by w */

        ATS_INCREASE( h, img_size_delta_type, img_size_delta );
    }  /* end of the loop by h */


    img->roi = 0;

    iplDeallocate( img, IPL_IMAGE_ALL );

    //if( code == TRS_OK )
        trsWrite( ATS_LST, "Max err is %g at w = %d, h = %d, "
                           "iter = %d, c = %d, seed = %08x",
                           max_err, merr_w, merr_h, merr_iter, merr_c, seed );

        return max_err <= success_error_level ?
            trsResult( TRS_OK, "No errors" ) :
            trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Bad accuracy" );
        trsWrite( ATS_LST, "Fatal error at w = %d, h = %d, "
                           "iter = %d, c = %d, seed = %08x",
                           w, h, i, c, seed );
        return trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Function returns error code" );
Exemplo n.º 19
int testRandomFactors()
    int ret = TRS_OK;
    int nnodes = 0;
    int i;
    while(nnodes <= 0)
        trsiRead( &nnodes, "5", "Number of nodes in Model" );
    //create node types
    int seed1 = pnlTestRandSeed();
    //create string to display the value
    char *value = new char[20];
#if 0
    value = _itoa(seed1, value, 10);
    sprintf( value, "%d", seed1 );
    trsiRead(&seed1, value, "Seed for srand to define NodeTypes etc.");
    delete []value;
    trsWrite(TW_CON|TW_RUN|TW_DEBUG|TW_LST, "seed for rand = %d\n", seed1);
    //create 2 node types and model domain for them
    nodeTypeVector modelNodeType;
    modelNodeType[0] = CNodeType( 1, 4 );
    modelNodeType[1] = CNodeType( 1, 3 );
    intVector NodeAssociat;
    NodeAssociat.assign(nnodes, 0);
    for( i = 0; i < nnodes; i++ )
        float rand = pnlRand( 0.0f, 1.0f );
        if( rand < 0.5f )
            NodeAssociat[i] = 1;
    CModelDomain* pMDDiscr = CModelDomain::Create( modelNodeType,
        NodeAssociat );
    //create random graph - number of nodes for every node is rand too
    int lowBorder = nnodes - 1;
    int upperBorder = int((nnodes * (nnodes - 1))/2);
    int numEdges = pnlRand( lowBorder, upperBorder );
    CGraph* pGraph = tCreateRandomDAG( nnodes, numEdges, 1 );
    if ( pGraph->NumberOfConnectivityComponents() != 1 )
        delete pGraph;
        goto mark;
    CBNet* pDiscrBNet = CBNet::CreateWithRandomMatrices( pGraph, pMDDiscr );
    //start jtree inference just for checking 
    //the model is valid for inference and all operations can be made
    CEvidence* pDiscrEmptyEvid = CEvidence::Create( pMDDiscr, 0, NULL, valueVector() );
    CJtreeInfEngine* pDiscrInf = CJtreeInfEngine::Create( pDiscrBNet );
    pDiscrInf->EnterEvidence( pDiscrEmptyEvid );
    const CPotential* pot = NULL;
    for( i = 0; i < nnodes; i++ )
        intVector domain;
        pDiscrBNet->GetFactor(i)->GetDomain( &domain );
        pDiscrInf->MarginalNodes( &domain.front(), domain.size() );
        pot = pDiscrInf->GetQueryJPD();
    //make copy of Graph for using with other models
    pGraph = CGraph::Copy( pDiscrBNet->GetGraph() );
    delete pDiscrInf;
    delete pDiscrBNet;
    delete pDiscrEmptyEvid;
    delete pMDDiscr;  

    //create gaussian model domain
    modelNodeType[0] = CNodeType( 0, 4 );
    modelNodeType[1] = CNodeType( 0, 2 );
    CModelDomain* pMDCont = CModelDomain::Create( modelNodeType,
        NodeAssociat );
    CBNet* pContBNet = CBNet::CreateWithRandomMatrices( pGraph, pMDCont );
    CEvidence* pContEmptyEvid = CEvidence::Create( pMDCont, 0, NULL, valueVector() );
    CNaiveInfEngine* pContInf = CNaiveInfEngine::Create( pContBNet );
    pContInf->EnterEvidence( pContEmptyEvid );
    for( i = 0; i < nnodes; i++ )
        intVector domain;
        pContBNet->GetFactor(i)->GetDomain( &domain );
        pContInf->MarginalNodes( &domain.front(), domain.size() );
        pot = pContInf->GetQueryJPD();

    pGraph = CGraph::Copy(pContBNet->GetGraph());
    delete pContInf;
    delete pContBNet;
    delete pContEmptyEvid;
    delete pMDCont;
    //find the node that haven't any parents 
    //and change its node type for it to create Conditional Gaussian CPD
    int numOfNodeWithoutParents = -1;
    intVector parents;
    for( i = 0; i < nnodes; i++ )
        pGraph->GetParents( i, &parents );
        if( parents.size() == 0 )
            numOfNodeWithoutParents = i;
    //change node type of this node, make it discrete
    CNodeType ntTab = CNodeType( 1,4 );
    modelNodeType.push_back( ntTab );
    NodeAssociat[numOfNodeWithoutParents] = 2;
    //need to change this model domain
    CModelDomain* pMDCondGau = CModelDomain::Create( modelNodeType, NodeAssociat );
    CBNet* pCondGauBNet = CBNet::CreateWithRandomMatrices( pGraph, pMDCondGau );
    //need to create evidence for all gaussian nodes
    intVector obsNodes;
    int numGauVals = 0;
    for( i = 0; i < numOfNodeWithoutParents; i++ )
        int GauSize = pMDCondGau->GetVariableType(i)->GetNodeSize();
        numGauVals += GauSize;
        obsNodes.push_back( i );
    for( i = numOfNodeWithoutParents + 1; i < nnodes; i++ )
        int GauSize = pMDCondGau->GetVariableType(i)->GetNodeSize();
        numGauVals += GauSize;
        obsNodes.push_back( i );
    valueVector obsGauVals;
    obsGauVals.resize( numGauVals );
    floatVector obsGauValsFl;
    obsGauValsFl.resize( numGauVals);
    pnlRand( numGauVals, &obsGauValsFl.front(), -3.0f, 3.0f);
    //fill the valueVector
    for( i = 0; i < numGauVals; i++ )
    CEvidence* pCondGauEvid = CEvidence::Create( pMDCondGau, obsNodes, obsGauVals );
    CJtreeInfEngine* pCondGauInf = CJtreeInfEngine::Create( pCondGauBNet );
    pCondGauInf->EnterEvidence( pCondGauEvid );
    pCondGauInf->MarginalNodes( &numOfNodeWithoutParents, 1 );
    pot = pCondGauInf->GetQueryJPD();

    delete pCondGauInf;
    delete pCondGauBNet;
    delete pCondGauEvid;
    delete pMDCondGau;

    return trsResult( ret, ret == TRS_OK ? "No errors" : 
    "Bad test on RandomFactors");
Exemplo n.º 20
template <class Val, class Idx> static int foaCvTree( Val, Idx )
    CvTree<Val, Idx> tree;
    int res = TRS_OK;

    /* Check adding new node (operator[]) */
    for( Idx i = 0; i < hsize; i++ )
        Idx num = (Idx)atsInitRandom( 0, hsize );
        tree[num] = (Val)i;
        if( check_direct( tree.get_root() ) != TRS_OK ||
            check_balance( tree.get_root() ) < 0 )
            return trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Error adding new node" );

    /* Check getting node */
    for( i = 0; i < hsize; i++ ) tree[i] = (Val)i;

    for( i = 0; i < hsize; i++ ) if( tree[i] != (Val)i )
        trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "error operator[] (get node)\n" );
        res = TRS_FAIL;
    for( i = 0; i < hsize; i++ ) if( tree.query(i) != (Val)i )
        trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "error query() function\n" );
        res = TRS_FAIL;

    for( i = 0; i < hsize; i++ ) tree[i] = (Val)i;

    for( i = 0; i < hsize; i++ )
        Idx num = (Idx)atsInitRandom( 0, hsize );
        tree.remove( num );
        if( check_direct( tree.get_root() ) != TRS_OK ||
            check_balance( tree.get_root() ) < 0 )
            return trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Error removing node" );
        if( tree.query( num ) != 0 )
            trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Error remove() function (not null) \n" );
            res = TRS_FAIL;

    for( i = 0; i < hsize / 2; i++ )
        tree.remove( i );
        if( check_direct( tree.get_root() ) != TRS_OK ||
            check_balance( tree.get_root() ) < 0 )
            return trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Error removing node" );
        if( tree.query( i ) != 0 )
            trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Error remove() function (not null) \n" );
            res = TRS_FAIL;

    for( i = hsize; i > hsize / 2 - 1; i-- )
        tree.remove( i );
        if( check_direct( tree.get_root() ) != TRS_OK ||
            check_balance( tree.get_root() ) < 0 )
            return trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Error removing node" );
        if( tree.query( i ) != 0 )
            trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Error remove() function (not null) \n" );
            res = TRS_FAIL;


    for( i = 0; i < hsize; i++ ) tree[i] = (Val)(i + 1);
    CvTree<Val, Idx>::iterator iterator = tree.begin();
    if( *iterator != 1 )
        trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Wrong begin() function (bad val)\n");
        res = TRS_FAIL;
    if( iterator.get_idx() != 0 )
        trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Wrong begin() function (bad idx)\n");
        res = TRS_FAIL;

    iterator = tree.end();
    if( *iterator != hsize )
        trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Wrong end() function (bad val)\n");
        res = TRS_FAIL;
    if( iterator.get_idx() != hsize - 1 )
        trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Wrong end() function (bad idx)\n");
        res = TRS_FAIL;

    CvTree<Val, Idx> empty;
    empty = tree;

    CvTree<Val, Idx>::iterator beg1 = empty.begin();
    CvTree<Val, Idx>::iterator beg2 = tree.begin();
    CvTree<Val, Idx>::iterator end = tree.begin();

    while( beg2 != end )
        if( *beg2 != *beg1 )
            res = TRS_FAIL;
            trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Wrong operator= (bad value)\n" );
        if( beg2.get_idx() != beg1.get_idx() )
            res = TRS_FAIL;
            trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Wrong operator= (bad idx)\n" );
    if( *beg2 != *beg1 )
        res = TRS_FAIL;
        trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Wrong operator= (bad value)\n" );
    if( beg2.get_idx() != beg1.get_idx() )
        res = TRS_FAIL;
        trsWrite( ATS_CON | ATS_LST, "Wrong operator= (bad idx)\n" );

    return res;
Exemplo n.º 21
int testBayesLearningEngine()
    int ret = TRS_OK;
    int i, j;
    const int nnodes = 4;//Number of nodes
    int numNt = 1;//number of Node Types

    float eps = -1.0f;
    while( eps <= 0)
	trssRead( &eps, "0.01f", "accuracy in test");
    CNodeType *nodeTypes = new CNodeType [numNt];
    for( i=0; i < numNt; i++ )
	nodeTypes[i] = CNodeType(1,2);//all nodes are discrete and binary

    int nodeAssociation[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
    int obs_nodes[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
    int numOfNeigh[] = { 2, 2, 2, 2};

    int neigh0[] = { 1, 2 };
    int neigh1[] = { 0, 3 };
    int neigh2[] = { 0, 3 };
    int neigh3[] = { 1, 2 };

    ENeighborType orient0[] = { ntChild, ntChild };
    ENeighborType orient1[] = { ntParent, ntChild };
    ENeighborType orient2[] = { ntParent, ntChild };
    ENeighborType orient3[] = { ntParent, ntParent };

    int *neigh[] = { neigh0, neigh1, neigh2, neigh3 };
    ENeighborType *orient[] = { orient0, orient1, orient2, orient3 };

    float prior0[] = { 1.f, 1.f };
    float prior1[] = { 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f };
    float prior2[] = { 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f };
    float prior3[] = { 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f };

    float* priors[] = { prior0,prior1,prior2,prior3 };

    float zero_array[] = { 1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1 };

    float test_data0[] = { 0.636364f, 0.363636f };
    float test_data1[] = { 0.6f, 0.4f, 0.777778f, 0.222222f };
    float test_data2[] = { 0.866667f, 0.133333f, 0.111111f, 0.888889f };
    float test_data3[] = { 0.888889f, 0.111111f, 0.111111f, 0.888889f,
	0.142857f, 0.857143f, 0.333333f, 0.666667f };
    float* test_data_first[] = { test_data0, test_data1, test_data2, test_data3 };

    float test_data4[] = { 0.519231f, 0.480769f };
    float test_data5[] = { 0.571429f, 0.428571f, 0.884615f, 0.115385f };
    float test_data6[] = { 0.857143f, 0.142857f, 0.0769231f, 0.923077f };
    float test_data7[] = { 0.937500f, 0.0625000f, 0.12f, 0.88f,
	0.166667f, 0.833333f, 0.2f, 0.8f };
    float* test_data_second[] = { test_data4, test_data5, test_data6, test_data7 };

    CGraph* Graph = CGraph::Create( nnodes, numOfNeigh, neigh,

    CBNet *myBNet = CBNet::Create(nnodes, numNt, nodeTypes,
	nodeAssociation, Graph );

    for ( int node = 0; node < nnodes; node++ )
	myBNet->AllocFactor( node );
	//allocate empty CPT matrix, it needs to be allocated even if
	//we are going to learn train it.
	(myBNet->GetFactor( node ))->AllocMatrix( zero_array, matTable );
	//allocate prior matrices
	(myBNet->GetFactor( node ))->AllocMatrix( priors[node], matDirichlet );
	static_cast<CCPD *>(myBNet->GetFactor( node ))->NormalizeCPD();

    //Reading cases from disk

    FILE *fp;
    const int nEv = 50;
    CEvidence **m_pEv;
    m_pEv = new CEvidence *[nEv];
    std::vector<valueVector> Evidence(nEv);
    for( int ev = 0; ev < nEv; ev++)

    int simbol;
    char *argv = "../c_pgmtk/tests/testdata/cases1";
    fp = fopen(argv, "r");
        argv = "../testdata/cases1";
        if ((fp = fopen(argv, "r")) == NULL)
            printf( "can't open file %s\n", argv );
	    ret = TRS_FAIL;
	    return trsResult( ret, ret == TRS_OK ? "No errors" :
	        "Bad test: no file with cases");
    if (fp)
	i = 0;
	j = 0;
	while( i < nEv)
	    simbol = getc( fp );
	    if( isdigit( simbol ) )
		(Evidence[i])[j].SetInt(simbol - '0');
		if( ( j - nnodes ) == 0 )
		    j = 0;

    for( i = 0; i < nEv; i++ )
	m_pEv[i] = CEvidence::Create(myBNet->GetModelDomain(),
	    nnodes, obs_nodes, Evidence[i]);

    //create bayesin learning engine
    CBayesLearningEngine *pLearn = CBayesLearningEngine::Create(myBNet);

    //Learn only portion of evidences
    pLearn->SetData(20, m_pEv);
    pLearn ->Learn();

    CNumericDenseMatrix<float> *pMatrix;
    int length = 0;
    const float *output;

    for ( i = 0; i < nnodes; i++)
	pMatrix = static_cast<CNumericDenseMatrix<float>*>(myBNet->
	pMatrix->GetRawData(&length, &output);
	for (j = 0; j < length; j++)
	    if( fabs(output[j] - test_data_first[i][j] ) > eps )
		ret = TRS_FAIL;
		return trsResult( ret, ret == TRS_OK ? "No errors" :
		"Bad test on BayesLearningEngine");


    //Learn second portion of evidences
    pLearn->AppendData(20, m_pEv+20);
    pLearn->AppendData(10, m_pEv+40);
    pLearn ->Learn();

    //check second portion
    for ( i = 0; i < nnodes; i++)
	pMatrix = static_cast<CNumericDenseMatrix<float>*>(myBNet->
	pMatrix->GetRawData(&length, &output);
	for (j = 0; j < length; j++)
	    if( fabs(output[j] - test_data_second[i][j] ) > eps )
		ret = TRS_FAIL;
		return trsResult( ret, ret == TRS_OK ? "No errors" :
		"Bad test on BayesLearningEngine");


    for( i = 0; i < nEv; i++ )
	delete (m_pEv[i]);

    delete []m_pEv;
    delete (pLearn);
    delete (myBNet);
    delete [](nodeTypes);
    return trsResult( ret, ret == TRS_OK ? "No errors"
	: "Bad test on BayesLearningEngine");
Exemplo n.º 22
int testMarginalize()
    int ret = TRS_OK;
    const int nnodes = 4;
    const int numnt = 2;
    intVector nodeAssociation = intVector( nnodes );
    nodeTypeVector nodeTypes;
    nodeTypes.assign( numnt, CNodeType() );
    nodeTypes[0].SetType(1, 2);
    nodeTypes[1].SetType(1, 3);
    nodeAssociation[0] = 0;
    nodeAssociation[1] = 0;
    nodeAssociation[2] = 0;
    nodeAssociation[3] = 1;
    CModelDomain* pMD = CModelDomain::Create( nodeTypes, nodeAssociation );
    int *domain = (int*)trsGuardcAlloc( nnodes, sizeof(int) );
    domain[0]=0; domain[1]=1; domain[2]=2; domain[3]=3;
    float* data = (float*)trsGuardcAlloc( 24, sizeof(float) );
    for (int i0=0; i0<24; data[i0]=i0*0.01f, i0++){};
    EMatrixType mType=matTable;
    CTabularPotential *pxParam1=CTabularPotential::Create( domain, nnodes, pMD); 
    pxParam1->AllocMatrix(data, mType);
    int domSize=2;
    int *pSmallDom = (int*)trsGuardcAlloc( domSize, sizeof(int) );
    pSmallDom[0] = 1;	pSmallDom[1] = 3;
    CFactor *pxParam2=pxParam1->Marginalize(pSmallDom, domSize, 0);
    //	CFactor *pxParam2=pxParam1->Marginalize(pSmallDom, 0, 0);	
    const CNumericDenseMatrix<float> *pxMatrix = static_cast<
    const float* dmatrix1;
    //	const float* dmatrix1 = (const float*)trsGuardcAlloc( 1, sizeof(float) );
    int n;
    pxMatrix->GetRawData(&n, &dmatrix1);
    float *testdata1=new float[6];
    testdata1[0]=0.30f; testdata1[1]=0.34f; testdata1[2]=0.38f;
    testdata1[3]=0.54f; testdata1[4]=0.58f; testdata1[5]=0.62f;
    for(int i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++)
    {	// Test the values...
        //printf("%d   %f %f", i1, dmatrix1[i1], testdata1[i1] );
        if(fabs(testdata1[i1] - dmatrix1[i1]) > eps)
            return trsResult(TRS_FAIL, "data doesn't agree at max=0");
    CFactor *pxParam3=pxParam1->Marginalize(pSmallDom, domSize, 1);
    const CNumericDenseMatrix<float> *pxMatrix1 = static_cast<
    const float *dmatrix2;
    pxMatrix1->GetRawData(&n, &dmatrix2);
    float *testdata2 = new float[6];
    testdata2[1]=0.16f; testdata2[2]=0.17f;
    testdata2[3]=0.21f; testdata2[4]=0.22f; testdata2[5]=0.23f;
    for(int i2 = 0; i2 < 6; i2++)
    {	// Test the values...
        //	printf("%d   %f %f", i2, dmatrix2[i2], testdata2[i2]);
        if( fabs(dmatrix2[i2] - testdata2[i2]) > eps)
            return trsResult(TRS_FAIL, "data doesn't agree at max=1");

    //we can check some methods of Tabular
    CTabularPotential* pUniPot = 
        CTabularPotential::CreateUnitFunctionDistribution( domain, nnodes,
        pMD, 1 );
    CTabularPotential* pCopyUniPot = static_cast<CTabularPotential*>(
    CTabularPotential* pNormUniPot = static_cast<CTabularPotential*>(
    (*pCopyUniPot) = (*pCopyUniPot);
    pxParam1->AllocMatrix(data, matTable);
    intVector indices;
    //we've just damaged the potential
    std::string s;
    if( pxParam1->IsValid(&s) )
        ret = TRS_FAIL;
    intVector pos;
    floatVector vals;
    intVector offsets;
    pUniPot->GetMultipliedDelta(&pos, &vals, &offsets);

    delete pNormUniPot;
    delete pCopyUniPot;
    delete pUniPot;
    delete pxParam1; 
    delete pxParam2; 
    delete pxParam3;
    delete testdata1; 
    delete testdata2;
    delete pMD;
    int data_memory_flag = trsGuardCheck( data );
    int domain_memory_flag = trsGuardCheck( domain );
    int Smalldomain_memory_flag = trsGuardCheck( pSmallDom );
    trsGuardFree( data );
    trsGuardFree( domain );
    trsGuardFree( pSmallDom );
    if( data_memory_flag || domain_memory_flag || Smalldomain_memory_flag )
        return trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Dirty memory");
    return trsResult( ret, ret == TRS_OK ? "No errors" : "Marginalize FAILED");
Exemplo n.º 23
int testShrinkObservedNodes()
    int i/*,j*/;
    int ret = TRS_OK;
    /*prepare to read the values from console*/
    EDistributionType dt;
    int disType = -1;
    EFactorType pt;
    int paramType = -1;
    /*read int disType corresponding DistributionType*/
    while((disType<0)||(disType>0))/*now we have only Tabulars&Gaussian*/
	trsiRead( &disType, "0", "DistributionType");
    /*read int paramType corresponding FactorType*/
	trsiRead( &paramType, "0", "FactorType");
    dt = EDistributionType(disType);
    pt = EFactorType(paramType);
    int numberOfNodes = 0;
    /*read number of nodes in Factor domain*/
	trsiRead( &numberOfNodes, "1", "Number of Nodes in domain");
    int numNodeTypes = 0;
    /*read number of node types in model*/
	trsiRead( &numNodeTypes, "1", "Number of node types in Domain");
    //int seed1 = pnlTestRandSeed()/*%100000*/;
    /*create string to display the value*/
    /*	char *value = new char[20];
    value = _itoa(seed1, value, 10);
    trsiRead(&seed1, value, "Seed for srand to define NodeTypes etc.");
    delete []value;
    trsWrite(TW_CON|TW_RUN|TW_DEBUG|TW_LST, "seed for rand = %d\n", seed1);
    int *domain = (int *)trsGuardcAlloc(numberOfNodes, sizeof(int));
    CNodeType * allNodeTypes = (CNodeType*)trsGuardcAlloc(numNodeTypes,
    //To generate the NodeTypes we use rand()% and creates only Tabular now
    for(i=0; i<numNodeTypes; i++)
    allNodeTypes[i] = CNodeType(1, 1+rand()%(numNodeTypes+3));
    /*load data for parameter::ShrinkObservedNodes from console*/
    intVector domain;
    domain.assign( numberOfNodes, 0 );
    nodeTypeVector allNodeTypes;
    allNodeTypes.assign( numNodeTypes, CNodeType() );
    /*read node types*/
    for(i=0; i < numNodeTypes; i++)
	int IsDiscrete = -1;
	int NodeSize = -1;
	    /*now we have tabular & Gaussian nodes!! */
	    trsiRead(&IsDiscrete, "1", "Is the node discrete?");
	    trsiRead(&NodeSize, "2", "NodeSize of node");
	allNodeTypes[i] = CNodeType( IsDiscrete != 0, NodeSize );
    const CNodeType **nodeTypesOfDomain = (const CNodeType**)
	trsGuardcAlloc(numberOfNodes, sizeof(CNodeType*));
    int numData = 1;
    int *Ranges = (int*)trsGuardcAlloc(numberOfNodes, sizeof(int));
    /*associate nodes to node types*/
    for(i=0; i<numberOfNodes; i++)
	domain[i] = i;
	int nodeAssociationToNodeType = -1;
	    trsiRead(&nodeAssociationToNodeType, "0", 
	    "node i has type nodeAssociationToNodeType");
	nodeTypesOfDomain[i] = &allNodeTypes[nodeAssociationToNodeType];
	//	nodeTypesOfDomain[i] = &allNodeTypes[rand()%numNodeTypes];
	Ranges[i] = nodeTypesOfDomain[i]->GetNodeSize();
    CModelDomain* pMD = CModelDomain::Create( allNodeTypes, domain );
    /*create factor according all information*/
    CFactor *pMyParam = NULL;
    float *data = (float *)trsGuardcAlloc(numData, sizeof(float));
    char *stringVal;/* = (char*)trsGuardcAlloc(50, sizeof(char));*/
    double val=0;
    /*read the values from console*/
    if(pt == ftPotential)
	pMyParam = CTabularPotential::Create( &domain.front(), numberOfNodes, pMD );
	/*here we can create data by multiply on 0.1 - numbers are nonnormalized*/
	for(i=0; i<numData; i++)
	    val = 0.1*i;
	    stringVal = trsDouble(val);
	    trsdRead(&val, stringVal, "value of i's data position");
	    data[i] = (float)val;
	    //data[i] = (float)rand()/1000;
    /*we can only read data from console - it must be normalized!!
	(according their dimensions) - or we can normalize it by function!*/
	if(pt == ftCPD)
	    pMyParam = CTabularCPD::Create( &domain.front(), numberOfNodes, pMD );
	for(i=0; i<numData; i++)
	    val = -1;
		trsdRead(&val, "-1", "value of (2*i)'s data position");
	    data[i] = (float)val;
    //trsWrite(TW_CON|TW_RUN|TW_DEBUG|TW_LST, "data for Factor = %d\n", data[i]);
    int nObsNodes = 0;	/*rand()%numberOfNodes;*/
	trsiRead(&nObsNodes, "1", "Number of Observed Nodes");
    intVector myHelpForEvidence = intVector(domain.begin(), domain.end() );
    int *ObsNodes = (int *)trsGuardcAlloc(nObsNodes, sizeof(int));
    valueVector TabularValues;
    TabularValues.assign( nObsNodes, (Value)0 );
    char *strVal;
    for(i=0; i<nObsNodes; i++)
	//fixme - we need to have noncopy only different ObsNodes
	/*		j = rand()%(numberOfNodes-i);*/
	int numberOfObsNode = -1;
	strVal = trsInt(i);
        intVector::iterator j = std::find( myHelpForEvidence.begin(), myHelpForEvidence.end(), numberOfObsNode );
	    trsiRead(&numberOfObsNode, strVal,"Number of i's observed node");
	    j = std::find(myHelpForEvidence.begin(), myHelpForEvidence.end(),
	//ObsNodes[i] = myHelpForEvidence[j];
	myHelpForEvidence.erase( j );
	ObsNodes[i] = numberOfObsNode;
	int valueOfNode = -1;
	int maxValue = (*nodeTypesOfDomain[ObsNodes[i]]).GetNodeSize();
	    trsiRead(&valueOfNode,"0","this is i's observed node value");
    CEvidence* pEvidence = CEvidence::Create( pMD, nObsNodes, ObsNodes, TabularValues );
    CNodeType *ObservedNodeType = (CNodeType*)trsGuardcAlloc(1, 
    *ObservedNodeType = CNodeType(1,1);
    CPotential *myTakedInFactor = static_cast<CPotential*>(pMyParam)->ShrinkObservedNodes(pEvidence);
    const int *myfactorDomain;
    int factorDomSize ;
    myTakedInFactor->GetDomain(&factorDomSize, &myfactorDomain);
#if 0
    CNumericDenseMatrix<float> *mySmallMatrix = static_cast<
    int n;
    const float* mySmallData;
    mySmallMatrix->GetRawData(&n, &mySmallData);
    int nDims; // = mySmallMatrix->GetNumberDims();
    const int * mySmallRanges;
    mySmallMatrix->GetRanges(&nDims, &mySmallRanges);
	ret = TRS_FAIL;
	trsWrite(TW_CON|TW_RUN|TW_DEBUG|TW_LST, "nDims = %d\n", nDims);
	int numSmallData = 1;
	for(i=0; i<nDims; i++)
	    numSmallData = numSmallData*mySmallRanges[i];
	    trsWrite(TW_CON|TW_RUN|TW_DEBUG|TW_LST, "Range[%d] = %d\n", i, 
	for(i=0; i<numSmallData; i++)
	    trsWrite(TW_CON|TW_RUN|TW_DEBUG|TW_LST, "mySmallData[%d] = %f ",
		i, mySmallData[i]);
    delete (pMyParam);
    delete pMD;
    //test gaussian parameter
    nodeTypeVector nTypes;
    nTypes.assign( 2, CNodeType() );
    nTypes[0] = CNodeType( 0, 2 );
    nTypes[1] = CNodeType( 0,1 );
    intVector domn = intVector(3,0);
    domn[1] = 1;
    domn[2] = 1;
    CModelDomain* pMD1 = CModelDomain::Create( nTypes, domn );
    domn[2] = 2;
    CPotential *BigFactor = CGaussianPotential::CreateUnitFunctionDistribution( 
	&domn.front(), domn.size(), pMD1,0 );
    float mean[] = { 1.0f, 3.2f};
    CPotential *SmallDelta = CGaussianPotential::CreateDeltaFunction( &domn.front(), 1, pMD1, mean, 1 );
    domn.resize( 2 );
    domn[0] = 1;
    domn[1] = 2;
    CPotential *SmallFunct = CGaussianPotential::Create( &domn.front(),
	domn.size(),  pMD1);
    float datH[] = { 1.1f, 2.2f, 3.3f };
    float datK[] = { 1.2f, 2.3f, 2.3f, 3.4f, 5.6f, 6.7f, 3.4f, 6.7f, 9.0f };
    SmallFunct->AllocMatrix( datH, matH );
    SmallFunct->AllocMatrix( datK, matK );
    static_cast<CGaussianPotential*>(SmallFunct)->SetCoefficient( 0.2f, 1 );
    CPotential* multFact = BigFactor->Multiply( SmallDelta );
    CPotential* nextMultFact = multFact->Multiply( SmallFunct );
    domn[0] = 0;
    domn[1] = 1;
    CPotential *marginalized = static_cast<CPotential*>(nextMultFact->Marginalize( &domn.front(), domn.size() ));
    int isSpecific = marginalized->IsDistributionSpecific();
    if( isSpecific )
	trsWrite(TW_CON|TW_RUN|TW_DEBUG|TW_LST, "\nGaussian Distribution is specific");
    delete BigFactor;
    delete SmallFunct;
    delete SmallDelta;
    delete pMD1;
    int ranges_memory_flag = trsGuardCheck(Ranges);
    int data_memory_flag = trsGuardCheck(data);
    int nodeTypesOfDomain_mem_b = trsGuardCheck(nodeTypesOfDomain);
    int ObsNodes_mem_b = trsGuardCheck(ObsNodes);
    int ObsNodeType_mem_b = trsGuardCheck(ObservedNodeType);
	ret = TRS_FAIL;
	return trsResult( ret, ret == TRS_OK ? "No errors" : 
	"Bad test on ShrinkObservedNodes Method - memory");
    return trsResult( ret, ret == TRS_OK ? "No errors" : 
    "Bad test on ShrinkObservedNodes Method");
Exemplo n.º 24
int testMultiplyMatrix()

    int ret = TRS_OK;
    int i;
#if 0
    int range_max=5;

    int seed1 = pnlTestRandSeed();
    /*create string to display the value*/
    char *value = new char[20];
    value = _itoa(seed1, value, 10);
    trsiRead(&seed1, value, "Seed for srand to define NodeTypes etc.");
    delete []value;
    trsWrite(TW_CON|TW_RUN|TW_DEBUG|TW_LST, "seed for rand = %d\n", seed1);

    srand ((unsigned int)seed1);

    int Nrow1 = 1+rand()%((int) range_max);
    int Ncol1 = 1+rand()%((int) range_max);
    int Nrow2=Ncol1;
    int Ncol2=1+rand()%((int) range_max);
    int Nrow1 = 4;
    int Ncol1 = 6;
    int Nrow2=Ncol1;
    int Ncol2=5;

    int* ranges1 = (int*)trsGuardcAlloc( 2, sizeof(int) );
    int* ranges2 = (int*)trsGuardcAlloc( 2, sizeof(int) );

    ranges1[0]=Nrow1; ranges1[1]=Ncol1;
    ranges2[0]=Nrow2; ranges2[1]=Ncol2;

    int data_length1=ranges1[0]*ranges1[1];
    int data_length2=ranges2[0]*ranges2[1];
    float* data1 = (float*)trsGuardcAlloc( data_length1, sizeof(float) );
    float* data2 = (float*)trsGuardcAlloc( data_length2, sizeof(float) );
    for (i = 0; i < data_length1; data1[i] = (div(i,Ncol1).quot+1)*1.0f, i++);
    for (i = 0; i < data_length2; data2[i] = (div(i,Ncol2).rem+1)*0.1f, i++);

    C2DNumericDenseMatrix<float>* m1 = C2DNumericDenseMatrix<float>::Create( ranges1, data1);
    C2DNumericDenseMatrix<float>* m2 = C2DNumericDenseMatrix<float>::Create( ranges2, data2);
    C2DNumericDenseMatrix<float>* m3 = pnlMultiply(m1,m2,0);
    int data_length3;
    const float *m3data;
    m3->GetRawData(&data_length3, &m3data);

    float *testdata0=new float[data_length3];
    int currow;int curcol;
    for (i = 0; i < data_length3; i++)
	testdata0[i] =currow*curcol*Ncol1*0.1f;
    for(i = 0; i < data_length3; i++)
	// Test the values...
	//printf("%3d  %4.2f  %4.2f\n",i, testdata0[i], m3data[i]);
	if(m3data[i] - testdata0[i]>eps)
	    return trsResult(TRS_FAIL, "data doesn't agree at max=0, preorder");
    delete m3;
    m3 = pnlMultiply(m2,m1,0);
    m3->GetRawData(&data_length3, &m3data);

    for(i = 0; i < data_length3; i++)
	// Test the values...
	//printf("%3d  %4.2f  %4.2f\n",i, testdata0[i], m3data[i]);
	if(m3data[i] - testdata0[i]>eps)
	    return trsResult(TRS_FAIL, "data doesn't agree at max=0, postorder");

#if 0
    float *data4 = new float[data_length2];
    for (i=0;i<data_length2;i++)
    CNumericDenseMatrix<float> * m4=CNumericDenseMatrix<float>::Create(2,ranges2, data4);
    delete m3;
    m3 = pnlMultiply(m1,m2,1);
    m3->GetRawData(&data_length3, &m3data);

    float *testdata1=new float[data_length3];
    for (i = 0; i < data_length3; i++)
	int currow=div(i,Ncol2).quot+1;
	int curcol=div(i,Ncol2).rem+1;
	testdata1[i] =currow*curcol*0.1f;
    for(i = 0; i < data_length3; i++)
	// Test the values...
	//printf("%3d  %4.2f  %4.2f\n",i, testdata1[i], m3data[i]);
	if(m3data[i] - testdata1[i] > eps)
	    return trsResult(TRS_FAIL, "data doesn't agree at max=1, preorder");
    delete m3;
    m3 = pnlMultiply(m2,m1,1);
    m3->GetRawData(&data_length3, &m3data);

    for(i = 0; i < data_length3; i++)
	// Test the values...
	//printf("%3d  %4.2f  %4.2f\n",i, testdata1[i], m3data[i]);
	if(m3data[i] - testdata1[i]>eps)
	    return trsResult(TRS_FAIL, "data doesn't agree at max=1, postorder");

    int ranges1_memory_flag = trsGuardCheck( ranges1 );
    int ranges2_memory_flag = trsGuardCheck( ranges2 );
    int data1_memory_flag = trsGuardCheck( data1 );
    int data2_memory_flag = trsGuardCheck( data2 );

    trsGuardFree( ranges1 );
    trsGuardFree( ranges2 );
    trsGuardFree( data1 );
    trsGuardFree( data2 );

    if(ranges1_memory_flag || ranges2_memory_flag || data1_memory_flag||
	return trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Dirty memory");

    delete m1; delete m2; delete m3;
    delete []testdata1;
    delete []testdata0;
    return trsResult( ret, ret == TRS_OK ? "No errors" : "Bad matrix data");
Exemplo n.º 25
static int drawing_test()
    static int read_params = 0;
    static int read = 0;
    const int channel = 3;
    CvSize size = cvSize(600, 300);

    int i, j;
    int Errors = 0;

    if( !read_params )
        read_params = 1;

        trsCaseRead( &read, "/n/y", "y", "Read from file ?" );
    // Create image
    IplImage* image = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, channel );

    // cvLine
    cvZero( image );

    for( i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
        CvPoint p1 = cvPoint( i - 30, i * 4 + 10 );
        CvPoint p2 = cvPoint( size.width + 30 - i, size.height - 10 - i * 4 );

        cvLine( image, p1, p2, CV_RGB(178+i, 255-i, i), i % 10 );
    Errors += ProcessImage( image, "cvLine", read );

    // cvLineAA
    cvZero( image );

    for( i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
        CvPoint p1 = cvPoint( i - 30, i * 4 + 10 );
        CvPoint p2 = cvPoint( size.width + 30 - i, size.height - 10 - i * 4 );

        cvLine( image, p1, p2, CV_RGB(178+i, 255-i, i), 1, CV_AA, 0 );
    //Errors += ProcessImage( image, "cvLineAA", read );

    // cvRectangle
    cvZero( image );

    for( i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
        CvPoint p1 = cvPoint( i - 30, i * 4 + 10 );
        CvPoint p2 = cvPoint( size.width + 30 - i, size.height - 10 - i * 4 );

        cvRectangle( image, p1, p2, CV_RGB(178+i, 255-i, i), i % 10 );
    Errors += ProcessImage( image, "cvRectangle", read );

#if 0
        named_window( "Diff", 0 );

    // cvCircle
    cvZero( image );

    for( i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
        CvPoint p1 = cvPoint( i * 3, i * 2 );
        CvPoint p2 = cvPoint( size.width - i * 3, size.height - i * 2 );

        cvCircle( image, p1, i, CV_RGB(178+i, 255-i, i), i % 10 );
        cvCircle( image, p2, i, CV_RGB(178+i, 255-i, i), i % 10 );

#if 0
        show_iplimage( "Diff", image );
    Errors += ProcessImage( image, "cvCircle", read );

    // cvCircleAA
    cvZero( image );

    for( i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
        CvPoint p1 = cvPoint( i * 3, i * 2 );
        CvPoint p2 = cvPoint( size.width - i * 3, size.height - i * 2 );

        cvCircleAA( image, p1, i, RGB(i, 255 - i, 178 + i), 0 );
        cvCircleAA( image, p2, i, RGB(i, 255 - i, 178 + i), 0 );
    Errors += ProcessImage( image, "cvCircleAA", read );

    // cvEllipse
    cvZero( image );

    for( i = 10; i < 100; i += 10 )
        CvPoint p1 = cvPoint( i * 6, i * 3 );
        CvSize axes = cvSize( i * 3, i * 2 );

        cvEllipse( image, p1, axes,
                   180 * i / 100, 90 * i / 100, 90 * (i - 100) / 100,
                   CV_RGB(178+i, 255-i, i), i % 10 );
    Errors += ProcessImage( image, "cvEllipse", read );

    // cvEllipseAA
    cvZero( image );

    for( i = 10; i < 100; i += 10 )
        CvPoint p1 = cvPoint( i * 6, i * 3 );
        CvSize axes = cvSize( i * 3, i * 2 );

        cvEllipseAA( image, p1, axes,
                   180 * i / 100, 90 * i / 100, 90 * (i - 100) / 100,
                   RGB(i, 255 - i, 178 + i), i % 10 );
    Errors += ProcessImage( image, "cvEllipseAA", read );

    // cvFillConvexPoly
    cvZero( image );

    for( j = 0; j < 5; j++ )
        for( i = 0; i < 100; i += 10 )
            CvPoint p[4] = {{ j * 100 - 10, i }, { j * 100 + 10, i },
                            { j * 100 + 30, i * 2 }, { j * 100 + 170, i * 3 }};
            cvFillConvexPoly( image, p, 4, CV_RGB(178+i, 255-i, i) );

    Errors += ProcessImage( image, "cvFillConvexPoly", read );

    // cvFillPoly
    cvZero( image );

    for( i = 0; i < 100; i += 10 )
        CvPoint p0[] = {{-10, i}, { 10, i}, { 30, i * 2}, {170, i * 3}};
        CvPoint p1[] = {{ 90, i}, {110, i}, {130, i * 2}, {270, i * 3}};
        CvPoint p2[] = {{190, i}, {210, i}, {230, i * 2}, {370, i * 3}};
        CvPoint p3[] = {{290, i}, {310, i}, {330, i * 2}, {470, i * 3}};
        CvPoint p4[] = {{390, i}, {410, i}, {430, i * 2}, {570, i * 3}};

        CvPoint* p[] = {p0, p1, p2, p3, p4};

        int n[] = {4, 4, 4, 4, 4};
        cvFillPoly( image, p, n, 5, CV_RGB(178+i, 255-i, i) );
    Errors += ProcessImage( image, "cvFillPoly", read );

    // cvPolyLine
    cvZero( image );

    for( i = 0; i < 100; i += 10 )
        CvPoint p0[] = {{-10, i}, { 10, i}, { 30, i * 2}, {170, i * 3}};
        CvPoint p1[] = {{ 90, i}, {110, i}, {130, i * 2}, {270, i * 3}};
        CvPoint p2[] = {{190, i}, {210, i}, {230, i * 2}, {370, i * 3}};
        CvPoint p3[] = {{290, i}, {310, i}, {330, i * 2}, {470, i * 3}};
        CvPoint p4[] = {{390, i}, {410, i}, {430, i * 2}, {570, i * 3}};

        CvPoint* p[] = {p0, p1, p2, p3, p4};

        int n[] = {4, 4, 4, 4, 4};
        cvPolyLine( image, p, n, 5, 1, CV_RGB(178+i, 255-i, i), i % 10 );
    Errors += ProcessImage( image, "cvPolyLine", read );

    // cvPolyLineAA
    cvZero( image );

    for( i = 0; i < 100; i += 10 )
        CvPoint p0[] = {{-10, i}, { 10, i}, { 30, i * 2}, {170, i * 3}};
        CvPoint p1[] = {{ 90, i}, {110, i}, {130, i * 2}, {270, i * 3}};
        CvPoint p2[] = {{190, i}, {210, i}, {230, i * 2}, {370, i * 3}};
        CvPoint p3[] = {{290, i}, {310, i}, {330, i * 2}, {470, i * 3}};
        CvPoint p4[] = {{390, i}, {410, i}, {430, i * 2}, {570, i * 3}};

        CvPoint* p[] = {p0, p1, p2, p3, p4};

        int n[] = {4, 4, 4, 4, 4};
        cvPolyLineAA( image, p, n, 5, 1, RGB(i, 255 - i, 178 + i), 0 );
    Errors += ProcessImage( image, "cvPolyLineAA", read );

    // cvPolyLineAA
    cvZero( image );

    for( i = 1; i < 10; i++ )
        CvFont font;
        cvInitFont( &font, CV_FONT_VECTOR0,
                    (double)i / 5, (double)i / 5, (double)i / 10, i );
        cvPutText( image, "privet. this is test. :)", cvPoint(0, i * 20), &font, CV_RGB(178+i, 255-i, i) );
    Errors += ProcessImage( image, "cvPutText", read );

    cvReleaseImage( &image );

    return Errors ? trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "errors" ) : trsResult( TRS_OK, "ok" );
Exemplo n.º 26
int fmaFitEllipse(void)
    long lErrors = 0; 
    CvPoint points[1000];
    CvPoint2D32f fpoints[1000];
    CvBox2D box;
    CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
    CvContour* contour;
    CvSize axis;
    IplImage* img = cvCreateImage( cvSize(200,200), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
    for( int k = 0 ; k < 1000; k++ )
        iplSet( img, 0 );

        CvPoint center = { 100, 100 };
        double angle = atsInitRandom( 0, 360 );
        axis.height = (int)atsInitRandom( 5, 50 );
        axis.width  = (int)atsInitRandom( 5, 50 );   

        cvEllipse( img, center, axis, angle, 0, 360, 255, -1 );
        cvFindContours( img, storage, (CvSeq**)&contour, sizeof(CvContour) );

        cvCvtSeqToArray( (CvSeq*)contour, points );
        for( int i = 0; i < contour->total; i++ )
            fpoints[i].x = (float)points[i].x;
            fpoints[i].y = (float)points[i].y;
        cvFitEllipse( fpoints, contour->total, &box );

        //compare boxes
        if( fabs( box.center.x - center.x) > 1 || fabs( box.center.y - center.y ) > 1 )

        if( ( fabs( box.size.width  - (axis.width * 2 ) ) > 4 || 
              fabs( box.size.height - (axis.height * 2) ) > 4 ) &&
            ( fabs( box.size.height - (axis.width * 2 ) ) > 4 || 
              fabs( box.size.width - (axis.height * 2) ) > 4 ) )           

            /*IplImage* rgb = cvCreateImage( cvSize(200,200), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
            iplSet( rgb, 0 );
            cvEllipse( rgb, center, axis, angle, 0, 360, CV_RGB(255,0,0) , 1 );
            int window = atsCreateWindow( "proba", cvPoint(0,0), cvSize(200,200) );
            cvEllipse( rgb, center, cvSize( box.size.width/2, box.size.height/2) , -box.angle, 
                        0, 360, CV_RGB(0,255,0) , 1 );

            //draw center 
            cvEllipse( rgb, center, cvSize( 0, 0) , 0, 
                        0, 360, CV_RGB(255,255,255) , -1 );
            atsDisplayImage( rgb, window, cvPoint(0,0), cvSize(200,200) );

            atsDestroyWindow( window );
            //one more
            cvFitEllipse( fpoints, contour->total, &box );
    cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );
    if( !lErrors) return trsResult(TRS_OK, "No errors");
        return trsResult(TRS_FAIL, "Fixed %d errors", lErrors);
Exemplo n.º 27
int testEvidence()
    int ret = TRS_OK;
    int nnodes = 0;
    int nObsNodes = 0;
    int i,j;
    while(nnodes <= 0)
	trsiRead( &nnodes, "10", "Number of nodes in Model" );
    while((nObsNodes <= 0)||(nObsNodes>nnodes))
        trsiRead( &nObsNodes, "2", "Number of Observed nodes from all nodes in model");
    int seed1 = pnlTestRandSeed();
    /*create string to display the value*/
    char value[42];

    sprintf(value, "%i", seed1);
    trsiRead(&seed1, value, "Seed for srand to define NodeTypes etc.");
    trsWrite(TW_CON|TW_RUN|TW_DEBUG|TW_LST, "seed for rand = %d\n", seed1);
    CNodeType *modelNodeType = new CNodeType[2];
    modelNodeType[0] = CNodeType( 1, 4 );
    modelNodeType[1] = CNodeType( 0, 3 );
    int *NodeAssociat=new int [nnodes+1];
    for(i=0; i<(nnodes+1)/2; i++)
    //create random graph - number of nodes for every node is rand too
    int lowBorder = nnodes - 1;
    int upperBorder = int((nnodes * (nnodes - 1)) / 2);
    int numEdges = rand()%(upperBorder - lowBorder)+lowBorder;
    CGraph* theGraph = tCreateRandomDAG( nnodes, numEdges, 1 );

    CBNet *grModel = CBNet::Create(nnodes, 2, modelNodeType, NodeAssociat,theGraph);
    int *obsNodes = (int*)trsGuardcAlloc(nObsNodes, sizeof(int));
    srand ((unsigned int)seed1);
    intVector residuaryNodes;
    for (i=0; i<nnodes; i++)
    int num = 0;
    valueVector Values;
    Value val;
    for (i = 0; i<nObsNodes; i++)
	num = rand()%(nnodes-i);
	obsNodes[i] = residuaryNodes[num];
	CNodeType nt = modelNodeType[NodeAssociat[obsNodes[i]]];

    CEvidence *pMyEvid = CEvidence::Create(grModel,
	nObsNodes, obsNodes, Values) ;
    int nObsNodesFromEv = pMyEvid->GetNumberObsNodes();
    const int *pObsNodesNow = pMyEvid->GetObsNodesFlags();
    //	const int *myOffset = pMyEvid->GetOffset();
    const int *myNumAllObsNodes = pMyEvid->GetAllObsNodes();
    valueVector ev;
    const Value* vall = pMyEvid->GetValue(obsNodes[0]);
    if( NodeAssociat[obsNodes[0]] == 0 )
	if( (vall)[0].GetInt() != 1 )
	    ret = TRS_FAIL;
	for( j=0; j<3; j++)
	    if( (vall)[j].GetFlt() != (j+1)*1.0f )
		ret = TRS_FAIL;
    if(nObsNodesFromEv == nObsNodes)
	intVector numbersOfReallyObsNodes;
	int numReallyObsNodes=0;
	for ( i=0; i<nObsNodesFromEv; i++)
	    if (pObsNodesNow[i])
#if 0
	const CNodeType ** AllNodeTypesFromModel= new const CNodeType*[nnodes];
	for (i=0; i<nnodes; i++)
	    AllNodeTypesFromModel[i] = grModel->GetNodeType(i);
	for (i=0; i<nObsNodesFromEv; i++)
	    //Test the values which are keep in Evidence
	    CNodeType nt = *AllNodeTypesFromModel[myNumAllObsNodes[i]];
	    int IsDiscreteNode = nt.IsDiscrete();
		int valFromEv = (ev[myOffset[i]].GetInt());
		if(!(Values[i].GetInt() == valFromEv))
		for (j=0; j<3; j++)
		    if(!((ev[myOffset[i]+j]).GetFlt() == Values[i+j].GetFlt()))
	delete []AllNodeTypesFromModel;
	ret = TRS_FAIL;
    //Toggle some Node
    int someNumber = (int)(rand()*nObsNodesFromEv/RAND_MAX);
    int *someOfNodes = new int[someNumber];
    intVector residuaryNums = intVector(myNumAllObsNodes,
    for(i=0; i<someNumber;i++)
	num = (int)(rand()%(nObsNodes-i));
	someOfNodes[i] = residuaryNums[num];
    pMyEvid->ToggleNodeState(someNumber, someOfNodes);
    const int *pObsNodesAfterToggle = pMyEvid->GetObsNodesFlags();
    for (i=0; i<nObsNodesFromEv; i++)
	//Test the ToggleNode method...
	    for(j=0; j<someNumber;j++)

    delete grModel;
    delete pMyEvid;
    delete []modelNodeType;
    delete []NodeAssociat;
    delete []someOfNodes;
    int obsNodes_memory_flag = trsGuardCheck( obsNodes );
    if( obsNodes_memory_flag)
	return trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Dirty memory");
    trsGuardFree( obsNodes );
    return trsResult( ret, ret == TRS_OK ? "No errors" : "Bad test on Values");
Exemplo n.º 28
//--------------------------------------------------- Test body --------------------------
static int fmaUnDistort( void )
    int i, itest, io=0, num_test, err1=0, err2=0, err3=0, err4=0,
        err10=0, err20=0, err30=0, err40=0, err=0, err5, pass=1;
    int n, n3, step, step3;
    int* data;
    IplImage* undistMap = 0;
    uchar *srcImg, *dstImg, *tstImg, *srcImg3, *dstImg3, *tstImg3;
    IplImage *src, *dst, *tst, *src3, *dst3, *tst3;
    float *a, *k, p = 0.f;
    AtsRandState state;
    CvSize size;
    double norm, norm1;

    /* Reading test parameters */
    trsiRead( &img_width,  "320", "width of image" );
    trsiRead( &img_height, "240", "height of image" );
    trsiRead( &roi_step,     "0", "ROI step" );

    n = img_width * img_height;
    size.height = img_height;  size.width = img_width;

    a      = (float*)cvAlloc( sizeof(float) * 9 );
    k      = (float*)cvAlloc( sizeof(float) * 4 );
    //data   = (int*)   icvAlloc(   3*n*sizeof(int) );
    src  = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
    cvSetImageROI( src, cvRect(0, 0, src->width, src->height) );
    dst  = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
    cvSetImageROI( dst, cvRect(0, 0, dst->width, dst->height) );
    tst  = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
    cvSetImageROI( tst, cvRect(0, 0, tst->width, tst->height) );
    src3 = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
    cvSetImageROI( src3, cvRect(0, 0, src3->width, src3->height) );
    dst3 = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
    cvSetImageROI( dst3, cvRect(0, 0, dst3->width, dst3->height) );
    tst3 = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
    cvSetImageROI( tst3, cvRect(0, 0, tst3->width, tst3->height) );
    undistMap = cvCreateImage( size, IPL_DEPTH_32S, 3 );

    srcImg  = (uchar*)src->imageData;
    dstImg  = (uchar*)dst->imageData;
    tstImg  = (uchar*)tst->imageData;
    srcImg3 = (uchar*)src3->imageData;
    dstImg3 = (uchar*)dst3->imageData;
    tstImg3 = (uchar*)tst3->imageData;
    data = (int*)undistMap->imageData;

    step = src->widthStep;  step3 = src3->widthStep;
    n = step*img_height;  n3 = step3*img_height;

    atsRandInit( &state, 0, 255, 13 );
    atsbRand8u ( &state, srcImg,  n  );
    atsbRand8u ( &state, srcImg3, n3 );

    a[0] = img_width/3.f;
    a[4] = img_height/2.f;
    a[2] = img_width/2.f;
    a[5] = img_height/2.f;
    k[0] = -0.04f;
    k[1] = 0.004f;
    k[2] = 0.f;
    k[3] = 0.f;

        num_test = (img_width/2 - 3)/roi_step;
        if( num_test > (img_height/2)/roi_step ) num_test = (img_height/2)/roi_step;
    else num_test = 1;
    if( num_test < 1 )  num_test = 1;

    trsWrite(TW_RUN|TW_CON, "\n  %d pass of 4 :\n", pass);
    for(itest=0; itest<num_test; itest++)
        int ii = (itest*10)/num_test;
        int roi_offset  = roi_step*itest;
        int img_offset  = roi_offset*(step  + 1);
        int img_offset3 = roi_offset*(step3 + 3);
        size.width = img_width - 2*roi_offset;  size.height = img_height - 2*roi_offset;

        src->roi->xOffset  = src->roi->yOffset = roi_offset;
        src->roi->height   = size.height;  src->roi->width = size.width;
        dst->roi->xOffset  = dst->roi->yOffset = roi_offset;
        dst->roi->height   = size.height;  dst->roi->width = size.width;
        tst->roi->xOffset  = tst->roi->yOffset = roi_offset;
        tst->roi->height   = size.height;  tst->roi->width = size.width;
        src3->roi->xOffset = src3->roi->yOffset = roi_offset;
        src3->roi->height  = size.height;  src3->roi->width = size.width;
        dst3->roi->xOffset = dst3->roi->yOffset = roi_offset;
        dst3->roi->height  = size.height;  dst3->roi->width = size.width;
        tst3->roi->xOffset = tst3->roi->yOffset = roi_offset;
        tst3->roi->height  = size.height;  tst3->roi->width = size.width;

/*  8uC1 flavor test without interpolation */
        for(i=0; i<n; i++) dstImg[i] = tstImg[i] = 0;

        cvUnDistortInit ( src, undistMap, a, k, 0 );
        cvUnDistort     ( src, dst, undistMap, 0 );
        UnDistortTest_C1( srcImg + img_offset, tstImg + img_offset, step, size, a, k, 0 );

        if( !img_offset )
            norm = norm1 = 0.0;
            for(i=0; i<n; i++)
                norm  += fabs( dstImg[i] - tstImg[i] );
                norm1 += fabs( tstImg[i] );
            norm /= norm1;
            printf( " 8u C1 without interpolation:  %g\n", norm );

        for(i=0; i<n; i++)
            int d = dstImg[i] - tstImg[i];
            if( d > MAXDIFF || d < -MAXDIFF ) err1++;

        for(i=0; i<n; i++) dstImg[i] = 0;
        cvUnDistortOnce ( src, dst, a, k, 0 );
        //for(i=0; i<n; i++)printf(" %d", dstImg[i]); getchar();

        if( !img_offset )
            norm = norm1 = 0.0;
            for(i=0; i<n; i++)
                norm  += fabs( dstImg[i] - tstImg[i] );
                norm1 += fabs( tstImg[i] );
            norm /= norm1;
            printf( "                               %g\n", norm );

        for(i=0; i<n; i++)
            int d = dstImg[i] - tstImg[i];
            if( d > MAXDIFF || d < -MAXDIFF ) err10++;

/*  8uC1 flavor test with interpolation */
        for(i=0; i<n; i++) dstImg[i] = tstImg[i] = 0;

        cvUnDistortInit ( src, undistMap, a, k, 1 );
        cvUnDistort     ( src, dst, undistMap, 1 );
        UnDistortTest_C1( srcImg + img_offset, tstImg + img_offset, step, size, a, k, 1 );

        if( !img_offset )
            norm = norm1 = 0.0;
            for(i=0; i<n; i++)
                norm  += fabs( dstImg[i] - tstImg[i] );
                norm1 += fabs( tstImg[i] );
            norm /= norm1;
            printf( " 8u C1 with    interpolation:  %g\n", norm );

        for(i=0; i<n; i++)
            int d = dstImg[i] - tstImg[i];
            if( d > MAXDIFF || d < -MAXDIFF ) err2++;

        for(i=0; i<n; i++) dstImg[i] = 0;

        cvUnDistortOnce ( src, dst, a, k, 1 );

        if( !img_offset )
            norm = norm1 = 0.0;
            for(i=0; i<n; i++)
                norm  += fabs( dstImg[i] - tstImg[i] );
                norm1 += fabs( tstImg[i] );
            norm /= norm1;
            printf( "                               %g\n", norm );

        for(i=0; i<n; i++)
            int d = dstImg[i] - tstImg[i];
            if( d > MAXDIFF || d < -MAXDIFF ) err20++;

/*  8uC3 flavor test without interpolation */
        for(i=0; i<n3; i++) dstImg3[i] = tstImg3[i] = 0;

        cvUnDistortInit ( src3, undistMap, a, k, 0 );
        cvUnDistort     ( src3, dst3, undistMap, 0 );
        UnDistortTest_C3( srcImg3+img_offset3, tstImg3+img_offset3, step3, size, a, k, 0 );

        for(i=0; i<n3; i++)
            int d = dstImg3[i] - tstImg3[i];
            if( d > MAXDIFF || d < -MAXDIFF ) err3++;

        if( !img_offset )
            norm = norm1 = 0.0;
            for(i=0; i<n3; i++)
                norm  += fabs( dstImg3[i] - tstImg3[i] );
                norm1 += fabs( tstImg3[i] );
            norm /= norm1;
            printf( " 8u C3 without interpolation:  %g\n", norm );

        for(i=0; i<n3; i++) dstImg3[i] = 0;

        cvUnDistortOnce ( src3, dst3, a, k, 0 );

        if( !img_offset )
            norm = norm1 = 0.0;
            for(i=0; i<n3; i++)
                norm  += fabs( dstImg3[i] - tstImg3[i] );
                norm1 += fabs( tstImg3[i] );
            norm /= norm1;
            printf( "                               %g\n", norm );

        for(i=0; i<n3; i++)
            int d = dstImg3[i] - tstImg3[i];
            if( d > MAXDIFF || d < -MAXDIFF ) err30++;

/*  8uC3 flavor test with interpolation */
        for(i=0; i<n3; i++) dstImg3[i] = tstImg3[i] = 0;

        cvUnDistortInit ( src3, undistMap, a, k, 1 );
        cvUnDistort     ( src3, dst3, undistMap, 1 );
        UnDistortTest_C3( srcImg3+img_offset3, tstImg3+img_offset3, step3, size, a, k, 1 );

        for(i=0; i<n3; i++)
            int d = dstImg3[i] - tstImg3[i];
            if( d > MAXDIFF || d < -MAXDIFF ) err4++;

        if( !img_offset )
            norm = norm1 = 0.0;
            for(i=0; i<n3; i++)
                norm  += fabs( dstImg3[i] - tstImg3[i] );
                norm1 += fabs( tstImg3[i] );
            norm /= norm1;
            printf( " 8u C3 with    interpolation:  %g\n", norm );

        for(i=0; i<n3; i++) dstImg3[i] = 0;

        cvUnDistortOnce ( src3, dst3, a, k, 1 );

        if( !img_offset )
            norm = norm1 = 0.0;
            for(i=0; i<n3; i++)
                norm  += fabs( dstImg3[i] - tstImg3[i] );
                norm1 += fabs( tstImg3[i] );
            norm /= norm1;
            printf( "                               %g\n", norm );

        for(i=0; i<n3; i++)
            int d = dstImg3[i] - tstImg3[i];
            if( d > MAXDIFF || d < -MAXDIFF ) err40++;

        if(ii>io) { trsWrite(TW_RUN|TW_CON, " %d%% ", 10*ii); io=ii; }

    err5 = err1 + err2 + err3 + err4 + err10 + err20 + err30 + err40;
    err += err5;

    if( p < err1*100.f / (float)(n*num_test)   ) p = err1*100.f / (float)(n*num_test);
    if( p < err2*100.f / (float)(n*num_test)   ) p = err2*100.f / (float)(n*num_test);
    if( p < err3*100.f / (float)(3*n*num_test) ) p = err3*100.f / (float)(3*n*num_test);
    if( p < err4*100.f / (float)(3*n*num_test) ) p = err4*100.f / (float)(3*n*num_test);

    if( p < err10*100.f / (float)(n*num_test)   ) p = err10*100.f / (float)(n*num_test);
    if( p < err20*100.f / (float)(n*num_test)   ) p = err20*100.f / (float)(n*num_test);
    if( p < err30*100.f / (float)(3*n*num_test) ) p = err30*100.f / (float)(3*n*num_test);
    if( p < err40*100.f / (float)(3*n*num_test) ) p = err40*100.f / (float)(3*n*num_test);

//printf("\n  %d   %d   %d   %d\n  %d   %d   %d   %d      %7.3f%% errors\n",
//       err1, err2, err3, err4, err10, err20, err30, err40, p);

    switch( pass )
    case 1:
        k[0] = -k[0];
        io = 0;
        err1 = err2 = err3 = err4 = err10 = err20 = err30 = err40 = 0;
        goto begin;
    case 2:
        k[0] = -k[0];
        k[2] = k[3] = 0.02f;
        io = 0;
        err1 = err2 = err3 = err4 = err10 = err20 = err30 = err40 = 0;
        goto begin;
    case 3:
        k[0] = -k[0];
        io = 0;
        err1 = err2 = err3 = err4 = err10 = err20 = err30 = err40 = 0;
        goto begin;

    if( p < MAXPERCENT ) err = 0;

    cvReleaseImage( &src  );
    cvReleaseImage( &dst  );
    cvReleaseImage( &tst  );
    cvReleaseImage( &src3 );
    cvReleaseImage( &dst3 );
    cvReleaseImage( &tst3 );
    cvReleaseImage( &undistMap );
    cvFree( (void**)&a      );
    cvFree( (void**)&k      );

    if( err == 0 ) return trsResult( TRS_OK, "No errors fixed by this test" );
    else return trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Total fixed %d errors", err );
} /*fma*/
Exemplo n.º 29
int testBKInfUsingClusters()
    int ret = TRS_OK;

    int seed = pnlTestRandSeed();
    pnlSeed( seed );
    int nTimeSlices = -1;
    while(nTimeSlices <= 5)
        trsiRead (&nTimeSlices, "10", "Number of slices");
    float eps = -1.0f;
    while( eps <= 0 )
        trssRead( &eps, "1.0e-1f", "accuracy in test");
    CDBN *pDBN = CDBN::Create( pnlExCreateBatNetwork() );
    intVecVector clusters;
    intVector interfNds;
    pDBN->GetInterfaceNodes( &interfNds );
    int numIntNds = interfNds.size();
    int numOfClusters = pnlRand( 1, numIntNds );
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < numIntNds; i++ )
	( clusters[pnlRand( 0, numOfClusters-1 )] ).push_back( interfNds[i] );

    intVecVector validClusters;
    for( i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++ )
	if(! clusters[i].empty())
    CBKInfEngine *pBKInf;
    pBKInf = CBKInfEngine::Create( pDBN, validClusters );

    C1_5SliceJtreeInfEngine *pJTreeInf;
    pJTreeInf = C1_5SliceJtreeInfEngine::Create( pDBN );

    intVector nSlices( 1, nTimeSlices );
    pEvidencesVecVector pEvid;
    pDBN->GenerateSamples( &pEvid, nSlices);
    int nnodesPerSlice = pDBN->GetNumberOfNodes();
    intVector nodes(nnodesPerSlice, 0);
    for( i = 0; i < nnodesPerSlice; i++ )
	nodes[i] = i;
    intVector ndsToToggle;
    for( i = 0; i < nTimeSlices; i++ )
	std::random_shuffle( nodes.begin(), nodes.end() );
	ndsToToggle.resize( pnlRand(1, nnodesPerSlice) );
	int j;
	for( j = 0; j < ndsToToggle.size(); j++ )
	    ndsToToggle[j] = nodes[j];
	(pEvid[0])[i]->ToggleNodeState( ndsToToggle );
    pBKInf->DefineProcedure( ptSmoothing, nTimeSlices );
    pBKInf->EnterEvidence( &(pEvid[0]).front(), nTimeSlices );

    pJTreeInf->DefineProcedure( ptSmoothing, nTimeSlices );
    pJTreeInf->EnterEvidence( &pEvid[0].front(), nTimeSlices );
    int querySlice = pnlRand( 0, nTimeSlices - 1 );
    int queryNode = pnlRand( 0, nnodesPerSlice - 1);
    queryNode += (querySlice ? nnodesPerSlice : 0);

    intVector query;
    pDBN->GetGraph()->GetParents( queryNode, &query );
    query.push_back( queryNode );
    std::random_shuffle( query.begin(), query.end() );
    query.resize( pnlRand(1, query.size()) );

    pBKInf->MarginalNodes(&query.front(), query.size(), querySlice);
    pJTreeInf->MarginalNodes(&query.front(), query.size(), querySlice);

    const CPotential *potBK = pBKInf->GetQueryJPD();
    const CPotential *potJTree = pJTreeInf->GetQueryJPD();
    if( !potBK->IsFactorsDistribFunEqual( potJTree , eps ) )
	std::cout<<"BK query JPD \n";
	std::cout<<"JTree query JPD \n";

	ret = TRS_FAIL;
    for( i = 0; i < nTimeSlices; i++ )
	delete (pEvid[0])[i];
    delete pBKInf;
    delete pJTreeInf;
    delete pDBN;
    return trsResult( ret, ret == TRS_OK ? "No errors" : 
    "Bad test on BK Inference using clusters");
Exemplo n.º 30
static int foaThreshold( void* prm )
    long          lParam  = (long)prm;
    int           Flavour = lParam & 0xf;
    CvThreshType  Type    = (CvThreshType)((lParam >> 4) & 0xf);

    IplImage* Src8uR;
    IplImage* Src8sR;
    IplImage* Src32fR;
    IplImage* Src8uControlR;
    IplImage* Src8sControlR;
    IplImage* Src32fControlR;

    int    height;
    int    width;

    long   Errors = NULL;

    float  ThreshMax;
    float  ThreshMin;
    float  _Thresh;

    int    i;

    static int  read_param = 0;

    /* Initialization global parameters */
    if( !read_param )
        read_param = 1;
        trslRead( &Len,    "106", "Size of sourse array" );
        trssRead( &Thresh, "125", "Threshold value" );

    width = Len;
    height = Len / 2 + 1;
    Src8uR         = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
    Src8sR         = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), IPL_DEPTH_8S, 1);
    Src32fR        = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
    Src8uControlR  = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
    Src8sControlR  = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), IPL_DEPTH_8S, 1);
    Src32fControlR = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
    assert( Src8uR );
    assert( Src8sR );
    assert( Src32fR );
    assert( Src8uControlR );
    assert( Src8sControlR );
    assert( Src32fControlR );

    ThreshMin = (Flavour == ATS_8U ? MAX( -Thresh, 0 ) :
                 Flavour == ATS_8S ? MAX( -Thresh, -128 ) : -Thresh);
    ThreshMax = Thresh;

    for( _Thresh = ThreshMin; _Thresh <= ThreshMax; _Thresh++ )
        CvSize size = cvSize( width, height );
        for( i = 0; i < height; i++ )
            ats1bInitRandom( 0, 255, (uchar*)Src8uControlR->imageData + i * Src8uControlR->widthStep, Len );
            ats1cInitRandom( -128, 127, Src8sControlR->imageData + i * Src8sControlR->widthStep, Len );
            ats1flInitRandom( -255, 255, (float*)(Src32fControlR->imageData + i * Src32fControlR->widthStep), Len );

        /* Run CVL function comparing results */
        switch( Flavour )
        case ATS_8U:
            cvThreshold( Src8uControlR, Src8uR, _Thresh, 250, Type );
            /* Run my function */
            myThreshR( Src8uControlR,
                       _Thresh, 250, Type );
            Errors += atsCompare2Db( (uchar*)Src8uR->imageData, (uchar*)Src8uControlR->imageData,
                                     size, Src8uR->widthStep, 0 );
        case ATS_8S:
            cvThreshold( Src8sControlR,Src8sR, _Thresh, 120, Type );
            /* Run my function */
            myThreshR( Src8uControlR,
                       _Thresh, 120, Type );
            Errors += atsCompare2Dc( Src8sR->imageData, Src8sControlR->imageData,
                                     size, Src8sR->widthStep, 0 );
        case ATS_32F:
            cvThreshold( Src32fControlR, Src32fR, _Thresh, 250, Type );
            /* Run my function */
            myThreshR( Src8uControlR,
                       _Thresh, 250, Type );
            Errors += atsCompare2Dfl( (float*)Src32fR->imageData, (float*)Src32fControlR->imageData,
                                      size, Src32fR->widthStep, 0 );
            assert( 0 );
    cvReleaseImage( &Src8uR );
    cvReleaseImage( &Src8sR );
    cvReleaseImage( &Src32fR );
    cvReleaseImage( &Src8uControlR );
    cvReleaseImage( &Src8sControlR );
    cvReleaseImage( &Src32fControlR );

    return Errors == 0 ? TRS_OK : trsResult( TRS_FAIL, "Fixed %d errors", Errors );