Exemplo n.º 1
/* bool Dstar::replan()
 * --------------------------
 * Updates the costs for all cells and computes the shortest path to
 * goal. Returns true if a path is found, false otherwise. The path is
 * computed by doing a greedy search over the cost+g values in each
 * cells. In order to get around the problem of the robot taking a
 * path that is near a 45 degree angle to goal we break ties based on
 *  the metric euclidean(state, goal) + euclidean(state,start).
bool Dstar::replan() {


  int res = computeShortestPath();
  //printf("res: %d ols: %d ohs: %d tk: [%f %f] sk: [%f %f] sgr: (%f,%f)\n",res,openList.size(),openHash.size(),openList.top().k.first,openList.top().k.second, s_start.k.first, s_start.k.second,getRHS(s_start),getG(s_start));
  if (res < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "NO PATH TO GOAL\n");
    return false;
  list<state> n;
  list<state>::iterator i;

  state cur = s_start;

  if (isinf(getG(s_start))) {
    fprintf(stderr, "NO PATH TO GOAL\n");
    return false;

  while(cur != s_goal) {

    getSucc(cur, n);

    if (n.empty()) {
      fprintf(stderr, "NO PATH TO GOAL\n");
      return false;

    double cmin = INFINITY;
    double tmin;
    state smin;

    for (i=n.begin(); i!=n.end(); i++) {

      //if (occupied(*i)) continue;
      double val  = cost(cur,*i);
      double val2 = trueDist(*i,s_goal) + trueDist(s_start,*i); // (Euclidean) cost to goal + cost to pred
      val += getG(*i);

      if (close(val,cmin)) {
        if (tmin > val2) {
          tmin = val2;
          cmin = val;
          smin = *i;
      } else if (val < cmin) {
        tmin = val2;
        cmin = val;
        smin = *i;
    cur = smin;
  return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* bool Dstar::replan()
 * --------------------------
 * Updates the costs for all cells and computes the shortest path to
 * goal. Returns true if a path is found, false otherwise. The path is
 * computed by doing a greedy search over the cost+g values in each
 * cells. In order to get around the problem of the robot taking a
 * path that is near a 45 degree angle to goal we break ties based on
 *  the metric euclidean(state, goal) + euclidean(state,start). 
bool Dstar::replan() {

  int res = computeShortestPath();
  //  printf("res: %d ols: %d ohs: %d tk: [%f %f] sk: [%f %f] sgr: (%f,%f)\n",res,openList.size(),openHash.size(),openList.top().k.first,openList.top().k.second, s_start.k.first, s_start.k.second,getRHS(s_start),getG(s_start));

  if (res < 0) {
    //fprintf(stderr, "NO PATH TO GOAL\n");
    path.cost = INFINITY;
    return false;
  list<state> n;
  list<state>::iterator i;

  state cur = s_start; 
  state prev = s_start;

  if (isinf(getG(s_start))) {
    //fprintf(stderr, "NO PATH TO GOAL\n");
    path.cost = INFINITY;
    return false;
  // constructs the path
  while(cur != s_goal) {
    path.cost += cost(prev,cur);
    getSucc(cur, n);

    if (n.empty()) {
      //fprintf(stderr, "NO PATH TO GOAL\n");
      path.cost = INFINITY;
      return false;

    // choose the next node in the path by selecting the one with smallest 
    // g() + cost. Break ties by choosing the neighbour that is closest
    // to the line between start and goal (i.e. smallest sum of Euclidean 
    // distances to start and goal).
    double cmin = INFINITY;
    double tmin = INFINITY;
    state smin = cur;

    for (i=n.begin(); i!=n.end(); i++) {
      if (occupied(*i)) continue;
      double val  = cost(cur,*i);
      double val2 = trueDist(*i,s_goal) + trueDist(s_start,*i); // (Euclidean) cost to goal + cost to pred
      double val3 = getG(*i);
      val += val3;
      // tiebreak if curent neighbour is equal to current best
      // choose the neighbour that has the smallest tmin value
      if (!isinf(val) && near(val,cmin)) {
        if (val2 < tmin) { 
          tmin = val2;
          cmin = val;
          smin = *i;
      // if next neighbour (*i) is scrictly lower cost than the
      // current best, then set it to be the current best.
      else if (val < cmin) {
        tmin = val2;
        cmin = val;
        smin = *i;
    } // end for loop

    if( isinf(cmin) ) break;
    prev = cur;
    cur = smin;
  } // end while loop

  path.cost += cost(prev,s_goal);
  return true;