phys_size_t initdram (int board_type) { volatile immap_t *immap = (immap_t *) CONFIG_SYS_IMMR; volatile memctl8260_t *memctl = &immap->im_memctl; #ifndef CONFIG_SYS_RAMBOOT ulong size8, size9; #endif ulong psize = 32 * 1024 * 1024; memctl->memc_psrt = CONFIG_SYS_PSRT; memctl->memc_mptpr = CONFIG_SYS_MPTPR; #ifndef CONFIG_SYS_RAMBOOT size8 = try_init (memctl, CONFIG_SYS_PSDMR_8COL, CONFIG_SYS_OR2_8COL, (uchar *) CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE); size9 = try_init (memctl, CONFIG_SYS_PSDMR_9COL, CONFIG_SYS_OR2_9COL, (uchar *) CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE); if (size8 < size9) { psize = size9; printf ("(60x:9COL) "); } else { psize = try_init (memctl, CONFIG_SYS_PSDMR_8COL, CONFIG_SYS_OR2_8COL, (uchar *) CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE); printf ("(60x:8COL) "); } #endif return (psize); }
phys_size_t initdram (int board_type) { volatile immap_t *immap = (immap_t *) CONFIG_SYS_IMMR; volatile memctl8260_t *memctl = &immap->im_memctl; long psize; #ifndef CONFIG_SYS_RAMBOOT long sizelittle, sizebig; #endif memctl->memc_psrt = CONFIG_SYS_PSRT; memctl->memc_mptpr = CONFIG_SYS_MPTPR; #ifndef CONFIG_SYS_RAMBOOT /* 60x SDRAM setup: */ sizelittle = try_init (memctl, CONFIG_SYS_PSDMR_LITTLE, CONFIG_SYS_OR1_LITTLE, (uchar *) CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE); sizebig = try_init (memctl, CONFIG_SYS_PSDMR_BIG, CONFIG_SYS_OR1_BIG, (uchar *) CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE); if (sizelittle < sizebig) { psize = sizebig; } else { psize = try_init (memctl, CONFIG_SYS_PSDMR_LITTLE, CONFIG_SYS_OR1_LITTLE, (uchar *) CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE); } #endif /* CONFIG_SYS_RAMBOOT */ icache_enable (); return (psize); }
static int do_init(FILE *f) { assert(con_mode == CON_INIT); try_init(&console_none,f); assert(con != me); assert(con == &console_none); assert(con_mode == CON_NONE); if (opt_console == CON_NONE) return con_mode; if (!acc_isatty(STDIN_FILENO) || !acc_isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) || !acc_isatty(STDERR_FILENO)) return con_mode; #if defined(USE_ANSI) try_init(&console_ansi_mono,f); try_init(&console_ansi_color,f); #endif #if defined(USE_SCREEN) try_init(&console_screen,f); #endif #if defined(USE_AALIB) try_init(&console_aalib,f); #endif return con_mode; }
void swanLoadProgramFromSource( const char *module, const unsigned char *ptx, size_t len , int devtype ) { int i=0; CUresult err; try_init(); // let's see whether this module is already loaded for( i=0; i < state.num_mods; i++ ) { if( !strcmp( state.mod_names[i], module ) ) { return; // already loaded } } if( ptx == NULL || len == 0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "SWAN : Module load failure [%s]. No source \n", module ); error( "Module source invalid" ); } i = state.num_mods; state.num_mods++; state.mods = (CUmodule*) realloc( state.mods, state.num_mods * sizeof(CUmodule) ); state.mod_names = (char**) realloc( state.mod_names, state.num_mods * sizeof(char*) ); state.mod_names[i] = (char*) malloc( strlen( module ) + 1 ); strcpy( state.mod_names[i], module ); // now load the PTX into a module err = cuModuleLoadData( &state.mods[i], ptx ); if( err != CUDA_SUCCESS ) { fprintf ( stderr, "SWAN : Module load result [%s] [%d]\n", module, err ); error( "Module load failed\n" ); } }
void *swanMalloc( size_t len ) { void *ptr; CUdeviceptr dptr; CUresult err; try_init(); if( len == 0 ) { // printf("SWAN: WARNING - swnaMalloc() called with 0\n"); return NULL; } err = cuMemAlloc( (CUdeviceptr*) &dptr, len ); ptr = (void*)dptr; if ( err != CUDA_SUCCESS ) { printf("Attempted to allocate %lu bytes (%lu already allocated)\n", len, state.bytes_allocated ); abort(); error("swanMalloc failed\n" ); } state.bytes_allocated += len; // MJH likes his memory clean swanMemset( ptr, 0, len ); return ptr; }
size_t swanMemAvailable( void ) { size_t free, total; try_init(); cuMemGetInfo( &free, &total ); return free; }
long int initdram (int board_type) { volatile immap_t *immap = (immap_t *) CFG_IMMR; volatile memctl8260_t *memctl = &immap->im_memctl; #ifndef CFG_RAMBOOT ulong size8, size9, size10; #endif long psize; psize = 32 * 1024 * 1024; memctl->memc_mptpr = CFG_MPTPR; memctl->memc_psrt = CFG_PSRT; #ifndef CFG_RAMBOOT /* 60x SDRAM setup: */ size8 = try_init (memctl, CFG_PSDMR_8COL, CFG_OR2_8COL, (uchar *) CFG_SDRAM_BASE); size9 = try_init (memctl, CFG_PSDMR_9COL, CFG_OR2_9COL, (uchar *) CFG_SDRAM_BASE); size10 = try_init (memctl, CFG_PSDMR_10COL, CFG_OR2_10COL, (uchar *) CFG_SDRAM_BASE); psize = max(size8,max(size9,size10)); if (psize == size8) { psize = try_init (memctl, CFG_PSDMR_8COL, CFG_OR2_8COL, (uchar *) CFG_SDRAM_BASE); printf ("(60x:8COL) "); } else if (psize == size9){ psize = try_init (memctl, CFG_PSDMR_9COL, CFG_OR2_9COL, (uchar *) CFG_SDRAM_BASE); printf ("(60x:9COL) "); } else printf ("(60x:10COL) "); #endif /* CFG_RAMBOOT */ icache_enable (); return (psize); }
modland_data_t *modland_lookup(const char *md5) { try_init(); if (!initialized) { return NULL; } return modland_internal_lookup(md5); }
static long probe_sdram(memctl8260_t *memctl) { int n = 0; long psize = 0; for (n = 0; n < ARRAY_SIZE(sdram_conf); psize = 0, n++) { psize = try_init(memctl, CONFIG_SYS_PSDMR | sdram_conf[n].psdmr, CONFIG_SYS_OR1 | sdram_conf[n].or1, (uchar *) CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE); debug("Probing %ld bytes returned %ld\n", sdram_conf[n].size, psize); if (psize == sdram_conf[n].size) break; } return psize; }
void *swanMallocHost( size_t len ) { CUresult err; void *ptr; try_init(); #ifdef DEV_EXTENSIONS err= cuMemHostAlloc( &ptr, len, CU_MEMHOSTALLOC_PORTABLE ); //| CU_MEMHOSTALLOC_DEVICEMAP ); //| CU_MEMHOSTALLOC_WRITECOMBINED ); #else err = cuMemAllocHost( &ptr, len ); #endif if ( err != CUDA_SUCCESS ) { fprintf( stderr, "swanMallocHost error: %d\n", err ); error("swanMallocHost failed\n" ); } // printf("MallocHost %p\n", ptr ); memset( ptr, 0, len ); return ptr; }
phys_size_t initdram (int board_type) { volatile immap_t *immap = (immap_t *) CONFIG_SYS_IMMR; volatile memctl8260_t *memctl = &immap->im_memctl; long psize; memctl->memc_psrt = CONFIG_SYS_PSRT; memctl->memc_mptpr = CONFIG_SYS_MPTPR; #ifndef CONFIG_SYS_RAMBOOT /* 60x SDRAM setup: */ psize = try_init (memctl, CONFIG_SYS_PSDMR, CONFIG_SYS_OR1, (uchar *) CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE); #endif /* CONFIG_SYS_RAMBOOT */ icache_enable (); return (psize); }
static long probe_sdram(memctl8260_t *memctl) { return try_init(memctl, CONFIG_SYS_PSDMR, CONFIG_SYS_OR1, (uchar *) CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE); }
void swanInit(void) { try_init(); }
void swanRunKernelAsync( const char *kernel, block_config_t grid , block_config_t block, size_t shmem, int flags, void *ptrs[], int *types ) { // find the kernel if( !grid.x || !grid.y || !grid.z || !block.x || !block.y || !block.z ) { return; } // suppress launch of kernel if any of the launch dims are 0 CUfunction f = NULL; int i; int offset = 0; CUresult err; int type; int idx=0; try_init(); for( i=0; i < state.num_funcs; i++ ) { if( !strcmp( state.func_names[i], kernel ) ) { f = state.funcs[i]; break; } } if( f == NULL ) { for( i=0; i < state.num_mods; i++ ) { cuModuleGetFunction( &f, state.mods[i], kernel ); if( f!= NULL ) { // found a kernel. store it for future use int j = state.num_funcs; state.num_funcs++; state.funcs = (CUfunction*) realloc( state.funcs, sizeof(CUfunction) * state.num_funcs ); state.funcs[j] = f; state.func_names = (char**) realloc( state.func_names, sizeof(char*) * state.num_funcs ); state.func_names[j] = (char*) malloc( strlen(kernel) + 1 ); strcpy( state.func_names[j], kernel ); break; } } } if( f== NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error running kernel [%s] : \n", kernel ); error( "No kernel found" ); } if( grid.z != 1 ) { printf("Kernel [%s] launched with (%d %d %d)(%d %d %d)\n", kernel, grid.x, grid.y, grid.z, block.x, block.y, block.z ); error( "grid.z needs to be 1" ); } //printf("Running kernel [%s]\n", kernel ); type = types[idx]; while( type != SWAN_END ) { void *ptr = ptrs[idx]; switch( type ) { // DEBLOCK( SWAN_uchar, uchar, 1 ); DEBLOCK( SWAN_uchar2, uchar2, 2 ); DEBLOCK( SWAN_uchar3, uchar3, 1 ); DEBLOCK( SWAN_uchar4, uchar4, 4 ); DEBLOCK( SWAN_char , int, 1 ); // DEBLOCK( SWAN_char1 , char1, 1 ); DEBLOCK( SWAN_char2 , char2, 2 ); DEBLOCK( SWAN_char3 , char3, 1 ); DEBLOCK( SWAN_char4 , char4, 4 ); DEBLOCK( SWAN_int, int, 4 ); // DEBLOCK( SWAN_int1, int1, 4 ); DEBLOCK( SWAN_int2, int2, 8 ); DEBLOCK( SWAN_int3, int3, 4 ); DEBLOCK( SWAN_int4, int4, 16 ); // DEBLOCK( SWAN_float, double, 4 ); // DEBLOCK( SWAN_float1, float1, 4 ); DEBLOCK( SWAN_float2, float2, 8 ); DEBLOCK( SWAN_float3, float3, 4 ); DEBLOCK( SWAN_float4, float4, 16 ); DEBLOCK( SWAN_uint, uint, 4 ); DEBLOCK( SWAN_uint2, uint2, 8 ); DEBLOCK( SWAN_uint3, uint3, 4 ); DEBLOCK( SWAN_uint4, uint4, 16 ); DEBLOCK( SWAN_float, float, 4 ); //#define DEBLOCK(swan_type,type,OFFSET) #if ( CUDA_MAJOR == 3 && CUDA_MINOR >= 2 ) || CUDA_MAJOR >= 4 case SWAN_PTR: { //printf("PTR as NATIVE\n"); ALIGN_UP( offset, (sizeof(void*))); cuParamSetv( f, offset, ptr, sizeof(void*) ); offset += sizeof(void*); } break; #else case SWAN_PTR: { //printf("PTR as INT\n"); ALIGN_UP( offset, (sizeof(int))); cuParamSetv( f, offset, ptr, sizeof(int) ); offset += sizeof(int); } break; #endif default: printf("%d\n", type ); error("Parameter type not handled\n"); } idx++; type = types[idx]; } //printf("Launching kernel [%s] [%X] with (%d %d %d) (%d %d %d)\n", kernel, f, grid.x, grid.y, grid.z, block.x, block.y, block.z ); //printf(" TOTAL OFFSET %d\n", offset ); CU_SAFE_CALL_NO_SYNC( cuParamSetSize( f, offset ) ); CU_SAFE_CALL_NO_SYNC( cuFuncSetBlockShape( f, block.x, block.y, block.z ) ); CU_SAFE_CALL_NO_SYNC( cuFuncSetSharedSize( f, shmem ) ); #if (CUDA_MAJOR ==3 && CUDA_MINOR >=1 ) || CUDA_MAJOR>=4 cuFuncSetCacheConfig( f, CU_FUNC_CACHE_PREFER_SHARED ); // This seems to be better in every case for acemd #endif err = cuLaunchGridAsync( f, grid.x, grid.y, NULL ) ; // ) ; if( err != CUDA_SUCCESS ) { fprintf( stderr , "SWAN : FATAL : Failure executing kernel [%s] [%d] [%d,%d,%d][%d,%d,%d]\n", kernel, err, grid.x ,grid.y, grid.z, block.x, block.y, block.z ); assert(0); exit(-99); } //printf("Kernel completed\n" ); }
int swanDeviceVersion( void ) { try_init(); return state.device_version; }
int swanGetNumberOfComputeElements( void ) { try_init(); // struct cudaDeviceProp prop; // cudaGetDeviceProperties( &prop, state.device ); return state.multiProcessorCount; }
void SIM_init(){ sky_pref_t* pref; char* welcome_str = get_front_message(); /* * get the corrent_config_file and do some initialization */ skyeye_config_t* config = get_current_config(); skyeye_option_init(config); /* * initialization of callback data structure, it needs to * be initialized at very beginning. */ init_callback(); /* * initilize the data structure for command * register some default built-in command */ init_command_list(); init_stepi(); /* * initialization of module manangement */ init_module_list(); /* * initialization of architecture and cores */ init_arch(); /* * initialization of bus and memory module */ init_bus(); /* * initialization of machine module */ init_mach(); /* * initialization of breakpoint, that depends on callback module. */ init_bp(); /* * get the current preference for simulator */ pref = get_skyeye_pref(); /* * loading all the modules in search directory */ if(!pref->module_search_dir) pref->module_search_dir = skyeye_strdup(default_lib_dir); SKY_load_all_modules(pref->module_search_dir, NULL); //skyeye_config_t *config; //config = malloc(sizeof(skyeye_config_t)); if(try_init() == No_exp){ if(pref->autoboot == True){ SIM_run(); } } /* * if we run simulator in GUI or external IDE, we do not need to * launch our CLI. */ if(pref->interactive_mode == True){ SIM_cli(); } }