Exemplo n.º 1
static TzLocation *
e_tz_map_location_from_point (ETzMap *tzmap, EMapPoint *point)
	TzLocation *tz_loc = NULL;
	TzDB *tz_db;
	GPtrArray *locs;
	double p_longitude, p_latitude;
	double l_longitude, l_latitude;
	int i;

	tz_db = e_tz_map_get_tz_db (tzmap);
	locs = tz_get_locations (tz_db);
	e_map_point_get_location (point, &p_longitude, &p_latitude);

	for (i = 0; i < locs->len; i++)
		tz_location_get_position (g_ptr_array_index (locs, i),
					  &l_longitude, &l_latitude);
		if (l_longitude - 0.005 <= p_longitude &&
		    l_longitude + 0.005 >= p_longitude &&
		    l_latitude - 0.005 <= p_latitude &&
		    l_latitude + 0.005 >= p_latitude)
			tz_loc = g_ptr_array_index (locs, i);

	return (tz_loc);
Exemplo n.º 2
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GPtrArray* tzn::getLocs()
	GPtrArray* locs = tz_get_locations(tzdb);
	return     locs;
Exemplo n.º 3
e_tz_map_set_tz_from_name (ETzMap *tzmap, const gchar *name)
	TzLocation *tz_loc = NULL;
	TzDB *tz_db;
	GPtrArray *locs;
	double l_longitude = 0.0, l_latitude = 0.0;
	int i;

	g_return_if_fail (tzmap != NULL);

	tz_db = e_tz_map_get_tz_db (tzmap);
	locs = tz_get_locations (tz_db);

	if (name) {
		for (i = 0; i < locs->len; i++)	{
			tz_loc = g_ptr_array_index (locs, i);

			if (!strcmp(tz_location_get_zone(tz_loc), name)) {
				tz_location_get_position (tz_loc, &l_longitude, &l_latitude);

	if (tzmap->point_selected)
	        e_map_point_set_color_rgba (tzmap->map,
	tzmap->point_selected =
		e_map_get_closest_point (tzmap->map, l_longitude, l_latitude, FALSE);
	e_tz_map_set_location_text (tzmap, tz_location_get_zone (e_tz_map_location_from_point (tzmap, tzmap->point_selected)));
Exemplo n.º 4
TzLocation *
e_tz_map_get_location_by_name (ETzMap *tzmap, const gchar *name)
	TzLocation *tz_loc = NULL;
	TzDB *tz_db;
	GPtrArray *locs;
	int i;

	tz_db = e_tz_map_get_tz_db (tzmap);
	locs = tz_get_locations (tz_db);

	for (i = 0; i < locs->len; i++)
		TzLocation *tz_loc_temp;

		tz_loc_temp = g_ptr_array_index (locs, i);

		if (!strcmp (tz_location_get_zone (tz_loc_temp), name))
			tz_loc = tz_loc_temp;

	return tz_loc;
Exemplo n.º 5
cc_timezone_map_set_timezone (CcTimezoneMap *map,
                              const gchar   *timezone)
  GPtrArray *locations;
  guint i;
  char *real_tz;
  gboolean ret;

  real_tz = tz_info_get_clean_name (map->priv->tzdb, timezone);

  locations = tz_get_locations (map->priv->tzdb);
  ret = FALSE;

  for (i = 0; i < locations->len; i++)
      TzLocation *loc = locations->pdata[i];

      if (!g_strcmp0 (loc->zone, real_tz ? real_tz : timezone))
          set_location (map, loc);
          ret = TRUE;

  if (ret)
    gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (map));

  g_free (real_tz);

  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 6
ETzMap *
e_tz_map_new (GstTool *tool)
	ETzMap *tzmap;
	GPtrArray *locs;
	TzLocation *tzl;
	GtkWidget *location_combo;
	int i;

	tzmap = g_new0 (ETzMap, 1);
	tzmap->tool = GST_TOOL (tool);
	tzmap->tzdb = tz_load_db ();
	if (!tzmap->tzdb)
		g_error ("Unable to load system timezone database.");
	tzmap->map = e_map_new ();
	if (!tzmap->map)
		g_error ("Unable to create map widget.");

	gtk_widget_set_events (GTK_WIDGET (tzmap->map), gtk_widget_get_events (GTK_WIDGET (tzmap->map)) | 
	locs = tz_get_locations (tzmap->tzdb);

	for (i = 0; i < locs->len; i++)
		tzl = g_ptr_array_index (locs, i);
		e_map_add_point (tzmap->map, NULL, tzl->longitude, tzl->latitude,

	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (tzmap->map), "map-event",
			  G_CALLBACK (map), tzmap);
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (tzmap->map), "unmap-event",
			  G_CALLBACK (unmap), tzmap);
        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT (tzmap->map), "motion-notify-event",
			 G_CALLBACK (motion), (gpointer) tzmap);
	g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(tzmap->map), "button-press-event",
			 G_CALLBACK (button_pressed), (gpointer) tzmap);
        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT (tzmap->map), "enter-notify-event",
	                 G_CALLBACK (in_map), (gpointer) tzmap);
        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT (tzmap->map), "leave-notify-event",
	                 G_CALLBACK (out_map), (gpointer) tzmap);
	location_combo = gst_dialog_get_widget (tzmap->tool->main_dialog, "location_combo");
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (location_combo), "changed",
	                 G_CALLBACK (update_map), (gpointer) tzmap);
	return tzmap;
Exemplo n.º 7
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool tzn::got(long tm_gmtoff, TzLocation& locret, TzInfo& nforet)
	int  fnd = 0;
	bool ret = false;

	DEBUGLOGP("requested entry gmt offset is %d\n", (int)tm_gmtoff);

	GPtrArray* locs = tz_get_locations(tzdb);

	if( locs )
		TzInfo*     nfo;
		TzLocation* loc;

		for( size_t i = 0; i < locs->len; i++ )
			if( loc = (TzLocation*)locs->pdata[i] )
				if( nfo = tz_info_from_location(loc) )
					if( nfo->utc_offset == tm_gmtoff )
						DEBUGLOGP("%s/%s/%s\n", loc->country, loc->zone, loc->comment);
						locret = *loc;
						nforet = *nfo;
						ret    = true;


					if( fnd > 1 ) break;
//					if( ret ) break;

	return ret && fnd == 1;
Exemplo n.º 8
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool tzn::got(const char* tzcode, TzLocation& locret, TzInfo& nforet, bool exact)
	int  fnd = 0;
	bool ret = false;

	DEBUGLOGP("requested entry tzcode is %s, exact is %s\n", tzcode, exact ? "on" : "off");

	GPtrArray* locs = tz_get_locations(tzdb);

	if( locs )
		char*       tzn = tz_info_get_clean_name(tzdb, tzcode);
		const char* tzs = tzn ? tzn : (!exact ? tzcode : NULL);

		if( tzs )
			DEBUGLOGP("requested entry tzcode (cleaned) is %s\n", tzs);

			TzInfo*     nfo;
			TzLocation* loc;
			bool        got;
			bool        cont_ok,  city_ok;
			const char* cont_db, *city_db;
			const char* cont_in = strchr (tzs, '/'); // end of continent string for search string
			const char* city_in = strrchr(tzs, '/'); // begin of city string for search string
			int         cont_il = cont_in ? cont_in-tzs     : 0;
			int         city_il = city_in ? strlen(city_in) : 0;

			DEBUGLOGP("cont_in is %s\n", cont_in);
			DEBUGLOGP("city_in is %s\n", city_in);

			if( !exact || (exact && g_quark_try_string(tzs)) ) // NOTE: according to tz.c comments, this will work
				for( size_t i = 0; i < locs->len; i++ )
					if( !(loc   = (TzLocation*)locs->pdata[i]) ) continue;
					if( !(nfo   =  tz_info_from_location(loc)) ) continue;

					if( !(got   =  stricmp(loc->zone, tzs) == 0) && !exact )
						cont_db =  strchr (loc->zone, '/'); // end of continent string in db
						city_db =  strrchr(loc->zone, '/'); // begin of city string in db

						if( cont_db != city_db )
							// just compare the 1st and last partitions, i.e., continent and city,
							// disregarding the 'middle' part, i.e., country or state

							DEBUGLOGS("tzcode (cleaned) not found and exact is off");
							DEBUGLOGS("comparing just the continent and city strings");
							DEBUGLOGP("cont_db is %s\n", cont_db);
							DEBUGLOGP("city_db is %s\n", city_db);

							cont_ok = cont_in && cont_db && cont_il == (cont_db-loc->zone) && strnicmp(tzs,     loc->zone, cont_il) == 0;
							city_ok = city_in && city_db && city_il == strlen(city_db)     && strnicmp(city_in, city_db,   city_il) == 0;
							got     = cont_ok && city_ok;

							DEBUGLOGP("cont_ok is %s, city_ok is %s\n", cont_ok ? "on" : "off", city_ok ? "on" : "off");

					if( got )
//						DEBUGLOGP("%s/%s/%s\n", loc->country, loc->zone, loc->comment);
						DEBUGLOGP("%s\n", loc->zone);
						locret = *loc;
						nforet = *nfo;
						ret    = true;


					if( fnd > 1 ) break;
//					if( ret ) break;
				DEBUGLOGS("requested entry tzcode (cleaned) not found");

		if( tzn )

	return ret && fnd == 1;
Exemplo n.º 9
static gboolean
button_press_event (GtkWidget      *widget,
                    GdkEventButton *event)
  CcTimezoneMapPrivate *priv = CC_TIMEZONE_MAP (widget)->priv;
  gint x, y;
  guchar r, g, b, a;
  guchar *pixels;
  gint rowstride;
  gsize i;

  const GPtrArray *array;
  gint width, height;
  GList *distances = NULL;
  GtkAllocation alloc;

  x = event->x;
  y = event->y;

  rowstride = priv->visible_map_rowstride;
  pixels = priv->visible_map_pixels;

  r = pixels[(rowstride * y + x * 4)];
  g = pixels[(rowstride * y + x * 4) + 1];
  b = pixels[(rowstride * y + x * 4) + 2];
  a = pixels[(rowstride * y + x * 4) + 3];

  for (i = 0; color_codes[i].offset != -100; i++)
       if (color_codes[i].red == r && color_codes[i].green == g
           && color_codes[i].blue == b && color_codes[i].alpha == a)
           priv->selected_offset = color_codes[i].offset;

  gtk_widget_queue_draw (widget);

  /* work out the co-ordinates */

  array = tz_get_locations (priv->tzdb);

  gtk_widget_get_allocation (widget, &alloc);
  width = alloc.width;
  height = alloc.height;

  for (i = 0; i < array->len; i++)
      gdouble pointx, pointy, dx, dy;
      TzLocation *loc = array->pdata[i];

      pointx = convert_longtitude_to_x (loc->longitude, width);
      pointy = convert_latitude_to_y (loc->latitude, height);

      dx = pointx - x;
      dy = pointy - y;

      loc->dist = dx * dx + dy * dy;
      distances = g_list_prepend (distances, loc);

  distances = g_list_sort (distances, (GCompareFunc) sort_locations);

  set_location (CC_TIMEZONE_MAP (widget), (TzLocation*) distances->data);

  g_list_free (distances);

  return TRUE;