Exemplo n.º 1
static VlHIKMTree*  
matlab_to_hikm (mxArray const *mtree, int method_type)
  VlHIKMTree *tree ;
  mxArray *mK, *mdepth ;
  int K = 0, depth = 0;


  if (mxGetClassID (mtree) != mxSTRUCT_CLASS) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("TREE must be a MATLAB structure.") ;
  mK       = mxGetField(mtree, 0, "K") ;
  mdepth   = mxGetField(mtree, 0, "depth") ;
  if (!mK                        ||
      !uIsRealScalar (mK)        ||
      (K = (int) *mxGetPr (mK)) < 1) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("TREE.K must be a DOUBLE not smaller than one.") ;
  if (!mdepth                    ||
      !uIsRealScalar (mdepth)    ||
      (depth = (int) *mxGetPr (mdepth)) < 1) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("TREE.DEPTH must be a DOUBLE not smaller than one.") ;
  tree         = mxMalloc (sizeof(VlHIKMTree)) ;  
  tree-> depth = depth ;
  tree-> K     = K ;
  tree-> M     = -1 ; /* to be initialized later */
  tree-> method= method_type ;
  tree-> root  = xcreate (tree, mtree, 0) ;
  return tree ;
/** @brief MATLAB Driver.
mexFunction(int nout, mxArray *out[], 
            int nin, const mxArray *in[])
  int M,N,S=0,smin=0,K,num_levels=0 ;
  const int* dimensions ;
  const double* P_pt ;
  const double* G_pt ;
  float* descr_pt ;
  float* buffer_pt ;
  float sigma0 ;
  float magnif = 3.0f ; /* Spatial bin extension factor. */
  int NBP = 4 ;         /* Number of bins for one spatial direction (even). */
  int NBO = 8 ;         /* Number of bins for the ortientation. */
  int mode = NOSCALESPACE ;
  int buffer_size=0;

  enum {IN_G=0,IN_P,IN_SIGMA0,IN_S,IN_SMIN} ;
  enum {OUT_L=0} ;

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
  **                                                Check the arguments
  ** --------------------------------------------------------------- */ 
  if (nin < 3) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("At least three arguments are required") ;
  } else if (nout > 1) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments.");
  if( !uIsRealScalar(in[IN_SIGMA0]) ) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("SIGMA0 should be a real scalar") ;
  if(!mxIsDouble(in[IN_G]) ||
     mxGetNumberOfDimensions(in[IN_G]) > 3) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("G should be a real matrix or 3-D array") ;
  sigma0 = (float) *mxGetPr(in[IN_SIGMA0]) ;
  dimensions = mxGetDimensions(in[IN_G]) ;
  M = dimensions[0] ;
  N = dimensions[1] ;
  G_pt = mxGetPr(in[IN_G]) ;
  P_pt = mxGetPr(in[IN_P]) ;    
  K = mxGetN(in[IN_P]) ;
  if( !uIsRealMatrix(in[IN_P],-1,-1)) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("P should be a real matrix") ;

  if ( mxGetM(in[IN_P])  == 4) {
    /* Standard (scale space) mode */ 
    mode = SCALESPACE ;
    num_levels = dimensions[2] ;
    if(nin < 5) {
      mexErrMsgTxt("Five arguments are required in standard mode") ;
    if( !uIsRealScalar(in[IN_S]) ) {
      mexErrMsgTxt("S should be a real scalar") ;
    if( !uIsRealScalar(in[IN_SMIN]) ) {
      mexErrMsgTxt("SMIN should be a real scalar") ;
    if( !uIsRealMatrix(in[IN_P],4,-1)) {
      mexErrMsgTxt("When the e mode P should be a 4xK matrix.") ;
    S = (int)(*mxGetPr(in[IN_S])) ;
    smin = (int)(*mxGetPr(in[IN_SMIN])) ;
  } else if (  mxGetM(in[IN_P])  == 3 ) {
    mode = NOSCALESPACE ;
    num_levels = 1 ;
    S      = 1 ;
    smin   = 0 ;
  } else {
    mexErrMsgTxt("P should be either a 3xK or a 4xK matrix.") ;

  /* Parse the property-value pairs */
    char str [80] ;
    int arg = (mode == SCALESPACE) ? IN_SMIN + 1 : IN_SIGMA0 + 1 ;

    while(arg < nin) {
      int k ;

      if( !uIsString(in[arg],-1) ) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("The first argument in a property-value pair"
                     " should be a string") ;
      mxGetString(in[arg], str, 80) ;

#ifdef WINDOWS      
      for(k = 0 ; properties[k] && strcmpi(str, properties[k]) ; ++k) ;
      for(k = 0 ; properties[k] && strcasecmp(str, properties[k]) ; ++k) ;

      switch (k) {
      case PROP_NBP:
        if( !uIsRealScalar(in[arg+1]) ) {
          mexErrMsgTxt("'NumSpatialBins' should be real scalar") ;
        NBP = (int) *mxGetPr(in[arg+1]) ;
        if( NBP <= 0 || (NBP & 0x1) ) {
          mexErrMsgTxt("'NumSpatialBins' must be positive and even") ;
        break ;

      case PROP_NBO:
        if( !uIsRealScalar(in[arg+1]) ) {
          mexErrMsgTxt("'NumOrientBins' should be a real scalar") ;
        NBO = (int) *mxGetPr(in[arg+1]) ;
        if( NBO <= 0 ) {
          mexErrMsgTxt("'NumOrientlBins' must be positive") ;
        break ;

      case PROP_MAGNIF:
        if( !uIsRealScalar(in[arg+1]) ) {
          mexErrMsgTxt("'Magnif' should be a real scalar") ;
        magnif = (float) *mxGetPr(in[arg+1]) ;
        if( magnif <= 0 ) {
          mexErrMsgTxt("'Magnif' must be positive") ;
        break ;

      case PROP_UNKNOWN:
        mexErrMsgTxt("Property unknown.") ;
        break ;
      arg += 2 ;
  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                   Pre-compute gradient and angles
   * -------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /* Alloc two buffers and make sure their size is multiple of 128 for
   * better alignment (used also by the Altivec code below.)
  buffer_size = (M*N*num_levels + 0x7f) & (~ 0x7f) ;
  buffer_pt = (float*) mxMalloc( sizeof(float) * 2 * buffer_size ) ;
  descr_pt  = (float*) mxCalloc( NBP*NBP*NBO*K,  sizeof(float)  ) ;

    /* Offsets to move in the scale space. */
    const int yo = 1 ;
    const int xo = M ;
    const int so = M*N ;
    int x,y,s ;

#define at(x,y) (*(pt + (x)*xo + (y)*yo))

    /* Compute the gradient */
    for(s = 0 ; s < num_levels ; ++s) {
      const double* pt = G_pt + s*so ;
      for(x = 1 ; x < N-1 ; ++x) {
        for(y = 1 ; y < M-1 ; ++y) {
          float Dx = 0.5 * ( at(x+1,y) - at(x-1,y) ) ;
          float Dy = 0.5 * ( at(x,y+1) - at(x,y-1) ) ;
          buffer_pt[(x*xo+y*yo+s*so) + 0          ] = Dx ;
          buffer_pt[(x*xo+y*yo+s*so) + buffer_size] = Dy ;
    /* Compute angles and modules */
      float* pt = buffer_pt ;
      int j = 0 ;
      while (j < N*M*num_levels) {

#if defined( MACOSX ) && defined( __ALTIVEC__ )
        if( ((unsigned int)pt & 0x7) == 0 && j+3 < N*M*num_levels ) {
          /* If aligned to 128 bit and there are at least 4 pixels left */
          float4 a, b, c, d ;
          a.vec = vec_ld(0,(vector float*)(pt              )) ;
          b.vec = vec_ld(0,(vector float*)(pt + buffer_size)) ;
          c.vec = vatan2f(b.vec,a.vec) ;
          a.x[0] = a.x[0]*a.x[0]+b.x[0]*b.x[0] ;
          a.x[1] = a.x[1]*a.x[1]+b.x[1]*b.x[1] ;
          a.x[2] = a.x[2]*a.x[2]+b.x[2]*b.x[2] ;
          a.x[3] = a.x[3]*a.x[3]+b.x[3]*b.x[3] ;
          d.vec = vsqrtf(a.vec) ;
          vec_st(c.vec,0,(vector float*)(pt + buffer_size)) ;
          vec_st(d.vec,0,(vector float*)(pt              )) ;
          j += 4 ;
          pt += 4 ;
        } else {
          float Dx = *(pt              ) ;
          float Dy = *(pt + buffer_size) ;
          *(pt              ) = sqrtf(Dx*Dx + Dy*Dy) ;
          if (*pt > 0) 
            *(pt + buffer_size) = atan2f(Dy, Dx) ;
            *(pt + buffer_size) = 0 ;
          j += 1 ;
          pt += 1 ;
#if defined( MACOSX ) && defined( __ALTIVEC__ )


  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                                        Do the job
   * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ 
  if(K > 0) {    
    int p ;

    /* Offsets to move in the buffer */
    const int yo = 1 ;
    const int xo = M ;
    const int so = M*N ;

    /* Offsets to move in the descriptor. */
    /* Use Lowe's convention. */
    const int binto = 1 ;
    const int binyo = NBO * NBP ;
    const int binxo = NBO ;
    const int bino  = NBO * NBP * NBP ;

    for(p = 0 ; p < K ; ++p, descr_pt += bino) {
      /* The SIFT descriptor is a  three dimensional histogram of the position
       * and orientation of the gradient.  There are NBP bins for each spatial
       * dimesions and NBO  bins for the orientation dimesion,  for a total of
       * NBP x NBP x NBO bins.
       * The support  of each  spatial bin  has an extension  of SBP  = 3sigma
       * pixels, where sigma is the scale  of the keypoint.  Thus all the bins
       * together have a  support SBP x NBP pixels wide  . Since weighting and
       * interpolation of  pixel is used, another  half bin is  needed at both
       * ends of  the extension. Therefore, we  need a square window  of SBP x
       * (NBP + 1) pixels. Finally, since the patch can be arbitrarly rotated,
       * we need to consider  a window 2W += sqrt(2) x SBP  x (NBP + 1) pixels
       * wide.
      const float x = (float) *P_pt++ ;
      const float y = (float) *P_pt++ ;
      const float s = (float) (mode == SCALESPACE) ? (*P_pt++) : 0.0 ;
      const float theta0 = (float) *P_pt++ ;

      const float st0 = sinf(theta0) ;
      const float ct0 = cosf(theta0) ;
      const int xi = (int) floor(x+0.5) ; /* Round-off */
      const int yi = (int) floor(y+0.5) ;
      const int si = (int) floor(s+0.5) - smin ;
      const float sigma = sigma0 * powf(2, s / S) ;
      const float SBP = magnif * sigma ;
      const int W = (int) floor( sqrt(2.0) * SBP * (NBP + 1) / 2.0 + 0.5) ;      
      int bin ;
      int dxi ;
      int dyi ;
      const float* pt ;
      float* dpt ;
      /* Check that keypoints are within bounds . */

      if(xi < 0   || 
         xi > N-1 || 
         yi < 0   || 
         yi > M-1 ||
         ((mode==SCALESPACE) && 
          (si < 0   ||
           si > dimensions[2]-1) ) )
        continue ;

      /* Center the scale space and the descriptor on the current keypoint. 
       * Note that dpt is pointing to the bin of center (SBP/2,SBP/2,0).
      pt  = buffer_pt + xi*xo + yi*yo + si*so ;
      dpt = descr_pt + (NBP/2) * binyo + (NBP/2) * binxo ;
#define atd(dbinx,dbiny,dbint) (*(dpt + (dbint)*binto + (dbiny)*binyo + (dbinx)*binxo))
       * Process each pixel in the window and in the (1,1)-(M-1,N-1)
       * rectangle.
      for(dxi = max(-W, 1-xi) ; dxi <= min(+W, N-2-xi) ; ++dxi) {
        for(dyi = max(-W, 1-yi) ; dyi <= min(+W, M-2-yi) ; ++dyi) {

          /* Compute the gradient. */
          float mod   = *(pt + dxi*xo + dyi*yo + 0           ) ;
          float angle = *(pt + dxi*xo + dyi*yo + buffer_size ) ;
#ifdef LOWE_COMPATIBLE         
          float theta = fast_mod(-angle + theta0) ;
          float theta = fast_mod(angle - theta0) ;
          /* Get the fractional displacement. */
          float dx = ((float)(xi+dxi)) - x;
          float dy = ((float)(yi+dyi)) - y;

          /* Get the displacement normalized w.r.t. the keypoint orientation
           * and extension. */
          float nx = ( ct0 * dx + st0 * dy) / SBP ;
          float ny = (-st0 * dx + ct0 * dy) / SBP ; 
          float nt = NBO * theta / (2*M_PI) ;

          /* Get the gaussian weight of the sample. The gaussian window
           * has a standard deviation of NBP/2. Note that dx and dy are in
           * the normalized frame, so that -NBP/2 <= dx <= NBP/2. */
          const float wsigma = NBP/2 ;
          float win =  expf(-(nx*nx + ny*ny)/(2.0 * wsigma * wsigma)) ;

          /* The sample will be distributed in 8 adijacient bins. 
           * Now we get the ``lower-left'' bin. */
          int binx = fast_floor( nx - 0.5 ) ;
          int biny = fast_floor( ny - 0.5 ) ;
          int bint = fast_floor( nt ) ;
          float rbinx = nx - (binx+0.5) ;
          float rbiny = ny - (biny+0.5) ;
          float rbint = nt - bint ;
          int dbinx ;
          int dbiny ;
          int dbint ;

          /* Distribute the current sample into the 8 adijacient bins. */
          for(dbinx = 0 ; dbinx < 2 ; ++dbinx) {
            for(dbiny = 0 ; dbiny < 2 ; ++dbiny) {
              for(dbint = 0 ; dbint < 2 ; ++dbint) {
                if( binx+dbinx >= -(NBP/2) &&
                    binx+dbinx <   (NBP/2) &&
                    biny+dbiny >= -(NBP/2) &&
                    biny+dbiny <   (NBP/2) ) {
                  float weight = win 
                    * mod 
                    * fabsf(1 - dbinx - rbinx)
                    * fabsf(1 - dbiny - rbiny)
                    * fabsf(1 - dbint - rbint) ;

                      atd(binx+dbinx, biny+dbiny, (bint+dbint) % NBO) += weight ;

        /* Normalize the histogram to L2 unit length. */        
        normalize_histogram(descr_pt, descr_pt + NBO*NBP*NBP) ;
        /* Truncate at 0.2. */
        for(bin = 0; bin < NBO*NBP*NBP ; ++bin) {
          if (descr_pt[bin] > 0.2) descr_pt[bin] = 0.2;
        /* Normalize again. */
        normalize_histogram(descr_pt, descr_pt + NBO*NBP*NBP) ;

  /* Restore pointer to the beginning of the descriptors. */
  descr_pt -= NBO*NBP*NBP*K ;

    int k ;
    double* L_pt ;
    out[OUT_L] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(NBP*NBP*NBO, K, mxREAL) ;
    L_pt = mxGetPr(out[OUT_L]) ;
    for(k = 0 ; k < NBP*NBP*NBO*K ; ++k) {
      L_pt[k] = descr_pt[k] ;

  mxFree(descr_pt) ;  
  mxFree(buffer_pt) ;
Exemplo n.º 3
mexFunction(int nout, mxArray *out[],
            int nin, const mxArray *in[])
  int K1, K2, ND ;
  void* L1_pt ;
  void* L2_pt ;
  double thresh = 1.5 ;
  mxClassID data_class ;
  enum {L1=0,L2,THRESH} ;
  enum {MATCHES=0,D} ;

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
  **                                                Check the arguments
  ** --------------------------------------------------------------- */
  if (nin < 2) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("At least two input arguments required");
  } else if (nout > 2) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments");

  if(!mxIsNumeric(in[L1]) ||
     !mxIsNumeric(in[L2]) ||
     mxGetNumberOfDimensions(in[L1]) > 2 ||
     mxGetNumberOfDimensions(in[L2]) > 2) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("L1 and L2 must be two dimensional numeric arrays") ;

  K1 = mxGetN(in[L1]) ;
  K2 = mxGetN(in[L2]) ;
  ND = mxGetM(in[L1]) ;

  if(mxGetM(in[L2]) != ND) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("L1 and L2 must have the same number of rows") ;

  data_class = mxGetClassID(in[L1]) ;
  if(mxGetClassID(in[L2]) != data_class) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("L1 and L2 must be of the same class") ;

  L1_pt = mxGetData(in[L1]) ;
  L2_pt = mxGetData(in[L2]) ;

  if(nin == 3) {
    if(!uIsRealScalar(in[THRESH])) {
      mexErrMsgTxt("THRESH should be a real scalar") ;
    thresh = *mxGetPr(in[THRESH]) ;
  } else if(nin > 3) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("At most three arguments are allowed") ;

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
  **                                                         Do the job
  ** --------------------------------------------------------------- */
    Pair* pairs_begin = (Pair*) mxMalloc(sizeof(Pair) * (K1+K2)) ;
    Pair* pairs_iterator = pairs_begin ;

#define _DISPATCH_COMPARE( MXC )                                        \
    case MXC :                                                          \
      pairs_iterator = compare_##MXC(pairs_iterator,                    \
                                     (const TYPEOF_##MXC*) L1_pt,       \
                                     (const TYPEOF_##MXC*) L2_pt,       \
                                     K1,K2,ND,thresh) ;                 \
    break ;                                                             \

    switch (data_class) {
    default :
      mexErrMsgTxt("Unsupported numeric class") ;
      break ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------
     *                                                        Finalize
     * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
      Pair* pairs_end = pairs_iterator ;
      double* M_pt ;
      double* D_pt = NULL ;

      out[MATCHES] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix
        (2, pairs_end-pairs_begin, mxREAL) ;

      M_pt = mxGetPr(out[MATCHES]) ;

      if(nout > 1) {
        out[D] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,
                                      mxREAL) ;
        D_pt = mxGetPr(out[D]) ;

      for(pairs_iterator = pairs_begin ;
          pairs_iterator < pairs_end  ;
          ++pairs_iterator) {
        *M_pt++ = pairs_iterator->k1 + 1 ;
        *M_pt++ = pairs_iterator->k2 + 1 ;
        if(nout > 1) {
          *D_pt++ = pairs_iterator->score ;
    mxFree(pairs_begin) ;
Exemplo n.º 4
/** @brief Driver.
 ** @param nount number of output arguments.
 ** @param out output arguments.
 ** @param nin number of input arguments.
 ** @param in input arguments.
mexFunction(int nout, mxArray *out[], 
            int nin, const mxArray *in[])
  enum { IN_H, IN_ID, IN_NEXT, IN_K, IN_X } ;
  enum { OUT_H, OUT_ID, OUT_NEXT} ;

  mxArray *h_,  *id_, *next_ ;

  vl_uint32 * h ;
  vl_uint32 * next ;

  vl_uint8       * id ;
  vl_uint8 const * x ;
  unsigned int K, i, N, res, last, ndims ;

  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                                   Check arguments
   * -------------------------------------------------------------- */
  if( nin != 5 ) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Five arguments required") ;
  } else if (nout > 3) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("At most three output argument.") ;
  if(! mxIsNumeric(in[IN_H])   || mxGetClassID(in[IN_H]   )!= mxUINT32_CLASS ||
     ! mxIsNumeric(in[IN_NEXT])|| mxGetClassID(in[IN_NEXT])!= mxUINT32_CLASS) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("H, NEXT must be UINT32.") ;
  if(! mxIsNumeric(in[IN_X])   || mxGetClassID(in[IN_X])   != mxUINT8_CLASS) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("X must be UINT8") ;

  if (mxGetM(in[IN_H])    != 1 ||
      mxGetM(in[IN_NEXT]) != 1) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("H, NEXT must be row vectors") ;
  if(! mxIsNumeric(in[IN_ID])  || mxGetClassID(in[IN_ID])!= mxUINT8_CLASS) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("ID must be UINT8.") ;
  ndims = mxGetM(in[IN_ID]) ;
  res   = mxGetN(in[IN_H]) ;

  if(res != mxGetN(in[IN_ID]) ||
     res != mxGetN(in[IN_NEXT])) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("H, ID, NEXT must have the same number of columns") ;
  if(ndims != mxGetM(in[IN_X])) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("ID and X must havethe same number of rows") ;
  if(! uIsRealScalar(in[IN_K])) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("K must be a scalar") ;
  K     = (unsigned int) *mxGetPr(in[IN_K]) ;  

  h_    = mxDuplicateArray(in[IN_H]) ;
  id_   = mxDuplicateArray(in[IN_ID]) ;
  next_ = mxDuplicateArray(in[IN_NEXT]) ;

  N    = mxGetN(in[IN_X]) ;

  h    = mxGetData(h_   ) ;
  id   = mxGetData(id_  ) ;
  next = mxGetData(next_) ;
  x    = mxGetData(in[IN_X]) ;

     Temporary remove mxArray pointers to these buffer as we will
     mxRealloc them and if the user presses Ctrl-C matlab will attempt
     to free unvalid memory

  mxSetData(h_,    0) ;
  mxSetData(id_,   0) ;
  mxSetData(next_, 0) ;

  /* search for last occupied slot */
  last = res ;
  for (i = 0 ; i < res ; ++i) last = VL_MAX(last, next [i]) ;

  /* REMARK: last and next are 1 based */
  if (K > res) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("K cannot be larger then the size of H") ;
  if (last > res) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("An element of NEXT is greater than the size of the table") ;

  /*  mexPrintf("last:%d\n",last) ;*/

  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                                            Do job
   * -------------------------------------------------------------- */
  for (i = 0 ; i < N ; ++i) {
    /* hash */
    unsigned int h1, h2 ;
    unsigned int j, p = 0 ;

    h1 = fnv_hash(x + i * ndims, ndims) % K ;
    h2 = h1 | 0x1 ; /* this needs to be odd */
    /* search first free or matching position */
    p = h1 % K ;
    for (j = 0 ; j < K ; ++j) {
      if (is_null (id + p * ndims,                ndims) ||
          is_equal(id + p * ndims, x + i * ndims, ndims)) break ;
      h1 += h2 ;
      p = h1 % K ;
    /* search or make a free slot in the bucket */
    while (! is_null (id + p * ndims,                ndims) && 
           ! is_equal(id + p * ndims, x + i * ndims, ndims)) {
      if (next [p] > res) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("An element of NEXT is greater than the size of the table") ;
      /* append */
      if (next [p] == 0) {        
        if (last >= res) {
          size_t res_ = res + VL_MAX(res / 2, 2) ;
          h    = mxRealloc(h,    res_ * sizeof(vl_uint32)       ) ;
          next = mxRealloc(next, res_ * sizeof(vl_uint32)       ) ;
          id   = mxRealloc(id,   res_ * sizeof(vl_uint8) * ndims) ;
          memset (h    + res,         0, (res_ - res) * sizeof(vl_uint32)       ) ;
          memset (next + res,         0, (res_ - res) * sizeof(vl_uint32)       ) ;
          memset (id   + res * ndims, 0, (res_ - res) * sizeof(vl_uint8) * ndims) ;
          res = res_ ;
        next [p] = ++ last ;
      p = next [p] - 1 ;
    /* accumulate */
    h  [p] += 1 ;
    /*    mexPrintf("p %d dims %d i %d N %d\n ", p, ndims, i, N) ;*/
    cpy(id + p * ndims, x + i * ndims, ndims) ;

  mxSetData(h_,    mxRealloc(h,    last * sizeof(vl_uint32)        )) ;
  mxSetData(next_, mxRealloc(next, last * sizeof(vl_uint32)        )) ;
  mxSetData(id_,   mxRealloc(id,   last * sizeof(vl_uint8 ) * ndims)) ;

  mxSetN(h_,    last) ;
  mxSetN(id_,   last) ;
  mxSetN(next_, last) ;

  mxSetM(h_,    1) ;
  mxSetM(next_, 1) ;
  mxSetM(id_,   ndims) ;

  out[OUT_H]    = h_ ;
  out[OUT_ID]   = id_ ;
  out[OUT_NEXT] = next_ ;
Exemplo n.º 5
/* driver */
mexFunction(int nout, mxArray *out[], 
            int nin, const mxArray *in[])

  enum {IN_I=0, IN_ER} ;
  enum {OUT_MEMBERS} ;

  idx_t i ;
  int k, nel, ndims ; 
  mwSize const * dims ;
  val_t const * I_pt ;
  int last = 0 ;
  int last_expanded = 0 ;
  val_t value = 0 ;

  double const * er_pt ;

  int*   subs_pt ;       /* N-dimensional subscript                 */
  int*   nsubs_pt ;      /* diff-subscript to point to neigh.       */
  idx_t* strides_pt ;    /* strides to move in image array          */
  val_t* visited_pt ;    /* flag                                    */
  idx_t* members_pt ;    /* region members                          */

  /** -----------------------------------------------------------------
   **                                               Check the arguments
   ** -------------------------------------------------------------- */
  if (nin != 2) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Two arguments required.") ;
  } else if (nout > 4) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments.");
  if(mxGetClassID(in[IN_I]) != mxUINT8_CLASS) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("I must be of class UINT8.") ;

  if(!uIsRealScalar(in[IN_ER])) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("ER must be a DOUBLE scalar.") ;

  /* get dimensions */
  nel   = mxGetNumberOfElements(in[IN_I]) ;
  ndims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(in[IN_I]) ;
  dims  = mxGetDimensions(in[IN_I]) ;
  I_pt  = mxGetData(in[IN_I]) ;

  /* allocate stuff */
  subs_pt    = mxMalloc( sizeof(int)      * ndims ) ;
  nsubs_pt   = mxMalloc( sizeof(int)      * ndims ) ;
  strides_pt = mxMalloc( sizeof(idx_t)    * ndims ) ;
  visited_pt = mxMalloc( sizeof(val_t)    * nel   ) ;
  members_pt = mxMalloc( sizeof(idx_t)    * nel   ) ;

  er_pt = mxGetPr(in[IN_ER]) ;
  /* compute strides to move into the N-dimensional image array */
  strides_pt [0] = 1 ;
  for(k = 1 ; k < ndims ; ++k) {
    strides_pt [k] = strides_pt [k-1] * dims [k-1] ;
  /* load first pixel */
  memset(visited_pt, 0, sizeof(val_t) * nel) ;
    idx_t idx = (idx_t) *er_pt ;
    if( idx < 1 || idx > nel ) {
      char buff[80] ;
      snprintf(buff,80,"ER=%d out of range [1,%d]",idx,nel) ;    
      mexErrMsgTxt(buff) ;
    members_pt [last++] = idx - 1 ;
  value = I_pt[ members_pt[0] ]  ;

  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                                       Fill region
   * -------------------------------------------------------------- */
  while(last_expanded < last) {
    /* pop next node xi */
    idx_t index = members_pt[last_expanded++] ;
    /* convert index into a subscript sub; also initialize nsubs 
       to (-1,-1,...,-1) */
      idx_t temp = index ;
      for(k = ndims-1 ; k >=0 ; --k) {
        nsubs_pt [k] = -1 ;
        subs_pt  [k] = temp / strides_pt [k] ;
        temp         = temp % strides_pt [k] ;
    /* process neighbors of xi */
    while( true ) {
      int good = true ;
      idx_t nindex = 0 ;
      /* compute NSUBS+SUB, the correspoinding neighbor index NINDEX
         and check that the pixel is within image boundaries. */
      for(k = 0 ; k < ndims && good ; ++k) {
        int temp = nsubs_pt [k] + subs_pt [k] ;
        good &= 0 <= temp && temp < dims[k] ;
        nindex += temp * strides_pt [k] ;
      /* process neighbor
         1 - the pixel is within image boundaries;
         2 - the pixel is indeed different from the current node
         (this happens when nsub=(0,0,...,0));
         3 - the pixel has value not greather than val
         is a pixel older than xi
         4 - the pixel has not been visited yet
         && nindex != index 
         && I_pt [nindex] <= value
         && ! visited_pt [nindex] ) {
        /* mark as visited */
        visited_pt [nindex] = 1 ;
        /* add to list */
        members_pt [last++] = nindex ;
      /* move to next neighbor */      
      k = 0 ;
      while(++ nsubs_pt [k] > 1) {
        nsubs_pt [k++] = -1 ;
        if(k == ndims) goto done_all_neighbors ;
    } /* next neighbor */
  done_all_neighbors : ;
  } /* goto pop next member */

   * Save results
    mwSize dims[2] ;
    int unsigned * pt ;
    dims[0] = last ;
    out[OUT_MEMBERS] = mxCreateNumericArray(1,dims,mxUINT32_CLASS,mxREAL);
    pt = mxGetData(out[OUT_MEMBERS]) ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < last ; ++i) {
      *pt++ = members_pt[i] + 1 ;
  /* free stuff */
  mxFree( members_pt ) ;
  mxFree( visited_pt ) ;
  mxFree( strides_pt ) ;
  mxFree( nsubs_pt   ) ;
  mxFree( subs_pt    ) ;
mexFunction(int nout, mxArray *out[], 
            int nin, const mxArray *in[])

  int                verbose = 0 ;
  int                opt ;
  int                next = IN_END ;
  mxArray const     *optarg ;
  mxArray           *grad_array ;
  vl_sift_pix       *grad ;
  int                M, N ;

  double             magnif = -1 ;
  double            *ikeys = 0 ;
  int                nikeys = 0 ;

  int i,j ;
  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                               Check the arguments
   * -------------------------------------------------------------- */

  if (nin < 2) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Two arguments required.") ;
  } else if (nout > 1) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments.");
  if (mxGetNumberOfDimensions (in[IN_GRAD])    != 3              ||
      mxGetClassID            (in[IN_GRAD])    != mxSINGLE_CLASS ||
      mxGetDimensions         (in[IN_GRAD])[0] != 2              ) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("GRAD must be a 2xMxN matrix of class SINGLE.") ;

  if (!uIsRealMatrix(in[IN_FRAMES], 4, -1)) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("FRAMES must be a 4xN matrix.") ;
  nikeys = mxGetN (in[IN_FRAMES]) ;
  ikeys  = mxGetPr(in[IN_FRAMES]) ;
  while ((opt = uNextOption(in, nin, options, &next, &optarg)) >= 0) {
    switch (opt) {
      case opt_verbose :
        ++ verbose ;
        break ;
      case opt_magnif :
        if (!uIsRealScalar(optarg) || (magnif = *mxGetPr(optarg)) < 0) {
          mexErrMsgTxt("MAGNIF must be a non-negative scalar.") ;
        break ;
      default :
        assert(0) ;
        break ;
  grad_array = mxDuplicateArray(in[IN_GRAD]) ;  
  grad = (vl_sift_pix*) mxGetData (grad_array) ;
  M    = mxGetDimensions(in[IN_GRAD])[1] ;
  N    = mxGetDimensions(in[IN_GRAD])[2] ;

  /* transpose angles */
  for (i = 1 ; i < 2*M*N ; i+=2) {
    grad [i] = VL_PI/2 - grad [i] ;

  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                                            Do job
   * -------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VlSiftFilt *filt = 0 ;    
    vl_uint8   *descr = 0 ;

    /* create a filter to process the image */
    filt = vl_sift_new (M, N, -1, -1, 0) ;
    if (magnif >= 0) vl_sift_set_magnif (filt, magnif) ;
    if (verbose) {    
      mexPrintf("siftdescriptor: filter settings:\n") ;
      mexPrintf("siftdescriptor:   magnif                = %g\n",
                vl_sift_get_magnif (filt)) ;
      mexPrintf("siftdescriptor:   num of frames         = %d\n",
                nikeys) ;

      mwSize dims [2] ;
      dims [0] = 128 ;
      dims [1] = nikeys ;
      out[OUT_DESCRIPTORS]= mxCreateNumericArray 
        (2, dims, mxUINT8_CLASS,  mxREAL) ;
      descr = mxGetData(out[OUT_DESCRIPTORS]) ;
    /* ...............................................................
     *                                             Process each octave
     * ............................................................ */
    for (i = 0 ; i < nikeys ; ++i) {
      vl_sift_pix  buf [128], rbuf [128] ;

      double y  = *ikeys++ - 1 ;
      double x  = *ikeys++ - 1 ;
      double s  = *ikeys++ ;
      double th = VL_PI / 2 - *ikeys++ ;

      vl_sift_calc_raw_descriptor (filt, 
                                   M, N,
                                   x, y, s, th) ;
      transpose_descriptor (rbuf, buf) ;
      for (j = 0 ; j < 128 ; ++j) {
        double x = 512.0 * rbuf [j] ;
        x = (x < 255.0) ? x : 255.0 ;
        *descr++ = (vl_uint8) (x) ;
    /* cleanup */
    mxDestroyArray (grad_array) ;
    vl_sift_delete (filt) ;
  } /* job done */    
Exemplo n.º 7
/** @brief MEX entry point */
mexFunction(int nout, mxArray *out[], 
            int nin, const mxArray *in[])
  enum {IN_I = 0, 
        IN_END } ;
  enum {OUT_SEEDS = 0, 
        OUT_FRAMES } ;
  int             verbose = 0 ;
  int             opt ;
  int             next = IN_END ;
  mxArray const  *optarg ;

  /* algorithm parameters */ 
  double   delta         = -1 ;
  double   max_area      = -1 ;
  double   min_area      = -1 ;
  double   max_variation = -1 ; 
  double   min_diversity = -1 ;

  int nel ;              
  int ndims ;            
  mwSize const* dims ; 
  vl_mser_pix const *data ; 

  /** -----------------------------------------------------------------
   **                                               Check the arguments
   ** -------------------------------------------------------------- */
  if (nin < 1) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("At least one input argument is required.") ;
  if (nout > 2) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments.");
  if(mxGetClassID(in[IN_I]) != mxUINT8_CLASS) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("I must be of class UINT8") ;

  /* get dimensions */
  nel   = mxGetNumberOfElements(in[IN_I]) ;
  ndims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(in[IN_I]) ;
  dims  = mxGetDimensions(in[IN_I]) ;
  data  = mxGetData(in[IN_I]) ;

  while ((opt = uNextOption(in, nin, options, &next, &optarg)) >= 0) {
    switch (opt) {

    case opt_verbose :
      ++ verbose ;
      break ;

    case opt_delta :
      if (!uIsRealScalar(optarg) || (delta = *mxGetPr(optarg)) < 0) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("'Delta' must be non-negative.") ;
      break ;

    case opt_max_area : 
      if (!uIsRealScalar(optarg)            || 
          (max_area = *mxGetPr(optarg)) < 0 ||
          max_area > 1) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("'MaxArea' must be in the range [0,1].") ;
      break ;

    case opt_min_area : 
      if (!uIsRealScalar(optarg)            || 
          (min_area = *mxGetPr(optarg)) < 0 ||
          min_area > 1) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("'MinArea' must be in the range [0,1].") ;
      break ;

    case opt_max_variation : 
      if (!uIsRealScalar(optarg)           || 
          (max_variation = *mxGetPr(optarg)) < 0) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("'MaxVariation' must be non negative.") ;
      break ;

    case opt_min_diversity : 
      if (!uIsRealScalar(optarg)                 || 
          (min_diversity = *mxGetPr(optarg)) < 0 ||
           min_diversity > 1.0) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("'MinDiversity' must be in the [0,1] range.") ;
      break ;
    default :
        assert(0) ;
        break ;

  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                                     Run algorithm
   * -------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VlMserFilt        *filt ;    
    vl_uint     const *regions ;
    float       const *frames ;    
    int                i, j, nregions, nframes, dof ;    
    mwSize             odims [2] ;
    double            *pt ;
    /* new filter */
      int * vlDims = mxMalloc(sizeof(int) * ndims) ;
      for (i = 0 ; i < ndims ; ++i) vlDims [i] = dims [i] ;
      filt = vl_mser_new (ndims, vlDims) ;
      mxFree(vlDims) ;

    if (!filt) {
      mexErrMsgTxt("Could not create an MSER filter.") ;
    if (delta         >= 0) vl_mser_set_delta          (filt, (vl_mser_pix) delta) ;
    if (max_area      >= 0) vl_mser_set_max_area       (filt, max_area) ;
    if (min_area      >= 0) vl_mser_set_min_area       (filt, min_area) ;
    if (max_variation >= 0) vl_mser_set_max_variation  (filt, max_variation) ;
    if (min_diversity >= 0) vl_mser_set_min_diversity  (filt, min_diversity) ;

    if (verbose) {
      mexPrintf("mser: parameters:\n") ;
      mexPrintf("mser:   delta         = %d\n", vl_mser_get_delta         (filt)) ;
      mexPrintf("mser:   max_area      = %g\n", vl_mser_get_max_area      (filt)) ;
      mexPrintf("mser:   min_area      = %g\n", vl_mser_get_min_area      (filt)) ;
      mexPrintf("mser:   max_variation = %g\n", vl_mser_get_max_variation (filt)) ;
      mexPrintf("mser:   min_diversity = %g\n", vl_mser_get_min_diversity (filt)) ;
    /* process the image */
    vl_mser_process (filt, data) ;
    /* save regions back to array */
    nregions         = vl_mser_get_regions_num (filt) ;
    regions          = vl_mser_get_regions     (filt) ;
    odims [0]        = nregions ;
    out [OUT_SEEDS] = mxCreateNumericArray (1, odims, mxDOUBLE_CLASS,mxREAL) ;
    pt               = mxGetPr (out [OUT_SEEDS]) ;

    for (i = 0 ; i < nregions ; ++i) 
      pt [i] = regions [i] + 1 ;

    /* optionally compute and save ellipsoids */
    if (nout > 1) {
      vl_mser_ell_fit (filt) ;
      nframes = vl_mser_get_ell_num (filt) ;
      dof     = vl_mser_get_ell_dof (filt) ;
      frames  = vl_mser_get_ell     (filt) ;
      odims [0] = dof ;
      odims [1] = nframes ;
      out [OUT_FRAMES] = mxCreateNumericArray (2, odims, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL) ;
      pt               = mxGetPr (out [OUT_FRAMES]) ;
      for (i = 0 ; i < nframes ; ++i) {
        for (j = 0 ; j < dof ; ++j) {
          pt [i * dof + j] = frames [i * dof + j] + ((j < ndims)?1.0:0.0) ;

    if (verbose) {
      VlMserStats const* s = vl_mser_get_stats (filt) ;
      int tot = s-> num_extremal ;

      mexPrintf("mser: statistics:\n") ;
      mexPrintf("mser: %d extremal regions of which\n", tot) ;

#define REMAIN(test,num)                                                \
      mexPrintf("mser:  %5d (%7.3g %% of previous) " test "\n",         \
                tot-(num),100.0*(double)(tot-(num))/(tot+VL_EPSILON_D)) ; \
      tot -= (num) ;
      REMAIN("maximally stable,", s-> num_unstable    ) ;
      REMAIN("stable enough,",    s-> num_abs_unstable) ;
      REMAIN("small enough,",     s-> num_too_big     ) ;
      REMAIN("big enough,",       s-> num_too_small   ) ;
      REMAIN("diverse enough.",    s-> num_duplicates  ) ;

    /* cleanup */
    vl_mser_delete (filt) ;
Exemplo n.º 8
mexFunction(int nout, mxArray *out[], 
            int nin, const mxArray *in[])
  int M,N,S,smin,K ;
  const int* dimensions ;
  const double* P_pt ;
  const double* G_pt ;
  double* TH_pt ; 
  double sigma0 ;
  double H_pt [ NBINS ] ;

  enum {IN_P=0,IN_G,IN_S,IN_SMIN,IN_SIGMA0} ;
  enum {OUT_Q=0} ;

  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
  **                                               Check the arguments
  ** -------------------------------------------------------------- */ 
  if (nin != 5) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Exactly five input arguments required.");
  } else if (nout > 1) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments.");
  if( !uIsRealScalar(in[IN_S]) ) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("S should be a real scalar") ;
  if( !uIsRealScalar(in[IN_SMIN]) ) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("SMIN should be a real scalar") ;
  if( !uIsRealScalar(in[IN_SIGMA0]) ) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("SIGMA0 should be a real scalar") ;
  if( !uIsRealMatrix(in[IN_P],3,-1)) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("P should be a 3xK real matrix") ;
  if(mxGetNumberOfDimensions(in[IN_G]) != 3) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("SSO must be a three dimensional array") ;

  dimensions = mxGetDimensions(in[IN_G]) ;
  M = dimensions[0] ;
  N = dimensions[1] ;
  S = (int)(*mxGetPr(in[IN_S])) ;
  smin = (int)(*mxGetPr(in[IN_SMIN])) ;
  sigma0 = *mxGetPr(in[IN_SIGMA0]) ;
  K = mxGetN(in[IN_P]) ;
  P_pt = mxGetPr(in[IN_P]) ;
  G_pt = mxGetPr(in[IN_G]) ;

  /* If the input array is empty, then output an empty array as well. */
  if(K == 0) {    
    out[OUT_Q] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(4,0,mxREAL) ;
    return ;

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                                         Do the job
   * --------------------------------------------------------------- */ 
    int p ;
    const int yo = 1 ;
    const int xo = M ;
    const int so = M*N ;

    int buffer_size = K*4 ;
    double* buffer_start = (double*) mxMalloc( buffer_size *sizeof(double)) ;
    double* buffer_iterator = buffer_start ;
    double* buffer_end = buffer_start + buffer_size ;

    for(p = 0 ; p < K ; ++p, TH_pt += 2) {
      const double x = *P_pt++ ;
      const double y = *P_pt++ ;
      const double s = *P_pt++ ;
      int xi = ((int) (x+0.5)) ; /* Round them off. */
      int yi = ((int) (y+0.5)) ;
      int si = ((int) (s+0.5)) - smin ;
      int xs ;
      int ys ;
      double sigmaw = win_factor * sigma0 * pow(2, ((double)s) / S) ;
      int W = (int) ceil(3.0 * sigmaw) ;
      int bin ;
      const double* pt ;

      /* Make sure that the rounded off keypoint index is within bound.
      if(xi < 0   || 
         xi > N-1 || 
         yi < 0   || 
         yi > M-1 || 
         si < 0   || 
         si > dimensions[2]-1 ) {
        mexPrintf("Dropping %d: W %d x %d y %d si [%d,%d,%d,%d]\n",p,W,xi,yi,si,M,N,dimensions[2]) ;
        continue ;
      /* Clear histogram buffer. */
        int i ;
        for(i = 0 ; i < NBINS ; ++i) 
          H_pt[i] = 0 ;

      pt = G_pt + xi*xo + yi*yo + si*so ;      

#define at(dx,dy) (*(pt + (dx)*xo + (dy)*yo))

      for(xs = max(-W, 1-xi) ; xs <= min(+W, N -2 -xi) ; ++xs) {
        for(ys = max(-W, 1-yi) ; ys <= min(+W, M -2 -yi) ; ++ys) {
          double Dx = 0.5 * ( at(xs+1,ys) - at(xs-1,ys) ) ;
          double Dy = 0.5 * ( at(xs,ys+1) - at(xs,ys-1) ) ;
          double dx = ((double)(xi+xs)) - x;
          double dy = ((double)(yi+ys)) - y;
          if(dx*dx + dy*dy > W*W+0.5) continue ;

            double win = exp( - (dx*dx + dy*dy)/(2*sigmaw*sigmaw) ) ;
            double mod = sqrt(Dx*Dx + Dy*Dy) ;
            double theta = fmod(atan2(Dy, Dx) + 2*M_PI, 2*M_PI) ; 
            bin = (int) floor( NBINS * theta / (2*M_PI) ) ;
            H_pt[bin] += mod*win ;        
      /* Smooth histogram */			
        int iter, i ;
        for (iter = 0; iter < 6; iter++) {
          double prev;
          prev = H_pt[NBINS-1];
          for (i = 0; i < NBINS; i++) {
            float newh = (prev + H_pt[i] + H_pt[(i+1) % NBINS]) / 3.0;
            prev = H_pt[i] ;
            H_pt[i] = newh ;
      /* Find most strong peaks. */
        int i ;
        double maxh = H_pt[0] ;
        for(i = 1 ; i < NBINS ; ++i)
          maxh = max(maxh, H_pt[i]) ;
        for(i = 0 ; i < NBINS ; ++i) {
          double h0 = H_pt[i] ;
          double hm = H_pt[(i-1+NBINS) % NBINS] ;
          double hp = H_pt[(i+1+NBINS) % NBINS] ;
          if( h0 > 0.8*maxh && h0 > hm && h0 > hp ) {

            double di = -0.5 * (hp-hm) / (hp+hm-2*h0) ; /*di=0;*/
            double th = 2*M_PI*(i+di+0.5)/NBINS ;

            if( buffer_iterator == buffer_end ) {
              int offset = buffer_iterator - buffer_start ;
              buffer_size += 4*max(1, K/16) ;
              buffer_start = (double*) mxRealloc(buffer_start,
                                                 buffer_size*sizeof(double)) ;
              buffer_end = buffer_start + buffer_size ;
              buffer_iterator = buffer_start + offset ;
            *buffer_iterator++ = x ;
            *buffer_iterator++ = y ;
            *buffer_iterator++ = s ;
            *buffer_iterator++ = th ;
        } /* Scan histogram */
      } /* Find peaks */

    /* Save back the result. */
      double* result ;
      int NL = (buffer_iterator - buffer_start)/4 ;
      out[OUT_Q] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(4, NL, mxREAL) ;
      result  = mxGetPr(out[OUT_Q]);
      memcpy(result, buffer_start, sizeof(double) * 4 * NL) ;
    mxFree(buffer_start) ;
Exemplo n.º 9
mexFunction(int nout, mxArray *out[],
            int nin, const mxArray *in[])
  int M,N,S,smin,K ;
  const int* dimensions ;
  const double* P_pt ;
  const double* D_pt ;
  double threshold = 0.01 ; /*0.02 ;*/
  double r = 10.0 ;
  double* result ;
  enum {OUT_Q=0} ;

  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
  **                                               Check the arguments
  ** -------------------------------------------------------------- */
  if (nin < 3) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("At least three input arguments required.");
  } else if (nout > 1) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments.");

  if( !uIsRealMatrix(in[IN_P],3,-1) ) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("P must be a 3xK real matrix") ;

  if( !mxIsDouble(in[IN_D]) || mxGetNumberOfDimensions(in[IN_D]) != 3) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("G must be a three dimensional real array.") ;

  if( !uIsRealScalar(in[IN_SMIN]) ) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("SMIN must be a real scalar.") ;

  if(nin >= 4) {
    if(!uIsRealScalar(in[IN_THRESHOLD])) {
      mexErrMsgTxt("THRESHOLD must be a real scalar.") ;
    threshold = *mxGetPr(in[IN_THRESHOLD]) ;

  if(nin >= 5) {
    if(!uIsRealScalar(in[IN_R])) {
      mexErrMsgTxt("R must be a real scalar.") ;
    r = *mxGetPr(in[IN_R]) ;

  dimensions = mxGetDimensions(in[IN_D]) ;
  M = dimensions[0] ;
  N = dimensions[1] ;
  S = dimensions[2] ;
  smin = (int)(*mxGetPr(in[IN_SMIN])) ;

  if(S < 3 || M < 3 || N < 3) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("All dimensions of DOG must be not less than 3.") ;

  K = mxGetN(in[IN_P]) ;
  P_pt = mxGetPr(in[IN_P]) ;
  D_pt = mxGetPr(in[IN_D]) ;

  /* If the input array is empty, then output an empty array as well. */
  if( K == 0) {
    out[OUT_Q] = mxDuplicateArray(in[IN_P]) ;
    return ;

  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                                        Do the job
   * -------------------------------------------------------------- */
    double* buffer = (double*) mxMalloc(K*3*sizeof(double)) ;
    double* buffer_iterator = buffer ;
    int p ;
    const int yo = 1 ;
    const int xo = M ;
    const int so = M*N ;

    for(p = 0 ; p < K ; ++p) {
      int x = ((int)*P_pt++) ;
      int y = ((int)*P_pt++) ;
      int s = ((int)*P_pt++) - smin ;
      int iter ;
      double b[3] ;

      /* Local maxima extracted from the DOG
       * have coorrinates 1<=x<=N-2, 1<=y<=M-2
       * and 1<=s-mins<=S-2. This is also the range of the points
       * that we can refine.
      if(x < 1 || x > N-2 ||
         y < 1 || y > M-2 ||
         s < 1 || s > S-2) {
        continue ;

#define at(dx,dy,ds) (*(pt + (dx)*xo + (dy)*yo + (ds)*so))

        const double* pt = D_pt + y*yo + x*xo + s*so ;
        double Dx=0,Dy=0,Ds=0,Dxx=0,Dyy=0,Dss=0,Dxy=0,Dxs=0,Dys=0 ;
        int dx = 0 ;
        int dy = 0 ;
        int j, i, jj, ii ;

        for(iter = 0 ; iter < max_iter ; ++iter) {

          double A[3*3] ;

#define Aat(i,j) (A[(i)+(j)*3])

          x += dx ;
          y += dy ;
          pt = D_pt + y*yo + x*xo + s*so ;

          /* Compute the gradient. */
          Dx = 0.5 * (at(+1,0,0) - at(-1,0,0)) ;
          Dy = 0.5 * (at(0,+1,0) - at(0,-1,0));
          Ds = 0.5 * (at(0,0,+1) - at(0,0,-1)) ;

          /* Compute the Hessian. */
          Dxx = (at(+1,0,0) + at(-1,0,0) - 2.0 * at(0,0,0)) ;
          Dyy = (at(0,+1,0) + at(0,-1,0) - 2.0 * at(0,0,0)) ;
          Dss = (at(0,0,+1) + at(0,0,-1) - 2.0 * at(0,0,0)) ;

          Dxy = 0.25 * ( at(+1,+1,0) + at(-1,-1,0) - at(-1,+1,0) - at(+1,-1,0) ) ;
          Dxs = 0.25 * ( at(+1,0,+1) + at(-1,0,-1) - at(-1,0,+1) - at(+1,0,-1) ) ;
          Dys = 0.25 * ( at(0,+1,+1) + at(0,-1,-1) - at(0,-1,+1) - at(0,+1,-1) ) ;

          /* Solve linear system. */
          Aat(0,0) = Dxx ;
          Aat(1,1) = Dyy ;
          Aat(2,2) = Dss ;
          Aat(0,1) = Aat(1,0) = Dxy ;
          Aat(0,2) = Aat(2,0) = Dxs ;
          Aat(1,2) = Aat(2,1) = Dys ;

          b[0] = - Dx ;
          b[1] = - Dy ;
          b[2] = - Ds ;

          /* Gauss elimination */
          for(j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++j) {
            double maxa    = 0 ;
            double maxabsa = 0 ;
            int    maxi    = -1 ;
            double tmp ;

            /* look for the maximally stable pivot */
            for (i = j ; i < 3 ; ++i) {
              double a    = Aat (i,j) ;
              double absa = abs (a) ;
              if (absa > maxabsa) {
                maxa    = a ;
                maxabsa = absa ;
                maxi    = i ;

            /* if singular give up */
            if (maxabsa < 1e-10f) {
              b[0] = 0 ;
              b[1] = 0 ;
              b[2] = 0 ;
              break ;

            i = maxi ;

            /* swap j-th row with i-th row and normalize j-th row */
            for(jj = j ; jj < 3 ; ++jj) {
              tmp = Aat(i,jj) ; Aat(i,jj) = Aat(j,jj) ; Aat(j,jj) = tmp ;
              Aat(j,jj) /= maxa ;
            tmp = b[j] ; b[j] = b[i] ; b[i] = tmp ;
            b[j] /= maxa ;

            /* elimination */
            for (ii = j+1 ; ii < 3 ; ++ii) {
              double x = Aat(ii,j) ;
              for (jj = j ; jj < 3 ; ++jj) {
                Aat(ii,jj) -= x * Aat(j,jj) ;
              b[ii] -= x * b[j] ;

          /* backward substitution */
          for (i = 2 ; i > 0 ; --i) {
            double x = b[i] ;
            for (ii = i-1 ; ii >= 0 ; --ii) {
              b[ii] -= x * Aat(ii,i) ;

          /* If the translation of the keypoint is big, move the keypoint
           * and re-iterate the computation. Otherwise we are all set.
          dx= ((b[0] >  0.6 && x < N-2) ?  1 : 0 )
            + ((b[0] < -0.6 && x > 1  ) ? -1 : 0 ) ;

          dy= ((b[1] >  0.6 && y < M-2) ?  1 : 0 )
            + ((b[1] < -0.6 && y > 1  ) ? -1 : 0 ) ;

          if( dx == 0 && dy == 0 ) break ;


          double val = at(0,0,0) + 0.5 * (Dx * b[0] + Dy * b[1] + Ds * b[2]) ;
          double score = (Dxx+Dyy)*(Dxx+Dyy) / (Dxx*Dyy - Dxy*Dxy) ;
          double xn = x + b[0] ;
          double yn = y + b[1] ;
          double sn = s + b[2] ;

          if(fabs(val) > threshold &&
             score < (r+1)*(r+1)/r &&
             score >= 0 &&
             fabs(b[0]) < 1.5 &&
             fabs(b[1]) < 1.5 &&
             fabs(b[2]) < 1.5 &&
             xn >= 0 &&
             xn <= N-1 &&
             yn >= 0 &&
             yn <= M-1 &&
             sn >= 0 &&
             sn <= S-1) {
            *buffer_iterator++ = xn ;
            *buffer_iterator++ = yn ;
            *buffer_iterator++ = sn+smin  ;

    /* Copy the result into an array. */
      int NL = (buffer_iterator - buffer)/3 ;
      out[OUT_Q] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(3, NL, mxREAL) ;
      result = mxGetPr(out[OUT_Q]);
      memcpy(result, buffer, sizeof(double) * 3 * NL) ;
    mxFree(buffer) ;

Exemplo n.º 10
mexFunction(int nout, mxArray *out[], 
            int nin, const mxArray *in[])
  int M, N ;
  const double* F_pt ;
  int ndims ; 
  int pdims = -1 ;
  int* offsets ;
  int* midx ;
  int* neighbors ;
  int nneighbors ;
  int* dims ;
  enum {F=0,THRESHOLD,P} ;
  enum {MAXIMA=0} ;
  double threshold = - mxGetInf() ; 

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                                Check the arguments
   * --------------------------------------------------------------- */
  if (nin < 1) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("At least one input argument is required.");
  } else if (nin > 3) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("At most three arguments are allowed.") ;
  } else if (nout > 1) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments");
  /* The input must be a real matrix. */
  if (!mxIsDouble(in[F]) || mxIsComplex(in[F])) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Input must be real matrix.");
  if(nin > 1) {
    if(!uIsRealScalar(in[THRESHOLD])) {
      mexErrMsgTxt("THRESHOLD must be a real scalar.") ;
    threshold = *mxGetPr(in[THRESHOLD]) ;
  if(nin > 2) {
      mexErrMsgTxt("P must be a non-negative integer") ;    
    pdims = (int) *mxGetPr(in[P])  ;
    if(pdims < 0)
      mexErrMsgTxt("P must be a non-negative integer") ;

  ndims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(in[F]) ;
    /* We need to make a copy because in one special case (see below)
       we need to adjust dims[].
    int d ;
    const int* const_dims = (int*) mxGetDimensions(in[F]) ;
    dims = mxMalloc(sizeof(int)*ndims) ;
    for(d=0 ; d < ndims ; ++d) dims[d] = const_dims[d] ;
  M = dims[0] ;
  N = dims[1] ;
  F_pt = mxGetPr(in[F]) ;

     If there are only two dimensions and if one is singleton, then
     assume that a vector has been provided as input (and treat this
     as a COLUMN matrix with p=1). We do this because Matlab does not
     distinguish between vectors and 1xN or Mx1 matrices and because
     the cases 1xN and Mx1 are trivial (the result is alway empty).
  if((ndims == 2) && (pdims < 0) && (M == 1 || N == 1)) {
    pdims = 1 ;
    M = (M>N)?M:N ;
    N = 1 ;
    dims[0]=M ;
    dims[1]=N ;

  /* search the local maxima along the first p dimensions only */
  if(pdims < 0)
    pdims = ndims ;
  if(pdims > ndims) {
    mxFree(dims) ;
    mexErrMsgTxt("P must not be greater than the number of dimensions") ;

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                                         Do the job
   * --------------------------------------------------------------- */  
    int maxima_size = M*N ;
    int* maxima_start = (int*) mxMalloc(sizeof(int) * maxima_size) ;
    int* maxima_iterator = maxima_start ;
    int* maxima_end = maxima_start + maxima_size ;
    int i,h,o ;
    const double* pt = F_pt ;

    /* Compute the offsets between dimensions. */
    offsets = (int*) mxMalloc(sizeof(int) * ndims) ;
    offsets[0] = 1 ;
    for(h = 1 ; h < ndims ; ++h)
      offsets[h] = offsets[h-1]*dims[h-1] ;

    /* Multi-index. */
    midx = (int*) mxMalloc(sizeof(int) * ndims) ;
    for(h = 0 ; h < ndims ; ++h)
      midx[h] = 1 ;

    /* Neighbors. */
    nneighbors = 1 ;
    o=0 ;
    for(h = 0 ; h < pdims ; ++h) {
      nneighbors *= 3 ;
      midx[h] = -1 ;
      o -= offsets[h] ;
    nneighbors -= 1 ;
    neighbors = (int*) mxMalloc(sizeof(int) * nneighbors) ;

    /* Precompute offsets from offset(-1,...,-1,0,...0) to
     * offset(+1,...,+1,0,...,0). */
    i = 0 ;

    while(true) {
      if(o != 0)
        neighbors[i++] = o ;
      h = 0 ;
      while( o += offsets[h], (++midx[h]) > 1 ) {
        o -= 3*offsets[h] ;
        midx[h] = -1 ;
        if(++h >= pdims)
          goto stop ;
  stop: ;
    /* Starts at the corner (1,1,...,1,0,0,...0) */
    for(h = 0 ; h < pdims ; ++h) {
      midx[h] = 1 ;
      pt += offsets[h] ;
    for(h = pdims ; h < ndims ; ++h) {
      midx[h] = 0 ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------
     *                                                            Loop
     * ------------------------------------------------------------ */

      If any dimension in the first P is less than 3 elements wide
      then just return the empty matrix (if we proceed without doing
      anything we break the carry reporting algorithm below).
    for(h=0 ; h < pdims ; ++h)
      if(dims[h] < 3) goto end ;
    while(true) {

      /* Propagate carry along multi index midx */
      h = 0 ;
      while((midx[h]) >= dims[h] - 1) {
        pt += 2*offsets[h] ; /* skip first and last el. */
        midx[h] = 1 ;
        if(++h >= pdims) 
          goto next_layer ;
        ++midx[h] ;
        for(h = 0 ; h < ndims ; ++h ) 
        mexPrintf("%d  ", midx[h]) ;
        mexPrintf(" -- %d -- pdims %d \n", pt - F_pt,pdims) ;
      /*  Scan neighbors */
        double v = *pt ;
        bool is_greater = (v >= threshold) ;
        i = 0  ;
        while(is_greater && i < nneighbors)
          is_greater &= v > *(pt + neighbors[i++]) ;
        /* Add the local maximum */
        if(is_greater) {
          /* Need more space? */
          if(maxima_iterator == maxima_end) {
            maxima_size += M*N ;
            maxima_start = (int*) mxRealloc(maxima_start, 
                                            maxima_size*sizeof(int)) ;
            maxima_end = maxima_start + maxima_size ;
            maxima_iterator = maxima_end - M*N ;
          *maxima_iterator++ = pt - F_pt + 1 ;
        /* Go to next element */
        pt += 1 ;
        ++midx[0] ;
        continue ;
      next_layer: ;
        if( h >= ndims )
          goto end ;
        while((++midx[h]) >= dims[h]) {
          midx[h] = 0 ;
          if(++h >= ndims)
            goto end ;
    /* Return. */
      double* M_pt ;
      out[MAXIMA] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix
        (1, maxima_iterator-maxima_start, mxREAL) ;
      maxima_end = maxima_iterator ;
      maxima_iterator = maxima_start ;
      M_pt = mxGetPr(out[MAXIMA]) ;
      while(maxima_iterator != maxima_end) {
        *M_pt++ = *maxima_iterator++ ;
    /* Release space. */
    mxFree(offsets) ;
    mxFree(neighbors) ;
    mxFree(midx) ;
    mxFree(maxima_start) ;     
  mxFree(dims) ;
Exemplo n.º 11
mexFunction(int nout, mxArray *out[], 
            int nin, const mxArray *in[])
  enum {IN_I=0,IN_END} ;

  int                verbose = 0 ;
  int                opt ;
  int                next = IN_END ;
  mxArray const     *optarg ;
  vl_sift_pix const *data ;
  int                M, N ;

  int                O     = - 1 ;
  int                S     =   3 ;
  int                o_min =   0 ; 

  double             edge_thresh = -1 ;
  double             peak_thresh = -1 ;
  double             norm_thresh = -1 ;

  mxArray           *ikeys_array = 0 ;
  double            *ikeys = 0 ;
  int                nikeys = -1 ;
  vl_bool            force_orientations = 0 ;

  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                               Check the arguments
   * -------------------------------------------------------------- */

  if (nin < 1) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("One argument required.") ;
  } else if (nout > 2) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments.");
  if (mxGetNumberOfDimensions (in[IN_I]) != 2              ||
      mxGetClassID            (in[IN_I]) != mxSINGLE_CLASS  ) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("I must be a matrix of class SINGLE") ;
  data = (vl_sift_pix*) mxGetData (in[IN_I]) ;
  M    = mxGetM (in[IN_I]) ;
  N    = mxGetN (in[IN_I]) ;
  while ((opt = uNextOption(in, nin, options, &next, &optarg)) >= 0) {
    switch (opt) {

    case opt_verbose :
      ++ verbose ;
      break ;

    case opt_octaves :
      if (!uIsRealScalar(optarg) || (O = (int) *mxGetPr(optarg)) < 0) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("'Octaves' must be a positive integer.") ;
      break ;
    case opt_levels :
      if (! uIsRealScalar(optarg) || (S = (int) *mxGetPr(optarg)) < 1) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("'Levels' must be a positive integer.") ;
      break ;
    case opt_first_octave :
      if (!uIsRealScalar(optarg)) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("'FirstOctave' must be an integer") ;
      o_min = (int) *mxGetPr(optarg) ;
      break ;

    case opt_edge_thresh :
      if (!uIsRealScalar(optarg) || (edge_thresh = *mxGetPr(optarg)) < 1) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("'EdgeThresh' must be not smaller than 1.") ;
      break ;

    case opt_peak_thresh :
      if (!uIsRealScalar(optarg) || (peak_thresh = *mxGetPr(optarg)) < 0) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("'PeakThresh' must be a non-negative real.") ;
      break ;

    case opt_norm_thresh :
      if (!uIsRealScalar(optarg) || (norm_thresh = *mxGetPr(optarg)) < 0) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("'NormThresh' must be a non-negative real.") ;
      break ;

    case opt_frames :
      if (!uIsRealMatrix(optarg, 4, -1)) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("'Frames' must be a 4 x N matrix.x") ;
      ikeys_array = mxDuplicateArray (optarg) ;
      nikeys      = mxGetN (optarg) ;
      ikeys       = mxGetPr (ikeys_array) ;
      if (! check_sorted (ikeys, nikeys)) {
        qsort (ikeys, nikeys, 4 * sizeof(double), korder) ;
      break ;
    case opt_orientations :
      force_orientations = 1 ;
      break ;
    default :
      assert(0) ;
      break ;
  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                                            Do job
   * -------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VlSiftFilt        *filt ;    
    vl_bool            first ;
    double            *frames = 0 ;
    vl_uint8          *descr  = 0 ;
    int                nframes = 0, reserved = 0, i,j,q ;
    /* create a filter to process the image */
    filt = vl_sift_new (M, N, O, S, o_min) ;

    if (peak_thresh >= 0) vl_sift_set_peak_thresh (filt, peak_thresh) ;
    if (edge_thresh >= 0) vl_sift_set_edge_thresh (filt, edge_thresh) ;
    if (norm_thresh >= 0) vl_sift_set_norm_thresh (filt, norm_thresh) ;
    if (verbose) {    
      mexPrintf("siftmx: filter settings:\n") ;
      mexPrintf("siftmx:   octaves      (O)     = %d\n", 
                vl_sift_get_octave_num   (filt)) ;
      mexPrintf("siftmx:   levels       (S)     = %d\n",
                vl_sift_get_level_num    (filt)) ;
      mexPrintf("siftmx:   first octave (o_min) = %d\n", 
                vl_sift_get_octave_first (filt)) ;
      mexPrintf("siftmx:   edge thresh           = %g\n",
                vl_sift_get_edge_thresh   (filt)) ;
      mexPrintf("siftmx:   peak thresh           = %g\n",
                vl_sift_get_peak_thresh   (filt)) ;
      mexPrintf("siftmx:   norm thresh           = %g\n",
                vl_sift_get_norm_thresh   (filt)) ;
      mexPrintf((nikeys >= 0) ? 
                "siftmx: will source frames? yes (%d)\n" :
                "siftmx: will source frames? no\n", nikeys) ;
      mexPrintf("siftmx: will force orientations? %s\n",
                force_orientations ? "yes" : "no") ;      
    /* ...............................................................
     *                                             Process each octave
     * ............................................................ */
    i     = 0 ;
    first = 1 ;
    while (true) {
      int                   err ;
      VlSiftKeypoint const *keys  = 0 ;
      int                   nkeys = 0 ;
      if (verbose) {
        mexPrintf ("siftmx: processing octave %d\n",
                   vl_sift_get_octave_index (filt)) ;

      /* Calculate the GSS for the next octave .................... */
      if (first) {
        err   = vl_sift_process_first_octave (filt, data) ;
        first = 0 ;
      } else {
        err   = vl_sift_process_next_octave  (filt) ;

      if (err) break ;
      if (verbose > 1) {
        printf("siftmx: GSS octave %d computed\n",
               vl_sift_get_octave_index (filt));

      /* Run detector ............................................. */
      if (nikeys < 0) {
        vl_sift_detect (filt) ;
        keys  = vl_sift_get_keypoints     (filt) ;
        nkeys = vl_sift_get_keypoints_num (filt) ;
        i     = 0 ;
        if (verbose > 1) {
          printf ("siftmx: detected %d (unoriented) keypoints\n", nkeys) ;
      } else {
        nkeys = nikeys ;

      /* For each keypoint ........................................ */
      for (; i < nkeys ; ++i) {
        double                angles [4] ;
        int                   nangles ;
        VlSiftKeypoint        ik ;
        VlSiftKeypoint const *k ;

        /* Obtain keypoint orientations ........................... */
        if (nikeys >= 0) {
          vl_sift_keypoint_init (filt, &ik, 
                                 ikeys [4 * i + 1] - 1,
                                 ikeys [4 * i + 0] - 1,
                                 ikeys [4 * i + 2]) ;
          if (ik.o != vl_sift_get_octave_index (filt)) {
            break ;

          k = &ik ;
          /* optionally compute orientations too */
          if (force_orientations) {
            nangles = vl_sift_calc_keypoint_orientations 
              (filt, angles, k) ;            
          } else {
            angles [0] = VL_PI / 2 - ikeys [4 * i + 3] ;
            nangles    = 1 ;
        } else {
          k = keys + i ;
          nangles = vl_sift_calc_keypoint_orientations 
            (filt, angles, k) ;

        /* For each orientation ................................... */
        for (q = 0 ; q < nangles ; ++q) {
          vl_sift_pix  buf [128] ;
          vl_sift_pix rbuf [128] ;

          /* compute descriptor (if necessary) */
          if (nout > 1) {
              (filt, buf, k, angles [q]) ;
            transpose_descriptor (rbuf, buf) ;

          /* make enough room for all these keypoints and more */
          if (reserved < nframes + 1) {
            reserved += 2 * nkeys ;
            frames = mxRealloc (frames, 4 * sizeof(double) * reserved) ;
            if (nout > 1) {
              descr  = mxRealloc (descr,  128 * sizeof(double) * reserved) ;

          /* Save back with MATLAB conventions. Notice tha the input
           * image was the transpose of the actual image. */
          frames [4 * nframes + 0] = k -> y + 1 ;
          frames [4 * nframes + 1] = k -> x + 1 ;
          frames [4 * nframes + 2] = k -> sigma ;
          frames [4 * nframes + 3] = VL_PI / 2 - angles [q] ;
          if (nout > 1) {
            for (j = 0 ; j < 128 ; ++j) {
              double x = 512.0 * rbuf [j] ;
              x = (x < 255.0) ? x : 255.0 ;
              descr [128 * nframes + j] = (vl_uint8) (x) ;

          ++ nframes ;
        } /* next orientation */
      } /* next keypoint */
    } /* next octave */
    if (verbose) {
      mexPrintf ("siftmx: found %d keypoints\n", nframes) ;

    /* ...............................................................
     *                                                       Save back
     * ............................................................ */

      int dims [2] ;
      /* create an empty array */
      dims [0] = 0 ;
      dims [1] = 0 ;      
      out[OUT_FRAMES] = mxCreateNumericArray 
        (2, dims, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL) ;

      /* set array content to be the frames buffer */
      dims [0] = 4 ;
      dims [1] = nframes ;
      mxSetDimensions (out[OUT_FRAMES], dims, 2) ;
      mxSetPr         (out[OUT_FRAMES], frames) ;
      if (nout > 1) {
        /* create an empty array */
        dims [0] = 0 ;
        dims [1] = 0 ;
        out[OUT_DESCRIPTORS]= mxCreateNumericArray 
          (2, dims, mxUINT8_CLASS,  mxREAL) ;
        /* set array content to be the descriptors buffer */
        dims [0] = 128 ;
        dims [1] = nframes ;
        mxSetDimensions (out[OUT_DESCRIPTORS], dims, 2) ;
        mxSetData       (out[OUT_DESCRIPTORS], descr) ;
    /* cleanup */
    vl_sift_delete (filt) ;
    if (ikeys_array) 
      mxDestroyArray(ikeys_array) ;

  } /* end: do job */