// Class nsUnicodeDecodeHelper [implementation]
nsresult nsUnicodeDecodeHelper::ConvertByTable(
                                     const char * aSrc, 
                                     PRInt32 * aSrcLength, 
                                     PRUnichar * aDest, 
                                     PRInt32 * aDestLength, 
                                     uScanClassID aScanClass,
                                     uShiftInTable * aShiftInTable, 
                                     uMappingTable  * aMappingTable)
  const char * src = aSrc;
  PRInt32 srcLen = *aSrcLength;
  PRUnichar * dest = aDest;
  PRUnichar * destEnd = aDest + *aDestLength;

  PRUnichar med;
  PRInt32 bcr; // byte count for read
  nsresult res = NS_OK;

  while ((srcLen > 0) && (dest < destEnd)) {
    PRBool charFound;
    if (aScanClass == uMultibytesCharset) {
      NS_ASSERTION(aShiftInTable, "shift table missing");
      charFound = uScanShift(aShiftInTable, NULL, (PRUint8 *)src,
                             reinterpret_cast<PRUint16*>(&med), srcLen, 
                             (PRUint32 *)&bcr);
    } else {
      charFound = uScan(aScanClass, NULL, (PRUint8 *)src,
                        srcLen, (PRUint32 *)&bcr);
    if (!charFound) {

    if (!uMapCode((uTable*) aMappingTable, static_cast<PRUint16>(med), reinterpret_cast<PRUint16*>(dest))) {
      if (med < 0x20) {
        // somehow some table miss the 0x00 - 0x20 part
        *dest = med;
      } else {
        // Unicode replacement value for unmappable chars
        *dest = 0xfffd;

    src += bcr;
    srcLen -= bcr;

  if ((srcLen > 0) && (res == NS_OK)) res = NS_OK_UDEC_MOREOUTPUT;

  *aSrcLength = src - aSrc;
  *aDestLength  = dest - aDest;
  return res;
nsresult nsUnicodeDecodeHelper::ConvertByMultiTable(
                                     const char * aSrc, 
                                     PRInt32 * aSrcLength, 
                                     PRUnichar * aDest, 
                                     PRInt32 * aDestLength, 
                                     PRInt32 aTableCount, 
                                     const uRange * aRangeArray, 
                                     uScanClassID * aScanClassArray,
                                     uMappingTable ** aMappingTable)
  PRUint8 * src = (PRUint8 *)aSrc;
  PRInt32 srcLen = *aSrcLength;
  PRUnichar * dest = aDest;
  PRUnichar * destEnd = aDest + *aDestLength;

  PRUnichar med;
  PRInt32 bcr; // byte count for read
  nsresult res = NS_OK;
  PRInt32 i;

  while ((srcLen > 0) && (dest < destEnd)) 
    PRBool done= PR_FALSE;
    PRBool passRangeCheck = PR_FALSE;
    PRBool passScan = PR_FALSE;
    for (i=0; (!done) && (i<aTableCount); i++)  
      if ((aRangeArray[i].min <= *src) && (*src <= aRangeArray[i].max)) 
        passRangeCheck = PR_TRUE;
        if (uScan(aScanClassArray[i], NULL, src, 
                   reinterpret_cast<PRUint16*>(&med), srcLen, 
                   (PRUint32 *)&bcr)) 
          passScan = PR_TRUE;
          done = uMapCode((uTable*) aMappingTable[i], 
        } // if (uScan ... )
      } // if Range
    } // for loop

    if(passRangeCheck && (! passScan))
    if(! done)
      bcr = 1;
      if ((PRUint8)*src < 0x20) {
        // somehow some table miss the 0x00 - 0x20 part
        *dest = *src;
      } else if(*src == (PRUint8) 0xa0) {
        // handle nbsp
        *dest = 0x00a0;
      } else {
        // we need to decide how many byte we skip. We can use uScan to do this
        for (i=0; i<aTableCount; i++)  
          if ((aRangeArray[i].min <= *src) && (*src <= aRangeArray[i].max)) 
            if (uScan(aScanClassArray[i], NULL, src, 
                   reinterpret_cast<PRUint16*>(&med), srcLen, 
               // match the patten
               PRInt32 k; 
               for(k = 1; k < bcr; k++)
                 if(0 == (src[k]  & 0x80))
                 { // only skip if all bytes > 0x80
                   // if we hit bytes <= 0x80, skip only one byte
                   bcr = 1;
        // treat it as NSBR if bcr == 1 and it is 0xa0
        *dest = ((1==bcr)&&(*src == (PRUint8)0xa0 )) ? 0x00a0 : 0xfffd;

    src += bcr;
    srcLen -= bcr;
  } // while

  if ((srcLen > 0) && (res == NS_OK)) res = NS_OK_UDEC_MOREOUTPUT;

  *aSrcLength = src - (PRUint8 *)aSrc;
  *aDestLength  = dest - aDest;
  return res;
nsresult nsUnicodeDecodeHelper::ConvertByMultiTable(
                                     const char * aSrc, 
                                     int32_t * aSrcLength, 
                                     PRUnichar * aDest, 
                                     int32_t * aDestLength, 
                                     int32_t aTableCount, 
                                     const uRange * aRangeArray, 
                                     uScanClassID * aScanClassArray,
                                     uMappingTable ** aMappingTable,
                                     bool aErrorSignal)
  uint8_t * src = (uint8_t *)aSrc;
  int32_t srcLen = *aSrcLength;
  PRUnichar * dest = aDest;
  PRUnichar * destEnd = aDest + *aDestLength;

  PRUnichar med;
  int32_t bcr; // byte count for read
  nsresult res = NS_OK;
  int32_t i;

  while ((srcLen > 0) && (dest < destEnd)) 
    bool done= false;
    bool passRangeCheck = false;
    bool passScan = false;
    for (i=0; (!done) && (i<aTableCount); i++)  
      if ((aRangeArray[i].min <= *src) && (*src <= aRangeArray[i].max)) 
        passRangeCheck = true;
        if (uScan(aScanClassArray[i], nullptr, src, 
                   reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(&med), srcLen, 
                   (uint32_t *)&bcr)) 
          passScan = true;
          done = uMapCode((uTable*) aMappingTable[i], 
        } // if (uScan ... )
      } // if Range
    } // for loop

    if(passRangeCheck && (! passScan))
      if (res != NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT)
        res = NS_OK_UDEC_MOREINPUT;
    if(! done)
      bcr = 1;
      if ((uint8_t)*src < 0x20) {
        // somehow some table miss the 0x00 - 0x20 part
        *dest = *src;
      } else if(*src == (uint8_t) 0xa0) {
        // handle nbsp
        *dest = 0x00a0;
      } else {
        // we need to decide how many byte we skip. We can use uScan to do this
        for (i=0; i<aTableCount; i++)  
          if ((aRangeArray[i].min <= *src) && (*src <= aRangeArray[i].max)) 
            if (uScan(aScanClassArray[i], nullptr, src, 
                   reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(&med), srcLen, 
               // match the patten
               int32_t k; 
               for(k = 1; k < bcr; k++)
                 if(0 == (src[k]  & 0x80))
                 { // only skip if all bytes > 0x80
                   // if we hit bytes <= 0x80, skip only one byte
                   bcr = 1;
        // treat it as NSBR if bcr == 1 and it is 0xa0
        if ((1==bcr)&&(*src == (uint8_t)0xa0 )) {
          *dest = 0x00a0;
        } else {
          if (aErrorSignal) {
            res = NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT;
          *dest = 0xfffd;

    src += bcr;
    srcLen -= bcr;
  } // while

  if ((srcLen > 0) && (res == NS_OK)) res = NS_OK_UDEC_MOREOUTPUT;

  *aSrcLength = src - (uint8_t *)aSrc;
  *aDestLength  = dest - aDest;
  return res;