Exemplo n.º 1
static void VM_exec()
    int c;
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_err err;

    // Initialize emulator in X86-64bit mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32, &uc);
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %s\n", uc_strerror(err));

    err = uc_mem_map(uc, ADDRESS1, SIZE, UC_PROT_ALL);
    if(err != UC_ERR_OK)
        printf("Failed to map memory %s\n", uc_strerror(err));
        goto err;

    err = uc_mem_map(uc, ADDRESS2, SIZE, UC_PROT_ALL);
    if(err != UC_ERR_OK)
        printf("Failed to map memory %s\n", uc_strerror(err));
        goto err;

    err = uc_mem_unmap(uc, ADDRESS1, SIZE);
    if(err != UC_ERR_OK)
        printf("Failed to unmap memory %s\n", uc_strerror(err));
        goto err;

    err = uc_mem_unmap(uc, ADDRESS2, SIZE);
    if(err != UC_ERR_OK)
        printf("Failed to unmap memory %s\n", uc_strerror(err));
        goto err;

        c = getchar(); //pause here and analyse memory usage before exiting with a program like VMMap;
        if(c != 'e')
            goto repeat;

Exemplo n.º 2
static void test_sparc(void)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_err err;
    uc_hook trace1, trace2;

    int g1 = 0x1230;     // G1 register
    int g2 = 0x6789;     // G2 register
    int g3 = 0x5555;     // G3 register

    printf("Emulate SPARC code\n");

    // Initialize emulator in Sparc mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_SPARC, UC_MODE_32, &uc);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u (%s)\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));

    // map 2MB memory for this emulation
    uc_mem_map(uc, ADDRESS, 2 * 1024 * 1024, UC_PROT_ALL);

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    uc_mem_write(uc, ADDRESS, SPARC_CODE, sizeof(SPARC_CODE) - 1);

    // initialize machine registers
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_SPARC_REG_G1, &g1);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_SPARC_REG_G2, &g2);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_SPARC_REG_G3, &g3);

    // tracing all basic blocks with customized callback
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace1, UC_HOOK_BLOCK, hook_block, NULL, (uint64_t)1, (uint64_t)0);

    // tracing all instructions with customized callback
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace2, UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code, NULL, (uint64_t)1, (uint64_t)0);

    // emulate machine code in infinite time (last param = 0), or when
    // finishing all the code.
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS, ADDRESS + sizeof(SPARC_CODE) - 1, 0, 0);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned: %u (%s)\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));

    // now print out some registers
    printf(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context\n");

    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_SPARC_REG_G3, &g3);
    printf(">>> G3 = 0x%x\n", g3);

Exemplo n.º 3
static void test_mips_el(void)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_err err;
    uc_hook trace1, trace2;

    int r1 = 0x6789;     // R1 register

    printf("Emulate MIPS code (little-endian)\n");

    // Initialize emulator in MIPS mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_MIPS, UC_MODE_MIPS32, &uc);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u (%s)\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));

    // map 2MB memory for this emulation
    uc_mem_map(uc, ADDRESS, 2 * 1024 * 1024, UC_PROT_ALL);

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    uc_mem_write(uc, ADDRESS, MIPS_CODE_EL, sizeof(MIPS_CODE_EL) - 1);

    // initialize machine registers
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_MIPS_REG_1, &r1);

    // tracing all basic blocks with customized callback
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace1, UC_HOOK_BLOCK, hook_block, NULL, (uint64_t)1, (uint64_t)0);

    // tracing one instruction at ADDRESS with customized callback
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace2, UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code, NULL, (uint64_t)ADDRESS, (uint64_t)ADDRESS);

    // emulate machine code in infinite time (last param = 0), or when
    // finishing all the code.
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS, ADDRESS + sizeof(MIPS_CODE_EL) - 1, 0, 0);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned: %u (%s)\n", err, uc_strerror(err));

    // now print out some registers
    printf(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context\n");

    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_MIPS_REG_1, &r1);
    printf(">>> R1 = 0x%x\n", r1);

Exemplo n.º 4
static bool hook_invalid_mem(uc_engine *uc, uc_mem_type type, uint64_t address, int size, int64_t value, void *user_data)
    uc_err err;
    uint64_t address_align = TARGET_PAGE_ALIGN(address);

    if(address == 0)
        printf("Address is 0, proof 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", address);
        return false;

            return false;
            printf("Mapping write address 0x%" PRIx64 " to aligned 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", address, address_align);

            err = uc_mem_map(uc, address_align, PAGE_8K, UC_PROT_ALL);
            if(err != UC_ERR_OK)
                printf("Failed to map memory on UC_MEM_WRITE_UNMAPPED %s\n", uc_strerror(err));
                return false;

            return true;
        case UC_MEM_READ_UNMAPPED:

            printf("Mapping read address 0x%" PRIx64 " to aligned 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", address, address_align);

            err = uc_mem_map(uc, address_align, PAGE_8K, UC_PROT_ALL);
            if(err != UC_ERR_OK)
                printf("Failed to map memory on UC_MEM_READ_UNMAPPED %s\n", uc_strerror(err));
                return false;

            return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_hook trace1, trace2;
    uc_err err;
    uint32_t eax, ebx;
    printf("Memory protections test\n");

    // Initialize emulator in X86-32bit mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32, &uc);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u\n", err);
        return 1;

    uc_mem_map(uc, 0x100000, 0x1000, UC_PROT_READ);
    uc_mem_map(uc, 0x300000, 0x1000, UC_PROT_READ | UC_PROT_WRITE);
    uc_mem_map(uc, 0x400000, 0x1000, UC_PROT_WRITE);
    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    if (uc_mem_write(uc, 0x100000, PROGRAM, sizeof(PROGRAM))) {
        printf("Failed to write emulation code to memory, quit!\n");
        return 2;
    } else {
        printf("Allowed to write to read only memory via uc_mem_write\n");

    uc_mem_write(uc, 0x300000, (const uint8_t*)"\x41\x41\x41\x41", 4);
    uc_mem_write(uc, 0x400000, (const uint8_t*)"\x42\x42\x42\x42", 4);

    //uc_hook_add(uc, &trace2, UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code, NULL, (uint64_t)0x400000, (uint64_t)0x400fff);

    // intercept invalid memory events
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace1, UC_MEM_READ_PROT, hook_mem_invalid, NULL);

    // emulate machine code in infinite time
    printf("BEGIN execution\n");
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, 0x100000, 0x100000 + sizeof(PROGRAM), 0, 2);
    if (err) {
        printf("Expected failure on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));
    } else {
        printf("UNEXPECTED uc_emu_start returned UC_ERR_OK\n");
    printf("END execution\n");

    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EAX, &eax);
    printf("Final eax = 0x%x\n", eax);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EBX, &ebx);
    printf("Final ebx = 0x%x\n", ebx);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
// emulate code that jump to invalid memory
static void test_i386_jump_invalid(void)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_err err;
    uc_hook trace1, trace2;

    int r_ecx = 0x1234;     // ECX register
    int r_edx = 0x7890;     // EDX register

    printf("Emulate i386 code that jumps to invalid memory\n");

    // Initialize emulator in X86-32bit mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32, &uc);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u\n", err);

    // map 2MB memory for this emulation
    uc_mem_map(uc, ADDRESS, 2 * 1024 * 1024, UC_PROT_ALL);

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    if (uc_mem_write(uc, ADDRESS, X86_CODE32_JMP_INVALID, sizeof(X86_CODE32_JMP_INVALID) - 1)) {
        printf("Failed to write emulation code to memory, quit!\n");

    // initialize machine registers
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_ECX, &r_ecx);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_EDX, &r_edx);

    // tracing all basic blocks with customized callback
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace1, UC_HOOK_BLOCK, hook_block, NULL, 1, 0);

    // tracing all instructions by having @begin > @end
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace2, UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code, NULL, 1, 0);

    // emulate machine code in infinite time
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS, ADDRESS + sizeof(X86_CODE32_JMP_INVALID) - 1, 0, 0);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));

    // now print out some registers
    printf(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context\n");

    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_ECX, &r_ecx);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EDX, &r_edx);
    printf(">>> ECX = 0x%x\n", r_ecx);
    printf(">>> EDX = 0x%x\n", r_edx);

Exemplo n.º 7
static void test_arm(void)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_err err;
    uc_hook trace1, trace2;

    int r0 = 0x1234;     // R0 register
    int r2 = 0x6789;     // R1 register
    int r3 = 0x3333;     // R2 register
    int r1;     // R1 register

    printf("Emulate ARM code\n");

    // Initialize emulator in ARM mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_ARM, UC_MODE_ARM, &uc);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u (%s)\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));

    // map 2MB memory for this emulation
    uc_mem_map(uc, ADDRESS, 2 * 1024 * 1024, UC_PROT_ALL);

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    uc_mem_write(uc, ADDRESS, ARM_CODE, sizeof(ARM_CODE) - 1);

    // initialize machine registers
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_ARM_REG_R0, &r0);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_ARM_REG_R2, &r2);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_ARM_REG_R3, &r3);

    // tracing all basic blocks with customized callback
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace1, UC_HOOK_BLOCK, hook_block, NULL, 1, 0);

    // tracing one instruction at ADDRESS with customized callback
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace2, UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code, NULL, ADDRESS, ADDRESS);

    // emulate machine code in infinite time (last param = 0), or when
    // finishing all the code.
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS, ADDRESS + sizeof(ARM_CODE) -1, UC_SECOND_SCALE * TIMEOUT, 0);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned: %u\n", err);

    // now print out some registers
    printf(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context\n");

    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_ARM_REG_R0, &r0);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_ARM_REG_R1, &r1);
    printf(">>> R0 = 0x%x\n", r0);
    printf(">>> R1 = 0x%x\n", r1);

Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: main.c Projeto: Nico01/unidos
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_hook trace;
    uc_err err;

    uint8_t memory[MEM_SIZE];

    if (argc == 1) {
        return -1;

    const char *fname = argv[1];

    err = uc_open (UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_16, &uc);
    if (err) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot initialize unicorn\n");
        return 1;

    // map 64KB in
    if (uc_mem_map (uc, 0, MEM_SIZE, UC_PROT_ALL)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write emulation code to memory, quit!\n");
        return 0;

    // initialize internal settings

    //load executable
    size_t fsize = load_com(uc, memory, fname);

    // setup PSP
    setup_psp(0, memory, argc, argv);

    // write machine code to be emulated in, including the prefix PSP
    uc_mem_write(uc, 0, memory, DOS_ADDR + fsize);

    // handle interrupt ourself
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace, UC_HOOK_INTR, hook_intr, NULL);

    err = uc_emu_start(uc, DOS_ADDR, DOS_ADDR + 0x10000, 0, 0);
    if (err) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));


    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
static void test_x86_16(void)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_err err;
    uint8_t tmp;

    int32_t eax = 7;
    int32_t ebx = 5;
    int32_t esi = 6;

    printf("Emulate x86 16-bit code\n");

    // Initialize emulator in X86-16bit mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_16, &uc);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u\n", err);

    // map 8KB memory for this emulation
    uc_mem_map(uc, 0, 8 * 1024, UC_PROT_ALL);

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    if (uc_mem_write(uc, 0, X86_CODE16, sizeof(X86_CODE16) - 1)) {
        printf("Failed to write emulation code to memory, quit!\n");

    // initialize machine registers
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_EAX, &eax);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_EBX, &ebx);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_ESI, &esi);

    // emulate machine code in infinite time (last param = 0), or when
    // finishing all the code.
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, 0, sizeof(X86_CODE16) - 1, 0, 0);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));

    // now print out some registers
    printf(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context\n");

    // read from memory
    if (!uc_mem_read(uc, 11, &tmp, 1))
        printf(">>> Read 1 bytes from [0x%x] = 0x%x\n", 11, tmp);
        printf(">>> Failed to read 1 bytes from [0x%x]\n", 11);

Exemplo n.º 10
static void test_arm64(void)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_err err;
    uc_hook trace1, trace2;

    int64_t x11 = 0x1234;     // X11 register
    int64_t x13 = 0x6789;     // X13 register
    int64_t x15 = 0x3333;     // X15 register

    printf("Emulate ARM64 code\n");

    // Initialize emulator in ARM mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_ARM64, UC_MODE_ARM, &uc);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u (%s)\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));

    // map 2MB memory for this emulation
    uc_mem_map(uc, ADDRESS, 2 * 1024 * 1024, UC_PROT_ALL);

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    uc_mem_write(uc, ADDRESS, ARM_CODE, sizeof(ARM_CODE) - 1);

    // initialize machine registers
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_ARM64_REG_X11, &x11);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_ARM64_REG_X13, &x13);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_ARM64_REG_X15, &x15);

    // tracing all basic blocks with customized callback
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace1, UC_HOOK_BLOCK, hook_block, NULL, (uint64_t)1, (uint64_t)0);

    // tracing one instruction at ADDRESS with customized callback
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace2, UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code, NULL, (uint64_t)ADDRESS, (uint64_t)ADDRESS);

    // emulate machine code in infinite time (last param = 0), or when
    // finishing all the code.
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS, ADDRESS + sizeof(ARM_CODE) -1, 0, 0);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned: %u\n", err);

    // now print out some registers
    printf(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context\n");

    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_ARM64_REG_X11, &x11);
    printf(">>> X11 = 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", x11);

Exemplo n.º 11
static void test_x86_64_syscall(void)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_hook trace1;
    uc_err err;

    int64_t rax = 0x100;

    printf("Emulate x86_64 code with 'syscall' instruction\n");

    // Initialize emulator in X86-64bit mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_64, &uc);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u\n", err);

    // map 2MB memory for this emulation
    uc_mem_map(uc, ADDRESS, 2 * 1024 * 1024, UC_PROT_ALL);

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    if (uc_mem_write(uc, ADDRESS, X86_CODE64_SYSCALL, sizeof(X86_CODE64_SYSCALL) - 1)) {
        printf("Failed to write emulation code to memory, quit!\n");

    // hook interrupts for syscall
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace1, UC_HOOK_INSN, hook_syscall, NULL, 1, 0, UC_X86_INS_SYSCALL);

    // initialize machine registers
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_RAX, &rax);

    // emulate machine code in infinite time (last param = 0), or when
    // finishing all the code.
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS, ADDRESS + sizeof(X86_CODE64_SYSCALL) - 1, 0, 0);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));

    // now print out some registers
    printf(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context\n");

    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_RAX, &rax);

    printf(">>> RAX = 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", rax);

Exemplo n.º 12
static void test_thumb(void)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_err err;
    uc_hook trace1, trace2;

    int sp = 0x1234;     // R0 register

    printf("Emulate THUMB code\n");

    // Initialize emulator in ARM mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_ARM, UC_MODE_THUMB, &uc);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u (%s)\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));

    // map 2MB memory for this emulation
    uc_mem_map(uc, ADDRESS, 2 * 1024 * 1024, UC_PROT_ALL);

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    uc_mem_write(uc, ADDRESS, THUMB_CODE, sizeof(THUMB_CODE) - 1);

    // initialize machine registers
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_ARM_REG_SP, &sp);

    // tracing all basic blocks with customized callback
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace1, UC_HOOK_BLOCK, hook_block, NULL, 1, 0);

    // tracing one instruction at ADDRESS with customized callback
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace2, UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code, NULL, ADDRESS, ADDRESS);

    // emulate machine code in infinite time (last param = 0), or when
    // finishing all the code.
    // Note we start at ADDRESS | 1 to indicate THUMB mode.
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS | 1, ADDRESS + sizeof(THUMB_CODE) -1, 0, 0);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned: %u\n", err);

    // now print out some registers
    printf(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context\n");

    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_ARM_REG_SP, &sp);
    printf(">>> SP = 0x%x\n", sp);

Exemplo n.º 13
// emulate code that loop forever
static void test_i386_loop(void)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_err err;

    int r_ecx = 0x1234;     // ECX register
    int r_edx = 0x7890;     // EDX register

    printf("Emulate i386 code that loop forever\n");

    // Initialize emulator in X86-32bit mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32, &uc);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u\n", err);

    // map 2MB memory for this emulation
    uc_mem_map(uc, ADDRESS, 2 * 1024 * 1024, UC_PROT_ALL);

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    if (uc_mem_write(uc, ADDRESS, X86_CODE32_LOOP, sizeof(X86_CODE32_LOOP) - 1)) {
        printf("Failed to write emulation code to memory, quit!\n");

    // initialize machine registers
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_ECX, &r_ecx);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_EDX, &r_edx);

    // emulate machine code in 2 seconds, so we can quit even
    // if the code loops
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS, ADDRESS + sizeof(X86_CODE32_LOOP) - 1, 2 * UC_SECOND_SCALE, 0);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));

    // now print out some registers
    printf(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context\n");

    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_ECX, &r_ecx);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EDX, &r_edx);
    printf(">>> ECX = 0x%x\n", r_ecx);
    printf(">>> EDX = 0x%x\n", r_edx);

Exemplo n.º 14
static void test_i386_jump(void)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_err err;
    uc_hook trace1, trace2;

    printf("Emulate i386 code with jump\n");

    // Initialize emulator in X86-32bit mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32, &uc);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u\n", err);

    // map 2MB memory for this emulation
    uc_mem_map(uc, ADDRESS, 2 * 1024 * 1024, UC_PROT_ALL);

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    if (uc_mem_write(uc, ADDRESS, X86_CODE32_JUMP,
          sizeof(X86_CODE32_JUMP) - 1)) {
        printf("Failed to write emulation code to memory, quit!\n");

    // tracing 1 basic block with customized callback
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace1, UC_HOOK_BLOCK, hook_block, NULL, ADDRESS, ADDRESS);

    // tracing 1 instruction at ADDRESS
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace2, UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code, NULL, ADDRESS, ADDRESS);

    // emulate machine code in infinite time
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS, ADDRESS + sizeof(X86_CODE32_JUMP) - 1, 0, 0);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));

    printf(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context\n");

Exemplo n.º 15
// This is a thread that just runs uc_emu_start() in it.
// The code that it is executing in this case will run forever until it is stopped by uc_emu_stop().
static uc_err emu_starter(void* param)
    uc_engine *uc;
	uint64_t start_addr;
	uint64_t end_addr;
	uc_err err;
	EmuStarterParam_t* starter_params = (EmuStarterParam_t *)param;
	uc = starter_params->uc;
	start_addr = starter_params->startAddr;
	end_addr = starter_params->endAddr;
	err = uc_emu_start(uc, start_addr, end_addr, 0, 0);
    if (err)
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));

	return err;
Exemplo n.º 16
// emulate code that write invalid memory
static void test_i386_invalid_mem_write(void)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_err err;
    uc_hook trace1, trace2, trace3;
    uint32_t tmp;

    int r_ecx = 0x1234;     // ECX register
    int r_edx = 0x7890;     // EDX register

    printf("Emulate i386 code that write to invalid memory\n");

    // Initialize emulator in X86-32bit mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32, &uc);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u\n", err);

    // map 2MB memory for this emulation
    uc_mem_map(uc, ADDRESS, 2 * 1024 * 1024, UC_PROT_ALL);

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    if (uc_mem_write(uc, ADDRESS, X86_CODE32_MEM_WRITE, sizeof(X86_CODE32_MEM_WRITE) - 1)) {
        printf("Failed to write emulation code to memory, quit!\n");

    // initialize machine registers
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_ECX, &r_ecx);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_EDX, &r_edx);

    // tracing all basic blocks with customized callback
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace1, UC_HOOK_BLOCK, hook_block, NULL, 1, 0);

    // tracing all instruction by having @begin > @end
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace2, UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code, NULL, 1, 0);

    // intercept invalid memory events
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace3, UC_HOOK_MEM_READ_UNMAPPED | UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE_UNMAPPED, hook_mem_invalid, NULL, 1, 0);

    // emulate machine code in infinite time
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS, ADDRESS + sizeof(X86_CODE32_MEM_WRITE) - 1, 0, 0);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));

    // now print out some registers
    printf(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context\n");

    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_ECX, &r_ecx);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EDX, &r_edx);
    printf(">>> ECX = 0x%x\n", r_ecx);
    printf(">>> EDX = 0x%x\n", r_edx);

    // read from memory
    if (!uc_mem_read(uc, 0xaaaaaaaa, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)))
        printf(">>> Read 4 bytes from [0x%x] = 0x%x\n", 0xaaaaaaaa, tmp);
        printf(">>> Failed to read 4 bytes from [0x%x]\n", 0xaaaaaaaa);

    if (!uc_mem_read(uc, 0xffffffaa, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)))
        printf(">>> Read 4 bytes from [0x%x] = 0x%x\n", 0xffffffaa, tmp);
        printf(">>> Failed to read 4 bytes from [0x%x]\n", 0xffffffaa);

Exemplo n.º 17
void uc_perror(const char *func, uc_err err)
  if (DEBUG)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error in %s(): %s\n", func, uc_strerror(err));  
Exemplo n.º 18
static void test_i386_inout(void)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_err err;
    uc_hook trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4;

    int r_eax = 0x1234;     // EAX register
    int r_ecx = 0x6789;     // ECX register

    printf("Emulate i386 code with IN/OUT instructions\n");

    // Initialize emulator in X86-32bit mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32, &uc);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u\n", err);

    // map 2MB memory for this emulation
    uc_mem_map(uc, ADDRESS, 2 * 1024 * 1024, UC_PROT_ALL);

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    if (uc_mem_write(uc, ADDRESS, X86_CODE32_INOUT, sizeof(X86_CODE32_INOUT) - 1)) {
        printf("Failed to write emulation code to memory, quit!\n");

    // initialize machine registers
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_EAX, &r_eax);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_ECX, &r_ecx);

    // tracing all basic blocks with customized callback
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace1, UC_HOOK_BLOCK, hook_block, NULL, 1, 0);

    // tracing all instructions
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace2, UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code, NULL, 1, 0);

    // uc IN instruction
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace3, UC_HOOK_INSN, hook_in, NULL, 1, 0, UC_X86_INS_IN);
    // uc OUT instruction
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace4, UC_HOOK_INSN, hook_out, NULL, 1, 0, UC_X86_INS_OUT);

    // emulate machine code in infinite time
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS, ADDRESS + sizeof(X86_CODE32_INOUT) - 1, 0, 0);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));

    // now print out some registers
    printf(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context\n");

    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EAX, &r_eax);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_ECX, &r_ecx);
    printf(">>> EAX = 0x%x\n", r_eax);
    printf(">>> ECX = 0x%x\n", r_ecx);

Exemplo n.º 19
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_hook trace1;
    uc_err err;
    uint8_t bytes[8];
    uint32_t esp;
    int map_stack = 0;

    if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "--map-stack") == 0) {
        map_stack = 1;

    printf("Memory mapping test\n");

    // Initialize emulator in X86-32bit mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32, &uc);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u\n", err);
        return 1;

    uc_mem_map(uc, 0x100000, 0x1000, UC_PROT_ALL);
    uc_mem_map(uc, 0x200000, 0x2000, UC_PROT_ALL);
    uc_mem_map(uc, 0x300000, 0x3000, UC_PROT_ALL);
    uc_mem_map(uc, 0x400000, 0x4000, UC_PROT_READ);

    if (map_stack) {
        printf("Pre-mapping stack\n");
        uc_mem_map(uc, STACK, STACK_SIZE, UC_PROT_READ | UC_PROT_WRITE);
    } else {
        printf("Mapping stack on first invalid memory access\n");

    esp = STACK + STACK_SIZE;

    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_ESP, &esp); 

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    if (uc_mem_write(uc, 0x400000, PROGRAM, sizeof(PROGRAM))) {
        printf("Failed to write emulation code to memory, quit!\n");
        return 2;
    } else {
        printf("Allowed to write to read only memory via uc_mem_write\n");

    //uc_hook_add(uc, &trace2, UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code, NULL, 0x400000, 0x400fff);

    // intercept invalid memory events
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace1, UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE_UNMAPPED | UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE_PROT, hook_mem_invalid, NULL, 1, 0);

    // emulate machine code in infinite time
    printf("BEGIN execution - 1\n");
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, 0x400000, 0x400000 + sizeof(PROGRAM), 0, 10);
    if (err) {
        printf("Expected failue on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));
    } else {
        printf("UNEXPECTED uc_emu_start returned UC_ERR_OK\n");
    printf("END execution - 1\n");

    // emulate machine code in infinite time
    printf("BEGIN execution - 2\n");
    //update eax to point to aligned memory (same as add eax,7 above)
    uint32_t eax = 0x40002C;
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_EAX, &eax); 
    //resume execution at the mov dword [eax], 0x87654321
    //to test an aligned write as well
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, 0x400015, 0x400000 + sizeof(PROGRAM), 0, 2);
    if (err) {
        printf("Expected failure on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));
    } else {
        printf("UNEXPECTED uc_emu_start returned UC_ERR_OK\n");
    printf("END execution - 2\n");

    printf("Verifying content at 0x400025 is unchanged\n");
    if (!uc_mem_read(uc, 0x400025, bytes, 4)) {
        printf(">>> Read 4 bytes from [0x%x] = 0x%x\n", (uint32_t)0x400025, *(uint32_t*) bytes);
        if (0x41414141 != *(uint32_t*) bytes) {
            printf("ERROR content in read only memory changed\n");
        } else {
            printf("SUCCESS content in read only memory unchanged\n");
    } else {
        printf(">>> Failed to read 4 bytes from [0x%x]\n", (uint32_t)(esp - 4));
        return 4;

    printf("Verifying content at 0x40002C is unchanged\n");
    if (!uc_mem_read(uc, 0x40002C, bytes, 4)) {
        printf(">>> Read 4 bytes from [0x%x] = 0x%x\n", (uint32_t)0x40002C, *(uint32_t*) bytes);
        if (0x42424242 != *(uint32_t*) bytes) {
            printf("ERROR content in read only memory changed\n");
        } else {
            printf("SUCCESS content in read only memory unchanged\n");
    } else {
        printf(">>> Failed to read 4 bytes from [0x%x]\n", (uint32_t)(esp - 4));
        return 4;

    printf("Verifying content at bottom of stack is readable and correct\n");
    if (!uc_mem_read(uc, esp - 4, bytes, 4)) {
        printf(">>> Read 4 bytes from [0x%x] = 0x%x\n", (uint32_t)(esp - 4), *(uint32_t*) bytes);
    } else {
        printf(">>> Failed to read 4 bytes from [0x%x]\n", (uint32_t)(esp - 4));
        return 4;


    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 20
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_err err;
	uc_hook hhc;
	uint32_t val;

	// dynamically load shared library
#ifdef DYNLOAD
	uc_dyn_load(NULL, 0);

	// Initialize emulator in MIPS 32bit little endian mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_MIPS, UC_MODE_MIPS32, &uc);
    if (err)
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u\n", err);
        return err;

	// map in a page of mem
	err = uc_mem_map(uc, addr, 0x1000, UC_PROT_ALL);
    if (err)
        printf("Failed on uc_mem_map() with error returned: %u\n", err);
        return err;

	// write machine code to be emulated to memory
    err = uc_mem_write(uc, addr, loop_test_code, sizeof(loop_test_code));
	if( err )
        printf("Failed on uc_mem_write() with error returned: %u\n", err);
        return err;
    // hook all instructions by having @begin > @end
    uc_hook_add(uc, &hhc, UC_HOOK_CODE, mips_codehook, NULL, (uint64_t)1, (uint64_t)0);
	if( err )
        printf("Failed on uc_hook_add(code) with error returned: %u\n", err);
        return err;
    // execute code
	printf("---- Executing Code ----\n");
	err = uc_emu_start(uc, addr, addr + sizeof(loop_test_code), 0, 0);
    if (err)
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));
		return err;

	// done executing, print some reg values as a test
	printf("---- Execution Complete ----\n\n");
	uc_reg_read(uc, UC_MIPS_REG_PC, &val);	printf("pc is %X\n", val);
	uc_reg_read(uc, UC_MIPS_REG_A0, &val);	printf("a0 is %X\n", val);
	// free resources
	if( test_passed_ok )
		printf("\n\nTEST PASSED!\n\n");
		printf("\n\nTEST FAILED!\n\n");

	// dynamically free shared library
#ifdef DYNLOAD

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 21
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_hook trace1, trace2;
    uc_err err;
    uint32_t addr, testval;
    int32_t buf1[1024], buf2[1024], readbuf[1024];
    int i;

    //don't really care about quality of randomness
    for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
        buf1[i] = rand();
        buf2[i] = rand();

    printf("# Memory unmapping test\n");

    // Initialize emulator in X86-32bit mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32, &uc);
    if (err) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u\n", log_num++, err);
        return 1;
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - uc_open() success\n", log_num++);

    uc_mem_map(uc, 0x200000, 0x1000, UC_PROT_READ | UC_PROT_WRITE);
    uc_mem_map(uc, 0x300000, 0x1000, UC_PROT_READ | UC_PROT_WRITE);
    uc_mem_map(uc, 0x3ff000, 0x3000, UC_PROT_READ | UC_PROT_WRITE);

    // fill in sections that shouldn't get touched
    if (uc_mem_write(uc, 0x3ff000, buf1, sizeof(buf1))) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failed to write random buffer 1 to memory, quit!\n", log_num++);
        return 2;
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - Random buffer 1 written to memory\n", log_num++);

    if (uc_mem_write(uc, 0x401000, buf2, sizeof(buf1))) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failed to write random buffer 2 to memory, quit!\n", log_num++);
        return 3;
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - Random buffer 2 written to memory\n", log_num++);

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    if (uc_mem_write(uc, CODE_SECTION, PROGRAM, sizeof(PROGRAM))) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failed to write emulation code to memory, quit!\n", log_num++);
        return 4;
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - Program written to memory\n", log_num++);

    if (uc_hook_add(uc, &trace2, UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code, NULL, (uint64_t)1, (uint64_t)0) != UC_ERR_OK) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failed to install UC_HOOK_CODE ucr\n", log_num++);
        return 5;
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - UC_HOOK_CODE installed\n", log_num++);

    // intercept memory write events
    if (uc_hook_add(uc, &trace1, UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE, hook_mem_write, NULL, (uint64_t)1, (uint64_t)0) != UC_ERR_OK) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failed to install UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE ucr\n", log_num++);
        return 6;
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE installed\n", log_num++);

    // intercept invalid memory events
    if (uc_hook_add(uc, &trace1, UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE_UNMAPPED, hook_mem_invalid, NULL) != UC_ERR_OK) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failed to install memory invalid handler\n", log_num++);
        return 7;
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - memory invalid handler installed\n", log_num++);

    // emulate machine code until told to stop by hook_code
    printf("# BEGIN execution\n");
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, CODE_SECTION, CODE_SECTION + CODE_SIZE, 0, 0);
    if (err != UC_ERR_OK) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failure on uc_emu_start() with error %u:%s\n", log_num++, err, uc_strerror(err));
        return 8;
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - uc_emu_start complete\n", log_num++);
    printf("# END execution\n");

    //read from the remapped memory
    testval = 0x42424242;
    for (addr = 0x200000; addr <= 0x400000; addr += 0x100000) {
        uint32_t val;
        if (uc_mem_read(uc, addr, &val, sizeof(val)) != UC_ERR_OK) {
            printf("not ok %d - Failed uc_mem_read for address 0x%x\n", log_num++, addr);
        } else {
            printf("ok %d - Good uc_mem_read from 0x%x\n", log_num++, addr);
        if (val != testval) {
            printf("not ok %d - Read 0x%x, expected 0x%x\n", log_num++, val, testval);
        } else {
            printf("ok %d - Correct value retrieved\n", log_num++);
        testval += 0x02020202;

    //make sure that random blocks didn't get nuked
    // fill in sections that shouldn't get touched
    if (uc_mem_read(uc, 0x3ff000, readbuf, sizeof(readbuf))) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failed to read random buffer 1 from memory\n", log_num++);
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - Random buffer 1 read from memory\n", log_num++);
        if (memcmp(buf1, readbuf, 4096)) {
            printf("not ok %d - Random buffer 1 contents are incorrect\n", log_num++);
        } else {
            printf("ok %d - Random buffer 1 contents are correct\n", log_num++);

    if (uc_mem_read(uc, 0x401000, readbuf, sizeof(readbuf))) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failed to read random buffer 2 from memory\n", log_num++);
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - Random buffer 2 read from memory\n", log_num++);
        if (memcmp(buf2, readbuf, 4096)) {
            printf("not ok %d - Random buffer 2 contents are incorrect\n", log_num++);
        } else {
            printf("ok %d - Random buffer 2 contents are correct\n", log_num++);

    if (uc_close(uc) == UC_ERR_OK) {
        printf("ok %d - uc_close complete\n", log_num++);
    } else {
        printf("not ok %d - uc_close complete\n", log_num++);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 22
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_hook trace;
    uc_err err;
    unsigned int EAX, ESP, val = 0x0c0c0c0c, stkval = STACK;

    EAX = 0;
    ESP = STACK+0x4;

    // Initialize emulator in X86-64bit mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32, &uc);
    if(err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %s\n", uc_strerror(err));
        return 1;

    err = uc_mem_map(uc, ADDRESS, SIZE, UC_PROT_ALL);
    if(err != UC_ERR_OK) {
        printf("Failed to map memory %s\n", uc_strerror(err));
        return 1;

    err = uc_mem_write(uc, ADDRESS, CODE32, sizeof(CODE32) - 1);
    if(err != UC_ERR_OK) {
        printf("Failed to write to memory %s\n", uc_strerror(err));
        return 1;

    err = uc_mem_map(uc, stkval, STACK_SIZE, UC_PROT_ALL);
    if(err != UC_ERR_OK) {
        printf("Failed to map memory %s\n", uc_strerror(err));
        return 1;

    err = uc_mem_write(uc, ESP, &val, sizeof(val));
    if(err != UC_ERR_OK) {
        printf("Failed to write to memory %s\n", uc_strerror(err));
        return 1;

    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace, UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE | UC_HOOK_MEM_READ, (void *)hook_mem_rw, NULL);

    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_EAX, &EAX);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_ESP, &ESP);

    err = uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS, ADDRESS + (sizeof(CODE32) - 1), 0, 0);
    if(err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s\n", err, uc_strerror(err));

        return 1;

    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EAX, &EAX);

    printf(">>> EAX = %08X\n", EAX);

    if(stkval != STACK2)
        printf("=== Beginning test two ===\n");
        ESP = STACK2+0x4;
        EAX = 0;
        stkval = STACK2;
        goto loop;

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 23
// emulate code and save/restore the CPU context
static void test_i386_context_save(void)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_context *context;
    uc_err err;

    int r_eax = 0x1;    // EAX register

    printf("Save/restore CPU context in opaque blob\n");

    // initialize emulator in X86-32bit mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32, &uc);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u\n", err);

    // map 8KB memory for this emulation
    uc_mem_map(uc, ADDRESS, 8 * 1024, UC_PROT_ALL);

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    if (uc_mem_write(uc, ADDRESS, X86_CODE32_INC, sizeof(X86_CODE32_INC) - 1)) {
        printf("Failed to write emulation code to memory, quit!\n");

    // initialize machine registers
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_EAX, &r_eax);

    // emulate machine code in infinite time
    printf(">>> Running emulation for the first time\n");

    err = uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS, ADDRESS + sizeof(X86_CODE32_INC) - 1, 0, 0);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));

    // now print out some registers
    printf(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context\n");

    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EAX, &r_eax);
    printf(">>> EAX = 0x%x\n", r_eax);

    // allocate and save the CPU context
    printf(">>> Saving CPU context\n");

    err = uc_context_alloc(uc, &context);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_context_alloc() with error returned: %u\n", err);

    err = uc_context_save(uc, context);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_context_save() with error returned: %u\n", err);

    // emulate machine code again
    printf(">>> Running emulation for the second time\n");

    err = uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS, ADDRESS + sizeof(X86_CODE32_INC) - 1, 0, 0);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));

    // now print out some registers
    printf(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context\n");

    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EAX, &r_eax);
    printf(">>> EAX = 0x%x\n", r_eax);

    // restore CPU context
    err = uc_context_restore(uc, context);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_context_restore() with error returned: %u\n", err);

    // now print out some registers
    printf(">>> CPU context restored. Below is the CPU context\n");

    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EAX, &r_eax);
    printf(">>> EAX = 0x%x\n", r_eax);

    // free the CPU context
    err = uc_context_free(context);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_context_free() with error returned: %u\n", err);

Exemplo n.º 24
int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *Data, size_t Size) {
    uc_err err;

    if (initialized == 0) {
        if (outfile == NULL) {
            // we compute the output
            outfile = fopen("/dev/null", "w");
            if (outfile == NULL) {
                printf("failed opening /dev/null\n");
                return 0;

        initialized = 1;

    // Not global as we must reset this structure
    // Initialize emulator in supplied mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_64, &uc);
    if (err != UC_ERR_OK) {
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u\n", err);

    // map 4MB memory for this emulation
    uc_mem_map(uc, ADDRESS, 4 * 1024 * 1024, UC_PROT_ALL);

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    if (uc_mem_write(uc, ADDRESS, Data, Size)) {
        printf("Failed to write emulation code to memory, quit!\n");

    // emulate code in infinite time & 4096 instructions
    // avoid timeouts with infinite loops
    err=uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS, ADDRESS + Size, 0, 0x1000);
    if (err) {
        fprintf(outfile, "Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s\n", err, uc_strerror(err));


    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 25
static void VM_exec()
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_err err;
    uint32_t tmp;
    uc_hook trace1, trace2;
    unsigned int r_eax, r_ebx, r_ecx, r_edx, r_ebp, r_esp, r_esi, r_edi, r_eip, eflags;
    unsigned int tr_eax, tr_ebx, tr_ecx, tr_edx, tr_ebp, tr_esp, tr_esi, tr_edi, tr_eip, t_eflags;

    r_eax = tr_eax = 0x1DB10106;
    r_ebx = tr_ebx = 0x7EFDE000;
    r_ecx = tr_ecx = 0x7EFDE000;
    r_edx = tr_edx = 0x00001DB1;
    r_ebp = tr_ebp = 0x0018FF88;
    r_esp = tr_esp = 0x0018FF14;
    r_esi = tr_esi = 0x0;
    r_edi = tr_edi = 0x0;
    r_eip = tr_eip = 0x004939F3;
    t_eflags = eflags = 0x00000206;

    // Initialize emulator in X86-32bit mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32, &uc);
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %s", uc_strerror(err));

    err = uc_mem_map(uc, ADDRESS, (4 * 1024 * 1024), UC_PROT_ALL);
    if(err != UC_ERR_OK)
        printf("Failed to map memory %s", uc_strerror(err));

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    err = uc_mem_write(uc, ADDRESS, X86_CODE32, sizeof(X86_CODE32) - 1);
    if(err != UC_ERR_OK)
        printf("Failed to write emulation code to memory, quit!: %s(len %lu)", uc_strerror(err), sizeof(X86_CODE32) - 1);

    // initialize machine registers
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_EAX, &r_eax);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_EBX, &r_ebx);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_ECX, &r_ecx);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_EDX, &r_edx);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_EBP, &r_ebp);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_ESP, &r_esp);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_ESI, &r_esi);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_EDI, &r_edi);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_EFLAGS, &eflags);

    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace1, UC_HOOK_MEM_READ_UNMAPPED | UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE_UNMAPPED, (void *)hook_invalid_mem, NULL, 1, 0);

    // tracing all instruction by having @begin > @end
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace2, UC_HOOK_CODE, (void *)hook_ins, NULL, 1, 0);

    // emulate machine code in infinite time
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS, ADDRESS + (sizeof(X86_CODE32) - 1), 0, 0);
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s", err, uc_strerror(err));
        instructions = 0;


    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EAX, &r_eax);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EBX, &r_ebx);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_ECX, &r_ecx);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EDX, &r_edx);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EBP, &r_ebp);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_ESP, &r_esp);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_ESI, &r_esi);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EDI, &r_edi);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EIP, &r_eip);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EFLAGS, &eflags);


    printf(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context\n");
    printf(">>> EAX = 0x%08X %s\n", r_eax, (r_eax == tr_eax ? "" : "(m)"));
    printf(">>> EBX = 0x%08X %s\n", r_ebx, (r_ebx == tr_ebx ? "" : "(m)"));
    printf(">>> ECX = 0x%08X %s\n", r_ecx, (r_ecx == tr_ecx ? "" : "(m)"));
    printf(">>> EDX = 0x%08X %s\n", r_edx, (r_edx == tr_edx ? "" : "(m)"));
    printf(">>> EBP = 0x%08X %s\n", r_ebp, (r_ebp == tr_ebp ? "" : "(m)"));
    printf(">>> ESP = 0x%08X %s\n", r_esp, (r_esp == tr_esp ? "" : "(m)"));
    printf(">>> ESI = 0x%08X %s\n", r_esi, (r_esi == tr_esi ? "" : "(m)"));
    printf(">>> EDI = 0x%08X %s\n", r_edi, (r_edi == tr_edi ? "" : "(m)"));
    printf(">>> EIP = 0x%08X %s\n", (r_eip - ADDRESS) + tr_eip, (r_eip == tr_eip ? "" : "(m)\n"));
    printf(">>> EFLAGS = 0x%08X %s\n", eflags, (eflags == t_eflags ? "" : "(m)"));

    printf(">>> Instructions executed %" PRIu64 "\n", instructions);

    assert(r_eax == 0x1DB10106);
    assert(r_ebx == 0x7EFDE000);
    assert(r_ecx == 0x00000006);
    assert(r_edx == 0x00000001);
    assert(r_ebp == 0x0018FF88);
    assert(r_esp == 0x0018FF14);
    assert(r_esi == 0x00000000);
    assert(r_edi == 0x00000000);
    assert(eflags == 0x00000206); //we shouldn't fail this assert, eflags should be 0x00000206 because the last AND instruction produces a non-zero result.

    instructions = 0;
Exemplo n.º 26
static void test_x86_64(void)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_err err;
    uc_hook trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4;

    int64_t rax = 0x71f3029efd49d41d;
    int64_t rbx = 0xd87b45277f133ddb;
    int64_t rcx = 0xab40d1ffd8afc461;
    int64_t rdx = 0x919317b4a733f01;
    int64_t rsi = 0x4c24e753a17ea358;
    int64_t rdi = 0xe509a57d2571ce96;
    int64_t r8 = 0xea5b108cc2b9ab1f;
    int64_t r9 = 0x19ec097c8eb618c1;
    int64_t r10 = 0xec45774f00c5f682;
    int64_t r11 = 0xe17e9dbec8c074aa;
    int64_t r12 = 0x80f86a8dc0f6d457;
    int64_t r13 = 0x48288ca5671c5492;
    int64_t r14 = 0x595f72f6e4017f6e;
    int64_t r15 = 0x1efd97aea331cccc;

    int64_t rsp = ADDRESS + 0x200000;

    printf("Emulate x86_64 code\n");

    // Initialize emulator in X86-64bit mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_64, &uc);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u\n", err);

    // map 2MB memory for this emulation
    uc_mem_map(uc, ADDRESS, 2 * 1024 * 1024, UC_PROT_ALL);

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    if (uc_mem_write(uc, ADDRESS, X86_CODE64, sizeof(X86_CODE64) - 1)) {
        printf("Failed to write emulation code to memory, quit!\n");

    // initialize machine registers
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_RSP, &rsp);

    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_RAX, &rax);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_RBX, &rbx);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_RCX, &rcx);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_RDX, &rdx);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_RSI, &rsi);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_RDI, &rdi);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_R8, &r8);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_R9, &r9);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_R10, &r10);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_R11, &r11);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_R12, &r12);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_R13, &r13);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_R14, &r14);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_R15, &r15);

    // tracing all basic blocks with customized callback
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace1, UC_HOOK_BLOCK, hook_block, NULL, 1, 0);

    // tracing all instructions in the range [ADDRESS, ADDRESS+20]
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace2, UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code64, NULL, ADDRESS, ADDRESS+20);

    // tracing all memory WRITE access (with @begin > @end)
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace3, UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE, hook_mem64, NULL, 1, 0);

    // tracing all memory READ access (with @begin > @end)
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace4, UC_HOOK_MEM_READ, hook_mem64, NULL, 1, 0);

    // emulate machine code in infinite time (last param = 0), or when
    // finishing all the code.
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS, ADDRESS + sizeof(X86_CODE64) - 1, 0, 0);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));

    // now print out some registers
    printf(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context\n");

    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_RAX, &rax);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_RBX, &rbx);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_RCX, &rcx);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_RDX, &rdx);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_RSI, &rsi);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_RDI, &rdi);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_R8, &r8);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_R9, &r9);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_R10, &r10);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_R11, &r11);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_R12, &r12);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_R13, &r13);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_R14, &r14);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_R15, &r15);

    printf(">>> RAX = 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", rax);
    printf(">>> RBX = 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", rbx);
    printf(">>> RCX = 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", rcx);
    printf(">>> RDX = 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", rdx);
    printf(">>> RSI = 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", rsi);
    printf(">>> RDI = 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", rdi);
    printf(">>> R8 = 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", r8);
    printf(">>> R9 = 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", r9);
    printf(">>> R10 = 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", r10);
    printf(">>> R11 = 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", r11);
    printf(">>> R12 = 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", r12);
    printf(">>> R13 = 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", r13);
    printf(">>> R14 = 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", r14);
    printf(">>> R15 = 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", r15);

Exemplo n.º 27
static void VM_exec()
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_err err;
    uc_hook trace;
    unsigned int r_eax, eflags, r_esp, r_edi, r_ecx;

    r_eax = 0xbaadbabe;
    r_esp = ADDRESS+0x20;
    r_edi = ADDRESS+0x300; //some safe distance from main code.
    eflags = 0x00000206;
    r_ecx = ECX_OPS;

    // Initialize emulator in X86-32bit mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32, &uc);
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %s\n", uc_strerror(err));

    err = uc_mem_map(uc, ADDRESS, (2 * 1024 * 1024), UC_PROT_ALL);
    if(err != UC_ERR_OK)
        printf("Failed to map memory %s\n", uc_strerror(err));

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    err = uc_mem_write(uc, ADDRESS, X86_CODE32, sizeof(X86_CODE32) - 1);
    if(err != UC_ERR_OK)
        printf("Failed to write emulation code to memory, quit!: %s(len %lu)\n", uc_strerror(err), (unsigned long)sizeof(X86_CODE32) - 1);

    // initialize machine registers
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_EAX, &r_eax);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_EDI, &r_edi);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_ECX, &r_ecx);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_ESP, &r_esp); //make stack pointer point to already mapped memory so we don't need to hook.
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_EFLAGS, &eflags);

    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace, UC_HOOK_CODE, (void *)hook_ins, NULL, 1, 0);

    // emulate machine code in infinite time
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS, ADDRESS + (sizeof(X86_CODE32) - 1), 0, 0);
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s\n", err, uc_strerror(err));


    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EAX, &r_eax);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_ECX, &r_ecx);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EDI, &r_edi);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EFLAGS, &eflags);


    printf("\n>>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context\n");
    printf(">>> EAX = 0x%08X\n", r_eax);
    printf(">>> ECX = 0x%08X\n", r_ecx);
    printf(">>> EDI = 0x%08X\n", r_edi);
    printf(">>> EFLAGS = 0x%08X\n", eflags);

    printf("\nHook called %lu times. Test %s\n", hook_called, (hook_called == ECX_OPS ? "PASSED!!" : "FAILED!!!"));

Exemplo n.º 28
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_hook trace1, trace2;
    uc_err err;
    uint32_t esp, eip;
    int32_t buf1[1024], buf2[1024], readbuf[1024];
    int i;

    //don't really care about quality of randomness
    for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
        buf1[i] = rand();
        buf2[i] = rand();

    printf("# Memory protect test\n");

    // Initialize emulator in X86-32bit mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32, &uc);
    if (err) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u\n", log_num++, err);
        return 1;
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - uc_open() success\n", log_num++);

    uc_mem_map(uc, 0x100000, 0x1000, UC_PROT_READ | UC_PROT_EXEC);
    uc_mem_map(uc, 0x1ff000, 0x2000, UC_PROT_READ | UC_PROT_WRITE);
    uc_mem_map(uc, 0x300000, 0x2000, UC_PROT_READ);
    uc_mem_map(uc, 0xf00000, 0x1000, UC_PROT_READ | UC_PROT_WRITE);

    esp = 0xf00000 + 0x1000;

    // Setup stack pointer
    if (uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_ESP, &esp)) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failed to set esp. quit!\n", log_num++);
        return 2;
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - ESP set\n", log_num++);

    // fill in sections that shouldn't get touched
    if (uc_mem_write(uc, 0x1ff000, buf1, sizeof(buf1))) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failed to write random buffer 1 to memory, quit!\n", log_num++);
        return 3;
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - Random buffer 1 written to memory\n", log_num++);

    if (uc_mem_write(uc, 0x301000, buf2, sizeof(buf2))) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failed to write random buffer 2 to memory, quit!\n", log_num++);
        return 4;
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - Random buffer 2 written to memory\n", log_num++);

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    if (uc_mem_write(uc, 0x100000, PROGRAM, sizeof(PROGRAM))) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failed to write emulation code to memory, quit!\n", log_num++);
        return 5;
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - Program written to memory\n", log_num++);

    if (uc_hook_add(uc, &trace2, UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code, NULL, 1, 0) != UC_ERR_OK) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failed to install UC_HOOK_CODE ucr\n", log_num++);
        return 6;
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - UC_HOOK_CODE installed\n", log_num++);

    // intercept memory write events
    if (uc_hook_add(uc, &trace1, UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE, hook_mem_write, NULL, 1, 0) != UC_ERR_OK) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failed to install UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE ucr\n", log_num++);
        return 7;
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE installed\n", log_num++);

    // intercept invalid memory events
    if (uc_hook_add(uc, &trace1, UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE_PROT | UC_HOOK_MEM_FETCH_PROT, hook_mem_invalid, NULL, 1, 0) != UC_ERR_OK) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failed to install memory invalid handler\n", log_num++);
        return 8;
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - memory invalid handler installed\n", log_num++);

    // emulate machine code until told to stop by hook_code
    printf("# BEGIN execution\n");
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, 0x100000, 0x400000, 0, 0);
    if (err != UC_ERR_OK) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failure on uc_emu_start() with error %u:%s\n", log_num++, err, uc_strerror(err));
        return 9;
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - uc_emu_start complete\n", log_num++);
    printf("# END execution\n");

    // get ending EIP
    if (uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EIP, &eip)) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failed to read eip.\n", log_num++);
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - Ending EIP 0x%x\n", log_num++, eip);

    //make sure that random blocks didn't get nuked
    // fill in sections that shouldn't get touched
    if (uc_mem_read(uc, 0x1ff000, readbuf, sizeof(readbuf))) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failed to read random buffer 1 from memory\n", log_num++);
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - Random buffer 1 read from memory\n", log_num++);
        if (memcmp(buf1, readbuf, 4096)) {
            printf("not ok %d - Random buffer 1 contents are incorrect\n", log_num++);
        } else {
            printf("ok %d - Random buffer 1 contents are correct\n", log_num++);

    if (uc_mem_read(uc, 0x301000, readbuf, sizeof(readbuf))) {
        printf("not ok %d - Failed to read random buffer 2 from memory\n", log_num++);
    } else {
        printf("ok %d - Random buffer 2 read from memory\n", log_num++);
        if (memcmp(buf2, readbuf, 4096)) {
            printf("not ok %d - Random buffer 2 contents are incorrect\n", log_num++);
        } else {
            printf("ok %d - Random buffer 2 contents are correct\n", log_num++);

    if (uc_close(uc) == UC_ERR_OK) {
        printf("ok %d - uc_close complete\n", log_num++);
    } else {
        printf("not ok %d - uc_close complete\n", log_num++);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 29
static void test_m68k(void)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_hook trace1, trace2;
    uc_err err;

    int d0 = 0x0000;     // d0 data register
    int d1 = 0x0000;     // d1 data register
    int d2 = 0x0000;     // d2 data register
    int d3 = 0x0000;     // d3 data register
    int d4 = 0x0000;     // d4 data register
    int d5 = 0x0000;     // d5 data register
    int d6 = 0x0000;     // d6 data register
    int d7 = 0x0000;     // d7 data register

    int a0 = 0x0000;     // a0 address register
    int a1 = 0x0000;     // a1 address register
    int a2 = 0x0000;     // a2 address register
    int a3 = 0x0000;     // a3 address register
    int a4 = 0x0000;     // a4 address register
    int a5 = 0x0000;     // a5 address register
    int a6 = 0x0000;     // a6 address register
    int a7 = 0x0000;     // a6 address register

    int pc = 0x0000;     // program counter
    int sr = 0x0000;     // status register

    printf("Emulate M68K code\n");

    // Initialize emulator in M68K mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_M68K, UC_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN, &uc);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u (%s)\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));

    // map 2MB memory for this emulation
    uc_mem_map(uc, ADDRESS, 2 * 1024 * 1024, UC_PROT_ALL);

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    uc_mem_write(uc, ADDRESS, M68K_CODE, sizeof(M68K_CODE) - 1);

    // initialize machine registers
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_M68K_REG_D0, &d0);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_M68K_REG_D1, &d1);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_M68K_REG_D2, &d2);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_M68K_REG_D3, &d3);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_M68K_REG_D4, &d4);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_M68K_REG_D5, &d5);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_M68K_REG_D6, &d6);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_M68K_REG_D7, &d7);

    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_M68K_REG_A0, &a0);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_M68K_REG_A1, &a1);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_M68K_REG_A2, &a2);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_M68K_REG_A3, &a3);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_M68K_REG_A4, &a4);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_M68K_REG_A5, &a5);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_M68K_REG_A6, &a6);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_M68K_REG_A7, &a7);

    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_M68K_REG_PC, &pc);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_M68K_REG_SR, &sr);

    // tracing all basic blocks with customized callback
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace1, UC_HOOK_BLOCK, hook_block, NULL, 1, 0);

    // tracing all instruction
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace2, UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code, NULL, 1, 0);

    // emulate machine code in infinite time (last param = 0), or when
    // finishing all the code.
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS, ADDRESS + sizeof(M68K_CODE)-1, 0, 0);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned: %u\n", err);

    // now print out some registers
    printf(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context\n");

    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_M68K_REG_D0, &d0);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_M68K_REG_D1, &d1);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_M68K_REG_D2, &d2);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_M68K_REG_D3, &d3);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_M68K_REG_D4, &d4);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_M68K_REG_D5, &d5);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_M68K_REG_D6, &d6);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_M68K_REG_D7, &d7);

    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_M68K_REG_A0, &a0);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_M68K_REG_A1, &a1);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_M68K_REG_A2, &a2);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_M68K_REG_A3, &a3);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_M68K_REG_A4, &a4);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_M68K_REG_A5, &a5);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_M68K_REG_A6, &a6);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_M68K_REG_A7, &a7);

    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_M68K_REG_PC, &pc);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_M68K_REG_SR, &sr);

    printf(">>> A0 = 0x%x\t\t>>> D0 = 0x%x\n", a0, d0);
    printf(">>> A1 = 0x%x\t\t>>> D1 = 0x%x\n", a1, d1);
    printf(">>> A2 = 0x%x\t\t>>> D2 = 0x%x\n", a2, d2);
    printf(">>> A3 = 0x%x\t\t>>> D3 = 0x%x\n", a3, d3);
    printf(">>> A4 = 0x%x\t\t>>> D4 = 0x%x\n", a4, d4);
    printf(">>> A5 = 0x%x\t\t>>> D5 = 0x%x\n", a5, d5);
    printf(">>> A6 = 0x%x\t\t>>> D6 = 0x%x\n", a6, d6);
    printf(">>> A7 = 0x%x\t\t>>> D7 = 0x%x\n", a7, d7);
    printf(">>> PC = 0x%x\n", pc);
    printf(">>> SR = 0x%x\n", sr);

Exemplo n.º 30
static void test_i386_map_ptr(void)
    uc_engine *uc;
    uc_err err;
    uint32_t tmp;
    uc_hook trace1, trace2;
    void *mem;

    int r_ecx = 0x1234;     // ECX register
    int r_edx = 0x7890;     // EDX register

    printf("Emulate i386 code - use uc_mem_map_ptr()\n");

    // Initialize emulator in X86-32bit mode
    err = uc_open(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32, &uc);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_open() with error returned: %u\n", err);

    // malloc 2MB memory for this emulation
    mem = calloc(1, 2 * 1024 * 1024);
    if (mem == NULL) {
        printf("Failed to malloc()\n");

    uc_mem_map_ptr(uc, ADDRESS, 2 * 1024 * 1024, UC_PROT_ALL, mem);

    // write machine code to be emulated to memory
    if (!memcpy(mem, X86_CODE32, sizeof(X86_CODE32) - 1)) {
        printf("Failed to write emulation code to memory, quit!\n");

    // initialize machine registers
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_ECX, &r_ecx);
    uc_reg_write(uc, UC_X86_REG_EDX, &r_edx);

    // tracing all basic blocks with customized callback
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace1, UC_HOOK_BLOCK, hook_block, NULL, 1, 0);

    // tracing all instruction by having @begin > @end
    uc_hook_add(uc, &trace2, UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code, NULL, 1, 0);

    // emulate machine code in infinite time
    err = uc_emu_start(uc, ADDRESS, ADDRESS + sizeof(X86_CODE32) - 1, 0, 0);
    if (err) {
        printf("Failed on uc_emu_start() with error returned %u: %s\n",
                err, uc_strerror(err));

    // now print out some registers
    printf(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context\n");

    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_ECX, &r_ecx);
    uc_reg_read(uc, UC_X86_REG_EDX, &r_edx);
    printf(">>> ECX = 0x%x\n", r_ecx);
    printf(">>> EDX = 0x%x\n", r_edx);

    // read from memory
    if (!uc_mem_read(uc, ADDRESS, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)))
        printf(">>> Read 4 bytes from [0x%x] = 0x%x\n", ADDRESS, tmp);
        printf(">>> Failed to read 4 bytes from [0x%x]\n", ADDRESS);
