Exemplo n.º 1
void CTSExecutionCAN::vSetSignalValue( SignalInstanse& ouSignalInstance, ISignal* ouSigStrct, UCHAR aucData[8], UINT64 u64SignVal )
    if ( nullptr == ouSigStrct )
    /* Signal valuedata type happens to be of the same size of the entire CAN
    data byte array. Hence there is an opportunity to take advantage of this
    idiosyncratic characteristics. We will shifts the bit array in u64SignVal
    by the required number of bit positions to exactly map it as a data byte
    array and then interchange positions of bytes as per the endianness and
    finally use it as the etching mask on the target. */
    UINT64* pu64Target = (UINT64*)aucData; // We should be able to work on
    BYTE* pbData = (BYTE*)&u64SignVal; // these variables as an arrayof
    // bytes andvice versa.
    // First findout offset between the last significant bits of the signal
    // and theframe. Finding out the lsb will directly answer to thisquery.
    unsigned int unLength = 0;
    ouSigStrct->GetLength( unLength );
    UINT64 unMaxVal = pow( (double)2, (double)unLength );
    unMaxVal -= 1;
    u64SignVal = u64SignVal&unMaxVal;

    if ( ouSignalInstance.m_ouSignalEndianess == eIntel )// If Intel format
        int Offset = ouSignalInstance.m_nStartBit;
        u64SignVal <<= Offset;// Exactly map the data bits on the databytes.

    UINT64 unTmp = un64GetBitMask( ouSigStrct, ouSignalInstance );
    *pu64Target &= ~unTmp;// All bits related to the current signal willbe
    // be made0.
    *pu64Target |= u64SignVal;
void sSIGNALS::vSetSignalValue(sSIGNALS* pouCurrSignal, UCHAR aucData[8], 
                               UINT64 u64SignVal)
    ASSERT(pouCurrSignal != NULL);

    /* Signal value data type happens to be of the same size of the entire CAN
    data byte array. Hence there is an opportunity to take advantage of this 
    idiosyncratic characteristics. We will shifts the bit array in u64SignVal 
    by the required number of bit positions to exactly map it as a data byte
    array and then interchange positions of bytes as per the endianness and 
    finally use it as the etching mask on the target. */

    UINT64* pu64Target = (UINT64 *) aucData; // We should be able to work on 
    BYTE* pbData = (BYTE *) &u64SignVal;     // these variables as an array of
                                             // bytes and vice versa.

    // First find out offset between the last significant bits of the signal 
    // and the frame. Finding out the lsb will directly answer to this query.
    UINT unMaxVal = pow((double)2, (double)pouCurrSignal->m_unSignalLength);
    unMaxVal -= 1;
    u64SignVal = u64SignVal & unMaxVal;

    if (pouCurrSignal->m_eFormat == DATA_FORMAT_INTEL)// If Intel format
        int Offset = (pouCurrSignal->m_unStartByte - 1) * 8 + 
        u64SignVal <<= Offset; // Exactly map the data bits on the data bytes.
    else    // If Motorola format
        int Offset = pouCurrSignal->m_unStartByte * 8 - 
        u64SignVal <<= (64 - Offset);

        BYTE byTmp = 0x0;

        byTmp = pbData[7]; pbData[7] = pbData[0]; pbData[0] = byTmp;
        byTmp = pbData[6]; pbData[6] = pbData[1]; pbData[1] = byTmp;
        byTmp = pbData[5]; pbData[5] = pbData[2]; pbData[2] = byTmp;
        byTmp = pbData[4]; pbData[4] = pbData[3]; pbData[3] = byTmp;

    UINT64 unTmp = un64GetBitMask(pouCurrSignal);
    *pu64Target &= ~unTmp; // All bits related to the current signal will be
                           // be made 0.
    *pu64Target |= u64SignVal;
Exemplo n.º 3
void ITxFormView::vSetSignalValue(int byte, int startBitIndexInByte, int length, bool bIntel, unsigned long long u64SignVal, unsigned char* aucData, int dataLenght)
    /* Signal valuedata type happens to be of the same size of the entire CAN
    data byte array. Hence there is an opportunity to take advantage of this
    idiosyncratic characteristics. We will shifts the bit array in u64SignVal
    by the required number of bit positions to exactly map it as a data byte
    array and then interchange positions of bytes as per the endianness and
    finally use it as the etching mask on the target. */
    UINT64* pu64Target = (UINT64*)aucData; // We should be able to work on
    BYTE* pbData = (BYTE*)&u64SignVal; // these variables as an arrayof
    // bytes andvice versa.
    // First findout offset between the last significant bits of the signal
    // and theframe. Finding out the lsb will directly answer to thisquery.
    UINT64 unMaxVal = pow((double)2, (double)length);
    unMaxVal -= 1;
    u64SignVal = u64SignVal&unMaxVal;
    if (bIntel == true)// If Intel format
        int Offset = (byte - 1) * 8 + startBitIndexInByte;
        u64SignVal <<= Offset;// Exactly map the data bits on the databytes.
    else// If Motorola format
        int Offset = byte * 8 - startBitIndexInByte;
        u64SignVal <<= (64 - Offset);
        BYTE byTmp = 0x0;
        byTmp = pbData[7];
        pbData[7] = pbData[0];
        pbData[0] = byTmp;
        byTmp = pbData[6];
        pbData[6] = pbData[1];
        pbData[1] = byTmp;
        byTmp = pbData[5];
        pbData[5] = pbData[2];
        pbData[2] = byTmp;
        byTmp = pbData[4];
        pbData[4] = pbData[3];
        pbData[3] = byTmp;
    UINT64 unTmp = un64GetBitMask(byte, startBitIndexInByte, length, bIntel, aucData, u64SignVal);
    *pu64Target &= ~unTmp;// All bits related to the current signal willbe
    // be made0.
    *pu64Target |= u64SignVal;