Exemplo n.º 1
void softmax<T>::train(const Eigen::Ref<const EigenMat> &train,
                       const std::vector<int> &labels)

    auto const UniqueLabels = get_unique_labels(labels);
    auto const NumClass = UniqueLabels.size();
    weight_ = EigenMat::Random(NumClass, train.rows());
    grad_ = EigenMat::Zero(NumClass, train.rows());
    auto const TrainCols = static_cast<int>(train.cols());
    EigenMat const GroundTruth = get_ground_truth(static_cast<int>(NumClass),

    std::random_device rd;
    std::default_random_engine re(rd());
    int const Batch = (get_batch_size(TrainCols));
    int const RandomSize = TrainCols != Batch ?
                TrainCols - Batch - 1 : 0;
            uni_int(0, RandomSize);
    for(size_t i = 0; i != params_.max_iter_; ++i){
        auto const Cols = uni_int(re);
        auto const &TrainBlock =
                train.block(0, Cols, train.rows(), Batch);
        auto const &GTBlock =
                GroundTruth.block(0, Cols, NumClass, Batch);
        auto const Cost = compute_cost(TrainBlock, weight_, GTBlock);
        if(std::abs(params_.cost_ - Cost) < params_.epsillon_ ||
                Cost < 0){
        params_.cost_ = Cost;
        compute_gradient(TrainBlock, weight_, GTBlock);
        weight_.array() -= grad_.array() * params_.lrate_;//*/
Exemplo n.º 2
    void train(Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> const &input)
        std::random_device rd;
        std::default_random_engine re(rd());
        int const Batch = get_batch_size(input.cols());
        int const RandomSize = input.cols() != Batch ?
                    input.cols() - Batch - 1 : 0;
                uni_int(0, RandomSize);


        for(size_t i = 0; i < params_.hidden_size_.size(); ++i){
            Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> const &TmpInput =
                    i == 0 ? input
                           : eactivation_;
                layer es(TmpInput.rows(), params_.hidden_size_[i]);               
                reduce_cost(uni_int, re, Batch, TmpInput, es);
                generate_activation(es, TmpInput,
                if(layers_.size() <= i){
                reduce_cost(uni_int, re, Batch, TmpInput, layers_[i]);                
                generate_activation(layers_[i], TmpInput,
Exemplo n.º 3
void clustered_ba::connect(const vertices_size_type &idx)
	pagmo_assert(get_number_of_vertices() > 0);
	const vertices_size_type prev_size = get_number_of_vertices() - 1;
	if (prev_size < m_m0) {
		// If we had not built the initial m0 nodes, do it.
		// We want to connect the newcomer island with high probability, and make sure that
		// at least one connection exists (otherwise the island stays isolated).
		// NOTE: is it worth to make it a user-tunable parameter?
                const double prob = 0.0;
		// Flag indicating if at least 1 connection was added.
		bool connection_added = false;
		// Main loop.
		for (std::pair<v_iterator,v_iterator> vertices = get_vertices(); vertices.first != vertices.second; ++vertices.first) {
			// Do not consider the new vertex itself.
			if (*vertices.first != idx) {
				if (m_drng() < prob) {
					connection_added = true;
					// Add the connections
		// If no connections were established and this is not the first island being inserted,
		// establish at least one connection with a random island other than n.
		if ((!connection_added) && (prev_size != 0)) {
			// Get a random vertex index between 0 and n_vertices - 1. Keep on repeating the procedure if by
			// chance we end up on idx again.
			boost::uniform_int<vertices_size_type> uni_int(0,get_number_of_vertices() - 1);
			vertices_size_type rnd;
                        do {
				rnd = uni_int(m_urng);
			} while (rnd == idx);
			// Add connections to the random vertex.
	} else {
                // Now we need to add j edges, choosing the nodes with a probability
		// proportional to their number of connections. We keep track of the
		// connection established in order to avoid connecting twice to the same
		// node.
                // j is a random integer in the range 1 to m.
                boost::uniform_int<edges_size_type> uni_int2(1,m_m);
		std::size_t i = 0;
                std::size_t j = uni_int2(m_urng);
		std::pair<v_iterator,v_iterator> vertices;
		std::pair<a_iterator,a_iterator> adj_vertices;
                while (i < j) {
                        // Let's find the current total number of edges.
                        const edges_size_type n_edges = get_number_of_edges();
                        pagmo_assert(n_edges > 0);
                        boost::uniform_int<edges_size_type> uni_int(0,n_edges - 1 - i);
                        // Here we choose a random number between 0 and n_edges - 1 - i.
                        const edges_size_type rn = uni_int(m_urng);
                        edges_size_type n = 0;
			// Iterate over all vertices and accumulate the number of edges for each of them. Stop when the accumulated number of edges is greater
			// than rn. This is equivalent to giving a chance of connection to vertex v directly proportional to the number of edges departing from v.
			// You can think of this process as selecting a random edge among all the existing edges and connecting to the vertex from which the
			// selected edge departs.
			vertices = get_vertices();
			for (; vertices.first != vertices.second; ++vertices.first) {
				// Do not consider it_n.
				if (*vertices.first != idx) {
					adj_vertices = get_adjacent_vertices(*vertices.first);
					n += boost::numeric_cast<edges_size_type>(std::distance(adj_vertices.first,adj_vertices.second));
					if (n > rn) {
			pagmo_assert(vertices.first != vertices.second);
			// If the candidate was not already connected, then add it.
			if (!are_adjacent(idx,*vertices.first)) {
                                // Connect to nodes that are already adjacent to idx with probability p.
                                // This step increases clustering in the network.
                                adj_vertices = get_adjacent_vertices(idx);
                                for(;adj_vertices.first != adj_vertices.second; ++adj_vertices.first) {
                                    if(m_drng() < m_p && *adj_vertices.first != *vertices.first && !are_adjacent(*adj_vertices.first,*vertices.first)) {
                                        add_edge(*adj_vertices.first, *vertices.first);
                                        add_edge(*vertices.first, *adj_vertices.first);
                                // Connect to idx
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: ihs.cpp Projeto: YS-L/pagmo
void ihs::evolve(population &pop) const
	// Let's store some useful variables.
	const problem::base &prob = pop.problem();
	const problem::base::size_type prob_dimension = prob.get_dimension(), prob_i_dimension = prob.get_i_dimension();
	const decision_vector &lb = prob.get_lb(), &ub = prob.get_ub();
	const population::size_type pop_size = pop.size();
	// Get out if there is nothing to do.
	if (pop_size == 0 || m_gen == 0) {
	decision_vector lu_diff(prob_dimension);
	for (problem::base::size_type i = 0; i < prob_dimension; ++i) {
		lu_diff[i] = ub[i] - lb[i];
	// Int distribution to be used when picking random individuals.
	boost::uniform_int<population::size_type> uni_int(0,pop_size - 1);
	const double c = std::log(m_bw_min/m_bw_max) / m_gen;
	// Temporary individual used during evolution.
	population::individual_type tmp;
	for (std::size_t g = 0; g < m_gen; ++g) {
		const double ppar_cur = m_ppar_min + ((m_ppar_max - m_ppar_min) * g) / m_gen, bw_cur = m_bw_max * std::exp(c * g);
		// Continuous part.
		for (problem::base::size_type i = 0; i < prob_dimension - prob_i_dimension; ++i) {
			if (m_drng() < m_phmcr) {
				// tmp's i-th chromosome element is the one from a randomly chosen individual.
				tmp.cur_x[i] = pop.get_individual(uni_int(m_urng)).cur_x[i];
				// Do pitch adjustment with ppar_cur probability.
				if (m_drng() < ppar_cur) {
					// Randomly, add or subtract pitch from the current chromosome element.
					if (m_drng() > .5) {
						tmp.cur_x[i] += m_drng() * bw_cur * lu_diff[i];
					} else {
						tmp.cur_x[i] -= m_drng() * bw_cur * lu_diff[i];
					// Handle the case in which we added or subtracted too much and ended up out
					// of boundaries.
					if (tmp.cur_x[i] > ub[i]) {
						tmp.cur_x[i] = boost::uniform_real<double>(lb[i],ub[i])(m_drng);
					} else if (tmp.cur_x[i] < lb[i]) {
						tmp.cur_x[i] = boost::uniform_real<double>(lb[i],ub[i])(m_drng);
			} else {
				// Pick randomly within the bounds.
				tmp.cur_x[i] = boost::uniform_real<double>(lb[i],ub[i])(m_drng);

		//Integer Part
		for (problem::base::size_type i = prob_dimension - prob_i_dimension; i < prob_dimension; ++i) {
			if (m_drng() < m_phmcr) {
				tmp.cur_x[i] = pop.get_individual(uni_int(m_urng)).cur_x[i];
				if (m_drng() < ppar_cur) {
					if (m_drng() > .5) {
						tmp.cur_x[i] += double_to_int::convert(m_drng() * bw_cur * lu_diff[i]);
					} else {
						tmp.cur_x[i] -= double_to_int::convert(m_drng() * bw_cur * lu_diff[i]);
					// Wrap over in case we went past the bounds.
					if (tmp.cur_x[i] > ub[i]) {
						tmp.cur_x[i] = lb[i] + double_to_int::convert(tmp.cur_x[i] - ub[i]) % static_cast<int>(lu_diff[i]);
					} else if (tmp.cur_x[i] < lb[i]) {
						tmp.cur_x[i] = ub[i] - double_to_int::convert(lb[i] - tmp.cur_x[i]) % static_cast<int>(lu_diff[i]);
			} else {
				// Pick randomly within the bounds.
				tmp.cur_x[i] = boost::uniform_int<int>(lb[i],ub[i])(m_urng);
		// And we push him back
		// We locate the worst individual.
		const population::size_type worst_idx = pop.get_worst_idx();
		// And we get rid of him :)