Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: gnac-ui.c Projeto: GNOME/gnac
static void
  /* We only want a single instance of gnac to be running */
  app = unique_app_new_with_commands("org.gnome.Gnac", NULL,
      "add-files", UNIQUE_CMD_ADD,
      "debug"    , UNIQUE_CMD_DEBUG,
      "verbose"  , UNIQUE_CMD_VERBOSE,
  g_signal_connect(app, "message-received",
      G_CALLBACK(gnac_ui_message_received_cb), NULL);

  if (unique_app_is_running(app)) {
    libgnac_info(_("An instance of Gnac is already running"));

    UniqueResponse response;

    /* Give the focus to the running instance */
    response = unique_app_send_message(app, UNIQUE_ACTIVATE, NULL);

    /* Transmit the debug option */
    if (options.debug) {
      response = unique_app_send_message(app, UNIQUE_CMD_DEBUG, NULL);
      if (response != UNIQUE_RESPONSE_OK) {
        libgnac_warning(_("Failed to transmit the debug option"));
    /* Transmit the verbose option */
    } else if (options.verbose) {
      response = unique_app_send_message(app, UNIQUE_CMD_VERBOSE, NULL);
      if (response != UNIQUE_RESPONSE_OK) {
        libgnac_warning(_("Failed to transmit the verbose option"));

    /* Transmit filenames */
    if (options.filenames) {
      UniqueMessageData *message = unique_message_data_new();
      gchar **uris = gnac_utils_get_filenames_from_cmd_line(options.filenames);
      if (!unique_message_data_set_uris(message, uris)) {
        libgnac_warning(_("Failed to convert some uris"));
      response = unique_app_send_message(app, UNIQUE_CMD_ADD, message);
      if (response != UNIQUE_RESPONSE_OK) {
        libgnac_warning(_("Failed to transmit filenames"));
      } else {
        libgnac_info(_("Filenames transmitted to the running instance"));


    gnac_exit(response == UNIQUE_RESPONSE_OK);
#endif /* HAVE_LIBUNIQUE */
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: main.c Projeto: lcp/bisho
main (int argc, char **argv)
  UniqueApp *app;
  GtkWidget *window;

  g_thread_init (NULL);

  bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
  bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
  textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);

  gtk_init (&argc, &argv);

  /* TODO: use GOption to parse arguments */

  app = unique_app_new_with_commands ("com.intel.Bisho", NULL,
                                      "callback", COMMAND_CALLBACK,

  if (unique_app_is_running (app)) {
    UniqueResponse response;

    if (argc != 2) {
      response = unique_app_send_message (app, UNIQUE_ACTIVATE, NULL);
    } else {
      UniqueMessageData *msg;
      msg = unique_message_data_new ();
      unique_message_data_set_uris (msg, argv + 1);
      response = unique_app_send_message (app, COMMAND_CALLBACK, msg);
      unique_message_data_free (msg);

    if (response == UNIQUE_RESPONSE_OK)
      goto done;

  load_modules ();

  window = bisho_window_new ();

  unique_app_watch_window (app, GTK_WINDOW (window));

  g_signal_connect (app, "message-received", G_CALLBACK (unique_message_cb), window);

  g_signal_connect (window, "delete-event", gtk_main_quit, NULL);

  gtk_widget_show (window);

  gtk_main ();

  g_object_unref (app);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
static gint
luaH_unique_send_message(lua_State *L)
    if (!application)
        luaL_error(L, "unique app not setup");

    if (!unique_app_is_running(application))
        luaL_error(L, "no other instances running");

    const gchar *text = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
    UniqueMessageData *data = unique_message_data_new();
    unique_message_data_set_text(data, text, -1);
    unique_app_send_message(application, 1, data);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
unique_instance(int argc, char **args, UniqueApp *app)
	int	 i = 0;

	/* FIXME - rework. */
	for(; i < argc; ++i)
		if (strcmp( args[i], "next-socket" ) == 0)

			UniqueMessageData* data = unique_message_data_new();
			unique_message_data_set_text(data, args[i], strlen(args[i]));

			unique_app_send_message(app, COMMAND_PRINT_XID, data);

Exemplo n.º 5
main (int argc, char *argv[])
	UniqueApp	*app;
	UniqueMessageData	*msg;
	GError		*error = NULL;
	GOptionContext	*context;
	GOptionGroup	*debug;
	gulong		debug_flags = 0;
	LifereaDBus	*dbus = NULL;
	const gchar	*initial_state = "shown";
	gchar		*feed = NULL;
	int		initialState;
	gboolean	show_tray_icon, start_in_tray;

#ifdef USE_SM
	gchar *opt_session_arg = NULL;

	GOptionEntry entries[] = {
		{ "mainwindow-state", 'w', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &initial_state, N_("Start Liferea with its main window in STATE. STATE may be `shown', `iconified', or `hidden'"), N_("STATE") },
#ifdef USE_SM
		{ "session", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &opt_session_arg, NULL, NULL },
		{ "version", 'v', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, show_version, N_("Show version information and exit"), NULL },
		{ "add-feed", 'a', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &feed, N_("Add a new subscription"), N_("uri") },
		{ NULL }

	GOptionEntry debug_entries[] = {
		{ "debug-all", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, debug_entries_parse_callback, N_("Print debugging messages of all types"), NULL },
		{ "debug-cache", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, debug_entries_parse_callback, N_("Print debugging messages for the cache handling"), NULL },
		{ "debug-conf", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, debug_entries_parse_callback, N_("Print debugging messages for the configuration handling"), NULL },
		{ "debug-db", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, debug_entries_parse_callback, N_("Print debugging messages of the database handling"), NULL },
		{ "debug-gui", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, debug_entries_parse_callback, N_("Print debugging messages of all GUI functions"), NULL },
		{ "debug-html", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, debug_entries_parse_callback, N_("Enables HTML rendering debugging. Each time Liferea renders HTML output it will also dump the generated HTML into ~/.liferea_1.6/output.xhtml"), NULL },
		{ "debug-net", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, debug_entries_parse_callback, N_("Print debugging messages of all network activity"), NULL },
		{ "debug-parsing", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, debug_entries_parse_callback, N_("Print debugging messages of all parsing functions"), NULL },
		{ "debug-performance", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, debug_entries_parse_callback, N_("Print debugging messages when a function takes too long to process"), NULL },
		{ "debug-trace", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, debug_entries_parse_callback, N_("Print debugging messages when entering/leaving functions"), NULL },
		{ "debug-update", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, debug_entries_parse_callback, N_("Print debugging messages of the feed update processing"), NULL },
		{ "debug-vfolder", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, debug_entries_parse_callback, N_("Print debugging messages of the search folder matching"), NULL },
		{ "debug-verbose", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, debug_entries_parse_callback, N_("Print verbose debugging messages"), NULL },
		{ NULL }

	if (!g_thread_supported ()) g_thread_init (NULL);

	bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
	textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);

	debug = g_option_group_new ("debug",
				    _("Print debugging messages for the given topic"),
				    _("Print debugging messages for the given topic"),
	g_option_group_set_translation_domain(debug, GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
	g_option_group_add_entries (debug, debug_entries);

	context = g_option_context_new (NULL);
	g_option_context_set_summary (context, N_("Liferea, the Linux Feed Reader"));
	g_option_context_set_description (context, N_("For more information, please visit http://liferea.sourceforge.net/"));
	g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, entries, GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
	g_option_context_set_translation_domain(context, GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
	g_option_context_add_group (context, debug);
	g_option_context_add_group (context, gtk_get_option_group (FALSE));

	g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, &error);
	g_option_context_free (context);
	if (error) {
		g_print ("Error parsing options: %s\n", error->message);

	set_debug_level (debug_flags);

	/* Configuration necessary for network options, so it
	   has to be initialized before update_init() */
	conf_init ();

#ifdef USE_DBUS
	dbus_g_thread_init ();

	/* We need to do the network initialization here to allow
	   network-manager to be setup before gtk_init() */
	update_init ();

	gtk_init (&argc, &argv);

	/* Single instance checks */
	app = unique_app_new_with_commands ("net.sourceforge.liferea", NULL,
					    "add_feed", COMMAND_ADD_FEED,
	if (unique_app_is_running (app)) {
		g_print ("Liferea is already running\n");
		unique_app_send_message (app, UNIQUE_ACTIVATE, NULL);
		if (feed) {
			msg = unique_message_data_new ();
			unique_message_data_set_text (msg, feed, -1);
			unique_app_send_message (app, COMMAND_ADD_FEED, msg);
		return 1;
	} else {
		g_signal_connect (app, "message-received", G_CALLBACK (message_received_cb), NULL);

	/* GTK theme support */
	g_set_application_name (_("Liferea"));
	gtk_window_set_default_icon_name ("liferea");

	debug_start_measurement (DEBUG_DB);

	/* order is important! */
	db_init ();			/* initialize sqlite */
	xml_init ();			/* initialize libxml2 */
	notification_plugin_register (&libnotify_plugin);
	social_init ();			/* initialize social bookmarking */
#ifdef USE_DBUS	
	dbus = liferea_dbus_new ();	
	debug0 (DEBUG_GUI, "Compiled without DBUS support.");

#ifdef USE_AVAHI
	if (conf_get_bool_value (SYNC_AVAHI_ENABLED)) {
		LifereaAvahiPublisher	*avahiPublisher = NULL;

		debug0 (DEBUG_CACHE, "Registering with AVAHI");
		avahiPublisher = liferea_avahi_publisher_new ();
		liferea_avahi_publisher_publish (avahiPublisher, conf_get_str_value (SYNC_AVAHI_SERVICE_NAME), 23632);
	} else {
		debug0 (DEBUG_CACHE, "Avahi support available, but disabled by preferences.");
	debug0 (DEBUG_CACHE, "Compiled without AVAHI support");

	/* how to start liferea, command line takes precedence over preferences */
	conf_get_bool_value (SHOW_TRAY_ICON, &show_tray_icon);
	conf_get_bool_value (START_IN_TRAY, &start_in_tray);
	if (g_str_equal(initial_state, "iconified")) {
	} else if (g_str_equal(initial_state, "hidden") ||
	    (show_tray_icon && start_in_tray)) {
		initialState = MAINWINDOW_HIDDEN;
	} else {
		initialState = MAINWINDOW_SHOWN;

	liferea_shell_create (initialState);
	g_set_prgname ("liferea");
#ifdef USE_SM
	/* This must be after feedlist reading because some session
	   managers will tell Liferea to exit if Liferea does not
	   respond to SM requests within a minute or two. This starts
	   the main loop soon after opening the SM connection. */
	session_init (BIN_DIR G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "liferea", opt_session_arg);
	session_set_cmd (NULL, initialState);
	signal (SIGTERM, signal_handler);
	signal (SIGINT, signal_handler);
	signal (SIGHUP, signal_handler);

#ifndef G_OS_WIN32
	signal (SIGBUS, fatal_signal_handler);
	signal (SIGSEGV, fatal_signal_handler);

	/* Note: we explicitely do not use the gdk_thread_*
	   locking in Liferea because it freezes the program
	   when running Flash applets in gtkmozembed */

	debug_end_measurement (DEBUG_DB, "startup");

	if (feed)
		feedlist_add_subscription (feed, NULL, NULL, 0);

	gtk_main ();
	g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (dbus));
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
gint ease_main_main (char** args, int args_length1) {
#line 383 "ease-main.c"
	gint result = 0;
	GOptionContext* context;
	UniqueApp* _tmp1_;
	gboolean _tmp2_;
	gboolean running;
	gboolean _tmp7_ = FALSE;
	GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
#line 61 "ease-main.vala"
	g_set_application_name ("Ease");
#line 62 "ease-main.vala"
	gtk_window_set_default_icon_name ("ease");
#line 65 "ease-main.vala"
	context = g_option_context_new (_ (" - a presentation editor"));
#line 68 "ease-main.vala"
	g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, EASE_MAIN_options, NULL);
#line 71 "ease-main.vala"
	g_option_context_add_group (context, gtk_get_option_group (TRUE));
#line 72 "ease-main.vala"
	g_option_context_add_group (context, clutter_get_option_group ());
#line 403 "ease-main.c"
		gboolean _tmp0_;
#line 76 "ease-main.vala"
		_tmp0_ = g_option_context_parse (context, &args_length1, &args, &_inner_error_);
#line 408 "ease-main.c"
		if (_inner_error_ != NULL) {
			if (_inner_error_->domain == G_OPTION_ERROR) {
				goto __catch12_g_option_error;
			_g_option_context_free0 (context);
			g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
			g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
			return 0;
#line 76 "ease-main.vala"
		if (!_tmp0_) {
#line 420 "ease-main.c"
			result = 1;
			_g_option_context_free0 (context);
#line 76 "ease-main.vala"
			return result;
#line 425 "ease-main.c"
	goto __finally12;
		GError * e;
		e = _inner_error_;
		_inner_error_ = NULL;
#line 80 "ease-main.vala"
			fprintf (stdout, _ ("error parsing options: %s\n"), e->message);
#line 437 "ease-main.c"
			result = 1;
			_g_error_free0 (e);
			_g_option_context_free0 (context);
#line 81 "ease-main.vala"
			return result;
#line 443 "ease-main.c"
	if (_inner_error_ != NULL) {
		_g_option_context_free0 (context);
		g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
		g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
		return 0;
#line 85 "ease-main.vala"
	ease_main_app = (_tmp1_ = unique_app_new ("org.ease-project.ease", NULL), _g_object_unref0 (ease_main_app), _tmp1_);
#line 86 "ease-main.vala"
	unique_app_add_command (ease_main_app, "Open document", (gint) EASE_MAIN_UNIQUE_COMMAND_OPEN_FILE);
#line 87 "ease-main.vala"
	unique_app_add_command (ease_main_app, "Play document", (gint) EASE_MAIN_UNIQUE_COMMAND_PLAY_FILE);
#line 88 "ease-main.vala"
	unique_app_add_command (ease_main_app, "Create new document", (gint) EASE_MAIN_UNIQUE_COMMAND_SHOW_WELCOME);
#line 91 "ease-main.vala"
	running = (g_object_get (ease_main_app, "is-running", &_tmp2_, NULL), _tmp2_);
#line 93 "ease-main.vala"
	if (!running) {
#line 465 "ease-main.c"
		GeeArrayList* _tmp3_;
		ClutterBackend* backend;
		GtkSettings* settings;
		gint _tmp4_;
		gint _tmp5_;
#line 96 "ease-main.vala"
		g_signal_connect (ease_main_app, "message-received", (GCallback) __lambda65__unique_app_message_received, NULL);
#line 120 "ease-main.vala"
		gst_init (&args_length1, &args);
#line 123 "ease-main.vala"
		ease_undo_controller_set_enable_debug (ease_main_debug_undo);
#line 126 "ease-main.vala"
		ease_main_windows = (_tmp3_ = gee_array_list_new (EASE_MAIN_TYPE_EDITOR_WINDOW_INFO, (GBoxedCopyFunc) ease_main_editor_window_info_ref, ease_main_editor_window_info_unref, NULL), _g_object_unref0 (ease_main_windows), _tmp3_);
#line 129 "ease-main.vala"
		backend = _g_object_ref0 (clutter_get_default_backend ());
#line 130 "ease-main.vala"
		settings = _g_object_ref0 (gtk_settings_get_default ());
#line 131 "ease-main.vala"
		clutter_backend_set_double_click_time (backend, (guint) (g_object_get (settings, "gtk-double-click-time", &_tmp4_, NULL), _tmp4_));
#line 132 "ease-main.vala"
		clutter_backend_set_double_click_distance (backend, (guint) (g_object_get (settings, "gtk-double-click-distance", &_tmp5_, NULL), _tmp5_));
#line 487 "ease-main.c"
		_g_object_unref0 (settings);
		_g_object_unref0 (backend);
#line 137 "ease-main.vala"
	if (ease_main_filenames != NULL) {
#line 139 "ease-main.vala"
		if (!running) {
#line 495 "ease-main.c"
				gint i;
#line 141 "ease-main.vala"
				i = 0;
#line 500 "ease-main.c"
					gboolean _tmp6_;
#line 141 "ease-main.vala"
					_tmp6_ = TRUE;
#line 141 "ease-main.vala"
					while (TRUE) {
#line 141 "ease-main.vala"
						if (!_tmp6_) {
#line 141 "ease-main.vala"
#line 511 "ease-main.c"
#line 141 "ease-main.vala"
						_tmp6_ = FALSE;
#line 141 "ease-main.vala"
						if (!(ease_main_filenames[i] != NULL)) {
#line 141 "ease-main.vala"
#line 519 "ease-main.c"
#line 143 "ease-main.vala"
						ease_main_open_file (ease_main_filenames[i]);
#line 523 "ease-main.c"
		} else {
			UniqueMessageData* data;
#line 148 "ease-main.vala"
			data = unique_message_data_new ();
#line 149 "ease-main.vala"
			unique_message_data_set_uris (data, ease_main_filenames);
#line 150 "ease-main.vala"
			unique_app_send_message (ease_main_app, (gint) EASE_MAIN_UNIQUE_COMMAND_OPEN_FILE, data);
#line 535 "ease-main.c"
			_unique_message_data_free0 (data);
#line 155 "ease-main.vala"
	if (ease_main_play_filename != NULL) {
#line 157 "ease-main.vala"
		if (!running) {
#line 159 "ease-main.vala"
			ease_main_play_file (ease_main_play_filename, ease_main_filenames == NULL);
#line 545 "ease-main.c"
		} else {
			UniqueMessageData* data;
#line 163 "ease-main.vala"
			data = unique_message_data_new ();
#line 164 "ease-main.vala"
			unique_message_data_set_filename (data, ease_main_play_filename);
#line 165 "ease-main.vala"
			unique_app_send_message (ease_main_app, (gint) EASE_MAIN_UNIQUE_COMMAND_PLAY_FILE, data);
#line 554 "ease-main.c"
			_unique_message_data_free0 (data);
#line 170 "ease-main.vala"
	if (ease_main_filenames == NULL) {
#line 170 "ease-main.vala"
		_tmp7_ = ease_main_play_filename == NULL;
#line 562 "ease-main.c"
	} else {
#line 170 "ease-main.vala"
		_tmp7_ = FALSE;
#line 566 "ease-main.c"
#line 170 "ease-main.vala"
	if (_tmp7_) {
#line 172 "ease-main.vala"
		if (!running) {
#line 172 "ease-main.vala"
			ease_main_show_welcome ();
#line 574 "ease-main.c"
		} else {
#line 173 "ease-main.vala"
			unique_app_send_message (ease_main_app, (gint) EASE_MAIN_UNIQUE_COMMAND_SHOW_WELCOME, NULL);
#line 578 "ease-main.c"
#line 177 "ease-main.vala"
	if (running) {
#line 583 "ease-main.c"
		result = 0;
		_g_option_context_free0 (context);
#line 177 "ease-main.vala"
		return result;
#line 588 "ease-main.c"
#line 179 "ease-main.vala"
	gtk_main ();
#line 181 "ease-main.vala"
	ease_temp_clean ();
#line 594 "ease-main.c"
	result = 0;
	_g_option_context_free0 (context);
#line 183 "ease-main.vala"
	return result;
#line 599 "ease-main.c"
Exemplo n.º 7
totem_options_process_for_server (UniqueApp *app,
				  const TotemCmdLineOptions* options)
	GList *commands, *l;
	int default_action, i;

	commands = NULL;

	/* Are we quitting ? */
	if (options->quit) {
		unique_app_send_message (app, TOTEM_REMOTE_COMMAND_QUIT, NULL);

	/* Then handle the things that modify the playlist */
	if (options->replace && options->enqueue) {
		/* FIXME translate that */
		g_warning ("Can't enqueue and replace at the same time");
	} else if (options->replace) {
	} else if (options->enqueue) {

	/* Send the files to enqueue */
	for (i = 0; options->filenames && options->filenames[i] != NULL; i++) {
		UniqueMessageData *data;
		char *full_path;

		data = unique_message_data_new ();
		full_path = totem_create_full_path (options->filenames[i]);
		unique_message_data_set_text (data, full_path ? full_path : options->filenames[i], -1);
		full_path = totem_create_full_path (options->filenames[i]);

		unique_app_send_message (app, default_action, data);

		/* Even if the default action is replace, we only want to replace with the
		   first file.  After that, we enqueue. */
		unique_message_data_free (data);
		g_free (full_path);

	if (options->playpause) {
		commands = g_list_append (commands, GINT_TO_POINTER

	if (options->play) {
		commands = g_list_append (commands, GINT_TO_POINTER

	if (options->pause) {
		commands = g_list_append (commands, GINT_TO_POINTER

	if (options->next) {
		commands = g_list_append (commands, GINT_TO_POINTER

	if (options->previous) {
		commands = g_list_append (commands, GINT_TO_POINTER

	if (options->seekfwd) {
		commands = g_list_append (commands, GINT_TO_POINTER

	if (options->seekbwd) {
		commands = g_list_append (commands, GINT_TO_POINTER

	if (options->volumeup) {
		commands = g_list_append (commands, GINT_TO_POINTER

	if (options->volumedown) {
		commands = g_list_append (commands, GINT_TO_POINTER

	if (options->mute) {
		commands = g_list_append (commands, GINT_TO_POINTER

	if (options->fullscreen) {
		commands = g_list_append (commands, GINT_TO_POINTER

	if (options->togglecontrols) {
		commands = g_list_append (commands, GINT_TO_POINTER

	/* No commands, no files, show ourselves */
	if (commands == NULL && options->filenames == NULL) {
		unique_app_send_message (app, TOTEM_REMOTE_COMMAND_SHOW, NULL);

	/* Send commands */
	for (l = commands; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
		int command = GPOINTER_TO_INT (l->data);
		unique_app_send_message (app, command, NULL);
	g_list_free (commands);
Exemplo n.º 8
int start( int argc, char **argv )
  char file[PATH_MAX];
  char *f = NULL;
  char line[7];
  int lineToOpen = 0;


  gtk_init( &argc, &argv );


  for( int i = 0; i < argc; i++ )
    //printf(" argument %d is %s\n",i,argv[i]);fflush(stdout);
    if( i == 1 )
      f = fileFullPath(file);
    else if( i == 2 )
      lineToOpen = atoi(line);
      if( lineToOpen < 0 ) lineToOpen = 0;

  g_app = unique_app_new(EDITOR,NULL);

  if( unique_app_is_running (g_app) )
    char* fl = NULL;
    int len = 0;
    UniqueCommand cmd = UNIQUE_NEW;
    UniqueMessageData* msg = unique_message_data_new();

    if( f ) len += strlen(f);
    if( lineToOpen ) len += strlen(line) + 1;
    fl = (char*)malloc(len+1);
    if( f )
      if( lineToOpen )

    if( len > 1 && fl )
      cmd = UNIQUE_OPEN;
    if(f) free(f);
    //g_appWin = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
    //unique_app_watch_window (app, GTK_WINDOW(g_appWin));

    MyEditorHandlerLin* meh = (MyEditorHandlerLin*)MyEditorHandlerLin::getInstance();



  g_object_unref (g_app);

  return 0;