Exemplo n.º 1
void strag_dE_plan(double A, double Z, double detThick, double DetZ, double theta_old, double phi_old, double energy, 
		   double &theta_out, double &phi_out, double X, double conv_det){
	// strag_dE_cyl 1.0 written by S.D.Pain on 23/02/2005
	// strag_dE_cyl 1.1 modified by S.D.Pain on 7/03/2005
	// to untilise transform2.0
	// Subroutine for the calcualtion of the angular straggling in
	// the dE layer of a telescope, and application of its effect
	// on the measured angles in the E detector.
	//     A = A of ion
	//     Z = Z of ion
	//     detThick = Apparent detector thickness in um (because of incident angle)
	//     DetPhi = azimuthal angle of detector
	//     theta_old = polar angle of incident ion (wrt target)
	//     phi_old = azimuthal angle of incident ion (wrt target)
	//     energy = energy of ion
	//     theta_new = polar angle of outgoing ion (wrt target)
	//     phi_new = azimuthal angle of outgoing ion (wrt target)
	//     X = radiation length of detector material
	//     conv_det = detector thickness conversion from um to mg/cm2
	//     PhiDet = azimuthal angle of incidnent ion wrt detector

	double detThick_mg;
	double length1,length2;
	double theta_scat,phi_scat;
	double theta_scatW;
	double theta_new,phi_new;
	double oldX,oldY,oldZ;
	double newX,newY,newZ;
	double X1,Y1,Z1,X2,Y2,Z2,X3,Y3,Z3;
	double DetSep,detAngle;
	double dummy,dummylength;

	// Calculate the detector thickness in mg/cm^2, and determine the
	// scattering width
	// detThick = 140 
	// energy = 5.0
	detThick_mg = detThick*conv_det;
	theta_scat = rndgauss0(theta_scatW);
	theta_scat = sqrt(theta_scat*theta_scat*2.0);
	phi_scat = frand()*2.0*pi;
	dummylength = 1.0;

	// Direction of the particle
	// Convert the incident vector to cartesian, as this will be needed later

	// Transform the scattered ion vector to the lab coordinates (direction relative to target)    
	// Convert the scattered vector to cartesians. This will be used to
	// calculate the angle of the scattered ion relative to the detector. (direction again)

	// Separation of detectors (cm) possibly read this in at some pounsigned short 
	DetSep = 1.0;

	// Calculate absolute angle of the scattered ion wrt to detector plane 
	if(theta_new <= pi/2.0){ detAngle = theta_new; }
	else if(theta_new > pi/2.0){ detAngle = pi-theta_new; }

	// Calculate the length of the vector from the scattering pounsigned short to the
	// pounsigned short of incidence on the E detector
	length2 = DetSep/cos(detAngle);

	// Calculate the length of the vector from the target to
	// the scattering point
	length1 = DetZ/cos(theta_old);

	// the vector from target to scattering point
	X1 = X1*length1;
	Y1 = Y1*length1;
	Z1 = Z1*length1;

	// the vector from scattering pounsigned short to plane of E detector
	X2 = X2*length2;
	Y2 = Y2*length2;
	Z2 = Z2*length2;

	// The vector from target to pounsigned short of incidence on E detector
	X3 = X1+X2;
	Y3 = Y1+Y2;
	Z3 = Z1+Z2;
	// Convert this back to spherical polars, and return theta and phi
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: main.cpp Projeto: CCJY/coliru
int main()
    cpp_dec_float_20 b = 8000;
#if 0
b /= 3;
    std::cout << std::setprecision(30);
    std::cout << "size: " << sizeof(cpp_dec_float_20) << ", digits: " << std::numeric_limits<cpp_dec_float_20>::digits << std::endl;
    std::cout << "result = " << b << std::endl;
    std::cout << "rounded result = " << boost::math::round(b) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "rounded result = " << dec_round(b, -1) << std::endl;
    cpp_dec_float_20 b2("2666.67");
    cpp_dec_float_20 b3 = dec_round(b, 2);
    std::cout << " equal? " << (dec_round(b, 2) == b2) << std::endl;
    std::cout << " diff = " << (b3 - b2) << std::endl;
    std::string s = b3.str();
    std::cout << "str = " << s << std::endl;
    std::cout << "boost formated = " << boost::format("%.4f") % b3 << std::endl;
    std::cout << "stream formated = " << std::setprecision(4) << std::fixed << b3 << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::setprecision(20);
    cpp_dec_float_20 testvalue("12345.67890987654321");
    std::cout << "origin value:" << testvalue << std::endl;
    cpp_dec_float_20 partvalue = testvalue.backend().extract_integer_part();
    std::cout << "part value:" << partvalue << std::endl;
    //std::cout << "exp: " << testvalue.backend().exp << std::endl;
    double mantissa;
    boost::int32_t exponent;
    testvalue.backend().extract_parts(mantissa, exponent);
    std::cout << "mantissa: " << mantissa << ", exp: " << exponent << std::endl;

cpp_dec_float_20 tmpfee("0.29");
    cpp_dec_float_20 usageV =60;
    cpp_dec_float_20 unitV("60");
	cpp_dec_float_20 feeV;
	feeV = (tmpfee *usageV)/unitV;
    std::cout<<"---" << (tmpfee *usageV)<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"---" << (tmpfee *usageV)/60<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"---" << (tmpfee *usageV)/unitV<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"---" << feeV << std::endl;
	feeV = usageV*tmpfee;
	int unitVV =60;
	feeV = usageV*tmpfee /60;
    return 0;