int pgpdb_close(KEYRING *keydb) { int err = 0; if (keydb->modified) { FILE *f; #ifdef DEBUG assert(keydb->writer); #endif if (keydb->encryptkey && keydb->encryptkey->length) pgp_encrypt(PGP_NCONVENTIONAL | PGP_NOARMOR, keydb->db, keydb->encryptkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); assert(keydb->type == PGP_TYPE_PRIVATE || keydb->type == PGP_TYPE_PUBLIC); if (keydb->filetype == ARMORED) pgp_armor(keydb->db, keydb->type == PGP_TYPE_PUBLIC ? PGP_ARMOR_KEY : PGP_ARMOR_SECKEY); if (keydb->filetype == -1 || (f = mix_openfile(keydb->filename, keydb->filetype == ARMORED ? "w" : "wb")) == NULL) err = -1; else { err = buf_write(keydb->db, f); fclose(f); } } if (keydb->lock) unlockfile(keydb->lock); if (keydb->encryptkey) buf_free(keydb->encryptkey); buf_free(keydb->db); free(keydb); return (err); }
void fileaccess(int fd, int count){ void lockfile (void); void unlockfile (void); int i, k, value; pid_t pid; char buff[MAXSIZE]; shmid = shmget(SHMKEY, sizeof(syncvars), PERMS | IPC_CREAT); shmptr = (syncvars *) shmat(shmid, (void *) NULL, 0); pid = getpid(); for(i = 0; i < count; i++){ lockfile(); while(shmptr->turn == 0 && shmptr->flag[0] == TRUE ); //critical stuff lseek(fd, 0L, 0); k = read(fd, buff, MAXSIZE); buff[k] = '\0'; sscanf(buff, "%d\n", &value); value++; sprintf(buff, "%10d\n", value); lseek(fd, 0l, 0); k = strlen(buff); write(fd, buff, k); printf("pid = %d, new value = %d\n", pid, value); unlockfile(); } }
/* Converts old versions of the filedb to the newest. Returns 1 if all went * well and otherwise 0. The new db is first written to a temporary place * and then moved over to the original db's position. * * Note: Unfortunately there is a small time-frame where aren't locking the * DB, but want to replace it with a new one, using movefile(). * TODO: Copy old db to tmp file and then build the new db directly * in the original file. This solves the tiny locking problem. * * Also remember to check the returned *fdb_s on failure, as it could be * NULL. */ static int convert_old_db(FILE ** fdb_s, char *filedb) { filedb_top fdbt; FILE *fdb_t; int ret = 0; /* Default to 'failure' */ filedb_readtop(*fdb_s, &fdbt); /* Old DB version? */ if (fdbt.version > 0 && fdbt.version < FILEDB_VERSION3) { char *tempdb; putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "Converting old filedb %s to newest format.", filedb); /* Create temp DB name */ tempdb = nmalloc(strlen(filedb) + 5); simple_sprintf(tempdb, "%s-tmp", filedb); fdb_t = fopen(tempdb, "w+b"); /* Open temp DB */ if (fdb_t) { filedb_initdb(fdb_t); /* Initialise new DB */ /* Convert old database to new one, saving * in temporary db file */ if (fdbt.version == FILEDB_VERSION1) convert_version1(*fdb_s, fdb_t); /* v1 -> v3 */ else convert_version2(*fdb_s, fdb_t); /* v2 -> v3 */ unlockfile(*fdb_s); fclose(fdb_t); fclose(*fdb_s); /* Move over db to new location */ if (movefile(tempdb, filedb)) putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "(!) Moving file db from %s to %s failed.", tempdb, filedb); *fdb_s = fopen(filedb, "r+b"); /* Reopen new db */ if (*fdb_s) { lockfile(*fdb_s); /* Now we should have recreated the original situation, * with the file pointer just pointing to the new version * of the DB instead of the original one. */ ret = 1; } else putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "(!) Reopening db %s failed.", filedb); } my_free(tempdb); /* Database already at the newest version? */ } else if (fdbt.version == FILEDB_VERSION3) ret = 1; else putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "(!) Unknown db version: %d", fdbt.version); if (!ret) putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "Conversion of filedb %s failed.", filedb); return ret; }
/* Closes the filedb. Also removes the lock and updates the * timestamp. */ static void filedb_close(FILE *fdb) { filedb_timestamp(fdb); fseek(fdb, 0L, SEEK_END); count--; unlockfile(fdb); fclose(fdb); }
int handle_upload(connection *con, uint32_t size, void* data) { uploadfilemsg_req *msg = (uploadfilemsg_req*)data; //cat & validate filename char realpath[MAX_STORAGED_PATH_LEN+1]; assert(NULL != concatpath(realpath, msg->data, msg->filename_len)); char *err; bool r = isvalidfile(&realpath[scontent_len], &err); if(!r){ L_DEBUG("refuse invalid filename"); return false; } L_DEBUG("recv upload file req %s\n", realpath); //lock file then write lockfile(realpath, scontent_len + msg->filename_len); //TODO assert(true == mkdirs(realpath)); int fd = open(realpath ,O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); //TODO deal with write result int w_len = write(fd, (void*)&msg->data[msg->filename_len], msg->data_len); fsync(fd); close(fd); unlockfile(realpath, scontent_len + msg->filename_len); //send res packet int rp_size =msg->filename_len + uploadfilemsg_res_packetsize; packet_header *head = generatebuffer(rp_size, CLIENT_PROTO_RES_UPLOAD_FILE); //TODO assert(NULL != head); uploadfilemsg_res *rp = (uploadfilemsg_res *)head->data; rp->filename_len = msg->filename_len; //TODO define result value rp->result = 0; memcpy(rp->data, msg->data, msg->filename_len); //TODO deal with send result sendpacket(con, head); }
int handle_download(connection *con, uint32_t size, void* data) { downloadfilemsg_req *msg = (downloadfilemsg_req *)data; //cat & validate filename char realpath[MAX_STORAGED_PATH_LEN+1]; assert(NULL != concatpath(realpath, msg->data, msg->filename_len)); char *err; bool r = isvalidfile(&realpath[scontent_len],&err); if(!r){ L_DEBUG("refuse invalid filename"); return false; } L_DEBUG("recv download file req %s\n", realpath); //get file length lockfile(realpath, scontent_len + msg->filename_len); int fd = open(realpath ,O_RDONLY); int rpdata_len = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); //TODO assert(rpdata_len >= 0); //send res packet int rp_size =rpdata_len + downloadfilemsg_res_packetsize; packet_header *head = generatebuffer(rp_size, CLIENT_PROTO_RES_DOWNLOAD_FILE); //TODO assert(NULL != head); uploadfilemsg_res *rp = (downloadfilemsg_res *)head->data; rp->filename_len = msg->filename_len; memcpy(rp->data, msg->data, msg->filename_len); int r_len = read(fd, (void *)&rp->data[msg->filename_len], rpdata_len); //TODO assert(r_len >= 0); close(fd); //TODO deal with send result sendpacket(con, head); unlockfile(realpath, scontent_len + msg->filename_len); }
/* Opens the filedb responsible to the specified directory. */ static FILE *filedb_open(char *path, int sort) { char *s, *npath; FILE *fdb; filedb_top fdbt; struct stat st; if (count >= 2) putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "(@) warning: %d open filedb's", count); npath = nmalloc(strlen(dccdir) + strlen(path) + 1); simple_sprintf(npath, "%s%s", dccdir, path); /* Use alternate filename if requested */ if (filedb_path[0]) { char *s2; s2 = make_point_path(path); s = nmalloc(strlen(filedb_path) + strlen(s2) + 8); simple_sprintf(s, "%sfiledb.%s", filedb_path, s2); my_free(s2); } else { s = nmalloc(strlen(npath) + 10); simple_sprintf(s, "%s/.filedb", npath); } fdb = fopen(s, "r+b"); if (!fdb) { if (convert_old_files(npath, s)) { fdb = fopen(s, "r+b"); if (fdb == NULL) { putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", FILES_NOCONVERT, npath); my_free(s); my_free(npath); return NULL; } lockfile(fdb); filedb_update(npath, fdb, sort); count++; my_free(s); my_free(npath); return fdb; } else { filedb_top fdbt; /* Create new database and fix it up */ fdb = fopen(s, "w+b"); if (!fdb) { my_free(s); my_free(npath); return NULL; } lockfile(fdb); fdbt.version = FILEDB_NEWEST_VER; fdbt.timestamp = now; filedb_writetop(fdb, &fdbt); filedb_update(npath, fdb, sort); count++; my_free(s); my_free(npath); return fdb; } } lockfile(fdb); /* Lock it from other bots */ filedb_readtop(fdb, &fdbt); if (fdbt.version < FILEDB_NEWEST_VER) { if (!convert_old_db(&fdb, s)) { /* Conversion failed. Unlock file again and error out. * (convert_old_db() could have modified fdb, so check * for fdb != NULL.) */ if (fdb) unlockfile(fdb); my_free(npath); my_free(s); return NULL; } filedb_update(npath, fdb, sort); } stat(npath, &st); /* Update filedb if: * + it's been 6 hours since it was last updated * + the directory has been visibly modified since then * (6 hours may be a bit often) */ if (sort || ((now - fdbt.timestamp) > (6 * 3600)) || (fdbt.timestamp < st.st_mtime) || (fdbt.timestamp < st.st_ctime)) /* File database isn't up-to-date! */ filedb_update(npath, fdb, sort & 1); else if ((now - fdbt.timestamp) > 300) filedb_mergeempty(fdb); count++; my_free(npath); my_free(s); return fdb; }
static int isnewid(BUFFER *id, char rsa1234, long timestamp) /* return values: * 0: ignore message, no error * 1: ok, process message * -1: bad message, send reply */ { FILE *f=NULL, *rf=NULL, *tf; int ret = 1; long now, old = 0; int old_day, now_day, ri, rj, flag; char queue[30][LINELEN]; struct tm *gt; time_t od; LOCK *i = NULL; LOCK *j = NULL; idlog_t idbuf; struct { long time; int r[5]; } rs; if (REMAIL == 0) return (1); /* don't keep statistics for the client */ now = time(NULL); if ((f = mix_openfile(IDLOG, "rb+")) != NULL) { fread(&idbuf,1,sizeof(idlog_t),f); old = idbuf.time; } else { if (IDEXP == 0) { if (timestamp > 0 && timestamp <= now - 7 * SECONDSPERDAY) { errlog(LOG, "Ignoring old message.\n"); return (0); } } else { if ((f = mix_openfile(IDLOG, "wb")) != NULL) { memset(,0,sizeof(; idbuf.time = now; fwrite(&idbuf,1,sizeof(idlog_t),f); memcpy(,id->data,sizeof(; idbuf.time = now; fwrite(&idbuf,1,sizeof(idlog_t),f); fclose(f); f=NULL; errlog(NOTICE, "Creating %s\n", IDLOG); } else { errlog(ERRORMSG, "Can't create %s\n", IDLOG); } return (1); } } if (now - old < 5 * SECONDSPERDAY) /* never reject messages less than */ old = now - 5 * SECONDSPERDAY; /* 5 days old (== minimum IDEXP) */ if (timestamp > 0 && timestamp <= old) { errlog(LOG, "Ignoring old message.\n"); ret = 0; goto end; } i = lockfile(IDLOG); while (fread(&idbuf, 1, sizeof(idlog_t), f) == sizeof(idlog_t)) { if (!memcmp(, id->data, sizeof( { char idstr[33]; id_encode(id->data, idstr); errlog(LOG, "Ignoring redundant message: %s.\n", idstr); ret = 0; goto end; } } if (timestamp > now) { errlog(LOG, "Ignoring message with future timestamp.\n"); ret = -1; goto end; } if (ftell(f)%sizeof(idlog_t)) fseek(f,0-(ftell(f)%sizeof(idlog_t)),SEEK_CUR); /* make sure that we're on sizeof(idlog_t) byte boundary */ memcpy(,id->data,sizeof(; idbuf.time = now; fwrite(&idbuf,1,sizeof(idlog_t),f); /* What key lengths are being used? */ /* XXXXX TODO: The rest of this function is new code * that uses line endings and has not been tested on Windows. */ if ((rf = mix_openfile(RSASTATSFILE, "rb+")) == NULL) { /* create it */ if ((rf = mix_openfile(RSASTATSFILE, "wb+")) == NULL) { ret=-1; goto end; } memset(&rs, 0, sizeof(rs)); fwrite(&rs,1,sizeof(rs),rf); } else { j = lockfile(RSASTATSFILE); fread(&rs,1,sizeof(rs),rf); fseek(rf,0,0); old = rs.time; old_day = old/SECONDSPERDAY; if (old_day<15706) old_day=15706; now_day = now/SECONDSPERDAY; if (old_day == now_day) { /* add current item to stats */ rs.r[rsa1234]++; fwrite(&rs,1,sizeof(rs),rf); } else { /* write text and restart the daily file */ if ((tf = mix_openfile(RSATEXTFILE, "a")) != NULL) { od=old_day * (SECONDSPERDAY); gt = gmtime(&od); fprintf(tf, "%04d-%02d-%02d %6d %6d %6d %6d\n", 1900+gt->tm_year, 1+gt->tm_mon, gt->tm_mday, rs.r[1], rs.r[2], rs.r[3], rs.r[4]); fclose(tf); ri=0,rj=0,flag=0; if ((tf = mix_openfile(RSATEXTFILE, "r")) != NULL) { while ( fgets (queue[ri], LINELEN, tf) ) { queue[ri][LINELEN-1]='\0'; ri++; ri %= 30; if (!ri) flag=1; } fclose(tf); } rj=ri; if (flag) { errlog(NOTICE, "rotating file %s from line %d\n", RSATEXTFILE, ri); if ((tf = mix_openfile(RSATEXTFILE, "w")) != NULL) { do { fprintf(tf, "%s", queue[ri]); ri++; ri %= 30; } while (ri != rj); fclose(tf); } } } memset(&rs, 0, sizeof(rs)); rs.time = now_day * SECONDSPERDAY; rs.r[rsa1234]++; fwrite(&rs,1,sizeof(rs),rf); } } end: if (i) unlockfile(i); if (j) unlockfile(j); if (f) fclose(f); if (rf) fclose(rf); return (ret); }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | update_sample_info()/5 | | update_sample_info - | Takes a automation directory and filename of sample_info structure (e.g., doneQ,enterq,sampleinfo) | Searches through the file for a match between the match_target value | and the match_value; | Upon finding the match it then updates the update_target with the | update_value; | For example: You want to update the doneQ 'STATUS' entry to Complete, | for the experiment inwhich the DATA entry matches with | '/vnmr/auto/greg.1201' (i.e. DATA is a unique identifier). | The call would be: | update_sample_info("systemdir/auto","doneQ", | "DATA:","/vnmr/auto/greg.1201", | "STATUS","Complete"); | | Author: Greg Brissey 1/28/88 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int update_sample_info(char *autodir, char *filename, char *match_target, char *match_value, char *update_target, char *update_value) { FILE *update_file,*tmp_file; char filepath[128],value[MAX_TEXT_LEN]; struct sample_info sample_entry; int stat,entryline,foundit; strncpy(filepath,autodir,110); strcat(filepath,"/"); strcat(filepath,filename); /* if autoinfo mapping file hase not be read do so now */ if (infomap.mapped != 1) /* true if autoinfo has been read for mapping */ { read_info_file(autodir); } if (lockfile(filepath) == ERROR) /* lock file for excusive use */ { fprintf(stderr,"update_sample_info: could not lock '%s' file.\n",filepath); } update_file = fopen(filepath,"r"); if (update_file == NULL) /* does file exist? */ { unlockfile(filepath); /* unlock file */ fprintf(stderr,"update_sample_info: '%s' file is not present for reading.\n", filepath); return(ERROR); } tmp_file = fopen("/tmp/update_sample_info.tmp","w"); if (tmp_file == NULL) /* does file exist? */ { unlockfile(filepath); /* unlock file */ fclose(update_file); fprintf(stderr, "update_sample_info: temp file '/tmp/update_sample_info.tmp' could not be created.\n"); return(ERROR); } /* read through the the file writing to a tmp file as changes are made */ foundit = 0; while ( (stat = read_sample_info(update_file,&sample_entry)) != ENDOFFILE) { if (stat == ERROR) { unlockfile(filepath); /* unlock file */ fclose(update_file); fclose(tmp_file); fprintf(stderr, "update_sample_info: read error on file '%s'.\n",filepath); return(ERROR); } /* Once found and changed we can skip all this */ if (!foundit) { get_sample_info(&sample_entry,match_target,value,MAX_TEXT_LEN,&entryline); if (strncmp(value,match_value,MAX_TEXT_LEN) == 0) { get_sample_info(&sample_entry,update_target,value,MAX_TEXT_LEN,&entryline); /* If updating STATUS and STATUS: Shimming, then remove this entry */ if ( (strcmp(infomap.status,update_target) == 0) && ( (strcmp(update_value,"Complete") == 0) || (strcmp(update_value,"Error") == 0)) && (strcmp(sample_entry.prompt_entry[entryline].etext,"Shimming") == 0) ) { /* elimenate Shimming Experiment from doneQ */ foundit = 1; continue; /* don't update, don't write it out */ } strncpy(sample_entry.prompt_entry[entryline].etext,update_value,MAX_TEXT_LEN); sample_entry.prompt_entry[entryline].etext[MAX_TEXT_LEN-1] = '\0'; foundit = 1; } } if (write_sample_info(tmp_file,&sample_entry) == ERROR) { unlockfile(filepath); /* unlock file */ fclose(update_file); fclose(tmp_file); fprintf(stderr, "update_sample_info: write error to temp file '/tmp/update_sample_info.tmp'.\n"); return(ERROR); } } fclose(update_file); fclose(tmp_file); /* Changes are complete in the tmp file, now copy the tmp file into the orginal file */ tmp_file = fopen("/tmp/update_sample_info.tmp","r"); if (tmp_file == NULL) /* does file exist? */ { unlockfile(filepath); /* unlock file */ fprintf(stderr, "update_sample_info: temp file '/tmp/update_sample_info.tmp' could not be opened to be read.\n"); return(ERROR); } update_file = fopen(filepath,"w"); if (update_file == NULL) /* does file exist? */ { unlockfile(filepath); /* unlock file */ fclose(tmp_file); fprintf(stderr,"update_sample_info: '%s' file is not present for writing.\n", filepath); return(ERROR); } while ( ( stat = read_sample_info(tmp_file,&sample_entry)) != ENDOFFILE) { if (stat == ERROR) { unlockfile(filepath); /* unlock file */ fclose(update_file); fclose(tmp_file); fprintf(stderr, "update_sample_info: read error on file '/tmp/update_sample_info.tmp'.\n"); return(ERROR); } if (write_sample_info(update_file,&sample_entry) == ERROR) { unlockfile(filepath); /* unlock file */ fclose(update_file); fclose(tmp_file); fprintf(stderr, "update_sample_info: write error to file '%s'.\n",filepath); return(ERROR); } } fclose(update_file); fclose(tmp_file); unlockfile(filepath); /* unlock file */ return(OK); }
/* Convert '.files' db to newest db. Returns 1 if a valid file is * found and could be converted, 0 in all other cases. * * '.files' is a text file which contains file records built up in the * following way: * '<filename> <nick> <tm> <gots>\n' * '- <comment>\n' * '- <comment>\n' * ... */ static int convert_old_files(char *path, char *newfiledb) { FILE *f, *fdb; char *s, *fn, *nick, *tm, *s1; filedb_entry *fdbe = NULL; int in_file = 0, i; struct stat st; s = nmalloc(strlen(path) + 8); sprintf(s, "%s/.files", path); f = fopen(s, "r"); my_free(s); if (f == NULL) return 0; fdb = fopen(newfiledb, "w+b"); if (!fdb) { putlog(LOG_MISC, "(!) Can't create filedb in %s", newfiledb); fclose(f); return 0; } lockfile(fdb); lockfile(f); filedb_initdb(fdb); putlog(LOG_FILES, "*", FILES_CONVERT, path); /* Scan contents of .files and painstakingly create .filedb entries */ while (!feof(f)) { s = nmalloc(121); s1 = s; fgets(s, 120, f); if (s[strlen(s) - 1] == '\n') s[strlen(s) - 1] = 0; if (!feof(f)) { fn = newsplit(&s1); rmspace(fn); if ((fn[0]) && (fn[0] != ';') && (fn[0] != '#')) { /* Not comment */ if (fn[0] == '-') { /* Adjust comment for current file */ if (in_file && fdbe) { rmspace(s); if (fdbe->desc) { fdbe->desc = nrealloc(fdbe->desc, strlen(fdbe->desc) + strlen(s) + 2); strcat(fdbe->desc, "\n"); } else fdbe->desc = nmalloc(strlen(s) + 2); strcat(fdbe->desc, s); } } else { if (fdbe) { /* File pending. Write to DB */ filedb_addfile(fdb, fdbe); free_fdbe(&fdbe); } fdbe = malloc_fdbe(); in_file = 1; nick = newsplit(&s1); rmspace(nick); tm = newsplit(&s1); rmspace(tm); rmspace(s1); i = strlen(fn) - 1; if (fn[i] == '/') fn[i] = 0; malloc_strcpy(fdbe->filename, fn); malloc_strcpy(fdbe->uploader, nick); fdbe->gots = atoi(s1); fdbe->uploaded = atoi(tm); sprintf(s, "%s/%s", path, fn); if (stat(s, &st) == 0) { /* File is okay */ if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { fdbe->stat |= FILE_DIR; if (nick[0] == '+') { char x[100]; /* Only do global flags, it's an old one */ struct flag_record fr = { FR_GLOBAL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; break_down_flags(nick + 1, &fr, NULL); build_flags(x, &fr, NULL); /* We only want valid flags */ malloc_strcpy_nocheck(fdbe->flags_req, x); } } fdbe->size = st.st_size; } else in_file = 0; /* skip */ } } } my_free(s); } if (fdbe) { /* File pending. Write to DB */ filedb_addfile(fdb, fdbe); free_fdbe(&fdbe); } fseek(fdb, 0L, SEEK_END); unlockfile(f); unlockfile(fdb); fclose(fdb); fclose(f); return 1; }
int pgp_keymgt(int force) { FILE *f = NULL; BUFFER *key, *keybak, *userid, *out, *outkey, *outtxt, *pass, *secout; KEYRING *keys; int err = 0, res, recreate_pubring = 0, dsa_ok = 0; #ifdef USE_IDEA int rsa_ok = 0; #endif /* USE_IDEA */ long expires; LOCK *seclock; key = buf_new(); out = buf_new(); keybak = buf_new(); secout = buf_new(); userid = buf_new(); buf_sets(userid, REMAILERNAME); pass = buf_new(); buf_sets(pass, PASSPHRASE); outtxt = buf_new(); outkey = buf_new(); /* We only want to build RSA keys if we also can do IDEA * This is to not lose any mail should users try our RSA key * with IDEA. */ #ifdef USE_IDEA /* FIXME: pgpdb_getky returns the expiration date from the last key in the keyring * which probably works most of the time if the keys are in the correct order * it doesn't return the latest expiration date (or 0) if the key in question * is before another matching key in the keyring tho */ res = pgpdb_getkey(PK_DECRYPT, PGP_ES_RSA, NULL, NULL, &expires, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, pass); if (force == 2 || res < 0 || (expires > 0 && expires - KEYOVERLAPPERIOD < time(NULL))) { rsa_ok = -1; pgp_keygen(PGP_ES_RSA, 0, userid, pass, PGPKEY, PGPREMSECRING, 0); }; if (force == 0 && (pgpdb_getkey(PK_ENCRYPT, PGP_ES_RSA, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, PGPKEY, NULL) < 0) && rsa_ok == 0) rsa_ok = 1; #endif /* USE_IDEA */ /* FIXME: pgpdb_getky returns the expiration date from the last key in the keyring * which probably works most of the time if the keys are in the correct order * it doesn't return the latest expiration date (or 0) if the key in question * is before another matching key in the keyring tho */ res = pgpdb_getkey(PK_DECRYPT, PGP_E_ELG, NULL, NULL, &expires, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, pass); if (force == 2 || res < 0 || (expires > 0 && expires - KEYOVERLAPPERIOD < time(NULL))) { dsa_ok = -1; pgp_keygen(PGP_E_ELG, 0, userid, pass, PGPKEY, PGPREMSECRING, 0); } if (force == 0 && (pgpdb_getkey(PK_ENCRYPT, PGP_E_ELG, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, PGPKEY, NULL) > 0) && dsa_ok == 0) dsa_ok = 1; /* No need to rewrite the files - we didn't change a thing */ if ( #ifdef USE_IDEA rsa_ok == 1 && #endif /* USE_IDEA */ dsa_ok == 1) goto end; /* write keys one key per armor to make hand editing easy and old PGP * versions happy */ err = -1; keys = pgpdb_open(PGPKEY, NULL, 0, PGP_TYPE_PUBLIC); if (keys == NULL) recreate_pubring = 1; else { while (pgpdb_getnext(keys, key, NULL, userid) != -1) { buf_clear(outtxt); if (pgp_makekeyheader(PGP_PUBKEY, key, outtxt, NULL, PGP_ANY) == 0) { err = 0; buf_appends(out, "Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID\n"); buf_cat(out, outtxt); buf_nl(out); pgp_armor(key, PGP_ARMOR_KEY); buf_cat(out, key); buf_nl(out); } } pgpdb_close(keys); } if (err != 0) recreate_pubring = 1; err = -1; keys = pgpdb_open(PGPREMSECRING, NULL, 0, PGP_TYPE_PRIVATE); if (keys == NULL) goto end; while (pgpdb_getnext(keys, key, NULL, userid) != -1) { buf_clear(outtxt); buf_clear(outkey); buf_clear(keybak); buf_cat(keybak, key); if (pgp_makekeyheader(PGP_SECKEY, key, outtxt, pass, PGP_ANY) == 0) { err = 0; buf_appends(secout, "Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID\n"); buf_cat(secout, outtxt); buf_nl(secout); pgp_armor(key, PGP_ARMOR_SECKEY); buf_cat(secout, key); buf_nl(secout); } buf_clear(outtxt); if (recreate_pubring && pgp_makepubkey(keybak, outtxt, outkey, pass, PGP_ANY) == 0) { buf_appends(out, "Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID\n"); buf_cat(out, outtxt); buf_nl(out); pgp_armor(outkey, PGP_ARMOR_KEY); buf_cat(out, outkey); buf_nl(out); } } pgpdb_close(keys); seclock = lockfile(PGPREMSECRING); if (err == 0 && (f = mix_openfile(PGPREMSECRING, "w")) != NULL) { buf_write(secout, f); fclose(f); } else err = -1; unlockfile(seclock); if (err == 0 && (f = mix_openfile(PGPKEY, "w")) != NULL) { buf_write(out, f); fclose(f); } else err = -1; end: buf_free(key); buf_free(keybak); buf_free(out); buf_free(userid); buf_free(pass); buf_free(outtxt); buf_free(outkey); buf_free(secout); return (err); }