Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: ardblas.c Projeto: rforge/gcb
void d_swap(SEXP rx, SEXP rincx, SEXP ry, SEXP rincy)
		nx, ny, n,
		incx = asInteger(rincx),
		incy = asInteger(rincy);
		* x, * y;

	unpackVector(rx, &nx, &x);
	unpackVector(ry, &ny, &y);
	n = imin2(nx, ny);

	cublasDswap(n, x, incx, y, incy);
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: ardblas.c Projeto: rforge/gcb
void d_axpy(SEXP ralpha, SEXP rx, SEXP rincx, SEXP ry, SEXP rincy)
		nx, ny, n,
		incx = asInteger(rincx),
		incy = asInteger(rincy);
		alpha = asReal(ralpha),
		* x, * y;

	unpackVector(rx, &nx, &x);
	unpackVector(ry, &ny, &y);
	n = imin2(nx, ny);

	cublasDaxpy(n, alpha, x, incx, y, incy);
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: ardblas.c Projeto: rforge/gcb
void d_rotm(SEXP rx, SEXP rincx, SEXP ry, SEXP rincy, SEXP rsparam)
		nx, ny, n, ns,
		incx = asInteger(rincx),
		incy = asInteger(rincy);
		* sparam,
		* x, * y;

	unpackVector(rsparam, &ns, &sparam);
	unpackVector(rx, &nx, &x);
	unpackVector(ry, &ny, &y);
	n = imin2(nx, ny);

	cublasDrotm(n, x, incx, y, incy, sparam);
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: ardblas.c Projeto: rforge/gcb
void d_rot(SEXP rx, SEXP rincx, SEXP ry, SEXP rincy, SEXP rsc, SEXP rss)
		nx, ny, n,
		incx = asInteger(rincx),
		incy = asInteger(rincy);
		sc = asReal(rsc),
		ss = asReal(rss),
		* x, * y;

	unpackVector(rx, &nx, &x);
	unpackVector(ry, &ny, &y);
	n = imin2(nx, ny);

	cublasDrot(n, x, incx, y, incy, sc, ss);
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: ardblas.c Projeto: rforge/gcb
void d_spmv(SEXP ruplo, SEXP ralpha, SEXP ra, SEXP rx, SEXP rincx,
	SEXP rbeta, SEXP ry, SEXP rincy)
		uplo = getSymLoc(ruplo);
		alpha = asReal(ralpha), beta = asReal(rbeta),
		* a, * x, * y;
		rowsa, colsa,
		nx, ny, incx = asInteger(rincx), incy = asInteger(rincy);

	unpackVector(rx, &nx, &x);
	unpackVector(ry, &ny, &y);
	unpackMatrix(ra, &rowsa, &colsa, &a);

	cublasDspmv(uplo, rowsa, alpha, a, x, incx, beta, y, incy);
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: ardblas.c Projeto: rforge/gcb
void d_ger(SEXP ralpha, SEXP rx, SEXP rincx, SEXP ry, SEXP rincy,
	SEXP ra, SEXP rlda)
		alpha = asReal(ralpha),
		* a, * x, * y;
		rowsa, colsa,
		lda = asInteger(rlda),
		nx, ny,
		incx = asInteger(rincx),
		incy = asInteger(rincy);

	unpackVector(rx, &nx, &x);
	unpackVector(ry, &ny, &y);
	unpackMatrix(ra, &rowsa, &colsa, &a);

	cublasDger(rowsa, colsa, alpha, x, incx, y, incy, a, lda);
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: ardblas.c Projeto: rforge/gcb
SEXP d_dot(SEXP rx, SEXP rincx, SEXP ry, SEXP rincy)
		nx, ny, n,
		incx = asInteger(rincx),
		incy = asInteger(rincy);
		* x, * y;

	unpackVector(rx, &nx, &x);
	unpackVector(ry, &ny, &y);
	n = imin2(nx, ny);

	SEXP out;
	PROTECT(out = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
	REAL(out)[0] = cublasDdot(n, x, incx, y, incy); 
	return out;
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: ardblas.c Projeto: rforge/gcb
void d_gemv(SEXP rtrans, SEXP ralpha, SEXP ra, SEXP rlda, SEXP rx, SEXP rincx,
	SEXP rbeta, SEXP ry, SEXP rincy)
		trans = getTranspose(rtrans);
		alpha = asReal(ralpha), beta = asReal(rbeta),
		* a, * x, * y;
		nx, ny, rowsa, colsa,
		lda = asInteger(rlda),
		incx = asInteger(rincx),
		incy = asInteger(rincy);
	unpackVector(rx, &nx, &x);
	unpackVector(ry, &ny, &y);
	unpackMatrix(ra, &rowsa, &colsa, &a);
	cublasDgemv(trans, rowsa, colsa, alpha, a, lda, x, incx, beta, y, incy);
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: ardblas.c Projeto: rforge/gcb
void d_scal(SEXP ralpha, SEXP rx, SEXP rincx)
		incx = asInteger(rincx);
		* x, alpha = asReal(ralpha);

	unpackVector(rx, &n, &x);

	cublasDscal(n, alpha, x, incx);
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: ardblas.c Projeto: rforge/gcb
SEXP d_asum(SEXP vList, SEXP inc)
	int n, increment = asInteger(inc);
	double * dPtr;
	unpackVector(vList, &n, &dPtr);

	SEXP out;
	PROTECT(out = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
	REAL(out)[0] = cublasDasum(n, dPtr, increment);
	return out;
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: ardblas.c Projeto: rforge/gcb
SEXP d_getVector(SEXP vList, SEXP inc)
	int n, increment = asInteger(inc);
	double * dPtr;
	unpackVector(vList, &n, &dPtr);

	SEXP out;
	PROTECT(out = allocVector(REALSXP, n));
	cublasGetVector(n, sizeof(double), dPtr, increment, REAL(out), 1);
	return out;
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: ardblas.c Projeto: rforge/gcb
void d_syr(SEXP ruplo, SEXP ralpha, SEXP rx, SEXP rincx, SEXP ra, SEXP rlda)
		uplo = getSymLoc(ruplo);
		alpha = asReal(ralpha), * a, * x;
		rowsa, colsa, lda = asInteger(rlda),
		nx, incx = asInteger(rincx);

	unpackVector(rx, &nx, &x);
	unpackMatrix(ra, &rowsa, &colsa, &a);

	cublasDsyr(uplo, rowsa, alpha, x, incx, a, lda);
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: ardblas.c Projeto: rforge/gcb
SEXP d_nrm2(SEXP rx, SEXP rincx)
		incx = asInteger(rincx);
	double * x;

	unpackVector(rx, &n, &x);

	SEXP out;
	PROTECT(out = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
	REAL(out)[0] = cublasDnrm2(n, x, incx);
	return out;
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: ardblas.c Projeto: rforge/gcb
void d_tpsv(SEXP ruplo, SEXP rtrans, SEXP rdiag, SEXP ra, SEXP rx, SEXP rincx)
		uplo = getSymLoc(ruplo),
		trans = getTranspose(rtrans), 
		diag = getUnitTri(rdiag);
		* a, * x;
		rowsa, colsa,
		nx, incx = asInteger(rincx);

	unpackVector(rx, &nx, &x);
	unpackMatrix(ra, &rowsa, &colsa, &a);

	cublasDtpsv(uplo, trans, diag, rowsa, a, x, incx);
Exemplo n.º 15
void vrpn_Oculus::parse_message_type_1(std::size_t bytes,
  vrpn_uint8 *buffer)
  size_t num_reports = buffer[1];
  if (num_reports > 3) { num_reports = 3; }

  // Skip past the report type and num_reports bytes and
  // start parsing there.
  vrpn_uint8 *bufptr = &buffer[2];

  // The next two bytes are an increasing counter that changes by 1 for
  // every report.
  vrpn_uint16 report_index;
  report_index = vrpn_unbuffer_from_little_endian<vrpn_uint16, vrpn_uint8>(bufptr);
  channel[1] = report_index;

  // The next two bytes are zero, so we skip them
  vrpn_uint16 skip;
  skip = vrpn_unbuffer_from_little_endian<vrpn_uint16, vrpn_uint8>(bufptr);

  // The next entry is temperature, and it may be in hundredths of a degree C
  vrpn_uint16 temperature;
  const double temperature_scale = 0.01;
  temperature = vrpn_unbuffer_from_little_endian<vrpn_uint16, vrpn_uint8>(bufptr);
  channel[0] = temperature * temperature_scale;

  // The magnetometer data comes after the space to store three
  // reports.
  vrpn_uint8 *magnetometer_ptr = &buffer[56];
  vrpn_int16 magnetometer_raw[3];
  for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    magnetometer_raw[i] = vrpn_unbuffer_from_little_endian
      <vrpn_int16, vrpn_uint8>(magnetometer_ptr);
  // Invert all axes to make the magnetometer direction match
  // the sign of the gravity vector.
  const double magnetometer_scale = 0.0001;
  channel[8] = -magnetometer_raw[0] * magnetometer_scale;
  channel[9] = -magnetometer_raw[1] * magnetometer_scale;
  channel[10] = -magnetometer_raw[2] * magnetometer_scale;

  // Unpack a 16-byte accelerometer/gyro report using the routines from
  // Oliver's code.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_reports; i++) {
    vrpn_int32 accelerometer_raw[3];
    vrpn_int32 gyroscope_raw[3];
    unpackVector(bufptr, accelerometer_raw);
    bufptr += 8;
    unpackVector(bufptr, gyroscope_raw);
    bufptr += 8;

    // Compute the double values using default calibration.
    // The accelerometer data goes into analogs 0,1,2.
    // The gyro data goes into analogs 3,4,5.
    // The magnetomoter data goes into analogs 6,7,8.
    const double accelerometer_scale = 0.0001;
    const double gyroscope_scale = 0.0001;
    channel[2] = accelerometer_raw[0] * accelerometer_scale;
    channel[3] = accelerometer_raw[1] * accelerometer_scale;
    channel[4] = accelerometer_raw[2] * accelerometer_scale;

    channel[5] = gyroscope_raw[0] * gyroscope_scale;
    channel[6] = gyroscope_raw[1] * gyroscope_scale;
    channel[7] = gyroscope_raw[2] * gyroscope_scale;

Exemplo n.º 16
void vrpn_Oculus_DK2::parse_message_type_11(std::size_t bytes,
  vrpn_uint8 *buffer)
  // Started with the two different layouts in Oliver's code using my DK2
  // and could not get the required data from it.  I'm getting 64-byte
  // reports that are somewhat like the 62-byte reports that code has but
  // not the same.  They seem closer to the code form the OculusRiftHIDReports.cpp
  // document, but not the same (the last bytes are always 0, and they are supposed
  // to be the magnetometer, for example).
  // Looked at how the values changed and tried to figure out how to parse each
  // part of the file.
  // The first two bytes in the message are ignored; they are not present in the
  // HID report for Oliver's code.  The third byte is 0 and the fourth is the number
  // of reports (up to 2, according to how much space is before the magnetometer
  // data in the reports we found).
  size_t num_reports = buffer[3];
  if (num_reports > 2) { num_reports = 2; }

  // @todo Check to see if we get multiple up reports
  // when we get multiple other reports (I never see multiple
  // other reports from my unit).
  if (num_reports == 2) {
    static bool printed = false;
    if (!printed) {
      fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_Oculus_DK2::on_data_received: Got 2 reports; check accuracy of "
        "the up vector on the second and either replace with the first if it is zero or "
        " remove this print statement from the code if it works.\n");
      printed = true;
  // Skip the first four bytes and start parsing the other reports from there.
  vrpn_uint8 *bufptr = &buffer[4];  // Point at the start of the report

  // The next two bytes seem to be an increasing counter that changes by 1 for
  // every report.
  vrpn_uint16 report_index, temperature;
  report_index = vrpn_unbuffer_from_little_endian<vrpn_uint16, vrpn_uint8>(bufptr);
  channel[1] = report_index;

  // The next entry may be temperature, and it may be in hundredths of a degree C
  const double temperature_scale = 0.01;
  temperature = vrpn_unbuffer_from_little_endian<vrpn_uint16, vrpn_uint8>(bufptr);
  channel[0] = temperature * temperature_scale;

  // The next entry is a 4-byte counter with time since device was
  // powered on in microseconds.  We convert to seconds and report.
  vrpn_uint32 microseconds;
  microseconds = vrpn_unbuffer_from_little_endian<vrpn_uint32, vrpn_uint8>(bufptr);
  channel[11] = microseconds * 1e-6;

  // Unpack a 16-byte accelerometer/gyro report using the routines from
  // Oliver's code.  Also the magnetometer values(s).
  // Then convert each to a scaled double value and send a report.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_reports; i++) {
    vrpn_int32 accelerometer_raw[3];
    vrpn_int32 gyroscope_raw[3];
    unpackVector(bufptr, accelerometer_raw);
    bufptr += 8;
    unpackVector(bufptr, gyroscope_raw);
    bufptr += 8;

    // Compute the double values using default calibration.
    // The accelerometer data goes into analogs 0,1,2.
    // The gyro data goes into analogs 3,4,5.
    // The magnetomoter data goes into analogs 6,7,8.
    const double accelerometer_scale = 0.0001;
    const double gyroscope_scale = 0.0001;
    channel[2] = accelerometer_raw[0] * accelerometer_scale;
    channel[3] = accelerometer_raw[1] * accelerometer_scale;
    channel[4] = accelerometer_raw[2] * accelerometer_scale;

    channel[5] = gyroscope_raw[0] * gyroscope_scale;
    channel[6] = gyroscope_raw[1] * gyroscope_scale;
    channel[7] = gyroscope_raw[2] * gyroscope_scale;

    // The magnetometer data comes after the space to store two
    // reports.  We don't know if there are two of them when
    // there are two reports, but there is space in the report
    // for it, so we try to decode two of them.
    vrpn_uint8 *magnetometer_ptr = &buffer[44 + 8 * i];
    vrpn_int16 magnetometer_raw[3];
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      magnetometer_raw[i] = vrpn_unbuffer_from_little_endian
        <vrpn_int16, vrpn_uint8>(magnetometer_ptr);
    // Invert these to make the magnetometer direction match
    // the sign of the gravity vector.
    const double magnetometer_scale = - 0.0001;
    channel[8] = -magnetometer_raw[0] * magnetometer_scale;
    channel[9] = -magnetometer_raw[1] * magnetometer_scale;
    channel[10] = -magnetometer_raw[2] * magnetometer_scale;
