Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: main.c Projeto: nycdarren/mrk
// This task listens for messages and if it receives an XMPP
// message addressed to broadcast or this node, it will print it out
void rx_task ()
    uint8_t len;
    int8_t rssi, val;
    uint8_t *local_rx_buf;
    XMPP_PKT_T rxp;
    nrk_time_t check_period;
    printf ("rx_task PID=%d\r\n", nrk_get_pid ());

    // Initialize FireFly LCD v1.2 board
    lcd_string_display_escape("Waiting\\nfor msg.");

    while (!bmac_started ())
        nrk_wait_until_next_period ();

    check_period.secs = 0;
    check_period.nano_secs = 100 * NANOS_PER_MS;
    val = bmac_set_rx_check_rate (check_period);

    while (1) {

        // Wait for new packet if one isn't already available
        if (bmac_rx_pkt_ready () == 0) {
            val = bmac_wait_until_rx_pkt ();

        // Get the RX packet
        local_rx_buf = bmac_rx_pkt_get (&len, &rssi);
        // Check the packet type from raw buffer before unpacking
        if ((local_rx_buf[CTRL_FLAGS] & (MOBILE_MASK)) != 0) {

            // Set the buffer
            p2p_pkt.buf = local_rx_buf;
            p2p_pkt.buf_len = len;
            p2p_pkt.rssi = rssi;
            unpack_peer_2_peer_packet (&p2p_pkt);
            // just check the last part of the address because we are lazy
            // In the future you should check the whole address so that you
            // don't accidentally get someone elses messages

            if ((p2p_pkt.dst_subnet_mac[2] == MY_SUBNET_MAC_2 &&
                    p2p_pkt.dst_subnet_mac[1] == MY_SUBNET_MAC_1 &&
                    p2p_pkt.dst_subnet_mac[0] == MY_SUBNET_MAC_0 &&
                    p2p_pkt.dst_mac == MY_MAC )
                    || p2p_pkt.dst_mac == BROADCAST)
                nrk_led_set (GREEN_LED);
                // Packet arrived and is good to go
#ifdef TXT_DEBUG
                printf ("full mac: %d %d %d %d ", p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[0],
                        p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[1], p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[2],
                printf ("rssi: %d ", p2p_pkt.rssi);
                printf ("type: %d ", p2p_pkt.pkt_type);
                nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("payload: ["));
                for (i = p2p_pkt.payload_start; i < p2p_pkt.buf_len; i++)
                    printf ("%d ", p2p_pkt.buf[i]);
                nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("]\r\n"));
                // If it is an XMPP message
                if (p2p_pkt.pkt_type == XMPP_PKT) {
                    nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("XMPP packet for me!\r\n"));

                    // Unpack the message
                    xmpp_pkt_unpack (&rxp, p2p_pkt.payload, 0);

                    // Print it out
                    printf ("XMPP msg:\r\n");
                    printf ("  seq-num=%d\r\n", p2p_pkt.seq_num);
                    printf ("  from-jid=%s\r\n", rxp.src_jid);
                    printf ("  msg=%s\r\n", rxp.msg);

                    // Load and display message

        // Release the RX buffer so future packets can arrive
        bmac_rx_pkt_release ();

Exemplo n.º 2
void pingMode()

  // Broadcast for ping
  val=bmac_addr_decode_dest_mac((uint16_t)0xffff);  // broadcast by default
  uint8_t i;
  // Build a TX packet by hand...
  p2p_pkt.pkt_type = PING_PKT;
    // set as p2p packet (no US_MASK or DS_MASK)
  p2p_pkt.ctrl_flags = MOBILE_MASK ; // | DEBUG_FLAG ;
  p2p_pkt.ack_retry= 0x00;
  p2p_pkt.ttl = 1;
  p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[0] = 0;
  p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[1] = 0;
  p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[2] = 0;
  p2p_pkt.src_mac = my_mac;
  p2p_pkt.last_hop_mac = my_mac;
  p2p_pkt.dst_subnet_mac[0] = BROADCAST;
  p2p_pkt.dst_subnet_mac[1] = BROADCAST;
  p2p_pkt.dst_subnet_mac[2] = BROADCAST;
  p2p_pkt.dst_mac = BROADCAST;
  p2p_pkt.buf_len = P2P_PAYLOAD_START;
  p2p_pkt.seq_num = cnt;
  p2p_pkt.priority = 0;
//    p2p_pkt.payload[0]=my_mac;
//    p2p_pkt.payload_len=1;
//    ping_p2p_generate(&p2p_pkt);

  nrk_led_set (BLUE_LED);

  check_period.secs = 0;
  check_period.nano_secs = 100 * NANOS_PER_MS;
  val = bmac_set_rx_check_rate (check_period);

    // Pack data structure values in buffer before transmit
    // For blocking transmits, use the following function call.
  val = bmac_tx_pkt (p2p_pkt.buf, p2p_pkt.buf_len);

  check_period.secs = 0;
  check_period.nano_secs = FAST_CHECK_RATE * NANOS_PER_MS;
  val = bmac_set_rx_check_rate (check_period);
#ifdef TXT_DEBUG
  nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("\r\nPING Packet Sent. Waiting for Replies...\r\n\n"));
  nrk_led_clr (BLUE_LED);

    // Wait for packets or timeout
  nrk_time_get (&start);
  while (1) {

    timeout.secs = PING_WAIT_SECS;
    timeout.nano_secs = 0;

      // Wait until an RX packet is received
      //val = bmac_wait_until_rx_pkt ();
    nrk_set_next_wakeup (timeout);
    my_sigs = nrk_event_wait (SIG (rx_signal) | SIG (nrk_wakeup_signal));

    if (my_sigs == 0)
      nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("Error calling nrk_event_wait()\r\n"));
    if (my_sigs & SIG (rx_signal)) {	
        // Get the RX packet 
      local_rx_buf = bmac_rx_pkt_get (&len, &rssi);
	// Check the packet type from raw buffer before unpacking
      if ((local_rx_buf[CTRL_FLAGS] & (DS_MASK | US_MASK)) == 0) {
	// Set the buffer
        if (p2p_pkt.dst_mac == my_mac || p2p_pkt.dst_mac == BROADCAST) {
          // Packet arrived and is good to go
          printf( "Mac: %x%x%x",p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[0], p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[1], p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[2]);
          printf( "%x ",p2p_pkt.src_mac);
          printf( "| RSSI: %d ",p2p_pkt.rssi);
          printf( "| Type: %d \r\n",p2p_pkt.pkt_type);
      // Release the RX buffer so future packets can arrive
      bmac_rx_pkt_release ();
    nrk_time_get (&current);
    if (start.secs + PING_WAIT_SECS < current.secs)
  nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("\r\nDone Waiting for Response...\r\n"));
Exemplo n.º 3
void tx_task ()
  uint8_t j, i,  error,unique;
  uint8_t samples;
  int8_t len;
  int8_t rssi, val;
  uint8_t *local_rx_buf;

  nrk_sig_t tx_done_signal;
  nrk_sig_t rx_signal;
  nrk_sig_mask_t ret;
  nrk_time_t check_period;
  nrk_time_t timeout, start, current;
  nrk_sig_mask_t my_sigs;

  printf ("tx_task PID=%d\r\n", nrk_get_pid ());

  // Wait until the tx_task starts up bmac
  // This should be called by all tasks using bmac that
  // do not call bmac_init()...
  bmac_init (26);

  bmac_rx_pkt_set_buffer (rx_buf, RF_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE);

  val=bmac_addr_decode_dest_mac(0xffff);  // broadcast by default

  nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("bmac_started()\r\n"));
  bmac_set_cca_thresh (-45);

  check_period.secs = 0;
  check_period.nano_secs = 100 * NANOS_PER_MS;
  val = bmac_set_rx_check_rate (check_period);

  // Get and register the tx_done_signal if you want to
  // do non-blocking transmits
  tx_done_signal = bmac_get_tx_done_signal ();
  nrk_signal_register (tx_done_signal);

  rx_signal = bmac_get_rx_pkt_signal ();
  nrk_signal_register (rx_signal);

  cnt = 0;

    check_period.secs = 0;
    check_period.nano_secs = DEFAULT_CHECK_RATE * NANOS_PER_MS;
    val = bmac_set_rx_check_rate (check_period);

  while (1) {


for(samples=0; samples<10; samples++ )
    nrk_led_set (GREEN_LED);
    check_period.secs = 0;
    check_period.nano_secs = DEFAULT_CHECK_RATE * NANOS_PER_MS;
    val = bmac_set_rx_check_rate (check_period);
    build_ping_pkt( &p2p_pkt );
    // Pack data structure values in buffer before transmit
    // For blocking transmits, use the following function call.
    val = bmac_tx_pkt (p2p_pkt.buf, p2p_pkt.buf_len);

    check_period.secs = 0;
    check_period.nano_secs = p2p_pkt.check_rate * NANOS_PER_MS;
    val = bmac_set_rx_check_rate (check_period);
#ifdef TXT_DEBUG
    nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("\r\nSent Request:\r\n"));
    nrk_led_clr (GREEN_LED);

    // Wait for packets or timeout
    nrk_time_get (&start);
    while (1) {

      timeout.secs = REPLY_WAIT_SECS;
      timeout.nano_secs = 0;

      // Wait until an RX packet is received
      //val = bmac_wait_until_rx_pkt ();
      nrk_set_next_wakeup (timeout);
      my_sigs = nrk_event_wait (SIG (rx_signal) | SIG (nrk_wakeup_signal));

      if (my_sigs == 0)
        nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("Error calling nrk_event_wait()\r\n"));
      if (my_sigs & SIG (rx_signal)) {
        // Get the RX packet 
        local_rx_buf = bmac_rx_pkt_get (&len, &rssi);
	// Check the packet type from raw buffer before unpacking
        if ((local_rx_buf[CTRL_FLAGS] & (DS_MASK | US_MASK)) == 0) {

	// Set the buffer
#ifdef TXT_DEBUG
	  // Check if newly received packet is for this node
          if (((p2p_pkt.dst_subnet_mac[2] == MY_SUBNET_MAC_2 &&
		p2p_pkt.dst_subnet_mac[1] == MY_SUBNET_MAC_1 &&
		p2p_pkt.dst_subnet_mac[0] == MY_SUBNET_MAC_0 &&
		p2p_pkt.dst_mac == MY_MAC ) 
		|| p2p_pkt.dst_mac == BROADCAST) 
		    && p2p_pkt.pkt_type==PING_PKT) {
		// Packet arrived and is good to go
              	printf( "src: %d ",p2p_pkt.src_mac);  
              	printf( "rssi: %d ",p2p_pkt.rssi);      
              	printf( "subnet: %d %d %d ",p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[0], p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[1], p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[2]);  
              	printf( "type: %d ",p2p_pkt.pkt_type);      
              	nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("payload: ["));
              	for (i = 0; i < p2p_pkt.payload_len; i++)
                	printf ("%d ", p2p_pkt.payload[i]); 
              	nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("]\r\n"));
		// Check if the MAC is unique
		for(i=0; i<my_nlist_elements; i++ )

		if(my_nlist[i*NLIST_SIZE]==p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[2] &&
			my_nlist[i*NLIST_SIZE+1]==p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[1] &&
			my_nlist[i*NLIST_SIZE+2]==p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[0] &&

		// If MAC is unique, add it

        // Release the RX buffer so future packets can arrive 
        bmac_rx_pkt_release ();

      nrk_time_get (&current);
      if (start.secs + REPLY_WAIT_SECS < current.secs)
    check_period.secs = 0;
    check_period.nano_secs = DEFAULT_CHECK_RATE * NANOS_PER_MS;
    val = bmac_set_rx_check_rate (check_period);
    nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("Done Waiting for response...\r\n"));
    nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("\r\n\r\nSurvey Says:\r\n"));
    nrk_kprintf( PSTR("LOC_DESC: \"location name\"\r\n" )); 
    for(i=0; i<my_nlist_elements; i++ )
	nrk_kprintf( PSTR( "MAC: " ));
	if(my_nlist[i*NLIST_SIZE]<0x10) printf( "0%x", my_nlist[i*NLIST_SIZE] );
	else printf( "%x", my_nlist[i*NLIST_SIZE] );
	if(my_nlist[i*NLIST_SIZE]<0x10) printf( "0%x", my_nlist[i*NLIST_SIZE+1] );
	else printf( "%x", my_nlist[i*NLIST_SIZE+1] );
	if(my_nlist[i*NLIST_SIZE]<0x10) printf( "0%x", my_nlist[i*NLIST_SIZE+2] );
	else printf( "%x", my_nlist[i*NLIST_SIZE+2] );
	if(my_nlist[i*NLIST_SIZE]<0x10) printf( "0%x", my_nlist[i*NLIST_SIZE+3] );
	else printf( "%x", my_nlist[i*NLIST_SIZE+3] );
	printf( " RSSI: %d\r\n", (int8_t)my_nlist[i*NLIST_SIZE+4] );


    nrk_wait_until_next_period ();

Exemplo n.º 4
void tx_task ()
  uint8_t j, i, cnt, error;
  int8_t len;
  int8_t rssi, val;
  uint8_t *local_rx_buf;

  nrk_sig_t tx_done_signal;
  nrk_sig_t rx_signal;
  nrk_sig_mask_t ret;
  nrk_time_t check_period;
  nrk_time_t timeout, start, current;
  nrk_sig_mask_t my_sigs;

  printf ("tx_task PID=%d\r\n", nrk_get_pid ());

  // Wait until the tx_task starts up bmac
  // This should be called by all tasks using bmac that
  // do not call bmac_init()...
  bmac_init (26);

  // Configure address for other packet handlers (my not be needed)
  my_mac= MY_MAC;
  my_subnet_mac[0]= MY_SUBNET_MAC_0;
  my_subnet_mac[1]= MY_SUBNET_MAC_1;
  my_subnet_mac[2]= MY_SUBNET_MAC_2;
  mac_address= (uint8_t)MY_SUBNET_MAC_2 << 24 | (uint8_t)MY_SUBNET_MAC_1 <<16 | (uint8_t)MY_SUBNET_MAC_0 << 8 | (uint8_t)MY_MAC; 

  while (!bmac_started ())
    nrk_wait_until_next_period ();
  bmac_rx_pkt_set_buffer (rx_buf, RF_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE);

  val =
    bmac_addr_decode_set_my_mac (((uint16_t) MY_SUBNET_MAC_0 << 8) | MY_MAC);
  val = bmac_addr_decode_dest_mac (0xffff);     // broadcast by default
  bmac_addr_decode_enable ();

  nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("bmac_started()\r\n"));
  bmac_set_cca_thresh (-45);

  check_period.secs = 0;
  check_period.nano_secs = 100 * NANOS_PER_MS;
  val = bmac_set_rx_check_rate (check_period);

  // Get and register the tx_done_signal if you want to
  // do non-blocking transmits
  tx_done_signal = bmac_get_tx_done_signal ();
  nrk_signal_register (tx_done_signal);

  rx_signal = bmac_get_rx_pkt_signal ();
  nrk_signal_register (rx_signal);

  cnt = 0;

  while (1) {

    // Build a TX packet by hand...
    p2p_pkt.pkt_type = DATA_STORAGE_PKT;
    p2p_pkt.ctrl_flags = LINK_ACK | MOBILE_MASK;   // | DEBUG_FLAG ;  
    p2p_pkt.ack_retry = 0x0f;
    p2p_pkt.ttl = 1;
    p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[0] = MY_SUBNET_MAC_0;
    p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[1] = MY_SUBNET_MAC_1;
    p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[2] = MY_SUBNET_MAC_2;
    p2p_pkt.src_mac = MY_MAC;
    p2p_pkt.last_hop_mac = MY_MAC;
//    p2p_pkt.dst_subnet_mac[0] = BROADCAST;
//    p2p_pkt.dst_subnet_mac[1] = BROADCAST;
//    p2p_pkt.dst_subnet_mac[2] = BROADCAST;
//    p2p_pkt.dst_mac = BROADCAST;
    p2p_pkt.dst_subnet_mac[0] = BROADCAST;
    p2p_pkt.dst_subnet_mac[1] = BROADCAST;
    p2p_pkt.dst_subnet_mac[2] = BROADCAST;
    p2p_pkt.dst_mac = 0x1;
    p2p_pkt.buf = tx_buf;
    p2p_pkt.buf_len = P2P_PAYLOAD_START;
    p2p_pkt.seq_num = cnt;
    p2p_pkt.priority = 0;
    p2p_pkt.check_rate = 100;
    p2p_pkt.payload = &(tx_buf[P2P_PAYLOAD_START]);


   data_pkt.addr=0x110;  // Must be greater than 0x100
   // point the eeprom data structure to our local data buffer
   // copy over some data
   for(i=0; i<data_pkt.data_len; i++ )

#ifdef TEST_READ
   data_pkt.addr=0x200;  // Must be greater than 0x100

   // add the eeprom pkt to the p2p pkt
   p2p_pkt.payload_len= eeprom_storage_pkt_pack(&data_pkt, p2p_pkt.payload);

   // Pack data structure values in buffer before transmit
   pack_peer_2_peer_packet (&p2p_pkt);

    nrk_led_set (BLUE_LED);

    check_period.secs = 0;
    check_period.nano_secs = 100 * NANOS_PER_MS;
    val = bmac_set_rx_check_rate (check_period);

    nrk_kprintf( PSTR("sending: " ));
    for(i=0; i<p2p_pkt.buf_len; i++ )
	printf( "%u ",p2p_pkt.buf[i] );
    printf( "\r\n" );
    // For blocking transmits, use the following function call.
    val = bmac_tx_pkt (p2p_pkt.buf, p2p_pkt.buf_len);

    check_period.secs = 0;
    check_period.nano_secs = FAST_CHECK_RATE * NANOS_PER_MS;
    val = bmac_set_rx_check_rate (check_period);
#ifdef TXT_DEBUG
    nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("\r\nSent Request:\r\n"));
    nrk_led_clr (BLUE_LED);
    nrk_led_clr (GREEN_LED);

    // Wait for packets or timeout
    nrk_time_get (&start);
    while (1) {

      timeout.secs = REPLY_WAIT_SECS;
      timeout.nano_secs = 0;

      // Wait until an RX packet is received
      //val = bmac_wait_until_rx_pkt ();
        nrk_set_next_wakeup (timeout);
        my_sigs = nrk_event_wait (SIG (rx_signal) | SIG (nrk_wakeup_signal));

      if (my_sigs == 0)
        nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("Error calling nrk_event_wait()\r\n"));
      if (my_sigs & SIG (rx_signal)) {

        // Get the RX packet 
        local_rx_buf = bmac_rx_pkt_get (&len, &rssi);
        // Check the packet type from raw buffer before unpacking
        if ((local_rx_buf[CTRL_FLAGS] & (DS_MASK | US_MASK)) == 0) {

          // Set the buffer
          p2p_pkt.buf = local_rx_buf;
          p2p_pkt.buf_len = len;
          p2p_pkt.rssi = rssi;
          unpack_peer_2_peer_packet (&p2p_pkt);
#ifdef TXT_DEBUG
            if ((p2p_pkt.dst_subnet_mac[2] == MY_SUBNET_MAC_2 &&
		p2p_pkt.dst_subnet_mac[1] == MY_SUBNET_MAC_1 &&
		p2p_pkt.dst_subnet_mac[0] == MY_SUBNET_MAC_0 &&
		p2p_pkt.dst_mac == MY_MAC ) 
		|| p2p_pkt.dst_mac == BROADCAST) 
	    nrk_led_set (GREEN_LED);
            // Packet arrived and is good to go
            printf ("full mac: %d %d %d %d ", p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[0],
                    p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[1], p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[2],
            printf ("rssi: %d ", p2p_pkt.rssi);
            printf ("type: %d ", p2p_pkt.pkt_type);
            nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("payload: ["));
            for (i = 0; i < p2p_pkt.payload_len; i++)
              printf ("%d ", p2p_pkt.payload[i]);
            nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("]\r\n"));
	if(p2p_pkt.pkt_type== DATA_STORAGE_PKT )
		eeprom_storage_pkt_unpack(&data_pkt, p2p_pkt.payload );
		nrk_kprintf( PSTR("\r\n   Storage Packet " ));
		nrk_kprintf( PSTR("\r\n   Mode: " ));
		case EE_REPLY: nrk_kprintf( PSTR( "Reply")); break;
		case EE_ERROR: nrk_kprintf( PSTR( "Error" )); break;
		case EE_READ: nrk_kprintf( PSTR( "Read" )); break;
		case EE_WRITE: nrk_kprintf( PSTR( "Write" )); break;
		default: nrk_kprintf( PSTR( "unknown" )); 

		nrk_kprintf( PSTR("\r\n   From: " ));
		printf( "%u",data_pkt.mac );
		nrk_kprintf( PSTR("\r\n   Addr: " ));
		printf( "%u",data_pkt.addr);
		nrk_kprintf( PSTR("\r\n   Len: " ));
		printf( "%u",data_pkt.data_len);
		nrk_kprintf( PSTR("\r\n   Data: " ));
		for(i=0; i<data_pkt.data_len; i++ ) printf( "%u ",data_pkt.eeprom_payload[i]);
		nrk_kprintf( PSTR("\r\n" ));


      nrk_time_get (&current);
      if (start.secs + REPLY_WAIT_SECS < current.secs)
        // Release the RX buffer so future packets can arrive 
        bmac_rx_pkt_release ();
    nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("Done Waiting for response...\r\n"));
    nrk_wait_until_next_period ();

Exemplo n.º 5
void tx_task ()
  uint8_t i, unique;
  uint8_t samples ;
  uint8_t len;
  int8_t rssi, val;
  uint8_t *local_rx_buf;

  nrk_sig_t tx_done_signal;
  nrk_sig_t rx_signal;
  nrk_time_t check_period;
  nrk_time_t timeout, start, current;
  nrk_sig_mask_t my_sigs;

  printf ("tx_task PID=%d\r\n", nrk_get_pid ());

  // Wait until the tx_task starts up bmac
  // This should be called by all tasks using bmac that
  // do not call bmac_init()...
  bmac_init (26);

  bmac_rx_pkt_set_buffer (rx_buf, RF_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE);

  val =
    bmac_addr_decode_set_my_mac (((uint16_t) MY_SUBNET_MAC_0 << 8) | MY_MAC );
  val = bmac_addr_decode_dest_mac (0xffff);     // broadcast by default
  bmac_addr_decode_enable ();

  nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("bmac_started()\r\n"));
  bmac_set_cca_thresh (-45);

  check_period.secs = 0;
  check_period.nano_secs = 100 * NANOS_PER_MS;
  val = bmac_set_rx_check_rate (check_period);

  // Get and register the tx_done_signal if you want to
  // do non-blocking transmits
  tx_done_signal = bmac_get_tx_done_signal ();
  nrk_signal_register (tx_done_signal);

  rx_signal = bmac_get_rx_pkt_signal ();
  nrk_signal_register (rx_signal);

  cnt = 0;

  check_period.secs = 0;
  check_period.nano_secs = DEFAULT_CHECK_RATE * NANOS_PER_MS;
  val = bmac_set_rx_check_rate (check_period);

  // Main loop that does:
  //   1) Sends out ping message
  //   2) Collects replies, build neighbor list and then times out
  //   3) Repeat 1 and 2 for 3 times
  //   4) Build Extended Neighborlist packet
  //   5) Send Neighbor list packet
  //   6) Wait until next period and repeat 1-6
  while (1) {

    nrk_led_clr (ORANGE_LED);

    // Set our local neighbor list to be empty
    my_nlist_elements = 0;

    for (samples = 0; samples < 3; samples++) {
      nrk_led_set (GREEN_LED);
      check_period.secs = 0;
      check_period.nano_secs = DEFAULT_CHECK_RATE * NANOS_PER_MS;
      val = bmac_set_rx_check_rate (check_period);

      // Construct a ping packet to send (this is being built into tx_buf)
      build_ping_pkt (&p2p_pkt);

      // Pack data structure values in buffer before transmit
      pack_peer_2_peer_packet (&p2p_pkt);

      // Send the Ping packet 
      val = bmac_tx_pkt (p2p_pkt.buf, p2p_pkt.buf_len);

      // Set update rate based on p2p reply rate.
      // This is usually faster to limit congestion
      check_period.secs = 0;
      check_period.nano_secs = p2p_pkt.check_rate * NANOS_PER_MS;
      val = bmac_set_rx_check_rate (check_period);

#ifdef TXT_DEBUG
      nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("Pinging...\r\n"));
      nrk_led_clr (GREEN_LED);

      // Grab start time for timeout 
      nrk_time_get (&start);

      while (1) {

	// Set the amount of time to wait for timeout
        timeout.secs = REPLY_WAIT_SECS;
        timeout.nano_secs = 0;

	// Check if packet is already ready, or wait until one arrives
	// Also set timeout to break from function if no packets come
        if (bmac_rx_pkt_ready () == 0) {
          nrk_set_next_wakeup (timeout);
          my_sigs =
            nrk_event_wait (SIG (rx_signal) | SIG (nrk_wakeup_signal));

        if (my_sigs == 0)
          nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("Error calling nrk_event_wait()\r\n"));
        if (my_sigs & SIG (rx_signal)) {

          // Get the RX packet 
          local_rx_buf = bmac_rx_pkt_get (&len, &rssi);
          // Check the packet type from raw buffer before unpacking
          if ((local_rx_buf[CTRL_FLAGS] & (DS_MASK | US_MASK)) == 0) {

            // Setup a p2p packet data structure with the newly received buffer 
            p2p_pkt.buf = local_rx_buf;
            p2p_pkt.buf_len = len;
            p2p_pkt.rssi = rssi;

            // Unpack the data from the array into the p2p_pkt data struct
            unpack_peer_2_peer_packet (&p2p_pkt);

	    // Check if newly received packet is for this node
          if (((p2p_pkt.dst_subnet_mac[2] == MY_SUBNET_MAC_2 &&
		p2p_pkt.dst_subnet_mac[1] == MY_SUBNET_MAC_1 &&
		p2p_pkt.dst_subnet_mac[0] == MY_SUBNET_MAC_0 &&
		p2p_pkt.dst_mac == MY_MAC ) 
		|| p2p_pkt.dst_mac == BROADCAST) 
                && (p2p_pkt.pkt_type == PING_PKT)) {
              // Packet arrived and is  ping pkt!
	      // Lets print some values out on the terminal
            printf ("full mac: %d %d %d %d ", p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[0],
                    p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[1], p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[2],
              printf ("rssi: %d ", p2p_pkt.rssi);
              printf ("type: %d ", p2p_pkt.pkt_type);
              nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("payload: ["));
              for (i = 0; i < p2p_pkt.payload_len; i++)
                printf ("%d ", p2p_pkt.payload[i]);
              nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("]\r\n"));

              unique = 1;
              // Check if the MAC of this ping is unique or if it already
              // exists in our neighbor list
              for (i = 0; i < my_nlist_elements; i++) {

                if (my_nlist[i * NLIST_SIZE] == p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[2] &&
                    my_nlist[i * NLIST_SIZE + 1] == p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[1] &&
                    my_nlist[i * NLIST_SIZE + 2] == p2p_pkt.src_subnet_mac[0] &&
                    my_nlist[i * NLIST_SIZE + 3] == p2p_pkt.src_mac) {
                  unique = 0;

              // If MAC is unique, add it to our neighbor list
              if (unique) {
                my_nlist[my_nlist_elements * NLIST_SIZE] =
                my_nlist[my_nlist_elements * NLIST_SIZE + 1] =
                my_nlist[my_nlist_elements * NLIST_SIZE + 2] =
                my_nlist[my_nlist_elements * NLIST_SIZE + 3] =
                my_nlist[my_nlist_elements * NLIST_SIZE + 4] = p2p_pkt.rssi;



	// Check if we are done waiting for pings
        nrk_time_get (&current);
        if (start.secs + REPLY_WAIT_SECS < current.secs)
          break; // exit loops waiting for pings
          // Release the RX buffer so future packets can arrive 
          bmac_rx_pkt_release ();

      // Go back to top loop to wait for more pings
    // Repeat ping 3 times

    // Now we are ready to build extended neighborlist packet and send it to gateway
    check_period.secs = 0;
    check_period.nano_secs = DEFAULT_CHECK_RATE * NANOS_PER_MS;
    val = bmac_set_rx_check_rate (check_period);

    nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("Done Waiting for response...\r\n"));

    // If we have any neighbors, build the list
    if (my_nlist_elements > 0) {
      // Look in this function for format of extended neighborlist packet
      // This function also configures the parameters and destination address
      // of the p2p packet.  The values are probably okay as defaults.
      build_extended_neighbor_list_pkt (&p2p_pkt, my_nlist,
      // This function takes at p2p struct and packs it into an array for sending
      pack_peer_2_peer_packet (&p2p_pkt);

      nrk_led_set (BLUE_LED);
      // Send the list to the gateway.
      val = bmac_tx_pkt (p2p_pkt.buf, p2p_pkt.buf_len);
      printf ("size of pkt: %d\r\n", p2p_pkt.buf_len);
      nrk_kprintf (PSTR ("sent neighbor list packet\r\n"));
      nrk_led_clr (BLUE_LED);
    else {
      nrk_led_set (RED_LED);
      nrk_spin_wait_us (1000);
      nrk_led_clr (RED_LED);

    // Wait a long time until we send out the pings again
    // This is in a loop so that period can be small for 
    // other uses.
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      nrk_wait_until_next_period ();

    // Might as well release packets that arrived during long
    // break since they are not replies to your ping.
    bmac_rx_pkt_release ();

