Exemplo n.º 1
void SkeletonModel::setJointStates(QVector<JointState> states) {

    // Determine the default eye position for avatar scale = 1.0
    int headJointIndex = _geometry->getFBXGeometry().headJointIndex;
    if (0 <= headJointIndex && headJointIndex < _jointStates.size()) {

        glm::vec3 leftEyePosition, rightEyePosition;
        getEyeModelPositions(leftEyePosition, rightEyePosition);
        glm::vec3 midEyePosition = (leftEyePosition + rightEyePosition) / 2.0f;

        int rootJointIndex = _geometry->getFBXGeometry().rootJointIndex;
        glm::vec3 rootModelPosition;
        getJointPosition(rootJointIndex, rootModelPosition);

        _defaultEyeModelPosition = midEyePosition - rootModelPosition;
        _defaultEyeModelPosition.z = -_defaultEyeModelPosition.z;

        // Skeleton may have already been scaled so unscale it
        _defaultEyeModelPosition = _defaultEyeModelPosition / _scale;

    // the SkeletonModel override of updateJointState() will clear the translation part
    // of its root joint and we need that done before we try to build shapes hence we
    // recompute all joint transforms at this time.
    for (int i = 0; i < _jointStates.size(); i++) {

    if (_enableShapes) {
Exemplo n.º 2
void SkeletonModel::initJointStates(QVector<JointState> states) {

    // Determine the default eye position for avatar scale = 1.0
    int headJointIndex = _geometry->getFBXGeometry().headJointIndex;
    if (0 <= headJointIndex && headJointIndex < _jointStates.size()) {

        glm::vec3 leftEyePosition, rightEyePosition;
        getEyeModelPositions(leftEyePosition, rightEyePosition);
        glm::vec3 midEyePosition = (leftEyePosition + rightEyePosition) / 2.0f;

        int rootJointIndex = _geometry->getFBXGeometry().rootJointIndex;
        glm::vec3 rootModelPosition;
        getJointPosition(rootJointIndex, rootModelPosition);

        _defaultEyeModelPosition = midEyePosition - rootModelPosition;
        _defaultEyeModelPosition.z = -_defaultEyeModelPosition.z;

        // Skeleton may have already been scaled so unscale it
        _defaultEyeModelPosition = _defaultEyeModelPosition / _scale;

    // the SkeletonModel override of updateJointState() will clear the translation part
    // of its root joint and we need that done before we try to build shapes hence we
    // recompute all joint transforms at this time.
    for (int i = 0; i < _jointStates.size(); i++) {

    if (_enableShapes) {

    Extents meshExtents = getMeshExtents();
    _headClipDistance = -(meshExtents.minimum.z / _scale.z - _defaultEyeModelPosition.z);
    _headClipDistance = std::max(_headClipDistance, DEFAULT_NEAR_CLIP);

    emit skeletonLoaded();
Exemplo n.º 3
void SkeletonModel::stretchArm(int jointIndex, const glm::vec3& position) {
    // find out where the hand is pointing
    glm::quat handRotation;
    getJointRotation(jointIndex, handRotation, true);
    const FBXGeometry& geometry = _geometry->getFBXGeometry();
    glm::vec3 forwardVector(jointIndex == geometry.rightHandJointIndex ? -1.0f : 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    glm::vec3 handVector = handRotation * forwardVector;
    // align elbow with hand
    const FBXJoint& joint = geometry.joints.at(jointIndex);
    if (joint.parentIndex == -1) {
    glm::quat elbowRotation;
    getJointRotation(joint.parentIndex, elbowRotation, true);
    applyRotationDelta(joint.parentIndex, rotationBetween(elbowRotation * forwardVector, handVector), false);
    // set position according to normal length
    float scale = extractUniformScale(_scale);
    glm::vec3 handPosition = position - _translation;
    glm::vec3 elbowPosition = handPosition - handVector * joint.distanceToParent * scale;
    // set shoulder orientation to point to elbow
    const FBXJoint& parentJoint = geometry.joints.at(joint.parentIndex);
    if (parentJoint.parentIndex == -1) {
    glm::quat shoulderRotation;
    getJointRotation(parentJoint.parentIndex, shoulderRotation, true);
    applyRotationDelta(parentJoint.parentIndex, rotationBetween(shoulderRotation * forwardVector,
        elbowPosition - extractTranslation(_jointStates.at(parentJoint.parentIndex).transform)), false);
    // update the shoulder state
    // adjust the elbow's local translation
    setJointTranslation(joint.parentIndex, elbowPosition);