Exemplo n.º 1
void KnotHolderEntity::create(SPDesktop *desktop, SPItem *item, KnotHolder *parent, Inkscape::ControlType type,
                              const gchar *tip,
                              SPKnotShapeType shape, SPKnotModeType mode, guint32 color)
    knot = sp_knot_new(desktop, tip);

    this->parent_holder = parent;
    this->item = item; // TODO: remove the item either from here or from knotholder.cpp
    this->desktop = desktop;

    my_counter = KnotHolderEntity::counter++;

    g_object_set(G_OBJECT(knot->item), "shape", shape, NULL);
    g_object_set(G_OBJECT(knot->item), "mode", mode, NULL);

    // TODO base more appearance from this type instead of passing in arbitrary values.
    knot->item->ctrlType = type;

    knot->fill [SP_KNOT_STATE_NORMAL] = color;
    g_object_set (G_OBJECT(knot->item), "fill_color", color, NULL);


    _moved_connection = knot->_moved_signal.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*parent_holder, &KnotHolder::knot_moved_handler));
    _click_connection = knot->_click_signal.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*parent_holder, &KnotHolder::knot_clicked_handler));
    _ungrabbed_connection = knot->_ungrabbed_signal.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*parent_holder, &KnotHolder::knot_ungrabbed_handler));
Exemplo n.º 2
RectKnotHolderEntityRY::knot_set(Geom::Point const &p, Geom::Point const &/*origin*/, guint state)
    SPRect *rect = SP_RECT(item);

    //In general we cannot just snap this radius to an arbitrary point, as we have only a single
    //degree of freedom. For snapping to an arbitrary point we need two DOF. If we're going to snap
    //the radius then we should have a constrained snap. snap_knot_position() is unconstrained
    Geom::Point const s = snap_knot_position_constrained(p, Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint(Geom::Point(rect->x.computed + rect->width.computed, rect->y.computed), Geom::Point(0, 1)), state);

    if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) { // When holding control then rx will be kept equal to ry,
        // resulting in a perfect circle (and not an ellipse)
        gdouble temp = MIN(rect->height.computed, rect->width.computed) / 2.0;
        rect->rx.computed = rect->ry.computed = CLAMP(s[Geom::Y] - rect->y.computed, 0.0, temp);
        rect->ry._set = rect->rx._set = true;
    } else {
        if (!rect->rx._set || rect->rx.computed == 0) {
            rect->ry.computed = CLAMP(s[Geom::Y] - rect->y.computed,
                                      MIN(rect->height.computed / 2.0, rect->width.computed / 2.0));
        } else {
            rect->ry.computed = CLAMP(s[Geom::Y] - rect->y.computed,
                                      rect->height.computed / 2.0);

        rect->ry._set = true;


    (static_cast<SPObject *>(rect))->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
Exemplo n.º 3
RectKnotHolderEntityRX::knot_set(Geom::Point const &p, Geom::Point const &/*origin*/, guint state)
    SPRect *rect = SP_RECT(item);

    //In general we cannot just snap this radius to an arbitrary point, as we have only a single
    //degree of freedom. For snapping to an arbitrary point we need two DOF. If we're going to snap
    //the radius then we should have a constrained snap. snap_knot_position() is unconstrained
    Geom::Point const s = snap_knot_position_constrained(p, Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint(Geom::Point(rect->x.computed + rect->width.computed, rect->y.computed), Geom::Point(-1, 0)), state);

    if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
        gdouble temp = MIN(rect->height.computed, rect->width.computed) / 2.0;
        rect->rx.computed = rect->ry.computed = CLAMP(rect->x.computed + rect->width.computed - s[Geom::X], 0.0, temp);
        rect->rx._set = rect->ry._set = true;

    } else {
        rect->rx.computed = CLAMP(rect->x.computed + rect->width.computed - s[Geom::X], 0.0, rect->width.computed / 2.0);
        rect->rx._set = true;


Exemplo n.º 4
RectKnotHolderEntityXY::knot_set(Geom::Point const &p, Geom::Point const &origin, guint state)
    SPRect *rect = SP_RECT(item);

    // opposite corner (unmoved)
    gdouble opposite_x = (rect->x.computed + rect->width.computed);
    gdouble opposite_y = (rect->y.computed + rect->height.computed);

    // original width/height when drag started
    gdouble w_orig = opposite_x - origin[Geom::X];
    gdouble h_orig = opposite_y - origin[Geom::Y];

    Geom::Point s = p;
    Geom::Point p_handle(rect->x.computed, rect->y.computed);

    // mouse displacement since drag started
    gdouble minx = p[Geom::X] - origin[Geom::X];
    gdouble miny = p[Geom::Y] - origin[Geom::Y];

    if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
        //original ratio
        gdouble ratio = (w_orig / h_orig);

        if (fabs(minx) > fabs(miny)) {
            // snap to horizontal or diagonal
            if (minx != 0 && fabs(miny/minx) > 0.5 * 1/ratio && (SGN(minx) == SGN(miny))) {
                // closer to the diagonal and in same-sign quarters, change both using ratio
                s = snap_knot_position_constrained(p, Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint(p_handle, Geom::Point(-ratio, -1)), state);
                minx = s[Geom::X] - origin[Geom::X];
                miny = s[Geom::Y] - origin[Geom::Y];
                rect->y.computed = MIN(origin[Geom::Y] + minx / ratio, opposite_y);
                rect->height.computed = MAX(h_orig - minx / ratio, 0);
            } else {
                // closer to the horizontal, change only width, height is h_orig
                s = snap_knot_position_constrained(p, Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint(p_handle, Geom::Point(-1, 0)), state);
                minx = s[Geom::X] - origin[Geom::X];
                miny = s[Geom::Y] - origin[Geom::Y];
                rect->y.computed = MIN(origin[Geom::Y], opposite_y);
                rect->height.computed = MAX(h_orig, 0);
            rect->x.computed = MIN(s[Geom::X], opposite_x);
            rect->width.computed = MAX(w_orig - minx, 0);
        } else {
            // snap to vertical or diagonal
            if (miny != 0 && fabs(minx/miny) > 0.5 *ratio && (SGN(minx) == SGN(miny))) {
                // closer to the diagonal and in same-sign quarters, change both using ratio
                s = snap_knot_position_constrained(p, Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint(p_handle, Geom::Point(-ratio, -1)), state);
                minx = s[Geom::X] - origin[Geom::X];
                miny = s[Geom::Y] - origin[Geom::Y];
                rect->x.computed = MIN(origin[Geom::X] + miny * ratio, opposite_x);
                rect->width.computed = MAX(w_orig - miny * ratio, 0);
            } else {
                // closer to the vertical, change only height, width is w_orig
                s = snap_knot_position_constrained(p, Inkscape::Snapper::SnapConstraint(p_handle, Geom::Point(0, -1)), state);
                minx = s[Geom::X] - origin[Geom::X];
                miny = s[Geom::Y] - origin[Geom::Y];
                rect->x.computed = MIN(origin[Geom::X], opposite_x);
                rect->width.computed = MAX(w_orig, 0);
            rect->y.computed = MIN(s[Geom::Y], opposite_y);
            rect->height.computed = MAX(h_orig - miny, 0);

        rect->width._set = rect->height._set = rect->x._set = rect->y._set = true;

    } else {
        // move freely
        s = snap_knot_position(p, state);
        minx = s[Geom::X] - origin[Geom::X];
        miny = s[Geom::Y] - origin[Geom::Y];

        rect->x.computed = MIN(s[Geom::X], opposite_x);
        rect->width.computed = MAX(w_orig - minx, 0);
        rect->y.computed = MIN(s[Geom::Y], opposite_y);
        rect->height.computed = MAX(h_orig - miny, 0);
        rect->width._set = rect->height._set = rect->x._set = rect->y._set = true;



    (static_cast<SPObject *>(rect))->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
Exemplo n.º 5
RectKnotHolderEntityWH::knot_set(Geom::Point const &p, Geom::Point const &origin, guint state)
    set_internal(p, origin, state);