Exemplo n.º 1
// Set up updating frequency; 0 (no update) by default
NaPNTeacher::set_auto_update_freq (int nFreq)
  nAutoUpdateFreq = nFreq;

  if(0 != nAutoUpdateFreq && nLastUpdate >= nAutoUpdateFreq)
Exemplo n.º 2
// Returns the number of satisfied pairs
int join_bucket_knn(struct query_op &stop, struct query_temp &sttemp)
	IStorageManager *storage = NULL;
	ISpatialIndex *spidx = NULL;
	bool selfjoin = stop.join_cardinality == 1  ? true : false;

	/* Indicates where original data is mapped to */
	int idx1 = SID_1; 
	int idx2 = selfjoin ? SID_1 : SID_2;
	int pairs = 0; // number of satisfied results

	double low[2], high[2];  // Temporary value placeholders for MBB
	double tmp_distance; // Temporary distance for nearest neighbor query
	double def_search_radius = -1; // Default search radius 
					//for nearest neighbor (NN) with unknown bounds
	double max_search_radius; // max_radius to search for NN

	try { 

		vector<Geometry*>  & poly_set_one = sttemp.polydata[idx1];
		vector<Geometry*>  & poly_set_two = sttemp.polydata[idx2];
		int len1 = poly_set_one.size();
		int len2 = poly_set_two.size();

		#ifdef DEBUG
		cerr << "Bucket size: " << len1 << " joining with " << len2 << endl;
		cerr << "Bucket size: " << len1 << " joining with " << len2 << endl;

		if (len1 <= 0 || len2 <= 0) {
			return 0;

		/* Build index on the "second data set */
		map<int, Geometry*> geom_polygons2;

		// Make a copy of the vector to map to build index (API restriction)
		for (int j = 0; j < len2; j++) {
			geom_polygons2[j] = poly_set_two[j];

		/* Handling for special nearest neighbor query */	
		if (stop.join_predicate == ST_NEAREST_2) {
			// Updating bucket information	
			if (len2 > 0) {
				const Envelope * envtmp = poly_set_two[0]->getEnvelopeInternal();
				sttemp.bucket_min_x = envtmp->getMinX();
				sttemp.bucket_min_y = envtmp->getMinY();
				sttemp.bucket_max_x = envtmp->getMaxX();
				sttemp.bucket_max_y = envtmp->getMaxY();
			for (int j = 0; j < len1; j++) {
				update_bucket_dimension(stop, sttemp, poly_set_one[j]->getEnvelopeInternal());
			if (!selfjoin) {
				for (int j = 0; j < len2; j++) {
					update_bucket_dimension(stop, sttemp, poly_set_two[j]->getEnvelopeInternal());
			max_search_radius = max(sttemp.bucket_max_x - sttemp.bucket_min_x, 
						sttemp.bucket_max_y - sttemp.bucket_min_y);
			def_search_radius = min(sqrt((sttemp.bucket_max_x - sttemp.bucket_min_x)
						* (sttemp.bucket_max_y - sttemp.bucket_min_y) 
						* stop.k_neighbors / len2), max_search_radius);
			if (def_search_radius == 0) {
				def_search_radius = DistanceOp::distance(poly_set_one[0], poly_set_two[0]);
			#ifdef DEBUG
			cerr << "Bucket dimension min-max: " << sttemp.bucket_min_x << TAB 
				<< sttemp.bucket_min_y << TAB << sttemp.bucket_max_x
				<< TAB << sttemp.bucket_max_y << endl;
			cerr << "Width and height (x-y span) " 
			<< sttemp.bucket_max_x - sttemp.bucket_min_x
			<< TAB << sttemp.bucket_max_y - sttemp.bucket_min_y  << endl;

		// build the actual spatial index for input polygons from idx2
		if (! build_index_geoms(geom_polygons2, spidx, storage)) {
			#ifdef DEBUG
			cerr << "Building index on geometries from set 2 has failed" << endl;
			return -1;
		cerr << "done building indices" << endl;

		for (int i = 0; i < len1; i++) {		
			/* Extract minimum bounding box */
			const Geometry* geom1 = poly_set_one[i];
			const Envelope * env1 = geom1->getEnvelopeInternal();

			low[0] = env1->getMinX();
			low[1] = env1->getMinY();
			high[0] = env1->getMaxX();
			high[1] = env1->getMaxY();
			/* Handle the buffer expansion for R-tree in 
			the case of Dwithin and nearest neighbor predicate */
			if (stop.join_predicate == ST_NEAREST_2) {
				/* Nearest neighbor when max search radius 
					is not determined */
				stop.expansion_distance = def_search_radius;
				// Initial value
			if (stop.join_predicate == ST_DWITHIN ||
				stop.join_predicate == ST_NEAREST) {
				low[0] -= stop.expansion_distance;
				low[1] -= stop.expansion_distance;
				high[0] += stop.expansion_distance;
				high[1] += stop.expansion_distance;

			/* Regular handling */
			Region r(low, high, 2);
			MyVisitor vis;
			/* R-tree intersection check */
			spidx->intersectsWithQuery(r, vis);

			/* Retrieve enough candidate neighbors */
			if (stop.join_predicate == ST_NEAREST_2) {
				double search_radius = def_search_radius;

				while (vis.matches.size() <= stop.k_neighbors + 1
					&& vis.matches.size() <= len2 // there can't be more neighbors than number of objects in the bucket
					&& search_radius <= sqrt(2) * max_search_radius) {
					// Increase the radius to find more neighbors
					// Stopping criteria when there are not enough neighbors in a tile
					low[0] = env1->getMinX() - search_radius;
					low[1] = env1->getMinY() - search_radius;
					high[0] = env1->getMaxX() + search_radius;
					high[1] = env1->getMaxY() + search_radius;
					Region r2(low, high, 2);
					spidx->intersectsWithQuery(r2, vis);

					#ifdef DEBUG
					cerr << "Search radius:" << search_radius << " hits: " << vis.matches.size() << endl;
					search_radius *= sqrt(2);


				/* Handle the special case of rectangular/circle expansion -sqrt(2) expansion */
				low[0] = env1->getMinX() - search_radius;
				low[1] = env1->getMinY() - search_radius;
				high[0] = env1->getMaxX() + search_radius;
				high[1] = env1->getMaxY() + search_radius;
				Region r3(low, high, 2);
				spidx->intersectsWithQuery(r3, vis);
			for (uint32_t j = 0; j < vis.matches.size(); j++) 
				const Geometry* geom2 = poly_set_two[vis.matches[j]];
				const Envelope * env2 = geom2->getEnvelopeInternal();

				if (stop.join_predicate == ST_NEAREST 
					&& (!selfjoin || vis.matches[j] != i)) { // remove selfjoin candidates
					/* Handle nearest neighbor candidate */	
					tmp_distance = DistanceOp::distance(geom1, geom2);
					if (tmp_distance < stop.expansion_distance) {
						update_nn(stop, sttemp, vis.matches[j], tmp_distance);
				else if (stop.join_predicate == ST_NEAREST_2 
					&& (!selfjoin || vis.matches[j] != i)) {
					tmp_distance = DistanceOp::distance(geom1, geom2);
					update_nn(stop, sttemp, vis.matches[j], tmp_distance);
	//				cerr << "updating: " << vis.matches[j] << " " << tmp_distance << endl;

			/* Nearest neighbor outputting */
			for (std::list<struct query_nn_dist *>::iterator 
					it = sttemp.nearest_distances.begin(); 
					it != sttemp.nearest_distances.end(); it++) 
					sttemp.distance = (*it)->distance;
					report_result(stop, sttemp, i, (*it)->object_id);	
					/* Cleaning up memory */
					delete *it;
	} // end of try
	catch (Tools::Exception& e) {
	//catch (...) {
		std::cerr << "******ERROR******" << std::endl;
		#ifdef DEBUG
		cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
		return -1;
	} // end of catch

	cerr << "Done with tile" << endl;

	delete spidx;
	delete storage;
	return pairs ;
Exemplo n.º 3
// 8. True action of the node (if activate returned true)
NaPNTeacher::action ()
    unsigned    iLayer;
    unsigned    iInpLayer = pnn->get_nn_unit()->InputLayer();

    // Take neural network state at the time it's feed forward calculation
    NaNNUnit	pastNN;

      int	i;
      NaPrintLog("NaPNTeacher (%p, %s[%s]):\n  NN input: ",
		 this, name(), pastNN.GetInstance());
      for(i = 0; i < pastNN.Xinp0.dim(); ++i)
	NaPrintLog(" %g", pastNN.Xinp0[i]);
      if(errout.links() == 0){
	NaPrintLog("\n  NN target: ");
	for(i = 0; i < desout.data().dim(); ++i)
	  NaPrintLog(" %g", desout.data()[i]);
	NaPrintLog("\n  NN error: ");
	for(i = 0; i < errout.data().dim(); ++i)
	  NaPrintLog(" %g", errout.data()[i]);

      // Let's calculate delta weight from the past NN

      // One more activations since last update

      for(iLayer = pastNN.OutputLayer();
	  (int)iLayer >= (int)iInpLayer; --iLayer){
        if(pastNN.OutputLayer() == iLayer){
            // Output layer
            if(errout.links() == 0){
                // Input pack #1
                // Doesn't really need nnout due to it's stored inside NN
                // Input pack #2
                bpe->DeltaRule(&errout.data()[0], true);
            // Hidden layer
            bpe->DeltaRule(iLayer, iLayer + 1);
      }// backward step

      // Compute error on input
      if(errinp.links() > 0){
        unsigned    iInput;
        NaVector    &einp = errinp.data();

        for(iInput = 0; iInput < einp.dim(); ++iInput){
	    // Or may be += ???  I didn't recognize the difference...
            einp[iInput] -= bpe->PartOfDeltaRule(iInpLayer, iInput);

      // Now let's forget the past NN state since changes should be
      // applied to the current neural net anyway

      // Autoupdate facility
      if(0 != nAutoUpdateFreq && nLastUpdate >= nAutoUpdateFreq){
	NaPrintLog("%s: Automatic update #%d of NN '%s' (%d sample)\n",
		   name(), iUpdateCounter,
		   bpe->nn().GetInstance()? bpe->nn().GetInstance(): "",

	// Call procedure
	if(NULL != auProc)
	  (*auProc)(iUpdateCounter, pData);
      }// if bLearn is on