static void update_widgets(int *status, sequence_view_t *p, int pm) { multitracker_t *mt = (multitracker_t*) p->backlink; int *h = p->history[pm]; if( h[PLAY_MODE] != pm ) playmode_sensitivity( p, pm ); if( pm == MODE_STREAM ) { update_pos( p, status[TOTAL_FRAMES], 0 ); update_speed( p, 1 ); } else if( pm == MODE_SAMPLE || pm == MODE_PLAIN ) { if( h[FRAME_NUM] != status[FRAME_NUM] ) update_pos( p, status[TOTAL_FRAMES],status[FRAME_NUM] ); if( h[SAMPLE_SPEED] != status[SAMPLE_SPEED] ) update_speed( p, status[SAMPLE_SPEED] ); } if( h[TOTAL_SLOTS] != status[TOTAL_SLOTS]) { gvr_need_track_list( mt->preview, p->num ); update_track_view( MAX_TRACKS, get_track_tree( p->tracks ), (void*)p ); } }
void updateDom() { const SkPoint corner = pos - SkPoint::Make(size.width() / 2, size.height() / 2); update_pos(objectNode, corner); // Simulate parallax shadow for a centered light source. SkPoint shadowOffset = pos - SkPoint::Make(kBounds.centerX(), kBounds.centerY()); shadowOffset.scale(kShadowParallax); const SkPoint shadowCorner = corner + shadowOffset; update_pos(shadowNode, shadowCorner); }
int main() { int max_row, max_col; // size of standard screen int row, col; // current row and column of rogue int key; // key pressed by user initialize_gui(); /* Place rogue in his initial position. */ row = 0; col = 0; mvaddch(row, col, '@'); /* Move rogue based on user input. */ while ((key = getch()) != 'q') { mvaddch(row, col, ' '); update_pos(key, row, col); mvaddch(row, col, '@'); refresh(); } endwin(); return 0; }
/* remove a char from the list of fighting chars */ void stop_fighting(struct char_data *ch) { struct char_data *tmp; assert(ch->specials.fighting); if (ch == combat_next_dude) combat_next_dude = ch->next_fighting; if (combat_list == ch) combat_list = ch->next_fighting; else { for (tmp = combat_list; tmp && (tmp->next_fighting != ch); tmp = tmp->next_fighting); if (!tmp) { log("Char fighting not found Error (fight.c, stop_fighting)"); abort(); } tmp->next_fighting = ch->next_fighting; } ch->next_fighting = 0; ch->specials.fighting = 0; GET_POS(ch) = POSITION_STANDING; update_pos(ch); }
void update() { kbPtr->update(); dy = 0; if(kbPtr->check_key(k_up) && !kbPtr->check_key(k_down)){ dy = -1 * SPEED; }if(kbPtr->check_key(k_down) && !kbPtr->check_key(k_up)){ dy = 1 * SPEED; } dx = 0; if(kbPtr->check_key(k_left) && !kbPtr->check_key(k_right)){ dx = -1 * SPEED; }if(kbPtr->check_key(k_right) && !kbPtr->check_key(k_left)){ dx = 1 * SPEED; } dy2 = 0; if(kbPtr->check_key(k_up) && !kbPtr->check_key(k_down)){ dy2 = -1 * SPEED2; }if(kbPtr->check_key(k_down) && !kbPtr->check_key(k_up)){ dy2 = 1 * SPEED2; } dx2 = 0; if(kbPtr->check_key(k_left) && !kbPtr->check_key(k_right)){ dx2 = -1 * SPEED2; }if(kbPtr->check_key(k_right) && !kbPtr->check_key(k_left)){ dx2 = 1 * SPEED2; } update_pos(); if(kbPtr->check_key(k_esc)){ tmPtr->quit(1); } }
void step() { int i, epoch = 0; float fx, fy; clock_t timer_start, timer_end; double time_elapsed = 0; float time_per_frame; while (steps > 0 && epoch < steps) { printf("[STEP %d]\n", epoch+1); timer_start = clock(); make_tree(); for (i = 0; i < n_bodies; i++) { compute_force(i, 0, &fx, &fy); update_pos(i, fx, fy); } timer_end = clock(); time_elapsed += timer_end-timer_start; if (is_print_tree) print_tree(0, 0, "root"); if (is_print_bodies) print_bodies("[UPDATED POSITION]"); free_nodes(); epoch += 1; } time_per_frame = (time_elapsed/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC)/epoch; printf("\n[TIME]\n"); printf("Time per iteration: %f s\n", time_per_frame); printf("Iteration per second: %f\n", 1/time_per_frame); }
void mag_points(int level, struct char_data *ch, struct char_data *victim, int spellnum, int savetype) { int healing = 0, move = 0; if (victim == NULL) return; switch (spellnum) { case SPELL_CURE_LIGHT: healing = dice(1, 8) + 1 + (level / 4); send_to_char(victim, "You feel better.\r\n"); break; case SPELL_CURE_CRITIC: healing = dice(3, 8) + 3 + (level / 4); send_to_char(victim, "You feel a lot better!\r\n"); break; case SPELL_HEAL: healing = 100 + dice(3, 8); send_to_char(victim, "A warm feeling floods your body.\r\n"); break; } GET_HIT(victim) = MIN(GET_MAX_HIT(victim), GET_HIT(victim) + healing); GET_MOVE(victim) = MIN(GET_MAX_MOVE(victim), GET_MOVE(victim) + move); update_pos(victim); }
/* * subtracts amount of hitpoints from ch's current and starts points event */ void alter_hit(struct char_data *ch, int amount) { struct regen_event_obj *regen; long time; int gain; GET_HIT(ch) = MIN(GET_HIT(ch) - amount, GET_MAX_HIT(ch)); if (GET_HIT(ch) <= HIT_INCAP||IS_AFFECTED(ch,AFF_TRAMORTITO)) return; if (PLR_FLAGGED(ch, PLR_FANTASMA) && amount > 0) return; if (GET_HIT(ch) < GET_MAX_HIT(ch) && !GET_POINTS_EVENT(ch, REGEN_HIT)) { CREATE(regen, struct regen_event_obj, 1); regen->ch = ch; regen->type = REGEN_HIT; gain = hit_gain(ch); time = PULSES_PER_MUD_HOUR / (gain ? gain : 1); GET_POINTS_EVENT(ch, REGEN_HIT) = event_create(points_event, regen, time); if (amount >= 0) { /* * if the character gained hp, update position and * restart mana and move regeneration if needed. */ update_pos(ch); alter_mana(ch, 0); alter_move(ch, 0); } }
/* * Stop fights. */ void stop_fighting( CHAR_DATA *ch, bool fBoth ) { CHAR_DATA *fch; COMBAT_DATA *pcombo; COMBAT_DATA *next; for ( fch = char_list; fch != NULL; fch = fch->next ) { if ( fch == ch || ( fBoth && fch->fighting == ch ) ) { fch->position = IS_NPC(fch) ? fch->default_pos : P_STAND; update_pos( fch, 0 ); fch->fighting = NULL; fch->balance = 1; for(pcombo = fch->combo; pcombo; pcombo = next) { next = pcombo->next; free_combat_move(pcombo); } fch->combo = NULL; } } return; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("Initializing game\n"); clock_t start, end; int remaining_time; display_init(); gamepad_init(); grid_init(grid); players_init(grid, players); display_fill_screen(0); g_running = 1; while(g_running) { start = clock(); update_pos(grid, players); end = clock(); remaining_time = TIME_PER_LOOP - (((end - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC)*1000); if(remaining_time > 0) { usleep(remaining_time*1000); } continue; } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
/* nb, also mess up anyone affected by AFF_POISON */ void pulse_heal(void) { CharData *ch; int gain = number(18,24); for (ch = character_list; ch; ch = ch->next) { if(ch->in_room == NOWHERE) continue; if(!(pvpFactor() > 1)) { if( GET_POS(ch) == POS_INCAP ) damage(ch, ch, 1, TYPE_SUFFERING); else if( GET_POS(ch) == POS_MORTALLYW ) damage(ch, ch, 2, TYPE_SUFFERING); else if( GET_POS(ch) == POS_DEAD) { if(IN_ARENA(ch) || IN_QUEST_FIELD(ch) || ZONE_FLAGGED(world[ch->in_room].zone, ZONE_ARENA) || ZONE_FLAGGED(world[ch->in_room].zone, ZONE_SLEEPTAG)) // If they're dying in the arena, they eventually get better (or killed by someone) { GET_HIT(ch) = number(GET_HIT(ch), 1); sendChar(ch, "You slowly recover.\r\n"); update_pos(ch); } else { raw_kill(ch, NULL); continue; } } } if (IS_AFFECTED(ch, AFF_PULSE_HIT)) if (GET_HIT(ch) < GET_MAX_HIT(ch)) GET_HIT(ch) += gain; if (IS_AFFECTED(ch, AFF_PULSE_MANA)) if (GET_MANA(ch) < GET_MAX_MANA(ch)) GET_MANA(ch) += gain; if (IS_AFFECTED(ch, AFF_POISON)) doPoison(ch); if (IS_AFFECTED(ch, AFF_DISEASE)) doDisease(ch); if (affected_by_spell(ch, SKILL_INVIGORATE)) doInvigorate(ch); if (IS_BOUNTY_HUNTER(ch) && GET_ADVANCE_LEVEL(ch) >= 1 && IS_AFFECTED(ch, AFF_HIDE)) GET_MOVE(ch) = MIN(GET_MOVE(ch) + 3*gain, GET_MAX_MOVE(ch)); if (IS_PRESTIDIGITATOR(ch)) GET_MANA(ch) = MIN(GET_MANA(ch) + GET_ADVANCE_LEVEL(ch) * 2, GET_MAX_MANA(ch)); if (affected_by_spell(ch, SPELL_HIPPOCRATIC_OATH)) GET_MANA(ch) = MIN(GET_MANA(ch) + 25, GET_MAX_MANA(ch)); if (affected_by_spell(ch, SKILL_PET_MEND)) GET_HIT(ch) = MIN(GET_HIT(ch) * 115 / 100, GET_MAX_HIT(ch)); if (IS_HOLY_PRIEST(ch)) GET_MANA(ch) = MIN(GET_MANA(ch) + 10 + 2*GET_ADVANCE_LEVEL(ch), GET_MAX_MANA(ch)); /* The room might be poisoned! (Or later, otherwise dangerous) */ if (ch->in_room != NOWHERE) { if (ROOM_FLAGGED(ch->in_room, ROOM_POISONED)) { if (!mag_savingthrow(ch, SAVING_SPELL)) { act("$n chokes and gags!", TRUE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); act("You choke and gag!", TRUE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR); add_affect( ch, ch, SPELL_POISON, 30, APPLY_NONE, 0, 5 TICKS, AFF_POISON, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); } } } if(IS_DEFENDER(ch) && !affected_by_spell(ch, SKILL_DEFENDER_HEALTH)) add_affect(ch, ch, SKILL_DEFENDER_HEALTH, GET_LEVEL(ch), APPLY_HIT, GET_ADVANCE_LEVEL(ch)*5, -1, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); } }
void stop_fight_after_charm(CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim) { if(IS_AFFECTED(victim, AFF_CHARM)) { victim->fighting = NULL; victim->position = POS_STANDING; update_pos( victim ); if(ch->fighting == victim) { ch->fighting = NULL; ch->position = POS_STANDING; update_pos( ch ); forget(ch, victim, MEM_HATE, FALSE); } } return; }
/* * This function try to emulate the append only behavior * of a tape. When you wrote something, data after the * current position are discarded. */ int vtape::truncate_file() { Dmsg2(dbglevel, "truncate %i:%i\n", current_file, current_block); ftruncate(fd, lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR)); last_file = current_file; atEOD=true; update_pos(); return 0; }
static gboolean key_press_event(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event, gpointer data) { struct coord pos = canvas_to_coord(curr_pos.x, curr_pos.y); DPRINTF("--- key press ---"); switch (event->keyval) { case ' ': user_origin = pos; update_pos(pos); break; case '+': case '=': zoom_in(pos); break; case '-': zoom_out(pos); break; case '*': zoom_to_extents(); break; case '#': zoom_to_frame(); break; case '.': tool_dehover(); = pos; redraw(); tool_hover(canvas_to_coord(curr_pos.x, curr_pos.y)); break; case GDK_BackSpace: case GDK_Delete: #if 0 case GDK_KP_Delete: if (selected_inst) { inst_delete(selected_inst); change_world(); } break; #endif case 'u': if (undelete()) change_world(); break; case '/': { /* @@@ find a better place for this */ extern int show_vars; show_vars = !show_vars; change_world(); } } return TRUE; }
void ostream_wrapper::write(const std::string& str) { if(m_pStream) { m_pStream->write(str.c_str(), str.size()); } else { m_buffer.resize(std::max(m_buffer.size(), m_pos + str.size() + 1)); std::copy(str.begin(), str.end(), &m_buffer[m_pos]); } for(std::size_t i=0;i<str.size();i++) update_pos(str[i]); }
void ostream_wrapper::write(const char *str, std::size_t size) { if(m_pStream) { m_pStream->write(str, size); } else { m_buffer.resize(std::max(m_buffer.size(), m_pos + size + 1)); std::copy(str, str + size, &m_buffer[m_pos]); } for(std::size_t i=0;i<size;i++) update_pos(str[i]); }
/* remove a char from the list of fighting chars */ void stop_fighting(struct char_data *ch) { struct char_data *temp; if (ch == next_combat_list) next_combat_list = ch->next_fighting; REMOVE_FROM_LIST(ch, combat_list, next_fighting); ch->next_fighting = NULL; FIGHTING(ch) = NULL; GET_POS(ch) = POS_STANDING; update_pos(ch); }
void SimpleRelationCanvas::update(bool updatepos) { if (data) { itstype = data->get_type(); QFontMetrics fm(the_canvas()->get_font(UmlNormalFont)); SimpleRelationCanvas * pstereotype; { ArrowCanvas * aplabel; // cannot exist ArrowCanvas * apstereotype; search_supports(aplabel, apstereotype); pstereotype = (SimpleRelationCanvas *) apstereotype; } // manages relation's stereotype QString s = data->get_short_stereotype(); if (s.isEmpty()) { // relation does not have stereotype if (pstereotype != 0) { // removes it the_canvas()->del(pstereotype->stereotype); pstereotype->stereotype = 0; } } else { s = toUnicode(s); if (s[0] != '{') s = QString("<<") + s + ">>"; if ((pstereotype == 0) && (begin->type() != UmlArrowPoint)) { // adds relation's stereotype stereotype = new LabelCanvas(s, the_canvas(), 0, 0); stereotype_default_position(); } else if ((pstereotype != 0) && (pstereotype->stereotype->get_name() != s)) { // update name pstereotype->stereotype->set_name(s); pstereotype->stereotype_default_position(); } } } if (updatepos) update_pos(); }
static void create_laser(int x, int y, int type) { laser_t *me; int dir; int count; me = malloc(sizeof(*me)); me->x = x; me->y = y; me->type = type; sl_list_init(&me->e); sl_list_init(&me->lights); dir = type >> 8; count = 0; printf("\n**********begin lights**********\n"); while (1) { int ground; light_t *l; if (count++ > 10000) assert(!"failure to generate lights for laser."); update_pos(&x, &y, dir); ground = map[x + y * map_width]; if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= map_width || y >= map_height) break; if ((ground & 0xF000) != G_NORMAL) break; l = malloc(sizeof(*l)); l->x = x; l->y = y; l->dir = dir; sl_list_init(&l->e); sl_list_add_tail(&me->lights, &l->e); printf("(%02d,%02d) ", x, y); update_dir(ground, &dir); } printf("\n"); }
SdLifeLineCanvas::SdLifeLineCanvas(UmlCanvas * canvas, SdObjCanvas * o) : DiagramCanvas(0, canvas, 0, 0, LIFE_LINE_WIDTH, LIFE_LINE_HEIGHT, -1), obj(o), end(LIFE_LINE_HEIGHT) { update_pos(); set_center100(); setZ(DIAGRAMCANVAS_Z); if (obj->is_mortal()) update_instance_dead(); // call show else show(); if (canvas->paste()) // must not be selected else the move done after if wrong canvas->unselect(this); }
static gboolean motion_notify_event(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventMotion *event, gpointer data) { struct coord pos = canvas_to_coord(event->x, event->y); DPRINTF("--- motion ---"); curr_pos.x = event->x; curr_pos.y = event->y; tool_hover(pos); if (event->state & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK) drag_left(pos); if (event->state & GDK_BUTTON2_MASK) drag_middle(pos); update_pos(pos); return FALSE; }
/* * Write a variable block of count size. * block = vtape_header + data * vtape_header = sizeof(data) * if vtape_header == 0, this is a EOF */ ssize_t vtape::d_write(int, const void *buffer, size_t count) { ASSERT(online); ASSERT(current_file >= 0); ASSERT(count > 0); ASSERT(buffer); ssize_t nb; Dmsg3(dbglevel*2, "write len=%i %i:%i\n", count, current_file,current_block); if (atEOT) { Dmsg0(dbglevel, "write nothing, EOT !\n"); errno = ENOSPC; return -1; } if (!atEOD) { /* if not at the end of the data */ truncate_file(); } if (current_block != -1) { current_block++; } atBOT = false; atEOF = false; atEOD = true; /* End of data */ needEOF = true; /* next operation need EOF mark */ uint32_t size = count; ::write(fd, &size, sizeof(uint32_t)); nb = ::write(fd, buffer, count); if (nb != (ssize_t)count) { atEOT = true; Dmsg2(dbglevel, "Not enough space writing only %i of %i requested\n", nb, count); } update_pos(); return nb; }
void TrapDamage(struct char_data *v, int damtype, int amnt, struct obj_data *t) { struct char_data *tmp_ch; char buf[132]; if(DEBUG) dlog("TrapDamage"); amnt = SkipImmortals(v, amnt); if (amnt == -1) return; if (IS_AFFECTED(v, AFF_SANCTUARY)) amnt = MAX((int)(amnt/2), 0); /* Max 1/2 damage when sanct'd */ amnt = PreProcDam(v, damtype, amnt); if (saves_spell(v, SAVING_PETRI)) amnt = MAX((int)(amnt/2),0); DamageStuff(v, damtype, amnt); amnt=MAX(amnt,0); GET_HIT(v)-=amnt; update_pos(v); TrapDam(v, damtype, amnt, t); InformMess(v); if (GET_POS(v) == POSITION_DEAD) { if (!IS_NPC(v)) { if (real_roomp(v->in_room)->name) sprintf(buf, "%s killed by a trap at %s", GET_NAME(v),real_roomp(v->in_room)->name); log(buf); /* remove the hatreds of this character */ } for (tmp_ch=character_list; tmp_ch; tmp_ch=tmp_ch->next) { if (Hates(tmp_ch, v)) { RemHated(tmp_ch, v); } } die(v); } }
/* * Position device to end of medium (end of data) * * Returns: true on succes * false on error */ bool DEVICE::eod(DCR *dcr) { boffset_t pos; if (m_fd < 0) { dev_errno = EBADF; Mmsg1(errmsg, _("Bad call to eod. Device %s not open\n"), print_name()); return false; } if (is_vtl()) { return true; } Dmsg0(100, "Enter eod\n"); if (at_eot()) { return true; } clear_eof(); /* remove EOF flag */ block_num = file = 0; file_size = 0; file_addr = 0; pos = lseek(dcr, (boffset_t)0, SEEK_END); Dmsg1(200, "====== Seek to %lld\n", pos); if (pos >= 0) { update_pos(dcr); set_eot(); return true; } dev_errno = errno; berrno be; Mmsg2(errmsg, _("lseek error on %s. ERR=%s.\n"), print_name(), be.bstrerror()); Dmsg0(100, errmsg); return false; }
void raw_kill(struct char_data * ch, struct char_data * killer) { if (FIGHTING(ch)) stop_fighting(ch); while (ch->affected) affect_remove(ch, ch->affected); /* To make ordinary commands work in scripts. welcor*/ GET_POS(ch) = POS_STANDING; if (killer) { if (check_hooks(HOOK_CONT_DIED, ch_script_cont(ch), killer, SNull, SNull )) death_cry(ch); } else death_cry(ch); update_pos(ch); make_corpse(ch); extract_char(ch); }
void trap_damage(struct char_data *v, int damtype, int amnt, struct obj_data *t) { amnt = skip_immortals(v, amnt); if (amnt == -1) { return; } if (IS_AFFECTED(v, AFF_SANCTUARY)) amnt = MAX((int)(amnt / 2), 0); /* Max 1/2 damage when sanct'd */ amnt = pre_proc_dam(v, damtype, amnt); if (saves_spell(v, SAVING_PETRI)) amnt = MAX((int)(amnt / 2), 0); damage_stuff(v, damtype, amnt); amnt = MAX(amnt, 0); GET_HIT(v) -= amnt; update_pos(v); trap_dam(v, damtype, amnt, t); inform_mess(v); if (GET_POS(v) == POSITION_DEAD) { if (!IS_NPC(v)) { if (real_roomp(v->in_room)->name) log_msgf("%s killed by a trap at %s", GET_NAME(v), real_roomp(v->in_room)->name); } die(v); } }
/* Update PCs, NPCs, and objects */ void point_update(void) { struct char_data *i, *next_char; struct obj_data *j, *next_thing, *jj, *next_thing2; /* characters */ for (i = character_list; i; i = next_char) { next_char = i->next; gain_condition(i, FULL, -1); gain_condition(i, DRUNK, -1); gain_condition(i, THIRST, -1); if (GET_POS(i) >= POS_STUNNED) { GET_HIT(i) = MIN(GET_HIT(i) + hit_gain(i), GET_MAX_HIT(i)); GET_MANA(i) = MIN(GET_MANA(i) + mana_gain(i), GET_MAX_MANA(i)); GET_MOVE(i) = MIN(GET_MOVE(i) + move_gain(i), GET_MAX_MOVE(i)); if (AFF_FLAGGED(i, AFF_POISON)) if (damage(i, i, 2, SPELL_POISON) == -1) continue; /* Oops, they died. -gg 6/24/98 */ if (GET_POS(i) <= POS_STUNNED) update_pos(i); } else if (GET_POS(i) == POS_INCAP) { if (damage(i, i, 1, TYPE_SUFFERING) == -1) continue; } else if (GET_POS(i) == POS_MORTALLYW) { if (damage(i, i, 2, TYPE_SUFFERING) == -1) continue; } if (!IS_NPC(i)) { update_char_objects(i); if (GET_LEVEL(i) < idle_max_level) check_idling(i); } } /* objects */ for (j = object_list; j; j = next_thing) { next_thing = j->next; /* Next in object list */ /* If this is a corpse */ if (IS_CORPSE(j)) { /* timer count down */ if (GET_OBJ_TIMER(j) > 0) GET_OBJ_TIMER(j)--; if (!GET_OBJ_TIMER(j)) { if (j->carried_by) act("$p decays in your hands.", FALSE, j->carried_by, j, 0, TO_CHAR); else if ((IN_ROOM(j) != NOWHERE) && (world[IN_ROOM(j)].people)) { act("A quivering horde of maggots consumes $p.", TRUE, world[IN_ROOM(j)].people, j, 0, TO_ROOM); act("A quivering horde of maggots consumes $p.", TRUE, world[IN_ROOM(j)].people, j, 0, TO_CHAR); } for (jj = j->contains; jj; jj = next_thing2) { next_thing2 = jj->next_content; /* Next in inventory */ obj_from_obj(jj); if (j->in_obj) obj_to_obj(jj, j->in_obj); else if (j->carried_by) obj_to_room(jj, IN_ROOM(j->carried_by)); else if (IN_ROOM(j) != NOWHERE) obj_to_room(jj, IN_ROOM(j)); else core_dump(); } extract_obj(j); } } /* If the timer is set, count it down and at 0, try the trigger */ /* note to .rej hand-patchers: make this last in your point-update() */ else if (GET_OBJ_TIMER(j)>0) { GET_OBJ_TIMER(j)--; if (!GET_OBJ_TIMER(j)) timer_otrigger(j); } } }
void Character::update() { AFFECT_DATA *paf; AFFECT_DATA *paf_next; if ( this->desc && this->desc->connected == CON_PLAYING ) send_to_char("\n\r",this); if ( this->position >= POS_STUNNED ) { if ( this->hit < this->max_hit ) this->hit += this->hit_gain(); else this->hit = this->max_hit; if ( this->mana < this->max_mana ) this->mana += this->mana_gain(); else this->mana = this->max_mana; if ( this->move < this->max_move ) this->move += this->move_gain(); else this->move = this->max_move; } if ( this->position == POS_STUNNED ) update_pos( this ); for ( paf = this->affected; paf != NULL; paf = paf_next ) { paf_next = paf->next; if ( paf->duration > 0 ) { paf->duration--; if (number_range(0,4) == 0 && paf->level > 0) paf->level--; /* spell strength fades with time */ } else if ( paf->duration < 0 ) ; else { if ( paf_next == NULL || paf_next->type != paf->type || paf_next->duration > 0 ) { if ( paf->type > 0 && skill_table[paf->type].msg_off ) { send_to_char( skill_table[paf->type].msg_off, this ); send_to_char( "\n\r", this ); } } affect_remove( this, paf ); } } /* * Careful with the damages here, * MUST NOT refer to ch after damage taken, * as it may be lethal damage (on NPC). */ if (is_affected(this, gsn_plague) && this != NULL) { if (this->in_room == NULL) return; ::act("$n writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from $s skin.", this,NULL,NULL,TO_ROOM); send_to_char("You writhe in agony from the plague.\n\r",this); AFFECT_DATA *af; for ( af = this->affected; af != NULL; af = af->next ) { if (af->type == gsn_plague) break; } if (af == NULL) { REMOVE_BIT(this->affected_by,AFF_PLAGUE); return; } if (af->level == 1) return; AFFECT_DATA plague; plague.where = TO_AFFECTS; plague.type = gsn_plague; plague.level = af->level - 1; plague.duration = number_range(1,2 * plague.level); plague.location = APPLY_STR; plague.modifier = -5; plague.bitvector = AFF_PLAGUE; for ( Character* vch = this->in_room->people; vch != NULL; vch = vch->next_in_room) { if (!saves_spell(plague.level - 2,vch,DAM_DISEASE) && !IS_IMMORTAL(vch) && !IS_AFFECTED(vch,AFF_PLAGUE) && number_bits(4) == 0) { send_to_char("You feel hot and feverish.\n\r",vch); ::act("$n shivers and looks very ill.",vch,NULL,NULL,TO_ROOM); affect_join(vch,&plague); } } int dam = UMIN(this->level,af->level/5+1); this->mana -= dam; this->move -= dam; damage_old( this, this, dam, gsn_plague,DAM_DISEASE,FALSE); } else if ( IS_AFFECTED(this, AFF_POISON) && this != NULL && !IS_AFFECTED(this,AFF_SLOW)) { AFFECT_DATA *poison; poison = affect_find(this->affected,gsn_poison); if (poison != NULL) { ::act( "$n shivers and suffers.", this, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM ); send_to_char( "You shiver and suffer.\n\r", this ); damage_old(this,this,poison->level/10 + 1,gsn_poison, DAM_POISON,FALSE); } } else if ( this->position == POS_INCAP && number_range(0,1) == 0) { ::damage( this, this, 1, TYPE_UNDEFINED, DAM_NONE,FALSE); } else if ( this->position == POS_MORTAL ) { ::damage( this, this, 1, TYPE_UNDEFINED, DAM_NONE,FALSE); } }
void regen_update( void ) { CharData *i, *next_char; int hit, mana, move; int vivify_level; for( i = character_list; i; i = next_char ) { next_char = i->next; if(affected_by_spell(i, SKILL_EMACIATED) && (GET_COND(i, HUNGER) != 0 || IS_VAMPIRE(i)) && GET_COND(i, THIRST) != 0) { if(!affected_by_spell(i, SKILL_EMACIATED_MANA) && !affected_by_spell(i, SKILL_EMACIATED_HIT)) affect_from_char(i, SKILL_EMACIATED); else if(percentSuccess(4)) { affect_from_char(i, SKILL_EMACIATED_MANA); affect_from_char(i, SKILL_EMACIATED_HIT); } } // Dwarves sober up 3x faster than most races (unless they drink more...) if(IS_DWARF(i) && !number(0, 35)) gain_condition(i, DRUNK, -1); vivify_level = spell_level(i, SPELL_VIVIFY); affect_from_char(i, SPELL_VIVIFY); if(GET_POS(i) <= POS_MEDITATING) { add_affect(i, i, SPELL_VIVIFY, MIN(vivify_level + 1, 100), APPLY_NONE, 0, -1, 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); } if(GET_POS(i) >= POS_MORTALLYW) { hit = hit_gain(i); mana = mana_gain(i); move = move_gain(i); if(affected_by_spell(i, SPELL_VIVIFY)) { if(hit > 0) hit += spell_level(i, SPELL_VIVIFY) * GET_MAX_HIT(i)/600; if(mana > 0) mana += spell_level(i, SPELL_VIVIFY) * GET_MAX_MANA(i)/600; if(move > 0) move += spell_level(i, SPELL_VIVIFY) * GET_MAX_MOVE(i)/600; } // Regeneration is increased on pvp holidays. If you're incapactitated, you will // eventually recover. if(pvpHoliday(i)) { if (GET_POS(i) < POS_SLEEPING) hit = 20; else { hit = (hit > 0) ? hit *3 : 20; mana = (mana > 0) ? mana*2 : 40; move = (move > 0) ? move*2 : 40; } } // 72 seconds per tick... if(hit < 0 || GET_HIT(i) < GET_MAX_HIT(i)) { if(hit>0) GET_HIT(i) += hit/72 + (hit % 72 > number(0, 71)? 1:0); else GET_HIT(i) = MAX(GET_HIT(i) + hit/72 + (-hit % 72 > number(0, 71)?-1:0), -9); } else { int surplus = (GET_HIT(i) - GET_MAX_HIT(i)); GET_HIT(i) -= surplus / 72 + (surplus % 72 > number(0, 71)? 1:0); } if(mana>0) GET_MANA(i) = MAX(MIN(GET_MANA(i) + mana/72 + (mana % 72 > number(0, 71)?1:0), GET_MAX_MANA(i)), 0); else GET_MANA(i) = MIN(GET_MANA(i) + mana/72 + (-mana % 72 > number(0, 71)?-1:0), GET_MAX_MANA(i)); if(move>0) GET_MOVE(i) = MIN(GET_MOVE(i) + move/72 + (move % 72 > number(0, 71)?1:0), GET_MAX_MOVE(i)); else GET_MOVE(i) = MAX(MIN(GET_MOVE(i) + move/72 + (-move % 72 > number(0, 71)?-1:0), GET_MAX_MOVE(i)), 0); update_pos(i); } } }
/* New strangle code -Beorn */ void do_strangle(CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument) { char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; CHAR_DATA *victim; char buf [MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; int dam; AFFECT_DATA af; argument = one_argument(argument, arg); if (IS_NPC(ch)) if (!IS_CLASS(ch, CLASS_NINJA)) { send_to_char("Huh?",ch); return; } if (ch->pcdata->powers[NPOWER_NINGENNO] < 2) { send_to_char("You do not have that ability yet.\n\r",ch); return; } if (arg[0] == '\0') { send_to_char("Hakunetsu who?\n\r",ch); return; } if ((victim = get_char_room( ch, arg )) == NULL) { send_to_char("They are not here.\n\r",ch); return; } if (!IS_SET(ch->act, PLR_SUPERINVIS)) { send_to_char("You must using Kakusu to Hakunetsu!\n\r",ch); return; } if ( victim->fighting != NULL ) { send_to_char( "You can't Hakunetsu a fighting person.\n\r", ch); return; } if (victim->hit <= (victim->max_hit *0.9)) { send_to_char("They are already wounded.\n\r",ch); return; } if (is_safe(ch,victim)) return; act("You step out from behind $N and cruelly stab them in the back.\n\r",ch,NULL,victim, TO_CHAR); act("$n steps out from behind you and plants a dagger between your shoulders.\n\r",ch,NULL,victim, TO_VICT); act("$n suddenly steps out from behind $N and stabs them in the back.\n\r",ch,NULL,victim, TO_NOTVICT); if (IS_SET(victim->act,PLR_HOLYLIGHT)) REMOVE_BIT(victim->act,PLR_HOLYLIGHT); if (IS_SET(victim->affected_by, AFF_DETECT_HIDDEN)) REMOVE_BIT(victim->affected_by, AFF_DETECT_HIDDEN); if (IS_SET(victim->affected_by, AFF_DETECT_INVIS)) REMOVE_BIT(victim->affected_by, AFF_DETECT_INVIS); af.type = skill_lookup("blindness"); af.location = APPLY_HITROLL; af.modifier = -50*(ch->pcdata->upgrade_level + 1); af.duration = 60; af.bitvector = AFF_BLIND; affect_to_char( victim, &af ); do_web(victim, ""); do_web(victim, ""); do_web(victim, ""); do_web(victim, ""); /* spelltype = skill_table[sn].target; level = ch->spl[spelltype] * 1.5; (*skill_table[sn].spell_fun) ( sn, level, ch, victim ); */ dam = ((victim->hit) * .10); if (ch->generation == 5) dam *= 1.05; if (ch->generation == 4) dam *= 1.10; if (ch->generation == 3) dam *= 1.15; if (ch->generation == 2) dam *= 1.20; if (ch->generation == 1) dam *= 1.25; if (ch->generation == 0) dam *= 1.30; if (victim->position == POS_SLEEPING) dam *= 1.25; sprintf( buf, "You twist your blade cruelly in $N's back. #r[#l**#R%d#l**#r]#n",dam ); act( buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR ); sprintf( buf, "$n's steps out from behind you and plants a dagger between your shoulders. #r[#l**#R%d#l**#r]#n",dam ); act( buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT ); act( "$n's steps out from behind $N and stabs them in the back.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT ); hurt_person(ch, victim, dam); ch->fighting = victim; victim->fighting = ch; autodrop(ch); autodrop(victim); ch->position = POS_FIGHTING; victim->position = POS_FIGHTING; update_pos(ch); update_pos(victim); WAIT_STATE(ch,12); return; }