void AudioPlayer::notifyAudioEOS() { ALOGV("AudioPlayer@0x%p notifyAudioEOS", this); if (useOffload()) { mPositionTimeRealUs = getOutputPlayPositionUs_l (); ALOGV("notifyAudioEOS: mPositionTimeRealUs = %lld ",mPositionTimeRealUs); } if (mObserver != NULL) { mObserver->postAudioEOS(0); ALOGV("Notified observer of EOS!"); } }
status_t AudioPlayer::seekTo(int64_t time_us) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); ALOGV("seekTo( %lld )", time_us); if(useOffload()) { int64_t playPosition = 0; playPosition = getOutputPlayPositionUs_l(); /*Ignore the seek if seek time is same as player position. Time comparisons are done in msec because when seek time is past EOF, media player reset it to the clip duration which is in Msec converted from Usec */ if((time_us/1000) == (playPosition/1000)) { ALOGE("Ignore seek and post seek complete"); if(mObserver) mObserver->postAudioSeekComplete(); return OK; } } mSeeking = true; mPositionTimeRealUs = mPositionTimeMediaUs = -1; mReachedEOS = false; mSeekTimeUs = time_us; mStartPosUs = time_us; // Flush resets the number of played frames mNumFramesPlayed = 0; mNumFramesPlayedSysTimeUs = ALooper::GetNowUs(); if (mAudioSink != NULL) { if (mPlaying) { mAudioSink->pause(); } mAudioSink->flush(); if (mPlaying) { mAudioSink->start(); } } else { if (mPlaying) { mAudioTrack->pause(); } mAudioTrack->flush(); if (mPlaying) { mAudioTrack->start(); } } return OK; }
int64_t AudioPlayer::getRealTimeUs() { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); if (useOffload()) { int64_t playPosition = 0; if (mSeeking) { return mSeekTimeUs; } playPosition = getOutputPlayPositionUs_l(); if(!mReachedEOS) mPositionTimeRealUs = playPosition; mPositionTimeMediaUs = mPositionTimeRealUs; return mPositionTimeRealUs; } return getRealTimeUsLocked(); }
bool AudioPlayer::getMediaTimeMapping( int64_t *realtime_us, int64_t *mediatime_us) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); if (useOffload()) { int64_t playPosition = 0; if (mSeeking) { playPosition = mSeekTimeUs; } else { playPosition = getOutputPlayPositionUs_l(); } if(!mReachedEOS) mPositionTimeRealUs = playPosition; mPositionTimeMediaUs = mPositionTimeRealUs; *realtime_us = mPositionTimeRealUs; *mediatime_us = mPositionTimeRealUs; } else { *realtime_us = mPositionTimeRealUs; *mediatime_us = mPositionTimeMediaUs; } return mPositionTimeRealUs != -1 && mPositionTimeMediaUs != -1; }
status_t AudioPlayer::start(bool sourceAlreadyStarted) { CHECK(!mStarted); CHECK(mSource != NULL); status_t err; if (!sourceAlreadyStarted) { mSourcePaused = false; err = mSource->start(); if (err != OK) { return err; } } // We allow an optional INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED at the very beginning // of playback, if there is one, getFormat below will retrieve the // updated format, if there isn't, we'll stash away the valid buffer // of data to be used on the first audio callback. CHECK(mFirstBuffer == NULL); MediaSource::ReadOptions options; if (mSeeking) { options.setSeekTo(mSeekTimeUs); mSeeking = false; } mFirstBufferResult = mSource->read(&mFirstBuffer, &options); if (mFirstBufferResult == INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED) { ALOGV("INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED!!!"); CHECK(mFirstBuffer == NULL); mFirstBufferResult = OK; mIsFirstBuffer = false; } else { mIsFirstBuffer = true; } sp<MetaData> format = mSource->getFormat(); const char *mime; bool success = format->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime); CHECK(success); CHECK(useOffload() || !strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_RAW)); success = format->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &mSampleRate); CHECK(success); int32_t numChannels, channelMask; success = format->findInt32(kKeyChannelCount, &numChannels); CHECK(success); if(!format->findInt32(kKeyChannelMask, &channelMask)) { // log only when there's a risk of ambiguity of channel mask selection ALOGI_IF(numChannels > 2, "source format didn't specify channel mask, using (%d) channel order", numChannels); channelMask = CHANNEL_MASK_USE_CHANNEL_ORDER; } audio_format_t audioFormat = AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT; if (useOffload()) { if (mapMimeToAudioFormat(audioFormat, mime) != OK) { ALOGE("Couldn't map mime type \"%s\" to a valid AudioSystem::audio_format", mime); audioFormat = AUDIO_FORMAT_INVALID; } else { #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE // Override audio format for PCM offload if (audioFormat == AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT) { audioFormat = AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT_OFFLOAD; } #endif ALOGV("Mime type \"%s\" mapped to audio_format 0x%x", mime, audioFormat); } } int avgBitRate = -1; format->findInt32(kKeyBitRate, &avgBitRate); if (mAudioSink.get() != NULL) { uint32_t flags = AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_NONE; audio_offload_info_t offloadInfo = AUDIO_INFO_INITIALIZER; if (allowDeepBuffering()) { flags |= AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DEEP_BUFFER; } if (useOffload()) { flags |= AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_COMPRESS_OFFLOAD; int64_t durationUs; if (format->findInt64(kKeyDuration, &durationUs)) { offloadInfo.duration_us = durationUs; } else { offloadInfo.duration_us = -1; } offloadInfo.sample_rate = mSampleRate; offloadInfo.channel_mask = channelMask; offloadInfo.format = audioFormat; offloadInfo.stream_type = AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC; offloadInfo.bit_rate = avgBitRate; offloadInfo.has_video = ((mCreateFlags & HAS_VIDEO) != 0); offloadInfo.is_streaming = ((mCreateFlags & IS_STREAMING) != 0); } status_t err = mAudioSink->open( mSampleRate, numChannels, channelMask, audioFormat, DEFAULT_AUDIOSINK_BUFFERCOUNT, &AudioPlayer::AudioSinkCallback, this, (audio_output_flags_t)flags, useOffload() ? &offloadInfo : NULL); if (err == OK) { mLatencyUs = (int64_t)mAudioSink->latency() * 1000; mFrameSize = mAudioSink->frameSize(); if (useOffload()) { // If the playback is offloaded to h/w we pass the // HAL some metadata information // We don't want to do this for PCM because it will be going // through the AudioFlinger mixer before reaching the hardware sendMetaDataToHal(mAudioSink, format); } err = mAudioSink->start(); // do not alter behavior for non offloaded tracks: ignore start status. if (!useOffload()) { err = OK; } } if (err != OK) { if (mFirstBuffer != NULL) { mFirstBuffer->release(); mFirstBuffer = NULL; } if (!sourceAlreadyStarted) { mSource->stop(); } return err; } } else { // playing to an AudioTrack, set up mask if necessary audio_channel_mask_t audioMask = channelMask == CHANNEL_MASK_USE_CHANNEL_ORDER ? audio_channel_out_mask_from_count(numChannels) : channelMask; if (0 == audioMask) { return BAD_VALUE; } mAudioTrack = new AudioTrack( AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC, mSampleRate, AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT, audioMask, 0, AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_NONE, &AudioCallback, this, 0); if ((err = mAudioTrack->initCheck()) != OK) { mAudioTrack.clear(); if (mFirstBuffer != NULL) { mFirstBuffer->release(); mFirstBuffer = NULL; } if (!sourceAlreadyStarted) { mSource->stop(); } return err; } mLatencyUs = (int64_t)mAudioTrack->latency() * 1000; mFrameSize = mAudioTrack->frameSize(); mAudioTrack->start(); } mStarted = true; mPlaying = true; mPinnedTimeUs = -1ll; const char *componentName; if (!(format->findCString(kKeyDecoderComponent, &componentName))) { componentName = "none"; } if (!strncmp(componentName, "OMX.qcom.", 9)) { mPauseRequired = true; } else { mPauseRequired = false; } return OK; }
size_t AudioPlayer::fillBuffer(void *data, size_t size) { ATRACE_CALL(); if (mNumFramesPlayed == 0) { ALOGV("AudioCallback"); } if (mReachedEOS) { return 0; } bool postSeekComplete = false; bool postEOS = false; int64_t postEOSDelayUs = 0; size_t size_done = 0; size_t size_remaining = size; while (size_remaining > 0) { MediaSource::ReadOptions options; bool refreshSeekTime = false; { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); if (mSeeking) { if (mIsFirstBuffer) { if (mFirstBuffer != NULL) { mFirstBuffer->release(); mFirstBuffer = NULL; } mIsFirstBuffer = false; } options.setSeekTo(mSeekTimeUs); refreshSeekTime = true; if (mInputBuffer != NULL) { mInputBuffer->release(); mInputBuffer = NULL; } mSeeking = false; if (mObserver) { postSeekComplete = true; } } } if (mInputBuffer == NULL) { status_t err; if (mIsFirstBuffer) { mInputBuffer = mFirstBuffer; mFirstBuffer = NULL; err = mFirstBufferResult; mIsFirstBuffer = false; } else { if(!mSourcePaused) { err = mSource->read(&mInputBuffer, &options); if (err == OK && mInputBuffer == NULL && mSourcePaused) { ALOGV("mSourcePaused, return 0 from fillBuffer"); return 0; } } else { break; } } if(err == -EAGAIN) { if(mSourcePaused){ break; } else { continue; } } CHECK((err == OK && mInputBuffer != NULL) || (err != OK && mInputBuffer == NULL)); Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); if (err != OK) { if (!mReachedEOS) { if (useOffload()) { // After seek there is a possible race condition if // OffloadThread is observing state_stopping_1 before // framesReady() > 0. Ensure sink stop is called // after last buffer is released. This ensures the // partial buffer is written to the driver before // stopping one is observed.The drawback is that // there will be an unnecessary call to the parser // after parser signalled EOS. if (size_done > 0) { ALOGW("send Partial buffer down\n"); ALOGW("skip calling stop till next fillBuffer\n"); break; } // no more buffers to push - stop() and wait for STREAM_END // don't set mReachedEOS until stream end received if (mAudioSink != NULL) { mAudioSink->stop(); } else { mAudioTrack->stop(); } } else { if (mObserver) { // We don't want to post EOS right away but only // after all frames have actually been played out. // These are the number of frames submitted to the // AudioTrack that you haven't heard yet. uint32_t numFramesPendingPlayout = getNumFramesPendingPlayout(); // These are the number of frames we're going to // submit to the AudioTrack by returning from this // callback. uint32_t numAdditionalFrames = size_done / mFrameSize; numFramesPendingPlayout += numAdditionalFrames; int64_t timeToCompletionUs = (1000000ll * numFramesPendingPlayout) / mSampleRate; ALOGV("total number of frames played: %lld (%lld us)", (mNumFramesPlayed + numAdditionalFrames), 1000000ll * (mNumFramesPlayed + numAdditionalFrames) / mSampleRate); ALOGV("%d frames left to play, %lld us (%.2f secs)", numFramesPendingPlayout, timeToCompletionUs, timeToCompletionUs / 1E6); postEOS = true; if (mAudioSink->needsTrailingPadding()) { postEOSDelayUs = timeToCompletionUs + mLatencyUs; } else { postEOSDelayUs = 0; } } mReachedEOS = true; } } mFinalStatus = err; break; } if (mAudioSink != NULL) { mLatencyUs = (int64_t)mAudioSink->latency() * 1000; } else { mLatencyUs = (int64_t)mAudioTrack->latency() * 1000; } if(mInputBuffer->range_length() != 0) { CHECK(mInputBuffer->meta_data()->findInt64( kKeyTime, &mPositionTimeMediaUs)); } // need to adjust the mStartPosUs for offload decoding since parser // might not be able to get the exact seek time requested. if (refreshSeekTime) { if (useOffload()) { if (postSeekComplete) { ALOGV("fillBuffer is going to post SEEK_COMPLETE"); mObserver->postAudioSeekComplete(); postSeekComplete = false; } mStartPosUs = mPositionTimeMediaUs; ALOGV("adjust seek time to: %.2f", mStartPosUs/ 1E6); } // clear seek time with mLock locked and once we have valid mPositionTimeMediaUs // and mPositionTimeRealUs // before clearing mSeekTimeUs check if a new seek request has been received while // we were reading from the source with mLock released. if (!mSeeking) { mSeekTimeUs = 0; } } if (!useOffload()) { mPositionTimeRealUs = ((mNumFramesPlayed + size_done / mFrameSize) * 1000000) / mSampleRate; ALOGV("buffer->size() = %d, " "mPositionTimeMediaUs=%.2f mPositionTimeRealUs=%.2f", mInputBuffer->range_length(), mPositionTimeMediaUs / 1E6, mPositionTimeRealUs / 1E6); } } if (mInputBuffer->range_length() == 0) { mInputBuffer->release(); mInputBuffer = NULL; continue; } size_t copy = size_remaining; if (copy > mInputBuffer->range_length()) { copy = mInputBuffer->range_length(); } memcpy((char *)data + size_done, (const char *)mInputBuffer->data() + mInputBuffer->range_offset(), copy); mInputBuffer->set_range(mInputBuffer->range_offset() + copy, mInputBuffer->range_length() - copy); size_done += copy; size_remaining -= copy; } if (useOffload()) { // We must ask the hardware what it has played mPositionTimeRealUs = getOutputPlayPositionUs_l(); ALOGV("mPositionTimeMediaUs=%.2f mPositionTimeRealUs=%.2f", mPositionTimeMediaUs / 1E6, mPositionTimeRealUs / 1E6); } { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); mNumFramesPlayed += size_done / mFrameSize; if (mReachedEOS) { mPinnedTimeUs = mNumFramesPlayedSysTimeUs; } else { mNumFramesPlayedSysTimeUs = ALooper::GetNowUs(); mPinnedTimeUs = -1ll; } } if (postEOS) { mObserver->postAudioEOS(postEOSDelayUs); } if (postSeekComplete) { mObserver->postAudioSeekComplete(); } return size_done; }
void AudioPlayer::reset() { CHECK(mStarted); ALOGV("reset: mPlaying=%d mReachedEOS=%d useOffload=%d", mPlaying, mReachedEOS, useOffload() ); if (mAudioSink.get() != NULL) { mAudioSink->stop(); // If we're closing and have reached EOS, we don't want to flush // the track because if it is offloaded there could be a small // amount of residual data in the hardware buffer which we must // play to give gapless playback. // But if we're resetting when paused or before we've reached EOS // we can't be doing a gapless playback and there could be a large // amount of data queued in the hardware if the track is offloaded, // so we must flush to prevent a track switch being delayed playing // the buffered data that we don't want now if (!mPlaying || !mReachedEOS) { mAudioSink->flush(); } mAudioSink->close(); } else { mAudioTrack->stop(); if (!mPlaying || !mReachedEOS) { mAudioTrack->flush(); } mAudioTrack.clear(); } // Make sure to release any buffer we hold onto so that the // source is able to stop(). if (mFirstBuffer != NULL) { mFirstBuffer->release(); mFirstBuffer = NULL; } if (mInputBuffer != NULL) { ALOGV("AudioPlayer releasing input buffer."); mInputBuffer->release(); mInputBuffer = NULL; } mSourcePaused = false; mSource->stop(); // The following hack is necessary to ensure that the OMX // component is completely released by the time we may try // to instantiate it again. // When offloading, the OMX component is not used so this hack // is not needed sp<MetaData> format = mSource->getFormat(); const char *mime; format->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime); if (!useOffload() || (useOffload() && !strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_RAW))) { wp<MediaSource> tmp = mSource; mSource.clear(); while (tmp.promote() != NULL) { usleep(1000); } } else { mSource.clear(); } IPCThreadState::self()->flushCommands(); mNumFramesPlayed = 0; mNumFramesPlayedSysTimeUs = ALooper::GetNowUs(); mPositionTimeMediaUs = -1; mPositionTimeRealUs = -1; mSeeking = false; mSeekTimeUs = 0; mReachedEOS = false; mFinalStatus = OK; mStarted = false; mPlaying = false; mStartPosUs = 0; mPauseRequired = false; }