Exemplo n.º 1
int main( int argc, const char** argv )
	std::signal(SIGINT, aqsisSignalHandler);
	std::signal(SIGABRT, aqsisSignalHandler);
	RtInt returnCode = 0;

		ArgParse ap;
		ap.usageHeader( ArgParse::apstring( "Aqsis command line renderer\nUsage: " ) + argv[ 0 ] + " [options] [RIB file...]" );
		ap.argFlag( "help", "\aPrint this help and exit", &g_cl_help );
		ap.alias( "help" , "h" );
		ap.argFlag( "version", "\aPrint version information and exit", &g_cl_version );
		ap.argFlag( "pause", "\aWait for a keypress on completion", &g_cl_pause );
		ap.argFlag( "progress", "\aPrint progress information", &g_cl_progress );
		ap.argFlag( "Progress", "\aPrint PRMan-compatible progress information (ignores -progressformat)", &g_cl_Progress );
		ap.argString( "progressformat", "=string\aprintf-style format string for -progress", &g_cl_strprogress );
		ap.argInt( "endofframe", "=integer\aEquivalent to \"endofframe\" RIB option", &g_cl_endofframe );
		ap.argInt( "verbose", "=integer\aSet log output level\n"
		           "\a0 = errors\n"
		           "\a1 = warnings (default)\n"
		           "\a2 = information\n"
		           "\a3 = debug", &g_cl_verbose );
		ap.alias( "verbose", "v" );
		ap.argFlag( "echoapi", "\aEcho all RI API calls to the log output (experimental)", &g_cl_echoapi);

		ap.argInt( "priority", "=integer\aControl the priority class of aqsis.\n"
			"\a0 = idle\n"
			"\a1 = normal\n"
			"\a2 = high\n"
			"\a3 = RT", &g_cl_priority);
		ap.alias( "priority", "z");
		ap.argString( "type", "=string\aSpecify a display device type to use", &g_cl_type );
		ap.argString( "addtype", "=string\aSpecify a display device type to add", &g_cl_addtype );
		ap.argString( "mode", "=string\aSpecify a display device mode to use", &g_cl_mode );
		ap.argFlag( "fb", "\aSame as --type=\"framebuffer\" --mode=\"rgb\"", &g_cl_fb );
		ap.alias( "fb", "d" );
		ap.argFloats( "crop", " x1 x2 y1 y2\aSpecify a crop window, values are in screen space.", &g_cl_cropWindow, ArgParse::SEP_ARGV, 4);
		ap.argFlag( "nocolor", "\aDisable colored output", &g_cl_no_color );
		ap.argFlag( "beep", "\aBeep on completion of all ribs", &g_cl_beep );
		ap.alias( "nocolor", "nc" );
		ap.argInts( "res", " x y\aSpecify the resolution of the render.", &g_cl_res, ArgParse::SEP_ARGV, 2);
		ap.argStrings( "option", "=string\aA valid RIB Option string, can be specified multiple times.", &g_cl_options);
		ap.argFlag( "syslog", "\aLog messages to syslog", &g_cl_syslog );
		ap.argFlag( "mpdump", "\aOutput MP list to a custom 'dump' file", &g_cl_mpdump );
#		endif // ENABLE_MPDUMP

		ap.argString( "shaders", "=string\aOverride the default shader searchpath(s)", &g_cl_shader_path );
		ap.argString( "archives", "=string\aOverride the default archive searchpath(s)", &g_cl_archive_path );
		ap.argString( "textures", "=string\aOverride the default texture searchpath(s)", &g_cl_texture_path );
		ap.argString( "displays", "=string\aOverride the default display searchpath(s)", &g_cl_display_path );
		ap.argString( "procedurals", "=string\aOverride the default procedural searchpath(s)", &g_cl_procedural_path );

		if ( argc > 1 && !ap.parse( argc - 1, argv + 1 ) )
			Aqsis::log() << ap.errmsg() << std::endl << ap.usagemsg();
			return( 1 );

		// Check that the number of arguments to crop are valid if specified.
		if ( g_cl_cropWindow.size() > 0 && g_cl_cropWindow.size() != 4 )
			Aqsis::log() << Aqsis::error << "Invalid number of arguments to -crop, expected 4, got " << g_cl_cropWindow.size() << std::endl;
			g_cl_help = true;

		if ( g_cl_help )
			std::cout << ap.usagemsg();
			return( 0 );

		if ( g_cl_version )
			std::cout << "aqsis version " << AQSIS_VERSION_STR_FULL
#			ifdef _DEBUG
			<< " (debug build)"
#			endif
			<< "\n"
			<< "compiled " << __DATE__ << " " << __TIME__ << "\n";
			return( 0 );

		std::auto_ptr<std::streambuf> ansi( new Aqsis::ansi_buf(Aqsis::log()) );
#		endif

		std::auto_ptr<std::streambuf> reset_level( new Aqsis::reset_level_buf(Aqsis::log()) );
		std::auto_ptr<std::streambuf> show_timestamps( new Aqsis::timestamp_buf(Aqsis::log()) );
		std::auto_ptr<std::streambuf> fold_duplicates( new Aqsis::fold_duplicates_buf(Aqsis::log()) );
		std::auto_ptr<std::streambuf> color_level;
			std::auto_ptr<std::streambuf> temp_color_level( new Aqsis::color_level_buf(Aqsis::log()) );
			color_level = temp_color_level;
		std::auto_ptr<std::streambuf> show_level( new Aqsis::show_level_buf(Aqsis::log()) );
		Aqsis::log_level_t level = Aqsis::ERROR;
		if( g_cl_verbose > 0 )
			level = Aqsis::WARNING;
		if( g_cl_verbose > 1 )
			level = Aqsis::INFO;
		if( g_cl_verbose > 2 )
			level = Aqsis::DEBUG;
		std::auto_ptr<std::streambuf> filter_level( new Aqsis::filter_by_level_buf(level, Aqsis::log()) );
		if( g_cl_syslog )
			std::auto_ptr<std::streambuf> use_syslog( new Aqsis::syslog_buf(Aqsis::log()) );

		if (g_cl_priority != 1)
			// Set the priority on the main thread

			if ( ap.leftovers().size() == 0 )
				// If no files specified, take input from stdin.
				// TODO: We'd like to turn off stdio synchronisation to allow fast
				// buffering... unfortunately this causes very odd problems with
				// the aqsis logging facility as of svn r2804
				Aqsis::QGetRenderContextI()->parseRibStream(std::cin, "stdin");
				for(ArgParse::apstringvec::const_iterator fileName = ap.leftovers().begin();
						fileName != ap.leftovers().end(); fileName++)
					std::ifstream inFile(fileName->c_str());
						Aqsis::QGetRenderContextI()->parseRibStream(inFile, *fileName);
						returnCode = RiLastError;
						Aqsis::log() << Aqsis::error
							<< "Cannot open file \"" << *fileName << "\"\n";
						returnCode = RIE_NOFILE;
		catch(const std::exception& e)
			Aqsis::log() << Aqsis::error << e.what() << std::endl;
			returnCode = RIE_BUG;
			Aqsis::log() << Aqsis::error
				<< "unknown exception has been encountered\n";
			returnCode = RIE_BUG;


		std::cout << "\a" << std::ends;

		std::cout << "Press any key..." << std::ends;
		std::cin.ignore(std::cin.rdbuf()->in_avail() + 1);

	return returnCode;
Exemplo n.º 2
 static void log_backend (int kind, char *log_buf)
    char stamp_buf[2*SMALLBUFFER];
	int n;
	char *s;
	/* plp_block_mask omask; / **/
	int err = errno;

    /* plp_block_all_signals (&omask); / **/
	/* put the error message into the status file as well */
     * Now build up the state info: timestamp, hostname, argv[0], pid, etc.
     * Don't worry about efficiency here -- it shouldn't happen very often
     * (unless we're debugging).

	stamp_buf[0] = 0;
	/* remove trailing \n */
	if( (s = strrchr(log_buf, '\n')) && cval(s+1) == 0 ){
		*s = 0;

	if( Is_server || DEBUGL1 ){
		/* log stuff */
		if( (LOG_EMERG < LOG_INFO && kind <= LOG_INFO )
			|| ( LOG_EMERG > LOG_INFO && kind >= LOG_INFO )){
			setstatus( 0, "%s", log_buf );
			use_syslog(kind, log_buf);
		n = safestrlen(stamp_buf); s = stamp_buf+n; n = sizeof(stamp_buf)-n;
		(void) plp_snprintf( s, n, "%s", Time_str(0,0) );
		if (ShortHost_FQDN ) {
			n = safestrlen(stamp_buf); s = stamp_buf+n; n = sizeof(stamp_buf)-n;
			(void) plp_snprintf( s, n, " %s", ShortHost_FQDN );
		if(Debug || DbgFlag){
			n = safestrlen(stamp_buf); s = stamp_buf+n; n = sizeof(stamp_buf)-n;
			(void) plp_snprintf(s, n, " [%ld]", (long)getpid());
			n = safestrlen(stamp_buf); s = stamp_buf+n; n = sizeof(stamp_buf)-n;
			if(Name) (void) plp_snprintf(s, n, " %s", Name);
			n = safestrlen(stamp_buf); s = stamp_buf+n; n = sizeof(stamp_buf)-n;
			(void) plp_snprintf(s, n, " %s", putlogmsg(kind) );
		n = safestrlen(stamp_buf); s = stamp_buf+n; n = sizeof(stamp_buf)-n;
		(void) plp_snprintf(s, n, " %s", log_buf );
	} else {
		(void) plp_snprintf(stamp_buf, sizeof(stamp_buf), "%s", log_buf );

	if( safestrlen(stamp_buf) > (int)sizeof(stamp_buf) - 8 ){
		stamp_buf[sizeof(stamp_buf)-8] = 0;
	n = safestrlen(stamp_buf); s = stamp_buf+n; n = sizeof(stamp_buf)-n;
	(void) plp_snprintf(s, n, "\n" );

    /* use writes here: on HP/UX, using f p rintf really screws up. */
	/* if stdout or stderr is dead, you have big problems! */

	Write_fd_str( 2, stamp_buf );

    /* plp_unblock_all_signals ( &omask ); / **/
	errno = err;