Exemplo n.º 1
  * Write a UTF-8 string to the Windows console in Unicode (UTF-16)
  * @param utf8String        UTF-8 input string
  * @param utf8StringSize    Number of bytes in UTF-8 string, no NUL terminator assumed
  * @return                  true if all characters were displayed (including zero characters)
 bool writeUtf8ToWindowsConsole( const char* utf8String, unsigned int utf8StringSize ) {
     int bufferSize = MultiByteToWideChar(
             CP_UTF8,            // Code page
             0,                  // Flags
             utf8String,         // Input string
             utf8StringSize,     // Input string length
             NULL,               // No output buffer
             0                   // Zero means "compute required size"
     if ( bufferSize == 0 ) {
         return true;
     boost::scoped_array<wchar_t> utf16String( new wchar_t[ bufferSize ] );
             CP_UTF8,            // Code page
             0,                  // Flags
             utf8String,         // Input string
             utf8StringSize,     // Input string length
             utf16String.get(),  // UTF-16 output buffer
             bufferSize          // Buffer size in wide characters
     const wchar_t* utf16Pointer = utf16String.get();
     size_t numberOfCharactersToWrite = bufferSize;
     HANDLE consoleHandle = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );
     while ( numberOfCharactersToWrite > 0 ) {
         static const DWORD MAXIMUM_CHARACTERS_PER_PASS = 8 * 1024;
         DWORD numberOfCharactersThisPass = static_cast<DWORD>( numberOfCharactersToWrite );
         if ( numberOfCharactersThisPass > MAXIMUM_CHARACTERS_PER_PASS ) {
             numberOfCharactersThisPass = MAXIMUM_CHARACTERS_PER_PASS;
         DWORD numberOfCharactersWritten;
         BOOL success = WriteConsoleW( consoleHandle,
                                       NULL );
         if ( 0 == success ) {
             DWORD dosError = GetLastError();
             static bool errorMessageShown = false;
             if ( ERROR_GEN_FAILURE == dosError ) {
                 if ( ! errorMessageShown ) {
                     std::cout << "\n---\nUnicode text could not be correctly displayed.\n"
                             "Please change your console font to a Unicode font "
                             "(e.g. Lucida Console).\n---\n" << std::endl;
                     errorMessageShown = true;
                 // we can't display the text properly using a raster font,
                 // but we can display the bits that will display ...
                 _write( 1, utf8String, utf8StringSize );
             return false;
         numberOfCharactersToWrite -= numberOfCharactersWritten;
         utf16Pointer += numberOfCharactersWritten;
     return true;
nsBeckyFilters::GetFolderNameFromTarget(const nsCString &aTarget, nsAString &aName)
  int32_t backslashPosition = aTarget.RFindChar('\\');
  if (backslashPosition > 0) {
    NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 utf16String(Substring(aTarget, backslashPosition + 1));
    nsBeckyUtils::TranslateFolderName(utf16String, aName);

  return NS_OK;
Exemplo n.º 3
std::wstring ToUtf16String(const std::string& str)
  int length = static_cast<int>(str.size());
  if (length == 0)
    return std::wstring();

  int utf16StringLength = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str.c_str(), length, NULL, 0);
  if (utf16StringLength == 0)
    throw std::runtime_error("ToUTF16String failed. Can't determine the length of the buffer needed.");

  std::wstring utf16String(utf16StringLength, L'\0');
  MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str.c_str(), length, &utf16String[0], utf16StringLength);
  return utf16String;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Write a UTF-8 string to the Windows console in Unicode (UTF-16)
  * @param utf8String        UTF-8 input string
  * @param utf8StringSize    Number of bytes in UTF-8 string, no NUL terminator assumed
  * @return                  true if all characters were displayed (including zero characters)
 bool writeUtf8ToWindowsConsole( const char* utf8String, unsigned int utf8StringSize ) {
     int bufferSize = MultiByteToWideChar(
             CP_UTF8,            // Code page
             0,                  // Flags
             utf8String,         // Input string
             utf8StringSize,     // Input string length
             NULL,               // No output buffer
             0                   // Zero means "compute required size"
     if ( bufferSize == 0 ) {
         return true;
     boost::scoped_array<wchar_t> utf16String( new wchar_t[ bufferSize ] );
             CP_UTF8,            // Code page
             0,                  // Flags
             utf8String,         // Input string
             utf8StringSize,     // Input string length
             utf16String.get(),  // UTF-16 output buffer
             bufferSize          // Buffer size in wide characters
     const wchar_t* utf16Pointer = utf16String.get();
     size_t numberOfCharactersToWrite = bufferSize;
     HANDLE consoleHandle = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );
     while ( numberOfCharactersToWrite > 0 ) {
         static const DWORD MAXIMUM_CHARACTERS_PER_PASS = 8 * 1024;
         DWORD numberOfCharactersThisPass = static_cast<DWORD>( numberOfCharactersToWrite );
         if ( numberOfCharactersThisPass > MAXIMUM_CHARACTERS_PER_PASS ) {
             numberOfCharactersThisPass = MAXIMUM_CHARACTERS_PER_PASS;
         DWORD numberOfCharactersWritten;
         BOOL success = WriteConsoleW( consoleHandle,
                                       NULL );
         if ( 0 == success ) {
             return false;
         numberOfCharactersToWrite -= numberOfCharactersWritten;
         utf16Pointer += numberOfCharactersWritten;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
bool WebPopupMenuProxyGtk::typeAheadFind(GdkEventKey* event)
    // If we were given a non-printable character just skip it.
    gunichar unicodeCharacter = gdk_keyval_to_unicode(event->keyval);
    if (!g_unichar_isprint(unicodeCharacter)) {
        return false;

    glong charactersWritten;
    GUniquePtr<gunichar2> utf16String(g_ucs4_to_utf16(&unicodeCharacter, 1, nullptr, &charactersWritten, nullptr));
    if (!utf16String) {
        return false;

    // If the character is the same as the last character, the user is probably trying to
    // cycle through the menulist entries. This matches the WebCore behavior for collapsed menulists.
    static const uint32_t searchTimeoutMs = 1000;
    bool repeatingCharacter = unicodeCharacter != m_previousKeyEventCharacter;
    if (event->time - m_previousKeyEventTimestamp > searchTimeoutMs)
        m_currentSearchString = String(reinterpret_cast<UChar*>(utf16String.get()), charactersWritten);
    else if (repeatingCharacter)
        m_currentSearchString.append(String(reinterpret_cast<UChar*>(utf16String.get()), charactersWritten));

    m_previousKeyEventTimestamp = event->time;
    m_previousKeyEventCharacter = unicodeCharacter;

    GUniquePtr<GList> children(gtk_container_get_children(GTK_CONTAINER(m_popup)));
    if (!children)
        return true;

    // We case fold before searching, because strncmp does not handle non-ASCII characters.
    GUniquePtr<gchar> searchStringWithCaseFolded(g_utf8_casefold(m_currentSearchString.utf8().data(), -1));
    size_t prefixLength = strlen(searchStringWithCaseFolded.get());

    // If a menu item has already been selected, start searching from the current
    // item down the list. This will make multiple key presses of the same character
    // advance the selection.
    GList* currentChild = children.get();
    if (m_currentlySelectedMenuItem) {
        currentChild = g_list_find(children.get(), m_currentlySelectedMenuItem);
        if (!currentChild) {
            m_currentlySelectedMenuItem = nullptr;
            currentChild = children.get();

        // Repeating characters should iterate.
        if (repeatingCharacter) {
            if (GList* nextChild = g_list_next(currentChild))
                currentChild = nextChild;

    GList* firstChild = currentChild;
    do {
        currentChild = g_list_next(currentChild);
        if (!currentChild)
            currentChild = children.get();

        GUniquePtr<gchar> itemText(g_utf8_casefold(gtk_menu_item_get_label(GTK_MENU_ITEM(currentChild->data)), -1));
        if (!strncmp(searchStringWithCaseFolded.get(), itemText.get(), prefixLength)) {
            gtk_menu_shell_select_item(GTK_MENU_SHELL(m_popup), GTK_WIDGET(currentChild->data));
    } while (currentChild != firstChild);

    return true;