Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: Input.cpp Projeto: 456z/gosu
wchar_t Gosu::Input::idToChar(Button btn)
    if (btn.id() > kbRangeEnd)
        return 0;
    // SDL_GetKeyName would return "Space" for this value.
    if (btn.id() == kbSpace)
        return L' ';
    SDL_Keycode keycode = SDL_GetKeyFromScancode(static_cast<SDL_Scancode>(btn.id()));
    if (keycode == SDLK_UNKNOWN)
        return 0;
    const char* name = SDL_GetKeyName(keycode);
    if (name == NULL)
        return 0;
    std::wstring wname = utf8ToWstring(name);
    if (wname.length() != 1)
        return 0;
    // Convert to lower case to be consistent with previous versions of Gosu.
    // Also, German umlauts are already reported in lower-case by the SDL, so
    // this makes everything a little more consistent.
    // This should handle Turkish i/I just fine because it uses the current
    // locale, but if we ever receive bug reports from Turkish users, they are
    // likely caused by a combination of this line and an invalid locale :)
    return std::towlower(wname[0]);
Exemplo n.º 2
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    std::wcout << L"version : 2015.09.14" << std::endl;
    std::wcout << L"Usage : FbxExporter <path to fbx file> <outdir> [/fps:60|30|24] [/skipemptynodes] [/animstack:\"animstack name\"]" << std::endl;
    if (argc < 3) {
        std::wcerr << L"Invalid argument count" << std::endl;
        return -1;
    std::wstring wInputPath(argv[1]);
    std::wstring wInputDir(argv[1]);
    std::wstring wInputFileName(argv[1]);
    auto lastDirSeparator = wInputDir.find_last_of(L'\\');
    if (lastDirSeparator == wInputDir.npos) {
        wInputDir = L".";
    else {
        wInputFileName.erase(0, lastDirSeparator + 1);
    std::wstring wOutputPath(argv[2]);
    CreateDirectory(wOutputPath.c_str(), nullptr);
    bool skipEmptyNodes = false;
    std::wstring animStackName;
    for (int i = 3; i < argc; ++i) {
        std::wstring warg = argv[i];
        if (warg == L"/skipemptynodes") {
            skipEmptyNodes = true;
        else if (warg.find(L"/fps:") == 0) {
            if (warg == L"/fps:60") {
                GlobalSettings::Current().AnimationsTimeMode = FbxTime::EMode::eFrames60;
            else if (warg == L"/fps:30") {
                GlobalSettings::Current().AnimationsTimeMode = FbxTime::EMode::eFrames30;
            else if (warg == L"/fps:24") {
                GlobalSettings::Current().AnimationsTimeMode = FbxTime::EMode::eFrames24;
            else {
                std::wcerr << L"Unrecognized fps parameter" << std::endl;
                return -2;
        else if (warg.find(L"/animstack:") == 0) {
            animStackName = warg.substr(11);

            if (animStackName.size()>0 && animStackName[0] == L'\"') {
                animStackName.erase(0, 1);
            if (animStackName.size() > 0 && animStackName[animStackName.size() - 1] == L'\"') {
                animStackName.erase(animStackName.size() - 1, 1);


    FbxSceneLoader sceneLoader(wstringToUtf8(wInputPath));
    auto animStackCount = sceneLoader.getScene()->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxAnimStack>();
    if (animStackName.size() == 0) {
        GlobalSettings::Current().AnimStackIndex = 0;
    else {
        for (auto ix = 0; ix < animStackCount; ++ix) {
            auto animStack = sceneLoader.getScene()->GetSrcObject<FbxAnimStack>(ix);
            if (utf8ToWstring(animStack->GetName()) == animStackName) {
                GlobalSettings::Current().AnimStackIndex = ix;
    std::wcout << L"Animation stacks : " << std::endl;
    for (auto ix = 0; ix < animStackCount; ++ix) {
        auto animStack = sceneLoader.getScene()->GetSrcObject<FbxAnimStack>(ix);
        if (ix == GlobalSettings::Current().AnimStackIndex) {
            std::wcout << L"[X] ";
        else {
            std::wcout << L"[ ] ";

        std::wcout << utf8ToWstring(animStack->GetName());
        auto ts=animStack->GetLocalTimeSpan();
        auto start = ts.GetStart();
        auto stop = ts.GetStop();
        std::wcout << L"(" << start.GetMilliSeconds() << L" - " << stop.GetMilliSeconds() << L")" << std::endl;

    auto root = sceneLoader.rootNode();

    BabylonScene babScene(*root, skipEmptyNodes);

    for (auto& mat : babScene.materials()) {
        exportTexture(mat.ambientTexture, wOutputPath);
        exportTexture(mat.diffuseTexture, wOutputPath);
        exportTexture(mat.specularTexture, wOutputPath);
        exportTexture(mat.emissiveTexture, wOutputPath);
        exportTexture(mat.reflectionTexture, wOutputPath);
        exportTexture(mat.bumpTexture, wOutputPath);


    auto json = babScene.toJson();
    if (L'\\' != *wOutputPath.crbegin()) {

    auto lastDot = wOutputPath.find_last_of(L'.');
    std::ofstream stream(wOutputPath);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool Gosu::TextInput::feedSDLEvent(void* event)
    const SDL_Event* e = static_cast<SDL_Event*>(event);
    switch (e->type) {
        // Direct text input, and sent after IME composition completes.
        case SDL_TEXTINPUT: {
            std::wstring textToInsert = utf8ToWstring(e->text.text);
            textToInsert = filter(textToInsert);
            return true;
        // IME composition in progress.
        case SDL_TEXTEDITING: {
            pimpl->composition = utf8ToWstring(e->edit.text);
            return true;
        // Emulate "standard" Windows/X11 keyboard behavior.
        case SDL_KEYDOWN: {
            // ...but not if the IME is currently compositing.
            if (! pimpl->composition.empty()) {
                return false;
            bool ctrlDown = (e->key.keysym.mod & (KMOD_LCTRL | KMOD_RCTRL));
            bool shiftDown = (e->key.keysym.mod & (KMOD_LSHIFT | KMOD_RSHIFT));
            SDL_Keycode key = e->key.keysym.sym;
            switch (key) {
                case SDLK_LEFT:
                    if (ctrlDown)
                        pimpl->moveWordLeft(! shiftDown);
                        pimpl->moveLeft(! shiftDown);
                    return true;
                case SDLK_RIGHT:
                    if (ctrlDown)
                        pimpl->moveWordRight(! shiftDown);
                        pimpl->moveRight(! shiftDown);
                    return true;
                case SDLK_HOME:
                    pimpl->moveToBeginningOfLine(! shiftDown);
                    return true;
                case SDLK_END:
                    pimpl->moveToEndOfLine(! shiftDown);
                    return true;
                case SDLK_BACKSPACE:
                    return true;
                case SDLK_DELETE:
                    return true;
        // TODO: Handle copy & paste.
    return false;