Exemplo n.º 1
bool LimitedNodeList::packetVersionAndHashMatch(const QByteArray& packet) {
    PacketType checkType = packetTypeForPacket(packet);
    int numPacketTypeBytes = numBytesArithmeticCodingFromBuffer(packet.data());

    if (packet[numPacketTypeBytes] != versionForPacketType(checkType)
            && checkType != PacketTypeStunResponse) {
        PacketType mismatchType = packetTypeForPacket(packet);

        static QMultiMap<QUuid, PacketType> versionDebugSuppressMap;

        QUuid senderUUID = uuidFromPacketHeader(packet);
        if (!versionDebugSuppressMap.contains(senderUUID, checkType)) {
            qCDebug(networking) << "Packet version mismatch on" << packetTypeForPacket(packet) << "- Sender"
                                << uuidFromPacketHeader(packet) << "sent" << qPrintable(QString::number(packet[numPacketTypeBytes])) << "but"
                                << qPrintable(QString::number(versionForPacketType(mismatchType))) << "expected.";

            emit packetVersionMismatch();

            versionDebugSuppressMap.insert(senderUUID, checkType);

        return false;

    if (!NON_VERIFIED_PACKETS.contains(checkType)) {
        // figure out which node this is from
        SharedNodePointer sendingNode = sendingNodeForPacket(packet);
        if (sendingNode) {
            // check if the md5 hash in the header matches the hash we would expect
            if (hashFromPacketHeader(packet) == hashForPacketAndConnectionUUID(packet, sendingNode->getConnectionSecret())) {
                return true;
            } else {
                static QMultiMap<QUuid, PacketType> hashDebugSuppressMap;

                QUuid senderUUID = uuidFromPacketHeader(packet);
                if (!hashDebugSuppressMap.contains(senderUUID, checkType)) {
                    qCDebug(networking) << "Packet hash mismatch on" << checkType << "- Sender"
                                        << uuidFromPacketHeader(packet);

                    hashDebugSuppressMap.insert(senderUUID, checkType);
        } else {
            static QString repeatedMessage
                = LogHandler::getInstance().addRepeatedMessageRegex("Packet of type \\d+ received from unknown node with UUID");

            qCDebug(networking) << "Packet of type" << checkType << "received from unknown node with UUID"
                                << qPrintable(uuidStringWithoutCurlyBraces(uuidFromPacketHeader(packet)));
    } else {
        return true;

    return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
void OctreeEditPacketSender::processNackPacket(const QByteArray& packet) {
    // parse sending node from packet, retrieve packet history for that node
    QUuid sendingNodeUUID = uuidFromPacketHeader(packet);
    // if packet history doesn't exist for the sender node (somehow), bail
    if (!_sentPacketHistories.contains(sendingNodeUUID)) {
    const SentPacketHistory& sentPacketHistory = _sentPacketHistories.value(sendingNodeUUID);

    int numBytesPacketHeader = numBytesForPacketHeader(packet);
    const unsigned char* dataAt = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(packet.data()) + numBytesPacketHeader;

    // read number of sequence numbers
    uint16_t numSequenceNumbers = (*(uint16_t*)dataAt);
    dataAt += sizeof(uint16_t);
    // read sequence numbers and queue packets for resend
    for (int i = 0; i < numSequenceNumbers; i++) {
        unsigned short int sequenceNumber = (*(unsigned short int*)dataAt);
        dataAt += sizeof(unsigned short int);

        // retrieve packet from history
        const QByteArray* packet = sentPacketHistory.getPacket(sequenceNumber);
        if (packet) {
            const SharedNodePointer& node = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>()->nodeWithUUID(sendingNodeUUID);
            queuePacketForSending(node, *packet);
Exemplo n.º 3
int NodeList::processDomainServerList(const QByteArray& packet) {
    // this is a packet from the domain server, reset the count of un-replied check-ins
    _numNoReplyDomainCheckIns = 0;
    // if this was the first domain-server list from this domain, we've now connected
    if (!_domainHandler.isConnected()) {

    int readNodes = 0;
    // setup variables to read into from QDataStream
    qint8 nodeType;
    QUuid nodeUUID, connectionUUID;

    HifiSockAddr nodePublicSocket;
    HifiSockAddr nodeLocalSocket;
    QDataStream packetStream(packet);
    // pull our owner UUID from the packet, it's always the first thing
    QUuid newUUID;
    packetStream >> newUUID;
    // pull each node in the packet
    while(packetStream.device()->pos() < packet.size()) {
        packetStream >> nodeType >> nodeUUID >> nodePublicSocket >> nodeLocalSocket;

        // if the public socket address is 0 then it's reachable at the same IP
        // as the domain server
        if (nodePublicSocket.getAddress().isNull()) {

        SharedNodePointer node = addOrUpdateNode(nodeUUID, nodeType, nodePublicSocket, nodeLocalSocket);
        packetStream >> connectionUUID;
    // ping inactive nodes in conjunction with receipt of list from domain-server
    // this makes it happen every second and also pings any newly added nodes

    return readNodes;
Exemplo n.º 4
void OctreePacketProcessor::processPacket(const SharedNodePointer& sendingNode, const QByteArray& packet) {
    PerformanceWarning warn(Menu::getInstance()->isOptionChecked(MenuOption::PipelineWarnings),
    QByteArray mutablePacket = packet;

    const int WAY_BEHIND = 300;

    if (packetsToProcessCount() > WAY_BEHIND && Application::getInstance()->getLogger()->extraDebugging()) {
        qDebug("OctreePacketProcessor::processPacket() packets to process=%d", packetsToProcessCount());
    int messageLength = mutablePacket.size();

    Application* app = Application::getInstance();
    bool wasStatsPacket = false;

    PacketType voxelPacketType = packetTypeForPacket(mutablePacket);
    // note: PacketType_OCTREE_STATS can have PacketType_VOXEL_DATA
    // immediately following them inside the same packet. So, we process the PacketType_OCTREE_STATS first
    // then process any remaining bytes as if it was another packet
    if (voxelPacketType == PacketTypeOctreeStats) {
        int statsMessageLength = app->parseOctreeStats(mutablePacket, sendingNode);
        wasStatsPacket = true;
        if (messageLength > statsMessageLength) {
            mutablePacket = mutablePacket.mid(statsMessageLength);
            // TODO: this does not look correct, the goal is to test the packet version for the piggyback, but
            //       this is testing the version and hash of the original packet
            if (!DependencyManager::get<NodeList>()->packetVersionAndHashMatch(packet)) {
                return; // bail since piggyback data doesn't match our versioning
        } else {
            // Note... stats packets don't have sequence numbers, so we don't want to send those to trackIncomingVoxelPacket()
            return; // bail since no piggyback data
    } // fall through to piggyback message
    voxelPacketType = packetTypeForPacket(mutablePacket);
    PacketVersion packetVersion = mutablePacket[1];
    PacketVersion expectedVersion = versionForPacketType(voxelPacketType);
    // check version of piggyback packet against expected version
    if (packetVersion != expectedVersion) {
        static QMultiMap<QUuid, PacketType> versionDebugSuppressMap;
        QUuid senderUUID = uuidFromPacketHeader(packet);
        if (!versionDebugSuppressMap.contains(senderUUID, voxelPacketType)) {
            qDebug() << "Packet version mismatch on" << voxelPacketType << "- Sender"
            << senderUUID << "sent" << (int)packetVersion << "but"
            << (int)expectedVersion << "expected.";
            emit packetVersionMismatch();

            versionDebugSuppressMap.insert(senderUUID, voxelPacketType);
        return; // bail since piggyback version doesn't match
    app->trackIncomingOctreePacket(mutablePacket, sendingNode, wasStatsPacket);

    if (sendingNode) {

        switch(voxelPacketType) {
            case PacketTypeEntityErase: {
                if (DependencyManager::get<SceneScriptingInterface>()->shouldRenderEntities()) {
                    app->_entities.processEraseMessage(mutablePacket, sendingNode);
            } break;

            case PacketTypeEntityData: {
                if (DependencyManager::get<SceneScriptingInterface>()->shouldRenderEntities()) {
                    app->_entities.processDatagram(mutablePacket, sendingNode);
            } break;

            case PacketTypeEnvironmentData: {
                app->_environment.parseData(*sendingNode->getActiveSocket(), mutablePacket);
            } break;

            default: {
                // nothing to do
            } break;
Exemplo n.º 5
void OctreeRenderer::processDatagram(const QByteArray& dataByteArray, const SharedNodePointer& sourceNode) {
    bool extraDebugging = false;
    if (extraDebugging) {
        qCDebug(octree) << "OctreeRenderer::processDatagram()";

    if (!_tree) {
        qCDebug(octree) << "OctreeRenderer::processDatagram() called before init, calling init()...";

    bool showTimingDetails = false; // Menu::getInstance()->isOptionChecked(MenuOption::PipelineWarnings);
    PerformanceWarning warn(showTimingDetails, "OctreeRenderer::processDatagram()",showTimingDetails);
    unsigned int packetLength = dataByteArray.size();
    PacketType command = packetTypeForPacket(dataByteArray);
    unsigned int numBytesPacketHeader = numBytesForPacketHeader(dataByteArray);
    QUuid sourceUUID = uuidFromPacketHeader(dataByteArray);
    PacketType expectedType = getExpectedPacketType();
    // packetVersion is the second byte
    PacketVersion packetVersion = dataByteArray[1];
    if(command == expectedType) {
        PerformanceWarning warn(showTimingDetails, "OctreeRenderer::processDatagram expected PacketType", showTimingDetails);
        // if we are getting inbound packets, then our tree is also viewing, and we should remember that fact.

        const unsigned char* dataAt = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(dataByteArray.data()) + numBytesPacketHeader;

        OCTREE_PACKET_FLAGS flags = (*(OCTREE_PACKET_FLAGS*)(dataAt));
        dataAt += sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_FLAGS);
        dataAt += sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_SEQUENCE);

        dataAt += sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_SENT_TIME);

        bool packetIsColored = oneAtBit(flags, PACKET_IS_COLOR_BIT);
        bool packetIsCompressed = oneAtBit(flags, PACKET_IS_COMPRESSED_BIT);
        OCTREE_PACKET_SENT_TIME arrivedAt = usecTimestampNow();
        int clockSkew = sourceNode ? sourceNode->getClockSkewUsec() : 0;
        int flightTime = arrivedAt - sentAt + clockSkew;

        unsigned int dataBytes = packetLength - (numBytesPacketHeader + OCTREE_PACKET_EXTRA_HEADERS_SIZE);

        if (extraDebugging) {
            qCDebug(octree, "OctreeRenderer::processDatagram() ... Got Packet Section"
                   " color:%s compressed:%s sequence: %u flight:%d usec size:%u data:%u",
                   debug::valueOf(packetIsColored), debug::valueOf(packetIsCompressed),
                   sequence, flightTime, packetLength, dataBytes);
        int subsection = 1;
        while (dataBytes > 0) {
            if (packetIsCompressed) {
                if (dataBytes > sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_INTERNAL_SECTION_SIZE)) {
                    sectionLength = (*(OCTREE_PACKET_INTERNAL_SECTION_SIZE*)dataAt);
                    dataAt += sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_INTERNAL_SECTION_SIZE);
                    dataBytes -= sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_INTERNAL_SECTION_SIZE);
                } else {
                    sectionLength = 0;
                    dataBytes = 0; // stop looping something is wrong
            } else {
                sectionLength = dataBytes;
            if (sectionLength) {
                // ask the VoxelTree to read the bitstream into the tree
                ReadBitstreamToTreeParams args(packetIsColored ? WANT_COLOR : NO_COLOR, WANT_EXISTS_BITS, NULL, 
                                                sourceUUID, sourceNode, false, packetVersion);
                OctreePacketData packetData(packetIsCompressed);
                packetData.loadFinalizedContent(dataAt, sectionLength);
                if (extraDebugging) {
                    qCDebug(octree, "OctreeRenderer::processDatagram() ... Got Packet Section"
                           " color:%s compressed:%s sequence: %u flight:%d usec size:%u data:%u"
                           " subsection:%d sectionLength:%d uncompressed:%d",
                           debug::valueOf(packetIsColored), debug::valueOf(packetIsCompressed),
                           sequence, flightTime, packetLength, dataBytes, subsection, sectionLength,
                if (extraDebugging) {
                    qCDebug(octree) << "OctreeRenderer::processDatagram() ******* START _tree->readBitstreamToTree()...";
                _tree->readBitstreamToTree(packetData.getUncompressedData(), packetData.getUncompressedSize(), args);
                if (extraDebugging) {
                    qCDebug(octree) << "OctreeRenderer::processDatagram() ******* END _tree->readBitstreamToTree()...";
                dataBytes -= sectionLength;
                dataAt += sectionLength;
Exemplo n.º 6
SharedNodePointer LimitedNodeList::sendingNodeForPacket(const QByteArray& packet) {
    QUuid nodeUUID = uuidFromPacketHeader(packet);

    // return the matching node, or NULL if there is no match
    return nodeWithUUID(nodeUUID);
Exemplo n.º 7
int InboundAudioStream::parseData(const QByteArray& packet) {

    PacketType packetType = packetTypeForPacket(packet);
    QUuid senderUUID = uuidFromPacketHeader(packet);

    // parse header 
    int numBytesHeader = numBytesForPacketHeader(packet);
    const char* sequenceAt = packet.constData() + numBytesHeader;
    int readBytes = numBytesHeader;

    // parse sequence number and track it
    quint16 sequence = *(reinterpret_cast<const quint16*>(sequenceAt));
    readBytes += sizeof(quint16);
    SequenceNumberStats::ArrivalInfo arrivalInfo = _incomingSequenceNumberStats.sequenceNumberReceived(sequence, senderUUID);


    // TODO: handle generalized silent packet here?????

    // parse the info after the seq number and before the audio data.(the stream properties)
    int numAudioSamples;
    readBytes += parseStreamProperties(packetType, packet.mid(readBytes), numAudioSamples);

    // handle this packet based on its arrival status.
    // For now, late packets are ignored.  It may be good in the future to insert the late audio frame
    // into the ring buffer to fill in the missing frame if it hasn't been mixed yet.
    switch (arrivalInfo._status) {
        case SequenceNumberStats::Early: {
            int packetsDropped = arrivalInfo._seqDiffFromExpected;
            writeSamplesForDroppedPackets(packetsDropped * numAudioSamples);
            // fall through to OnTime case
        case SequenceNumberStats::OnTime: {
            readBytes += parseAudioData(packetType, packet.mid(readBytes), numAudioSamples);
        default: {

    int framesAvailable = _ringBuffer.framesAvailable();
    // if this stream was starved, check if we're still starved.
    if (_isStarved && framesAvailable >= _desiredJitterBufferFrames) {
        _isStarved = false;
    // if the ringbuffer exceeds the desired size by more than the threshold specified,
    // drop the oldest frames so the ringbuffer is down to the desired size.
    if (framesAvailable > _desiredJitterBufferFrames + _maxFramesOverDesired) {
        int framesToDrop = framesAvailable - (_desiredJitterBufferFrames + DESIRED_JITTER_BUFFER_FRAMES_PADDING);
        _ringBuffer.shiftReadPosition(framesToDrop * _ringBuffer.getNumFrameSamples());
        _currentJitterBufferFrames = 0;

        _oldFramesDropped += framesToDrop;


    return readBytes;
Exemplo n.º 8
void IceServer::processDatagrams() {
    HifiSockAddr sendingSockAddr;
    QByteArray incomingPacket;
    while (_serverSocket.hasPendingDatagrams()) {
        _serverSocket.readDatagram(incomingPacket.data(), incomingPacket.size(),
                                   sendingSockAddr.getAddressPointer(), sendingSockAddr.getPortPointer());
        if (packetTypeForPacket(incomingPacket) == PacketTypeIceServerHeartbeat) {
            QUuid senderUUID = uuidFromPacketHeader(incomingPacket);
            // pull the public and private sock addrs for this peer
            HifiSockAddr publicSocket, localSocket;
            QDataStream hearbeatStream(incomingPacket);
            hearbeatStream >> publicSocket >> localSocket;
            // make sure we have this sender in our peer hash
            SharedNetworkPeer matchingPeer = _activePeers.value(senderUUID);
            if (!matchingPeer) {
                // if we don't have this sender we need to create them now
                matchingPeer = SharedNetworkPeer(new NetworkPeer(senderUUID, publicSocket, localSocket));
                _activePeers.insert(senderUUID, matchingPeer);
                qDebug() << "Added a new network peer" << *matchingPeer;
            } else {
                // we already had the peer so just potentially update their sockets
                qDebug() << "Matched hearbeat to existing network peer" << *matchingPeer;
            // update our last heard microstamp for this network peer to now
            // check if this node also included a UUID that they would like to connect to
            QUuid connectRequestID;
            hearbeatStream >> connectRequestID;
            // get the peers asking for connections with this peer
            QSet<QUuid>& requestingConnections = _currentConnections[senderUUID];
            if (!connectRequestID.isNull()) {
                qDebug() << "Peer wants to connect to peer with ID" << uuidStringWithoutCurlyBraces(connectRequestID);
                // ensure this peer is in the set of current connections for the peer with ID it wants to connect with
                // add the ID of the node they have said they would like to connect to
            if (requestingConnections.size() > 0) {
                // send a heartbeart response based on the set of connections
                qDebug() << "Sending a heartbeat response to" << senderUUID << "who has" << requestingConnections.size()
                    << "potential connections";
                sendHeartbeatResponse(sendingSockAddr, requestingConnections);