Exemplo n.º 1
void Image(const Texture& texture, const Vector2f& size, const Rectf& textureRect,
    const Color& tintColor, const Color& borderColor)
    Vector2f textureSize = static_cast<Vector2f>(texture.getSize());
    ImVec2 uv0(textureRect.left / textureSize.x, textureRect.top / textureSize.y);
    ImVec2 uv1((textureRect.left + textureRect.width) / textureSize.x,
        (textureRect.top + textureRect.height) / textureSize.y);
    ImGui::Image((void*)texture.getNativeHandle(), size, uv0, uv1, tintColor, borderColor);
Exemplo n.º 2
ManualObject* OgreNewtonMesh::CreateEntity (const String& name) const
	ManualObject* const object = new ManualObject(name);

	int pointCount = GetPointCount();
	int indexCount = GetTotalIndexCount();

	dNewtonScopeBuffer<int> indexList (indexCount);
	dNewtonScopeBuffer<int> remapIndex (indexCount);
	dNewtonScopeBuffer<dNewtonMesh::dPoint> posits (pointCount);
	dNewtonScopeBuffer<dNewtonMesh::dPoint> normals (pointCount);
	dNewtonScopeBuffer<dNewtonMesh::dUV> uv0 (pointCount);
	dNewtonScopeBuffer<dNewtonMesh::dUV> uv1 (pointCount);
	GetVertexStreams(&posits[0], &normals[0], &uv0[0], &uv1[0]);

	void* const materialsHandle = BeginMaterialHandle (); 
	for (int handle = GetMaterialIndex (materialsHandle); handle != -1; handle = GetNextMaterialIndex (materialsHandle, handle)) {
		int materialIndex = MaterialGetMaterial (materialsHandle, handle); 
		int indexCount = MaterialGetIndexCount (materialsHandle, handle); 
		MaterialGetIndexStream (materialsHandle, handle, &indexList[0]); 

		MaterialMap::const_iterator materialItr = m_materialMap.find(materialIndex);

		//object->begin("BaseWhiteNoLighting", Ogre::RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_LIST);
		object->begin(materialItr->second->getName(), Ogre::RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_LIST);
		// ogre does not support shared vertex for sub mesh, we will have remap the vertex data
		int vertexCount = 0;
		memset (&remapIndex[0], 0xff, indexCount * sizeof (remapIndex[0]));
		for( int i = 0; i < indexCount; i ++) {
			int index = indexList[i];
			if (remapIndex[index] == -1) {
				remapIndex[index] = vertexCount;
				object->position (posits[index].m_x, posits[index].m_y, posits[index].m_z);
				object->normal (normals[index].m_x, normals[index].m_y, normals[index].m_z);
				object->textureCoord (uv0[index].m_u, uv0[index].m_v);
				vertexCount ++;
			indexList[i] = remapIndex[index];

		for (int i = 0; i < indexCount; i += 3) {
			object->triangle (indexList[i + 0], indexList[i + 1], indexList[i + 2]);
	EndMaterialHandle (materialsHandle); 

	return object;
Exemplo n.º 3
void Triangle::build() 

  //Dessin 2D
  //glm::vec3 pos0(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
  glm::vec3 pos0(-1.f, -1.f, 0.0f);
  glm::vec3 norm0(0.f, 0.f, 1.0f);
  glm::vec2 uv0(0.f, 0.f);

  //glm::vec3 pos1(1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
  glm::vec3 pos1(3.f, -1.f, 0.0f);
  glm::vec3 norm1(0.f, 0.f, 1.0f);
  glm::vec2 uv1(2.f, 0.f);

	//glm::vec3 pos2(0.f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
	glm::vec3 pos2(-1.f, 3.0f, 0.0f);
  glm::vec3 norm2(0.f, 0.f, 1.0f);
  glm::vec2 uv2(0.f, 2.f);

    Pour un triangle faisant tout l'écran

    -1.0  -1.0  0.000000
    1.0  -1.0  0.000000
    0.0  0.5  0.000000

  _vertices[0].position = pos0;
  _vertices[0].normal = norm0;
  _vertices[0].uv = uv0;

  _vertices[1].position = pos1;
  _vertices[1].normal = norm1;
  _vertices[1].uv = uv1;

  _vertices[2].position = pos2;
  _vertices[2].normal = norm2;
  _vertices[2].uv = uv2;

  _indices[0] = 0;
  _indices[1] = 1;
  _indices[2] = 2;

Exemplo n.º 4
void GSVertexTrace::FindMinMax(const void* vertex, const uint32* index, int count)
	const GSDrawingContext* context = m_state->m_context;

	int n = 1;

		n = 1;
		n = 2;
		n = 3;

	GSVector4 tmin = s_minmax.xxxx();
	GSVector4 tmax = s_minmax.yyyy();
	GSVector4i cmin = GSVector4i::xffffffff();
	GSVector4i cmax = GSVector4i::zero();

	#if _M_SSE >= 0x401

	GSVector4i pmin = GSVector4i::xffffffff();
	GSVector4i pmax = GSVector4i::zero();


	GSVector4 pmin = s_minmax.xxxx();
	GSVector4 pmax = s_minmax.yyyy();

	const GSVertex* RESTRICT v = (GSVertex*)vertex;

	for(int i = 0; i < count; i += n)
		if(primclass == GS_POINT_CLASS)
			GSVector4i c(v[index[i]].m[0]);

				cmin = cmin.min_u8(c);
				cmax = cmax.max_u8(c);

					GSVector4 stq = GSVector4::cast(c);

					GSVector4 q = stq.wwww();

					stq = (stq.xyww() * q.rcpnr()).xyww(q);

					tmin = tmin.min(stq);
					tmax = tmax.max(stq);
					GSVector4i uv(v[index[i]].m[1]);

					GSVector4 st = GSVector4(uv.uph16()).xyxy();

					tmin = tmin.min(st);
					tmax = tmax.max(st);

			GSVector4i xyzf(v[index[i]].m[1]);

			GSVector4i xy = xyzf.upl16();
			GSVector4i z = xyzf.yyyy();

			#if _M_SSE >= 0x401

			GSVector4i p = xy.blend16<0xf0>(z.uph32(xyzf));

			pmin = pmin.min_u32(p);
			pmax = pmax.max_u32(p);


			GSVector4 p = GSVector4(xy.upl64(z.srl32(1).upl32(xyzf.wwww())));

			pmin = pmin.min(p);
			pmax = pmax.max(p);

		else if(primclass == GS_LINE_CLASS)
			GSVector4i c0(v[index[i + 0]].m[0]);
			GSVector4i c1(v[index[i + 1]].m[0]);

					cmin = cmin.min_u8(c0.min_u8(c1));
					cmax = cmax.max_u8(c0.max_u8(c1));
					cmin = cmin.min_u8(c1);
					cmax = cmax.max_u8(c1);

					GSVector4 stq0 = GSVector4::cast(c0);
					GSVector4 stq1 = GSVector4::cast(c1);

					GSVector4 q = stq0.wwww(stq1).rcpnr();

					stq0 = (stq0.xyww() * q.xxxx()).xyww(stq0);
					stq1 = (stq1.xyww() * q.zzzz()).xyww(stq1);

					tmin = tmin.min(stq0.min(stq1));
					tmax = tmax.max(stq0.max(stq1));
					GSVector4i uv0(v[index[i + 0]].m[1]);
					GSVector4i uv1(v[index[i + 1]].m[1]);

					GSVector4 st0 = GSVector4(uv0.uph16()).xyxy();
					GSVector4 st1 = GSVector4(uv1.uph16()).xyxy();

					tmin = tmin.min(st0.min(st1));
					tmax = tmax.max(st0.max(st1));

			GSVector4i xyzf0(v[index[i + 0]].m[1]);
			GSVector4i xyzf1(v[index[i + 1]].m[1]);

			GSVector4i xy0 = xyzf0.upl16();
			GSVector4i z0 = xyzf0.yyyy();
			GSVector4i xy1 = xyzf1.upl16();
			GSVector4i z1 = xyzf1.yyyy();

			#if _M_SSE >= 0x401

			GSVector4i p0 = xy0.blend16<0xf0>(z0.uph32(xyzf0));
			GSVector4i p1 = xy1.blend16<0xf0>(z1.uph32(xyzf1));

			pmin = pmin.min_u32(p0.min_u32(p1));
			pmax = pmax.max_u32(p0.max_u32(p1));


			GSVector4 p0 = GSVector4(xy0.upl64(z0.srl32(1).upl32(xyzf0.wwww())));
			GSVector4 p1 = GSVector4(xy1.upl64(z1.srl32(1).upl32(xyzf1.wwww())));

			pmin = pmin.min(p0.min(p1));
			pmax = pmax.max(p0.max(p1));

		else if(primclass == GS_TRIANGLE_CLASS)
			GSVector4i c0(v[index[i + 0]].m[0]);
			GSVector4i c1(v[index[i + 1]].m[0]);
			GSVector4i c2(v[index[i + 2]].m[0]);

					cmin = cmin.min_u8(c2).min_u8(c0.min_u8(c1));
					cmax = cmax.max_u8(c2).max_u8(c0.max_u8(c1));
					cmin = cmin.min_u8(c2);
					cmax = cmax.max_u8(c2);

					GSVector4 stq0 = GSVector4::cast(c0);
					GSVector4 stq1 = GSVector4::cast(c1);
					GSVector4 stq2 = GSVector4::cast(c2);

					GSVector4 q = stq0.wwww(stq1).xzww(stq2).rcpnr();

					stq0 = (stq0.xyww() * q.xxxx()).xyww(stq0);
					stq1 = (stq1.xyww() * q.yyyy()).xyww(stq1);
					stq2 = (stq2.xyww() * q.zzzz()).xyww(stq2);

					tmin = tmin.min(stq2).min(stq0.min(stq1));
					tmax = tmax.max(stq2).max(stq0.max(stq1));
					GSVector4i uv0(v[index[i + 0]].m[1]);
					GSVector4i uv1(v[index[i + 1]].m[1]);
					GSVector4i uv2(v[index[i + 2]].m[1]);

					GSVector4 st0 = GSVector4(uv0.uph16()).xyxy();
					GSVector4 st1 = GSVector4(uv1.uph16()).xyxy();
					GSVector4 st2 = GSVector4(uv2.uph16()).xyxy();

					tmin = tmin.min(st2).min(st0.min(st1));
					tmax = tmax.max(st2).max(st0.max(st1));

			GSVector4i xyzf0(v[index[i + 0]].m[1]);
			GSVector4i xyzf1(v[index[i + 1]].m[1]);
			GSVector4i xyzf2(v[index[i + 2]].m[1]);

			GSVector4i xy0 = xyzf0.upl16();
			GSVector4i z0 = xyzf0.yyyy();
			GSVector4i xy1 = xyzf1.upl16();
			GSVector4i z1 = xyzf1.yyyy();
			GSVector4i xy2 = xyzf2.upl16();
			GSVector4i z2 = xyzf2.yyyy();

			#if _M_SSE >= 0x401

			GSVector4i p0 = xy0.blend16<0xf0>(z0.uph32(xyzf0));
			GSVector4i p1 = xy1.blend16<0xf0>(z1.uph32(xyzf1));
			GSVector4i p2 = xy2.blend16<0xf0>(z2.uph32(xyzf2));

			pmin = pmin.min_u32(p2).min_u32(p0.min_u32(p1));
			pmax = pmax.max_u32(p2).max_u32(p0.max_u32(p1));


			GSVector4 p0 = GSVector4(xy0.upl64(z0.srl32(1).upl32(xyzf0.wwww())));
			GSVector4 p1 = GSVector4(xy1.upl64(z1.srl32(1).upl32(xyzf1.wwww())));
			GSVector4 p2 = GSVector4(xy2.upl64(z2.srl32(1).upl32(xyzf2.wwww())));

			pmin = pmin.min(p2).min(p0.min(p1));
			pmax = pmax.max(p2).max(p0.max(p1));

		else if(primclass == GS_SPRITE_CLASS)
			GSVector4i c0(v[index[i + 0]].m[0]);
			GSVector4i c1(v[index[i + 1]].m[0]);

					cmin = cmin.min_u8(c0.min_u8(c1));
					cmax = cmax.max_u8(c0.max_u8(c1));
					cmin = cmin.min_u8(c1);
					cmax = cmax.max_u8(c1);

					GSVector4 stq0 = GSVector4::cast(c0);
					GSVector4 stq1 = GSVector4::cast(c1);

					GSVector4 q = stq1.wwww().rcpnr();

					stq0 = (stq0.xyww() * q).xyww(stq1);
					stq1 = (stq1.xyww() * q).xyww(stq1);

					tmin = tmin.min(stq0.min(stq1));
					tmax = tmax.max(stq0.max(stq1));
					GSVector4i uv0(v[index[i + 0]].m[1]);
					GSVector4i uv1(v[index[i + 1]].m[1]);

					GSVector4 st0 = GSVector4(uv0.uph16()).xyxy();
					GSVector4 st1 = GSVector4(uv1.uph16()).xyxy();

					tmin = tmin.min(st0.min(st1));
					tmax = tmax.max(st0.max(st1));

			GSVector4i xyzf0(v[index[i + 0]].m[1]);
			GSVector4i xyzf1(v[index[i + 1]].m[1]);

			GSVector4i xy0 = xyzf0.upl16();
			GSVector4i z0 = xyzf0.yyyy();
			GSVector4i xy1 = xyzf1.upl16();
			GSVector4i z1 = xyzf1.yyyy();

			#if _M_SSE >= 0x401

			GSVector4i p0 = xy0.blend16<0xf0>(z0.uph32(xyzf1));
			GSVector4i p1 = xy1.blend16<0xf0>(z1.uph32(xyzf1));

			pmin = pmin.min_u32(p0.min_u32(p1));
			pmax = pmax.max_u32(p0.max_u32(p1));


			GSVector4 p0 = GSVector4(xy0.upl64(z0.srl32(1).upl32(xyzf1.wwww())));
			GSVector4 p1 = GSVector4(xy1.upl64(z1.srl32(1).upl32(xyzf1.wwww())));

			pmin = pmin.min(p0.min(p1));
			pmax = pmax.max(p0.max(p1));


	#if _M_SSE >= 0x401

	pmin = pmin.blend16<0x30>(pmin.srl32(1));
	pmax = pmax.blend16<0x30>(pmax.srl32(1));


	GSVector4 o(context->XYOFFSET);
	GSVector4 s(1.0f / 16, 1.0f / 16, 2.0f, 1.0f);

	m_min.p = (GSVector4(pmin) - o) * s;
	m_max.p = (GSVector4(pmax) - o) * s;

			s = GSVector4(1.0f / 16, 1.0f).xxyy();
			s = GSVector4(1 << context->TEX0.TW, 1 << context->TEX0.TH, 1, 1);

		m_min.t = tmin * s;
		m_max.t = tmax * s;
		m_min.t = GSVector4::zero();
		m_max.t = GSVector4::zero();

		m_min.c = cmin.zzzz().u8to32();
		m_max.c = cmax.zzzz().u8to32();
		m_min.c = GSVector4i::zero();
		m_max.c = GSVector4i::zero();
Exemplo n.º 5
void DrawCharRect(Vector2 p0, Vector2 p1, int sprite, int flags, Colour colour)
	if ((gRectVertCount + 6) > kMaxRectVerts)
		DebugLn("DrawRect overflow");

	Vertex* v = &gRectVerts[gRectVertCount];

	gRectVertCount += 6;

	int sx = sprite & 0x1F;
	int sy = sprite >> 5;

	Vector2 uv0(sx / 32.0f, sy / 32.0f);
	Vector2 uv1((sx + 1) / 32.0f, (sy + 1) / 32.0f);
	Vector2 scale(2.0f / (float)kWinWidth, -2.0f / (float)kWinHeight);

	if (flags & kFlipX) Swap(uv0.x, uv1.x);
	if (flags & kFlipY) Swap(uv0.y, uv1.y);

	// t0

	v->pos.x	= p0.x * scale.x;
	v->pos.y	= p0.y * scale.y;
	v->uv.x		= uv0.x;
	v->uv.y		= uv0.y;
	v->colour	= colour;

	v->pos.x	= p1.x * scale.x;
	v->pos.y	= p0.y * scale.y;
	v->uv.x		= uv1.x;
	v->uv.y		= uv0.y;
	v->colour	= colour;

	v->pos.x	= p1.x * scale.x;
	v->pos.y	= p1.y * scale.y;
	v->uv.x		= uv1.x;
	v->uv.y		= uv1.y;
	v->colour	= colour;

	// t1

	v->pos.x	= p0.x * scale.x;
	v->pos.y	= p0.y * scale.y;
	v->uv.x		= uv0.x;
	v->uv.y		= uv0.y;
	v->colour	= colour;

	v->pos.x	= p1.x * scale.x;
	v->pos.y	= p1.y * scale.y;
	v->uv.x		= uv1.x;
	v->uv.y		= uv1.y;
	v->colour	= colour;

	v->pos.x	= p0.x * scale.x;
	v->pos.y	= p1.y * scale.y;
	v->uv.x		= uv0.x;
	v->uv.y		= uv1.y;
	v->colour	= colour;
Exemplo n.º 6
void compute_tangent_vectors(mesh_t &mesh) {	
	int vertex_count = mesh.vertices.size() / 3;
	int face_count = mesh.indices.size() / 3;
	std::vector<glm::vec3> tangents;
	int *tangent_counts = new int[vertex_count];
	for (int i = 0; i < vertex_count; i++) tangent_counts[i] = 0;
	std::vector<float> &vertices = mesh.vertices;
	std::vector<float> &normals = mesh.normals;
	std::vector<float> &tex_coords = mesh.tex_coords;
	std::vector<unsigned int> &indices = mesh.indices;
	for (int i = 0; i < face_count; i++) {
		int i0 = indices[3*i];
		int i1 = indices[3*i + 1];
		int i2 = indices[3*i + 2];
		int j0 = 2*i0;
		int j1 = 2*i1;
		int j2 = 2*i2;
		glm::vec2 uv0(tex_coords[j0], tex_coords[j0 + 1]);
		glm::vec2 uv1(tex_coords[j1], tex_coords[j1 + 1]);
		glm::vec2 uv2(tex_coords[j2], tex_coords[j2 + 1]);
		glm::vec2 st1 = uv1 - uv0;
		glm::vec2 st2 = uv2 - uv0;
		float det = st1.x*st2.y - st2.x*st1.y;
		if (det == 0.0f) continue; // pass if inverse matrix does not exist
		// assert(det != 0.0f);

		int k0 = 3*i0;
		int k1 = 3*i1;
		int k2 = 3*i2;		
		glm::vec3 p0(vertices[k0], vertices[k0 + 1], vertices[k0 + 2]);
		glm::vec3 p1(vertices[k1], vertices[k1 + 1], vertices[k1 + 2]);
		glm::vec3 p2(vertices[k2], vertices[k2 + 1], vertices[k2 + 2]);		
		glm::vec3 q1 = p1 - p0;
		glm::vec3 q2 = p2 - p0;
		float coef = 1.0f / det;
		glm::mat3 m(
			q1.x, q2.x, 0.0f,
			q1.y, q2.y, 0.0f,
			q1.z, q2.z, 0.0f
		glm::vec3 t = coef * glm::vec3(st2.y, -st1.y, 0.0f) * m;

		tangents[i0] += t;
		tangents[i1] += t;
		tangents[i2] += t;
	for (int i = 0; i < vertex_count; i++) {
		const glm::vec3 n(normals[3*i], normals[3*i + 1], normals[3*i + 2]);
		const glm::vec3 t = tangent_counts[i] > 0 ? tangents[i] / (float)tangent_counts[i] : tangents[i];
		tangents[i] = glm::normalize(t - glm::dot(n, t) * n);

		mesh.tangents[3*i] = tangents[i].x;
		mesh.tangents[3*i + 1] = tangents[i].y;
		mesh.tangents[3*i + 2] = tangents[i].z;

	delete [] tangent_counts;
Exemplo n.º 7
    // MQO
    //  面倒なので四角ポリゴンはないものと仮定
    void build_from_mqo(
        mqo_reader::document_type& doc, float scale, DWORD color,
        TextureCache& tc )

        // マテリアル
        for( mqo_reader::materials_type::const_iterator i =
                 doc.materials.begin() ;
             i != doc.materials.end() ;
             ++i ) {
            SubModel m;
            m.vb            = NULL;
            m.ib            = NULL;
            m.texture       = NULL;
            if( (*i).texture != "" ) {
                m.texture = tc.get_texture( (*i).texture );

            submodels_.push_back( m );
            // default material
            SubModel m;
            m.vb                            = NULL;
            m.ib                            = NULL;
            submodels_.push_back( m );

        // 頂点, 面
        for( mqo_reader::objdic_type::const_iterator i =
                 doc.objects.begin() ;
             i != doc.objects.end() ;
             ++i ) {
            const mqo_reader::object_type& obj = (*i).second;

            // dictionary:
            //  ( source vertex index, uv ) => destination vertex index
            struct VertexKey {
                int             index;
                D3DXVECTOR2     uv;

                VertexKey( int aindex, const D3DXVECTOR2& auv )
                    : index( aindex ), uv( auv ) { }

                bool operator<( const VertexKey& a ) const
                    if( index < a.index ) { return true; }
                    if( a.index < index ) { return false; }
                    if( uv.x < a.uv.x ) { return true; }
                    if( a.uv.x < uv.x ) { return false; }
                    return uv.y < a.uv.y;

            std::vector< std::map< VertexKey, int > > used_vertices;
            used_vertices.resize( submodels_.size() );

            // マテリアルごとに使用頂点を分類
            for( mqo_reader::faces_type::const_iterator j =
                     obj.faces.begin() ;
                 j != obj.faces.end() ;
                 ++j ) {
                const mqo_reader::face_type& face = *j;
                int material_index = face.material_index;
                if( material_index == -1 ) {
                    material_index =
                        int( submodels_.size() - 1 );
                int i0 = face.vertex_indices[0];
                int i1 = face.vertex_indices[1];
                int i2 = face.vertex_indices[2];
                D3DXVECTOR2 uv0( face.uv[0].u, face.uv[0].v );
                D3DXVECTOR2 uv1( face.uv[1].u, face.uv[1].v );
                D3DXVECTOR2 uv2( face.uv[2].u, face.uv[2].v );
                std::map< VertexKey, int >& c =
                c[ VertexKey( i0, uv0 ) ] = -1 ; 
                c[ VertexKey( i1, uv1 ) ] = -1 ; 
                c[ VertexKey( i2, uv2 ) ] = -1 ; 
            // マテリアルごとに使われている頂点を追加
            size_t n = submodels_.size();
            for( size_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
                SubModel& m = submodels_[i];
                std::map< VertexKey, int >& c = used_vertices[i];

                int no = int( m.vertex_source.size() );
                for( std::map< VertexKey, int >::iterator j = c.begin();
                     j != c.end() ;
                     ++j ) {
                    const mqo_reader::vertex_type& src =

                    model_vertex_type dst;
                    dst.position = D3DXVECTOR3(
                        src.x * scale,
                        src.y * scale,
                        src.z * -scale );
                    dst.normal = D3DXVECTOR3( 0, 0, 0 );
                    dst.diffuse = color;
                    dst.uv = (*j).first.uv;
                    m.vertex_source.push_back( dst );

                    (*j).second = no++;

            // マテリアルごとに面を追加
            for( mqo_reader::faces_type::const_iterator j =
                     obj.faces.begin() ;
                 j != obj.faces.end() ;
                 ++j ) {
                const mqo_reader::face_type& face = *j;
                int material_index = face.material_index;
                if( material_index == -1 ) {
                    material_index =
                        int( submodels_.size() - 1 );
                int i0 = face.vertex_indices[0];
                int i1 = face.vertex_indices[1];
                int i2 = face.vertex_indices[2];
                D3DXVECTOR2 uv0( face.uv[0].u, face.uv[0].v );
                D3DXVECTOR2 uv1( face.uv[1].u, face.uv[1].v );
                D3DXVECTOR2 uv2( face.uv[2].u, face.uv[2].v );

                std::map< VertexKey, int >& c =
                int k0 = c[VertexKey( i0, uv0 )];
                int k1 = c[VertexKey( i1, uv1 )];
                int k2 = c[VertexKey( i2, uv2 )];

                SubModel& m =
                m.index_source.push_back( k0 );
                m.index_source.push_back( k1 );
                m.index_source.push_back( k2 );

                model_vertex_type& v0 = m.vertex_source[ k0 ];
                model_vertex_type& v1 = m.vertex_source[ k1 ];
                model_vertex_type& v2 = m.vertex_source[ k2 ];
                D3DXVECTOR3 normal = cross(
                    v1.position - v0.position,
                    v2.position - v0.position );
                v0.normal += normal;
                v1.normal += normal;
                v2.normal += normal;

        // 法線後処理
        size_t n = submodels_.size();
        for( size_t j = 0 ; j < n ; j++ ) {
            SubModel& m = submodels_[j];
            for( std::vector< model_vertex_type >::iterator i =
                     m.vertex_source.begin() ;
                 i != m.vertex_source.end() ;
                 ++i ) {
                D3DXVec3Normalize( &(*i).normal, &(*i).normal );

Exemplo n.º 8
void CoronaRenderer::defineMesh(mtco_MayaObject *obj)
	MObject meshObject = obj->mobject;
	MStatus stat = MStatus::kSuccess;
	bool hasDisplacement = false;
	Corona::Abstract::Map *displacementMap = NULL;
	float displacementMin = 0.0f;
	float displacementMax = 0.01f;

	// I do it here for displacement mapping, maybe we should to another place
	getObjectShadingGroups(obj->dagPath, obj->perFaceAssignments, obj->shadingGroups);
	if( obj->shadingGroups.length() > 0)
		MFnDependencyNode shadingGroup(obj->shadingGroups[0]);
		MString sgn = shadingGroup.name();
		MObject displacementObj = getConnectedInNode(obj->shadingGroups[0], "displacementShader");
		MString doo = getObjectName(displacementObj);

		if( (displacementObj != MObject::kNullObj) && (displacementObj.hasFn(MFn::kDisplacementShader)))
			MObject displacementMapObj = getConnectedInNode(displacementObj, "displacement");
			if( (displacementMapObj != MObject::kNullObj) && (displacementMapObj.hasFn(MFn::kFileTexture)))
				MFnDependencyNode displacmentMapNode(displacementObj);
				getFloat("mtco_displacementMin", displacmentMapNode, displacementMin);
				getFloat("mtco_displacementMax", displacmentMapNode, displacementMax);
				MString fileTexturePath = getConnectedFileTexturePath(MString("displacement"), displacmentMapNode);
				if( fileTexturePath != "")
					MapLoader loader;
					displacementMap = loader.loadBitmap(fileTexturePath.asChar());
					hasDisplacement = true;
	MFnMesh meshFn(meshObject, &stat);

	MItMeshPolygon faceIt(meshObject, &stat);

	MPointArray points;
	MFloatVectorArray normals;
	meshFn.getNormals( normals, MSpace::kWorld );
	MFloatArray uArray, vArray;
	meshFn.getUVs(uArray, vArray);

	//logger.debug(MString("Translating mesh object ") + meshFn.name().asChar());
	MString meshFullName = makeGoodString(meshFn.fullPathName());

	Corona::TriangleData td;
	Corona::IGeometryGroup* geom = NULL;
	geom = this->context.scene->addGeomGroup();
	obj->geom = geom;

	for( uint vtxId = 0; vtxId < points.length(); vtxId++)
	for( uint nId = 0; nId < normals.length(); nId++)

	for( uint tId = 0; tId < uArray.length(); tId++)

	MPointArray triPoints;
	MIntArray triVtxIds;
	MIntArray faceVtxIds;
	MIntArray faceNormalIds;

	for(faceIt.reset(); !faceIt.isDone(); faceIt.next())
		int faceId = faceIt.index();
		int numTris;

		MIntArray faceUVIndices;

		for( uint vtxId = 0; vtxId < faceVtxIds.length(); vtxId++)
			int uvIndex;
			faceIt.getUVIndex(vtxId, uvIndex);

		for( int triId = 0; triId < numTris; triId++)
			int faceRelIds[3];
			faceIt.getTriangle(triId, triPoints, triVtxIds);

			for( uint triVtxId = 0; triVtxId < 3; triVtxId++)
				for(uint faceVtxId = 0; faceVtxId < faceVtxIds.length(); faceVtxId++)
					if( faceVtxIds[faceVtxId] == triVtxIds[triVtxId])
						faceRelIds[triVtxId] = faceVtxId;
			uint vtxId0 = faceVtxIds[faceRelIds[0]];
			uint vtxId1 = faceVtxIds[faceRelIds[1]];
			uint vtxId2 = faceVtxIds[faceRelIds[2]];
			uint normalId0 = faceNormalIds[faceRelIds[0]];
			uint normalId1 = faceNormalIds[faceRelIds[1]];
			uint normalId2 = faceNormalIds[faceRelIds[2]];
			uint uvId0 = faceUVIndices[faceRelIds[0]];
			uint uvId1 = faceUVIndices[faceRelIds[1]];
			uint uvId2 = faceUVIndices[faceRelIds[2]];

			if( hasDisplacement )
				Corona::DisplacedTriangleData tri;
				tri.displacement.map = displacementMap;
				MPoint p0 = points[vtxId0];
				MPoint p1 = points[vtxId1];
				MPoint p2 = points[vtxId2];
				tri.v[0] = Corona::AnimatedPos(Corona::Pos(p0.x, p0.y, p0.z));
				tri.v[1] = Corona::AnimatedPos(Corona::Pos(p1.x, p1.y, p1.z));
				tri.v[2] = Corona::AnimatedPos(Corona::Pos(p2.x, p2.y, p2.z));
				MVector n0 = normals[normalId0];
				MVector n1 = normals[normalId1];
				MVector n2 = normals[normalId2];
				Corona::Dir dir0(n0.x, n0.y, n0.z);
				Corona::Dir dir1(n1.x, n1.y, n1.z);
				Corona::Dir dir2(n2.x, n2.y, n2.z);
				tri.n[0] = Corona::AnimatedDir(dir0);
				tri.n[1] = Corona::AnimatedDir(dir1);
				tri.n[2] = Corona::AnimatedDir(dir2);
				Corona::Pos uv0(uArray[uvId0],vArray[uvId0],0.0);
				Corona::Pos uv1(uArray[uvId1],vArray[uvId1],0.0);
				Corona::Pos uv2(uArray[uvId2],vArray[uvId2],0.0);
				Corona::StaticArray<Corona::Pos, 3> uvp;
				uvp[0] = uv0;
				uvp[1] = uv1;
				uvp[2] = uv2;
				tri.materialId = 0;
				tri.displacement.min = displacementMin;
				tri.displacement.max = displacementMax;
				Corona::TriangleData tri;
				tri.v = Corona::AnimatedPosI3(vtxId0, vtxId1, vtxId2);
				tri.n = Corona::AnimatedDirI3(normalId0, normalId1, normalId2);
				tri.t[0] = uvId0;
				tri.t[1] = uvId1;
				tri.t[2] = uvId2;
				tri.materialId = 0;

Exemplo n.º 9
void mesh::calculateTangents() {
	std::vector<float> tans(3*vertCount, 0);
	std::vector<float> bitans(3*vertCount, 0);
	tangents.resize(4 * vertCount);

	//calculate tentative tangents and bitangents for each triangle
	for (int i = 0; i < triCount; i++) {
		//find the vertices of the current triangle, and their UV coords
		int vi1 = triangles[3*i];
		int vi2 = triangles[3*i + 1];
		int vi3 = triangles[3*i + 2];

		glm::vec3 vert0(vertices[3*vi1], vertices[3*vi1 + 1], vertices[3*vi1 + 2]);
		glm::vec3 vert1(vertices[3*vi2], vertices[3*vi2 + 1], vertices[3*vi2 + 2]);
		glm::vec3 vert2(vertices[3*vi3], vertices[3*vi3 + 1], vertices[3*vi3 + 2]);

		glm::vec2 uv0(texCoords[2*vi1], texCoords[2*vi1 + 1]);
		glm::vec2 uv1(texCoords[2*vi2], texCoords[2*vi2 + 1]);
		glm::vec2 uv2(texCoords[2*vi3], texCoords[2*vi3 + 1]);

		//differences in position and UV coords
		glm::vec3 dPos1 = vert1 - vert0;
		glm::vec3 dPos2 = vert2 - vert0;

		glm::vec2 dUV1 = uv1 - uv0;
		glm::vec2 dUV2 = uv2 - uv0;

		//calculate and store the tangent and bitangent
		float coeff = 1.0f / (dUV1.x * dUV2.y - dUV1.y * dUV2.x);

		glm::vec3 tan = dPos1 * dUV2.y - dPos2 * dUV1.y;
		glm::vec3 bitan = dPos2 * dUV1.x  - dPos1 * dUV2.x;
		tan *= coeff;
		bitan *= coeff;

		tans[3*vi1] += tan.x;
		tans[3*vi1 + 1] += tan.y;
		tans[3*vi1 + 2] += tan.z;

		tans[3*vi2] += tan.x;
		tans[3*vi2 + 1] += tan.y;
		tans[3*vi2 + 2] += tan.z;

		tans[3*vi3] += tan.x;
		tans[3*vi3 + 1] += tan.y;
		tans[3*vi3 + 2] += tan.z;

		bitans[3*vi1] += bitan.x;
		bitans[3*vi1 + 1] += bitan.y;
		bitans[3*vi1 + 2] += bitan.z;

		bitans[3*vi2] += bitan.x;
		bitans[3*vi2 + 1] += bitan.y;
		bitans[3*vi2 + 2] += bitan.z;

		bitans[3*vi3] += bitan.x;
		bitans[3*vi3 + 1] += bitan.y;
		bitans[3*vi3 + 2] += bitan.z;

	//find the final tangent (and bitangent) for each vertex
	for (int j = 0; j < vertCount; j++) {
		glm::vec3 normal (normals[3*j], normals[3*j + 1], normals[3*j + 2]);
		glm::vec3 tangent (tans[3*j], tans[3*j + 1], tans[3*j + 2]);
		glm::vec3 bitangent (bitans[3*j], bitans[3*j + 1], bitans[3*j + 2]);


		glm::vec3 tangent_orth(normal);
		tangent_orth *= glm::dot(normal, tangent);
		tangent_orth = tangent - tangent_orth;

		//compute handedness
		float handedness = 1.0f;
		glm::vec3 nCrossT = glm::cross(normal, tangent_orth);
		if(glm::dot(nCrossT, bitangent) > 0) {
			handedness = 1.0f;
		} else {
			handedness = -1.0f;

		//store the orthagonalized tangent and handedness
		tangents[4*j] = tangent_orth.x;
		tangents[4*j + 1] = tangent_orth.y;
		tangents[4*j + 2] = tangent_orth.z;
		tangents[4*j + 3] = handedness;
