Exemplo n.º 1
/* Adds a triangle by interpolating over the given edges (which are expected to
 * contain an intersection).
 * The edges are specified by their vertices (u is the first edge, v the second,
 * etc.)
void interpolate_edges(triangle *triangles, unsigned char isovalue, cell c,
                       int u0, int u1,
                       int v0, int v1,
                       int w0, int w1)
    vec3 p1, p2, p3;
    p1 = interpolate_points(isovalue, c.p[u0], c.p[u1], c.value[u0], c.value[u1]);
    p2 = interpolate_points(isovalue, c.p[v0], c.p[v1], c.value[v0], c.value[v1]);
    p3 = interpolate_points(isovalue, c.p[w0], c.p[w1], c.value[w0], c.value[w1]);

    triangles->p[0] = p1;
    triangles->p[1] = p2;
    triangles->p[2] = p3;

    // the surface-normal is the cross-product between 2 of the edges making up
    // the face
    vec3 normal = v3_crossprod(v3_subtract(p1, p2),
                               v3_subtract(p3, p1));

    normal = v3_normalize(normal);
    normal = v3_multiply(normal, -1);

    triangles->n[0] = normal;
    triangles->n[1] = normal;
    triangles->n[2] = normal;
Exemplo n.º 2
    vec3    forward_vector, right_vector, up_vector;
    int     i, j;
    float   image_plane_width, image_plane_height;
    vec3    color;
    char    buf[128];

    struct timeval  t0, t1;
    float           time_taken;

    fprintf(stderr, "Ray tracing ...");
    gettimeofday(&t0, NULL);

    num_rays_shot = num_shadow_rays_shot = num_triangles_tested = num_bboxes_tested = 0;

    // Compute camera coordinate system from camera position
    // and look-at point
    up_vector = v3_create(0, 0, 1);
    forward_vector = v3_normalize(v3_subtract(scene_camera_lookat, scene_camera_position));
    right_vector = v3_normalize(v3_crossprod(forward_vector, up_vector));
    up_vector = v3_crossprod(right_vector, forward_vector);

    // Compute size of image plane from the chosen field-of-view
    // and image aspect ratio. This is the size of the plane at distance
    // of one unit from the camera position.
    image_plane_height = 2.0 * tan(0.5*VFOV/180*M_PI);
    image_plane_width = image_plane_height * (1.0 * framebuffer_width / framebuffer_height);

    vec3 d, e, u, v, w, ud, vd;
    float l, r, b, t, nx, ny;
    // direction d, origin e
    // ONB u, v, w
    // image plane edges l, r, b, t
    // window size nx, ny
    e = scene_camera_position;
    u = right_vector, v = up_vector, w = v3_negate(forward_vector);
    l = -0.5 * image_plane_width, r = 0.5 * image_plane_width;
    b = 0.5 * image_plane_height, t = -0.5 * image_plane_height;
    nx = framebuffer_width, ny = framebuffer_height;

    // Loop over all pixels in the framebuffer
    for (j = 0; j < ny; j++) {
        for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) {

            ud = v3_multiply(u, (l + (r - l) * ((i + 0.5) / nx)));
            vd = v3_multiply(v, (b + (t - b) * ((j + 0.5) / ny)));
            d = v3_add(v3_add(ud, vd), v3_negate(w));
            color = ray_color(0, e, d);
            put_pixel(i, j, color.x, color.y, color.z);


        sprintf(buf, "Ray-tracing ::: %.0f%% done", 100.0*j/framebuffer_height);

    // Done!
    gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);

    glutSetWindowTitle("Ray-tracing ::: done");

    // Output some statistics
    time_taken = 1.0 * (t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec) + (t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec) / 1000000.0;

    fprintf(stderr, " done in %.1f seconds\n", time_taken);
    fprintf(stderr, "... %lld total rays shot, of which %d camera rays and "
            "%lld shadow rays\n", num_rays_shot,
            do_antialiasing ? 4*framebuffer_width*framebuffer_height :
    fprintf(stderr, "... %lld triangles intersection tested "
            "(avg %.1f tri/ray)\n",
        num_triangles_tested, 1.0*num_triangles_tested/num_rays_shot);
    fprintf(stderr, "... %lld bboxes intersection tested (avg %.1f bbox/ray)\n",
        num_bboxes_tested, 1.0*num_bboxes_tested/num_rays_shot);
Exemplo n.º 3
    vec3    forward_vector, right_vector, up_vector;
    int     i, j;
    float   image_plane_width, image_plane_height;
    vec3    color;
    char    buf[128];

    struct timeval  t0, t1;
    float           time_taken;

    fprintf(stderr, "Ray tracing ...");
    gettimeofday(&t0, NULL);

    num_rays_shot = num_shadow_rays_shot = num_triangles_tested = num_bboxes_tested = 0;

    // Compute camera coordinate system from camera position
    // and look-at point
    up_vector = v3_create(0, 0, 1);
    forward_vector = v3_normalize(v3_subtract(scene_camera_lookat, scene_camera_position));
    right_vector = v3_normalize(v3_crossprod(forward_vector, up_vector));
    up_vector = v3_crossprod(right_vector, forward_vector);

    // Compute size of image plane from the chosen field-of-view
    // and image aspect ratio. This is the size of the plane at distance
    // of one unit from the camera position.
    image_plane_height = 2.0 * tan(0.5*VFOV/180*M_PI);
    image_plane_width = image_plane_height * (1.0 * framebuffer_width / framebuffer_height);

    // vector points to the middle of the monitor
    vec3 plane_center = v3_add(scene_camera_position, forward_vector);

    // vector points to the left side of the monitor    
    vec3 le_unnormalized = v3_multiply(right_vector, -(image_plane_width / 2.0));

    // vector points to the up side of the monitor
    vec3 up_unnormalized = v3_multiply(up_vector, image_plane_height / 2.0);
    // vector points to the coordinates 0,0 (left up) of the monitor
    vec3 left_up = v3_add(plane_center, v3_add(le_unnormalized, up_unnormalized));
    // vector points to right, and has length equal to width of a pixel
    vec3 pixel2pixel_x = v3_multiply(right_vector, (image_plane_width  / framebuffer_width));

    // vector points to down, and has length equal to height of a pixel
    vec3 pixel2pixel_y = v3_multiply(up_vector,  -(image_plane_height / framebuffer_height));
    if (do_antialiasing) {
      // loop over all pixels in the framebuffer
      for (j = 0; j < framebuffer_height; j++) {
          for (i = 0; i < framebuffer_width; i++) {
              // for each pixel, shoot four rays
              vec3 ray_direction_00 = v3_add(v3_add(left_up, v3_multiply(pixel2pixel_y, j + 0.25)), v3_multiply(pixel2pixel_x, i + 0.25));
              vec3 ray_direction_01 = v3_add(v3_add(left_up, v3_multiply(pixel2pixel_y, j + 0.75)), v3_multiply(pixel2pixel_x, i + 0.25));
              vec3 ray_direction_10 = v3_add(v3_add(left_up, v3_multiply(pixel2pixel_y, j + 0.25)), v3_multiply(pixel2pixel_x, i + 0.75));
              vec3 ray_direction_11 = v3_add(v3_add(left_up, v3_multiply(pixel2pixel_y, j + 0.75)), v3_multiply(pixel2pixel_x, i + 0.75));
              // for each ray fired, get the difference
              ray_direction_00 = v3_subtract(ray_direction_00, scene_camera_position);
              ray_direction_01 = v3_subtract(ray_direction_01, scene_camera_position);
              ray_direction_10 = v3_subtract(ray_direction_10, scene_camera_position);
              ray_direction_11 = v3_subtract(ray_direction_11, scene_camera_position);        
              // add the colors of the four rays, then divide by four
              color = ray_color(0, scene_camera_position, ray_direction_00);
              color = v3_add(color, ray_color(0, scene_camera_position, ray_direction_01));
              color = v3_add(color, ray_color(0, scene_camera_position, ray_direction_10));
              color = v3_add(color, ray_color(0, scene_camera_position, ray_direction_11));
              color = v3_multiply(color, 0.25);            
              // output pixel color
              put_pixel(i, j, color.x, color.y, color.z);

          sprintf(buf, "Ray-tracing (AA enabled) ::: %.0f%% done", 100.0*j/framebuffer_height);
    else {

      // loop over all pixels in the framebuffer
      for (j = 0; j < framebuffer_height; j++) {
          for (i = 0; i < framebuffer_width; i++) {
              // select the currently relevant pixel
              vec3 ray_direction = v3_add(v3_add(left_up, v3_multiply(pixel2pixel_y, j + 0.5)), v3_multiply(pixel2pixel_x, i + 0.5));
              // get diference between the two points
              ray_direction = v3_subtract(ray_direction, scene_camera_position);
              // set color
              color = ray_color(0, scene_camera_position, ray_direction);
              // output pixel color
              put_pixel(i, j, color.x, color.y, color.z);

          sprintf(buf, "Ray-tracing ::: %.0f%% done", 100.0*j/framebuffer_height);
    // set a detailed title, useful for testing
    if (use_bvh && do_antialiasing)
      glutSetWindowTitle("Ray-tracing is done. AA=yes, BVH=yes");
    else if (use_bvh && !do_antialiasing)
      glutSetWindowTitle("Ray-tracing is done. AA=no, BVH=yes");
    else if (!use_bvh && do_antialiasing)
      glutSetWindowTitle("Ray-tracing is done. AA=yes, BVH=no");
      glutSetWindowTitle("Ray-tracing is done. AA=no, BVH=no");
    // Done!
    gettimeofday(&t1, NULL); 

    // Output some statistics
    time_taken = 1.0 * (t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec) + (t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec) / 1000000.0;

    fprintf(stderr, " done in %.1f seconds\n", time_taken);
    fprintf(stderr, "... %d total rays shot, of which %d camera rays and %d shadow rays\n",
        do_antialiasing ? 4*framebuffer_width*framebuffer_height : framebuffer_width*framebuffer_height,
    fprintf(stderr, "... %d triangles intersection tested (avg %.1f tri/ray)\n",
        num_triangles_tested, 1.0*num_triangles_tested/num_rays_shot);
    fprintf(stderr, "... %d bboxes intersection tested (avg %.1f bbox/ray)\n",
        num_bboxes_tested, 1.0*num_bboxes_tested/num_rays_shot);
Exemplo n.º 4
    vec3    forward_vector, right_vector, up_vector;
    int     i, j;
    float   image_plane_width, image_plane_height;
    vec3    color;
    char    buf[128];

    struct timeval  t0, t1;
    float           time_taken;

    fprintf(stderr, "Ray tracing ...");
    gettimeofday(&t0, NULL);

    num_rays_shot = num_shadow_rays_shot = num_triangles_tested = num_bboxes_tested = 0;

    // Compute camera coordinate system from camera position
    // and look-at point
    up_vector = v3_create(0, 0, 1);
    forward_vector = v3_normalize(v3_subtract(scene_camera_lookat, scene_camera_position));
    right_vector = v3_normalize(v3_crossprod(forward_vector, up_vector));
    up_vector = v3_crossprod(right_vector, forward_vector);

    // Compute size of image plane from the chosen field-of-view
    // and image aspect ratio. This is the size of the plane at distance
    // of one unit from the camera position.
    image_plane_height = 2.0 * tan(0.5*VFOV/180*M_PI);
    image_plane_width = image_plane_height * (1.0 * framebuffer_width / framebuffer_height);

    printf("imageplane: (%f, %f)\n", image_plane_width, image_plane_height);

    // the borders of the image plane in camera coordinates
    float left = -(image_plane_width / 2),
          right = image_plane_width / 2,
          bottom = (image_plane_height / 2),
          top = -image_plane_height / 2;

    // rays are expressed as a location vector and direction vector
    vec3 ray_origin = scene_camera_position;
    float u, v, w;

    // Loop over all pixels in the framebuffer
    for (j = 0; j < framebuffer_height; j++)
        for (i = 0; i < framebuffer_width; i++)
            vec3 directions[4];
            int directions_i = 0;
            float offsets[2];
            int offsets_n;

            // if anti-aliasing is activated, shoot 4 rays through each pixel
            // slightly offset from the center
            if (do_antialiasing) {
                offsets_n = 2;
                offsets[0] = 0.25;
                offsets[1] = 0.75;

            // without anti-aliasing, just send a single ray through the
            // pixel-center
            else {
                offsets_n = 1;
                offsets[0] = 0.5;

            // calculate the [u, v, w] components of the pixel's location
            // relative to the camera
            for (int u_offset = 0; u_offset < offsets_n; ++u_offset) {
                for (int v_offset = 0; v_offset < offsets_n; ++v_offset) {
                    w = 1;
                    u = left + (right - left) * (i + offsets[u_offset]) / framebuffer_width;
                    v = bottom + (top - bottom) * (j + offsets[v_offset]) / framebuffer_height;

                    // the direction of the ray is a a linear combination of the camera
                    // basisvectors
                    directions[directions_i] = v3_add3(v3_multiply(forward_vector, w),
                                                       v3_multiply(right_vector, u),
                                                       v3_multiply(up_vector, v));
                    directions_i += 1;

            // Output average pixel color
            color = v3_create(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            int num_directions = do_antialiasing ? 2 * offsets_n : 1;
            for (int dir = 0; dir < num_directions; ++dir) {
                color = v3_add(color, ray_color(0, ray_origin, directions[dir]) );

            color = v3_multiply(color, 1.0 / num_directions);

            put_pixel(i, j, color.x, color.y, color.z);

        sprintf(buf, "Ray-tracing ::: %.0f%% done", 100.0*j/framebuffer_height);

    // Done!
    gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);

    glutSetWindowTitle("Ray-tracing ::: done");

    // Output some statistics
    time_taken = 1.0 * (t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec) + (t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec) / 1000000.0;

    fprintf(stderr, " done in %.1f seconds\n", time_taken);
    fprintf(stderr, "... %d total rays shot, of which %d camera rays and %d shadow rays\n",
        do_antialiasing ? 4*framebuffer_width*framebuffer_height : framebuffer_width*framebuffer_height,
    fprintf(stderr, "... %d triangles intersection tested (avg %.1f tri/ray)\n",
        num_triangles_tested, 1.0*num_triangles_tested/num_rays_shot);
    fprintf(stderr, "... %d bboxes intersection tested (avg %.1f bbox/ray)\n",
        num_bboxes_tested, 1.0*num_bboxes_tested/num_rays_shot);
Exemplo n.º 5
static int
ray_intersects_triangle(intersection_point* ip, triangle tri,
    vec3 ray_origin, vec3 ray_direction)
    vec3    edge1, edge2;
    vec3    tvec, pvec, qvec;
    double  det, inv_det;
    double  t, u, v;        // u, v are barycentric coordinates
    // t is ray parameter


    edge1 = v3_subtract(scene_vertices[tri.v[1]], scene_vertices[tri.v[0]]);
    edge2 = v3_subtract(scene_vertices[tri.v[2]], scene_vertices[tri.v[0]]);

    pvec = v3_crossprod(ray_direction, edge2);

    det = v3_dotprod(edge1, pvec);

    if (det < 1.0e-6)
        return 0;

    tvec = v3_subtract(ray_origin, scene_vertices[tri.v[0]]);

    u = v3_dotprod(tvec, pvec);
    if (u < 0.0 || u > det)
        return 0;

    qvec = v3_crossprod(tvec, edge1);

    v = v3_dotprod(ray_direction, qvec);
    if (v < 0.0 || u+v > det)
        return 0;

    t = v3_dotprod(edge2, qvec);

    if (t < 0.0)
        return 0;

    inv_det = 1.0 / det;
    t *= inv_det;
    u *= inv_det;
    v *= inv_det;

    // We have a triangle intersection!
    // Return the relevant intersection values.

    // Compute the actual intersection point
    ip->t = t;
    ip->p = v3_add(ray_origin, v3_multiply(ray_direction, t));

    // Compute an interpolated normal for this intersection point, i.e.
    // we use the barycentric coordinates as weights for the vertex normals
    ip->n = v3_normalize(v3_add(
            v3_multiply(tri.vn[0], 1.0-u-v),
            v3_multiply(tri.vn[1], u)
        v3_multiply(tri.vn[2], v)));

    ip->i = v3_normalize(v3_negate(ray_direction));
    ip->material = tri.material;

    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
    vec3    forward_vector, right_vector, up_vector;
    int     i, j;
    float   image_plane_width, image_plane_height;
    vec3    color;
    char    buf[128];

    struct timeval  t0, t1;
    float           time_taken;

    fprintf(stderr, "Ray tracing ...");
    gettimeofday(&t0, NULL);

    num_rays_shot = num_shadow_rays_shot = num_triangles_tested = num_bboxes_tested = 0;

    // Compute camera coordinate system from camera position
    // and look-at point
    up_vector = v3_create(0, 0, 1);
    forward_vector = v3_normalize(v3_subtract(scene_camera_lookat, scene_camera_position));
    right_vector = v3_normalize(v3_crossprod(forward_vector, up_vector));
    up_vector = v3_crossprod(right_vector, forward_vector);

    // Compute size of image plane from the chosen field-of-view
    // and image aspect ratio. This is the size of the plane at distance
    // of one unit from the camera position.
    image_plane_height = 2.0 * tan(0.5*VFOV/180*M_PI);
    image_plane_width = image_plane_height * (1.0 * framebuffer_width / framebuffer_height);

    float bottom, left, Us, Vs;

    left = -image_plane_width * 0.5;
    bottom = image_plane_height * 0.5;

    fprintf(stderr, "%d %d\r\n", framebuffer_height, framebuffer_width);

    // Loop over all pixels in the framebuffer
    for (j = 0; j < framebuffer_height; j++)
        for (i = 0; i < framebuffer_width; i++)
                /* With the formula "b + (t−b) * ((j+ 0.5) / ny)" the vector is calculated.
                 * (t-b) equals the negative image_plane_height
                Us = bottom + (-image_plane_height*(j+0.5)/framebuffer_height);

                /* using the formula: "l + (r−l) * ((i+ 0.5) / nx)" to calculate the vector
                 * (r-l) equals the image_plane_width.
                Vs = left + (image_plane_width*(i+0.5)/framebuffer_width);

                /* Calculate the vector through the pixel (for "Ray through pixel")
                 * Using the formula "Us * U + Vs * v + n * w"
                vec3 UV = v3_add(v3_multiply(up_vector, Us), v3_multiply(right_vector, Vs));
                vec3 ray = v3_add(forward_vector, UV);

                /* Fills the color */
                color = ray_color(0, scene_camera_position, ray);
            } else {
                float Us1 = bottom + (-image_plane_height*(j+0.25)/framebuffer_height);
                float Us2 = bottom + (-image_plane_height*(j+0.75)/framebuffer_height);
                float Vs1 = left + (image_plane_width*(i+0.25)/framebuffer_width);
                float Vs2 = left + (image_plane_width*(i+0.75)/framebuffer_width);
                vec3 UV1 = v3_add(v3_multiply(up_vector, Us1), v3_multiply(right_vector, Vs1));
                vec3 UV2 = v3_add(v3_multiply(up_vector, Us2), v3_multiply(right_vector, Vs1));
                vec3 UV3 = v3_add(v3_multiply(up_vector, Us1), v3_multiply(right_vector, Vs2));
                vec3 UV4 = v3_add(v3_multiply(up_vector, Us2), v3_multiply(right_vector, Vs2));
                vec3 color1 = ray_color(0, scene_camera_position, v3_add(forward_vector, UV1));
                vec3 color2 = ray_color(0, scene_camera_position, v3_add(forward_vector, UV2));
                vec3 color3 = ray_color(0, scene_camera_position, v3_add(forward_vector, UV3));
                vec3 color4 = ray_color(0, scene_camera_position, v3_add(forward_vector, UV4));
                color = v3_multiply( v3_add(v3_add(color1, color2), v3_add(color3, color4)), 0.25 );

            /* Output pixel color */
            put_pixel(i, j, color.x, color.y, color.z);

        sprintf(buf, "Ray-tracing ::: %.0f%% done", 100.0*j/framebuffer_height);

    // Done!
    gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);

    glutSetWindowTitle("Ray-tracing ::: done");

    // Output some statistics
    time_taken = 1.0 * (t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec) + (t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec) / 1000000.0;

    fprintf(stderr, " done in %.1f seconds\n", time_taken);
    fprintf(stderr, "... %lld total rays shot, of which %d camera rays and "
            "%lld shadow rays\n", num_rays_shot,
            do_antialiasing ? 4*framebuffer_width*framebuffer_height :
    fprintf(stderr, "... %lld triangles intersection tested "
            "(avg %.1f tri/ray)\n",
        num_triangles_tested, 1.0*num_triangles_tested/num_rays_shot);
    fprintf(stderr, "... %lld bboxes intersection tested (avg %.1f bbox/ray)\n",
        num_bboxes_tested, 1.0*num_bboxes_tested/num_rays_shot);