Exemplo n.º 1
v3_t v3_unit(const v3_t v) {
    double mag = v3_mag(v);

    if (mag == 0) 
        return v;
    return v3_scale(1.0 / mag, v);
Exemplo n.º 2
void v3_unit(v3* v) {
  float mag = v3_mag(v);
  if (mag == 0) return;
  mag = 1 / mag;
  v->v[0] *= mag;
  v->v[1] *= mag;
  v->v[2] *= mag;

Exemplo n.º 3
//get the angle from vector v1 to vector v2 around the axis
double GetAngle(double* v1, double* v2, double* axis)
  double dot_prod = v3_dot(v1, v2);
  double r_axis_len = v3_mag(axis);

  double theta = atan2(r_axis_len, dot_prod);

  return theta;
Exemplo n.º 4
hit_test intersect_cylinder (ray r, cylinder c) {
  hit_test result;
  v3 rp = v3_expr(r.direction.x,0,r.direction.z);
  double mp = v3_mag(rp);
  v3 np = v3_norm(rp);
  double xbar = r.origin.x - c.center.x;
  double zbar = r.origin.z - c.center.z;
  double a = pow(np.x,2) + pow(np.z,2);
  double b = 2 * ( (xbar*np.x) + (zbar*np.z) );
  double c1 = pow(xbar,2) + pow(zbar,2) - pow(c.radius,2);
  double d = pow(b,2) - (4*a*c1);
  result.miss = MISS;
  if(d >= 0) {
    double t_front = (-b - sqrt(d)) / (2*a);
    double t_back = (-b + sqrt(d)) / (2*a);
    v3 p_front = ray_position(r, t_front/mp);
    v3 p_back = ray_position(r, t_back/mp);
    if( (t_front < t_back) &&
	(t_front > 0) &&
	(p_front.y >= c.center.y) && (on_cylinder(p_front, c))) {
      result.miss = HIT;
      result.t = (t_front/mp);
      result.hit_point = p_front;
      result.surf = c.surface_color(c.center, p_front);
      result.shine = c.shine;
      v3 c2 = v3_expr(c.center.x, p_front.y, c.center.z);
      result.surf_norm = v3_norm(v3_sub(p_front,c2));
    } else if( (t_back > 0) &&
	       (p_back.y >= c.center.y) &&
	       (on_cylinder(p_back, c)) ) {
      result.miss = HIT;
      result.t = (t_back/mp);
      result.hit_point = p_back;
      result.surf = c.surface_color(c.center, p_back);
      result.shine = c.shine;
      v3 c3 = v3_expr(c.center.x, p_back.y, c.center.z);
      result.surf_norm = v3_norm(v3_sub(c3,p_back));
  return result;
Exemplo n.º 5
/* Compute the "median" of a set of vectors */
v3_t v3_median(int n, const v3_t *v) {
    int i;
    v3_t median = v3_new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    double min_dist = DBL_MAX;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        double dist = 0.0;
        int j;

        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            dist += v3_mag(v3_sub(v[j], v[i]));
        if (dist < min_dist) {
            min_dist = dist;
            median = v[i];

    return median;
Exemplo n.º 6
void v3_rot_v3(v3* va, const v3* vr, float angle) {
  float mag = v3_mag(vr);
  float mag2 = mag * mag;

  float x = va->v[0];
  float y = va->v[1];
  float z = va->v[2];

  float u = vr->v[0];
  float v = vr->v[1];
  float w = vr->v[2];
  float u2 = u * u;
  float v2 = v * v;
  float w2 = w * w;

  float c = cos(angle);
  float s = sin(angle);

  float m00 = (u2 + (v2 + w2) * c) / mag2;
  float m01 = (u * v * (1 - c) + w * mag * s) / mag2;
  float m02 = (v * w * (1 - c) - v * mag * s) / mag2;

  float m10 = (u * v * (1 - c) - w * mag * s) / mag2;
  float m11 = (v2 + (u2 + w2) * c) / mag2;
  float m12 = (v * w * (1 - c) + u * mag * s) / mag2;

  float m20 = (u * w * (1 - c) + v * mag * s) / mag2;
  float m21 = (v * w * (1 - c) - u * mag * s) / mag2;
  float m22 = (w2 + (u2 + v2) * c) / mag2;

  va->v[0] = m00 * x + m10 * y + m20 * z;
  va->v[1] = m01 * x + m11 * y + m21 * z;
  va->v[2] = m02 * x + m12 * y + m22 * z;

Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: sim.c Projeto: piotrm0/progs
GLvoid sample_world() {
  //  int timing;
  u_int i,j,d;
  //  float t0,t1,t2;

  v3* temp;
  v3* disp;
  //  v3* disp2;
  float dot;
  float dm;

  char* temp_s1;
  char* temp_s2;

  for (i = 0; i < PARTICLES; i++) {
    //    printf("adding g %d,%f\n", i,ps[i].v[1]);
    v3_add(ps[i].v, gr);
    //    ps[i].v->v[1] -= g;

    v3_mult(ps[i].v, LOSS_V);
    for (d = 0; d < D; d++) {
      v3_mult_add(ps[i].c, ps[i].v, 1 / (float) SPS); //  ps[i].c[d] += ps[i].v[d] / (float) SPS;
      if (ps[i].c->v[d] < -B + RADIUS) {

	disp = v3_new(0,0,0);
	disp->v[d] = ps[i].c->v[d] + B;
	dm = 1 / (1 - (RADIUS - v3_mag(disp)) / RADIUS);

	v3_mult_add(ps[i].v, disp, dm * LOSS_WALL * dt);

	//	ps[i].c->v[d] = -B + RADIUS;
	//	ps[i].v->v[d] *= -1 * LOSS_WALL;

      if (ps[i].c->v[d] > B - RADIUS) {

	disp = v3_new(0,0,0);
	disp->v[d] = ps[i].c->v[d] - B;
	//	dm = (RADIUS - v3_mag(disp)) / RADIUS;
	dm = 1 / (1 - (RADIUS - v3_mag(disp)) / RADIUS);

	v3_mult_add(ps[i].v, disp, dm * LOSS_WALL * dt);

	//	ps[i].c->v[d] = B - RADIUS;
	//	ps[i].v->v[d] *= -1 * LOSS_WALL;
  for (i = 0; i < PARTICLES; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < PARTICLES; j++) {
      if (i == j) continue;
      if (v3_dist(ps[i].c, ps[j].c) >= RADIUS * 2) continue;

      /*      temp_s1 = v3_str(ps[i].c);
      temp_s2 = v3_str(ps[j].c);
      printf("collision pos: %s %s\n", temp_s1, temp_s2);

      temp_s1 = v3_str(ps[i].v);
      temp_s2 = v3_str(ps[j].v);
      printf("collision vel: %s %s\n", temp_s1, temp_s2);

      temp = v3_copy(ps[i].v);
      v3_sub(temp, ps[j].v);

      temp_s1 = v3_str(temp);
      printf("temp = %s\n", temp_s1);

      disp = v3_copy(ps[i].c);
      v3_sub(disp, ps[j].c);

      //      disp2 = v3_copy(disp);

      dm = RADIUS - v3_mag(disp) / 2;

      temp_s1 = v3_str(disp);
      printf("disp = %s\n", temp_s1);


      temp_s1 = v3_str(disp);
      printf("disp unit = %s\n", temp_s1);

      dot = v3_dot(temp, disp);

      printf("dot = %f\n", dot);

      v3_mult_add(ps[i].v, disp, dm*LOSS_COL*dt);
      v3_mult_sub(ps[j].v, disp, dm*LOSS_COL*dt);

      //      v3_mult_add(ps[i].c, disp, dm);
      //      v3_mult_sub(ps[j].c, disp, dm);
