Exemplo n.º 1
void CDockingPorts::InitPortsFromXML (CSpaceObject *pOwner, CXMLElement *pElement)

//	InitPortsFromXML
//	InitPortsFromXML 

	//	See if we've got a special element with docking port geometry

	CXMLElement *pDockingPorts = pElement->GetContentElementByTag(DOCKING_PORTS_TAG);
	if (pDockingPorts)
		m_iPortCount = pDockingPorts->GetContentElementCount();
		if (m_iPortCount > 0)
			m_pPort = new DockingPort[m_iPortCount];

			for (int i = 0; i < m_iPortCount; i++)
				CXMLElement *pPort = pDockingPorts->GetContentElement(i);
				CVector vDockPos((pPort->GetAttributeInteger(X_ATTRIB) * g_KlicksPerPixel),
						(pPort->GetAttributeInteger(Y_ATTRIB) * g_KlicksPerPixel));

				m_pPort[i].iStatus = psEmpty;
				m_pPort[i].pObj = NULL;
				m_pPort[i].vPos = vDockPos;
				m_pPort[i].iRotation = (VectorToPolar(vDockPos) + 180) % 360;

	//	Otherwise, initialize ports based on a count

				64 * g_KlicksPerPixel);
Exemplo n.º 2
void CDockingPorts::InitPortsFromXML (CSpaceObject *pOwner, CXMLElement *pElement)

//	InitPortsFromXML
//	InitPortsFromXML 

	int i;

	//	See if we've got a special element with docking port geometry

	CXMLElement *pDockingPorts = pElement->GetContentElementByTag(DOCKING_PORTS_TAG);
	if (pDockingPorts)
		//	Initialize max dist
		//	NOTE: pOwner can be NULL because sometimes we init ports from a ship class 
		//	(without an object).

		int iDefaultDist = Max(DEFAULT_DOCK_DISTANCE_LS, (pOwner ? 8 + (int)((pOwner->GetBoundsRadius() / LIGHT_SECOND) + 0.5) : 0));
		m_iMaxDist = pDockingPorts->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(MAX_DIST_ATTRIB, 1, -1, iDefaultDist);

		//	If we have sub-elements then these are port definitions.

		m_iPortCount = pDockingPorts->GetContentElementCount();
		if (m_iPortCount > 0)
			m_pPort = new SDockingPort[m_iPortCount];

			for (i = 0; i < m_iPortCount; i++)
				CXMLElement *pPort = pDockingPorts->GetContentElement(i);
				CVector vDockPos((pPort->GetAttributeInteger(X_ATTRIB) * g_KlicksPerPixel),
						(pPort->GetAttributeInteger(Y_ATTRIB) * g_KlicksPerPixel));

				m_pPort[i].vPos = vDockPos;

				if (pPort->FindAttributeInteger(ROTATION_ATTRIB, &m_pPort[i].iRotation))
					m_pPort[i].iRotation = (m_pPort[i].iRotation % 360);
					m_pPort[i].iRotation = (VectorToPolar(vDockPos) + 180) % 360;

				if (pPort->GetAttributeBool(BRING_TO_FRONT_ATTRIB))
					m_pPort[i].iLayer = plBringToFront;
				else if (pPort->GetAttributeBool(SEND_TO_BACK_ATTRIB))
					m_pPort[i].iLayer = plSendToBack;

		//	Otherwise, we expect a port count and radius

		else if ((m_iPortCount = pDockingPorts->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(PORT_COUNT_ATTRIB, 0, -1, 0)) > 0)
			int iRadius = pDockingPorts->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(PORT_RADIUS_ATTRIB, 0, -1, DEFAULT_PORT_POS_RADIUS);
			int iAngle = 360 / m_iPortCount;

			//	We need the image scale to adjust coordinates

			int iScale = (pOwner ? pOwner->GetImage().GetImageViewportSize() : 512);

			//	Initialize ports

			m_pPort = new SDockingPort[m_iPortCount];
			for (i = 0; i < m_iPortCount; i++)
				C3DConversion::CalcCoord(iScale, i * iAngle, iRadius, 0, &m_pPort[i].vPos);
				m_pPort[i].iRotation = ((i * iAngle) + 180) % 360;

		//	Otherwise, no ports

			m_iPortCount = 0;
			m_pPort = NULL;

	//	Otherwise, initialize ports based on a count

				64 * g_KlicksPerPixel);
Exemplo n.º 3
void CDockingPorts::InitPortsFromXML (CSpaceObject *pOwner, CXMLElement *pElement)

//	InitPortsFromXML
//	InitPortsFromXML 

	int i;

	//	See if we've got a special element with docking port geometry

	CXMLElement *pDockingPorts = pElement->GetContentElementByTag(DOCKING_PORTS_TAG);
	if (pDockingPorts)
		//	Initialize max dist

		m_iMaxDist = pDockingPorts->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(MAX_DIST_ATTRIB, 1, -1, DEFAULT_DOCK_DISTANCE_LS);

		//	If we have sub-elements then these are port definitions.

		m_iPortCount = pDockingPorts->GetContentElementCount();
		if (m_iPortCount > 0)
			m_pPort = new DockingPort[m_iPortCount];

			for (i = 0; i < m_iPortCount; i++)
				CXMLElement *pPort = pDockingPorts->GetContentElement(i);
				CVector vDockPos((pPort->GetAttributeInteger(X_ATTRIB) * g_KlicksPerPixel),
						(pPort->GetAttributeInteger(Y_ATTRIB) * g_KlicksPerPixel));

				m_pPort[i].iStatus = psEmpty;
				m_pPort[i].pObj = NULL;
				m_pPort[i].vPos = vDockPos;

				if (pPort->FindAttributeInteger(ROTATION_ATTRIB, &m_pPort[i].iRotation))
					m_pPort[i].iRotation = (m_pPort[i].iRotation % 360);
					m_pPort[i].iRotation = (VectorToPolar(vDockPos) + 180) % 360;

		//	Otherwise, we expect a port count and radius

		else if ((m_iPortCount = pDockingPorts->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(PORT_COUNT_ATTRIB, 0, -1, 0)) > 0)
			m_pPort = new DockingPort[m_iPortCount];
			int iRadius = pDockingPorts->GetAttributeIntegerBounded(PORT_RADIUS_ATTRIB, 0, -1, DEFAULT_PORT_POS_RADIUS);
			Metric rRadius = g_KlicksPerPixel * iRadius;

			int iAngle = 360 / m_iPortCount;
			for (i = 0; i < m_iPortCount; i++)
				m_pPort[i].iStatus = psEmpty;
				m_pPort[i].pObj = NULL;
				m_pPort[i].vPos = PolarToVector(i * iAngle, rRadius);
				m_pPort[i].iRotation = ((i * iAngle) + 180) % 360;

		//	Otherwise, no ports

			m_iPortCount = 0;
			m_pPort = NULL;

	//	Otherwise, initialize ports based on a count

				64 * g_KlicksPerPixel);