Exemplo n.º 1
int main( void )
	/* Setup the hardware ready for this demo. */

	/* Create the WEB server task. */
	xTaskCreate( vuIP_Task, "uIP", mainBASIC_WEB_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY - 1, NULL );

	/* Start the standard demo tasks. */
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );
	vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );
	vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );
	vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );
	vStartGenericQueueTasks( mainGEN_QUEUE_TASK_PRIORITY );

	/* Start the reg test tasks - defined in this file. */
	xTaskCreate( vRegTest1Task, "Reg1", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, ( void * ) &ulRegTest1Counter, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL );
	xTaskCreate( vRegTest2Task, "Reg2", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, ( void * ) &ulRegTest2Counter, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* Create the check task. */
	xTaskCreate( prvCheckTask, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* Start the scheduler. */

    /* Will only get here if there was insufficient heap to create the idle
    task. */
	for( ;; );
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Application entry point:
 * Starts all the other tasks, then starts the scheduler. 
int main( void )
	/* Setup the hardware for use with the Olimex demo board. */

	/* Start the standard flash tasks so the WEB server is not the only thing 
	running. */
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainLED_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vStartSemaphoreTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );
	vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );
	vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );
	vStartIntegerMathTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );

	/* Start the WEB server task and the error check task. */
	xTaskCreate( vHTTPServerTask, ( signed char * ) "HTTP", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainHTTP_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );
	xTaskCreate( prvErrorChecks, ( signed char * ) "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainERROR_CHECK_PRIORITY, NULL );
	/* Now all the tasks have been started - start the scheduler.

	NOTE : Tasks run in system mode and the scheduler runs in Supervisor mode.
	The processor MUST be in supervisor mode when vTaskStartScheduler is 
	called.  The demo applications included in the FreeRTOS.org download switch
	to supervisor mode prior to main being called.  If you are not using one of
	these demo application projects then ensure Supervisor mode is used. */

	/* Should never reach here! */
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Create the demo tasks then start the scheduler.
int main( void )
	/* Configure any hardware required for this demo. */

	/* Create the LCD task - this returns the queue to use when writing 
	messages to the LCD. */
	xLCDQueue = xStartLCDTask();

	/* Create all the other standard demo tasks. */
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );
    vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );
    vStartGenericQueueTasks( mainGEN_QUEUE_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vAltStartComTestTasks( mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY, mainCOM_TEST_BAUD_RATE, mainCOM_TEST_LED );

	/* Create the tasks defined within this file. */
	xTaskCreate( prvTestTask1, "Tst1", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL );
	xTaskCreate( prvTestTask2, "Tst2", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* prvCheckTask uses sprintf so requires more stack. */
	xTaskCreate( prvCheckTask, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* Finally start the scheduler. */

	/* Will only reach here if there is insufficient heap available to start
	the scheduler. */
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: main.c Projeto: HclX/freertos
 * Starts all the other tasks, then starts the scheduler. 
void main( void )
	/* Initialise the hardware including the system clock and on board
	LED. */

	/* Initialise the port that controls the external LED's utilized by the
	flash tasks. */

	/* Start the used standard demo tasks. */
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainLED_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );
	vStartIntegerMathTasks( mainINTEGER_PRIORITY );
	vAltStartComTestTasks( mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY, mainCOM_TEST_BAUD_RATE, mainCOM_TEST_LED );
	vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );

	/* Start the tasks defined in this file.  The first three never block so
	must not be used with the co-operative scheduler. */
	#if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 1
		xTaskCreate( vRegisterCheck, "RegChck", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, mainDUMMY_POINTER, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, ( TaskHandle_t * ) NULL );
		xTaskCreate( vFLOPCheck1, "FLOP", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, ( TaskHandle_t * ) NULL );
		xTaskCreate( vFLOPCheck2, "FLOP", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, ( TaskHandle_t * ) NULL );

	xTaskCreate( vErrorChecks, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, ( TaskHandle_t * ) NULL );

	/* Finally kick off the scheduler.  This function should never return. */

	/* Should never reach here as the tasks will now be executing under control
	of the scheduler. */
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Start all the tasks then start the scheduler.
int main( void )
	/* Setup the LED's for output. */

	/* Start the various standard demo application tasks. */
	vStartIntegerMathTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );
	vAltStartComTestTasks( mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY, mainCOM_TEST_BAUD_RATE, mainCOM_TEST_LED );
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainLED_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );
	vStartMathTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );
	vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );
	vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );

	/* Start the 'Check' task. */
	xTaskCreate( vErrorChecks, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* In this port, to use preemptive scheduler define configUSE_PREEMPTION
	as 1 in portmacro.h.  To use the cooperative scheduler define
	configUSE_PREEMPTION as 0. */

	/* Should never get here! */
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Application entry point:
 * Starts all the other tasks, then starts the scheduler. 
int main( void )
	/* Setup the hardware for use with the Keil demo board. */

	/* Start the demo/test application tasks. */
	vAltStartComTestTasks( mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY, mainCOM_TEST_BAUD_RATE, mainCOM_TEST_LED );
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainLED_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );
	vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );
	vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );

	/* Start the check task - which is defined in this file.  This is the task
	that periodically checks to see that all the other tasks are executing 
	without error. */
	xTaskCreate( vErrorChecks, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* Now all the tasks have been started - start the scheduler.

	NOTE : Tasks run in system mode and the scheduler runs in Supervisor mode.
	The processor MUST be in supervisor mode when vTaskStartScheduler is 
	called.  The demo applications included in the FreeRTOS.org download switch
	to supervisor mode prior to main being called.  If you are not using one of
	these demo application projects then ensure Supervisor mode is used here. */

	/* Should never reach here!  If you do then there was not enough heap
	available for the idle task to be created. */
	for( ;; );
Exemplo n.º 7
/* Create all the demo application tasks, then start the scheduler. */
void main( void )
	/* Perform any hardware setup necessary. */

	/* Create the queue used to communicate with the LCD print task. */
	xLCDQueue = xQueueCreate( mainLCD_QUEUE_LENGTH, sizeof( LCDMessage ) );

  	/* Create the standard demo application tasks.  See the WEB documentation
	for more information on these tasks. */
	vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );
	vAltStartComTestTasks( mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY, mainCOM_TEST_BAUD_RATE, mainCOM_TEST_LED );
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainLED_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vStartIntegerMathTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );

	/* Create the tasks defined within this file. */
	xTaskCreate( vPrintTask, "LCD", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainLCD_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );
	xTaskCreate( vCheckTask, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );


	/* Execution will only reach here if there was insufficient heap to
	start the scheduler. */
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Starts all the other tasks, then starts the scheduler.
int main( void )
	/* Setup any hardware that has not already been configured by the low
	level init routines. */

	/* Start the task that handles the TCP/IP and WEB server functionality. */
    xTaskCreate( vuIP_Task, "uIP", mainUIP_TASK_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainUIP_PRIORITY, NULL );
	/* Also start the USB demo which is just for the SAM7. */
    vStartUSBTask( mainUSB_PRIORITY );
	/* Start the standard demo tasks. */
	vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );
    vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainFLASH_PRIORITY );
    vStartGenericQueueTasks( mainGEN_QUEUE_TASK_PRIORITY );

	/* Start the scheduler.

	NOTE : Tasks run in system mode and the scheduler runs in Supervisor mode.
	The processor MUST be in supervisor mode when vTaskStartScheduler is
	called.  The demo applications included in the FreeRTOS.org download switch
	to supervisor mode prior to main being called.  If you are not using one of
	these demo application projects then ensure Supervisor mode is used here. */


	/* We should never get here as control is now taken by the scheduler. */
  	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Starts all the tasks, then starts the scheduler.
int main( void )
	/* Setup the hardware for use with the TriCore evaluation board. */

	/* Start standard demo/test application flash tasks.  See the comments at
	the top of this file.  The LED flash tasks are always created.  The other
	tasks are only created if mainCREATE_SIMPLE_LED_FLASHER_DEMO_ONLY is set to
	0 (at the top of this file).  See the comments at the top of this file for
	more information. */
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainLED_TASK_PRIORITY );

	/* The following function will only create more tasks and timers if
	mainCREATE_SIMPLE_LED_FLASHER_DEMO_ONLY is set to 0 (at the top of this
	file).  See the comments at the top of this file for more information. */

	/* Now all the tasks have been started - start the scheduler. */

	/* If all is well then the following line will never be reached.  If
	execution does reach here, then it is highly probably that the heap size
	is too small for the idle and/or timer tasks to be created within
	vTaskStartScheduler(). */
	for( ;; );
Exemplo n.º 10
 * Starts all the other tasks, then starts the scheduler. 
int main( void )
	/* Setup the hardware for use with the Olimex demo board. */

	/* Start the demo/test application tasks. */
	vStartIntegerMathTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );
	vAltStartComTestTasks( mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY, mainCOM_TEST_BAUD_RATE, mainCOM_TEST_LED );
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainLED_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );
	vStartMathTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );
	vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );
	vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );

	/* Start the check task - which is defined in this file. */
	xTaskCreate( vErrorChecks, ( signed portCHAR * ) "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* Now all the tasks have been started - start the scheduler.

	NOTE : Tasks run in system mode and the scheduler runs in Supervisor mode.
	The processor MUST be in supervisor mode when vTaskStartScheduler is 
	called.  The demo applications included in the FreeRTOS.org download switch
	to supervisor mode prior to main being called.  If you are not using one of
	these demo application projects then ensure Supervisor mode is used here. */

	/* Should never reach here! */
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
 * Starts all the other tasks, then starts the scheduler.
int main( void )
	/* Setup the hardware for use with the Xilinx evaluation board. */

	/* Start the demo/test application tasks. */
	vStartIntegerMathTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );
	vAltStartComTestTasks( mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY, mainCOM_TEST_BAUD_RATE, mainCOM_TEST_LED );
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainLED_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );
	vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );
	vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );
	vStart7SegTasks( main7SEG_TASK_PRIORITY );

	/* Start the check task - which is defined in this file. */
	xTaskCreate( vErrorChecks, ( signed char * ) "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* Now all the tasks have been started - start the scheduler. */

	/* Should never reach here! */
	for( ;; );
Exemplo n.º 12
 * Starts all the other tasks, then starts the scheduler.
void main( void )
	/* Setup any hardware that has not already been configured by the low
	level init routines. */

	/* Initialise the LED outputs for use by the demo application tasks. */

	/* Start all the standard demo application tasks. */
	vStartIntegerMathTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainLED_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );
	vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );
	vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );
	vAltStartComTestTasks( mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY, mainCOM_TEST_BAUD_RATE, mainCOM_TEST_LED );

	/* Start the check task - which is defined in this file. */
	xTaskCreate( vErrorChecks, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* Start the scheduler.

	NOTE : Tasks run in system mode and the scheduler runs in Supervisor mode.
	The processor MUST be in supervisor mode when vTaskStartScheduler is
	called.  The demo applications included in the FreeRTOS.org download switch
	to supervisor mode prior to main being called.  If you are not using one of
	these demo application projects then ensure Supervisor mode is used here. */


	/* We should never get here as control is now taken by the scheduler. */
Exemplo n.º 13
int main( void )
#ifdef DEBUG

	/* Set up the clocks and memory interface. */

	/* Start the standard demo tasks.  These are just here to exercise the
	kernel port and provide examples of how the FreeRTOS API can be used. */
	vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );
    vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );
    vStartIntegerMathTasks( mainINTEGER_TASK_PRIORITY );
    vStartGenericQueueTasks( mainGEN_QUEUE_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainFLASH_TASK_PRIORITY );

	/* Create the 'echo' task, which is also defined within this file. */
	xTaskCreate( prvUSARTEchoTask, "Echo", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainECHO_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* Create the 'check' task, which is also defined within this file. */
	xTaskCreate( prvCheckTask, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

    /* Start the scheduler. */

    /* Will only get here if there was insufficient memory to create the idle
    task.  The idle task is created within vTaskStartScheduler(). */
	for( ;; );
Exemplo n.º 14
int main( void )

	/* Create the queue used by the LCD task.  Messages for display on the LCD
	are received via this queue. */
	xLCDQueue = xQueueCreate( mainQUEUE_SIZE, sizeof( xLCDMessage ) );

	/* Create the uIP task.  This uses the lwIP RTOS abstraction layer.*/
    xTaskCreate( vuIP_Task, "uIP", mainBASIC_WEB_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY - 1, NULL );

	/* Start the standard demo tasks. */
	vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );
    vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainFLASH_PRIORITY );
    vStartGenericQueueTasks( mainGEN_QUEUE_TASK_PRIORITY );

	/* Start the tasks defined within this file/specific to this demo. */

	/* Start the scheduler. */

    /* Will only get here if there was insufficient memory to create the idle
    task. */
	return 0;
 * Starts all the other tasks, then starts the scheduler.
int main( void )
	/* Configure the processor. */

	/* Setup the port used to flash the LED's. */

	/* Start the task that handles the TCP/IP and WEB server functionality. */
    xTaskCreate( vuIP_TASK, "uIP", mainUIP_TASK_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainUIP_PRIORITY, NULL );
	/* Start the demo/test application tasks.  These are created in addition
	to the TCP/IP task for demonstration and test purposes. */
	vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );
	vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainFLASH_PRIORITY );
	vStartIntegerMathTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );
	vStartMathTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );
	vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );

	/* Start the check task - which is defined in this file. */	
    xTaskCreate( vErrorChecks, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* Must be last to get created. */
	vCreateSuicidalTasks( mainDEATH_PRIORITY );

	/* Now all the tasks have been started - start the scheduler. */

	/* Should never reach here because the tasks should now be executing! */
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 16
 * \fn     main
 * \brief  start the software here
 *         1) Configure system clocks.
 *         2) Setup the GPIO in output for the board's LED.
 *         3) Start Display task.
 *         4) Start the LED flash tasks just to provide visual feedback that the
 *         demo is executing.
 *         5) Start the ethernet tasks.
 *         6) Start FreeRTOS.
 * \return 0, which should never occur.
int main( void )
	// 1) Configure system clocks.

	// 2) Setup the GPIO in output for the board's LED.

	// 3) Start Display task.

	// 4) Start the LED flash tasks just to provide visual feedback that the
	// demo is executing.
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainLED_TASK_PRIORITY );

	// 5) Start the ethernet tasks.
	vStartEthernetTaskLauncher( configMAX_PRIORITIES );

	// 6) Start FreeRTOS.

	/* Will only reach here if there was insufficient memory to create the idle task. */

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 17
 * Starts all the other tasks, then starts the scheduler.
void main( void )
	#ifdef DEBUG
	/* Setup any hardware that has not already been configured by the low
	level init routines. */
	/* Create the queue used to send data to the LCD task. */
	xLCDQueue = xQueueCreate( mainLCD_QUEUE_LEN, sizeof( xLCDMessage ) );
	/* Start all the standard demo application tasks. */
	vStartIntegerMathTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainLED_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );
	vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );
	vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );
	vStartMathTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );
	vAltStartComTestTasks( mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY, mainCOM_TEST_BAUD_RATE, mainCOM_TEST_LED );
	vStartGenericQueueTasks( mainGENERIC_QUEUE_PRIORITY );

	/* Start the tasks which are defined in this file. */
	xTaskCreate( vErrorChecks, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );
	xTaskCreate( prvLCDTask, "LCD", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, ( void * ) &xLCDQueue, mainLCD_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );
	xTaskCreate( prvLCDMessageTask, "MSG", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, ( void * ) &xLCDQueue, mainMSG_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* Start either the uIP TCP/IP stack or the lwIP TCP/IP stack. */
	#ifdef STACK_UIP
		/* Finally, create the WEB server task. */
		xTaskCreate( vuIP_Task, "uIP", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE * 3, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY - 1, NULL );

	#ifdef STACK_LWIP	
		/* Create the lwIP task.  This uses the lwIP RTOS abstraction layer.*/
		sys_set_state(	( signed portCHAR * ) "httpd", lwipBASIC_SERVER_STACK_SIZE );
	  	sys_thread_new( vBasicWEBServer, ( void * ) NULL, basicwebWEBSERVER_PRIORITY );

	/* Start the scheduler.

	NOTE : Tasks run in system mode and the scheduler runs in Supervisor mode.
	The processor MUST be in supervisor mode when vTaskStartScheduler is
	called.  The demo applications included in the FreeRTOS.org download switch
	to supervisor mode prior to main being called.  If you are not using one of
	these demo application projects then ensure Supervisor mode is used here. */


	/* We should never get here as control is now taken by the scheduler. */
	for( ;; );
Exemplo n.º 18
void main( void )
	unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxCounter;

	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainLED_TASK_PRIORITY );

	/* Start the scheduler. */
Exemplo n.º 19
int main(void)
extern void HardwareSetup( void );

	/* Renesas provided CPU configuration routine.  The clocks are configured in
	here. */

	/* Turn all LEDs off. */

	/* Start the reg test tasks which test the context switching mechanism. */
	xTaskCreate( prvRegTest1Task, "RegTst1", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, ( void * ) mainREG_TEST_1_PARAMETER, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL );
	xTaskCreate( prvRegTest2Task, "RegTst2", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, ( void * ) mainREG_TEST_2_PARAMETER, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* The web server task. */
	xTaskCreate( vuIP_Task, "uIP", mainuIP_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainuIP_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* Start the check task as described at the top of this file. */
	xTaskCreate( prvCheckTask, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* Create the standard demo tasks. */
	vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );
	vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );
	vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );
	vStartIntegerMathTasks( mainINTEGER_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vStartGenericQueueTasks( mainGEN_QUEUE_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainFLASH_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vStartMathTasks( mainFLOP_TASK_PRIORITY );

	/* The suicide tasks must be created last as they need to know how many
	tasks were running prior to their creation in order to ascertain whether
	or not the correct/expected number of tasks are running at any given time. */
	vCreateSuicidalTasks( mainCREATOR_TASK_PRIORITY );

	/* Start the tasks running. */

	/* If all is well we will never reach here as the scheduler will now be
	running.  If we do reach here then it is likely that there was insufficient
	heap available for the idle task to be created. */
	for( ;; );
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 20
int main()
#if 1
	signal(SIGRTMIN+1, &handler);

	// Start the standard demo tasks.
#if 0
#if 0

#if 0
	char *name = "testfile";
	int len = strlen(name);
	DIR *dirp = opendir("/sdcard");
	struct dirent *dp;
	while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL)
		if (dp->d_namlen == len && !strcmp(dp->d_name, name)) {

	xTaskCreate(xBadTask, (signed char *)"BadTask", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, (void *)NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY | portPRIVILEGE_BIT, NULL);
	xTaskCreate(simpleSerialTask, (signed char *)"Ser", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, (void *)NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY | portPRIVILEGE_BIT, NULL);

	printf("Starting scheduler.\n");

	// Start the scheduler.

	// Will only get here if there was insufficient memory to create the idle task.
	// Wait for WDT to reset.
Exemplo n.º 21
/* Start all the demo application tasks, then start the scheduler. */
void main(void)
	/* Initialise the hardware ready for the demo. */

	/* Start the standard demo application tasks. */
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainLED_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vStartIntegerMathTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );
	vAltStartComTestTasks( mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY, mainCOM_TEST_BAUD_RATE, mainCOM_TEST_LED - 1 );
	vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );
	vStartBlockingQueueTasks ( mainQUEUE_BLOCK_PRIORITY );
	vStartMathTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );
	vStartGenericQueueTasks( mainGENERIC_QUEUE_PRIORITY );
	vStartFlashCoRoutines( mainNUM_FLASH_CO_ROUTINES );

	/* Start the 'Check' task which is defined in this file. */
	xTaskCreate( prvErrorChecks, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* Start the 'Register Test' tasks as described at the top of this file. */
	xTaskCreate( vFirstRegisterTestTask, "Reg1", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL );
	xTaskCreate( vSecondRegisterTestTask, "Reg2", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* Start the task that write trace information to the UART. */
	vUtilityStartTraceTask( mainUTILITY_TASK_PRIORITY );

	/* If we are going to service the watchdog from within a task, then create
	the task here. */
		vStartWatchdogTask( mainWATCHDOG_TASK_PRIORITY );

	/* The suicide tasks must be started last as they record the number of other
	tasks that exist within the system.  The value is then used to ensure at run
	time the number of tasks that exists is within expected bounds. */
	vCreateSuicidalTasks( mainDEATH_PRIORITY );

	/* Now start the scheduler.  Following this call the created tasks should
	be executing. */
	vTaskStartScheduler( );

	/* vTaskStartScheduler() will only return if an error occurs while the
	idle task is being created. */
	for( ;; );
Exemplo n.º 22
Arquivo: main.c Projeto: HclX/freertos
 * Creates the majority of the demo application tasks before starting the
 * scheduler.
void main(void)
    TaskHandle_t xCreatedTask;


    /* Start the reg test tasks which test the context switching mechanism. */
    xTaskCreate( vRegTest1Task, "RegTst1", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, &xCreatedTask );
    xPortUsesFloatingPoint( xCreatedTask );

    xTaskCreate( vRegTest2Task, "RegTst2", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, &xCreatedTask );
    xPortUsesFloatingPoint( xCreatedTask );

    xTaskCreate( vuIP_Task, "uIP", mainuIP_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainuIP_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

    /* Start the check task as described at the top of this file. */
    xTaskCreate( prvCheckTask, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

    /* Start the standard demo tasks.  These don't perform any particular useful
    functionality, other than to demonstrate the FreeRTOS API being used. */
    vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );
    vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );
    vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );
    vStartIntegerMathTasks( mainINTEGER_TASK_PRIORITY );
    vStartGenericQueueTasks( mainGEN_QUEUE_TASK_PRIORITY );
    vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainFLASH_TASK_PRIORITY );

    /* Start the math tasks as described at the top of this file. */
    vStartMathTasks( mainFLOP_TASK_PRIORITY );

    /* The suicide tasks must be created last as they need to know how many
    tasks were running prior to their creation in order to ascertain whether
    or not the correct/expected number of tasks are running at any given time. */
    vCreateSuicidalTasks( mainCREATOR_TASK_PRIORITY );

    /* Start the tasks running. */

    /* Will only get here if there was insufficient heap memory to create the idle
    task.  Increase the configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE setting in FreeRTOSConfig.h. */
    for( ;; );
Exemplo n.º 23
void main( void )
	InitIrqLevels();		/* Initialize interrupts */
	__set_il( 7 );			/* Allow all levels      */


		vStartWatchdogTask( WTC_TASK_PRIORITY );

	/* Start the standard demo application tasks. */
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainLED_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vStartIntegerMathTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );
	vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );
	vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );
	vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_BLOCK_PRIORITY );
	vStartFlashCoRoutines( mainNUM_FLASH_CO_ROUTINES );
	vStartGenericQueueTasks( mainGENERIC_QUEUE_PRIORITY );

	/* The definition INCLUDE_TraceListTasks is set within FreeRTOSConfig.h. */
	#if INCLUDE_TraceListTasks == 1
		vUtilityStartTraceTask( TASK_UTILITY_PRIORITY );
		vAltStartComTestTasks( mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY, mainCOM_TEST_BAUD_RATE, mainCOM_TEST_LED - 1 );

	/* Start the 'Check' task which is defined in this file. */
	xTaskCreate( vErrorChecks, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* The suicide tasks must be started last as they record the number of other
	tasks that exist within the system.  The value is then used to ensure at run
	time the number of tasks that exists is within expected bounds. */
	vCreateSuicidalTasks( mainDEATH_PRIORITY );

	/* Now start the scheduler.  Following this call the created tasks should
	be executing. */
	vTaskStartScheduler( );

	/* vTaskStartScheduler() will only return if an error occurs while the
	idle task is being created. */
	for( ;; );
Exemplo n.º 24
 * This is called from the main() function generated by the Processor Expert.
void vMain( void )
	/* Start some of the standard demo tasks. */
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainFLASH_PRIORITY );
	vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );
	/* Start the locally defined tasks.  There is also a task implemented as
	the idle hook. */
	xTaskCreate( vErrorChecks, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );
	xTaskCreate( vButtonTask, "Button", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainBUTTON_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );
	/* All the tasks have been created - start the scheduler. */
	/* Should not reach here! */
	for( ;; );
Exemplo n.º 25
int main( void )
#ifdef DEBUG


	/* Start the standard demo tasks.  These are just here to exercise the
	kernel port and provide examples of how the FreeRTOS API can be used. */
	vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );
    vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );
    vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );
    vStartIntegerMathTasks( mainINTEGER_TASK_PRIORITY );
    vStartGenericQueueTasks( mainGEN_QUEUE_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainFLASH_TASK_PRIORITY );

	/* Create the uIP task.  The WEB server runs in this task. */
    xTaskCreate( vuIP_Task, ( signed char * ) "uIP", mainBASIC_WEB_STACK_SIZE, ( void * ) NULL, mainUIP_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* Create the queue used by the LCD task.  Messages for display on the LCD
	are received via this queue. */
	xLCDQueue = xQueueCreate( mainQUEUE_SIZE, sizeof( char * ) );

	/* Start the LCD gatekeeper task - as described in the comments at the top
	of this file. */
	xTaskCreate( prvLCDTask, ( signed char * ) "LCD", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE * 2, NULL, mainLCD_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* Configure the high frequency interrupt used to measure the interrupt
	jitter time.  When debugging it can be helpful to comment this line out
	to prevent the debugger repeatedly going into the interrupt service
	routine. */

    /* Start the scheduler. */

    /* Will only get here if there was insufficient memory to create the idle
    task.  The idle task is created within vTaskStartScheduler(). */
	for( ;; );
Exemplo n.º 26
int main(void)
#ifdef DEBUG
	/* Set up the clocks and memory interface. */
//	prvSetupHardware();


	/* Create the queue used by the LCD task.  Messages for display on the LCD
	are received via this queue. */
	xLCDQueue = xQueueCreate( mainLCD_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof( xLCDMessage ) );

	/* Start the standard demo tasks. */
	vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );
	vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );
	vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );
	vStartIntegerMathTasks( mainINTEGER_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainFLASH_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vAltStartComTestTasks( mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY, mainCOM_TEST_BAUD_RATE, mainCOM_TEST_LED );

	/* Start the tasks defined within this file/specific to this demo. */
	xTaskCreate( vCheckTask, ( signed portCHAR * ) "Check", mainCHECK_TASK_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );
	xTaskCreate( vLCDTask, ( signed portCHAR * ) "LCD", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* The suicide tasks must be created last as they need to know how many
	tasks were running prior to their creation in order to ascertain whether
	or not the correct/expected number of tasks are running at any given time. */
	vCreateSuicidalTasks( mainCREATOR_TASK_PRIORITY );

	/* Configure the timers used by the fast interrupt timer test. */

	/* Start the scheduler. */

	/* Will only get here if there was insufficient memory to create the idle
	task.  The idle task is created within vTaskStartScheduler(). */
	for( ;; );
Exemplo n.º 27
/* Create all the demo tasks then start the scheduler. */
void main( void )
	/* Just sets up the LED outputs. */

	/* Standard demo tasks. */
	vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );
	vStartGenericQueueTasks( mainGEN_QUEUE_TASK_PRIORITY );
	/* Create the check task as described at the top of this file. */
	xTaskCreate( prvCheckTask, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, mainCHECK_PARAMETER, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* Create the RegTest tasks as described at the top of this file. */
	xTaskCreate( vRegTest1, "Reg1", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL );
	xTaskCreate( vRegTest2, "Reg2", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL );

	#ifdef __IAR_V850ES_Fx3__
		/* The extra IO required for the com test and led flashing tasks is only
		available on the application board, not the target boards. */	
		vAltStartComTestTasks( mainCOMTEST_PRIORITY, mainBAUD_RATE, mainCOMTEST_LED );
		vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainFLASH_PRIORITY );
		/* The Fx3 also has enough RAM to run loads more tasks. */
		vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );
		vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );				
	/* The suicide tasks must be created last as they need to know how many
	tasks were running prior to their creation in order to ascertain whether
	or not the correct/expected number of tasks are running at any given time. */
    vCreateSuicidalTasks( mainCREATOR_TASK_PRIORITY );
	/* Start the scheduler. */

	/* If this line is reached then vTaskStartScheduler() returned because there
	was insufficient heap memory remaining for the idle task to be created. */
	for( ;; );
Exemplo n.º 28
/* Creates the tasks, then starts the scheduler. */
void main( void )
	/* Initialise the required hardware. */

	/* Send a character so we have some visible feedback of a reset. */
	xSerialPortInitMinimal( mainBAUD_RATE, mainCOMMS_QUEUE_LENGTH );
	xSerialPutChar( NULL, 'X', mainNO_BLOCK );

	/* Start the standard LED flash tasks as defined in demo/common/minimal. */
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainLED_FLASH_PRIORITY );

	/* Start the check task defined in this file. */
	xTaskCreate( vCalculationTask, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* Start the scheduler. */
Exemplo n.º 29
void main( void )
    /* Place your initialization/startup code here (e.g. MyInst_Start()) */

	/* Start the standard demo tasks.  These are just here to exercise the
	kernel port and provide examples of how the FreeRTOS API can be used. */
	vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );
	vStartMathTasks( mainINTEGER_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vStartGenericQueueTasks( mainGEN_QUEUE_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vStartIntegerMathTasks( mainINTEGER_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );
	vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );
	vAltStartComTestTasks( mainCOM_TEST_TASK_PRIORITY, 57600, mainCOM_LED );

	/* Start the error checking task. */
  	( void ) xTaskCreate( vCheckTask, ( signed portCHAR * ) "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* Configure the timers used by the fast interrupt timer test. */

	/* The suicide tasks must be created last as they need to know how many
	tasks were running prior to their creation in order to ascertain whether
	or not the correct/expected number of tasks are running at any given time. */
	vCreateSuicidalTasks( mainCREATOR_TASK_PRIORITY );

	/* Will only get here if there was insufficient memory to create the idle
    task.  The idle task is created within vTaskStartScheduler(). */

	/* Should never reach here as the kernel will now be running.  If
	vTaskStartScheduler() does return then it is very likely that there was
	insufficient (FreeRTOS) heap space available to create all the tasks,
	including the idle task that is created within vTaskStartScheduler() itself. */
	for( ;; );
Exemplo n.º 30
 * Start the demo application tasks - then start the real time scheduler.
int main( void )
	/* Setup the hardware ready for the demo. */

	/* Start the standard demo application tasks. */
	vStartLEDFlashTasks( mainLED_TASK_PRIORITY );
	vStartIntegerMathTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY );
	vAltStartComTestTasks( mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY, mainCOM_TEST_BAUD_RATE, mainCOM_TEST_LED - 1 );
	vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );

	/* Start the 'Check' task which is defined in this file. */
	xTaskCreate( vErrorChecks, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );

	/* Start the scheduler. */

	/* As the scheduler has been started the demo applications tasks will be
	executing and we should never get here! */
	return 0;