Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: awk.c Projeto: Dev0Null/ctags
static void findAwkTags (void)
	vString *name = vStringNew ();
	const unsigned char *line;

	while ((line = readLineFromInputFile ()) != NULL)
		if (strncmp ((const char*) line, "function", (size_t) 8) == 0  &&
			isspace ((int) line [8]))
			const unsigned char *cp = line + 8;

			while (isspace ((int) *cp))
			while (isalnum ((int) *cp)  ||  *cp == '_')
				vStringPut (name, (int) *cp);
			vStringTerminate (name);
			while (isspace ((int) *cp))
			if (*cp == '(')
				makeSimpleTag (name, AwkKinds, K_FUNCTION);
			vStringClear (name);
			if (*cp != '\0')
	vStringDelete (name);
Exemplo n.º 2
/* in OCaml the file name is the module name used in the language
 * with it first letter put in upper case */
static void computeModuleName ( void )
	/* in Ocaml the file name define a module.
	 * so we define a module =)
	const char *filename = getInputFileName ();
	int beginIndex = 0;
	int endIndex = strlen (filename) - 1;
	vString *moduleName = vStringNew ();

	while (filename[endIndex] != '.' && endIndex > 0)

	/* avoid problem with path in front of filename */
	beginIndex = endIndex;
	while (beginIndex > 0)
		if (filename[beginIndex] == '\\' || filename[beginIndex] == '/')


	vStringNCopyS (moduleName, &filename[beginIndex], endIndex - beginIndex);
	vStringTerminate (moduleName);

	if (isLowerAlpha (moduleName->buffer[0]))
		moduleName->buffer[0] += ('A' - 'a');

	addTag (moduleName, K_MODULE);
	vStringDelete (moduleName);
Exemplo n.º 3
static void makeClassTag (tokenInfo *const token, vString *const signature)
	vString *	fulltag;

	if ( ! token->ignoreTag )
		fulltag = vStringNew ();
		if (vStringLength (token->scope) > 0)
			vStringCopy(fulltag, token->scope);
			vStringCatS (fulltag, ".");
			vStringCatS (fulltag, vStringValue(token->string));
			vStringCopy(fulltag, token->string);
		if ( ! stringListHas(ClassNames, vStringValue (fulltag)) )
			stringListAdd (ClassNames, vStringNewCopy (fulltag));
			makeJsTag (token, JSTAG_CLASS, signature);
		vStringDelete (fulltag);
Exemplo n.º 4
static vString *parseNumeric (int c)
	vString *string = vStringNew ();
	vString *integer = parseInteger (c);
	vStringCopy (string, integer);
	vStringDelete (integer);

	c = getcFromInputFile ();
	if (c == '.')
		integer = parseInteger ('\0');
		vStringPut (string, c);
		vStringCat (string, integer);
		vStringDelete (integer);
		c = getcFromInputFile ();
	if (tolower (c) == 'e')
		integer = parseInteger ('\0');
		vStringPut (string, c);
		vStringCat (string, integer);
		vStringDelete (integer);
	else if (!isspace (c))
		ungetcToInputFile (c);

	vStringTerminate (string);

	return string;
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: eiffel.c Projeto: att/uwin
static vString *parseNumeric (int c)
    static vString *string = NULL;

    if (string == NULL)
	string = vStringNew ();
    vStringCopy (string, parseInteger (c));

    c = fileGetc ();
    if (c == '.')
	vStringPut (string, c);
	vStringCat (string, parseInteger ('\0'));
	c = fileGetc ();
    if (tolower (c) == 'e')
	vStringPut (string, c);
	vStringCat (string, parseInteger ('\0'));
    else if (!isspace (c))
	fileUngetc (c);

    vStringTerminate (string);

    return string;
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: eiffel.c Projeto: att/uwin
/*  If a numeric is passed in 'c', this is used as the first digit of the
 *  numeric being parsed.
static vString *parseInteger (int c)
    static vString *string = NULL;

    if (string == NULL)
	string = vStringNew ();
    vStringClear (string);

    if (c == '\0')
	c = fileGetc ();
    if (c == '-')
	vStringPut (string, c);
	c = fileGetc ();
    else if (! isdigit (c))
	c = fileGetc ();
    while (c != EOF  &&  (isdigit (c)  ||  c == '_'))
	vStringPut (string, c);
	c = fileGetc ();
    vStringTerminate (string);
    fileUngetc (c);

    return string;
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: sml.c Projeto: simlrh/ctags
static const unsigned char *parseIdentifier (
		const unsigned char *cp, vString *const identifier)
	boolean stringLit = FALSE;
	vStringClear (identifier);
	while (*cp != '\0'  &&  (!isIdentifier ((int) *cp) || stringLit))
		int oneback = *cp;
		if (oneback == '('  &&  *cp == '*'  &&  stringLit == FALSE)
			return ++cp;
		if (*cp == '"' && oneback != '\\')
			stringLit = TRUE;
		if (stringLit && *cp == '"' && oneback != '\\')
			stringLit = FALSE;
	if (strcmp ((const char *) cp, "") == 0 || cp == NULL)
		return cp;

	while (isIdentifier ((int) *cp))
		vStringPut (identifier, (int) *cp);
	vStringTerminate (identifier);
	return cp;
Exemplo n.º 8
/* Operator can be defined in OCaml as a function
 * so we must be ample enough to parse them normally */
static ocamlKeyword eatOperator (lexingState * st)
	int count = 0;
	const unsigned char *root = st->cp;

	vStringClear (st->name);

	while (isOperator[st->cp[count]])
		vStringPut (st->name, st->cp[count]);

	vStringTerminate (st->name);

	st->cp += count;
	if (count <= 1)
		switch (root[0])
		case '|':
			return Tok_Pipe;
		case '=':
			return Tok_EQ;
			return Tok_Op;
	else if (count == 2 && root[0] == '-' && root[1] == '>')
		return Tok_To;
		return Tok_Op;
Exemplo n.º 9
* Emits a tag for the given 'name' of kind 'kind' at the current nesting.
static void emitRubyTag (vString* name, rubyKind kind)
	tagEntryInfo tag;
	vString* scope;

        if (!RubyKinds[kind].enabled) {

	vStringTerminate (name);
	scope = stringListToScope (nesting);

	initTagEntry (&tag, vStringValue (name));
	if (vStringLength (scope) > 0) {
	    tag.extensionFields.scope [0] = "class";
	    tag.extensionFields.scope [1] = vStringValue (scope);
	tag.kindName = RubyKinds [kind].name;
	tag.kind = RubyKinds [kind].letter;
	makeTagEntry (&tag);

	stringListAdd (nesting, vStringNewCopy (name));

	vStringClear (name);
	vStringDelete (scope);
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: vim.c Projeto: Monits/ctags
static void parseLet (const unsigned char *line, int infunction)
	vString *name = vStringNew ();

	const unsigned char *cp = line;
	const unsigned char *np = line;
	/* get the name */
	if (isspace ((int) *cp))
		while (*cp && isspace ((int) *cp))

		 * Ignore lets which set:
		 *    &  - local buffer vim settings
		 *    @  - registers
		 *    [  - Lists or Dictionaries
		if (!*cp || *cp == '&' || *cp == '@' || *cp == '[' )
			goto cleanUp;

		 * Ignore vim variables which are read only
		 *    v: - Vim variables.
		np = cp;
		if ((int) *cp == 'v' && (int) *np == ':' )
			goto cleanUp;

		/* Skip non-global vars in functions */
		if (infunction && (int) *cp != 'g')
			goto cleanUp;

		/* deal with spaces, $, @ and & */
		while (*cp && *cp != '$' && !isalnum ((int) *cp))

		if (!*cp)
			goto cleanUp;

		/* cp = skipPrefix (cp, &scope); */
			if (!*cp)

			vStringPut (name, (int) *cp);
		} while (isalnum ((int) *cp)  ||  *cp == '_'  ||  *cp == '#'  ||  *cp == ':'  ||  *cp == '$');
		vStringTerminate (name);
		makeSimpleTag (name, VimKinds, K_VARIABLE);
		vStringClear (name);

	vStringDelete (name);
Exemplo n.º 11
static void addContext (tokenInfo* const parent, const tokenInfo* const child)
	if (vStringLength (parent->string) > 0)
		vStringCatS (parent->string, ".");
	vStringCatS (parent->string, vStringValue(child->string));
Exemplo n.º 12
static void addToScope (tokenInfo* const token, vString* const extra)
	if (vStringLength (token->scope) > 0)
		vStringCatS (token->scope, ".");
	vStringCatS (token->scope, vStringValue(extra));
Exemplo n.º 13
/*  Determines whether or not "name" should be ignored, per the ignore list.
extern boolean isIgnoreToken (const char *const name,
			      boolean *const pIgnoreParens,
			      const char **const replacement)
	boolean result = FALSE;

	if (c_tags_ignore != NULL)
		const size_t nameLen = strlen (name);
		unsigned int i;
		guint len = g_strv_length (c_tags_ignore);
		vString *token = vStringNew();

		if (pIgnoreParens != NULL)
			*pIgnoreParens = FALSE;

		for (i = 0  ;  i < len ;  ++i)
			size_t tokenLen;

			vStringCopyS (token, c_tags_ignore[i]);
			vStringTerminate (token);
			tokenLen = vStringLength (token);

			if (tokenLen >= 2 && vStringChar (token, tokenLen - 1) == '*' &&
				strncmp (vStringValue (token), name, tokenLen - 1) == 0)
				result = TRUE;
			if (strncmp (vStringValue (token), name, nameLen) == 0)
				if (nameLen == tokenLen)
					result = TRUE;
				else if (tokenLen == nameLen + 1  &&
						vStringChar (token, tokenLen - 1) == '+')
					result = TRUE;
					if (pIgnoreParens != NULL)
						*pIgnoreParens = TRUE;
				else if (vStringChar (token, nameLen) == '=')
					if (replacement != NULL)
						*replacement = vStringValue (token) + nameLen + 1;
		vStringDelete (token);
	return result;
Exemplo n.º 14
/* Algorithm adapted from from GNU etags.
 * Scheme tag functions
 * look for (def... xyzzy
 * look for (def... (xyzzy
 * look for (def ... ((... (xyzzy ....
 * look for (set! xyzzy
static void readIdentifier (vString *const name, const unsigned char *cp)
    const unsigned char *p;
    vStringClear (name);
    /* Go till you get to white space or a syntactic break */
    for (p = cp; *p != '\0' && *p != '(' && *p != ')' && !isspace (*p); p++)
        vStringPut (name, (int) *p);
    vStringTerminate (name);
Exemplo n.º 15
static void add_tag(const char *token, haskellKind kind, vString *name)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; token[i] != '\0'; ++i)
	vStringPut(name, token[i]);

    makeSimpleTag(name, HaskellKinds, kind);
Exemplo n.º 16
static void pushScope (tokenInfo *const token,
					   const tokenInfo *const parent,
					   const jsonKind parentKind)
	if (vStringLength (token->scope) > 0)
		vStringPut (token->scope, '.');
	vStringCat (token->scope, parent->string);
	vStringTerminate (token->scope);
	token->scopeKind = parentKind;
Exemplo n.º 17
/* Match the name of a tag (function, variable, type, ...) starting at pos. */
static char const *extract_name (char const *pos, vString * name)
	while (isspace (*pos))
	vStringClear (name);
	for (; *pos && !isspace (*pos) && *pos != '(' && *pos != ',' && *pos != '='; pos++)
		vStringPut (name, *pos);
	vStringTerminate (name);
	return pos;
Exemplo n.º 18
* Emits a tag for the given 'name' of kind 'kind' at the current nesting.
static void emitRubyTag (vString* name, rubyKind kind)
	tagEntryInfo tag;
	vString* scope;
	tagEntryInfo *parent;
	rubyKind parent_kind = K_UNDEFINED;
	NestingLevel *lvl;
	const char *unqualified_name;
	const char *qualified_name;
	int r;

        if (!RubyKinds[kind].enabled) {

	vStringTerminate (name);
	scope = nestingLevelsToScope (nesting);
	lvl = nestingLevelsGetCurrent (nesting);
	parent = getEntryOfNestingLevel (lvl);
	if (parent)
		parent_kind =  parent->kind - RubyKinds;

	qualified_name = vStringValue (name);
	unqualified_name = strrchr (qualified_name, SCOPE_SEPARATOR);
	if (unqualified_name && unqualified_name[1])
		if (unqualified_name > qualified_name)
			if (vStringLength (scope) > 0)
				vStringPut (scope, SCOPE_SEPARATOR);
			vStringNCatS (scope, qualified_name,
			              unqualified_name - qualified_name);
			/* assume module parent type for a lack of a better option */
			parent_kind = K_MODULE;
		unqualified_name = qualified_name;

	initTagEntry (&tag, unqualified_name, &(RubyKinds [kind]));
	if (vStringLength (scope) > 0) {
		Assert (0 <= parent_kind &&
		        (size_t) parent_kind < (ARRAY_SIZE (RubyKinds)));

		tag.extensionFields.scopeKind = &(RubyKinds [parent_kind]);
		tag.extensionFields.scopeName = vStringValue (scope);
	r = makeTagEntry (&tag);

	nestingLevelsPush (nesting, r);

	vStringClear (name);
	vStringDelete (scope);
Exemplo n.º 19
static void readAndEmitTag (const unsigned char** cp, rubyKind expected_kind)
	if (isspace (**cp))
		vString *name = vStringNew ();
		vString *chunk = vStringNew ();
		rubyKind actual_kind;
		unsigned int i = 0;

		/* parse the identifier, allowing scoping like "class Foo::Bar::Baz" */
		while (1)
			actual_kind = parseIdentifier (cp, chunk, expected_kind);
			if (i++ > 0)
				vStringPut (name, '.');
			vStringCat (name, chunk);
			vStringClear (chunk);

			if (actual_kind != K_UNDEFINED && (*cp)[0] == ':' && (*cp)[1] == ':')
				*cp += 2;
		vStringDelete (chunk);
		vStringTerminate (name);

		if (actual_kind == K_UNDEFINED || vStringLength (name) == 0)
			* What kind of tags should we create for code like this?
			*    %w(self.clfloor clfloor).each do |name|
			*        module_eval <<-"end;"
			*            def #{name}(x, y=1)
			*                q, r = x.divmod(y)
			*                q = q.to_i
			*                return q, r
			*            end
			*        end;
			*    end
			* Or this?
			*    class << HTTP
			* For now, we don't create any.
			emitRubyTag (name, actual_kind);
		vStringDelete (name);
Exemplo n.º 20
static void parseSelector (vString *const string, const int firstChar)
	int c = firstChar;
		vStringPut (string, (char) c);
		c = fileGetc ();
	} while (isSelectorChar (c));
	fileUngetc (c);
	vStringTerminate (string);
Exemplo n.º 21
Arquivo: go.c Projeto: Dev0Null/ctags
static void parseIdentifier (vString *const string, const int firstChar)
	int c = firstChar;
		vStringPut (string, c);
		c = getcFromInputFile ();
	} while (isIdentChar (c));
	vStringTerminate (string);
	ungetcToInputFile (c);		/* always unget, LF might add a semicolon */
Exemplo n.º 22
Arquivo: ruby.c Projeto: jsvisa/ctags
* Copies the characters forming an identifier from *cp into
* name, leaving *cp pointing to the character after the identifier.
static rubyKind parseIdentifier (
        const unsigned char** cp, vString* name, rubyKind kind)
    /* Method names are slightly different to class and variable names.
     * A method name may optionally end with a question mark, exclamation
     * point or equals sign. These are all part of the name.
     * A method name may also contain a period if it's a singleton method.
    const char* also_ok = (kind == K_METHOD) ? "_.?!=" : "_";

    skipWhitespace (cp);

    /* Check for an anonymous (singleton) class such as "class << HTTP". */
    if (kind == K_CLASS && **cp == '<' && *(*cp + 1) == '<')
        return K_UNDEFINED;

    /* Check for operators such as "def []=(key, val)". */
    if (kind == K_METHOD || kind == K_SINGLETON)
        if (parseRubyOperator (name, cp))
            return kind;

    /* Copy the identifier into 'name'. */
    while (**cp != 0 && (isalnum (**cp) || charIsIn (**cp, also_ok)))
        char last_char = **cp;

        vStringPut (name, last_char);

        if (kind == K_METHOD)
            /* Recognize singleton methods. */
            if (last_char == '.')
                vStringTerminate (name);
                vStringClear (name);
                return parseIdentifier (cp, name, K_SINGLETON);

            /* Recognize characters which mark the end of a method name. */
            if (charIsIn (last_char, "?!="))
    return kind;
Exemplo n.º 23
static void initPhpEntry (tagEntryInfo *const e, const tokenInfo *const token,
						  const phpKind kind, const accessType access)
	int parentKind = -1;
	const char *rootsep;

	vStringClear (FullScope);

	if (vStringLength (CurrentNamesapce) > 0)
		parentKind = K_NAMESPACE;
		rootsep = scopeSeparatorFor (PhpKinds + parentKind,
		vStringCatS (FullScope, rootsep);
		vStringCat (FullScope, CurrentNamesapce);


	initTagEntry (e, vStringValue (token->string), &(PhpKinds[kind]));

	e->lineNumber	= token->lineNumber;
	e->filePosition	= token->filePosition;

	if (access != ACCESS_UNDEFINED)
		e->extensionFields.access = accessToString (access);
	if (vStringLength (token->scope) > 0)
		parentKind = token->parentKind;

		if (vStringLength (FullScope) > 0)
			const char* sep;

			sep = phpScopeSeparatorFor (parentKind,
			vStringCatS (FullScope, sep);
			rootsep = scopeSeparatorFor (PhpKinds + parentKind,
			vStringCatS (FullScope, rootsep);
		vStringCat (FullScope, token->scope);
	if (vStringLength (FullScope) > 0)
		Assert (parentKind >= 0);

		vStringTerminate (FullScope);
		e->extensionFields.scopeKind = &(PhpKinds[parentKind]);
		e->extensionFields.scopeName = vStringValue (FullScope);
Exemplo n.º 24
static void parseFunction (const unsigned char *line)
	vString *name = vStringNew ();
	/* boolean inFunction = FALSE; */
	int scope;

	const unsigned char *cp = line + 1;

	if ((int) *++cp == 'n'	&&	(int) *++cp == 'c'	&&
		(int) *++cp == 't'	&&	(int) *++cp == 'i'	&&
		(int) *++cp == 'o'	&&	(int) *++cp == 'n')
	if ((int) *cp == '!')
	if (isspace ((int) *cp))
		while (*cp && isspace ((int) *cp))

		if (*cp)
			cp = skipPrefix (cp, &scope);
			if (isupper ((int) *cp)  ||  
					scope == 's'  ||  /* script scope */
					scope == '<'  ||  /* script scope */
					scope == 'd'  ||  /* dictionary */
					scope == 'a')	  /* autoload */
					vStringPut (name, (int) *cp);
				} while (isalnum ((int) *cp) ||  *cp == '_' ||	*cp == '.' ||  *cp == '#');
				vStringTerminate (name);
				makeSimpleTag (name, VimKinds, K_FUNCTION);
				vStringClear (name);

	/* TODO - update struct to indicate inside function */
	while ((line = readVimLine ()) != NULL)
		 * Vim7 added the for/endfo[r] construct, so we must first
		 * check for an "endfo", before a "endf"
		if ( (!strncmp ((const char*) line, "endfo", (size_t) 5) == 0) && 
				(strncmp ((const char*) line, "endf", (size_t) 4) == 0)   )
		/* TODO - call parseVimLine */
	vStringDelete (name);
Exemplo n.º 25
static void parseIdentifier (vString *const string, const int firstChar)
	int c = firstChar;
		vStringPut (string, (char) c);
		c = getcFromInputFile ();
	} while (isIdentChar (c));
	ungetcToInputFile (c);
	vStringTerminate (string);
Exemplo n.º 26
Arquivo: make.c Projeto: ajitvin/v
static void readIdentifier (const int first, vString *const id)
	int c = first;
	vStringClear (id);
	while (isIdentifier (c))
		vStringPut (id, c);
		c = nextChar ();
	fileUngetc (c);
	vStringTerminate (id);
Exemplo n.º 27
/*	Read a C identifier beginning with "firstChar" and places it into
 *	"name".
static void parseIdentifier (vString *const string, const int firstChar)
	int c = firstChar;
	Assert (isIdentChar (c));
		vStringPut (string, c);
		c = fileGetc ();
	} while (isIdentChar (c));
	vStringTerminate (string);
	fileUngetc (c);		/* unget non-identifier character */
Exemplo n.º 28
static const unsigned char *parseIdentifier (
		const unsigned char *cp, vString *const identifier)
	vStringClear (identifier);
	while (isIdentifierCharacter ((int) *cp))
		vStringPut (identifier, (int) *cp);
	vStringTerminate (identifier);
	return cp;
Exemplo n.º 29
static vString* determineEmacsModeAtFirstLine (const char* const line)
	vString* mode = vStringNew ();

	const char* p = strstr(line, "-*-");
	if (p == NULL)
		return mode;
	p += strlen("-*-");

	for ( ;  isspace ((int) *p)  ;  ++p)
		;  /* no-op */

	if (strncmp(p, "mode:", strlen("mode:")) == 0)
		/* -*- mode: MODE; -*- */
		p += strlen("mode:");
		for ( ;  isspace ((int) *p)  ;  ++p)
			;  /* no-op */
		for ( ;  *p != '\0'  &&  isalnum ((int) *p)  ;  ++p)
			vStringPut (mode, (int) *p);
		vStringTerminate (mode);
		/* -*- MODE -*- */
		for ( ;  *p != '\0'  &&  isalnum ((int) *p)  ;  ++p)
			vStringPut (mode, (int) *p);
		vStringTerminate (mode);

		for ( ;  isspace ((int) *p)  ;  ++p)
			;  /* no-op */
		if (strncmp(p, "-*-", strlen("-*-")) != 0)
			vStringClear (mode);

	return mode;

Exemplo n.º 30
static void addToScope (tokenInfo *const token, const vString *const extra,
			int kindOfUpperScope)
	if (vStringLength (token->scope) > 0)
		const char* sep;

		sep = phpScopeSeparatorFor(token->parentKind,
		vStringCatS (token->scope, sep);
	vStringCat (token->scope, extra);