bool CShape::GetExtents(double* extents, const double* orig, const double* xdir, const double* ydir, const double* zdir) { gp_Pnt p_orig(0, 0, 0); if(orig)p_orig = gp_Pnt(orig[0], orig[1], orig[2]); gp_Vec v_x(1, 0, 0); if(xdir)v_x = gp_Vec(xdir[0], xdir[1], xdir[2]); gp_Vec v_y(0, 1, 0); if(ydir)v_y = gp_Vec(ydir[0], ydir[1], ydir[2]); gp_Vec v_z(0, 0, 1); if(zdir)v_z = gp_Vec(zdir[0], zdir[1], zdir[2]); BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox cuboid_plus_x(gp_Ax2(gp_Pnt(p_orig.XYZ() + 2000000 * v_x.XYZ() + (-1000000) * v_z.XYZ() + (-1000000) * v_y.XYZ()), v_x, v_y), 1000000, 1000000, 1000000); BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox cuboid_minus_x(gp_Ax2(gp_Pnt(p_orig.XYZ() + (-2000000) * v_x.XYZ() + (-1000000) * v_z.XYZ() + (-1000000) * v_y.XYZ()), -v_x, v_z), 1000000, 1000000, 1000000); BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox cuboid_plus_y(gp_Ax2(gp_Pnt(p_orig.XYZ() + 2000000 * v_y.XYZ() + (-1000000) * v_z.XYZ() + (-1000000) * v_x.XYZ()), v_y, v_z), 1000000, 1000000, 1000000); BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox cuboid_minus_y(gp_Ax2(gp_Pnt(p_orig.XYZ() + (-2000000) * v_y.XYZ() + (-1000000) * v_z.XYZ() + (-1000000) * v_x.XYZ()), -v_y, v_x), 1000000, 1000000, 1000000); BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox cuboid_plus_z(gp_Ax2(gp_Pnt(p_orig.XYZ() + 2000000 * v_z.XYZ() + (-1000000) * v_x.XYZ() + (-1000000) * v_y.XYZ()), v_z, v_x), 1000000, 1000000, 1000000); BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox cuboid_minus_z(gp_Ax2(gp_Pnt(p_orig.XYZ() + (-2000000) * v_z.XYZ() + (-1000000) * v_x.XYZ() + (-1000000) * v_y.XYZ()), -v_z, v_y), 1000000, 1000000, 1000000); gp_Vec v_orig(p_orig.XYZ()); TopoDS_Solid shape[6] = { cuboid_minus_x, cuboid_minus_y, cuboid_minus_z, cuboid_plus_x, cuboid_plus_y, cuboid_plus_z }; gp_Vec vector[6] = { v_x, v_y, v_z, v_x, v_y, v_z }; for(int i = 0; i<6; i++){ BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape extrema(m_shape, shape[i]); extrema.Perform(); gp_Pnt p = extrema.PointOnShape1(1); gp_Vec v(p.XYZ()); double dp = v * vector[i]; double dp_o = v_orig * vector[i]; extents[i] = dp - dp_o; } return true; }
int main(int argc,char** argv) { cv::Mat src = cv::imread("input.jpg"); IplImage* img=cvLoadImage("input.jpg"); IplImage* image = cvCloneImage(img); IplImage* temp=cvCloneImage(image); cvNamedWindow("Draw Line Example", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); cvSetMouseCallback( "Draw Line Example", my_callback, (void*)image); while(1) { cvCopyImage(image,temp); if(drawing_line) draw_line(temp,pt1,pt2); cvShowImage("Draw Line Example",temp); int c = cv::waitKey(20); if ( c == 'q' ) { break; } switch(c){ case 'x': point_vector.clear(); pt1 = cvPoint(0,0); pt2 = cvPoint(0,0); cvCopyImage(img,image); break; case 'y': x_point_vector = point_vector; point_vector.clear(); pt1 = cvPoint(0,0); pt2 = cvPoint(0,0); cvCopyImage(img,image); break; case 'z': y_point_vector = point_vector; point_vector.clear(); pt1 = cvPoint(0,0); pt2 = cvPoint(0,0); cvCopyImage(img,image); break; case 's': z_point_vector = point_vector; point_vector.clear(); pt1 = cvPoint(0,0); pt2 = cvPoint(0,0); cvCopyImage(img,image); break; case 'h': point_vector.clear(); drawing_point = true; cvCopyImage(img,image); break; default: break; } } float w = (img->width + img->height)/4.0; // calculate vanishing points for (std::vector<int>::size_type i=0;i!= x_point_vector.size();++i){ x_point_vector[i].x -= img->width/2; x_point_vector[i].y -= img->height/2; } for (std::vector<int>::size_type i=0;i!= y_point_vector.size();++i){ y_point_vector[i].x -= img->width/2; y_point_vector[i].y -= img->height/2; } for (std::vector<int>::size_type i=0;i!= z_point_vector.size();++i){ z_point_vector[i].x -= img->width/2; z_point_vector[i].y -= img->height/2; } CvPoint3D32f x_vanish = calc_vanishing_point(x_point_vector,w); CvPoint3D32f y_vanish = calc_vanishing_point(y_point_vector,w); CvPoint3D32f z_vanish = calc_vanishing_point(z_point_vector,w); point_vector.clear(); point_vector.push_back(cvPoint(2316, 3681)); point_vector.push_back(cvPoint(1711, 3372)); point_vector.push_back(cvPoint(2226, 3300)); point_vector.push_back(cvPoint(2942, 3570)); point_vector.push_back(cvPoint(2326, 3092)); // calculate homography of x-y plane and scale in xyz axis if (point_vector.size() < 5) { std::cout << "Less than 5 points are clicked!\n"; return -1; } double scale_x = 300, scale_y = 600, scale_z = 300; std::vector <cv::Point2d> target_point_vector; target_point_vector.push_back(cv::Point2d(0,0)); target_point_vector.push_back(cv::Point2d(0, scale_y)); target_point_vector.push_back(cv::Point2d(scale_x, scale_y)); target_point_vector.push_back(cv::Point2d(scale_x, 0)); std::vector <cv::Point2d> src_point_vector; src_point_vector.push_back(cv::Point2d(point_vector[0].x, point_vector[0].y)); src_point_vector.push_back(cv::Point2d(point_vector[1].x, point_vector[1].y)); src_point_vector.push_back(cv::Point2d(point_vector[2].x, point_vector[2].y)); src_point_vector.push_back(cv::Point2d(point_vector[3].x, point_vector[3].y)); cv::Vec3d origin(point_vector[0].x, point_vector[0].y, 1); cv::Mat Hxy = cv::findHomography(src_point_vector, target_point_vector); cv::Vec3d z_scale(point_vector[4].x, point_vector[4].y, 1); point_vector.clear(); //cv::Vec3d v_x(x_vanish.x + image->width / 2, x_vanish.y + image->height / 2, 1); //cv::Vec3d v_y(y_vanish.x + image->width / 2, y_vanish.y + image->height / 2, 1); //cv::Vec3d v_z(z_vanish.x + image->width / 2, z_vanish.y + image->height / 2, 1); cv::Vec3d v_x(9563.7, 2403.48, 1); cv::Vec3d v_y(-86.75, 2409.9, 1); cv::Vec3d v_z(5534.12, 530677, 1); std::cout << "origin: " << origin << "\n"; std::cout << "vanishing x: " << v_x << "\n"; std::cout << "vanishing y: " << v_y << "\n"; std::cout << "vanishing z: " << v_z << "\n"; std::cout << "homography: " << Hxy << "\n"; // calculate scale of z axis double z_temp = cal3dZ(v_x, v_y, v_z, z_scale, origin, origin, 1); scale_z = scale_z / z_temp; double x_coord, y_coord, z_coord; cv::Vec3d pt0, pt1, pt2, pt3; cv::Vec3d top0, bottom0, top1, bottom1, top2, bottom2, top3, bottom3; std::vector<cv::Vec3d> src_text_vector; std::vector<cv::Vec3d> target_text_vector; int cnt = 111; while (1) { cvCopyImage(image, temp); int c = cv::waitKey(20); if (c == 27) { break; } if (c == 'p') { if (point_vector.size() < 4) { break; } top0 = cv::Vec3d(point_vector[0].x, point_vector[0].y, 1); bottom0 = cv::Vec3d(point_vector[1].x, point_vector[1].y, 1); pt0 = cal3dXYZ(v_x, v_y, v_z, top0, bottom0, origin, scale_z, Hxy); pt1 = cal3dXYZ(v_x, v_y, v_z, bottom0, bottom0, origin, scale_z, Hxy); top1 = cv::Vec3d(point_vector[2].x, point_vector[2].y, 1); bottom1 = cv::Vec3d(point_vector[3].x, point_vector[3].y, 1); pt3 = cal3dXYZ(v_x, v_y, v_z, top1, bottom1, origin, scale_z, Hxy); pt2 = cal3dXYZ(v_x, v_y, v_z, bottom1, bottom1, origin, scale_z, Hxy); std::cout << "3D coordinate 0: " << pt0 << "\n"; std::cout << "3D coordinate 1: " << pt1 << "\n"; std::cout << "3D coordinate 2: " << pt2 << "\n"; std::cout << "3D coordinate 3: " << pt3 << "\n"; double text_w = distance3d(pt0, pt3); double text_h = distance3d(pt0, pt1); std::cout << "Save texture...\n"; src_text_vector.clear(); target_text_vector.clear(); src_text_vector.push_back(top0); src_text_vector.push_back(bottom0); src_text_vector.push_back(bottom1); src_text_vector.push_back(top1); target_text_vector.push_back(cv::Vec3d(0, 0, 1)); target_text_vector.push_back(cv::Vec3d(0, text_h, 1)); target_text_vector.push_back(cv::Vec3d(text_w, text_h, 1)); target_text_vector.push_back(cv::Vec3d(text_w, 0, 1)); cv::Mat text = getHomo(target_text_vector, src_text_vector); std::cout << "texture: " << text_w << ", " << text_h << "\n"; cv::Mat texture(text_h, text_w, src.type(), Scalar(0, 0, 0)); getTexture(texture, src, text); std::string text_file = std::to_string(cnt) + ".jpg"; cv::imwrite(text_file, texture); cnt++; std::string textures[] = { text_file }; std::cout << textures[0] << std::endl; std::vector<cv::Vec3d> text_points; text_points.push_back(pt1); text_points.push_back(pt0); text_points.push_back(pt3); text_points.push_back(pt2); std::ofstream fout("livingroom.wrl", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app); create_crml_file(text_points, fout, textures); fout.close(); point_vector.clear(); } else if (c == 'v') { if (point_vector.size() < 8) { break; } top0 = cv::Vec3d(point_vector[0].x, point_vector[0].y, 1); bottom0 = cv::Vec3d(point_vector[1].x, point_vector[1].y, 1); pt0 = cal3dXYZ(v_x, v_y, v_z, top0, bottom0, origin, scale_z, Hxy); top1 = cv::Vec3d(point_vector[2].x, point_vector[2].y, 1); bottom1 = cv::Vec3d(point_vector[3].x, point_vector[3].y, 1); pt1 = cal3dXYZ(v_x, v_y, v_z, top1, bottom1, origin, scale_z, Hxy); top2 = cv::Vec3d(point_vector[4].x, point_vector[4].y, 1); bottom2 = cv::Vec3d(point_vector[5].x, point_vector[5].y, 1); pt2 = cal3dXYZ(v_x, v_y, v_z, top2, bottom2, origin, scale_z, Hxy); top3 = cv::Vec3d(point_vector[6].x, point_vector[6].y, 1); bottom3 = cv::Vec3d(point_vector[7].x, point_vector[7].y, 1); pt3 = cal3dXYZ(v_x, v_y, v_z, top3, bottom3, origin, scale_z, Hxy); std::cout << "3D coordinate 0: " << pt0 << "\n"; std::cout << "3D coordinate 1: " << pt1 << "\n"; std::cout << "3D coordinate 2: " << pt2 << "\n"; std::cout << "3D coordinate 3: " << pt3 << "\n"; double text_w = distance3d(pt0, pt3); double text_h = distance3d(pt0, pt1); std::cout << "Save texture...\n"; src_text_vector.clear(); target_text_vector.clear(); src_text_vector.push_back(top0); src_text_vector.push_back(top1); src_text_vector.push_back(top2); src_text_vector.push_back(top3); target_text_vector.push_back(cv::Vec3d(0, 0, 1)); target_text_vector.push_back(cv::Vec3d(0, text_h, 1)); target_text_vector.push_back(cv::Vec3d(text_w, text_h, 1)); target_text_vector.push_back(cv::Vec3d(text_w, 0, 1)); cv::Mat text = getHomo(target_text_vector, src_text_vector); std::cout << "texture: " << text_w << ", " << text_h << "\n"; cv::Mat texture(text_h, text_w, src.type(), Scalar(0, 0, 0)); getTexture(texture, src, text); std::string text_file = std::to_string(cnt) + ".jpg"; cv::imwrite(text_file, texture); cnt++; std::string textures[] = { text_file }; std::cout << textures[0] << std::endl; std::vector<cv::Vec3d> text_points; text_points.push_back(pt1); text_points.push_back(pt0); text_points.push_back(pt3); text_points.push_back(pt2); std::ofstream fout("livingroom.wrl", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app); create_crml_file(text_points, fout, textures); fout.close(); point_vector.clear(); } } cvReleaseImage(&img); cvReleaseImage(&image); cvReleaseImage(&temp); cvDestroyAllWindows(); return 0; }
//----------- Begin of function LinAlg::quadratic_prog ------// //! Interior Point Quadratic Programming //! c, Q, A, b, xNames (no global or member variable access) //! //! try, by BM: //! c = { 0,0 } //! Q = { {2,0}, {0,5} } //! A = { {5,6} } //! b = { 10 } //! xNames={x1,x2} //! bool LinearAlgebra::quadratic_prog(const Vector &v_c, const Matrix &m_Q, const Matrix &m_A, const Vector &v_b, Vector &v_xNames, int loopCountMultiplier) { // init local variables int maxIteration = 20; const REAL SIGMA = 1/15.0; // 1/10.0; const REAL R = 9.0/10; int iter = 0; int n = v_c.Storage(); int m = v_b.Storage(); maxIteration *= loopCountMultiplier; #ifdef DEBUG_VC DEBUG_LOG("----------- quadratic_prog begin -----------"); // print_input(c,Q,A,b,xNames) if ( n==10 && m==12 ) { char s[500]; DEBUG_LOG("c = "); sprintf(s, "{ %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f };", v_c(1),v_c(2),v_c(3), v_c(4),v_c(5),v_c(6), v_c(7),v_c(8),v_c(9), v_c(10)); DEBUG_LOG(s); DEBUG_LOG("Q = "); for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) { sprintf(s, "{%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f},", m_Q(i,1),m_Q(i,2),m_Q(i,3),m_Q(i,4),m_Q(i,5),m_Q(i,6),m_Q(i,7),m_Q(i,8),m_Q(i,9),m_Q(i,10) ); DEBUG_LOG(s); } DEBUG_LOG("A = "); for (i=1; i<=m; i++) { sprintf(s, "{%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f},", m_A(i,1),m_A(i,2),m_A(i,3),m_A(i,4),m_A(i,5),m_A(i,6),m_A(i,7),m_A(i,8),m_A(i,9),m_A(i,10) ); DEBUG_LOG(s); } DEBUG_LOG("b = "); sprintf(s, "{%.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f,", v_b(1),v_b(2),v_b(3), v_b(4),v_b(5),v_b(6), v_b(7),v_b(8),v_b(9), v_b(10), v_b(11), v_b(12) ); DEBUG_LOG(s); /*sprintf(s, "%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f,", v_b(10),v_b(11),v_b(12), v_b(13),v_b(14),v_b(15), v_b(16),v_b(17),v_b(18) ); DEBUG_LOG(s); sprintf(s, "%f, %f};", v_b(19),v_b(20)); DEBUG_LOG(s);*/ } else if ( n==9 && m==20 ) { // stage 1 char s[500]; DEBUG_LOG("c = "); sprintf(s, "{ %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f };", v_c(1),v_c(2),v_c(3), v_c(4),v_c(5),v_c(6), v_c(7),v_c(8),v_c(9)); DEBUG_LOG(s); DEBUG_LOG("Q = "); for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) { sprintf(s, "{%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, },", m_Q(i,1),m_Q(i,2),m_Q(i,3),m_Q(i,4),m_Q(i,5),m_Q(i,6),m_Q(i,7),m_Q(i,8),m_Q(i,9) ); DEBUG_LOG(s); } DEBUG_LOG("A = "); for (i=1; i<=m; i++) { sprintf(s, "{%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f },", m_A(i,1),m_A(i,2),m_A(i,3),m_A(i,4),m_A(i,5),m_A(i,6),m_A(i,7),m_A(i,8),m_A(i,9) ); DEBUG_LOG(s); } DEBUG_LOG("b = "); sprintf(s, "{%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, }, ", v_b(1),v_b(2),v_b(3), v_b(4),v_b(5),v_b(6), v_b(7),v_b(8),v_b(9), v_b(10), v_b(11), v_b(12), v_b(13),v_b(14),v_b(15), v_b(16), v_b(17), v_b(18), v_b(19), v_b(20) ); DEBUG_LOG(s); } else if ( n==10 && m==22 ) { // stage 2 char s[500]; DEBUG_LOG("c = "); sprintf(s, "{ %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f };", v_c(1),v_c(2),v_c(3), v_c(4),v_c(5),v_c(6), v_c(7),v_c(8),v_c(9),v_c(10)); DEBUG_LOG(s); DEBUG_LOG("Q = "); for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) { sprintf(s, "{%.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, },", m_Q(i,1),m_Q(i,2),m_Q(i,3),m_Q(i,4),m_Q(i,5),m_Q(i,6),m_Q(i,7),m_Q(i,8),m_Q(i,9),m_Q(i,10) ); DEBUG_LOG(s); } DEBUG_LOG("A = "); for (i=1; i<=m; i++) { sprintf(s, "{%.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f },", m_A(i,1),m_A(i,2),m_A(i,3),m_A(i,4),m_A(i,5),m_A(i,6),m_A(i,7),m_A(i,8),m_A(i,9),m_A(i,10) ); DEBUG_LOG(s); } DEBUG_LOG("b = "); sprintf(s, "{%.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, }, ", v_b(1),v_b(2),v_b(3), v_b(4),v_b(5),v_b(6), v_b(7),v_b(8),v_b(9), v_b(10), v_b(11), v_b(12), v_b(13),v_b(14),v_b(15), v_b(16), v_b(17), v_b(18), v_b(19), v_b(20), v_b(21), v_b(22) ); DEBUG_LOG(s); } #endif Vector v_eN(n); v_eN = 1; Vector v_eM(m); v_eM = 1; Vector v_x(n); v_x = 1; Vector v_z(n); v_z = 1; Vector v_y(m); v_y = 1; Vector v_w(m); v_w = 1; // check m_A is nxm, m_Q is nxn err_when(m_A.Nrows() != m || m_A.Ncols() != n ); err_when(m_Q.Nrows() != n || m_Q.Ncols() != n ); // init for while loop not_converged() checking // Vector v_Road = v_b - m_A*(v_x) + v_w; Vector v_Sigma = v_c - m_A.t() * v_y - v_z + m_Q*v_x; REAL gamma = (v_z.t()*v_x + v_y.t()*v_w).AsScalar(); REAL mute = SIGMA*gamma / (n+m); DiagonalMatrix X(n), Xinv(n); DiagonalMatrix Y(m), Yinv(m); DiagonalMatrix Z(n); DiagonalMatrix W(m); Matrix T1(n,n), T2(n,m), T3(m,n), T4(m,m); Vector KKFvec(n+m); //, v_tmp1(n), v_tmp2(m); Vector m_temp(m+n); Vector v_dx(n), v_dy(m), v_dz(n), v_dw(m); REAL theeta; X=0; Xinv=0; Z=0; Y=0; Yinv=0; W=0; { // Matrix _t1(n,n), _t2(n,n); _t1=1; _t2=2; // _t1 = SP(_t1,_t2); } Matrix KKFmat(m+n,m+n); Matrix KKFmatInverse(m+n,m+n); REAL min=1; while ( quadratic_prog_not_converged(v_x,v_y,v_Road,v_Sigma,gamma) && iter <= maxIteration && min > 0.0000000001 ) { iter++; v_Road = v_b - m_A*v_x + v_w; v_Sigma = v_c - m_A.t()*v_y - v_z + m_Q*v_x; gamma = (v_z.t()*v_x + v_y.t()*v_w).AsScalar(); mute = SIGMA*gamma / (n+m); X.set_diagonal(v_x); Y.set_diagonal(v_y); Z.set_diagonal(v_z); W.set_diagonal(v_w); Xinv.set_diagonal(ElmDivide(v_eN, v_x)); Yinv.set_diagonal(ElmDivide(v_eM, v_y)); T1 = -(Xinv * Z + m_Q); T2 = m_A.t(); T3 = m_A; T4 = Yinv*W; //PRT_MAT << "T1: " << T1 << endl; KKFmat = (T1|T2) & (T3|T4); KKFvec = (v_c - T2*v_y - mute*Xinv*v_eN + m_Q*v_x) & (v_b - m_A*v_x + mute*Yinv*v_eM); Try { /*{ bool _f; DiagonalMatrix _dmat(n+m); _dmat=1; Matrix _inv(n+m,n+m); SVD(KKFmat, _dmat, _inv); _dmat=1; if ( KKFmat*_inv == _dmat ) _f = true; else _f = false; }*/ min = fabs(KKFmat(1,1)); for (int i=2; i<=m+n; i++) { if ( min > fabs(KKFmat(i,i)) ) // check diagonal element min = fabs(KKFmat(i,i)); } KKFmatInverse = KKFmat.i(); /* if ( KKFmat.LogDeterminant().Value() ) KKFmatInverse = KKFmat.i(); else break; */ m_temp = KKFmatInverse * KKFvec; v_dx = m_temp.Rows(1,n); v_dy = m_temp.Rows(n+1,n+m); v_dz = Xinv*(mute*v_eN - X*Z*v_eN - Z*v_dx); v_dw = Yinv*(mute*v_eM - Y*W*v_eM - W*v_dy); //PRT_MAT << "v_dx,z,y,w: " << (v_dx|v_dz) <<", "<< (v_dy|v_dw) <<endl; //PRT_MAT << "v_x: " << v_x << endl; //PRT_MAT << "ElmDivide(v_x,v_dx): " << ElmDivide(v_x,v_dx) << endl; theeta = (R/(( ElmDivide(-v_dx,v_x) & ElmDivide(-v_dw,v_w) & ElmDivide(-v_dy,v_y) & ElmDivide(-v_dz,v_z) )).MaximumValue() ); if(theeta>1) // theeta = min(theeta,1) theeta = 1; v_x += theeta * v_dx; v_y += theeta * v_dy; v_w += theeta * v_dw; v_z += theeta * v_dz; #ifdef DEBUG_CONSOLE cout << "#iter "<< iter << ": " << v_Road.Sum() << ", " << v_Sigma.Sum() << ", " << gamma << endl; cout << "Ro:" << v_Road << endl; PRT_MAT15 << "v_x:" << v_x << endl; PRT_MAT15 << "v_y:" << v_y << endl; PRT_MAT15 << "v_w:" << v_w << endl; PRT_MAT15 << "v_z:" << v_z << endl; #elif defined(DEBUG_VC) char s[200]; sprintf(s, "#iter %d: %f, %f, %f", iter, v_Road.Sum(), v_Sigma.Sum(), gamma); DEBUG_LOG(s); if ( n == 9 && false ) { DEBUG_LOG("x = "); sprintf(s, " %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f", v_x(1),v_x(2),v_x(3), v_x(4),v_x(5),v_x(6), v_x(7),v_x(8),v_x(9)); DEBUG_LOG(s); } #endif } CatchAll { #ifdef DEBUG_CONSOLE cout << Exception::what(); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_VC DEBUG_LOG("olinalg: failure in quad_prog"); DEBUG_LOG((char *)Exception::what()); #endif return false; } } // while v_xNames = v_x; if ( min < 0.00001 ) { // 1214 || KKFmat.LogDeterminant().Value() == 0 ) //char s[200]; //sprintf(s, "#iter %d: %f, %f, %f", // iter, v_Road.Sum(), v_Sigma.Sum(), gamma); //DEBUG_LOG(s); DEBUG_LOG("--- quad_prog early exit for min < 0.00001 ---"); } else DEBUG_LOG("----------- quad_prog normal exit -----------"); #ifdef DEBUG_CONSOLE cout << "#iter: " << iter; #endif return true; }