Exemplo n.º 1
Database::Database(OperationContext* txn, StringData name, DatabaseCatalogEntry* dbEntry)
    : _name(name.toString()),
      _profileName(_name + ".system.profile"),
      _indexesName(_name + ".system.indexes"),
      _viewsName(_name + "." + DurableViewCatalog::viewsCollectionName().toString()),
      _views(&_durableViews) {
    Status status = validateDBName(_name);
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        warning() << "tried to open invalid db: " << _name;
        uasserted(10028, status.toString());

    _profile = serverGlobalParams.defaultProfile;

    list<string> collections;
    for (list<string>::const_iterator it = collections.begin(); it != collections.end(); ++it) {
        const string ns = *it;
        _collections[ns] = _getOrCreateCollectionInstance(txn, ns);
    // At construction time of the viewCatalog, the _collections map wasn't initialized yet, so no
    // system.views collection would be found. Now we're sufficiently initialized, signal a version
    // change. Also force a reload, so if there are problems with the catalog contents as might be
    // caused by incorrect mongod versions or similar, they are found right away.
    Status reloadStatus = _views.reloadIfNeeded(txn);
    if (!reloadStatus.isOK()) {
        warning() << "Unable to parse views: " << redact(reloadStatus)
                  << "; remove any invalid views from the " << _viewsName
                  << " collection to restore server functionality." << startupWarningsLog;
Exemplo n.º 2
    Database::Database(TransactionExperiment* txn, const char *nm, bool& newDb, const string& path )
        : _name(nm), _path(path),
          _namespaceIndex( _path, _name ),
          _extentManager(new MmapV1ExtentManager(_name, _path, storageGlobalParams.directoryperdb)),
          _profileName(_name + ".system.profile"),
          _namespacesName(_name + ".system.namespaces"),
          _indexesName(_name + ".system.indexes"),
          _collectionLock( "Database::_collectionLock" )
        Status status = validateDBName( _name );
        if ( !status.isOK() ) {
            warning() << "tried to open invalid db: " << _name << endl;
            uasserted( 10028, status.toString() );

        try {
            newDb = _namespaceIndex.exists();
            _profile = serverGlobalParams.defaultProfile;

            // If already exists, open.  Otherwise behave as if empty until
            // there's a write, then open.
            if (!newDb) {
                _namespaceIndex.init( txn );

                // upgrade freelist
                string oldFreeList = _name + ".$freelist";
                NamespaceDetails* details = _namespaceIndex.details( oldFreeList );
                if ( details ) {
                    if ( !details->firstExtent().isNull() ) {
                    _namespaceIndex.kill_ns( txn, oldFreeList );
            _magic = 781231;
        catch(std::exception& e) {
            log() << "warning database " << path << " " << nm << " could not be opened" << endl;
            DBException* dbe = dynamic_cast<DBException*>(&e);
            if ( dbe != 0 ) {
                log() << "DBException " << dbe->getCode() << ": " << e.what() << endl;
            else {
                log() << e.what() << endl;
Exemplo n.º 3
    Database::Database(const StringData& name, DatabaseCatalogEntry* dbEntry)
        : _name(name.toString()),
          _dbEntry( dbEntry ),
          _profileName(_name + ".system.profile"),
          _indexesName(_name + ".system.indexes"),
          _collectionLock( "Database::_collectionLock" )
        Status status = validateDBName( _name );
        if ( !status.isOK() ) {
            warning() << "tried to open invalid db: " << _name << endl;
            uasserted( 10028, status.toString() );

        _profile = serverGlobalParams.defaultProfile;
Exemplo n.º 4
    Database::Database(OperationContext* txn, const char *nm, bool& newDb, const string& path )
        : _name(nm), _path(path),
          _dbEntry(new MMAP1DatabaseCatalogEntry( txn, _name, _path, storageGlobalParams.directoryperdb) ),
          _profileName(_name + ".system.profile"),
          _namespacesName(_name + ".system.namespaces"),
          _indexesName(_name + ".system.indexes"),
          _collectionLock( "Database::_collectionLock" )
        Status status = validateDBName( _name );
        if ( !status.isOK() ) {
            warning() << "tried to open invalid db: " << _name << endl;
            uasserted( 10028, status.toString() );

        _profile = serverGlobalParams.defaultProfile;
        newDb = !_dbEntry->exists();
Exemplo n.º 5
    Database::Database(OperationContext* txn,
                       const std::string& name,
                       bool& newDb,
                       DatabaseCatalogEntry* dbEntry )
        : _name(name),
          _dbEntry( dbEntry ),
          _profileName(_name + ".system.profile"),
          _namespacesName(_name + ".system.namespaces"),
          _indexesName(_name + ".system.indexes"),
          _collectionLock( "Database::_collectionLock" )
        Status status = validateDBName( _name );
        if ( !status.isOK() ) {
            warning() << "tried to open invalid db: " << _name << endl;
            uasserted( 10028, status.toString() );

        _profile = serverGlobalParams.defaultProfile;
        newDb = !_dbEntry->exists();
Exemplo n.º 6
Database::Database(OperationContext* txn, StringData name, DatabaseCatalogEntry* dbEntry)
    : _name(name.toString()),
      _profileName(_name + ".system.profile"),
      _indexesName(_name + ".system.indexes") {
    Status status = validateDBName(_name);
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        warning() << "tried to open invalid db: " << _name << endl;
        uasserted(10028, status.toString());

    _profile = serverGlobalParams.defaultProfile;

    list<string> collections;
    for (list<string>::const_iterator it = collections.begin(); it != collections.end(); ++it) {
        const string ns = *it;
        _collections[ns] = _getOrCreateCollectionInstance(txn, ns);
Exemplo n.º 7
    Database::Database(const char *nm, bool& newDb, const string& path )
        : _name(nm), _path(path),
          _namespaceIndex( _path, _name ),
          _extentManager( _name, _path, directoryperdb /* this is a global right now */ ),
          _profileName(_name + ".system.profile"),
          _namespacesName(_name + ".system.namespaces"),
          _collectionLock( "Database::_collectionLock" )
        Status status = validateDBName( _name );
        if ( !status.isOK() ) {
            warning() << "tried to open invalid db: " << _name << endl;
            uasserted( 10028, status.toString() );

        try {
            newDb = _namespaceIndex.exists();
            _profile = cmdLine.defaultProfile;

            // If already exists, open.  Otherwise behave as if empty until
            // there's a write, then open.
            if (!newDb) {
            _magic = 781231;
        catch(std::exception& e) {
            log() << "warning database " << path << " " << nm << " could not be opened" << endl;
            DBException* dbe = dynamic_cast<DBException*>(&e);
            if ( dbe != 0 ) {
                log() << "DBException " << dbe->getCode() << ": " << e.what() << endl;
            else {
                log() << e.what() << endl;