Exemplo n.º 1
void calc_torque(struct vec3 *dst, const struct vec3 *v1,
                 const struct vec3 *v2, float torque, float min_adjust,
                 float t)
    struct vec3 line, dir;
    float orig_dist, torque_dist, adjust_dist;

    if (vec3_close(v1, v2, EPSILON)) {
        vec3_copy(dst, v1);

    vec3_sub(&line, v2, v1);
    orig_dist = vec3_len(&line);
    vec3_mulf(&dir, &line, 1.0f/orig_dist);

    torque_dist = orig_dist*torque; /* use distance to determine speed */
    if (torque_dist < min_adjust)   /* prevent from going too slow */
        torque_dist = min_adjust;

    adjust_dist = torque_dist*t;

    if (adjust_dist <= (orig_dist-LARGE_EPSILON)) {
        vec3_mulf(dst, &dir, adjust_dist);
        vec3_add(dst, dst, v1); /* add torque */
    } else {
        vec3_copy(dst, v2);     /* clamp if overshoot */
Exemplo n.º 2
/* calculate sphere that goes through 4 points */
struct sphere* sphere_circum(struct sphere* rs, const struct vec4f* v0,
                             const struct vec4f* v1, const struct vec4f* v2, const struct vec4f* v3)
    struct vec4f a;
    vec3_sub(&a, v1, v0);
    struct vec4f b;
    vec3_sub(&b, v2, v0);
    struct vec4f c;
    vec3_sub(&c, v3, v0);
    struct vec4f o;
    struct vec4f tmp;

    struct mat3f m;
              a.x, a.y, a.z,
              b.x, b.y, b.z,
              c.x, c.y, c.z,
              0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    float denom = 2.0f * mat3_det(&m);
    vec3_muls(&o, vec3_cross(&tmp, &a, &b), vec3_dot(&c, &c));
    vec3_add(&o, &o, vec3_muls(&tmp, vec3_cross(&tmp, &c, &a), vec3_dot(&b, &b)));
    vec3_add(&o, &o, vec3_muls(&tmp, vec3_cross(&tmp, &b, &c), vec3_dot(&a, &a)));
    vec3_muls(&o, &o, 1.0f/denom);

    return sphere_setf(rs, v0->x + o.x, v0->y + o.y, v0->z + o.z, vec3_len(&o) + EPSILON);
inline void bsp_split_polygon_edge_with_plane(const vertex_t* src, const vertex_t* dest, const vec3_t normal, vec_t dist, bool* split, vertex_t* r, vec_t* t)
	vec3_t edge, dir;
	vec_t len;

	vec3_sub(edge, dest->coords, src->coords);
	len = vec3_len(edge);

	vec3_scale(dir, edge, 1 / len);

	tr_trace_vs_plane(src->coords, dir, normal, dist, r->coords, t);

	if(fabs(*t) > len)
		*split = false;

	vec3_t sn, dn;

	vec3_scale(dn, dest->normal, (*t) / len);
	vec3_scale(sn, src->normal, (len - (*t)) / len);
	vec3_add(r->normal, sn, dn);
	vec3_normalize(r->normal, r->normal);
	*split = true;
Exemplo n.º 4
t_vec3				vec3_normal(t_vec3 vec)
	float			len;

	len = vec3_len(vec);
	return (vec3(vec.x / len, vec.y / len, vec.z / len));
Exemplo n.º 5
// Utility function for vol_draw_mandel_box ().
double _vol_draw_mandel_box_equation (double *v, double s, double r, double f, double *c)
  //printf ("TEST %lf %lf %lf: %lf %lf %lf, %lf %lf %lf\n", v[0], v[1], v[2], s, r, f, c[0], c[1], c[2]);
  vec3_clone (fold, v);
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      if (fold[i] > 1)       fold[i] = (double) 2.0 - fold[i];
      else if (fold[i] < -1) fold[i] = (double) -2.0 - fold[i];

  vec3_s_mul (fold, f);
  double m = vec3_len (fold);
  if (m < r)      { vec3_s_mul (fold, 4); }
  else if (m < 1) { vec3_s_div (fold, m * m); }
  vec3_assign (v, fold);
  vec3_s_mul (v, s);
  vec3_add (v, c);

  return vec3_len (v);
Exemplo n.º 6
static void	get_lum(double *col, t_scene *s, t_intersect *inter, int m)
  t_vec3	l;
  t_vec3	r;
  double	ln;
  int		i;
  double	is;
  double	id;
  double	dist;
  double	rv;
  double	tmp;
  t_ray		ray;
  t_intersect	shadow;

  i = -1;
  if (s->lights[m].light.type == DIRECTIONNAL)
      while (++i < 3)
	  ln = dot_vec3(inter->norm, s->lights[m].light.dir);
	  col[i] =  MAX(ln, 0) * s->lights[m].light.color.argb[i] / 255.0 *
      return ;
  l = sub_vec3(s->lights[m].pos, inter->pos);
  dist = vec3_len(l);
  l = div_vec3(l, dist);
  dist -= s->lights[m].light.radius;
  ln = dot_vec3(l, inter->norm);
  ln = MAX(ln, 0.0);
  r = vec3_normalize(sub_vec3(mult_vec3(inter->norm, 2 * ln), l));
  is = s->lights[m].light.power / dist;
  id = s->lights[m].light.radius * is;
  rv = -dot_vec3(r, inter->dir);
  rv = MAX(rv, 0.0);
  ray.pos = add_vec3(inter->pos, mult_vec3(inter->norm, 0.00001));
  ray.dir = l;
  ray.env = NULL;
  scene_intersect(s, &ray, &shadow);
  if (shadow.dist < dist - 0.0001)
    return ;
  while (++i < 3)
      tmp = inter->mat->diffuse * MAX(ln, 0) * id *
      	s->lights[m].light.color.argb[i] / 255.0;
      col[i] += MAX(tmp, 0);
      tmp = inter->mat->specular * pow(rv, inter->mat->shininess)
	* is * s->lights[m].light.color.argb[i] / 255.0;
      col[i] += MAX(tmp, 0);
Exemplo n.º 7
void cart_to_polar(struct vec3 *dst, const struct vec3 *v)
    struct vec3 polar;
    polar.z = vec3_len(v);

    if (close_float(polar.z, 0.0f, EPSILON)) {
    } else {
        polar.x = asinf(v->y / polar.z);
        polar.y = atan2f(v->x, v->z);

    vec3_copy(dst, &polar);
Exemplo n.º 8
bool bounds_intersection_line(const struct bounds *b, const struct vec3 *p1,
		const struct vec3 *p2, float *t)
	struct vec3 dir;
	float length;

	vec3_sub(&dir, p2, p1);
	length = vec3_len(&dir);
	if (length <= TINY_EPSILON)
		return false;

	vec3_mulf(&dir, &dir, 1.0f/length);

	if (!bounds_intersection_ray(b, p1, &dir, t))
		return false;

	*t /= length;
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
void csm_calc_minsphere(struct sphere* bounds, const struct frustum* f,
    const struct mat3f* view, const struct mat3f* view_inv)
    /* reference:
     * http://www.gamedev.net/topic/604797-minimum-bounding-sphere-of-a-frustum/
    struct vec3f a;
    struct vec3f b;
    struct vec3f p;
    struct vec3f tmp;

    vec3_transformsrt(&a, &f->points[1], view);
    vec3_transformsrt(&b, &f->points[5], view);

    float z = (vec3_dot(&b, &b) - vec3_dot(&a, &a))/(2.0f*(b.z - a.z));
    vec3_setf(&p, 0.0f, 0.0f, z);
    vec3_transformsrt(&p, &p, view_inv);

    sphere_setf(bounds, p.x, p.y, p.z, vec3_len(vec3_sub(&tmp, &f->points[5], &p)) + 0.01f);
Exemplo n.º 10
void Camera_update(Camera* const camera, Input* const input) {

        toRadians((-input->mouse_dx * input->mouse_sensitivity)),
        toRadians((-input->mouse_dy * input->mouse_sensitivity))

    // TODO: Delta time
    vec3 dir = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
    float vel = 0.2f;
    vec3 forward, backward, left, right;
    Camera_relative_directions(camera, forward, backward, left, right);

    if (input->forward_key) {
        vec3 f = {forward[0], 0.0f, forward[2]};
        vec3_norm(f, f);
        vec3_add(dir, dir, f);
    if (input->back_key) {
        vec3 b = {backward[0], 0.0f, backward[2]};
        vec3_norm(b, b);
        vec3_add(dir, dir, b);
    if (input->left_key) {
        vec3_add(dir, dir, left);
    if (input->right_key) {
        vec3_add(dir, dir, right);

    if (vec3_len(dir) > 0.0f) {
        vec3_norm(dir, dir);

    vec3 movement;
    vec3_scale(movement, dir, vel);
    vec3_add(camera->transform.position, camera->transform.position, movement);
Exemplo n.º 11
void vol_draw_fill_sphere (float x, float y, float z, float size)
  float cntr = size / 2;
  vec3_init (center, x + cntr, y + cntr, z + cntr);

  float j, k, l;
  for (j = 0; j < size; j++)
    for (k = 0; k < size; k++)
      for (l = 0; l < size; l++)
          vec3_init (cur, x + j, y + k, z + l);
          vec3_sub (cur, center);
          float vlen = vec3_len (cur);
          float diff = vlen - (cntr - (size / 10));

          if (diff < 0)
              double sphere_val = (-diff / cntr);
              vol_draw_op (x + j, y + k, z + l, sphere_val);
Exemplo n.º 12
static int _llfunc_vec3_len(lua_State *L) {
	vec3 *v = (vec3*)userdata_get_or_die(L, 1);
	lua_pushnumber(L, vec3_len(v));
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 13
vec3_t vec3_normalize(const vec3_t v) {
    if (vec3_equal(v, vec3zero))
        return vec3zero;
        return vec3_div(v, vec3_len(v));