int main () { *vecfloat++ = vec_andc(vecint[0], vecfloat[1]); *vecfloat++ = vec_andc(vecfloat[0], vecint[1]); *vecfloat++ = vec_vxor(vecint[0], vecfloat[1]); *vecfloat++ = vec_vxor(vecfloat[0], vecint[1]); *varpixel++ = vec_packpx(vecuint[0], vecuint[1]); *varpixel++ = vec_vpkpx(vecuint[0], vecuint[1]); *vecshort++ = vec_vmulosb(vecchar[0], vecchar[1]); *vecint++ = vec_ld(var_int[0], longp[1]); *vecint++ = vec_lde(var_int[0], longp[1]); *vecint++ = vec_ldl(var_int[0], longp[1]); *vecint++ = vec_lvewx(var_int[0], longp[1]); *vecint++ = vec_unpackh(vecshort[0]); *vecint++ = vec_unpackl(vecshort[0]); *vecushort++ = vec_andc(vecshort[0], vecushort[1]); *vecushort++ = vec_andc(vecushort[0], vecshort[1]); *vecushort++ = vec_vxor(vecshort[0], vecushort[1]); *vecushort++ = vec_vxor(vecushort[0], vecshort[1]); *vecuint++ = vec_ld(var_int[0], ulongp[1]); *vecuint++ = vec_lvx(var_int[0], ulongp[1]); *vecuint++ = vec_vmsumubm(vecuchar[0], vecuchar[1], vecuint[2]); *vecuchar++ = vec_xor(vecuchar[0], vecchar[1]); return 0; }
void gimp_composite_multiply_rgba8_rgba8_rgba8_altivec (GimpCompositeContext *ctx) { const guchar *A = ctx->A; const guchar *B = ctx->B; guchar *D = ctx->D; guint length = ctx->n_pixels; vector unsigned char a,b,d,alpha_a,alpha_b,alpha; vector unsigned short al,ah; while (length >= 4) { a=LoadUnaligned(A); b=LoadUnaligned(B); al=vec_mule(a,b); al=vec_add(al,ox0080); ah=vec_mulo(a,b); ah=vec_add(ah,ox0080); al=vec_add(al,vec_sr(al,ox0008)); ah=vec_add(ah,vec_sr(ah,ox0008)); d=vec_perm((vector unsigned char)al,(vector unsigned char)ah,combine_high_bytes); alpha_a=vec_and(a, alphamask); alpha_b=vec_and(b, alphamask); alpha=vec_min(alpha_a, alpha_b); d=vec_andc(d, alphamask); d=vec_or(d, alpha); StoreUnaligned(d, D); A+=16; B+=16; D+=16; length-=4; } /* process last pixels */ length = length*4; a=LoadUnalignedLess(A, length); b=LoadUnalignedLess(B, length); al=vec_mule(a,b); al=vec_add(al,ox0080); ah=vec_mulo(a,b); ah=vec_add(ah,ox0080); al=vec_add(al,vec_sr(al,ox0008)); ah=vec_add(ah,vec_sr(ah,ox0008)); d=vec_perm((vector unsigned char)al,(vector unsigned char)ah,combine_high_bytes); alpha_a=vec_and(a, alphamask); alpha_b=vec_and(b, alphamask); alpha=vec_min(alpha_a, alpha_b); d=vec_andc(d, alphamask); d=vec_or(d, alpha); StoreUnalignedLess(d, D, length); }
void gimp_composite_difference_rgba8_rgba8_rgba8_altivec (GimpCompositeContext *ctx) { const guchar *A = ctx->A; const guchar *B = ctx->B; guchar *D = ctx->D; guint length = ctx->n_pixels; vector unsigned char a,b,d,e,alpha_a,alpha_b; while (length >= 4) { a=LoadUnaligned(A); b=LoadUnaligned(B); alpha_a=vec_and(a, alphamask); alpha_b=vec_and(b, alphamask); d=vec_min(alpha_a, alpha_b); a=vec_andc(a, alphamask); a=vec_adds(a, d); b=vec_andc(b, alphamask); d=vec_subs(a, b); e=vec_subs(b, a); d=vec_add(d,e); StoreUnaligned(d, D); A+=16; B+=16; D+=16; length-=4; } /* process last pixels */ length = length*4; a=LoadUnalignedLess(A, length); b=LoadUnalignedLess(B, length); alpha_a=vec_and(a,alphamask); alpha_b=vec_and(b,alphamask); d=vec_min(alpha_a,alpha_b); a=vec_andc(a,alphamask); a=vec_adds(a,d); b=vec_andc(b,alphamask); d=vec_subs(a,b); e=vec_subs(b, a); d=vec_add(d,e); StoreUnalignedLess(d, D, length); }
vector signed int test2_andc (vector signed int x, vector bool int y) { vector signed int *foo; *foo += vec_andc (x, y); return *foo; }
vector signed short test2_andc (vector signed short x, vector bool short y) { vector signed short *foo; *foo += vec_andc (x, y); return *foo; }
vector unsigned short test6_andc (vector unsigned short x, vector unsigned short y) { vector unsigned short *foo; *foo += vec_andc (x, y); return *foo; }
vector unsigned int test6_andc (vector unsigned int x, vector unsigned int y) { vector unsigned int *foo; *foo += vec_andc (x, y); return *foo; }
void foo (vector bool long long *vblr, vector double *vdr, vector unsigned long long *vullz, vector double *vdz, vector bool char *vbcz, vector signed char *vscz, vector unsigned char *vucz, vector bool int *vbiz, vector int *viz, vector unsigned int *vuiz, vector signed long long int *vslliz, vector bool short int *vbsiz, vector signed short int *vssiz, vector unsigned short int *vusiz, vector float *vfz) { *vblr++ = vec_andc (vbla, vblb); *vdr++ = vec_double (vslla); *vdr++ = vec_double (vulla); *vblr++ = vec_mergeh (vbla, vblb); *vblr++ = vec_mergel (vbla, vblb); *vblr++ = vec_nor (vbla, vblb); *vblr++ = vec_or (vbla, vblb); *vblr++ = vec_sel (vbla, vblb, vblc); *vblr++ = vec_sel (vbla, vblb, vullc); *vblr++ = vec_xor (vbla, vblb); *vullz++ = vec_sel (vulla, vullb, vbllc); *vullz++ = vec_sel (vulla, vullb, vullc); *vdz++ = vec_sel(vda, vdb, vullc); *vbcz++ = vec_sel (vbca, vbcb, vbcc); *vbcz++ = vec_sel (vbca, vbcb, vucc); *vbcz++ = vec_xor (vbca, vbcb); *vscz++ = vec_sel (vsca, vscb, vbcc); *vscz++ = vec_sel (vsca, vscb, vucc); *vucz++ = vec_sel (vuca, vucb, vbcc); *vucz++ = vec_sel (vuca, vucb, vucc); *vbiz++ = vec_sel (vbia, vbib, vbic); *vbiz++ = vec_sel (vbia, vbib, vuic); *vbiz++ = vec_xor (vbia, vbib); *viz++ = vec_sel (vsia, vsib, vbic); *viz++ = vec_sel (vsia, vsib, vuic); *vuiz++ = vec_sel (vuia, vuib, vbic); *vuiz++ = vec_sel (vuia, vuib, vuic); *vslliz++ = vec_sel(vslla, vsllb, vbllc); *vslliz++ = vec_sel(vslla, vsllb, vullc); *vssiz++ = vec_sel(vssia, vssib, vbsic); *vssiz++ = vec_sel(vssia, vssib, vusic); *vusiz++ = vec_sel(vusia, vusib, vbsic); *vusiz++ = vec_sel(vusia, vusib, vusic); *vbsiz++ = vec_sel (vbsia, vbsib, vbsic); *vbsiz++ = vec_sel (vbsia, vbsib, vusic); *vbsiz++ = vec_xor (vbsia, vbsib); *vdz++ = vec_sel (vda, vdb, vbllc); *vfz++ = vec_sel (vfa, vfb, vbic); *vfz++ = vec_sel (vfa, vfb, vuic); *vfz++ = vec_xor (vfa, vfb); }
void foo (vector bool long long *vblr, vector double *vdr) { *vblr++ = vec_andc (vbla, vblb); *vdr++ = vec_double (vsla); *vdr++ = vec_double (vula); *vblr++ = vec_mergeh (vbla, vblb); *vblr++ = vec_mergel (vbla, vblb); *vblr++ = vec_nor (vbla, vblb); *vblr++ = vec_or (vbla, vblb); *vblr++ = vec_sel (vbla, vblb, vblc); *vblr++ = vec_sel (vbla, vblb, vulc); *vblr++ = vec_xor (vbla, vblb); }
static void vorbis_inverse_coupling_altivec(float *mag, float *ang, intptr_t blocksize) { int i; vector float m, a; vector bool int t0, t1; const vector unsigned int v_31 = //XXX vec_add(vec_add(vec_splat_u32(15),vec_splat_u32(15)),vec_splat_u32(1)); for (i = 0; i < blocksize; i += 4) { m = vec_ld(0, mag+i); a = vec_ld(0, ang+i); t0 = vec_cmple(m, (vector float)vec_splat_u32(0)); t1 = vec_cmple(a, (vector float)vec_splat_u32(0)); a = vec_xor(a, (vector float) vec_sl((vector unsigned int)t0, v_31)); t0 = (vector bool int)vec_and(a, t1); t1 = (vector bool int)vec_andc(a, t1); a = vec_sub(m, (vector float)t1); m = vec_add(m, (vector float)t0); vec_stl(a, 0, ang+i); vec_stl(m, 0, mag+i); } }
static vector unsigned int funny() { vector unsigned int a; return vec_andc(vec_add(a,a),vec_add(a,a)); }
int main () { vector float fa = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, -4.0}; vector float fb = {-2.0, -3.0, -4.0, -5.0}; vector float fc = vec_cpsgn (fa, fb); vector long long la = {5L, 14L}; vector long long lb = {3L, 86L}; vector long long lc = vec_and (la, lb); vector bool long long ld = {0, -1}; vector long long le = vec_and (la, ld); vector long long lf = vec_and (ld, lb); vector unsigned long long ua = {5L, 14L}; vector unsigned long long ub = {3L, 86L}; vector unsigned long long uc = vec_and (ua, ub); vector bool long long ud = {0, -1}; vector unsigned long long ue = vec_and (ua, ud); vector unsigned long long uf = vec_and (ud, ub); vector long long lg = vec_andc (la, lb); vector long long lh = vec_andc (la, ld); vector long long li = vec_andc (ld, lb); vector unsigned long long ug = vec_andc (ua, ub); vector unsigned long long uh = vec_andc (ua, ud); vector unsigned long long ui = vec_andc (ud, ub); vector double da = {1.0, -4.0}; vector double db = {-2.0, 5.0}; vector double dc = vec_cpsgn (da, db); vector long long lj = vec_mergeh (la, lb); vector long long lk = vec_mergeh (la, ld); vector long long ll = vec_mergeh (ld, la); vector unsigned long long uj = vec_mergeh (ua, ub); vector unsigned long long uk = vec_mergeh (ua, ud); vector unsigned long long ul = vec_mergeh (ud, ua); vector long long lm = vec_mergel (la, lb); vector long long ln = vec_mergel (la, ld); vector long long lo = vec_mergel (ld, la); vector unsigned long long um = vec_mergel (ua, ub); vector unsigned long long un = vec_mergel (ua, ud); vector unsigned long long uo = vec_mergel (ud, ua); vector long long lp = vec_nor (la, lb); vector long long lq = vec_nor (la, ld); vector long long lr = vec_nor (ld, la); vector unsigned long long up = vec_nor (ua, ub); vector unsigned long long uq = vec_nor (ua, ud); vector unsigned long long ur = vec_nor (ud, ua); vector long long ls = vec_or (la, lb); vector long long lt = vec_or (la, ld); vector long long lu = vec_or (ld, la); vector unsigned long long us = vec_or (ua, ub); vector unsigned long long ut = vec_or (ua, ud); vector unsigned long long uu = vec_or (ud, ua); vector unsigned char ca = {0,4,8,1,5,9,2,6,10,3,7,11,15,12,14,13}; vector long long lv = vec_perm (la, lb, ca); vector unsigned long long uv = vec_perm (ua, ub, ca); vector long long lw = vec_sel (la, lb, lc); vector long long lx = vec_sel (la, lb, uc); vector long long ly = vec_sel (la, lb, ld); vector unsigned long long uw = vec_sel (ua, ub, lc); vector unsigned long long ux = vec_sel (ua, ub, uc); vector unsigned long long uy = vec_sel (ua, ub, ld); vector long long lz = vec_xor (la, lb); vector long long l0 = vec_xor (la, ld); vector long long l1 = vec_xor (ld, la); vector unsigned long long uz = vec_xor (ua, ub); vector unsigned long long u0 = vec_xor (ua, ud); vector unsigned long long u1 = vec_xor (ud, ua); int ia = vec_all_eq (ua, ub); int ib = vec_all_ge (ua, ub); int ic = vec_all_gt (ua, ub); int id = vec_all_le (ua, ub); int ie = vec_all_lt (ua, ub); int ig = vec_all_ne (ua, ub); int ih = vec_any_eq (ua, ub); int ii = vec_any_ge (ua, ub); int ij = vec_any_gt (ua, ub); int ik = vec_any_le (ua, ub); int il = vec_any_lt (ua, ub); int im = vec_any_ne (ua, ub); vector int sia = {9, 16, 25, 36}; vector int sib = {-8, -27, -64, -125}; vector int sic = vec_mergee (sia, sib); vector int sid = vec_mergeo (sia, sib); vector unsigned int uia = {9, 16, 25, 36}; vector unsigned int uib = {8, 27, 64, 125}; vector unsigned int uic = vec_mergee (uia, uib); vector unsigned int uid = vec_mergeo (uia, uib); vector bool int bia = {0, -1, -1, 0}; vector bool int bib = {-1, -1, 0, -1}; vector bool int bic = vec_mergee (bia, bib); vector bool int bid = vec_mergeo (bia, bib); vector unsigned int uie = vec_packsu (ua, ub); vector long long l2 = vec_cntlz (la); vector unsigned long long u2 = vec_cntlz (ua); vector int sie = vec_cntlz (sia); vector unsigned int uif = vec_cntlz (uia); vector short ssa = {20, -40, -60, 80, 100, -120, -140, 160}; vector short ssb = vec_cntlz (ssa); vector unsigned short usa = {81, 72, 63, 54, 45, 36, 27, 18}; vector unsigned short usb = vec_cntlz (usa); vector signed char sca = {-4, 3, -9, 15, -31, 31, 0, 0, 1, 117, -36, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95}; vector signed char scb = vec_cntlz (sca); vector unsigned char cb = vec_cntlz (ca); vector double dd = vec_xl (0, &y); vec_xst (dd, 0, &z); vector double de = vec_round (dd); vector double df = vec_splat (de, 0); vector double dg = vec_splat (de, 1); vector long long l3 = vec_splat (l2, 0); vector long long l4 = vec_splat (l2, 1); vector unsigned long long u3 = vec_splat (u2, 0); vector unsigned long long u4 = vec_splat (u2, 1); vector bool long long l5 = vec_splat (ld, 0); vector bool long long l6 = vec_splat (ld, 1); vector long long l7 = vec_div (l3, l4); vector unsigned long long u5 = vec_div (u3, u4); vector long long l8 = vec_mul (l3, l4); vector unsigned long long u6 = vec_mul (u3, u4); vector double dh = vec_ctf (la, -2); vector double di = vec_ctf (ua, 2); vector long long l9 = vec_cts (dh, -2); vector unsigned long long u7 = vec_ctu (di, 2); return 0; }
void test1() { // CHECK-LABEL: define void @test1 // CHECK-LE-LABEL: define void @test1 res_vf = vec_abs(vf); // CHECK: call <4 x float> @llvm.fabs.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}) // CHECK-LE: call <4 x float> @llvm.fabs.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}) dummy(); // CHECK: call void @dummy() // CHECK-LE: call void @dummy() res_vd = vec_add(vd, vd); // CHECK: fadd <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: fadd <2 x double> res_vd = vec_and(vbll, vd); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x double> res_vd = vec_and(vd, vbll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x double> res_vd = vec_and(vd, vd); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x double> dummy(); // CHECK: call void @dummy() // CHECK-LE: call void @dummy() res_vd = vec_andc(vbll, vd); // CHECK: bitcast <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}}, <i64 -1, i64 -1> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: bitcast <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}}, <i64 -1, i64 -1> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x double> dummy(); // CHECK: call void @dummy() // CHECK-LE: call void @dummy() res_vd = vec_andc(vd, vbll); // CHECK: bitcast <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}}, <i64 -1, i64 -1> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: bitcast <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}}, <i64 -1, i64 -1> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x double> dummy(); // CHECK: call void @dummy() res_vd = vec_andc(vd, vd); // CHECK: bitcast <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}}, <i64 -1, i64 -1> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x double> dummy(); // CHECK: call void @dummy() // CHECK-LE: call void @dummy() res_vd = vec_ceil(vd); // CHECK: call <2 x double> @llvm.ceil.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}) // CHECK-LE: call <2 x double> @llvm.ceil.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vf = vec_ceil(vf); // CHECK: call <4 x float> @llvm.ceil.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}) // CHECK-LE: call <4 x float> @llvm.ceil.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vbll = vec_cmpeq(vd, vd); // CHECK: call <2 x i64> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpeqdp(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}) // CHECK-LE: call <2 x i64> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpeqdp(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vbi = vec_cmpeq(vf, vf); // CHECK: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpeqsp(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}) // CHECK-LE: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpeqsp(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vbll = vec_cmpge(vd, vd); // CHECK: call <2 x i64> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgedp(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}) // CHECK-LE: call <2 x i64> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgedp(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vbi = vec_cmpge(vf, vf); // CHECK: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgesp(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}) // CHECK-LE: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgesp(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vbll = vec_cmpgt(vd, vd); // CHECK: call <2 x i64> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgtdp(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}) // CHECK-LE: call <2 x i64> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgtdp(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vbi = vec_cmpgt(vf, vf); // CHECK: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgtsp(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}) // CHECK-LE: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgtsp(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vbll = vec_cmple(vd, vd); // CHECK: call <2 x i64> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgedp(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}) // CHECK-LE: call <2 x i64> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgedp(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vbi = vec_cmple(vf, vf); // CHECK: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgesp(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}) // CHECK-LE: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgesp(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vbll = vec_cmplt(vd, vd); // CHECK: call <2 x i64> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgtdp(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}) // CHECK-LE: call <2 x i64> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgtdp(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vbi = vec_cmplt(vf, vf); // CHECK: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgtsp(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}) // CHECK-LE: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgtsp(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}) /* vec_cpsgn */ res_vf = vec_cpsgn(vf, vf); // CHECK: call <4 x float> @llvm.copysign.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{.+}}, <4 x float> %{{.+}}) // CHECK-LE: call <4 x float> @llvm.copysign.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{.+}}, <4 x float> %{{.+}}) res_vd = vec_cpsgn(vd, vd); // CHECK: call <2 x double> @llvm.copysign.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{.+}}, <2 x double> %{{.+}}) // CHECK-LE: call <2 x double> @llvm.copysign.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{.+}}, <2 x double> %{{.+}}) /* vec_div */ res_vsll = vec_div(vsll, vsll); // CHECK: sdiv <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: sdiv <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_div(vull, vull); // CHECK: udiv <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: udiv <2 x i64> res_vf = vec_div(vf, vf); // CHECK: fdiv <4 x float> // CHECK-LE: fdiv <4 x float> res_vd = vec_div(vd, vd); // CHECK: fdiv <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: fdiv <2 x double> /* vec_max */ res_vf = vec_max(vf, vf); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvmaxsp // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvmaxsp res_vd = vec_max(vd, vd); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvmaxdp // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvmaxdp res_vf = vec_vmaxfp(vf, vf); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvmaxsp // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvmaxsp /* vec_min */ res_vf = vec_min(vf, vf); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvminsp // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvminsp res_vd = vec_min(vd, vd); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvmindp // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvmindp res_vf = vec_vminfp(vf, vf); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvminsp // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvminsp res_d = __builtin_vsx_xsmaxdp(d, d); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xsmaxdp // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xsmaxdp res_d = __builtin_vsx_xsmindp(d, d); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xsmindp // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xsmindp /* vec_perm */ res_vsll = vec_perm(vsll, vsll, vuc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vull = vec_perm(vull, vull, vuc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vbll = vec_perm(vbll, vbll, vuc); // CHECK: [[T1:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x i64> {{.+}} to <4 x i32> // CHECK: [[T2:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x i64> {{.+}} to <4 x i32> // CHECK: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm(<4 x i32> [[T1]], <4 x i32> [[T2]], <16 x i8> // CHECK-LE: xor <16 x i8> // CHECK-LE: [[T1:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x i64> {{.+}} to <4 x i32> // CHECK-LE: [[T2:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x i64> {{.+}} to <4 x i32> // CHECK-LE: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm(<4 x i32> [[T1]], <4 x i32> [[T2]], <16 x i8> res_vf = vec_round(vf); // CHECK: call <4 x float> @llvm.round.v4f32(<4 x float> // CHECK-LE: call <4 x float> @llvm.round.v4f32(<4 x float> res_vd = vec_round(vd); // CHECK: call <2 x double> @llvm.round.v2f64(<2 x double> // CHECK-LE: call <2 x double> @llvm.round.v2f64(<2 x double> res_vd = vec_perm(vd, vd, vuc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vd = vec_splat(vd, 1); // CHECK: [[T1:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x double> {{.+}} to <4 x i32> // CHECK: [[T2:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x double> {{.+}} to <4 x i32> // CHECK: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm(<4 x i32> [[T1]], <4 x i32> [[T2]], <16 x i8> // CHECK-LE: xor <16 x i8> // CHECK-LE: [[T1:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x double> {{.+}} to <4 x i32> // CHECK-LE: [[T2:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x double> {{.+}} to <4 x i32> // CHECK-LE: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm(<4 x i32> [[T1]], <4 x i32> [[T2]], <16 x i8> res_vbll = vec_splat(vbll, 1); // CHECK: [[T1:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x i64> {{.+}} to <4 x i32> // CHECK: [[T2:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x i64> {{.+}} to <4 x i32> // CHECK: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm(<4 x i32> [[T1]], <4 x i32> [[T2]], <16 x i8> // CHECK-LE: xor <16 x i8> // CHECK-LE: [[T1:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x i64> {{.+}} to <4 x i32> // CHECK-LE: [[T2:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x i64> {{.+}} to <4 x i32> // CHECK-LE: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm(<4 x i32> [[T1]], <4 x i32> [[T2]], <16 x i8> res_vsll = vec_splat(vsll, 1); // CHECK: [[T1:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x i64> {{.+}} to <4 x i32> // CHECK: [[T2:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x i64> {{.+}} to <4 x i32> // CHECK: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm(<4 x i32> [[T1]], <4 x i32> [[T2]], <16 x i8> // CHECK-LE: xor <16 x i8> // CHECK-LE: [[T1:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x i64> {{.+}} to <4 x i32> // CHECK-LE: [[T2:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x i64> {{.+}} to <4 x i32> // CHECK-LE: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm(<4 x i32> [[T1]], <4 x i32> [[T2]], <16 x i8> res_vull = vec_splat(vull, 1); // CHECK: [[T1:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x i64> {{.+}} to <4 x i32> // CHECK: [[T2:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x i64> {{.+}} to <4 x i32> // CHECK: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm(<4 x i32> [[T1]], <4 x i32> [[T2]], <16 x i8> // CHECK-LE: xor <16 x i8> // CHECK-LE: [[T1:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x i64> {{.+}} to <4 x i32> // CHECK-LE: [[T2:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x i64> {{.+}} to <4 x i32> // CHECK-LE: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm(<4 x i32> [[T1]], <4 x i32> [[T2]], <16 x i8> res_vsi = vec_pack(vsll, vsll); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vui = vec_pack(vull, vull); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vbi = vec_pack(vbll, vbll); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vsll = vec_vperm(vsll, vsll, vuc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vull = vec_vperm(vull, vull, vuc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vd = vec_vperm(vd, vd, vuc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm /* vec_vsx_ld */ res_vsi = vec_vsx_ld(0, &vsi); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x res_vui = vec_vsx_ld(0, &vui); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x res_vf = vec_vsx_ld (0, &vf); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x res_vsll = vec_vsx_ld(0, &vsll); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvd2x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvd2x res_vull = vec_vsx_ld(0, &vull); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvd2x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvd2x res_vd = vec_vsx_ld(0, &vd); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvd2x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvd2x res_vull = vec_vsx_ld(0, &vull); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvd2x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvd2x res_vd = vec_vsx_ld(0, &vd); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvd2x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvd2x res_vss = vec_vsx_ld(0, &vss); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x res_vss = vec_vsx_ld(0, &ss); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x res_vus = vec_vsx_ld(0, &vus); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x res_vus = vec_vsx_ld(0, &us); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x res_vbc = vec_vsx_ld(0, &vbc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x res_vsc = vec_vsx_ld(0, &vsc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x res_vuc = vec_vsx_ld(0, &vuc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x res_vsc = vec_vsx_ld(0, &sc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x res_vuc = vec_vsx_ld(0, &uc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x /* vec_vsx_st */ vec_vsx_st(vsi, 0, &res_vsi); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x vec_vsx_st(vsi, 0, &res_si); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x vec_vsx_st(vui, 0, &res_vui); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x vec_vsx_st(vui, 0, &res_ui); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x vec_vsx_st(vf, 0, &res_vf); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x vec_vsx_st(vsll, 0, &res_vsll); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvd2x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvd2x vec_vsx_st(vull, 0, &res_vull); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvd2x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvd2x vec_vsx_st(vd, 0, &res_vd); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvd2x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvd2x vec_vsx_st(vss, 0, &res_vss); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x vec_vsx_st(vss, 0, &res_ss); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x vec_vsx_st(vus, 0, &res_vus); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x vec_vsx_st(vus, 0, &res_us); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x vec_vsx_st(vsc, 0, &res_vsc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x vec_vsx_st(vsc, 0, &res_sc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x vec_vsx_st(vuc, 0, &res_vuc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x vec_vsx_st(vuc, 0, &res_uc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x vec_vsx_st(vbc, 0, &res_vbc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x vec_vsx_st(vbc, 0, &res_sc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x vec_vsx_st(vbc, 0, &res_uc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x /* vec_and */ res_vsll = vec_and(vsll, vsll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_and(vbll, vsll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_and(vsll, vbll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_and(vull, vull); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_and(vbll, vull); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_and(vull, vbll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> res_vbll = vec_and(vbll, vbll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> /* vec_vand */ res_vsll = vec_vand(vsll, vsll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_vand(vbll, vsll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_vand(vsll, vbll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_vand(vull, vull); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_vand(vbll, vull); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_vand(vull, vbll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> res_vbll = vec_vand(vbll, vbll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> /* vec_andc */ res_vsll = vec_andc(vsll, vsll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_andc(vbll, vsll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_andc(vsll, vbll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_andc(vull, vull); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_andc(vbll, vull); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_andc(vull, vbll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> res_vbll = vec_andc(vbll, vbll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> res_vf = vec_floor(vf); // CHECK: call <4 x float> @llvm.floor.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) // CHECK-LE: call <4 x float> @llvm.floor.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vd = vec_floor(vd); // CHECK: call <2 x double> @llvm.floor.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) // CHECK-LE: call <2 x double> @llvm.floor.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vf = vec_madd(vf, vf, vf); // CHECK: call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) // CHECK-LE: call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vd = vec_madd(vd, vd, vd); // CHECK: call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) // CHECK-LE: call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) /* vec_mergeh */ res_vsll = vec_mergeh(vsll, vsll); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vsll = vec_mergeh(vsll, vbll); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vsll = vec_mergeh(vbll, vsll); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vull = vec_mergeh(vull, vull); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vull = vec_mergeh(vull, vbll); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vull = vec_mergeh(vbll, vull); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm /* vec_mergel */ res_vsll = vec_mergel(vsll, vsll); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vsll = vec_mergel(vsll, vbll); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vsll = vec_mergel(vbll, vsll); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vull = vec_mergel(vull, vull); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vull = vec_mergel(vull, vbll); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vull = vec_mergel(vbll, vull); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm // CHECK-LE: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm /* vec_msub */ res_vf = vec_msub(vf, vf, vf); // CHECK: fsub <4 x float> <float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00>, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-NEXT: call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> // CHECK-LE: fsub <4 x float> <float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00>, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-LE-NEXT: call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> res_vd = vec_msub(vd, vd, vd); // CHECK: fsub <2 x double> <double -0.000000e+00, double -0.000000e+00>, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-NEXT: call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: fsub <2 x double> <double -0.000000e+00, double -0.000000e+00>, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-LE-NEXT: call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> res_vsll = vec_mul(vsll, vsll); // CHECK: mul <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: mul <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_mul(vull, vull); // CHECK: mul <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: mul <2 x i64> res_vf = vec_mul(vf, vf); // CHECK: fmul <4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-LE: fmul <4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} res_vd = vec_mul(vd, vd); // CHECK: fmul <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-LE: fmul <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} res_vf = vec_nearbyint(vf); // CHECK: call <4 x float> @llvm.round.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) // CHECK-LE: call <4 x float> @llvm.round.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vd = vec_nearbyint(vd); // CHECK: call <2 x double> @llvm.round.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) // CHECK-LE: call <2 x double> @llvm.round.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vf = vec_nmadd(vf, vf, vf); // CHECK: [[FM:[0-9]+]] = call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) // CHECK-NEXT: fsub <4 x float> <float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00>, %[[FM]] // CHECK-LE: [[FM:[0-9]+]] = call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) // CHECK-LE-NEXT: fsub <4 x float> <float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00>, %[[FM]] res_vd = vec_nmadd(vd, vd, vd); // CHECK: [[FM:[0-9]+]] = call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) // CHECK-NEXT: fsub <2 x double> <double -0.000000e+00, double -0.000000e+00>, %[[FM]] // CHECK-LE: [[FM:[0-9]+]] = call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) // CHECK-LE-NEXT: fsub <2 x double> <double -0.000000e+00, double -0.000000e+00>, %[[FM]] res_vf = vec_nmsub(vf, vf, vf); // CHECK: fsub <4 x float> <float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00>, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-NEXT: call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> // CHECK: fsub <4 x float> <float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00>, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-LE: fsub <4 x float> <float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00>, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-LE-NEXT: call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> // CHECK-LE: fsub <4 x float> <float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00>, %{{[0-9]+}} res_vd = vec_nmsub(vd, vd, vd); // CHECK: fsub <2 x double> <double -0.000000e+00, double -0.000000e+00>, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-NEXT: [[FM:[0-9]+]] = call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> // CHECK-NEXT: fsub <2 x double> <double -0.000000e+00, double -0.000000e+00>, %[[FM]] // CHECK-LE: fsub <2 x double> <double -0.000000e+00, double -0.000000e+00>, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-LE-NEXT: [[FM:[0-9]+]] = call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> // CHECK-LE-NEXT: fsub <2 x double> <double -0.000000e+00, double -0.000000e+00>, %[[FM]] /* vec_nor */ res_vsll = vec_nor(vsll, vsll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: or <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_nor(vull, vull); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: or <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_nor(vbll, vbll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: or <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> res_vd = vec_nor(vd, vd); // CHECK: bitcast <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK: [[OR:%.+]] = or <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-NEXT: xor <2 x i64> [[OR]], <i64 -1, i64 -1> // CHECK-LE: bitcast <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: [[OR:%.+]] = or <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-LE-NEXT: xor <2 x i64> [[OR]], <i64 -1, i64 -1> /* vec_or */ res_vsll = vec_or(vsll, vsll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: or <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_or(vbll, vsll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: or <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_or(vsll, vbll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: or <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_or(vull, vull); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: or <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_or(vbll, vull); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: or <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_or(vull, vbll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: or <2 x i64> res_vbll = vec_or(vbll, vbll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: or <2 x i64> res_vd = vec_or(vd, vd); // CHECK: bitcast <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK: or <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-LE: bitcast <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: or <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} res_vd = vec_or(vbll, vd); // CHECK: [[T1:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK: [[T2:%.+]] = or <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, [[T1]] // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> [[T2]] to <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: [[T1:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: [[T2:%.+]] = or <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, [[T1]] // CHECK-LE: bitcast <2 x i64> [[T2]] to <2 x double> res_vd = vec_or(vd, vbll); // CHECK: [[T1:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK: [[T2:%.+]] = or <2 x i64> [[T1]], %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> [[T2]] to <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: [[T1:%.+]] = bitcast <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: [[T2:%.+]] = or <2 x i64> [[T1]], %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-LE: bitcast <2 x i64> [[T2]] to <2 x double> res_vf = vec_re(vf); // CHECK: call <4 x float> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvresp(<4 x float> // CHECK-LE: call <4 x float> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvresp(<4 x float> res_vd = vec_re(vd); // CHECK: call <2 x double> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvredp(<2 x double> // CHECK-LE: call <2 x double> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvredp(<2 x double> res_vf = vec_rint(vf); // CHECK: call <4 x float> @llvm.nearbyint.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) // CHECK-LE: call <4 x float> @llvm.nearbyint.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vd = vec_rint(vd); // CHECK: call <2 x double> @llvm.nearbyint.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) // CHECK-LE: call <2 x double> @llvm.nearbyint.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vf = vec_rsqrte(vf); // CHECK: call <4 x float> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvrsqrtesp(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) // CHECK-LE: call <4 x float> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvrsqrtesp(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vd = vec_rsqrte(vd); // CHECK: call <2 x double> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvrsqrtedp(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) // CHECK-LE: call <2 x double> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvrsqrtedp(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) dummy(); // CHECK: call void @dummy() // CHECK-LE: call void @dummy() res_vf = vec_sel(vd, vd, vbll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, <i64 -1, i64 -1> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, // CHECK: and <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}} to <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, <i64 -1, i64 -1> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-LE: or <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}} to <2 x double> dummy(); // CHECK: call void @dummy() // CHECK-LE: call void @dummy() res_vd = vec_sel(vd, vd, vull); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, <i64 -1, i64 -1> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, // CHECK: and <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}} to <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, <i64 -1, i64 -1> // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, // CHECK-LE: and <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-LE: or <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}} to <2 x double> res_vf = vec_sqrt(vf); // CHECK: call <4 x float> @llvm.sqrt.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) // CHECK-LE: call <4 x float> @llvm.sqrt.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vd = vec_sqrt(vd); // CHECK: call <2 x double> @llvm.sqrt.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) // CHECK-LE: call <2 x double> @llvm.sqrt.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vd = vec_sub(vd, vd); // CHECK: fsub <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-LE: fsub <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} res_vf = vec_trunc(vf); // CHECK: call <4 x float> @llvm.trunc.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) // CHECK-LE: call <4 x float> @llvm.trunc.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vd = vec_trunc(vd); // CHECK: call <2 x double> @llvm.trunc.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) // CHECK-LE: call <2 x double> @llvm.trunc.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) /* vec_vor */ res_vsll = vec_vor(vsll, vsll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: or <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_vor(vbll, vsll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: or <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_vor(vsll, vbll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: or <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_vor(vull, vull); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: or <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_vor(vbll, vull); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: or <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_vor(vull, vbll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: or <2 x i64> res_vbll = vec_vor(vbll, vbll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: or <2 x i64> /* vec_xor */ res_vsll = vec_xor(vsll, vsll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_xor(vbll, vsll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_xor(vsll, vbll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_xor(vull, vull); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_xor(vbll, vull); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_xor(vull, vbll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> res_vbll = vec_xor(vbll, vbll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> dummy(); // CHECK: call void @dummy() // CHECK-LE: call void @dummy() res_vd = vec_xor(vd, vd); // CHECK: [[X1:%.+]] = xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> [[X1]] to <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: [[X1:%.+]] = xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-LE: bitcast <2 x i64> [[X1]] to <2 x double> dummy(); // CHECK: call void @dummy() // CHECK-LE: call void @dummy() res_vd = vec_xor(vd, vbll); // CHECK: [[X1:%.+]] = xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> [[X1]] to <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: [[X1:%.+]] = xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-LE: bitcast <2 x i64> [[X1]] to <2 x double> dummy(); // CHECK: call void @dummy() // CHECK-LE: call void @dummy() res_vd = vec_xor(vbll, vd); // CHECK: [[X1:%.+]] = xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> [[X1]] to <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: [[X1:%.+]] = xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-LE: bitcast <2 x i64> [[X1]] to <2 x double> /* vec_vxor */ res_vsll = vec_vxor(vsll, vsll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_vxor(vbll, vsll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_vxor(vsll, vbll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_vxor(vull, vull); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_vxor(vbll, vull); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_vxor(vull, vbll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> res_vbll = vec_vxor(vbll, vbll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: xor <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_cts(vd, 0); // CHECK: fmul <2 x double> // CHECK: fptosi <2 x double> %{{.*}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: fmul <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: fptosi <2 x double> %{{.*}} to <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_cts(vd, 31); // CHECK: fmul <2 x double> // CHECK: fptosi <2 x double> %{{.*}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: fmul <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: fptosi <2 x double> %{{.*}} to <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_ctu(vd, 0); // CHECK: fmul <2 x double> // CHECK: fptoui <2 x double> %{{.*}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: fmul <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: fptoui <2 x double> %{{.*}} to <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_ctu(vd, 31); // CHECK: fmul <2 x double> // CHECK: fptoui <2 x double> %{{.*}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK-LE: fmul <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: fptoui <2 x double> %{{.*}} to <2 x i64> res_vd = vec_ctf(vsll, 0); // CHECK: sitofp <2 x i64> %{{.*}} to <2 x double> // CHECK: fmul <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: sitofp <2 x i64> %{{.*}} to <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: fmul <2 x double> res_vd = vec_ctf(vsll, 31); // CHECK: sitofp <2 x i64> %{{.*}} to <2 x double> // CHECK: fmul <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: sitofp <2 x i64> %{{.*}} to <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: fmul <2 x double> res_vd = vec_ctf(vull, 0); // CHECK: uitofp <2 x i64> %{{.*}} to <2 x double> // CHECK: fmul <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: uitofp <2 x i64> %{{.*}} to <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: fmul <2 x double> res_vd = vec_ctf(vull, 31); // CHECK: uitofp <2 x i64> %{{.*}} to <2 x double> // CHECK: fmul <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: uitofp <2 x i64> %{{.*}} to <2 x double> // CHECK-LE: fmul <2 x double> }
void iquant_intra_m1_altivec(IQUANT_INTRA_PDECL) { int i; vector signed short vsrc; uint16_t *qmat; vector unsigned short vqmat; vector unsigned short vmquant; vector bool short eqzero, ltzero; vector signed short val, t0; vector signed short zero, one; vector unsigned int four; vector signed short min, max; int offset, offset2; int16_t dst0; union { vector unsigned short vu16; unsigned short mquant; vector signed int vs32; struct { signed int pad[3]; signed int sum; } s; } vu; #ifdef ALTIVEC_DST DataStreamControl dsc; #endif #ifdef ALTIVEC_VERIFY /* {{{ */ if (NOT_VECTOR_ALIGNED(wsp->intra_q_mat)) mjpeg_error_exit1("iquant_intra_m1: wsp->intra_q_mat %% 16 != 0, (%d)", wsp->intra_q_mat); if (NOT_VECTOR_ALIGNED(src)) mjpeg_error_exit1("iquant_intra_m1: src %% 16 != 0, (%d)", src); if (NOT_VECTOR_ALIGNED(dst)) mjpeg_error_exit1("iquant_intra_m1: dst %% 16 != 0, (%d)", dst); for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) if (src[i] < -256 || src[i] > 255) mjpeg_error_exit1("iquant_intra_m2: -256 > src[%i] > 255, (%d)", i, src[i]); #endif /* }}} */ AMBER_START; dst0 = src[0] << (3 - dc_prec); qmat = (uint16_t*)wsp->intra_q_mat; #ifdef ALTIVEC_DST dsc.control = DATA_STREAM_CONTROL(64/8,1,0); vec_dst(src, dsc.control, 0); vec_dst(qmat, dsc.control, 1); #endif /* vmquant = (vector unsigned short)(mquant); */ vu.mquant = (unsigned short)mquant; vmquant = vec_splat(vu.vu16, 0); zero = vec_splat_s16(0); one = vec_splat_s16(1); four = vec_splat_u32(4); /* max = (2047); min = (-2048); {{{ */ vu8(max) = vec_splat_u8(0x7); t0 = vec_splat_s16(-1); /* 0xffff */ vu8(max) = vec_mergeh(vu8(max), vu8(t0)); /* 0x07ff == 2047 */ min = vec_sub(t0, max); /* }}} */ offset = 0; #if 1 vsrc = vec_ld(offset, (signed short*)src); vqmat = vec_ld(offset, (unsigned short*)qmat); i = (64/8) - 1; do { /* intra_q[i] * mquant */ vu16(vqmat) = vec_mulo(vu8(vqmat), vu8(vmquant)); /* save sign */ ltzero = vec_cmplt(vsrc, zero); eqzero = vec_cmpeq(vsrc, zero); /* val = abs(src) */ t0 = vec_sub(zero, vsrc); val = vec_max(t0, vsrc); /* val = (src * quant) >> 4 */ vs32(t0) = vec_mule(val, vs16(vqmat)); vs32(val) = vec_mulo(val, vs16(vqmat)); vs32(t0) = vec_sra(vs32(t0), four); vs16(t0) = vec_pack(vs32(t0), vs32(t0)); vs32(val) = vec_sra(vs32(val), four); vs16(val) = vec_pack(vs32(val), vs32(val)); val = vec_mergeh(vs16(t0), vs16(val)); offset2 = offset; offset += 8*sizeof(int16_t); vsrc = vec_ld(offset, (signed short*)src); vqmat = vec_ld(offset, (unsigned short*)qmat); /* val = val - 1&~(val|val==0) */ t0 = vec_or(val, eqzero); t0 = vec_andc(one, t0); val = vec_sub(val, t0); /* restore sign */ t0 = vec_sub(zero, val); val = vec_sel(val, t0, ltzero); /* val = (val > 2047) ? ((val < -2048) ? -2048 : val); */ val = vec_min(val, max); val = vec_max(val, min); vec_st(val, offset2, dst); } while (--i); /* intra_q[i] * mquant */ vu16(vqmat) = vec_mulo(vu8(vqmat), vu8(vmquant)); /* save sign */ ltzero = vec_cmplt(vsrc, zero); eqzero = vec_cmpeq(vsrc, zero); /* val = abs(src) */ t0 = vec_sub(zero, vsrc); val = vec_max(t0, vsrc); /* val = (src * quant) >> 4 */ vs32(t0) = vec_mule(val, vs16(vqmat)); vs32(val) = vec_mulo(val, vs16(vqmat)); vs32(t0) = vec_sra(vs32(t0), four); vs16(t0) = vec_pack(vs32(t0), vs32(t0)); vs32(val) = vec_sra(vs32(val), four); vs16(val) = vec_pack(vs32(val), vs32(val)); val = vec_mergeh(vs16(t0), vs16(val)); /* val = val - 1&~(val|val==0) */ t0 = vec_or(val, eqzero); t0 = vec_andc(one, t0); val = vec_sub(val, t0); /* restore sign */ t0 = vec_sub(zero, val); val = vec_sel(val, t0, ltzero); /* val = (val > 2047) ? ((val < -2048) ? -2048 : val); */ val = vec_min(val, max); val = vec_max(val, min); vec_st(val, offset, dst); #else /* {{{ */ i = (64/8); do { vsrc = vec_ld(offset, (signed short*)src); vqmat = vec_ld(offset, (unsigned short*)qmat); /* intra_q[i] * mquant */ vu16(vqmat) = vec_mulo(vu8(vqmat), vu8(vmquant)); /* save sign */ ltzero = vec_cmplt(vsrc, zero); eqzero = vec_cmpeq(vsrc, zero); /* val = abs(src) */ t0 = vec_sub(zero, vsrc); val = vec_max(t0, vsrc); /* val = (src * quant) >> 4 */ vs32(t0) = vec_mule(val, vs16(vqmat)); vs32(val) = vec_mulo(val, vs16(vqmat)); vs32(t0) = vec_sra(vs32(t0), four); vs16(t0) = vec_pack(vs32(t0), vs32(t0)); vs32(val) = vec_sra(vs32(val), four); vs16(val) = vec_pack(vs32(val), vs32(val)); val = vec_mergeh(vs16(t0), vs16(val)); /* val = val - 1&~(val|val==0) */ t0 = vec_or(val, eqzero); t0 = vec_andc(one, t0); val = vec_sub(val, t0); /* restore sign */ t0 = vec_sub(zero, val); val = vec_sel(val, t0, ltzero); /* val = (val > 2047) ? ((val < -2048) ? -2048 : val); */ val = vec_min(val, max); val = vec_max(val, min); vec_st(val, offset, dst); offset += 8*sizeof(int16_t); } while (--i); /* }}} */ #endif dst[0] = dst0; AMBER_STOP; }
void test1() { // CHECK-LABEL: define void @test1 res_vd = vec_add(vd, vd); // CHECK: fadd <2 x double> res_vd = vec_and(vbll, vd); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x double> res_vd = vec_and(vd, vbll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x double> res_vd = vec_and(vd, vd); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x double> dummy(); // CHECK: call void @dummy() res_vd = vec_andc(vbll, vd); // CHECK: bitcast <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}}, <i64 -1, i64 -1> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x double> dummy(); // CHECK: call void @dummy() res_vd = vec_andc(vd, vbll); // CHECK: bitcast <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}}, <i64 -1, i64 -1> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x double> dummy(); // CHECK: call void @dummy() res_vd = vec_andc(vd, vd); // CHECK: bitcast <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}}, <i64 -1, i64 -1> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]*}} to <2 x double> dummy(); // CHECK: call void @dummy() res_vd = vec_ceil(vd); // CHECK: call <2 x double> @llvm.ceil.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vf = vec_ceil(vf); // CHECK: call <4 x float> @llvm.ceil.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vbll = vec_cmpeq(vd, vd); // CHECK: call <2 x i64> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpeqdp(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vbi = vec_cmpeq(vf, vf); // CHECK: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpeqsp(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vbll = vec_cmpge(vd, vd); // CHECK: call <2 x i64> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgedp(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vbi = vec_cmpge(vf, vf); // CHECK: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgesp(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vbll = vec_cmpgt(vd, vd); // CHECK: call <2 x i64> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgtdp(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vbi = vec_cmpgt(vf, vf); // CHECK: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgtsp(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vbll = vec_cmple(vd, vd); // CHECK: call <2 x i64> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgedp(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vbi = vec_cmple(vf, vf); // CHECK: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgesp(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vbll = vec_cmplt(vd, vd); // CHECK: call <2 x i64> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgtdp(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]*}}) res_vbi = vec_cmplt(vf, vf); // CHECK: call <4 x i32> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvcmpgtsp(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]*}}) /* vec_div */ res_vf = vec_div(vf, vf); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvdivsp res_vd = vec_div(vd, vd); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvdivdp /* vec_max */ res_vf = vec_max(vf, vf); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvmaxsp res_vd = vec_max(vd, vd); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvmaxdp res_vf = vec_vmaxfp(vf, vf); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvmaxsp /* vec_min */ res_vf = vec_min(vf, vf); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvminsp res_vd = vec_min(vd, vd); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvmindp res_vf = vec_vminfp(vf, vf); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvminsp res_d = __builtin_vsx_xsmaxdp(d, d); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xsmaxdp res_d = __builtin_vsx_xsmindp(d, d); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.xsmindp /* vec_perm */ res_vsll = vec_perm(vsll, vsll, vuc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vull = vec_perm(vull, vull, vuc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vd = vec_perm(vd, vd, vuc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vsll = vec_vperm(vsll, vsll, vuc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vull = vec_vperm(vull, vull, vuc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm res_vd = vec_vperm(vd, vd, vuc); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm /* vec_vsx_ld */ res_vsi = vec_vsx_ld(0, &vsi); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x res_vui = vec_vsx_ld(0, &vui); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x res_vf = vec_vsx_ld (0, &vf); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvw4x res_vsll = vec_vsx_ld(0, &vsll); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvd2x res_vull = vec_vsx_ld(0, &vull); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvd2x res_vd = vec_vsx_ld(0, &vd); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.lxvd2x /* vec_vsx_st */ vec_vsx_st(vsi, 0, &res_vsi); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x vec_vsx_st(vui, 0, &res_vui); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x vec_vsx_st(vf, 0, &res_vf); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvw4x vec_vsx_st(vsll, 0, &res_vsll); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvd2x vec_vsx_st(vull, 0, &res_vull); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvd2x vec_vsx_st(vd, 0, &res_vd); // CHECK: @llvm.ppc.vsx.stxvd2x /* vec_and */ res_vsll = vec_and(vsll, vsll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_and(vbll, vsll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_and(vsll, vbll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_and(vull, vull); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_and(vbll, vull); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_and(vull, vbll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> res_vbll = vec_and(vbll, vbll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> /* vec_vand */ res_vsll = vec_vand(vsll, vsll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_vand(vbll, vsll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_vand(vsll, vbll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_vand(vull, vull); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_vand(vbll, vull); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_vand(vull, vbll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> res_vbll = vec_vand(vbll, vbll); // CHECK: and <2 x i64> /* vec_andc */ res_vsll = vec_andc(vsll, vsll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_andc(vbll, vsll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_andc(vsll, vbll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_andc(vull, vull); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_andc(vbll, vull); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_andc(vull, vbll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> res_vbll = vec_andc(vbll, vbll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> res_vf = vec_floor(vf); // CHECK: call <4 x float> @llvm.floor.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vd = vec_floor(vd); // CHECK: call <2 x double> @llvm.floor.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vf = vec_madd(vf, vf, vf); // CHECK: call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vd = vec_madd(vd, vd, vd); // CHECK: call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vf = vec_msub(vf, vf, vf); // CHECK: fsub <4 x float> <float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00>, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-NEXT: call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> res_vd = vec_msub(vd, vd, vd); // CHECK: fsub <2 x double> <double -0.000000e+00, double -0.000000e+00>, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-NEXT: call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> res_vf = vec_mul(vf, vf); // CHECK: fmul <4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} res_vd = vec_mul(vd, vd); // CHECK: fmul <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} res_vf = vec_nearbyint(vf); // CHECK: call <4 x float> @llvm.round.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vd = vec_nearbyint(vd); // CHECK: call <2 x double> @llvm.round.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vf = vec_nmadd(vf, vf, vf); // CHECK: [[FM:[0-9]+]] = call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) // CHECK-NEXT: fsub <4 x float> <float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00>, %[[FM]] res_vd = vec_nmadd(vd, vd, vd); // CHECK: [[FM:[0-9]+]] = call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) // CHECK-NEXT: fsub <2 x double> <double -0.000000e+00, double -0.000000e+00>, %[[FM]] res_vf = vec_nmsub(vf, vf, vf); // CHECK: fsub <4 x float> <float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00>, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-NEXT: call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}, <4 x float> // CHECK: fsub <4 x float> <float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00>, %{{[0-9]+}} res_vd = vec_nmsub(vd, vd, vd); // CHECK: fsub <2 x double> <double -0.000000e+00, double -0.000000e+00>, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-NEXT: [[FM:[0-9]+]] = call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, <2 x double> // CHECK-NEXT: fsub <2 x double> <double -0.000000e+00, double -0.000000e+00>, %[[FM]] /* vec_nor */ res_vsll = vec_nor(vsll, vsll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_nor(vull, vull); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_nor(vbll, vbll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> res_vd = vec_nor(vd, vd); // CHECK: bitcast <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK: [[OR:%.+]] = or <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK-NEXT: xor <2 x i64> [[OR]], <i64 -1, i64 -1> /* vec_or */ res_vsll = vec_or(vsll, vsll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_or(vbll, vsll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_or(vsll, vbll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_or(vull, vull); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_or(vbll, vull); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_or(vull, vbll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> res_vbll = vec_or(vbll, vbll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> res_vd = vec_or(vd, vd); // CHECK: bitcast <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}} to <2 x i64> // CHECK: or <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} res_vf = vec_rint(vf); // CHECK: call <4 x float> @llvm.nearbyint.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vd = vec_rint(vd); // CHECK: call <2 x double> @llvm.nearbyint.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vf = vec_rsqrte(vf); // CHECK: call <4 x float> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvrsqrtesp(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vd = vec_rsqrte(vd); // CHECK: call <2 x double> @llvm.ppc.vsx.xvrsqrtedp(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) dummy(); // CHECK: call void @dummy() res_vf = vec_sel(vd, vd, vbll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, <i64 -1, i64 -1> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, // CHECK: and <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}} to <2 x double> dummy(); // CHECK: call void @dummy() res_vd = vec_sel(vd, vd, vull); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, <i64 -1, i64 -1> // CHECK: and <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, // CHECK: and <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK: or <2 x i64> // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}} to <2 x double> res_vf = vec_sqrt(vf); // CHECK: call <4 x float> @llvm.sqrt.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vd = vec_sqrt(vd); // CHECK: call <2 x double> @llvm.sqrt.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vd = vec_sub(vd, vd); // CHECK: fsub <2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} res_vf = vec_trunc(vf); // CHECK: call <4 x float> @llvm.trunc.v4f32(<4 x float> %{{[0-9]+}}) res_vd = vec_trunc(vd); // CHECK: call <2 x double> @llvm.trunc.v2f64(<2 x double> %{{[0-9]+}}) /* vec_vor */ res_vsll = vec_vor(vsll, vsll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_vor(vbll, vsll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_vor(vsll, vbll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_vor(vull, vull); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_vor(vbll, vull); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_vor(vull, vbll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> res_vbll = vec_vor(vbll, vbll); // CHECK: or <2 x i64> /* vec_xor */ res_vsll = vec_xor(vsll, vsll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_xor(vbll, vsll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_xor(vsll, vbll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_xor(vull, vull); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_xor(vbll, vull); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_xor(vull, vbll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> res_vbll = vec_xor(vbll, vbll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> dummy(); // CHECK: call void @dummy() res_vd = vec_xor(vd, vd); // CHECK: [[X1:%.+]] = xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> [[X1]] to <2 x double> dummy(); // CHECK: call void @dummy() res_vd = vec_xor(vd, vbll); // CHECK: [[X1:%.+]] = xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> [[X1]] to <2 x double> dummy(); // CHECK: call void @dummy() res_vd = vec_xor(vbll, vd); // CHECK: [[X1:%.+]] = xor <2 x i64> %{{[0-9]+}}, %{{[0-9]+}} // CHECK: bitcast <2 x i64> [[X1]] to <2 x double> /* vec_vxor */ res_vsll = vec_vxor(vsll, vsll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_vxor(vbll, vsll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> res_vsll = vec_vxor(vsll, vbll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_vxor(vull, vull); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_vxor(vbll, vull); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> res_vull = vec_vxor(vull, vbll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> res_vbll = vec_vxor(vbll, vbll); // CHECK: xor <2 x i64> }
void gimp_composite_dodge_rgba8_rgba8_rgba8_altivec (GimpCompositeContext *ctx) { const guchar *A = ctx->A; const guchar *B = ctx->B; guchar *D = ctx->D; guint length = ctx->n_pixels; vector unsigned char a,b,d; vector unsigned char alpha_a,alpha_b,alpha; vector signed short ox0001=vec_splat_s16(1); union { vector signed short v; vector unsigned short vu; gushort u16[8]; } ah,al,bh,bl; while (length >= 4) { a=LoadUnaligned(A); b=LoadUnaligned(B); alpha_a=vec_and(a, alphamask); alpha_b=vec_and(b, alphamask); alpha=vec_min(alpha_a, alpha_b); ah.v=vec_unpackh((vector signed char)a); ah.v=vec_sl(ah.v,ox0008); al.v=vec_unpackl((vector signed char)a); al.v=vec_sl(al.v,ox0008); b=vec_nor(b,b); bh.v=vec_unpackh((vector signed char)b); bh.v=vec_and(bh.v,ox00ff); bh.v=vec_add(bh.v,ox0001); bl.v=vec_unpackl((vector signed char)b); bl.v=vec_and(bl.v,ox00ff); bl.v=vec_add(bl.v,ox0001); ah.u16[0]=ah.u16[0]/bh.u16[0]; ah.u16[1]=ah.u16[1]/bh.u16[1]; ah.u16[2]=ah.u16[2]/bh.u16[2]; ah.u16[4]=ah.u16[4]/bh.u16[4]; ah.u16[5]=ah.u16[5]/bh.u16[5]; ah.u16[6]=ah.u16[6]/bh.u16[6]; al.u16[0]=al.u16[0]/bl.u16[0]; al.u16[1]=al.u16[1]/bl.u16[1]; al.u16[2]=al.u16[2]/bl.u16[2]; al.u16[4]=al.u16[4]/bl.u16[4]; al.u16[5]=al.u16[5]/bl.u16[5]; al.u16[6]=al.u16[6]/bl.u16[6]; d=vec_packs(,; d=vec_andc(d, alphamask); d=vec_or(d, alpha); StoreUnaligned(d, D); A+=16; B+=16; D+=16; length-=4; } length = length*4; a=LoadUnalignedLess(A, length); b=LoadUnalignedLess(B, length); alpha_a=vec_and(a, alphamask); alpha_b=vec_and(b, alphamask); alpha=vec_min(alpha_a, alpha_b); ah.v=vec_unpackh((vector signed char)a); ah.v=vec_sl(ah.v,ox0008); al.v=vec_unpackl((vector signed char)a); al.v=vec_sl(al.v,ox0008); b=vec_nor(b,b); bh.v=vec_unpackh((vector signed char)b); bh.v=vec_and(bh.v,ox00ff); bh.v=vec_add(bh.v,ox0001); bl.v=vec_unpackl((vector signed char)b); bl.v=vec_and(bl.v,ox00ff); bl.v=vec_add(bl.v,ox0001); ah.u16[0]=ah.u16[0]/bh.u16[0]; ah.u16[1]=ah.u16[1]/bh.u16[1]; ah.u16[2]=ah.u16[2]/bh.u16[2]; ah.u16[4]=ah.u16[4]/bh.u16[4]; ah.u16[5]=ah.u16[5]/bh.u16[5]; ah.u16[6]=ah.u16[6]/bh.u16[6]; al.u16[0]=al.u16[0]/bl.u16[0]; al.u16[1]=al.u16[1]/bl.u16[1]; al.u16[2]=al.u16[2]/bl.u16[2]; al.u16[4]=al.u16[4]/bl.u16[4]; al.u16[5]=al.u16[5]/bl.u16[5]; al.u16[6]=al.u16[6]/bl.u16[6]; d=vec_packs(,; d=vec_andc(d, alphamask); d=vec_or(d, alpha); StoreUnalignedLess(d, D, length); }
void gimp_composite_grain_extract_rgba8_rgba8_rgba8_altivec (GimpCompositeContext *ctx) { const guchar *A = ctx->A; const guchar *B = ctx->B; guchar *D = ctx->D; guint length = ctx->n_pixels; vector unsigned char a,b,d,alpha_a,alpha_b,alpha; vector signed short ah,al,bh,bl; while (length >= 4) { a=LoadUnaligned(A); b=LoadUnaligned(B); alpha_a=vec_and(a, alphamask); alpha_b=vec_and(b, alphamask); alpha=vec_min(alpha_a, alpha_b); ah=vec_unpackh((vector signed char)a); ah=vec_and(ah,ox00ff); al=vec_unpackl((vector signed char)a); al=vec_and(al,ox00ff); bh=vec_unpackh((vector signed char)b); bh=vec_and(bh,ox00ff); bl=vec_unpackl((vector signed char)b); bl=vec_and(bl,ox00ff); ah=vec_sub(ah,bh); al=vec_sub(al,bl); ah=vec_sub(ah,oxff80); al=vec_sub(al,oxff80); d=vec_packsu(ah,al); d=vec_andc(d, alphamask); d=vec_or(d, alpha); StoreUnaligned(d, D); A+=16; B+=16; D+=16; length-=4; } /* process last pixels */ length = length*4; a=LoadUnalignedLess(A, length); b=LoadUnalignedLess(B, length); alpha_a=vec_and(a, alphamask); alpha_b=vec_and(b, alphamask); alpha=vec_min(alpha_a, alpha_b); ah=vec_unpackh((vector signed char)a); ah=vec_and(ah,ox00ff); al=vec_unpackl((vector signed char)a); al=vec_and(al,ox00ff); bh=vec_unpackh((vector signed char)b); bh=vec_and(bh,ox00ff); bl=vec_unpackl((vector signed char)b); bl=vec_and(bl,ox00ff); ah=vec_sub(ah,bh); al=vec_sub(al,bl); ah=vec_sub(ah,oxff80); al=vec_sub(al,oxff80); d=vec_packsu(ah,al); d=vec_andc(d, alphamask); d=vec_or(d, alpha); StoreUnalignedLess(d, D, length); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { time_t startTime = time(NULL); // setup, assign particles initla positions and masses // this is done in scalar fashion, NOT SIMD // insignificant to performance since it's only done once struct timeval start; gettimeofday(&start,NULL); //seed random generator srand( time(NULL) ); printf("\n\n\n~~~~~~~~Printing out particles and their randomly assigned positions: \n\n"); int pC = 0; for(pC = 0; pC < PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT; ++pC) { int grideSize = GRID_SIZE; // printf("\n grideSize/2: %d", grideSize/2); float xPos = (float)( rand() % grideSize - grideSize/2); float yPos = (float)( rand() % grideSize - grideSize/2); float zPos = (float)( rand() % grideSize - grideSize/2); particle_Array[pC].position[0] = xPos; particle_Array[pC].position[1] = yPos; particle_Array[pC].position[2] = zPos; particle_Array[pC].velocity[3] = PARTICLES_DEFAULTMASS; //particle_Array[pC].position = vec_splat(particle_Array[pC].position, 1); //particle_Array[pC].position = vec_splats((float)GRAVITATIONALCONSTANT); --> use splats, seems faster printf("Particle %d: ", pC ); printf("x= %f, y=%f, z=%f", particle_Array[pC].position[0], particle_Array[pC].position[1], particle_Array[pC].position[2]); printf("\n"); } ///main loop // temp particle Datas used for calculations, not pointers, purposefully passed by value particle_Data pDi; particle_Data pDj; //temp vectors used for calculations in loop __vector float tempAcceleration = {0,0,0,0}; __vector float tempVelocity = {0,0,0,0}; __vector float tempDistance = {0,0,0,0}; //--> use 4th element to store radius __vector float tempDistanceRL1 = {0,0,0,0}; __vector float tempDistanceRL2 = {0,0,0,0}; __vector float tempNumerator = {0,0,0,0}; __vector float tempMassSplat = {0,0,0,0}; __vector float tempGConstant = {GRAVITATIONALCONSTANT,GRAVITATIONALCONSTANT,GRAVITATIONALCONSTANT,GRAVITATIONALCONSTANT }; __vector float tempDELATTIME = {DELTA_TIME, DELTA_TIME, DELTA_TIME, DELTA_TIME}; __vector float tempEPS= {EPS, EPS, EPS, EPS}; __vector float zeroVector = {0,0,0,0}; __vector unsigned int oneVector = {1,1,1,1}; __vector unsigned int axisBitShiftMask = {0,1,2,0}; __vector unsigned char yzxwMask = { 4,5,6,7, 8,9,10,11, 0,1,2,3, 12,13,14,15}; __vector unsigned char zxywMask = { 8,9,10,11, 0,1,2,3, 4,5,6,7, 12,13,14,15}; __vector unsigned short resetOctantCount = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; __vector unsigned short increment = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; __vector float tempUnitVector = {0,0,0,0}; __vector float distanceVector = {0,0,0,0}; //stupid C99, need to declare indicies before for loops int i = 0; int j = 0; int it_counter = 0; printf("\n^^^^^^^ Now starting main loop\n\n\n"); for(it_counter = 0; it_counter < ITERATION_COUNT; ++it_counter) { octantCount = resetOctantCount; // printf("\nIteration: %d\n",it_counter ); // this first loop is to calculate the forces/accelerations // NOTE ---> NO FORCES ARE APPLIED IN THIS LOOP, NO POSITIONS WILL BE CHANGED. // The calculated accelerations will be used to increment the particles velocity vector, NOT POSITION for(i = 0; i<PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT; ++i) { //cache the particle data struct to the temp declared outside the loops pDi = particle_Array[i]; for(j = 0; j<PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT; ++j) { //for every particle i, calculate for all j's // get resultant total velocity, don't apply it in these loops, // apply velocities for all bodies at the same time, in seperate loop at the end. //cache the particle data struct to the temp declared outside the loops pDj = particle_Array[j]; // Formula being used --> a = (G * m )/(r^2) tempDistance = vec_sub(pDj.position,pDi.position); //actual distance vector between objects i and j // save value for unit vector calculation later distanceVector = tempDistance; /* //Print distances between particles printf("Particle %d: ", i ); printf("x= %f, y=%f, z=%f", tempDistance[0], tempDistance[1], tempDistance[2]); printf("\n"); */ //use the distance vector right now for numerator, before we overwrite is later in the code // use mass of subject mass tempMassSplat = vec_splats((float)pDi.velocity[3]); //mass is stored in the last element (3) of velocity vector tempNumerator = vec_madd(tempMassSplat, tempGConstant, zeroVector); /* //Print numerator printf("Numerator %d: ", i ); printf("x= %f, y=%f, z=%f", tempNumerator[0], tempNumerator[1], tempNumerator[2]); printf("\n"); */ //Assembly for vector rotate //__asm__("addi 4,4,1;"); // denominator part // sqaure each component, x,y,z beforehand tempDistance = vec_madd(tempDistance, tempDistance, zeroVector); //using perm instead of rotate, bleurg tempDistanceRL1 = vec_perm(tempDistance, zeroVector, yzxwMask); // imitates lxfloat left rotate tempDistanceRL2 = vec_perm(tempDistance, zeroVector, zxywMask); // imitates 2xfloat left rotate //add both tempDistanceRL1 = vec_add(tempDistanceRL1, tempDistanceRL2); //add to original to get total ---> x+y+z tempDistance = vec_add(tempDistance, tempDistanceRL1); //tempDistance is now total distance squared // add EPS to avoid singularity tempDistance = vec_add(tempDistance, tempEPS); //this is now the denominator value //save inverse magnitude for unit vector later tempUnitVector = vec_rsqrte(tempDistance); // invert vector to avoid division later tempDistance = vec_re(tempDistance); // this is final denominator (already inverted), only need to multiply // tempDistance is now eqivalent to 1/r^2 /* //Print denominator printf("Denominator %d: ", i ); printf("x= %f, y=%f, z=%f", tempDistance[0], tempDistance[1], tempDistance[2]); printf("\n"); */ //total acceleration applied to particle i, by particle j tempAcceleration = vec_madd(tempDistance, tempNumerator, zeroVector); // create unit vector tempUnitVector = vec_madd(distanceVector, tempUnitVector, zeroVector); // apply unit vector to acceleration tempAcceleration = vec_madd(tempUnitVector, tempAcceleration, zeroVector); //increment velocity value of particle with a*dt // need to explicitly call the array, since pDi is only a temp pass by value, doesn't change the particle particle_Array[i].velocity = vec_madd(tempAcceleration, tempDELATTIME, particle_Array[i].velocity); /* //Print velocity printf("Velocity %d: ", i ); printf("x= %f, y=%f, z=%f", pDi.velocity[0], pDi.velocity[1], pDi.velocity[2]); printf("\n"); */ /* printf("Particle %d: ", i ); printf("x= %f, y=%f, z=%f", pDi.velocity[0], pDi.velocity[1], pDi.velocity[2]); printf("\n"); */ //end of this loop } //printf("\n"); } //now that all the accelerations for all particles are calculated, //apply them and update velocity for(i = 0; i<PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT; ++i) { //incrementing position with v*dt // vec_madd is awesome, it all gets done in one line! emulated the += operator, kinda, but more flexible particle_Array[i].position = vec_madd(particle_Array[i].velocity, tempDELATTIME, particle_Array[i].position); /* printf("Particle %d positions: ", i ); printf("x= %f, y=%f, z=%f", particle_Array[i].position[0], particle_Array[i].position[1], particle_Array[i].position[2]); printf("\n"); */ ///// ALL CODE BELOW THIS SHOULD ONLY BE RUN ON PPU \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ /////////// INSERT QUADRANT CODE HERE , actually octant --> 8 equal sub cubes // compare with zero vector to get on which side of each axis the particle is // 0 is negative, 1 is positive side of the axis __vector bool int axisDirection = vec_cmpgt(particle_Array[i].position, zeroVector); // need to manually set, can't cast due to size difference error __vector unsigned int shiftedAxis = { (unsigned int)axisDirection[0], (unsigned int)axisDirection[1], (unsigned int)axisDirection[2], 0}; // need to do this to revert 1s into NON 2s complement form --> vec_cmgt doc LIES shiftedAxis = vec_andc(oneVector, shiftedAxis); /* printf("Particle %d axis sign: ", i ); printf("x= %x, y=%x, z=%x", shiftedAxis[0], shiftedAxis[1], shiftedAxis[2]); printf("\n"); */ // shift 3 axies simultaneously (actually only 2, 1 stays in origina positon //, with intent to OR them later shiftedAxis = vec_sl(shiftedAxis, axisBitShiftMask); // will also use as x vector __vector unsigned int axis_Y = vec_splats(shiftedAxis[1]); __vector unsigned int axis_Z = vec_splats(shiftedAxis[2]); // merge shhifted x y z values by OR-ing // this gives the octant id, range from 0-7 (000 to 111 in binary) shiftedAxis = vec_or(shiftedAxis, axis_Y); shiftedAxis = vec_or(shiftedAxis, axis_Z); // insert octant value into last slot of position vector of particle particle_Array[i].position[3] = (float)shiftedAxis[0]; //printf("Oct ID: %d \n", shiftedAxis[0]); /////// Update octant vector by incrementing octant that the particle is in // The only possible non SIMD line in the entire program, //irreleant since quadrant counting should occur on PPU anyways octantCount[shiftedAxis[0]] ++ ; } //end of main loop /* printf("End of iteration %d ---> ",it_counter ); printf("Particle disttribution across the octants: \n"); printf("O0: %d O1: %d O2: %d O3: %d O4: %d O5: %d O6: %d O7: %d\n", octantCount[0], octantCount[1], octantCount[2], octantCount[3], octantCount[4], octantCount[5], octantCount[6], octantCount[7]); printf("\n"); */ } /* printf("\n"); for(i = 0; i<PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT; ++i) { printf("Particle %d final position: ", i ); printf("x= %f, y=%f, z=%f", particle_Array[i].position[0], particle_Array[i].position[1], particle_Array[i].position[2]); printf("\n"); printf("End of iteration %d ---> ",it_counter ); printf("Particle disttribution across the octants: \n"); printf("O0: %d O1: %d O2: %d O3: %d O4: %d O5: %d O6: %d O7: %d\n", octantCount[0], octantCount[1], octantCount[2], octantCount[3], octantCount[4], octantCount[5], octantCount[6], octantCount[7]); printf("\n"); } */ printf("Particle disttribution across the octants: \n"); printf("O0: %d O1: %d O2: %d O3: %d O4: %d O5: %d O6: %d O7: %d\n", octantCount[0], octantCount[1], octantCount[2], octantCount[3], octantCount[4], octantCount[5], octantCount[6], octantCount[7]); printf("\n"); struct timeval end; gettimeofday(&end,NULL); float deltaTime = ((end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000.0f + (end.tv_usec -start.tv_usec)/1000.0f); printf("Execution time: %f\n",deltaTime); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // setup, assign particles initla positions and masses // this is done in scalar fashion, NOT SIMD // insignificant to performance since it's only done once //time_t startTime = time(NULL); //seed random generator srand( time(NULL) ); printf("\n\n\n~~~~~~~~Printing out particles and their randomly assigned positions: \n\n"); int pC = 0; for(pC = 0; pC < PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT; ++pC) { int grideSize = GRID_SIZE; // printf("\n grideSize/2: %d", grideSize/2); float xPos = (float)( rand() % grideSize - grideSize/2); float yPos = (float)( rand() % grideSize - grideSize/2); float zPos = (float)( rand() % grideSize - grideSize/2); particle_Array_PPU[pC].position[0] = xPos; particle_Array_PPU[pC].position[1] = yPos; particle_Array_PPU[pC].position[2] = zPos; particle_Array_PPU[pC].velocity[3] = PARTICLES_DEFAULTMASS; if(pC == 0) { // center, high mass particle_Array_PPU[pC].position = zeroVector; particle_Array_PPU[pC].velocity = zeroVector; //initialVelocityVector_Y_minus; printf("Earth mass: %f\n", earthMass ); particle_Array_PPU[pC].velocity[3] = earthMass; // PARTICLES_DEFAULTMASS * 500.0f; } if(pC == 1) { particle_Array_PPU[pC].position = issPosition; //initPositionVector; particle_Array_PPU[pC].velocity = issVelocity; //initialVelocityVector_Y; particle_Array_PPU[pC].velocity[3] = issMass; //PARTICLES_DEFAULTMASS * 500.0f; } if(pC == 2) { particle_Array_PPU[pC].position = sat1Position; //initPositionVector; particle_Array_PPU[pC].velocity = sat1Velocity; //initialVelocityVector_Y; particle_Array_PPU[pC].velocity[3] = satMass; } if(pC == 3) { particle_Array_PPU[pC].position = sat2Position; //initPositionVector; particle_Array_PPU[pC].velocity = sat2Velocity; //initialVelocityVector_Y; particle_Array_PPU[pC].velocity[3] = satMass; } if(pC == 4) { particle_Array_PPU[pC].position = sat3Position; //initPositionVector; particle_Array_PPU[pC].velocity = sat3Velocity; //initialVelocityVector_Y; particle_Array_PPU[pC].velocity[3] = satMass; } if(pC == 5) { particle_Array_PPU[pC].position = sat4Position; //initPositionVector; particle_Array_PPU[pC].velocity = sat4Velocity; //initialVelocityVector_Y; particle_Array_PPU[pC].velocity[3] = satMass; } if(pC == 6) { particle_Array_PPU[pC].position = moonPosition; //initPositionVector; particle_Array_PPU[pC].velocity = moonVelocity; //initialVelocityVector_Y; particle_Array_PPU[pC].velocity[3] = moonMass; } else { } //particle_Array_PPU[pC].position = vec_splat(particle_Array_PPU[pC].position, 1); //particle_Array_PPU[pC].position = vec_splats((float)GRAVITATIONALCONSTANT); --> use splats, seems faster printf("Particle %d: ", pC ); printf("x= %f, y=%f, z=%f , mass:%f", particle_Array_PPU[pC].position[0], particle_Array_PPU[pC].position[1], particle_Array_PPU[pC].position[2], particle_Array_PPU[pC].velocity[3]); printf("\n"); } // copy arrays into spe ones pC = 0; for(pC = 0; pC < PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT; ++pC) { spe1_Data[pC] = particle_Array_PPU[pC]; spe2_Data[pC] = particle_Array_PPU[pC]; spe3_Data[pC] = particle_Array_PPU[pC]; spe4_Data[pC] = particle_Array_PPU[pC]; spe5_Data[pC] = particle_Array_PPU[pC]; spe6_Data[pC] = particle_Array_PPU[pC]; } for(i = 0; i<PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT; ++i) { /////// INSERT QUADRANT CODE HERE , actually octant --> 8 equal sub cubes // compare with zero vector to get on which side of each axis the particle is // 0 is negative, 1 is positive side of the axis __vector bool int axisDirection = vec_cmpgt(particle_Array_PPU[i].position, zeroVector); // need to manually set, can't cast due to size difference error __vector unsigned int shiftedAxis = { (unsigned int)axisDirection[0], (unsigned int)axisDirection[1], (unsigned int)axisDirection[2], 0}; // need to do this to revert 1s into NON 2s complement form --> vec_cmgt doc LIES shiftedAxis = vec_andc(oneVector, shiftedAxis); /* printf("Particle %d axis sign: ", i ); printf("x= %x, y=%x, z=%x", shiftedAxis[0], shiftedAxis[1], shiftedAxis[2]); printf("\n"); */ // shift 3 axies simultaneously (actually only 2, 1 stays in origina positon //, with intent to OR them later shiftedAxis = vec_sl(shiftedAxis, axisBitShiftMask); // will also use as x vector __vector unsigned int axis_Y = vec_splats(shiftedAxis[1]); __vector unsigned int axis_Z = vec_splats(shiftedAxis[2]); // merge shhifted x y z values by OR-ing // this gives the octant id, range from 0-7 (000 to 111 in binary) shiftedAxis = vec_or(shiftedAxis, axis_Y); shiftedAxis = vec_or(shiftedAxis, axis_Z); // insert octant value into last slot of position vector of particle particle_Array_PPU[i].position[3] = (float)shiftedAxis[0]; //printf("Oct ID: %d \n", shiftedAxis[0]); /////// Update octant vector by incrementing octant that the particle is in // The only possible non SIMD line in the entire program, //irreleant since quadrant counting should occur on PPU anyways octantCount[shiftedAxis[0]] ++ ; } i=0; printf("\n"); printf("Particle disttribution across the octants: \n"); printf("O0: %d O1: %d O2: %d O3: %d O4: %d O5: %d O6: %d O7: %d\n", octantCount[0], octantCount[1], octantCount[2], octantCount[3], octantCount[4], octantCount[5], octantCount[6], octantCount[7]); printf("\n"); int speCount = spe_cpu_info_get(SPE_COUNT_PHYSICAL_SPES,-1); /* printf("\n"); printf("%d", speCount); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("--------------\n"); printf("Starting spe1 part\n"); */ /* // wait for user input, gives time to start graphics printf("Press Enter to continue\n"); getchar(); */ struct timeval start; gettimeofday(&start,NULL); int iterCount = 0; for (iterCount = 0; iterCount< ITERATION_COUNT; iterCount++) { //printf("++++++++++++++ START of ITERATION # %d of %d +++++++++++++++\n", i, ITERATION_COUNT ); int retval; pthread_t spe1_Thread; pthread_t spe2_Thread; pthread_t spe3_Thread; pthread_t spe4_Thread; pthread_t spe5_Thread; pthread_t spe6_Thread; //speData = spe1_Data; speNumber = 0; /* Create Thread */ // printf("spe1_Data value: %d\n", (int)spe1_Data ); retval = pthread_create(&spe1_Thread, // Thread object NULL, // Thread attributes spe_code_launch_1, // Thread function NULL // Thread argument ); // printf("spe2_Data value: %d\n", (int)spe2_Data ); retval = pthread_create(&spe2_Thread, // Thread object NULL, // Thread attributes spe_code_launch_2, // Thread function NULL // Thread argument ); retval = pthread_create(&spe3_Thread, // Thread object NULL, // Thread attributes spe_code_launch_3, // Thread function NULL // Thread argument ); retval = pthread_create(&spe4_Thread, // Thread object NULL, // Thread attributes spe_code_launch_4, // Thread function NULL // Thread argument ); retval = pthread_create(&spe5_Thread, // Thread object NULL, // Thread attributes spe_code_launch_5, // Thread function NULL // Thread argument ); retval = pthread_create(&spe6_Thread, // Thread object NULL, // Thread attributes spe_code_launch_6, // Thread function NULL // Thread argument ); //Wait for Thread Completion retval = pthread_join(spe1_Thread, NULL); retval = pthread_join(spe2_Thread, NULL); retval = pthread_join(spe3_Thread, NULL); retval = pthread_join(spe4_Thread, NULL); retval = pthread_join(spe5_Thread, NULL); retval = pthread_join(spe6_Thread, NULL); speNumber = 1; for(i=(speNumber-1)*PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT/SPU_COUNT; i<speNumber*PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT/SPU_COUNT; ++i) { particle_Array_PPU[i] = spe1_Data[i]; } speNumber = 2; for(i=(speNumber-1)*PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT/SPU_COUNT; i<speNumber*PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT/SPU_COUNT; ++i) { particle_Array_PPU[i] = spe2_Data[i]; } speNumber = 3; for(i=(speNumber-1)*PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT/SPU_COUNT; i<speNumber*PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT/SPU_COUNT; ++i) { particle_Array_PPU[i] = spe3_Data[i]; } speNumber = 4; for(i=(speNumber-1)*PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT/SPU_COUNT; i<speNumber*PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT/SPU_COUNT; ++i) { particle_Array_PPU[i] = spe4_Data[i]; } speNumber = 5; for(i=(speNumber-1)*PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT/SPU_COUNT; i<speNumber*PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT/SPU_COUNT; ++i) { particle_Array_PPU[i] = spe5_Data[i]; } speNumber = 6; for(i=(speNumber-1)*PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT/SPU_COUNT; i<PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT; ++i) { particle_Array_PPU[i] = spe6_Data[i]; } // reset spe counter speNumber = 0; // copy arrays into spe ones pC = 0; for(pC = 0; pC < PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT; ++pC) { spe1_Data[pC] = particle_Array_PPU[pC]; spe2_Data[pC] = particle_Array_PPU[pC]; spe3_Data[pC] = particle_Array_PPU[pC]; spe4_Data[pC] = particle_Array_PPU[pC]; spe5_Data[pC] = particle_Array_PPU[pC]; spe6_Data[pC] = particle_Array_PPU[pC]; // update values for shared array (graphics) /* particle_Array_Shared[pC].position[0] = particle_Array_PPU[pC].position[0]; particle_Array_Shared[pC].position[1] = particle_Array_PPU[pC].position[1]; particle_Array_Shared[pC].position[2] = particle_Array_PPU[pC].position[2]; particle_Array_Shared[pC].position[3] = particle_Array_PPU[pC].position[3]; */ /* printf("Particle %d positions: ", pC ); printf("x= %f, y=%f, z=%f , mass:%f", particle_Array_PPU[pC].position[0], particle_Array_PPU[pC].position[1], particle_Array_PPU[pC].position[2], particle_Array_PPU[pC].velocity[3]); printf("\n"); */ fullSimilationData[iterCount].particleArray[pC]= particle_Array_PPU[pC]; } // printf("++++++++++++++ END of ITERATION # %d of %d +++++++++++++++\n", iterCount, ITERATION_COUNT ); } struct timeval end; gettimeofday(&end,NULL); float deltaTime = ((end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000.0f + (end.tv_usec -start.tv_usec)/1000.0f); printf("print out values from post spe calculations\n"); i = 0; for(i = 0; i<PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT; ++i) { printf("Particle %d positions: ", i ); printf("x= %f, y=%f, z=%f , mass:%f", particle_Array_PPU[i].position[0], particle_Array_PPU[i].position[1], particle_Array_PPU[i].position[2], particle_Array_PPU[i].velocity[3]); printf("\n"); } //cleaining the array octantCount = resetOctantCount; for(i = 0; i<PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT; ++i) { /////// INSERT QUADRANT CODE HERE , actually octant --> 8 equal sub cubes // compare with zero vector to get on which side of each axis the particle is // 0 is negative, 1 is positive side of the axis __vector bool int axisDirection = vec_cmpgt(particle_Array_PPU[i].position, zeroVector); // need to manually set, can't cast due to size difference error __vector unsigned int shiftedAxis = { (unsigned int)axisDirection[0], (unsigned int)axisDirection[1], (unsigned int)axisDirection[2], 0}; // need to do this to revert 1s into NON 2s complement form --> vec_cmgt doc LIES shiftedAxis = vec_andc(oneVector, shiftedAxis); /* printf("Particle %d axis sign: ", i ); printf("x= %x, y=%x, z=%x", shiftedAxis[0], shiftedAxis[1], shiftedAxis[2]); printf("\n"); */ // shift 3 axies simultaneously (actually only 2, 1 stays in origina positon //, with intent to OR them later shiftedAxis = vec_sl(shiftedAxis, axisBitShiftMask); // will also use as x vector __vector unsigned int axis_Y = vec_splats(shiftedAxis[1]); __vector unsigned int axis_Z = vec_splats(shiftedAxis[2]); // merge shhifted x y z values by OR-ing // this gives the octant id, range from 0-7 (000 to 111 in binary) shiftedAxis = vec_or(shiftedAxis, axis_Y); shiftedAxis = vec_or(shiftedAxis, axis_Z); // insert octant value into last slot of position vector of particle particle_Array_PPU[i].position[3] = (float)shiftedAxis[0]; //printf("Oct ID: %d \n", shiftedAxis[0]); /////// Update octant vector by incrementing octant that the particle is in // The only possible non SIMD line in the entire program, //irreleant since quadrant counting should occur on PPU anyways octantCount[shiftedAxis[0]] ++ ; } i=0; printf("\n"); printf("Particle disttribution across the octants: \n"); printf("O0: %d O1: %d O2: %d O3: %d O4: %d O5: %d O6: %d O7: %d\n", octantCount[0], octantCount[1], octantCount[2], octantCount[3], octantCount[4], octantCount[5], octantCount[6], octantCount[7]); printf("\n"); /* time_t endTime = time(NULL); int deltaTime = endTime - startTime; */ // need to look into printf("Execution time: %f\n",deltaTime); FILE *filePointer; filePointer = fopen("fileLog1.txt","w"); //fprintf(filePointer, "<SimulationData>\n"); iterCount = 0; for (iterCount = 0; iterCount< ITERATION_COUNT; iterCount++) { //printf("Iteration: %d\n", iterCount); //fprintf(filePointer,"<Iter>\n"); fprintf(filePointer,"\n"); pC = 0; for(pC = 0; pC < PARTICLES_MAXCOUNT; ++pC) { //printf("Particle %d positions: ", pC ); // fprintf(filePointer,"<Obj>\n"); //printf("x= %f, y=%f, z=%f", fullSimilationData[iterCount].particleArray[pC].position[0], fullSimilationData[iterCount].particleArray[pC].position[1], fullSimilationData[iterCount].particleArray[pC].position[2]); //printf("\n"); /* fprintf(filePointer,"<PX>%f</PX>\n",fullSimilationData[iterCount].particleArray[pC].position[0]); fprintf(filePointer,"<PY>%f</PY>\n",fullSimilationData[iterCount].particleArray[pC].position[1]); fprintf(filePointer,"<PZ>%f</PZ>\n",fullSimilationData[iterCount].particleArray[pC].position[2]); */ fprintf(filePointer,"%f,",fullSimilationData[iterCount].particleArray[pC].position[0]); fprintf(filePointer,"%f,",fullSimilationData[iterCount].particleArray[pC].position[1]); fprintf(filePointer,"%f",fullSimilationData[iterCount].particleArray[pC].position[2]); fprintf(filePointer,"|"); //fprintf(filePointer,"</Obj>\n"); //fullSimilationData[fullDataCounter].particleArray[pC]= particle_Array_PPU[pC]; } //fprintf(filePointer,"</Iter>\n"); } //fprintf(filePointer, "</SimulationData>\n"); fclose(filePointer); return 0; }