Exemplo n.º 1
void moto_object_node_zoom(MotoObjectNode *self, gfloat val)
    gfloat to_target[3], eye[3];
    gfloat loc_pos[] = {0, 0, 0};
    gfloat *matrix = moto_object_node_get_matrix(self, TRUE);

    point3_transform(eye, matrix, loc_pos);
    vector3_dif(to_target, self->priv->target, eye);

    if(vector3_length(to_target) < MICRO)
        if(val > 0)

        gfloat az[] = {0, 0, 1};
        gfloat n[3];
        vector3_transform(n, matrix, az);

        point3_move(eye, n, 0.5);
        point3_move(eye, to_target, val);

        gfloat *inverse = moto_object_node_get_inverse_matrix(self->priv->parent, TRUE);
        point3_transform(loc_pos, inverse, eye);
        vector3_copy(loc_pos, eye);

    moto_object_node_set_translate_array(self, loc_pos);
Exemplo n.º 2
int moto_ray_intersect_cylinder_dist(MotoRay *self,
        float *dist, float a[3], float b[3], float radius)
    const float z[3] = {0, 0, 1};
    float c[3], tmp;
    vector3_dif(c, a, b);

    float height = vector3_length(c);
    c[0] /= height;
    c[1] /= height;
    c[2] /= height;

    float cross[3];
    vector3_cross(cross, c, z);

    float cos0 = vector3_dot(c, z);
    float sin0 = acos(cos0);

    float m[16], im[16], t[16], tmpm[16];

    matrix44_rotate_from_axis_sincos(m, sin0, cos0, cross[0], cross[1], cross[2]);
    matrix44_translate(t, a[0], b[0], c[0]);
    matrix44_mult(tmpm, t, m);

    matrix44_inverse(im, tmpm, m, tmp);

    MotoRay r;
    moto_ray_set_transformed(&r, self, im);


    *dist = 1;
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
void vector3_test()
	vector3 zero = {0,0,0};
	vector3 one = {1,1,1};
	vector3 y = {0,1,0};
	vector3 half = {0.5,0.5,0.5};
	vector3 a;
	vector3_invert(&a, &one);
	vector3_subtract(&a, &one, &a);
	vector3_add(&a, &a, &one);
	vector3_multiply(&a, &one, 0.5);
	vector3_divide(&a, &a, 2);
	vector3_reflect(&a, &one, &y);
	vector3_scalar_sub(&a, &zero, -0.5);
	vector3_scalar_add(&a, &a, 0.5);
	vector3_cross(&a, &one, &y);
	printf("%.2f %.2f\n", 
		   vector3_dot(&half, &y), vector3_angle(&half, &y));
	printf("%.2f %.2f\n", 
		   vector3_distance(&one, &y), vector3_distancesq(&one, &y));
	vector3_copy(&a, &one);
	printf("%.2f %.2f\n", 
		   vector3_length(&one), vector3_length(vector3_normalize(&a)) );
Exemplo n.º 4
void vector3_normalize(Vector3* outv)
	float length = vector3_length(outv);

	if (length != 0.0f)
		float inv = 1 / length;
		outv->x *= inv;
		outv->y *= inv;
		outv->z *= inv;
Exemplo n.º 5
INLINE_MODE vector3* vector3_normalize(vector3 *a)
	v3float normalizeLength;
	normalizeLength = vector3_length(a);
	if(normalizeLength <= EPSILON)
		printf("cannot normalize degenerate vector3\n");
		return a;
	vector3_divide(a, a, normalizeLength);
	return a;
Exemplo n.º 6
void moto_object_node_set_rotate_order(MotoObjectNode *self, MotoRotateOrder order)
    gfloat to_target[3], eye[3];
    gfloat loc_pos[] = {0, 0, 0};
    gfloat *matrix = moto_object_node_get_matrix(self, TRUE);
    point3_transform(eye, matrix, loc_pos);
    vector3_dif(to_target, self->priv->target, eye);
    gfloat dist = vector3_length(to_target);

    gfloat az[] = {0, 0, 1};
    gfloat n[3];
    vector3_transform(n, matrix, az);
    vector3_mult(to_target, n, -dist);

    vector3_copy(self->priv->target, eye);
    point3_move(self->priv->target, to_target, 1);

    moto_node_set_param_enum((MotoNode *)self, "ro", order);
Exemplo n.º 7
static void update_enemies_path()
  vector3_t v;
  u32b_t    i;

  // Update position of each enemy that has "started"
  for(i=0; i<State->nenemies; ) {
    // Move enemy towards next path point
    if( (State->enemies[i].start_time < State->time) && (State->enemies[i].path != State->path) ) {
      // Build vector poiting toward waypoint
      vector3_sub_vector(&State->enemies[i].path->position, &State->enemies[i].position, &v);
      // If waypoint is in reach, simply jump there and assign next node
      if( vector3_length(&v) < State->enemies[i].speed*BASE_SPEED ) {
	vector3_copy(&State->enemies[i].path->position, &State->enemies[i].position);
	State->enemies[i].path = State->enemies[i].path->next;
	// Move on to next entry
      } else {
	// Just move towards it
	vector3_normalize(&v, &v);
	vector3_add_vector(&State->enemies[i].position, &v, &State->enemies[i].position);
	// Move on to next entry
    } else if( State->enemies[i].path == State->path ) {
      // Enemy reached last path node!
      // Remove points from mana.
      State->player.mana -= State->enemies[i].health*0.1;
      // Notify GUI of the player hit.
      // Kill it (will move last entry into current); retest current.
      enemy_kill_enemy(i, State->enemies, &State->nenemies, State->senemies);
    } else {
      // Move on to next entry.

Exemplo n.º 8
double find_moid( const ELEMENTS *elem1, const ELEMENTS *elem2,
                                     double *barbee_style_delta_v)
   double mat1[3][3], mat2[3][3], xform_matrix[3][3];
   const double identity_matrix[3][3] = {
            { 1., 0., 0.},
            { 0., 1., 0.},
            { 0., 0., 1.} };
   double least_dist_squared = 10000.;
   int i, j;

   if( elem1->ecc > elem2->ecc)
      const ELEMENTS *tptr = elem1;

      elem1 = elem2;
      elem2 = tptr;
   fill_matrix( mat1, elem1);
   fill_matrix( mat2, elem2);
   for( i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      for( j = 0; j < 3; j++)
         xform_matrix[j][i] = dot_prod( mat1[j], mat2[i]);

   for( i = 0; i < N_STEPS; i++)
      double vect1[3], vect2[3], dist_squared = 0.;
      double deriv1[3], deriv2[3], r1, r2;
      double true_anomaly2 = 2. * PI * (double)i / (double)N_STEPS;
      double delta_true1, delta_true2;
      int loop_count = 0, solution_found = 0;
#if ((__GNUC__ * 100) + __GNUC_MINOR__) >= 406
   #pragma GCC diagnostic push              /* see comments above */
   #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized"
      double true_anomaly1;
   #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
      double true_anomaly1 = 0.;

         r2 = compute_posn_and_derivative( elem2, true_anomaly2, xform_matrix,
                        vect2, deriv2);
         if( !loop_count)
            true_anomaly1 = atan2( vect2[1], vect2[0]);
         r1 = compute_posn_and_derivative( elem1, true_anomaly1, identity_matrix,
                        vect1, deriv1);
         for( j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            vect1[j] -= vect2[j];
         compute_improvement( vect1, deriv1, deriv2, &delta_true1, &delta_true2);
         true_anomaly1 += delta_true1;
         true_anomaly2 -= delta_true2;
         if( fabs( delta_true1) < 5. * PI / N_STEPS)
            if( fabs( delta_true2) < 5. * PI / N_STEPS)
               for( j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                  vect1[j] += delta_true1 * deriv1[j] + delta_true2 * deriv2[j];
               solution_found = 1;
//       debug_printf( "  i = %3d; loop %d; %f\n",
//                i, loop_count, sqrt( dot_prod( vect1, vect1)));
         while( solution_found && loop_count < 5);
      dist_squared = dot_prod( vect1, vect1);
      if( dist_squared < least_dist_squared)
         least_dist_squared = dist_squared;
         if( barbee_style_delta_v)
            double delta_v[3];

            set_true_velocity( deriv1, r1, elem1->q, elem1->major_axis);
            set_true_velocity( deriv2, r2, elem2->q, elem2->major_axis);
            for( j = 0; j < 3; j++)
               delta_v[j] = deriv1[j] - deriv2[j];
            *barbee_style_delta_v = vector3_length( delta_v);  /* in AU/day */
            *barbee_style_delta_v *= AU_IN_KM / seconds_per_day;
      printf( "%3d %c%8.6f%8.2f%8.2f%8.2f%8.2f%15f%15f\n", i,
                     (solution_found ? '*' : ' '),
                     sqrt( dot_prod( vect1, vect1)),
                     true_anomaly1 * 180. / PI,
                     true_anomaly2 * 180. / PI,
                     true_anomaly_to_eccentric( true_anomaly1, elem1->ecc) * 180. / PI,
                     true_anomaly_to_eccentric( true_anomaly2, elem2->ecc) * 180. / PI,
                     dot_prod( vect1, deriv1),
                     dot_prod( vect1, deriv2));
//    printf( "%3d%15f%15f%15f%15f%15f\n", i, x, y,
//                      vect[0], vect[1], vect[2]);
   return( sqrt( least_dist_squared));
Exemplo n.º 9
INLINE_MODE v3float vector3_angle(const vector3 *a, const vector3 *b) 
	return acos(vector3_dot(a,b) / vector3_length(a) / vector3_length(b));
Exemplo n.º 10
double testLength1(const Vector3& a)
  return vector3_length(a);