Exemplo n.º 1
struct BoundingBox newBoundingBox(void)
    struct BoundingBox bb;
    bb.position = vectorZero();
    bb.direction = vectorZero();
    bb.direction.x = 1;
    bb.up = vectorZero();
    bb.up.y = 1;
    bb.halfSize.x = 1;
    bb.halfSize.y = 1;
    bb.halfSize.z = 1;
    return bb;
int Plane::findIntersectPoint(Ray& aRay, GzCoord aPoint){

	GzCoord w0, temp;

	if(vectorZero(normal)) return -1; //triangle degenerate to a point

	vectorConstruct(vertexList[0], aRay.origin, w0);
	float a = -vectorDotProduct(normal, w0);
	float b = vectorDotProduct(normal, aRay.direction);

	if(fabs(b) < SMALL_NUM){ //ray is parallel to triangle
		if(a == 0){
			return 2; //ray lies in triangle plane
			return 0; //ray disjoint from triangle plane

	float r = a/b;
	if(r < 0.0) return 0; //ray goes away from triangle

	vectorScale(r, aRay.direction, temp);
	vectorAdd(aRay.origin, temp, aPoint);

	return 1; //one intersect point 
Exemplo n.º 3
struct Vector vectorNormalize(struct Vector a)
    struct Vector result;
    double length = vectorLength(a);
    if(length < EPSILON)
        return vectorZero();
    result.x = a.x/length;
    result.y = a.y/length;
    result.z = a.z/length;
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 4
//tries to add a solution in the repository if it is non-dominated
//param - the candidate solution to be inserted in the repository
 bool Repository::add(Solution &candidate){
	bool isDominated=false;
	bool equal=false;
	int dom;
	bool enteredArchive=false;
	if(actualSize==0){ //if the repository is empty, insert the solution
		for(int s=0;s<repositorySize+1;s++){
			if(controlSolutions[s]){//if this solution is valid
				if(!candidate.isEqual(getSolution(s))){ //if the solutions are not equal
					//verify the dominance relation between two vectors
					//return 1 if sol1 dominates sol2, -1 if sol2 dominates sol1, 0 if they do not dominate each other, 2 if they are equal
					if(!strcmp(archiverType, "pbi") || !strcmp(archiverType, "tch")  || !strcmp(archiverType, "wcp") || !strcmp(archiverType, "wsum") || !strcmp(archiverType, "r-ideal"))//repositories based on decomposition, if decomposition do not check dominance
						dom=dominance(candidate.objectiveVector, getSolution(s).objectiveVector, objectiveNumber);

					if(dom == 1){//if the candidate dominates the solution in the repository
						if(dom == -1){//if a solution in the repository dominates the candidate
							if(vectorZero(getSolution(s).objectiveVector, objectiveNumber)){
								fprintf(stderr, "\nERROR! Trying to insert in the repository a solution whose objectives are all 0\n");
				}else{ //if the solutions are equal, discard the candidate

		if(!isDominated && !equal){ //if the solution is non-dominated
			if(actualSize<repositorySize){//if the repository is not empty nor full
				insert(candidate);//insert the solution
			}else{ //if the repository is full
	return enteredArchive;
Exemplo n.º 5
void boundingBoxCollisionPoint(struct Vector* normal, struct Vector* point, struct BoundingBox ai, struct BoundingBox bi, struct BoundingBox af, struct BoundingBox bf)
    int i;
    int separartingAxesNum = 0;
    int lastSeparartingAxis = 0;
    struct BoundingBox a;
    struct BoundingBox b;
    double distance, minDistance;
    while(separartingAxesNum != 1 && i-->0)
        separartingAxesNum = 0;
        a = boundingBoxInterpolate(&ai, &af);
        b = boundingBoxInterpolate(&bi, &bf);

        struct Vector a1 = a.direction = vectorNormalize(a.direction);
        struct Vector a2 = a.up = vectorNormalize(a.up);
        struct Vector a3 = vectorCross(a1, a2);
        struct Vector b1 = b.direction = vectorNormalize(b.direction);
        struct Vector b2 = b.up = vectorNormalize(b.up);
        struct Vector b3 = vectorCross(b1, b2);

        if(boundingBoxSeparationTest(a1, a, b)>0) {separartingAxesNum++; lastSeparartingAxis=0;}
        if(boundingBoxSeparationTest(a2, a, b)>0) {separartingAxesNum++; lastSeparartingAxis=1;}
        if(boundingBoxSeparationTest(a3, a, b)>0) {separartingAxesNum++; lastSeparartingAxis=2;}

        if(boundingBoxSeparationTest(b1, a, b)>0) {separartingAxesNum++; lastSeparartingAxis=3;}
        if(boundingBoxSeparationTest(b2, a, b)>0) {separartingAxesNum++; lastSeparartingAxis=4;}
        if(boundingBoxSeparationTest(b3, a, b)>0) {separartingAxesNum++; lastSeparartingAxis=5;}

        if(boundingBoxSeparationTest(vectorCross(a1, b1), a, b)>0) {separartingAxesNum++; lastSeparartingAxis=6;}
        if(boundingBoxSeparationTest(vectorCross(a1, b2), a, b)>0) {separartingAxesNum++; lastSeparartingAxis=7;}
        if(boundingBoxSeparationTest(vectorCross(a1, b3), a, b)>0) {separartingAxesNum++; lastSeparartingAxis=8;}

        if(boundingBoxSeparationTest(vectorCross(a2, b1), a, b)>0) {separartingAxesNum++; lastSeparartingAxis=9;}
        if(boundingBoxSeparationTest(vectorCross(a2, b2), a, b)>0) {separartingAxesNum++; lastSeparartingAxis=10;}
        if(boundingBoxSeparationTest(vectorCross(a2, b3), a, b)>0) {separartingAxesNum++; lastSeparartingAxis=11;}

        if(boundingBoxSeparationTest(vectorCross(a3, b1), a, b)>0) {separartingAxesNum++; lastSeparartingAxis=12;}
        if(boundingBoxSeparationTest(vectorCross(a3, b2), a, b)>0) {separartingAxesNum++; lastSeparartingAxis=13;}
        if(boundingBoxSeparationTest(vectorCross(a3, b3), a, b)>0) {separartingAxesNum++; lastSeparartingAxis=14;}

        if(separartingAxesNum>1) // is not colliding yet
            ai = a;
            bi = b;
        if(separartingAxesNum<1) // is already colliding
            af = a;
            bf = b;

    if(lastSeparartingAxis<6) // face-vertex
        struct Vector center;
        int pointId = 0;
        struct Vector verticles[6];
        if(lastSeparartingAxis<3) // b-vertex collide with a-face
            boundingBoxGetVerticles(verticles, &b);
            center = a.position;
        else // a-vertex collide with b-face
            boundingBoxGetVerticles(verticles, &a);
            center = b.position;

            case 0:
                *normal = a.direction;
                distance = a.halfSize.x;
            case 1:
                *normal = a.up;
                distance = a.halfSize.y;
            case 2:
                *normal = vectorCross(a.direction, a.up);
                distance = a.halfSize.z;
            case 3:
                *normal = b.direction;
                distance = b.halfSize.x;
            case 4:
                *normal = b.up;
                distance = b.halfSize.y;
            case 5:
                *normal = vectorCross(b.direction, b.up);;
                distance = b.halfSize.z;
                *normal = vectorZero();
                distance = 0;

        minDistance = -1;
            distance = vectorPointPlaneDistance(verticles[i], center, *normal);
            if(minDistance < 0 || distance < minDistance)
                minDistance = distance;
                pointId = i;


        *point = verticles[pointId];
    else // edge-edge
        struct Vector a1 = a.direction = vectorNormalize(a.direction);
        struct Vector a2 = a.up = vectorNormalize(a.up);
        struct Vector a3 = vectorNormalize( vectorCross(a1, a2) );
        struct Vector b1 = b.direction = vectorNormalize(b.direction);
        struct Vector b2 = b.up = vectorNormalize(b.up);
        struct Vector b3 = vectorNormalize(vectorCross(b1, b2));

        struct Vector halfEdgeA, halfEdgeB;
        struct Vector halfOffsetA[4];
        struct Vector halfOffsetB[4];
                case 6: case 7: case 8:
                    halfEdgeA = vectorTimes(a1, a.halfSize.x);
                    halfOffsetA[i] = vectorAdd( vectorTimes(a1, 0),
                                  vectorAdd( vectorTimes(a2, a.halfSize.y * (1-2*(i%2)) ),
                                             vectorTimes(a3, a.halfSize.z * (i>=2 ? -1 : 1) )));
                case 9: case 10: case 11:
                    halfEdgeA = vectorTimes(a2, a.halfSize.y);
                    halfOffsetA[i] = vectorAdd( vectorTimes(a1, a.halfSize.x * (1-2*(i%2))),
                                  vectorAdd( vectorTimes(a2, 0),
                                             vectorTimes(a3, a.halfSize.z * (i>=2 ? -1 : 1))));
                case 12: case 13: case 14:
                    halfEdgeA = vectorTimes(a3, a.halfSize.z);
                    halfOffsetA[i] = vectorAdd( vectorTimes(a1, a.halfSize.x * (1-2*(i%2))),
                                  vectorAdd( vectorTimes(a2, a.halfSize.y * (i>=2 ? -1 : 1)),
                                             vectorTimes(a3, 0)));
                case 6: case 9: case 12:
                    halfEdgeB = vectorTimes(b1, b.halfSize.x);
                    halfOffsetB[i] = vectorAdd( vectorTimes(b1, 0),
                                  vectorAdd( vectorTimes(b2, b.halfSize.y * (1-2*(i%2))),
                                             vectorTimes(b3, b.halfSize.z * (i>=2 ? -1 : 1))));
                case 7: case 10: case 13:
                    halfEdgeB = vectorTimes(b2, b.halfSize.y);
                    halfOffsetB[i] = vectorAdd( vectorTimes(b1, b.halfSize.x * (1-2*(i%2))),
                                  vectorAdd( vectorTimes(b2, 0),
                                             vectorTimes(b3, b.halfSize.z * (i>=2 ? -1 : 1))));
                case 8: case 11: case 14:
                    halfEdgeB = vectorTimes(b3, b.halfSize.z);
                    halfOffsetB[i] = vectorAdd( vectorTimes(b1, b.halfSize.x * (1-2*(i%2))),
                                  vectorAdd( vectorTimes(b2, b.halfSize.y * (i>=2 ? -1 : 1)),
                                             vectorTimes(b3, 0)));
        *normal = vectorNormalize( vectorCross(halfEdgeA, halfEdgeB) );

        int edgeAi, edgeBi;
        int edgeA, edgeB;
        minDistance = -1;
        for(edgeAi = 0; edgeAi<4; edgeAi++)
            for(edgeBi = 0; edgeBi<4; edgeBi++)
                distance = vectorDot(*normal, vectorAdd(a.position, halfOffsetA[edgeAi])) - vectorDot(*normal, vectorAdd(b.position, halfOffsetB[edgeBi]));
                distance = fabs(distance);
                if(minDistance == -1 || distance < minDistance)
                    minDistance = distance;
                    edgeA = edgeAi;
                    edgeB = edgeBi;


        struct Vector pointEdgeA = vectorAdd(a.position, halfOffsetA[edgeA]);
        struct Vector pointEdgeB = vectorAdd(b.position, halfOffsetB[edgeB]);

        struct Vector rayVector = vectorNormalize(halfEdgeA);
        struct Vector rayPoint = pointEdgeA;
        struct Vector planePoint = pointEdgeB;
        struct Vector planeNormal = vectorNormalize(vectorCross(vectorNormalize(halfEdgeB), *normal));
        // ray - plane intersection
        double cosAlpha = vectorDot(rayVector, planeNormal);
        double distance = vectorPointPlaneDistance(rayPoint, planePoint, planeNormal);
        struct Vector pointA = vectorAdd(rayPoint, vectorTimes(rayVector, cosAlpha*distance)) ;

        rayVector = vectorNormalize(halfEdgeB);
        rayPoint = pointEdgeB;
        planePoint = pointEdgeA;
        planeNormal = vectorNormalize(vectorCross(vectorNormalize(halfEdgeA), *normal));
        // ray - plane intersection
        cosAlpha = vectorDot(rayVector, planeNormal);
        distance = vectorPointPlaneDistance(rayPoint, planePoint, planeNormal);
        struct Vector pointB = vectorAdd(rayPoint, vectorTimes(rayVector, cosAlpha*distance)) ;
        *point = vectorTimes(vectorAdd(pointA, pointB),0.5);

    /* normal should point in direction from A to B*/

    double smallValue = 0.001;
    if(vectorLength(vectorSub(vectorAdd(*point,vectorTimes(*normal, smallValue)), a.position))
       vectorLength(vectorSub(vectorAdd(*point,vectorZero()), a.position))) /*  |point + normal - A| < |point-A| */
            *normal = vectorTimes(*normal, -1.0);
    *normal = vectorNormalize(*normal);
