Exemplo n.º 1
void ImplicitSampler::init()  {
	surface_area = 0;
	pi_over_2 = 0.5*acos(-1);
	vector<TriIndex> all_tris;
	BasicTriMesh* mc_mesh = surface->isosurface(64,256,0.01);
	ll_bound = Vector3(1e10,1e10,1e10);
	ur_bound = Vector3(-1e10,-1e10,-1e10);

	for(int t = 0; t < mc_mesh->n_faces(); t++)  {
		BasicTriMesh::FaceVertexIter fv_it = mc_mesh->fv_iter(OpenMesh::FaceHandle(t));
		BasicTriMesh::VertexHandle v0 = fv_it.handle();
		BasicTriMesh::VertexHandle v1 = (++fv_it).handle();
		BasicTriMesh::VertexHandle v2 = (++fv_it).handle();

		BasicTriMesh::Point p0 = mc_mesh->point(v0), p1 = mc_mesh->point(v1), p2 = mc_mesh->point(v2);
		BasicTriMesh::Point raw_normal = (p1-p0) % (p2-p0);
		double tri_area = 0.5*raw_normal.length();

		Vector3 vert0(p0[0],p0[1],p0[2]);
		Vector3 vert1(p1[0],p1[1],p1[2]);
		Vector3 vert2(p2[0],p2[1],p2[2]);
		ll_bound.expand_min_bound(vert0); ur_bound.expand_max_bound(vert0);
		ll_bound.expand_min_bound(vert1); ur_bound.expand_max_bound(vert1);
		ll_bound.expand_min_bound(vert2); ur_bound.expand_max_bound(vert2);

		if(p0 == p1 || p0 == p2 || p1 == p2 || tri_area < 1e-9)
		all_tris.push_back(TriIndex(tri_area, t));
		surface_area += tri_area;
	global_radius = 2.5*sqrt(surface_area / ((double)num_points));

	vector<TriIndex> cum_tris;
	for(unsigned t = 0; t < all_tris.size(); t++)  {
		TriIndex next_tri = all_tris[t];
		if(t == 0)
		else  {
			TriIndex prev_tri = cum_tris[t-1];
			double cum_area = next_tri.area + prev_tri.area;
			cum_tris.push_back(TriIndex(cum_area, next_tri.tri));

	time_t cur_time;
	for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)

	sampled_pts = new GridPoint[num_points];
	double total_area = cum_tris[cum_tris.size()-1].area;
	for(int s = 0; s < num_points; s++)  {
		double rand_unit = (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX;
		double rand_area = rand_unit*total_area;
		int rand_ind = this->tri_search(&cum_tris, rand_area, 0, cum_tris.size()-1);
		TriIndex rand_tri_index = cum_tris[rand_ind];

		SamplerTri rand_tri = sampler_tris[rand_tri_index.tri];
		double r1 = (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX;
		double r2 = (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX;
		double r1_sqrt = sqrt(r1);
		Vector3 rand_pt = rand_tri.v1*(1.0-r1_sqrt) + rand_tri.v2*(r1_sqrt*(1.0-r2)) + rand_tri.v3*(r1_sqrt*r2);

		sampled_pts[s] = GridPoint(rand_pt, s);

	grid_res_x = (ur_bound.x-ll_bound.x)/global_radius;
	grid_res_y = (ur_bound.y-ll_bound.y)/global_radius;
	grid_res_z = (ur_bound.z-ll_bound.z)/global_radius;
	grid_res_x = grid_res_x > 300 ? 300 : grid_res_x;
	grid_res_y = grid_res_y > 300 ? 300 : grid_res_y;
	grid_res_z = grid_res_z > 300 ? 300 : grid_res_z;
	cout << "grid res: " << grid_res_x << " : " << grid_res_y << " : " << grid_res_z << endl;

	delete mc_mesh;
Exemplo n.º 2
int b3GpuNarrowPhase::registerConcaveMeshShape(b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>* vertices, b3AlignedObjectArray<int>* indices,b3Collidable& col, const float* scaling1)

	b3Vector3 scaling(scaling1[0],scaling1[1],scaling1[2]);

	b3ConvexPolyhedronCL& convex = m_data->m_convexPolyhedra.at(m_data->m_convexPolyhedra.size()-1);
	convex.mC = b3Vector3(0,0,0);
	convex.mE = b3Vector3(0,0,0);
	convex.m_extents= b3Vector3(0,0,0);
	convex.m_localCenter = b3Vector3(0,0,0);
	convex.m_radius = 0.f;
	convex.m_numUniqueEdges = 0;
	int edgeOffset = m_data->m_uniqueEdges.size();
	convex.m_uniqueEdgesOffset = edgeOffset;
	int faceOffset = m_data->m_convexFaces.size();
	convex.m_faceOffset = faceOffset;
	convex.m_numFaces = indices->size()/3;
	for (int i=0;i<convex.m_numFaces;i++)
		if (i%256==0)
			//printf("i=%d out of %d", i,convex.m_numFaces);
		b3Vector3 vert0(vertices->at(indices->at(i*3))*scaling);
		b3Vector3 vert1(vertices->at(indices->at(i*3+1))*scaling);
		b3Vector3 vert2(vertices->at(indices->at(i*3+2))*scaling);

		b3Vector3 normal = ((vert1-vert0).cross(vert2-vert0)).normalize();
		b3Scalar c = -(normal.dot(vert0));

		m_data->m_convexFaces[convex.m_faceOffset+i].m_plane[0] = normal.getX();
		m_data->m_convexFaces[convex.m_faceOffset+i].m_plane[1] = normal.getY();
		m_data->m_convexFaces[convex.m_faceOffset+i].m_plane[2] = normal.getZ();
		m_data->m_convexFaces[convex.m_faceOffset+i].m_plane[3] = c;
		int indexOffset = m_data->m_convexIndices.size();
		int numIndices = 3;
		m_data->m_convexFaces[convex.m_faceOffset+i].m_numIndices = numIndices;
		m_data->m_convexFaces[convex.m_faceOffset+i].m_indexOffset = indexOffset;
		for (int p=0;p<numIndices;p++)
			int vi = indices->at(i*3+p);
			m_data->m_convexIndices[indexOffset+p] = vi;//convexPtr->m_faces[i].m_indices[p];
	convex.m_numVertices = vertices->size();
	int vertexOffset = m_data->m_convexVertices.size();
	convex.m_vertexOffset =vertexOffset;
	for (int i=0;i<vertices->size();i++)
		m_data->m_convexVertices[vertexOffset+i] = vertices->at(i)*scaling;

	(*m_data->m_convexData)[m_data->m_numAcceleratedShapes] = 0;
	return m_data->m_numAcceleratedShapes++;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc,char** argv)


#define TRISIZE 10.f
	SimdVector3 vert0(-TRISIZE ,0,TRISIZE );
	SimdVector3 vert1(TRISIZE ,10,TRISIZE );
	SimdVector3 vert2(TRISIZE ,0,-TRISIZE );
	SimdVector3 vert3(-TRISIZE ,0,TRISIZE );
	SimdVector3 vert4(TRISIZE ,0,-TRISIZE );
	SimdVector3 vert5(-TRISIZE ,0,-TRISIZE );
#ifdef ODE_MESH
	SimdVector3 Size = SimdVector3(15.f,15.f,12.5f);
  gVertices[0][0] = -Size[0];
  gVertices[0][1] = Size[2];
  gVertices[0][2] = -Size[1];
  gVertices[1][0] = Size[0];
  gVertices[1][1] = Size[2];
  gVertices[1][2] = -Size[1];
  gVertices[2][0] = Size[0];
  gVertices[2][1] = Size[2];
  gVertices[2][2] = Size[1];  

  gVertices[3][0] = -Size[0];
  gVertices[3][1] = Size[2];
  gVertices[3][2] = Size[1];
  gVertices[4][0] = 0;
  gVertices[4][1] = 0;
  gVertices[4][2] = 0;
  gIndices[0] = 0;
  gIndices[1] = 1;
  gIndices[2] = 4;
  gIndices[3] = 1;
  gIndices[4] = 2;
  gIndices[5] = 4;
  gIndices[6] = 2;
  gIndices[7] = 3;
  gIndices[8] = 4;
  gIndices[9] = 3;
  gIndices[10] = 0;
  gIndices[11] = 4;

  int vertStride = sizeof(SimdVector3);
  int indexStride = 3*sizeof(int);

	TriangleIndexVertexArray* indexVertexArrays = new TriangleIndexVertexArray(NUM_TRIANGLES,
		NUM_VERTICES,(float*) &gVertices[0].x(),vertStride);

	//shapePtr[4] = new TriangleMeshShape(indexVertexArrays);
	shapePtr[4] = new BvhTriangleMeshShape(indexVertexArrays);

	int vertStride = sizeof(SimdVector3);
	int indexStride = 3*sizeof(int);

	const int NUM_VERTS_X = 50;
	const int NUM_VERTS_Y = 50;
	const int totalVerts = NUM_VERTS_X*NUM_VERTS_Y;
	const int totalTriangles = 2*(NUM_VERTS_X-1)*(NUM_VERTS_Y-1);

	SimdVector3*	gVertices = new SimdVector3[totalVerts];
	int*	gIndices = new int[totalTriangles*3];

	int i;

	for ( i=0;i<NUM_VERTS_X;i++)
		for (int j=0;j<NUM_VERTS_Y;j++)

	int index=0;
	for ( i=0;i<NUM_VERTS_X-1;i++)
		for (int j=0;j<NUM_VERTS_Y-1;j++)
			gIndices[index++] = j*NUM_VERTS_X+i;
			gIndices[index++] = j*NUM_VERTS_X+i+1;
			gIndices[index++] = (j+1)*NUM_VERTS_X+i+1;

			gIndices[index++] = j*NUM_VERTS_X+i;
			gIndices[index++] = (j+1)*NUM_VERTS_X+i+1;
			gIndices[index++] = (j+1)*NUM_VERTS_X+i;
	TriangleIndexVertexArray* indexVertexArrays = new TriangleIndexVertexArray(totalTriangles,
		totalVerts,(float*) &gVertices[0].x(),vertStride);

	//shapePtr[4] = new TriangleMeshShape(indexVertexArrays);
	shapePtr[4] = new BvhTriangleMeshShape(indexVertexArrays);



//	GLDebugDrawer	debugDrawer;

	//ConstraintSolver* solver = new SimpleConstraintSolver;
	ConstraintSolver* solver = new OdeConstraintSolver;

	CollisionDispatcher* dispatcher = new	CollisionDispatcher();
	BroadphaseInterface* broadphase = new SimpleBroadphase();

	physicsEnvironmentPtr = new CcdPhysicsEnvironment(dispatcher,broadphase);

	PHY_ShapeProps shapeProps;
	shapeProps.m_do_anisotropic = false;
	shapeProps.m_do_fh = false;
	shapeProps.m_do_rot_fh = false;
	shapeProps.m_friction_scaling[0] = 1.;
	shapeProps.m_friction_scaling[1] = 1.;
	shapeProps.m_friction_scaling[2] = 1.;

	shapeProps.m_inertia = 1.f;
	shapeProps.m_lin_drag = 0.95999998f;
	shapeProps.m_ang_drag = 0.89999998f;
	shapeProps.m_mass = 1.0f;
	PHY_MaterialProps materialProps;
	materialProps.m_friction = 0.f;// 50.5f;
	materialProps.m_restitution = 0.1f;

	CcdConstructionInfo ccdObjectCi;
	ccdObjectCi.m_friction = 0.f;//50.5f;

	ccdObjectCi.m_linearDamping = shapeProps.m_lin_drag;
	ccdObjectCi.m_angularDamping = shapeProps.m_ang_drag;

	SimdTransform tr;

	for (i=0;i<numObjects;i++)
		if (i>0)
			shapeIndex[i] = 1;//2 = tetrahedron
			shapeIndex[i] = 4;
	for (i=0;i<numObjects;i++)
		shapeProps.m_shape = shapePtr[shapeIndex[i]];

		bool isDyna = i>0;
		if (!i)
			//SimdQuaternion orn(0,0,0.1*SIMD_HALF_PI);
		} else
//either create a few stacks, to show several islands, or create 1 large stack, showing stability
		//ms[i].setWorldPosition((i*5) % 30,i*15-10,0);

		ccdObjectCi.m_MotionState = &ms[i];
		ccdObjectCi.m_gravity = SimdVector3(0,0,0);
		ccdObjectCi.m_localInertiaTensor =SimdVector3(0,0,0);
		if (!isDyna)
			shapeProps.m_mass = 0.f;
			ccdObjectCi.m_mass = shapeProps.m_mass;
			shapeProps.m_mass = 1.f;
			ccdObjectCi.m_mass = shapeProps.m_mass;

		SimdVector3 localInertia;
		if (shapeProps.m_mass>0.f)
		} else

		ccdObjectCi.m_localInertiaTensor = localInertia;

		ccdObjectCi.m_collisionShape = shapePtr[shapeIndex[i]];

		physObjects[i]= new CcdPhysicsController( ccdObjectCi);
		physicsEnvironmentPtr->addCcdPhysicsController( physObjects[i]);

/*		if (i==0)
		//for the line that represents the AABB extents
//	physicsEnvironmentPtr->setDebugDrawer(&debugDrawer);

	return glutmain(argc, argv,640,480,"Static Concave Mesh Demo");
Exemplo n.º 4
void mesh::calculateTangents() {
	std::vector<float> tans(3*vertCount, 0);
	std::vector<float> bitans(3*vertCount, 0);
	tangents.resize(4 * vertCount);

	//calculate tentative tangents and bitangents for each triangle
	for (int i = 0; i < triCount; i++) {
		//find the vertices of the current triangle, and their UV coords
		int vi1 = triangles[3*i];
		int vi2 = triangles[3*i + 1];
		int vi3 = triangles[3*i + 2];

		glm::vec3 vert0(vertices[3*vi1], vertices[3*vi1 + 1], vertices[3*vi1 + 2]);
		glm::vec3 vert1(vertices[3*vi2], vertices[3*vi2 + 1], vertices[3*vi2 + 2]);
		glm::vec3 vert2(vertices[3*vi3], vertices[3*vi3 + 1], vertices[3*vi3 + 2]);

		glm::vec2 uv0(texCoords[2*vi1], texCoords[2*vi1 + 1]);
		glm::vec2 uv1(texCoords[2*vi2], texCoords[2*vi2 + 1]);
		glm::vec2 uv2(texCoords[2*vi3], texCoords[2*vi3 + 1]);

		//differences in position and UV coords
		glm::vec3 dPos1 = vert1 - vert0;
		glm::vec3 dPos2 = vert2 - vert0;

		glm::vec2 dUV1 = uv1 - uv0;
		glm::vec2 dUV2 = uv2 - uv0;

		//calculate and store the tangent and bitangent
		float coeff = 1.0f / (dUV1.x * dUV2.y - dUV1.y * dUV2.x);

		glm::vec3 tan = dPos1 * dUV2.y - dPos2 * dUV1.y;
		glm::vec3 bitan = dPos2 * dUV1.x  - dPos1 * dUV2.x;
		tan *= coeff;
		bitan *= coeff;

		tans[3*vi1] += tan.x;
		tans[3*vi1 + 1] += tan.y;
		tans[3*vi1 + 2] += tan.z;

		tans[3*vi2] += tan.x;
		tans[3*vi2 + 1] += tan.y;
		tans[3*vi2 + 2] += tan.z;

		tans[3*vi3] += tan.x;
		tans[3*vi3 + 1] += tan.y;
		tans[3*vi3 + 2] += tan.z;

		bitans[3*vi1] += bitan.x;
		bitans[3*vi1 + 1] += bitan.y;
		bitans[3*vi1 + 2] += bitan.z;

		bitans[3*vi2] += bitan.x;
		bitans[3*vi2 + 1] += bitan.y;
		bitans[3*vi2 + 2] += bitan.z;

		bitans[3*vi3] += bitan.x;
		bitans[3*vi3 + 1] += bitan.y;
		bitans[3*vi3 + 2] += bitan.z;

	//find the final tangent (and bitangent) for each vertex
	for (int j = 0; j < vertCount; j++) {
		glm::vec3 normal (normals[3*j], normals[3*j + 1], normals[3*j + 2]);
		glm::vec3 tangent (tans[3*j], tans[3*j + 1], tans[3*j + 2]);
		glm::vec3 bitangent (bitans[3*j], bitans[3*j + 1], bitans[3*j + 2]);


		glm::vec3 tangent_orth(normal);
		tangent_orth *= glm::dot(normal, tangent);
		tangent_orth = tangent - tangent_orth;

		//compute handedness
		float handedness = 1.0f;
		glm::vec3 nCrossT = glm::cross(normal, tangent_orth);
		if(glm::dot(nCrossT, bitangent) > 0) {
			handedness = 1.0f;
		} else {
			handedness = -1.0f;

		//store the orthagonalized tangent and handedness
		tangents[4*j] = tangent_orth.x;
		tangents[4*j + 1] = tangent_orth.y;
		tangents[4*j + 2] = tangent_orth.z;
		tangents[4*j + 3] = handedness;
