Exemplo n.º 1
void Stroke::draw(Renderer_ptr renderer, uint64_t time) {


    // TODO: make this async, instead of tesselating at render-time.
    if (_dirty) {
        // TODO: need better LOD calculation.
        int vertexCount = static_cast<int>(_pathLength);
        if (vertexCount % 2 == 1) vertexCount++;
        int triangleCount = (vertexCount - 2) * 2;

        std::unique_ptr<Vertex[]> vertices(new Vertex[vertexCount]);

        // TODO: this should be a static Arc function;
        tesselate(vertices.get(), vertexCount, _path);

        unique_ptr<grfx::Buffer> vertexBuffer(new grfx::GpuBuffer(renderer, GL_ARRAY_BUFFER));
        vertexBuffer->load(std::move(vertices), vertexCount * sizeof(Vertex), GL_STATIC_DRAW);

        _mesh.reset(new StrokeMesh());
                          Stroke::indexBuffer(renderer, triangleCount),
                          0, triangleCount);
        _dirty = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main()
	vpp::ContextSettings settings = { /* ... */ };
	auto window = initWindow();
	auto context = vpp::Win32Context(settings, hinstance, window);

	vpp::VertexBufferLayout vbLayout({vpp::VertexBufferLayout::Point3fColor3f});
	vpp::DescriptorSetLayout dsLayout(context.device(), {vk::DescriptorType::UniformBuffer});

	vpp::GraphicsPipeline::CreateInfo createInfo;
	createInfo.renderPass = context.swapChain().vkRenderPass();
	createInfo.vertexBufferLayouts = vblayout;
	createInfo.descriptorSetLayouts = dsLayout;
	createInfo.shaderProgram = vpp::ShaderProgram({
			{vk::ShaderStageFlags::Vertex, "vert.sprv"}, 
			{vk::ShaderStageFlags::Fragment, "frag.sprv"}

	vpp::GraphicsPipeline pipeline(context.device(), createInfo);

	//buffer, descriptors
	vpp::Buffer vertexBuffer(context.device(), vertices);
	vpp::Buffer uniformBuffer(context.device(), someTransformMatrix);

	vpp::DescriptorSet descriptorSet(dsLayout);
	static_cast<vpp::BufferDescriptor>(descriptorSet[0]).write(uniformBuffer); //#1
	descriptorSet.writeBuffers(0, {uniformBuffer}) //#2; 

	pipeline.drawCommands(commandBuffer, {vertexBuffer}, {descriptorSet});
Exemplo n.º 3
bool FontManager::Initialise(const glm::ivec2& screenResolution)
  this->screenResolution = screenResolution;

  if (!effect.Load("assets\\effects\\fonteffect.glsl", "RenderFont"))
    LOG("did not load font rendering effect\n");
    return false;
  // Since the screen resolution does not change at runtime, set this now...

  sampler = boost::make_shared<Sampler2D>();

  VertexLayout vertexLayout;

  // Initialise vertex buffers for dynamic update...
  for (size_t i = 0; i < bufferCount; ++i)
    boost::shared_ptr<VertexBuffer> vertexBuffer(new VertexBuffer());
    vertexBuffer->Initialise(vertexLayout, VerticesInBuffer, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);

  return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
//[ Public virtual IApplication methods                   ]
void FirstTriangle::onInitialization()
	// Call the base implementation

	// Get and check the renderer instance
	Renderer::IRendererPtr renderer(getRenderer());
	if (nullptr != renderer)
		// Begin debug event

		// Decide which shader language should be used (for example "GLSL", "HLSL" or "Cg")
		Renderer::IShaderLanguagePtr shaderLanguage(renderer->getShaderLanguage());
		if (nullptr != shaderLanguage)
			{ // Create the program
				// Get the shader source code (outsourced to keep an overview)
				const char *vertexShaderSourceCode = nullptr;
				const char *fragmentShaderSourceCode = nullptr;
				#include "FirstTriangle_Cg.h"
				#include "FirstTriangle_GLSL_110.h"
				#include "FirstTriangle_GLSL_ES2.h"
				#include "FirstTriangle_HLSL_D3D9_D3D10_D3D11.h"
				#include "FirstTriangle_Null.h"

				// Create the vertex shader
				Renderer::IVertexShader *vertexShader = shaderLanguage->createVertexShader(vertexShaderSourceCode);
				RENDERER_SET_RESOURCE_DEBUG_NAME(vertexShader, "Triangle VS")

				// Create the fragment shader
				Renderer::IFragmentShader *fragmentShader = shaderLanguage->createFragmentShader(fragmentShaderSourceCode);
				RENDERER_SET_RESOURCE_DEBUG_NAME(fragmentShader, "Triangle FS")

				// Create the program
				mProgram = shaderLanguage->createProgram(vertexShader, fragmentShader);
				RENDERER_SET_RESOURCE_DEBUG_NAME(mProgram, "Triangle program")

			// Is there a valid program?
			if (nullptr != mProgram)
				// Create the vertex buffer object (VBO)
				// -> Clip space vertex positions, left/bottom is (-1,-1) and right/top is (1,1)
				static const float VERTEX_POSITION[] =
				{					// Vertex ID	Triangle on screen
					 0.0f, 1.0f,	// 0				0
					 1.0f, 0.0f,	// 1			   .   .
					-0.5f, 0.0f		// 2			  2.......1
				Renderer::IVertexBufferPtr vertexBuffer(renderer->createVertexBuffer(sizeof(VERTEX_POSITION), VERTEX_POSITION, Renderer::BufferUsage::STATIC_DRAW));
				RENDERER_SET_RESOURCE_DEBUG_NAME(vertexBuffer, "Triangle VBO")

				// Create vertex array object (VAO)
				// -> The vertex array object (VAO) keeps a reference to the used vertex buffer object (VBO)
				// -> This means that there's no need to keep an own vertex buffer object (VBO) reference
				// -> When the vertex array object (VAO) is destroyed, it automatically decreases the
				//    reference of the used vertex buffer objects (VBO). If the reference counter of a
				//    vertex buffer object (VBO) reaches zero, it's automatically destroyed.
				const Renderer::VertexArrayAttribute vertexArray[] =
					{ // Attribute 0
						// Data destination
						Renderer::VertexArrayFormat::FLOAT_2,	// vertexArrayFormat (Renderer::VertexArrayFormat::Enum)
						"Position",								// name[64] (char)
						"POSITION",								// semantic[64] (char)
						0,										// semanticIndex (unsigned int)
						// Data source
						vertexBuffer,							// vertexBuffer (Renderer::IVertexBuffer *)
						0,										// offset (unsigned int)
						sizeof(float) * 2,						// stride (unsigned int)
						// Data source, instancing part
						0										// instancesPerElement (unsigned int)
				mVertexArray = mProgram->createVertexArray(sizeof(vertexArray) / sizeof(Renderer::VertexArrayAttribute), vertexArray);
//[ Public virtual IApplication methods                   ]
void FirstGeometryShader::onInitialization()
	// Call the base implementation

	// Get and check the renderer instance
	// -> Geometry shaders supported?
	Renderer::IRendererPtr renderer(getRenderer());
	if (nullptr != renderer && renderer->getCapabilities().maximumNumberOfGsOutputVertices)
		// Begin debug event

		// Decide which shader language should be used (for example "GLSL", "HLSL" or "Cg")
		Renderer::IShaderLanguagePtr shaderLanguage(renderer->getShaderLanguage());
		if (nullptr != shaderLanguage)
			{ // Create the program
				// Get the shader source code (outsourced to keep an overview)
				const char *vertexShaderSourceCode = nullptr;
				const char *geometryShaderSourceCode = nullptr;
				const char *fragmentShaderSourceCode = nullptr;
				#include "FirstGeometryShader_GLSL_330.h"
				#include "FirstGeometryShader_HLSL_D3D10_D3D11.h"
				#include "FirstGeometryShader_Null.h"

				// Create the program
				mProgram = shaderLanguage->createProgram(
					shaderLanguage->createGeometryShader(geometryShaderSourceCode, Renderer::GsInputPrimitiveTopology::POINTS, Renderer::GsOutputPrimitiveTopology::TRIANGLE_STRIP, 3),

			// TODO(co) Attribute less rendering (aka "drawing without data") possible with OpenGL? For me it appears not to work, I see nothing and also get no error...
			// -> Tested with: "Radeon HD 6970M", driver "catalyst_12-7_beta_windows7_20120629.exe"
			// -> According to http://renderingpipeline.com/2012/03/are-vertex-shaders-obsolete/ it should work
			// -> Apparently there are currently some issues when using this approach: http://www.opengl.org/discussion_boards/showthread.php/177372-Rendering-simple-shapes-without-passing-vertices
			if (nullptr != mProgram && 0 == strcmp(renderer->getName(), "OpenGL"))
				// Create the vertex buffer object (VBO)
				static const float VERTEX_POSITION[] =
				{			// Vertex ID
					42.0f	// 0
				Renderer::IVertexBufferPtr vertexBuffer(renderer->createVertexBuffer(sizeof(VERTEX_POSITION), VERTEX_POSITION, Renderer::BufferUsage::STATIC_DRAW));

				// Create vertex array object (VAO)
				// -> The vertex array object (VAO) keeps a reference to the used vertex buffer object (VBO)
				// -> This means that there's no need to keep an own vertex buffer object (VBO) reference
				// -> When the vertex array object (VAO) is destroyed, it automatically decreases the
				//    reference of the used vertex buffer objects (VBO). If the reference counter of a
				//    vertex buffer object (VBO) reaches zero, it's automatically destroyed.
				const Renderer::VertexArrayAttribute vertexArray[] =
					{ // Attribute 0
						// Data destination
						Renderer::VertexArrayFormat::FLOAT_1,	// vertexArrayFormat (Renderer::VertexArrayFormat::Enum)
						"Position",								// name[64] (char)
						"POSITION",								// semantic[64] (char)
						0,										// semanticIndex (unsigned int)
						// Data source
						vertexBuffer,							// vertexBuffer (Renderer::IVertexBuffer *)
						0,										// offset (unsigned int)
						sizeof(float),							// stride (unsigned int)
						// Data source, instancing part
						0										// instancesPerElement (unsigned int)
				mVertexArray = mProgram->createVertexArray(sizeof(vertexArray) / sizeof(Renderer::VertexArrayAttribute), vertexArray);

		// End debug event
Exemplo n.º 6
//[ Public virtual IApplication methods                   ]
void Fxaa::onInitialization()
	// Call the base implementation

	// Get and check the renderer instance
	Renderer::IRendererPtr renderer(getRenderer());
	if (nullptr != renderer)
		// Begin debug event

		// Create the framebuffer object (FBO) instance by using the current window size

		{ // Create sampler state
		  // -> Our texture does not have any mipmaps, set "Renderer::SamplerState::maxLOD" to zero
		  //    in order to ensure a correct behaviour across the difference graphics APIs
		  // -> When not doing this you usually have no issues when using OpenGL, OpenGL ES 2, Direct 10,
		  //    Direct3D 11 or Direct3D 9 with the "ps_2_0"-profile, but when using Direct3D 9 with the
		  //    "ps_3_0"-profile you might get into trouble due to another internal graphics API behaviour
			Renderer::SamplerState samplerState = Renderer::ISamplerState::getDefaultSamplerState();
			samplerState.maxLOD = 0.0f;	// We don't use mipmaps
			mSamplerState = renderer->createSamplerState(samplerState);

		{ // Depth stencil state
		  // -> By default depth test is enabled
		  // -> In this simple example we don't need depth test, so, disable it so we don't need to care about the depth buffer

			// Create depth stencil state
			Renderer::DepthStencilState depthStencilState = Renderer::IDepthStencilState::getDefaultDepthStencilState();
			depthStencilState.depthEnable = false;
			mDepthStencilState = renderer->createDepthStencilState(depthStencilState);

			// Set the depth stencil state directly within this initialization phase, we don't change it later on

		// Decide which shader language should be used (for example "GLSL", "HLSL" or "Cg")
		Renderer::IShaderLanguagePtr shaderLanguage(renderer->getShaderLanguage());
		if (nullptr != shaderLanguage)
			{ // Create the program for scene rendering
				// Get the shader source code (outsourced to keep an overview)
				const char *vertexShaderSourceCode = nullptr;
				const char *fragmentShaderSourceCode = nullptr;
				#include "Fxaa_SceneRendering_Cg.h"
				#include "Fxaa_SceneRendering_GLSL_120.h"
				#include "Fxaa_SceneRendering_GLSL_ES2.h"
				#include "Fxaa_SceneRendering_HLSL_D3D9_D3D10_D3D11.h"
				#include "Fxaa_SceneRendering_Null.h"

				// Create the program for scene rendering
				mProgramSceneRendering = shaderLanguage->createProgram(shaderLanguage->createVertexShader(vertexShaderSourceCode), shaderLanguage->createFragmentShader(fragmentShaderSourceCode));

			// Is there a valid program for scene rendering?
			if (nullptr != mProgramSceneRendering)
				// Create the vertex buffer object (VBO)
				// -> Clip space vertex positions, left/bottom is (-1,-1) and right/top is (1,1)
				static const float VERTEX_POSITION[] =
				{					// Vertex ID	Triangle on screen
					 0.0f, 1.0f,	// 0				0
					 1.0f, 0.0f,	// 1			   .   .
					-0.5f, 0.0f		// 2			  2.......1
				Renderer::IVertexBufferPtr vertexBuffer(renderer->createVertexBuffer(sizeof(VERTEX_POSITION), VERTEX_POSITION, Renderer::BufferUsage::STATIC_DRAW));

				// Create vertex array object (VAO)
				// -> The vertex array object (VAO) keeps a reference to the used vertex buffer object (VBO)
				// -> This means that there's no need to keep an own vertex buffer object (VBO) reference
				// -> When the vertex array object (VAO) is destroyed, it automatically decreases the
				//    reference of the used vertex buffer objects (VBO). If the reference counter of a
				//    vertex buffer object (VBO) reaches zero, it's automatically destroyed.
				const Renderer::VertexArrayAttribute vertexArray[] =
					{ // Attribute 0
						// Data destination
						Renderer::VertexArrayFormat::FLOAT_2,	// vertexArrayFormat (Renderer::VertexArrayFormat::Enum)
						"Position",								// name[64] (char)
						"POSITION",								// semantic[64] (char)
						0,										// semanticIndex (unsigned int)
						// Data source
						vertexBuffer,							// vertexBuffer (Renderer::IVertexBuffer *)
						0,										// offset (unsigned int)
						sizeof(float) * 2,						// stride (unsigned int)
						// Data source, instancing part
						0										// instancesPerElement (unsigned int)
				mVertexArraySceneRendering = mProgramSceneRendering->createVertexArray(sizeof(vertexArray) / sizeof(Renderer::VertexArrayAttribute), vertexArray);

			// Create the post-processing program instance by using the current window size

			// Is there a valid program for post-processing?
			if (nullptr != mProgramPostProcessing)
				// Create the vertex buffer object (VBO)
				// -> Clip space vertex positions, left/bottom is (-1,-1) and right/top is (1,1)
				static const float VERTEX_POSITION[] =
				{					// Vertex ID	Triangle strip on screen
					-1.0f, -1.0f,	// 0			  1.......3
					-1.0f,  1.0f,	// 1			  .	  .   .
					 1.0f, -1.0f,	// 2			  0.......2
					 1.0f,  1.0f	// 3
				Renderer::IVertexBufferPtr vertexBuffer(renderer->createVertexBuffer(sizeof(VERTEX_POSITION), VERTEX_POSITION, Renderer::BufferUsage::STATIC_DRAW));

				// Create vertex array object (VAO)
				// -> The vertex array object (VAO) keeps a reference to the used vertex buffer object (VBO)
				// -> This means that there's no need to keep an own vertex buffer object (VBO) reference
				// -> When the vertex array object (VAO) is destroyed, it automatically decreases the
				//    reference of the used vertex buffer objects (VBO). If the reference counter of a
				//    vertex buffer object (VBO) reaches zero, it's automatically destroyed.
				const Renderer::VertexArrayAttribute vertexArray[] =
					{ // Attribute 0
						// Data destination
						Renderer::VertexArrayFormat::FLOAT_2,	// vertexArrayFormat (Renderer::VertexArrayFormat::Enum)
						"Position",								// name[64] (char)
						"POSITION",								// semantic[64] (char)
						0,										// semanticIndex (unsigned int)
						// Data source
						vertexBuffer,							// vertexBuffer (Renderer::IVertexBuffer *)
						0,										// offset (unsigned int)
						sizeof(float) * 2,						// stride (unsigned int)
						// Data source, instancing part
						0										// instancesPerElement (unsigned int)
				mVertexArrayPostProcessing = mProgramSceneRendering->createVertexArray(sizeof(vertexArray) / sizeof(Renderer::VertexArrayAttribute), vertexArray);

		// End debug event
Exemplo n.º 7
loadMeshes( CalCoreModel* calCoreModel,
            MeshesVector& meshes )
    throw (std::runtime_error)
    const int maxVertices = Constants::MAX_VERTEX_PER_MODEL;
    const int maxFaces    = Constants::MAX_VERTEX_PER_MODEL * 3;

    std::auto_ptr< CalHardwareModel > calHardwareModel( new CalHardwareModel( calCoreModel ) );
    osg::ref_ptr< VertexBuffer >      vertexBuffer( new VertexBuffer( maxVertices ) );
    osg::ref_ptr< WeightBuffer >      weightBuffer( new WeightBuffer( maxVertices ) );
    osg::ref_ptr< MatrixIndexBuffer > matrixIndexBuffer( new MatrixIndexBuffer( maxVertices ) );
    osg::ref_ptr< NormalBuffer >      normalBuffer( new NormalBuffer( maxVertices ) );
    osg::ref_ptr< NormalBuffer >      tangentBuffer( new NormalBuffer( maxVertices ) );
    osg::ref_ptr< NormalBuffer >      binormalBuffer( new NormalBuffer( maxVertices ) );
    osg::ref_ptr< TexCoordBuffer >    texCoordBuffer( new TexCoordBuffer( maxVertices ) );
    std::vector< CalIndex >           indexBuffer( maxFaces*3 );

    std::vector< float > floatMatrixIndexBuffer( maxVertices*4 );

    std::vector< float > floatNormalBuffer( getVertexCount()*3 );
    calHardwareModel->setTextureCoordNum( 1 );
    calHardwareModel->setTextureCoordBuffer(0, // texture stage #
    calHardwareModel->setIndexBuffer( &indexBuffer.front() );
    // calHardwareModel->setCoreMeshIds(_activeMeshes);
    // if ids not set all meshes will be used at load() time

    //std::cout << "calHardwareModel->load" << std::endl;
    calHardwareModel->load( 0, 0, Constants::MAX_BONES_PER_MESH );
    //std::cout << "calHardwareModel->load ok" << std::endl;

    int vertexCount = calHardwareModel->getTotalVertexCount();
//    int faceCount   = calHardwareModel->getTotalFaceCount();

//    std::cout << "vertexCount = " << vertexCount << "; faceCount = " << faceCount << std::endl;
    GLubyte* matrixIndexBufferData = (GLubyte*) matrixIndexBuffer->getDataPointer();

    for ( int i = 0; i < vertexCount*4; i++ )
        matrixIndexBufferData[i] = static_cast< GLubyte >( floatMatrixIndexBuffer[i] );

    GLbyte* normals = (GLbyte*) normalBuffer->getDataPointer();

    for ( int i = 0; i < vertexCount*3; i++ )
        normals[i]  = static_cast< GLbyte >( floatNormalBuffer[i]*127.0 );

    // invert UVs for OpenGL (textures are inverted otherwise - for example, see abdulla/klinok)
    GLfloat* texCoordBufferData = (GLfloat*) texCoordBuffer->getDataPointer();

    for ( float* tcy = texCoordBufferData + 1;
          tcy < texCoordBufferData + 2*vertexCount;
          tcy += 2 )
        *tcy = 1.0f - *tcy;

    // -- And now create meshes data --
    int unriggedBoneIndex = calCoreModel->getCoreSkeleton()->getVectorCoreBone().size();
    // we add empty bone in ModelData to handle unrigged vertices;
    for( int hardwareMeshId = 0; hardwareMeshId < calHardwareModel->getHardwareMeshCount(); hardwareMeshId++ )
        int faceCount = calHardwareModel->getFaceCount();

        if ( faceCount == 0 )
            continue; // we ignore empty meshes
        CalHardwareModel::CalHardwareMesh* hardwareMesh =
            &calHardwareModel->getVectorHardwareMesh()[ hardwareMeshId ];

        osg::ref_ptr< MeshData > m( new MeshData );
        m->name = calCoreModel->getCoreMesh( hardwareMesh->meshId )->getName();
        m->coreMaterial = hardwareMesh->pCoreMaterial;
        if ( m->coreMaterial == NULL )
            CalCoreMesh*    coreMesh    = calCoreModel->getCoreMesh( hardwareMesh->meshId );
            CalCoreSubmesh* coreSubmesh = coreMesh->getCoreSubmesh( hardwareMesh->submeshId );
            // hardwareMesh->pCoreMaterial =
            //   coreModel->getCoreMaterial( coreSubmesh->getCoreMaterialThreadId() );
            char buf[ 1024 ];
            snprintf( buf, 1024,
                      "pCoreMaterial == NULL for mesh '%s' (mesh material id = %d), verify your mesh file data",
                      coreSubmesh->getCoreMaterialThreadId() );
            throw std::runtime_error( buf );

        // -- Create index buffer --
        int indexesCount = faceCount * 3;
        int startIndex = calHardwareModel->getStartIndex();

        if ( indexesCount <= 0x100 )
            m->indexBuffer = new osg::DrawElementsUByte( osg::PrimitiveSet::TRIANGLES, indexesCount );

            GLubyte* data = (GLubyte*)m->indexBuffer->getDataPointer();
            const CalIndex* i    = &indexBuffer[ startIndex ];
            const CalIndex* iEnd = &indexBuffer[ startIndex + indexesCount ];
            while ( i < iEnd )
                *data++ = (GLubyte)*i++;
        else if ( indexesCount <= 0x10000 )
            m->indexBuffer = new osg::DrawElementsUShort( osg::PrimitiveSet::TRIANGLES, indexesCount );

            GLushort* data = (GLushort*)m->indexBuffer->getDataPointer();
            const CalIndex* i    = &indexBuffer[ startIndex ];
            const CalIndex* iEnd = &indexBuffer[ startIndex + indexesCount ];
            while ( i < iEnd )
                *data++ = (GLushort)*i++;
            m->indexBuffer = new osg::DrawElementsUInt( osg::PrimitiveSet::TRIANGLES, indexesCount );

            GLuint* data = (GLuint*)m->indexBuffer->getDataPointer();
            const CalIndex* i    = &indexBuffer[ startIndex ];
            const CalIndex* iEnd = &indexBuffer[ startIndex + indexesCount ];
            while ( i < iEnd )
                *data++ = (GLuint)*i++;

        // -- Create other buffers --
        int vertexCount = calHardwareModel->getVertexCount();
        int baseVertexIndex = calHardwareModel->getBaseVertexIndex();

#define SUB_BUFFER( _type, _name )                                  \
        new _type( _name->begin() + baseVertexIndex,                \
                   _name->begin() + baseVertexIndex + vertexCount )
        m->vertexBuffer = SUB_BUFFER( VertexBuffer, vertexBuffer );
        m->weightBuffer = SUB_BUFFER( WeightBuffer, weightBuffer );
        m->matrixIndexBuffer = SUB_BUFFER( MatrixIndexBuffer, matrixIndexBuffer );
        m->normalBuffer = SUB_BUFFER( NormalBuffer, normalBuffer );
        m->texCoordBuffer = SUB_BUFFER( TexCoordBuffer, texCoordBuffer );

        // -- Parameters and buffers setup --
        m->boundingBox = calculateBoundingBox( m->vertexBuffer.get() );

        m->bonesIndices = hardwareMesh->m_vectorBonesIndices;

        checkRigidness( m.get(), unriggedBoneIndex );
        checkForEmptyTexCoord( m.get() );
        generateTangentAndHandednessBuffer( m.get(), &indexBuffer[ startIndex ] );

        meshes.push_back( m.get() );
Exemplo n.º 8
static void
createVtrMesh(Shape * shape, int maxlevel) {

    Stopwatch s;

    // create Vtr mesh (topology)
    OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Type       sdctype = GetSdcType(*shape);
    OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options sdcoptions = GetSdcOptions(*shape);

    OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner * refiner =
        OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefinerFactory<Shape>::Create(sdctype, sdcoptions, *shape);

    OpenSubdiv::Far::PatchTables * patchTables = 0;

    if (g_Adaptive) {

        refiner->RefineAdaptive(maxlevel, /*fullTopology*/true);

        patchTables = OpenSubdiv::Far::PatchTablesFactory::Create(*refiner);

        g_numPatches = patchTables->GetNumPatches();
    } else {
        refiner->RefineUniform(maxlevel, /*fullTopology*/true);

    // create vertex primvar data buffer
    std::vector<Vertex> vertexBuffer(refiner->GetNumVerticesTotal());
    Vertex * verts = &vertexBuffer[0];

    //printf("Vtr time: %f ms (topology)\n", float(s.GetElapsed())*1000.0f);

    // copy coarse vertices positions
    int ncoarseverts = shape->GetNumVertices();
    for (int i=0; i<ncoarseverts; ++i) {
        float * ptr = &shape->verts[i*3];
        verts[i].SetPosition(ptr[0], ptr[1], ptr[2]);

//#define no_stencils
#ifdef no_stencils
        // populate buffer with Vtr interpolated vertex data
        refiner->Interpolate(verts, verts + ncoarseverts);
        //printf("          %f ms (interpolate)\n", float(s.GetElapsed())*1000.0f);
        //printf("          %f ms (total)\n", float(s.GetTotalElapsed())*1000.0f);
        OpenSubdiv::Far::StencilTablesFactory::Options options;

        OpenSubdiv::Far::StencilTables const * stencilTables =
            OpenSubdiv::Far::StencilTablesFactory::Create(*refiner, options);

        stencilTables->UpdateValues(verts, verts + ncoarseverts);

    if (g_VtrDrawVertIDs) {
        createVertNumbers(*refiner, vertexBuffer);

    if (g_VtrDrawFaceIDs) {
        createFaceNumbers(*refiner, vertexBuffer);

    if (g_VtrDrawPtexIDs and patchTables) {
        createPtexNumbers(*patchTables, vertexBuffer);

    if (g_Adaptive and patchTables) {
        createPatchNumbers(*patchTables, vertexBuffer);

    createEdgeNumbers(*refiner, vertexBuffer, g_VtrDrawEdgeIDs!=0, g_VtrDrawEdgeSharpness!=0);

    GLMesh::Options options;
    options.vertColorMode=g_Adaptive ? GLMesh::VERTCOLOR_BY_LEVEL : GLMesh::VERTCOLOR_BY_SHARPNESS;
    options.edgeColorMode=g_Adaptive ? GLMesh::EDGECOLOR_BY_PATCHTYPE : GLMesh::EDGECOLOR_BY_SHARPNESS;
    options.faceColorMode=g_Adaptive ? GLMesh::FACECOLOR_BY_PATCHTYPE :GLMesh::FACECOLOR_SOLID;

    if (g_Adaptive) {
        g_vtr_glmesh.Initialize(options, *refiner, patchTables, (float *)&verts[0]);
        g_vtr_glmesh.SetDiffuseColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
    } else {
        g_vtr_glmesh.Initialize(options, *refiner, patchTables, (float *)&verts[0]);
        g_vtr_glmesh.SetDiffuseColor(0.75f, 0.9f, 1.0f, 1.0f);



    delete refiner;
    delete patchTables;
Exemplo n.º 9
//[ Public virtual IApplication methods                   ]
void FirstGeometryShader::onInitialization()
	// Call the base implementation

	// Get and check the renderer instance
	// -> Geometry shaders supported?
	Renderer::IRendererPtr renderer(getRenderer());
	if (nullptr != renderer && renderer->getCapabilities().maximumNumberOfGsOutputVertices)
		// Create the buffer manager
		mBufferManager = renderer->createBufferManager();

		{ // Create the root signature
			// Setup
			Renderer::RootSignatureBuilder rootSignature;
			rootSignature.initialize(0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, Renderer::RootSignatureFlags::ALLOW_INPUT_ASSEMBLER_INPUT_LAYOUT);

			// Create the instance
			mRootSignature = renderer->createRootSignature(rootSignature);

		// Vertex input layout
		const Renderer::VertexAttribute vertexAttributesLayout[] =
			{ // Attribute 0
				// Data destination
				Renderer::VertexAttributeFormat::FLOAT_1,	// vertexAttributeFormat (Renderer::VertexAttributeFormat)
				"Position",									// name[32] (char)
				"POSITION",									// semanticName[32] (char)
				0,											// semanticIndex (uint32_t)
				// Data source
				0,											// inputSlot (uint32_t)
				0,											// alignedByteOffset (uint32_t)
				// Data source, instancing part
				0											// instancesPerElement (uint32_t)
		const Renderer::VertexAttributes vertexAttributes(glm::countof(vertexAttributesLayout), vertexAttributesLayout);

		{ // Create vertex array object (VAO)
			// Create the vertex buffer object (VBO)
			static const float VERTEX_POSITION[] =
			{			// Vertex ID
				42.0f	// 0
			Renderer::IVertexBufferPtr vertexBuffer(mBufferManager->createVertexBuffer(sizeof(VERTEX_POSITION), VERTEX_POSITION, Renderer::BufferUsage::STATIC_DRAW));

			// Create vertex array object (VAO)
			// -> The vertex array object (VAO) keeps a reference to the used vertex buffer object (VBO)
			// -> This means that there's no need to keep an own vertex buffer object (VBO) reference
			// -> When the vertex array object (VAO) is destroyed, it automatically decreases the
			//    reference of the used vertex buffer objects (VBO). If the reference counter of a
			//    vertex buffer object (VBO) reaches zero, it's automatically destroyed.
			const Renderer::VertexArrayVertexBuffer vertexArrayVertexBuffers[] =
				{ // Vertex buffer 0
					vertexBuffer,	// vertexBuffer (Renderer::IVertexBuffer *)
					sizeof(float)	// strideInBytes (uint32_t)
			mVertexArray = mBufferManager->createVertexArray(vertexAttributes, glm::countof(vertexArrayVertexBuffers), vertexArrayVertexBuffers);

		// Create the program: Decide which shader language should be used (for example "GLSL" or "HLSL")
		Renderer::IShaderLanguagePtr shaderLanguage(renderer->getShaderLanguage());
		if (nullptr != shaderLanguage)
			// Create the program
			Renderer::IProgramPtr program;
				// Get the shader source code (outsourced to keep an overview)
				const char *vertexShaderSourceCode = nullptr;
				const char *geometryShaderSourceCode = nullptr;
				const char *fragmentShaderSourceCode = nullptr;
				#include "FirstGeometryShader_GLSL_410.h"
				#include "FirstGeometryShader_HLSL_D3D10_D3D11_D3D12.h"
				#include "FirstGeometryShader_Null.h"

				// Create the program
				program = shaderLanguage->createProgram(
					shaderLanguage->createVertexShaderFromSourceCode(vertexAttributes, vertexShaderSourceCode),
					shaderLanguage->createGeometryShaderFromSourceCode(geometryShaderSourceCode, Renderer::GsInputPrimitiveTopology::POINTS, Renderer::GsOutputPrimitiveTopology::TRIANGLE_STRIP, 3),

			// Create the pipeline state object (PSO)
			if (nullptr != program)
				Renderer::PipelineState pipelineState = Renderer::PipelineStateBuilder(mRootSignature, program, vertexAttributes);
				pipelineState.primitiveTopologyType = Renderer::PrimitiveTopologyType::POINT;
				mPipelineState = renderer->createPipelineState(pipelineState);

		// Since we're always submitting the same commands to the renderer, we can fill the command buffer once during initialization and then reuse it multiple times during runtime
Exemplo n.º 10
void Renderer2::GenerateRoomBuffer()
    float h = 4.0f * m_surfaceSize.y / m_surfaceSize.x;
    vec3 roomVertices[] =
        {-2.0f, -h / 2.0f, -4.0f},
        {2.0f, -h / 2.0f, -4.0f},
        {2.0f, h / 2.0f, -4.0f},
        {-2.0f, h / 2.0f, -4.0f},
        {-2.0f, -h / 2.0f, -10.0f},
        {2.0f, -h / 2.0f, -10.0f},
        {2.0f, h / 2.0f, -10.0f},
        {-2.0f, h / 2.0f, -10.0f}
    GLushort roomIndices[] =
        0, 4, 3,
        7, 3, 4,
        4, 5, 7,
        6, 7, 5,
        1, 2, 5,
        6, 5, 2,
        6, 2, 7,
        3, 7, 2,
        0, 1, 4,
        5, 4, 1
    m_roomVertexCount = sizeof(roomIndices) / sizeof(roomIndices[0]);
    vector<RoomVertex> vertexBuffer(m_roomVertexCount);
    for (int i = 0; i < m_roomVertexCount; i += 3)
        GLushort c = roomIndices[i];
        GLushort r = roomIndices[i + 1];
        GLushort l = roomIndices[i + 2];
        vec3 centerVertex = roomVertices[c];
        vec3 rightVertex = roomVertices[r];
        vec3 leftVertex = roomVertices[l];
        vec3 a(rightVertex.x - centerVertex.x,
               rightVertex.y - centerVertex.y,
               rightVertex.z - centerVertex.z);
        vec3 b(leftVertex.x - centerVertex.x,
               leftVertex.y - centerVertex.y,
               leftVertex.z - centerVertex.z);
        vec3 normal = a.Cross(b).Normalized();
        vertexBuffer[i].Position = centerVertex;
        vertexBuffer[i + 1].Position = rightVertex;
        vertexBuffer[i + 2].Position = leftVertex;
        vertexBuffer[i].Normal = normal;
        vertexBuffer[i + 1].Normal = normal;
        vertexBuffer[i + 2].Normal = normal;
    glGenBuffers(1, &m_roomVertexBuffer);
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_roomVertexBuffer);
    glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer.size() * sizeof(RoomVertex), &vertexBuffer[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);
Exemplo n.º 11
bool Console::draw()
	int windowHeight = Ego::GraphicsSystem::window->getSize().height();

	if (!windowHeight || !this->on)
		return false;

	SDL_Rect *pwin = &(this->rect);

	auto& renderer = Renderer::get();

    // The colour white.
	static const auto white = Math::Colour4f::white();
    // The colour black.
	static const auto black = Math::Colour4f::black();
    // The vertex data structure and the vertex descriptor.
    struct Vertex { float x, y; };
    static const Ego::VertexDescriptor vertexDescriptor({Ego::VertexElementDescriptor(0, Ego::VertexElementDescriptor::Syntax::F2, Ego::VertexElementDescriptor::Semantics::Position)});

    Ego::VertexBuffer vertexBuffer(4, vertexDescriptor);
        Ego::BufferScopedLock lock(vertexBuffer);
        Vertex *vertex = lock.get<Vertex>();
        vertex->x = pwin->x;           vertex->y = pwin->y;           ++vertex;
        vertex->x = pwin->x + pwin->w; vertex->y = pwin->y;           ++vertex;
        vertex->x = pwin->x + pwin->w; vertex->y = pwin->y + pwin->h; ++vertex;
        vertex->x = pwin->x;           vertex->y = pwin->y + pwin->h;
    renderer.render(vertexBuffer, Ego::PrimitiveType::LineLoop, 0, 4);

    renderer.render(vertexBuffer, Ego::PrimitiveType::Quadriliterals, 0, 4);

        Ego::OpenGL::PushAttrib pa(GL_SCISSOR_BIT | GL_ENABLE_BIT);
            int textWidth, textHeight, height;

            // clip the viewport
            renderer.setScissorRectangle(pwin->x, windowHeight - (pwin->y + pwin->h), pwin->w, pwin->h);

            height = pwin->h;

            char buffer[ConsoleSettings::InputSettings::Length];

            // draw the current command line
            sprintf(buffer, "%s ", ConsoleSettings::InputSettings::Prompt.c_str());

            strncat(buffer, this->buffer, 1022);
            buffer[1022] = CSTR_END;

            this->pfont->getTextSize(buffer, &textWidth, &textHeight);
            height -= textHeight;
            this->pfont->drawText(buffer, pwin->x, height - textHeight, white);

            if (CSTR_END != this->output_buffer[0]) {
                // grab the line offsets
                size_t console_line_count = 0;
                size_t console_line_offsets[1024];
                size_t console_line_lengths[1024];
                char *pstr = this->output_buffer;
                while (pstr) {
                    size_t len = strcspn(pstr, "\n");

                    console_line_offsets[console_line_count] = pstr - this->output_buffer;
                    console_line_lengths[console_line_count] = len;

                    if (0 == len) {

                    pstr += len + 1;

                // draw the last output line and work backwards
                for (size_t i = console_line_count; i >= 1 && height > 0; --i) {
                    size_t j = i - 1;
                    size_t len = std::min((size_t)1023, console_line_lengths[j]);

                    strncpy(buffer, this->output_buffer + console_line_offsets[j], len);
                    buffer[len] = CSTR_END;

                    this->pfont->getTextSize(buffer, &textWidth, &textHeight);
                    height -= textHeight;
                    this->pfont->drawText(buffer, pwin->x, height - textHeight, white);

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 12
int main()
	// first, create a vulkan instance
	// the needed/used instance extensions
	constexpr const char* iniExtensions[] = {

	// enables all default layers
	constexpr auto layer = "VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation";

	// basic application info
	// we use vulkan api version 1.0
	vk::ApplicationInfo appInfo ("vpp-intro", 1, "vpp", 1, VK_API_VERSION_1_0);

	vk::InstanceCreateInfo instanceInfo;
	instanceInfo.pApplicationInfo = &appInfo;
	instanceInfo.enabledExtensionCount = sizeof(iniExtensions) / sizeof(iniExtensions[0]);
	instanceInfo.ppEnabledExtensionNames = iniExtensions;
	instanceInfo.enabledLayerCount = 1;
	instanceInfo.ppEnabledLayerNames = &layer;

	vpp::Instance instance(instanceInfo);

	// create a debug callback for our instance and the default layers
	// the default implementation will just output to std::cerr when a debug callback
	// is received
	vpp::DebugCallback debugCallback(instance);

	// this function will create a winapi window wrapper and also create a surface for it
	// this should usually be done by a cross platform window abstraction
	Window window(instance);

	// now create a device for the instance and surface
	// note how vpp will automatically select a suited physical device and query
	// queue families to create basic-needs queues with this constructor.
	// We also retrieve the present queue to present on our surface from this
	// constructor
	const vpp::Queue* presentQueue;
	vpp::Device device(instance, window.surface, presentQueue);

	// now we can create a vulkan swapchain
	// again, we just use the fast way that choses quite sane defaults for us but note
	// that the class offers many convininient configuration possibilities
	vpp::Swapchain swapchain(device, window.surface);

	// to render the triangle we also need to create a render pass
	vpp::RenderPass renderPass = createRenderPass(swapchain);

	// we also create the graphics pipeline that will render our triangle as well
	// as the buffer to hold our vertices
	vpp::PipelineLayout pipelineLayout(device, {});
	auto pipeline = createGraphicsPipeline(device, renderPass, pipelineLayout);

	// note how vpp takes care of buffer allocation (in an efficient way, even when used
	// for multiple resources)
	constexpr auto size = 3u * (2u + 4u) * 4u; // 3 vertices, vec2, vec4 with 4 bytes components
	constexpr auto usage = vk::BufferUsageBits::vertexBuffer | vk::BufferUsageBits::transferDst;
	vpp::Buffer vertexBuffer(device, {{}, size, usage});

	// vertex data (only positions and color)
	constexpr std::array<float, 6 * 3> vertexData = {{
		0.f, -0.75f,     1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, // top
		-0.75f, 0.75f,    0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f, // left
		0.75f, 0.75f,    0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f // right

	// vpp can now be used to fill the vertex buffer with data in the most efficient way
	// in this case the buffer layout does not matter since its a vertex buffer
	// note how vpp automatically unpacks the std::array
	vpp::fill140(vertexBuffer, vpp::raw(vertexData));

	// to render onto the created swapchain we can use vpp::SwapchainRenderer
	// the class implements the default framebuffer and commandbuffer handling
	// we simply implement the vpp::RendererBuilder interface that will be used
	// to build the render command buffers
	vpp::SwapchainRenderer::CreateInfo rendererInfo;
	rendererInfo.queueFamily = device.queue(vk::QueueBits::graphics)->family();
	rendererInfo.renderPass = renderPass;

	auto impl = std::make_unique<IntroRendererImpl>();
	impl->pipeline = pipeline;
	impl->vertexBuffer = vertexBuffer;

	vpp::SwapchainRenderer renderer(swapchain, rendererInfo, std::move(impl));

	// run the main loop
	// we just recevie windows events and render after all are processed
	// sry for windows again...
	using Clock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
	auto frames = 0u;
	auto point = Clock::now();

	auto run = true;
	while(run) {
		MSG msg;
		while(PeekMessage(&msg, nullptr, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) != 0) {
			if(msg.message == WM_QUIT) {
				run = false;
			} else {

		if(!run) break;

		// output the average fps count ever second
		auto duration = Clock::now() - point;
		if(duration >= std::chrono::seconds(1)) {
			auto count = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(duration).count();
			std::cout << static_cast<int>(frames * (1000.0 / count)) << " fps\n";
			point = Clock::now();
			frames = 0u;

//[ Public methods                                        ]
CubeRendererDrawInstanced::CubeRendererDrawInstanced(Renderer::IRenderer &renderer, unsigned int numberOfTextures, unsigned int sceneRadius) :
	// Begin debug event

	// Check number of textures (limit of this implementation and renderer limit)
	if (mNumberOfTextures > MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURES)
	if (mNumberOfTextures > mRenderer->getCapabilities().maximumNumberOf2DTextureArraySlices)
		mNumberOfTextures = mRenderer->getCapabilities().maximumNumberOf2DTextureArraySlices;

	// Get the maximum number of instances per batch
	// -> In this application, this depends on the maximum texture buffer size
	// -> /2 -> One instance requires two texels
	mMaximumNumberOfInstancesPerBatch = mRenderer->getCapabilities().maximumTextureBufferSize / 2;

	{ // Create the textures
		static const unsigned int TEXTURE_WIDTH   = 128;
		static const unsigned int TEXTURE_HEIGHT  = 128;
		static const unsigned int NUMBER_OF_BYTES = TEXTURE_WIDTH * TEXTURE_HEIGHT * 4;

		// Allocate memory for the 2D texture array
		unsigned char *data = new unsigned char[NUMBER_OF_BYTES * mNumberOfTextures];

		{ // Fill the texture content
			// TODO(co) Be a little bit more creative while filling the texture data
			unsigned char *dataCurrent = data;
			const float colors[][MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURES] =
				{ 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f},
				{ 0.0f, 0.1f, 0.0f},
				{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.1f},
				{ 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f},
				{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f},
				{ 0.1f, 0.2f, 0.2f},
				{ 0.2f, 0.5f, 0.5f},
				{ 0.1f, 0.8f, 0.2f}
			for (unsigned int j = 0; j < mNumberOfTextures; ++j)
				// Random content
				for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TEXTURE_WIDTH * TEXTURE_HEIGHT; ++i)
					*dataCurrent = static_cast<unsigned char>((rand() % 255) * colors[j][0]);
					*dataCurrent = static_cast<unsigned char>((rand() % 255) * colors[j][1]);
					*dataCurrent = static_cast<unsigned char>((rand() % 255) * colors[j][2]);
					*dataCurrent = 255;

		// Create the texture instance
		// -> By using 2D array textures together with OpenGL/Direct3D 11 instancing we get a handy implementation
		// -> This limits of course the cross platform support, fallback solutions might be a good idea in productive code
		// -> A fallback is not really required in our example situation because we're using draw instanced which already requires a more modern graphics card
		mTexture2DArray = mRenderer->createTexture2DArray(TEXTURE_WIDTH, TEXTURE_HEIGHT, mNumberOfTextures, Renderer::TextureFormat::R8G8B8A8, data, Renderer::TextureFlag::MIPMAPS);

		// Free texture memory
		delete [] data;

	// Create sampler state
	mSamplerState = mRenderer->createSamplerState(Renderer::ISamplerState::getDefaultSamplerState());

	// Decide which shader language should be used (for example "GLSL", "HLSL" or "Cg")
	Renderer::IShaderLanguagePtr shaderLanguage(mRenderer->getShaderLanguage());
	if (nullptr != shaderLanguage)
		// Uniform buffer object (UBO, "constant buffer" in Direct3D terminology) supported?
		// -> If they are there, we really want to use them (performance and ease of use)
		if (mRenderer->getCapabilities().uniformBuffer)
			{ // Create and set constant program uniform buffer at once
				// TODO(co) Uggly fixed hacked in model-view-projection matrix
				// TODO(co) OpenGL matrix, Direct3D has minor differences within the projection matrix we have to compensate
				static const float MVP[] =
					 1.2803299f,	-0.97915620f,	-0.58038759f,	-0.57922798f,
					 0.0f,			 1.9776078f,	-0.57472473f,	-0.573576453f,
					-1.2803299f,	-0.97915620f,	-0.58038759f,	-0.57922798f,
					 0.0f,			 0.0f,			 9.8198195f,	 10.0f
				mUniformBufferStaticVs = shaderLanguage->createUniformBuffer(sizeof(MVP), MVP, Renderer::BufferUsage::STATIC_DRAW);

			// Create dynamic uniform buffers
			mUniformBufferDynamicVs = shaderLanguage->createUniformBuffer(sizeof(float) * 2, nullptr, Renderer::BufferUsage::DYNAMIC_DRAW);
			mUniformBufferDynamicFs = shaderLanguage->createUniformBuffer(sizeof(float) * 3, nullptr, Renderer::BufferUsage::DYNAMIC_DRAW);

		{ // Create the program
			// Get the shader source code (outsourced to keep an overview)
			const char *vertexShaderSourceCode = nullptr;
			const char *fragmentShaderSourceCode = nullptr;
			#include "CubeRendererDrawInstanced_GLSL_140.h"
			#include "CubeRendererDrawInstanced_HLSL_D3D10_D3D11.h"
			#include "CubeRendererDrawInstanced_Null.h"

			// Create the program
			mProgram = shaderLanguage->createProgram(

		// Is there a valid program?
		if (nullptr != mProgram)
			// Create the vertex buffer object (VBO)
			static const float VERTEX_POSITION[] =
				// Front face
				// Position					TexCoord		 Normal				// Vertex ID
				-0.5f, -0.5f,  0.5f,		0.0f, 0.0f,		 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,	// 0
				 0.5f, -0.5f,  0.5f,		1.0f, 0.0f,		 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,	// 1
				 0.5f,  0.5f,  0.5f,		1.0f, 1.0f,		 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,	// 2
				-0.5f,  0.5f,  0.5f,		0.0f, 1.0f,		 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,	// 3
				// Back face
				-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f,		1.0f, 0.0f,		 0.0f, 0.0f,-1.0f,	// 4
				-0.5f,  0.5f, -0.5f,		1.0f, 1.0f,		 0.0f, 0.0f,-1.0f,	// 5
				 0.5f,  0.5f, -0.5f,		0.0f, 1.0f,		 0.0f, 0.0f,-1.0f, 	// 6
				 0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f,		0.0f, 0.0f,		 0.0f, 0.0f,-1.0f,	// 7
				// Top face
				-0.5f,  0.5f, -0.5f,		0.0f, 1.0f,		 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,	// 8
				-0.5f,  0.5f,  0.5f,		0.0f, 0.0f,		 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,	// 9
				 0.5f,  0.5f,  0.5f,		1.0f, 0.0f,		 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,	// 10
				 0.5f,  0.5f, -0.5f,		1.0f, 1.0f,		 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,	// 11
				// Bottom face
				-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f,		1.0f, 1.0f,		 0.0f,-1.0f, 0.0f,	// 12
				 0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f,		0.0f, 1.0f,		 0.0f,-1.0f, 0.0f,	// 13
				 0.5f, -0.5f,  0.5f,		0.0f, 0.0f,		 0.0f,-1.0f, 0.0f,	// 14
				-0.5f, -0.5f,  0.5f,		1.0f, 0.0f,		 0.0f,-1.0f, 0.0f,	// 15
				// Right face
				 0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f,		1.0f, 0.0f,		 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,	// 16
				 0.5f,  0.5f, -0.5f,		1.0f, 1.0f,		 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,	// 17
				 0.5f,  0.5f,  0.5f,		0.0f, 1.0f,		 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,	// 18
				 0.5f, -0.5f,  0.5f,		0.0f, 0.0f,		 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,	// 19
				// Left face
				-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f,		0.0f, 0.0f,		-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,	// 20
				-0.5f, -0.5f,  0.5f,		1.0f, 0.0f,		-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,	// 21
				-0.5f,  0.5f,  0.5f,		1.0f, 1.0f,		-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,	// 22
				-0.5f,  0.5f, -0.5f,		0.0f, 1.0f,		-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f	// 23
			Renderer::IVertexBufferPtr vertexBuffer(mRenderer->createVertexBuffer(sizeof(VERTEX_POSITION), VERTEX_POSITION, Renderer::BufferUsage::STATIC_DRAW));

			// Create the index buffer object (IBO)
			static const unsigned short INDICES[] =
				// Front face	Triangle ID
				 1,  0,  2,		// 0
				 3,  2,  0,		// 1
				// Back face
				 6,  5,  4,		// 2
				 4,  7,  6,		// 3
				// Top face
				 9,  8, 10,		// 4
				11, 10,  8,		// 5
				// Bottom face
				13, 12, 14,		// 6
				15, 14, 12,		// 7
				// Right face
				17, 16, 18,		// 8
				19, 18, 16,		// 9
				// Left face
				21, 20, 22,		// 10
				23, 22, 20		// 11
			Renderer::IIndexBuffer *indexBuffer = mRenderer->createIndexBuffer(sizeof(INDICES), Renderer::IndexBufferFormat::UNSIGNED_SHORT, INDICES, Renderer::BufferUsage::STATIC_DRAW);

			// Create vertex array object (VAO)
			// -> The vertex array object (VAO) keeps a reference to the used vertex buffer object (VBO)
			// -> This means that there's no need to keep an own vertex buffer object (VBO) reference
			// -> When the vertex array object (VAO) is destroyed, it automatically decreases the
			//    reference of the used vertex buffer objects (VBO). If the reference counter of a
			//    vertex buffer object (VBO) reaches zero, it's automatically destroyed.
			const Renderer::VertexArrayAttribute vertexArray[] =
				{ // Attribute 0
					// Data destination
					Renderer::VertexArrayFormat::FLOAT_3,	// vertexArrayFormat (Renderer::VertexArrayFormat::Enum)
					"Position",								// name[64] (char)
					"POSITION",								// semantic[64] (char)
					0,										// semanticIndex (unsigned int)
					// Data source
					vertexBuffer,							// vertexBuffer (Renderer::IVertexBuffer *)
					0,										// offset (unsigned int)
					sizeof(float) * (3 + 2 + 3),			// stride (unsigned int)
					// Data source, instancing part
					0										// instancesPerElement (unsigned int)
				{ // Attribute 1
					// Data destination
					Renderer::VertexArrayFormat::FLOAT_2,	// vertexArrayFormat (Renderer::VertexArrayFormat::Enum)
					"TexCoord",								// name[64] (char)
					"TEXCOORD",								// semantic[64] (char)
					0,										// semanticIndex (unsigned int)
					// Data source
					vertexBuffer,							// vertexBuffer (Renderer::IVertexBuffer *)
					sizeof(float) * 3,						// offset (unsigned int)
					sizeof(float) * (3 + 2 + 3),			// stride (unsigned int)
					// Data source, instancing part
					0										// instancesPerElement (unsigned int)
				{ // Attribute 2
					// Data destination
					Renderer::VertexArrayFormat::FLOAT_3,	// vertexArrayFormat (Renderer::VertexArrayFormat::Enum)
					"Normal",								// name[64] (char)
					"NORMAL",								// semantic[64] (char)
					0,										// semanticIndex (unsigned int)
					// Data source
					vertexBuffer,							// pertexBuffer (Renderer::IVertexBuffer *)
					sizeof(float) * (3 + 2),				// offset (unsigned int)
					sizeof(float) * (3 + 2 + 3),			// stride (unsigned int)
					// Data source, instancing part
					0										// instancesPerElement (unsigned int)
			mVertexArray = mProgram->createVertexArray(sizeof(vertexArray) / sizeof(Renderer::VertexArrayAttribute), vertexArray, indexBuffer);

	// End debug event
Exemplo n.º 14
std::vector<AnimatedVertex> ModelBinaryLoader::readVertexBufferAnimation(int p_NumberOfVertex, std::istream* p_Input)
	std::vector<AnimatedVertex> vertexBuffer(p_NumberOfVertex);
	p_Input->read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(vertexBuffer.data()), sizeof(AnimatedVertex) * p_NumberOfVertex);
	return vertexBuffer;
Exemplo n.º 15
void Font::read(const void * data, size_t size) {
  std::istringstream in(std::string(static_cast<const char*>(data), size));
//  SignedDistanceFontFile sdff;
//  sdff.read(in);

  uint8_t header[4];
  readStream(in, header);
  if (memcmp(header, "SDFF", 4)) {
    FAIL("Bad font file");

  uint16_t version;
  readStream(in, version);

  // read font name
  if (version > 0x0001) {
    char c;
    readStream(in, c);
    while (c) {
      mFamily += c;
      readStream(in, c);

  // read font data
  readStream(in, mLeading);
  readStream(in, mAscent);
  readStream(in, mDescent);
  readStream(in, mSpaceWidth);
  mFontSize = mAscent + mDescent;

  // read metrics data

  uint16_t count;
  readStream(in, count);

  for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    uint16_t charcode;
    readStream(in, charcode);
    Metrics & m = mMetrics[charcode];
    readStream(in, m.ul.x);
    readStream(in, m.ul.y);
    readStream(in, m.size.x);
    readStream(in, m.size.y);
    readStream(in, m.offset.x);
    readStream(in, m.offset.y);
    readStream(in, m.d);
    m.lr = m.ul + m.size;

  // read image data
  readPngToTexture((const char *) data + in.tellg(), size - in.tellg(),
      mTexture, mTextureSize);

  std::vector<TextureVertex> vertexData;
  std::vector<GLuint> indexData;
  float texH = 0, texW = 0, texA = 0;
  int characters = 0;
  std::for_each(mMetrics.begin(), mMetrics.end(),
      [&] ( MetricsData::reference & md ) {
        uint16_t id = md.first;
        Font::Metrics & m = md.second;
        GLuint index = (GLuint)vertexData.size();
        rectf bounds = getBounds(m, mFontSize);
        rectf texBounds = getTexCoords(m);

        QuadBuilder qb(bounds, texBounds);
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {

        m.indexOffset = indexData.size();
        indexData.push_back(index + 0);
        indexData.push_back(index + 1);
        indexData.push_back(index + 2);
        indexData.push_back(index + 0);
        indexData.push_back(index + 2);
        indexData.push_back(index + 3);

  gl::VertexBufferPtr vertexBuffer(new gl::VertexBuffer(vertexData));
  gl::IndexBufferPtr indexBuffer(new gl::IndexBuffer(indexData));
  mGeometry = gl::GeometryPtr(
      new gl::Geometry(vertexBuffer, indexBuffer, characters * 2,
//[ Public virtual IApplication methods                   ]
void IcosahedronTessellation::onInitialization()
	// Call the base implementation

	// Get and check the renderer instance
	// -> Uniform buffer object (UBO, "constant buffer" in Direct3D terminology) supported?
	// -> Geometry shaders supported?
	// -> Tessellation control and tessellation evaluation shaders supported?
	Renderer::IRendererPtr renderer(getRenderer());
	if (nullptr != renderer && renderer->getCapabilities().uniformBuffer && renderer->getCapabilities().maximumNumberOfGsOutputVertices > 0 && renderer->getCapabilities().maximumNumberOfPatchVertices > 0)
		// Begin debug event

		// Decide which shader language should be used (for example "GLSL", "HLSL" or "Cg")
		Renderer::IShaderLanguagePtr shaderLanguage(renderer->getShaderLanguage());
		if (nullptr != shaderLanguage)
			// Create uniform buffers and fill the static buffers at once
			mUniformBufferDynamicTcs = shaderLanguage->createUniformBuffer(sizeof(float) * 2, nullptr, Renderer::BufferUsage::DYNAMIC_DRAW);
			{	// "ObjectSpaceToClipSpaceMatrix"
				// TODO(co) Cleanup, correct aspect ratio
				glm::mat4 View = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -3.0f));
				glm::mat4 Model = glm::scale(glm::mat4(1.0f), glm::vec3(1.0f));
				glm::mat4 Projection = glm::perspective(45.0f, 4.0f / 3.0f, 0.001f, 1000.0f);
				glm::mat4 MVP = Projection * View; 
//				glm::mat4 MVP = Projection * View * Model; 
				mUniformBufferStaticTes = shaderLanguage->createUniformBuffer(sizeof(float) * 4 * 4, glm::value_ptr(MVP), Renderer::BufferUsage::STATIC_DRAW);
				{	// "NormalMatrix"

					View = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
					Model = glm::scale(glm::mat4(1.0f), glm::vec3(1.0f));
					Projection = glm::perspective(45.0f, 4.0f / 3.0f, 0.001f, 1000.0f);
					MVP = Projection * View; 
					glm::mat3 nMVP(MVP);
					glm::mat4 tMVP(nMVP);
					mUniformBufferStaticGs = shaderLanguage->createUniformBuffer(sizeof(float) * 4 * 4, glm::value_ptr(tMVP), Renderer::BufferUsage::STATIC_DRAW);
			{ // Light and material
				static const float LIGHT_AND_MATERIAL[] =
					0.25f, 0.25f, 1.0f, 1.0,	// "LightPosition"
					 0.0f, 0.75f, 0.75f,1.0, 	// "DiffuseMaterial"
					0.04f, 0.04f, 0.04f,1.0,	// "AmbientMaterial"
				mUniformBufferStaticFs = shaderLanguage->createUniformBuffer(sizeof(LIGHT_AND_MATERIAL), LIGHT_AND_MATERIAL, Renderer::BufferUsage::STATIC_DRAW);

			{ // Create the program
				// Get the shader source code (outsourced to keep an overview)
				const char *vertexShaderSourceCode = nullptr;
				const char *tessellationControlShaderSourceCode = nullptr;
				const char *tessellationEvaluationShaderSourceCode = nullptr;
				const char *geometryShaderSourceCode = nullptr;
				const char *fragmentShaderSourceCode = nullptr;
				#include "IcosahedronTessellation_GLSL_400.h"
				#include "IcosahedronTessellation_HLSL_D3D11.h"
				#include "IcosahedronTessellation_Null.h"

				// Create the program
				mProgram = shaderLanguage->createProgram(
					shaderLanguage->createGeometryShader(geometryShaderSourceCode, Renderer::GsInputPrimitiveTopology::TRIANGLES, Renderer::GsOutputPrimitiveTopology::TRIANGLE_STRIP, 3),

			// Is there a valid program?
			if (nullptr != mProgram)
				// Create the vertex buffer object (VBO)
				// -> Geometry is from: http://prideout.net/blog/?p=48 (Philip Rideout, "The Little Grasshopper - Graphics Programming Tips")
				static const float VERTEX_POSITION[] =
				{								// Vertex ID
					 0.000f,  0.000f,  1.000f,	// 0
					 0.894f,  0.000f,  0.447f,	// 1
					 0.276f,  0.851f,  0.447f,	// 2
					-0.724f,  0.526f,  0.447f,	// 3
					-0.724f, -0.526f,  0.447f,	// 4
					 0.276f, -0.851f,  0.447f,	// 5
					 0.724f,  0.526f, -0.447f,	// 6
					-0.276f,  0.851f, -0.447f,	// 7
					-0.894f,  0.000f, -0.447f,	// 8
					-0.276f, -0.851f, -0.447f,	// 9
					 0.724f, -0.526f, -0.447f,	// 10
					 0.000f,  0.000f, -1.000f	// 11
				Renderer::IVertexBufferPtr vertexBuffer(renderer->createVertexBuffer(sizeof(VERTEX_POSITION), VERTEX_POSITION, Renderer::BufferUsage::STATIC_DRAW));

				// Create the index buffer object (IBO)
				// -> Geometry is from: http://prideout.net/blog/?p=48 (Philip Rideout, "The Little Grasshopper - Graphics Programming Tips")
				static const unsigned short INDICES[] =
				{				// Triangle ID
					 2,  1,  0,	// 0
					 3,  2,  0,	// 1
					 4,  3,  0,	// 2
					 5,  4,  0,	// 3
					 1,  5,  0,	// 4
					11,  6,  7,	// 5
					11,  7,  8,	// 6
					11,  8,  9,	// 7
					11,  9, 10,	// 8
					11, 10,  6,	// 9
					 1,  2,  6,	// 10
					 2,  3,  7,	// 11
					 3,  4,  8,	// 12
					 4,  5,  9,	// 13
					 5,  1, 10,	// 14
					 2,  7,  6,	// 15
					 3,  8,  7,	// 16
					 4,  9,  8,	// 17
					 5, 10,  9,	// 18
					 1,  6, 10	// 19
				Renderer::IIndexBuffer *indexBuffer = renderer->createIndexBuffer(sizeof(INDICES), Renderer::IndexBufferFormat::UNSIGNED_SHORT, INDICES, Renderer::BufferUsage::STATIC_DRAW);

				// Create vertex array object (VAO)
				// -> The vertex array object (VAO) keeps a reference to the used vertex buffer object (VBO)
				// -> This means that there's no need to keep an own vertex buffer object (VBO) reference
				// -> When the vertex array object (VAO) is destroyed, it automatically decreases the
				//    reference of the used vertex buffer objects (VBO). If the reference counter of a
				//    vertex buffer object (VBO) reaches zero, it's automatically destroyed.
				const Renderer::VertexArrayAttribute vertexArray[] =
					{ // Attribute 0
						// Data destination
						Renderer::VertexArrayFormat::FLOAT_3,	// vertexArrayFormat (Renderer::VertexArrayFormat::Enum)
						"Position",								// name[64] (char)
						"POSITION",								// semantic[64] (char)
						0,										// semanticIndex (unsigned int)
						// Data source
						vertexBuffer,							// vertexBuffer (Renderer::IVertexBuffer *)
						0,										// offset (unsigned int)
						sizeof(float) * 3,						// stride (unsigned int)
						// Data source, instancing part
						0										// instancesPerElement (unsigned int)
				mVertexArray = mProgram->createVertexArray(sizeof(vertexArray) / sizeof(Renderer::VertexArrayAttribute), vertexArray, indexBuffer);

		// End debug event