void TestAddCellwithDiagonalVertexBasedDivisionRule()
         * In this test we basically test that the AbstractVertexBasedDivisionRule is implemented and joined with the population
         * correctly. We make a new DiagonalVertexBasedDivisionRule, divide a cell with it and check that the new vertices
         * are in the correct position.
        // Make some nodes
        std::vector<Node<2>*> nodes;
        nodes.push_back(new Node<2>(0, true, 2.0, 0.0));
        nodes.push_back(new Node<2>(1, true, 0.0, 2.0));
        nodes.push_back(new Node<2>(2, true, -2.0, 0.0));
        nodes.push_back(new Node<2>(3, true, 0.0, -2.0));

        // Make a rectangular element out of nodes 0,1,2,3
        std::vector<Node<2>*> nodes_elem_1;

        std::vector<VertexElement<2,2>*> vertex_elements;
        vertex_elements.push_back(new VertexElement<2,2>(0, nodes_elem_1));

        // Make a vertex mesh
        MutableVertexMesh<2,2> vertex_mesh(nodes, vertex_elements);

        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vertex_mesh.GetNumElements(), 1u);
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vertex_mesh.GetNumNodes(), 4u);

        // Create cells
        std::vector<CellPtr> cells;
        CellsGenerator<FixedDurationGenerationBasedCellCycleModel, 1> cells_generator;
        cells_generator.GenerateBasic(cells, vertex_mesh.GetNumElements());

        // Create cell population
        VertexBasedCellPopulation<2> cell_population(vertex_mesh, cells);

        unsigned old_num_nodes = vertex_mesh.GetNumNodes();

        CellPtr p_cell0 = cell_population.GetCellUsingLocationIndex(0);
        MAKE_PTR(WildTypeCellMutationState, p_state);
        MAKE_PTR(StemCellProliferativeType, p_stem_type);

        FixedDurationGenerationBasedCellCycleModel* p_model = new FixedDurationGenerationBasedCellCycleModel();
        CellPtr p_temp_cell(new Cell(p_state, p_model));

        // Set the division rule for our population to be the diagonal division rule

        boost::shared_ptr<AbstractVertexBasedDivisionRule<2> > p_division_rule_to_set(new DiagonalVertexBasedDivisionRule<2>());

        // Get the division rule back from the population and add new cell by dividing element 0 along diagonal axis
        boost::shared_ptr<AbstractVertexBasedDivisionRule<2> > p_division_rule = cell_population.GetVertexBasedDivisionRule();
        c_vector<double, 2> diagonal_axis = p_division_rule->CalculateCellDivisionVector(p_cell0, cell_population);

        // Check that the axis is pointing in direction (1,1)
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(diagonal_axis[0], 1.0, 1e-9);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(diagonal_axis[1], 1.0, 1e-9);

        cell_population.AddCell(p_temp_cell, diagonal_axis, p_cell0);

        // Check the location of the new nodes
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(cell_population.GetNode(old_num_nodes)->rGetLocation()[0], 1.0, 1e-12);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(cell_population.GetNode(old_num_nodes)->rGetLocation()[1], 1.0, 1e-12);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(cell_population.GetNode(old_num_nodes+1)->rGetLocation()[0], -1.0, 1e-12);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(cell_population.GetNode(old_num_nodes+1)->rGetLocation()[1], -1.0, 1e-12);
     * Test that post-#878, WntConcentration copes with a VertexBasedCellPopulation.
     * \todo When vertex-based cell population code is added to cell_based folder, move this
     *       test to TestWntConcentration.hpp
    void TestWntConcentrationWithVertexBasedCellPopulation() throw(Exception)
        // Make some nodes
        std::vector<Node<2>*> nodes;
        nodes.push_back(new Node<2>(0, true, 2.0, -1.0));
        nodes.push_back(new Node<2>(1, true, 2.0, 1.0));
        nodes.push_back(new Node<2>(2, true, -2.0, 1.0));
        nodes.push_back(new Node<2>(3, true, -2.0, -1.0));
        nodes.push_back(new Node<2>(4, true, 0.0, 2.0));

        // Make a rectangular element out of nodes 0,1,2,3
        std::vector<Node<2>*> nodes_elem_1;

        // Make a triangular element out of nodes 1,4,2
        std::vector<Node<2>*> nodes_elem_2;

        std::vector<VertexElement<2,2>*> vertex_elements;
        vertex_elements.push_back(new VertexElement<2,2>(0, nodes_elem_1));
        vertex_elements.push_back(new VertexElement<2,2>(1, nodes_elem_2));

        // Make a vertex mesh
        MutableVertexMesh<2,2> vertex_mesh(nodes, vertex_elements);

        // Create cells
        std::vector<CellPtr> cells;
        MAKE_PTR(WildTypeCellMutationState, p_state);
        MAKE_PTR(DifferentiatedCellProliferativeType, p_diff_type);
        for (unsigned i=0; i<vertex_mesh.GetNumElements(); i++)
            WntCellCycleModel* p_cell_cycle_model = new WntCellCycleModel;

            CellPtr p_cell(new Cell(p_state, p_cell_cycle_model));
            double birth_time = 0.0 - i;

        // Create cell population
        VertexBasedCellPopulation<2> cell_population(vertex_mesh, cells);

        // Set the top of this cell_population, for the purposes of computing the WntConcentration
        double crypt_length = 4.0;

        // Set up an instance of the WntConcentration singleton object
        WntConcentration<2>* p_wnt = WntConcentration<2>::Instance();
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(p_wnt->IsWntSetUp(), false);

        // Check that the singleton can be set up

        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(p_wnt->IsWntSetUp(), true);

        // Check that the singleton can be destroyed then recreated

        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(WntConcentration<2>::Instance()->IsWntSetUp(), false); // not fully set up now it is a NONE type


        p_wnt = WntConcentration<2>::Instance();
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(p_wnt->IsWntSetUp(), true); // set up again

        double wnt_at_cell0 = p_wnt->GetWntLevel(cell_population.GetCellUsingLocationIndex(0));
        double wnt_at_cell1 = p_wnt->GetWntLevel(cell_population.GetCellUsingLocationIndex(1));

        // We have set the top of the cell population to be 4, so the WntConcentration should decrease linearly
        // up the cell_population, from one at height 0 to zero at height 4.

        // Cell 0 has centre of mass (0,0)
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(wnt_at_cell0, 1.0, 1e-4);

        // Cell 1 has centre of mass (0, 4/3)
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(wnt_at_cell1, 2.0/3.0, 1e-4);
    void TestRandomDirectionVertexBasedDivisionRule()
         * This tests the RandomDirectionVertexBasedDivisionRule. We first create a vertex based cell population and check whether we can
         * give the division rule to the population and get it back. Then we create 10000 division vectors and check that they point
         * uniformly in random directions.

        // Make some nodes
        std::vector<Node<2>*> nodes;
        nodes.push_back(new Node<2>(0, true, 2.0, 0.0));
        nodes.push_back(new Node<2>(1, true, 0.0, 2.0));
        nodes.push_back(new Node<2>(2, true, -2.0, 0.0));
        nodes.push_back(new Node<2>(3, true, 0.0, -2.0));

        // Make a rectangular element out of nodes 0,1,2,3
        std::vector<Node<2>*> nodes_elem_1;

        std::vector<VertexElement<2,2>*> vertex_elements;
        vertex_elements.push_back(new VertexElement<2,2>(0, nodes_elem_1));

        // Make a vertex mesh
        MutableVertexMesh<2,2> vertex_mesh(nodes, vertex_elements);

        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vertex_mesh.GetNumElements(), 1u);
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vertex_mesh.GetNumNodes(), 4u);

        // Create cells
        std::vector<CellPtr> cells;
        CellsGenerator<FixedDurationGenerationBasedCellCycleModel, 1> cells_generator;
        cells_generator.GenerateBasic(cells, vertex_mesh.GetNumElements());

        // Create a cell population
        VertexBasedCellPopulation<2> cell_population(vertex_mesh, cells);

        CellPtr p_cell0 = cell_population.GetCellUsingLocationIndex(0);

        // Set the division rule for our population to be the random direction division rule
        boost::shared_ptr<AbstractVertexBasedDivisionRule<2> > p_division_rule_to_set(new RandomDirectionVertexBasedDivisionRule<2>());

        // Get the division rule back from the population
        boost::shared_ptr<AbstractVertexBasedDivisionRule<2> > p_division_rule = cell_population.GetVertexBasedDivisionRule();

        // Get 10000 division vectors, check each length, their mean and their variance.
        c_vector<double, 2> average_axis = zero_vector<double>(2);
        c_vector<double, 2> axis_variance = zero_vector<double>(2);
        double average_angle = 0.0;
        double angle_variance = 0.0;
        for (unsigned iteration = 0; iteration < 10000; iteration++)
            c_vector<double, 2> random_axis = p_division_rule->CalculateCellDivisionVector(p_cell0, cell_population);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(norm_2(random_axis), 1.0,1e-6);
            average_axis(0) += random_axis(0);
            axis_variance(0) += random_axis(0)*random_axis(0);
            average_axis(1) += random_axis(1);
            axis_variance(1) += random_axis(1)*random_axis(1);
            average_angle += asin(random_axis(0));
            angle_variance += asin(random_axis(0))*asin(random_axis(0));
        average_axis(0) /= 10000.0;
        average_axis(1) /= 10000.0;
        axis_variance(0) /= 10000.0;
        axis_variance(1) /= 10000.0;
        average_angle /= 10000.0;
        angle_variance /= 10000.0;

        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(average_axis(0), 0.0, 1e-2);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(average_axis(1), 0.0, 1e-2);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(axis_variance(0), 0.5, 1e-2);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(axis_variance(1), 0.5, 1e-2);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(average_angle, 0.0, 1e-2);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(angle_variance, M_PI*M_PI/12.0, 1e-2);