Exemplo n.º 1
void SliderPlus::paintBackground()
	int theStartX, theStartY;
	int theWidth, theHeight;
	int theEndX, theEndY;

	//this->getPos(theStartX, theStartY);
	theStartX = theStartY = 0;
	this->getSize(theWidth, theHeight);
	Color theColor;
	int theR, theG, theB, theA;
	theColor.getColor(theR, theG, theB, theA);
	// Draw rectangle the size of the slider in background color
	theEndX = theStartX + theWidth;
	theEndY = theStartY + theHeight;
	// Draw hollow box in bg color
	vguiSimpleBox(theStartX, theStartY, theEndX-1, theEndY-1, theR, theG, theB, theA);
	// Draw nob in foreground color, size of range window
	theColor.getColor(theR, theG, theB, theA);
	// Compute the nob position so we can draw a box for it, all numbers are in pixels relative to component
	this->computeNobBox(theStartX, theStartY, theEndX, theEndY);
	// Draw hollow box in fg color
	vguiSimpleBox(theStartX, theStartY, theEndX, theEndY, theR, theG, theB, theA);
Exemplo n.º 2
// Draw node lines
void PieNode::paintBackground()
    // For each child
    for(int i = 0; i < kNumNodes; i++)
        PieNode* theCurrentPieNode = this->mArray[i];
            // Draw line from us to them indicating pie node in that direction
            if(theCurrentPieNode->GetValveAlpha() < 255)
                // If node above us isn't highlighted, don't draw line to us
                //if(theCurrentPieNode->HasSelectedNodeAbove() || theCurrentPieNode->HasSelectedNodeBelow())
				// All those lines are getting confusing.  Only draw the lines around this pie node that
				// connect to a selected parent or selected child
                if(theCurrentPieNode->HasSelectedNodeBelow() || this->GetDrawSelected())
                    // Find correct line to draw from center of edge of source pie node to center
                    // of edge of dest pie node
                    int theRelativeLineX0, theRelativeLineY0, theRelativeLineX1, theRelativeLineY1;
                    if(this->ComputeRelativeConnectorCoordinates(theCurrentPieNode, theRelativeLineX0, theRelativeLineY0, theRelativeLineX1, theRelativeLineY1))
                        // What color to draw the line in?
                        //vgui::Color theCurrentColor = this->GetColor();
                        vgui::Color theCurrentColor;
                        int r, g, b, a;
                        theCurrentColor.getColor(r, g, b, a);

						// Take gamma into account
						//r *= this->mColorBias;
						//g *= this->mColorBias;
						//b *= this->mColorBias;
						a = this->GetValveAlpha();

//						//if(theCurrentPieNode->GetEnabled())
//						//{
//						g = (theCurrentPieNode->HasSelectedNodeBelow() ? 255 : kDarkGreenColor);
//						//g = (theCurrentPieNode->HasSelectedNodeAbove() ? 255 : kDarkGreenColor);
//						//}
//						// ...else this will draw lines in disabled color too, using current fade alpha
                        // Stupid Valve-alpha, vguiSimpleLine wants normal alpha of course
						a = 255 - a;
						a *= this->mColorBias;
						// Only draw if child isn't invisible.  Draw line
						// relative from current node.

						if(this->mConnectorSprite == 0 && (this->mConnectorSpriteName != ""))
							this->mConnectorSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(this->mConnectorSpriteName.c_str());

						if(this->mConnectorSprite > 0)
							// Approximate alpha
							float theAlpha = a/255.0f;
							int theSpriteRed = theAlpha*r;
							int theSpriteGreen = theAlpha*g;
							int theSpriteBlue = theAlpha*b;
							SPR_Set(this->mConnectorSprite, theSpriteRed, theSpriteGreen, theSpriteBlue);
							int theLineWidth = abs(theRelativeLineX1 - theRelativeLineX0);
							int theLineHeight = abs(theRelativeLineY1 - theRelativeLineY0);
							// Use second frame if vertical
							int theConnectorFrame = 0;
							if(theLineHeight > 0)							
								theConnectorFrame = 1;
							int theConnectorSpriteWidth = SPR_Width(this->mConnectorSprite, theConnectorFrame);
							int theConnectorSpriteHeight = SPR_Height(this->mConnectorSprite, theConnectorFrame);

							int thePieNodeWidth, thePieNodeHeight;
							this->getContentSize(thePieNodeWidth, thePieNodeHeight);
							int thePieNodeX, thePieNodeY;
							this->getPos(thePieNodeX, thePieNodeY);
							int theStartX = 0;
							int theStartY = 0;

							if(theConnectorFrame == 0)
								int theXOffset = (theLineWidth - theConnectorSpriteWidth)/2;
								//if(theXOffset < 0)
								//	theXOffset = 0;
								theStartX = min(theRelativeLineX0, theRelativeLineX1) + theXOffset;
								theStartY = min(theRelativeLineY0, theRelativeLineY1) - theConnectorSpriteHeight/2;

//								int theScissorStartX = thePieNodeX + min(theRelativeLineX0, theRelativeLineX1) + thePieNodeWidth/2;
//								int theScissorStartY = thePieNodeY + theStartY;
//								int theScissorEndX = theScissorStartX + theLineWidth - thePieNodeWidth/2;
//								int theScissorEndY = theScissorStartY + theConnectorSpriteHeight;
								//vguiSimpleBox(theScissorStartX - thePieNodeX, theScissorStartY - thePieNodeY, theScissorEndX - thePieNodeX, theScissorEndY - thePieNodeY, 255, 255, 0, 128);

//								SPR_EnableScissor(theScissorStartX, theScissorStartY, theLineWidth, theConnectorSpriteHeight);
								int theYOffset = (theLineHeight - theConnectorSpriteHeight)/2;
								//if(theYOffset < 0)
								//	theYOffset = 0;

								theStartX = min(theRelativeLineX0, theRelativeLineX1) - theConnectorSpriteWidth/2;
								theStartY = min(theRelativeLineY0, theRelativeLineY1) + theYOffset;

//								int theScissorStartX = thePieNodeX + theStartX;
//								int theScissorStartY = thePieNodeY + min(theRelativeLineY0, theRelativeLineY1);
//								int theScissorEndX = theScissorStartX + theConnectorSpriteWidth;
//								int theScissorEndY = theScissorStartY + theLineHeight - thePieNodeHeight;
								//vguiSimpleBox(theScissorStartX - thePieNodeX, theScissorStartY - thePieNodeY, theScissorEndX - thePieNodeX, theScissorEndY - thePieNodeY, 255, 255, 0, 128);

//								SPR_EnableScissor(theScissorStartX, theScissorStartY, theConnectorSpriteWidth, theLineHeight);

							// Take into account our position, including our parent(s), when drawing
//							Panel* theParent = this->getParent();
//							while(theParent)
//							{
//								int theX, theY;
//								theParent->getPos(theX, theY);
//								theStartX += theX;
//								theStartY += theY;
//								theParent = theParent->getParent();
//							}

							// Draw it
							//SPR_DrawAdditive(theConnectorFrame, theStartX, theStartY, NULL);
							SPR_DrawHoles(theConnectorFrame, theStartX, theStartY, NULL);
//							gEngfuncs.pfnSPR_DisableScissor();
							vguiSimpleLine(theRelativeLineX0, theRelativeLineY0, theRelativeLineX1, theRelativeLineY1, r, g, b, a);

						vguiSimpleBox(theRelativeLineX0, theRelativeLineY0, theRelativeLineX1, theRelativeLineY1, 255, 255, 0, 128);